CMS Pre Boards 2 Geography

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Cliss X(CSE)

Time: Two hous Maximtn macks NO

hbvers au hhc question pper mut be bisilen on the antwwr seript pruvidslsearately
To hail NoT i allowed s write dirisg the Rng 1S mbaites Thir ime icno be spent in
readig the question paper
the time gien at ahe heada thir paper ik thu tône ullovs for weiting the onvers
Al subsectiont
of each questio murt be atoared in the correct serial e

Pieae di nat swrite anyihing on your questhonpqer escept jour natte and roll munbe
the intened marks for guestions or parts efquestiony, ane given in brmkees
Da not copy the questios on our anser xeript but copy the correct quesiun number.
In all map vork make se lse of arrevs to uvold avererowing ofhe map The map
given et the end of this question paper mast be detached and after macking. iest be
fatencd to your onswer beoklet gferthe cover pRe
Atempt all quistions from Part I (compuksory) 4 otal of five questions are a be
attepted from Part Il
PART I|30 Marks|
(Auempt all questionsfrom thix Part.)
Question 1
Sudy the cxtract of the Sarvey of Irdia Map shect No. GA3S7-Easting 25-35, Northing
89-99 ana onswwr the folloning guestians
Give the six figure grid neference of aJ07 near Dantiwada.
(1) How is the wooded land represeited on the sheet given?
(u) Give the meaning ofthe following conventional signs:
(a) The blue spot in illage Kheda in the south west cormer ofthe sheet.
(b) Dep in the south-cast quarter of the shect

(iv) All postal letters are sorted in a village shown in this region.
Mention the four figure grid reference ofthat village.

() Name any tiwo man-mude features you wil come across in grid square 2792.
(v) Calculate the distance along the road from the teniple at the trijunction in grid
Souare 2690 to the tenple at the trijunction in grid square 2995. ive

answer in metres.
(vi) What is the meaning of aquediett
sheet provided?
(vii) What is the contour intersal of the

This paper consists of Eight printed pages and One

Turm over

Question 2
Page 2 of 8
On the outline map of ndis provided:
Mark and label the Tropic of Cancer

(i1) Mark and label River Chenab

(iii) Mark and lbel Mount Godsin Austin

(iv) Shade and label an area


(v) Mark and label the Narthern Circars

(vi) Mark and label the Eastern Ghats

(vii) Mark and narne the city located at the confluence of River Ganga
and Yamuna /
in South India
(viii) Shade and label area dense population
an of

in India.
(Ex) Mark and name a major iron producing centre
Mark with arrows the direction of South-West monsoon winds over the
Arabian Sea

Choose the correct answer from the given options.
crop being cultivated:
(0) Observe the picture and identify the

(a) Wheat (b) Rice

(C) Sugarcane (d) Jute

Page 3 of 8
rainy seasea
weuthet conditipn durine ihemnitin nenod from the
to the cold dry season is known as
(a) E-Nino effect (b) Bardoli Chheeths
(c) Burst of Monsocm () October Heat

The type of agriculture which hat causcd a lot ofdeforcstation 5:

(a) Shifing sgricuturs
(b) Plantation sgriculhure
(c) Mixed farming
(d) Subsistence farning
(v) Favorable coniditions for the fotmation of laterite sol are:
(a) High tempenture and low rainfatt

(b) Low temperature and heavy rainfall

(o) High tempemture and beavy raintall
(d) Low tenperiture and low rainfall

(V) The picture shows a method of forest coaversation statted by Mr Sunderlal

Bahuguna in:

Haryana (b) Uttarakhand


(c) (d) Kerala


(3) Turn over


Page 4 of 8

swater directlv
Which system ofcrop irigation involves controlled delivery of
(19) or pipes?
to the individual plants through a network oftubes

Sprinkler irrigation 6) Spray irigation

(c) Rooftop (d) Drip irigstion
India are located at:
(V) Major tertiary coal fields in
(b) Bellary in Kamataka
(a) Tharia in Jharkhand

(C) Neyvelli in Tamil Nadu (ay Ranigarnj in West Bengal

main produet?
(v) In which steel plant is liqud steel the
(a) TISCO b) Bhilai
(d) Vishakhapatnatn
(c) Rourkela
The two cities connected by the
East-West coridor are:
Silchar (b) Rajkot and Guwahati
(a) Porbandar and
(d) Rajkot and Silchar
(c) Moibi and Dispur
open dumps from the decomposition of
(3 Which gas is piroduced in
biodegradable waste?

(a) Ethäne
(b) Methane
(d) Butane
(c) Propane

PART II |50 Marks!

(Atempt any fivequestions
rom this Part)

Question 4
"India has diverse climatic conditions:
Suppon this statement by giving two exarnples
on the climate of India, if the Himalayas
What would be the consequence
were not present?

(i) Give a teason for the following statemcnts:

(a) Chery blossoms are welcomed in Kamataka.

b) The northem plains of indin have a continental climate

(c) Punjab and Haryana teceive wintet rainfill.

W-8 (4)
Page 5 of 8

Sy the cimatic data of Station A in the tahle nven below and atstrtc
qucstions that folloy
MoehsJaneb Mr Age May JunJul Aug SeCDec34725
24:5 25.7 272 204 300 325 3LO 302 291280
(Cs) 3.8 45

(a) Calculate the annual range of tempersture

(b) Which is the wettest month
(C) WVhich winds brint maximum rainfall to this station?

Give two differenices betwoen the alluvial soil found in the upper and he
lower courses of the river
Explain any two factors responaible for the fomaron ofsoil. (21
(iit) Raghu started diggingawell near his viliage 1te saw that the top tayer was
dark and below it the soil was ight in colour
(a) Why was the upper most horizon of soil darker in colour?
(b) How is this layer important for the village farmes?
(o) Which type ofsoil you think woald there be in the piuce where well te
was being dug?
(iv) Give a reason for the following statemsents:
(a) Red soil is ideal for dry tariing
(b) Desilication ia fcuture of the laterite soil
(e) Black soils are resatant to wind erosion.

Question 6
) Mention tvo conditions required forthe growtlt of litoral forests. 21
Givetwo reasonis wty Trupical Decidous Forests are commcrcially tmore
valuable than other types of forests in India 21
(i) Briefly explain each ofthe following statements:
(a) The trees in the Tropical Desert Forests bhuve stunted growth.
cover in Indiain rocent times.
(b) Thcre is a gradual increase in the forest
iC The trees ofthe Tropical Deciduous Forests shed their leaves for about
6-8 weeks
the environment.
(v) Explain any three ways forests perlon the role of protecting [31

(5) Turn over

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Question 7
We need to conserve our water
your answer
Give io reasons to stipport
large dams.
(i1) State one acantage and one disadvantage of
fa) Which means ofirrigation has helped Punjab and Haryana region to
(i) become the 'granary of lndia'?
you also have some
(b) How can the mcans ofinigation mentioned by
disadvantoges?(Mention any two). 21

(iv Observe the picture ofthe "overhead irrigation' method and unswer the
questions given bclow:

What name is given to this type of irigation?

(b) Why are many famers not interested in using this method of irigation?
(Give two reasons). [21

Question 8
) (a) Bauxite is an ore of which metal?
(b) n which type
of rock is bauxite usually found?
(i) Whyis copper used for making electrieal wires? (Give bso reasons) [21

(ii1) (a) How can leakage of natural gas have serious consequences?

(b) What are the disadvantoges of indian coal? (Mention any two) [21

(iv) () Nuclear energy is more cost efective than oil or natural gas. (Give a
(b) Mention any 090 areas where wind farms are installed in India (21

W-8 (6)

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(a) Name the io itoportant eropping teatont of
(b) Mention one lcading croo rown in cach cropping
(0) Himanta necded cbesp labour for reting, Name the crop gron by him.
(b) Name a slate wbere his
far is tocatcd?
Give three
geographical requirements for growing coffee.
Mention three ways in which the povermihgnt of Inia is helping in tackling
the problems of the lndian amers.

Question 10
(a) Whatis sericuluri
(b) Which two factors have lead to the concentration of silk industry in
() (a) Nane the foreign collaborator of Rourkela steel plat.
(b) Fron where does Rourkela plant obtain its coal supplies?
() (a) Differentiate betwecn large scale and small scale industrics. (Give
(6) Which city is called the 'cotanapolls of india"'

(iv) (a) Why are the petrochemical industries required? (Give bao reRSons). 12

(b) Why are petrochemical industries generally found near an oil refinery

Question 11

What is the Golden Quadrilateral?

opbe gtm 121
() With reference to waterways answer the following questions:
(a) State one advantage of coastal shipping

b) How does the climate influence the use of waterways?

(ii) Give a reason for each ofthe following:

(a) Majority of the Indians do nor use air transpor
5) A well develöped transport network is imporitant for industrial growh.

(e) Water transport is not as popular as land transport.

(7) Turn over


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fa) n which part ofndia is the above means of transport well developed?!
6) Mention fo purposes for wtich this mcans of transpant is used.
c) Gine one diaadantoge associated with this mcans of transport.

Question 2
How shoold the swaste be disposed safely to keep thesater bodes heathy?

a) Mention one wayin whicht solid wastes from industries can be reused.

b) Which twu harmful gascs case acld rain!

() Gie areaso oreach of the following

6) Compositing is a safer metbodof waste disposal.

) Dunping of waste should be avcided.

() Orginic anure should be used instead ofchemical fertilisers,
What may be done by us to reduce waste generation? Explain giving three


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