Eiuk Rasi 700

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RASI 700

The true 7 gases

Emission/Combustion Analyser
All this in the palm on your hand, a true 7 gases combus-
tion/emission analyser with CO2 % NDIR

RASI 700 is the smallest hand held emi- Features

sion/combustion analyser capable to in-
• Well readable 6 lines 3.5” TFT colour
stall up to 7 messurements cells
simultanously. It’s has been deisgned and
• Integrated advanced water trap with
devolpoed to meet increasing demand of
re-usable special coated filter
combustion and emission analysys in
• Universal charging trough mini-usb port
hard to reach location such as stacks and
• Integrated data memory with up to
industril Flue. We have brought emision
1000 site- Optional SD card to extended
analisys to the palm of your hand
memory logging
Measurement Functions • Real time data transfer to a PC or Laptop
• Standard configuration fitted with 02 • USB data transfer or optional Blue tooth
cell communication
• additional 6 toxis cells can be installed • Documenting fetaures
at teh same for measurment of CO, • Highly Intuitive task driveb menu with
LowCo, NO, Low NO, N02, SO2, H2S, and direct function keys
CO2% using NDIR infrared technology • Protective rubber sleeve with magnet
• Mesure Temperature and differential • Fast Infrared printer
Temperature • Emission reporting both in mg/m3
•Measure Pressure, draft and differential or mg/sec
pressure • Special selected Low CO and Low
• Measure Flow Gas Velocity and total NO cells for 0.1 ppm resolution
mass calculation
• Choice of 10 fuel type and any addtional
• Calculate all combustion paramters such
fuel user selctable
as, C02%, Efficiencies readings, Lamba,
Excess Air and CO/CO2 Ratio

Space for 7 measurement gas sensors to meet most of the application

Each RASI 700 is fitted as standard with an 02 measurement sensor - additional 5

electrochemical cells for HI CO, LowCO, NO, LowN0, NO2, S02 and H2S measurments
and a C02%-IR bench can be installed simultaneoulsy. There is no needs to swap
sensors to measure different gases. The special selected and calibrated Low NO an
Low CO read with resolution to 0.1 ppm. What is even more important, a combina-
tion of Low Range and high mesurment range can be installed at the same time.
Pre calibrated sensors
To easy the service of the RASI700, a
range of pre-calibrated measurement
cells can be supplied- The user can then
simply install the new measurment cell
Specificaion might change with-out notice

and loading the coeffcicients that are

supplied along with them

Instruments dignostic
advance disgnostic menu shows in real
time the sensors status along with other
important information of the unit.

CO2-IR Bench
An optional CO2%-IR bench using non dispervice infrared technology can be
installed for direct mesurement of CO2% in industrial combustion process- In
application such industrial boilers, stack measurements or processes where
CO2% is realeased by raw material( such lime stone, bricks etc) it is imperative
to measure CO2% value directly. In such cases calcolated value can not be ac-

cepted as results as it is not possible to relay on furmulas due to continuos

changes in the process condition.
CO2% NDIR module- 63573
RASI 700
The true 7 gases
Emission/Combustion Analyser

Analyser Features New water trap offer ad-

ditional sensor protection
Engineerd to with-stand harsh process conditions
• Robust ABS molded case protect from un-expected drops
• Stainless steel plugs
• Integrated removable water trap

SD card slot
Blue Tooth
MINI USB-Charger

3.5” TFT color Display

Function Keys
Advanced Water trap enhance protec-
Replaceable coated filter
Each Rasi 200 is fitted as standard witha
Molded ABS enclosure
new integrated condensate trap with
Water trap PTFE coated filter eliminates the possibity
of condesation accumolating inside the
unit.The bottom part of the condensate
Magnet Temperature Inputs trap is made of alluminium and act as a “
natural cooler” to make the sampled gas
condensate in the trap- A clean and dry
gas is then delivered to the gas collector
Gas Input Pressure Inputs
ready to be measured
An Additional internal filter is installed in
the analsyer to further prevent the meas-
uring cell from contamination.

Intuitive task driven menu and advanced functionality

Easy to use task menu Emission Reporting Gas and flow Measurement
When using RASI700 yo will note the di Most of the Enviromantel agencies world- Rasi 700 measure gas flow velocity and
ference: there is no need to read any wide require that emssions are reported an instant mass when used in conjuction
heavy manual. This unit is so easy to use. to specifi standars- RASI 700 features with the Optional Pitot Tube.
and an addtional help menu will help • Variable 02 Reference user selectable The Gas Flow option include an high ac-
you in case you need it. for reporting pourposes curcay differential internal pressure sen-
• Taks oriented menu with separate • Emission measurement in mg/m3 or sor and a Barometric sensor for automatic
pages for different configuration mg/sec as specified in the industry stan- compesation of change in ambient pres-
• Function keys give you direct access to dard sure
the desired function • Low NOx reading to match specific ap-
• Dedicated measurement programmes plication such as emission monitoring in
can be edited and saved for recall on gas turbine
field •Unlimted choice of fuels
•Separe individual menu for Gas Analysy,
temperature and pressure reading
•User configurable dispaly order

Display Examples Display Examples Display Examples

RASI 700
true 77 gases
Emission/Combustion Analyser

Range Accuracy resolution Notes

Measured Gases
O2 measurement 0 to 25 % Volume Absolute ±0.2 Vol % abs 0.1 % Vol % ab T90 < 20 ec
CO measurement ( H2 compen- ± 10 ppm or 5 % rdg ( <4000 ppm)
0 to 10000 ppm 1 ppm T90 < 40 ec
sated 10 % of rdg > 4000 ppm
Low CO measurement (H2 com-
0 to 300 ppm ± 2 ppm or 5 % rdg 0.1 ppm T90 < 40 ec
± 100 ppm or 5 % rdg ( <4000 ppm)
CO measurement 0 to 20000 ppm 1 ppm T90 < 40 ec
10 % of rdg > 4000 ppm
± 0.02 % of 5 % rdg ( <0.4% ppm)
CO measurement 0 to 10% 1 ppm T90 < 40 ec
10% of rdg > 0.4 %
± 5 ppm or 5 % rdg ( <1000 ppm)
NO measurement 0 to 5000 ppm 1 ppm T90 < 30 ec
10 % of rdg > 1000 ppm
Low NO measurement 0 to 300 ppm ± 2 ppm or 5 % rdg 0.1 ppm T90 < 30 ec
± 5 ppm or 5 % rdg ( <200 ppm)
NO2 measurement 0 to 1000 ppm 1 ppm T90 < 60 ec
10 % of rdg > 200 ppm
± 10 ppm or 5 % rdg ( <2000 ppm)
SO2 measurement 0 to 5000 ppm 1 ppm T90 < 40 ec
10 % of rdg > 200 ppm
± 5 ppm or 5 % rdg ( <100 ppm)
H2S measurement 0 to 2000 ppm 1 ppm T90 < 40 ec
10 % of rdg > 100 ppm
CO2 % NDIR 0 to 20% ± 0.4 % Abs 0.1 % T90 < 30 ec
Temperature and Pressure
± 1 °C (-40 to 200 °C)
Temperature measurement -40 to 1200 Deg 0.1 °C n/a
± 1 % of rdg ( 200 to 1200 °C
Draft measurement ± 40 hPa ±0.02 hPa or ±1 % of rdg 0.1 hPa n/a
Pressure measurement ( gauge,
± 300 hPa(mBar) ±0.02 hPa or ±1 % of rdg 0.1 hPa n/a
negative and differential)
Absolute Pressure measurement 0 to 1034 hPa ± 1 % of rdg 0.1 hPa n/a
Calcolated value (Fuel dependant)
CO2 % 0 to CO2% max ± 0.3 % Vol % abs 0.1 % of Vol
Heat Losses 0 to 99.9 n/a
Excess Air 1 to 9.99 % n/a
Efficiencies (ETA) 0 to 120 % n/a 0.1%
Flue Gas Dew Point 0 to 99.9 °C n/a 0.1
Other calcolated value
Flow Mass , Gas Velocity ( require Pitot Tube and Optional Flow velocity integrated module)

Fuels Natural GAs, LPG, Heavy/Light Oil, pellets, Bio Diesel , programmable list

Emission Monitoring/Calcolation

Converted value in mg/Nm3, NOx expressed as mg/m3 in term o NO2 and mg/sec- True NOx measurment (NO+NO2), O2 variable reference , CO/CO2 ratio
Digital communicatio and data storage

Digital ouput Standard MINI USB port- Option BLUEdOOTH module- Real time data transfer
Trough Function key, measurement data are orginsed by measurements site- Sites can be created/edited by on board keyboard or directly im-
Memory review
ported by software.
Memory Storage Internal flash memory (up to 250 sites) - SD card more than 1000 sites
Software ONLINE VIEW softwar package for real time data transfer, data saving and memory organization.
Display Type 3.5” TFT COLOUR backlit display with zoom function
6 Lines for simultaneous disaply 6 parameters simultaneously- User selectable and programmable- up to 4 measurement windows can be preset
Display Line
from keyboard and saved under customised measurement programme
Display Indication Display selected masured paramter with unit, measurement programme, fuel in use, charge bar and function menu icon
Specificaion might change with-out notice

Battery Internal NiMh rechargeable battery, Optional LI-ION (Litium )high efficiency Battery

Battery Operating Time 6 hours with standard battery, 15 continuos operation with optional Li-Ion
Battery Charging Trough USB charging port- Charger included
AC Operation 110-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Enviromental and mechanical design
Operating Temperature - 5 to 45 °C
Storage Temperature 0 to 50 °C
IP Protection IP21
Weight and Dimensions 750 grams, 110 x 225 x 52 mm (W x H x D)
Housing Robust ABS molded case
Conformity EN 50379-12
Warranty 2 years analyser, 1 year 02, CO, NO ,NO2 , SO2 and H2S cell, 2 years CO2% NDIR, 1 year battery/charger and flue gas sampling probe
RASI 700
The true 7 gases
Emission/Combustion Analyser

Great selection of flu gas samplig probes for every measure

Greatest choise of probes modular sampling probes High Temperature probes

Our rage of probes and sampling line To change the probe shaft is simply A new ceramic probe to with-stand gas
cover every application with an extended screwed to the probe handle. Different sampling in procecess whit temperarure
temperature range up to 1700 C, different size, diamter and temperature ranges en- up to 1700 Deg C.
sizes and different lengths.All probes sure high flexibility for every application
types have interchangeable shaft, posi-
tioning cone and measure temperature by
using an integrated thermocouple type K.
The three path sampling line ensure
measurement of the stack pressure, gas
and temperature at the same time
A special viton sampling line is used to
maximise the accuracy reading when
measuring NO2 and SO2 gases.

Data Loggin, digital communication and wirless printer

Online Data transfer and data storage Powerful Software Fast Infrared printer
Print less, save paper- Save time in gen- Easy read, edit , manage and file your Print data on site trough our IRDA inter-
erate reporting- Increase personell safety data using the onlien view software face to our optional fast infrared printer.
by stay away from the hazardus area. • Import/Export customer details data Try it and you will notice difference. Our
- View real time data on a Lap top/PDA base to the analyser new printer is feed free, and is powered
via standard USB connection or wirelessy • Download stote data from the Analyser via rechargeable batteries. It is much
via the otional Bluetooth to the PC for reporting generation and faster compared to the standard HP print-
-10 meter range data filing ers
-Store data diretc on a PC or in the OP- • Real time data transfer via USB or op-
tima 7 inetrnal memory and/or SD card tional Bluetooth
for later download • View in numerical format, barograph, or
-Save paper and money- check the data graphical trend
before printing • Display of Max, Min, AVG values and
-Remote data transfer increase personell combustion parameters at a glance
safety and improve productivity • Quick and easy data transfer into Excel
Specificaion might change with-out notice

Blue Tooth 63573 Software 15151 IR Printer 62693

RASI 700
The true 7 gases
Emission/Combustion Analyser

Analyser Part number Gas Sampling Probes Part Number

Rasi 700, equipped with 02 sensor, Integrated rechargeable battery Modular Industrial sampling line with replaceable shaft, available in two different lenght (2.7
(Ni-HM), USB charger, integrated Temperature and Pressure meas- m and 5 m) sampling special VITON line for optimal NO2/SO2 measurement, integrated ther-
urement, Integrated water trap with filter, mini-USB, USB cable, SD 410040 moelement type K ( NiCr-Ni) for exaust temperature measurement, continuos stack pressure
card slot, IRDA infrared output, intergated magnet, calibration cer- measurement, with quick fit stainless steel connector for Analyser. Please select on or more
tifcate, instruction manual replaceable shaft :
Optima 7 can be uquipped with maximum up to 7 cells (including 2700 mm ( 2,7 m) sampling line lenght 62741
02). Maxium 6 additional cells can be selected from the table below 5000 mm ( 5.0 m) sampling line lengt 62747
Option: CO (H2) compensated- Range 0 to 10000 ppm 63132 Replaceable/interchangeable probe shaft available in difference
Option:Low CO (H2) compensated- Range 0 to 300 ppm 63133 lenghts- include integrated NICr-Ni *Type K) Thermocouple and po- Part Number
sitioning cone.
Option: CO- Range 0-20000 ppm 63057
Replaceable Shaft, 300 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
Option: CO-Range 0 to 10 % 63134 55583
tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 850 Deg C
Option:NO- Range 0 to 5000 ppm 63058 Replaceable Shaft, 500 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
Option:Low NO- 0 to 300 ppm 63135 tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 850 Deg C
Option:NO2- Range 0-1000 ppm 63059 Replaceable Shaft, 750 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 850 Deg C
Option:H2S- Range 0-2500 ppm 63061
Replaceable Shaft, 1000 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
Option:SO2- Range 0-1000 ppm 63060 55673
tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 850 Deg C
Option:CO2% NDIR- Range 0-20 % Replaceable Shaft, 1500 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
63573 55674
Second pump (62727) can not be installed tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 850 Deg C
Option:CO2% NDIR -Range 0-20 % and H2S Range 0-2000 ppm Replaceable Shaft, 2000 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
use this option when both H2S and CO2 % NDIR are installed at the tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 850 Deg C
same time- When this option is installed, the 62727 second pump Replaceable Shaft, 500 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
can not be installed 9999-9999
tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 1150 Deg C- Material Inconel 600
Option: Additional Purge Pump for installation of Low CO and High Replaceable Shaft, 750 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
62727 60626
CO at the same time (not retrofot) tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 1150 Deg C- Material Inconel 600
Option:BLUETOOTH module for wireless data transmittion including Replaceable Shaft, 1000 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
63064 56737
remote data software (no retrofit) tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 1150 Deg C- Material Inconel 600
Option:Universal AUX socket ( Auxiliary Input) for additional external Replaceable Shaft, 1500 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
63136 56738
probe connection (no retrofit) tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), Tmax 1150 Deg C- Material Inconel 600
Option: Gas Flow velocity/Mass flow calcolation intregrated module
63139 Replaceable/interchangeable probe shaft available in difference
(no retrofit)
lenghts- include integrated NICr-Ni *Type K Thermocouple and posi- Part Number
Option: SD Card activation reader 63137 tioning cone and sinterised preliminary filter
Accessories Part number
Replaceable Shaft, 750 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
Robust ABS carrying case, with customised foam/close cells for 60813
62931 tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), sinterised metal filter, Tmax 500
analayser, probes and acceesory- maximum probe lengh 500 mm
Replaceable Shaft, 1000 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
OnLine Wiew Software package 15151 60814
tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), sinterised metal filter, Tmax 500
High Speed Infrared Printer (inlcude 1 paper roll) 62693 Replaceable Shaft, 1500 mm lenght, inlcluding positioning cone and in-
tergrated NiCr-Ni (Type K), sinterised metal filter, Tmax 500
Gas Leak detector HC for combustible gas ( requires AUX socket op-
63086 Sampling probe High Temperature Part Number
Spare SD card, 2GB 63137 Very high temperature probe WITH-OUT temperature measurement,
Shoulder Strap 63218 with ceramic replaceable shaft, 1000 mm lenght, Max Temperature 1700
Deg C, with 2.7 m VITON gas sampling line and quick-fit connector to
Pitot Tubes Part Number the analyser
Pitot Tube, 300 mm Long, 6 mm diamter 85120
Consumable Part number
Pitot Tube, 500 mm long, 6 mm diamter 85130
Pitot Tube, 800 mm long, 8 mm diameter 85132 Service and claning set 63140
Pitot Tube, 1000 mm long, 8 mm diameter 85133 Replaceable filter element 11165
Temperature probes Part Number Printer paper roll ( 1 box 5 roll) 59465 Specificaion might change with-out notice

Ambient temperature probe for separate Air Temperature measure-

ment ( short type style)
Ambient temperature probe for separate Air Temperature measure-
ment : long 65 mm, 2.7 m cable-
Set of differential temperature probe for T Flow and T return meas-
Eurotron Instruments UK ltd
Unit 13 Riley Close
Royal Oak Industrial Estate
Daventry, ENGLAND
NN11 8QT
T: +44 (0)1327 871044

Ribust ABS Case Vinyl Case

Vynil carryig case with vane for analyser, Vynil carryig case with vane for analyser,
probe, accessoris and document wallet probe, accessories and document wallet
Takes probe up 500 mm lenght Takes probe up 300 mm lenght

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