matrices determinants
matrices determinants
matrices determinants
PNO-04 099,1045
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PNO.(Q .U16, 21,26,8 Pgno ao.3-!
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Jr.Super60 STERLING BT Page 22
S i Chaitanya nfinity
Educational Institutions
(5 Questions)
Single Correct Answer Type
I point P(a, B. y) satisfying
1. Ifa
(2 10 8
5a -b
2. IfA = and Aadj A= AA', then 5a + b is equal to (2) -
|3 2 3
[2016| 1
(1) 5 (2) 4 (3) 13 (4) -1 (3) 3 (4)
2q cos 0 isin
3. Let -r If A4' =1, then p| is (2019) 10. If 4=
isin cos
where i = -I, then which one of the following is NOT
1 true? [2020]
(1) 0sa' +b's| (2) a-a=0
1 1
(3) a'-b? = 1 (4) a'--|
(1) 24 (2) 22 39. The total number of 3 x 3 matrices A having entries from
(3) 18 (4) 40 the set (0, 1, 2, 3} such that the sum of all the diagonal
entries of AA' is 9, is equal to |2021|
2 be two 2 x I matrices with
31. Let P= and Q = PAP". If p 40. Let and B=
real entries suchthat 4 X8, whee X 1 k
then 2a +b- 3c-4d is equal to (2023| keR. Ifa +a-+6)and(k +1)8;*-260,.
(|) 2005 (2) 2007 then the value of k is (2021]
(3) 2006 (4) 2004
a b a fo such that AB = B and
41. Let and
32. Let Abe a 2 x 2 matrix with real entries such that 4'= a4 d
+1. where ae R-{-1, 1}. If det (A - A) = 4,then the sum atd=2021,then the value of ad-bc is equal to
of all possible values of a is equal to |2023] |2021]
(1) (2) 42. Let I be an identity matrix of order 2 x 2 and P=
2 2
(3) 0 (4) 2 Then the value of neN for which P" = 51-8P is equal to
33. Let A= S1
M | then (1 -1
43. Let A=0 1 -1
and B=74- 204' + 21, where
0 0 1
the sum of all the elements of the matrix> B is equal
lis an identity matrix of order 3 x 3. If B=[b,], then bg
to [2023] (2021|
(1) 50 (2) 125 is equal to
(3) 75 (4) 100 fo i 0]
44. Let A=|| 0 0.Then the number of 3 x 3 matrices
Numeric al Vaiue Type |0 0 1
34. The number of all 3 x 3matrices A, with entries from the B with entries from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and satisfying
set {-1, 0, 1} such that the sum of the diagonal elements AB = BA is |2021]
of A4' is 3, is [2020] 45. Let
38. If the matrix A =0 2 0 satisfes the equation where I is 2 x 2 identity matrix, is (2021|
3 0 -1 48. Let
be (.2, 3,...0 and let
|2021 n, is |2022|
and B, then B- is equal to
19.6 Mathematics
(1) 4 (2) 11
49. Let and Then the number of (3) 5 (4) 0
eiernents in the set {(n, m):n, m e {1. 2, .... 10} and
2. then adj(34 + 124) is equal to [2017|
nt*+ mB* = is |2022]
72 -63| 72 -84]
50. Let A=' where i=-. Then, the number of ()64 S1 (2)-63 51
elements in the set {ne {1,2,..., 100} :4"=A} is (4) 51
(3) l63
51. Let M= where a is anon-zero real number and
3. If the matrices A=|1 3 4, B= adj A and C= 34,
N= I -1 3
M²If(|-M)N=-2i, then the positive integral |adjB is equal to
value of a is then [20201
|2022] |C|
(1) 2 (2) 16
[2 -1 -|
$2. Let A=|1 0 -1 and B=A-1. If o =V3i-1 then (3) 72 (4) 8
4. Let S = {Nn:1sns50 and n is odd}
|1 -1
the number of elements in the set{n E {1, 2, .., 100}: i0 a
A+ (OBy 4+ B} is equal to [2022] Let a e Sand A =| -1 1 0
-a 0
a al
53. Let A=|0 1 b|a, beR. If for some n e N, If E det (adj A) =100 À,then 2 is equal to [20221
0 0 1 (2) 221
(1) 218
1 48 2160| (3) 663 (4) 1717
1 96 then n ta+bis equal to 5. Let A be a 3 x 3 invertible matrix. If
1 |2022] Jadj (24A)|!= ladj(3 adj(2A))|, then |A{ is equal to (2022)
54. Let S be the set containing all 3 x 3 matrices with entries (1) 6 (2) 212
from -1, 0, 1}. The total number of matrices Ae Ssuch (3) 2° (4) 1
that the sum of all the diagonal elements of 4'A is 6 is 6. Let Aand B be two 3 x 3 matrices such that AB = Iand
A=Then ladj(B adj(24)| is equal to (2022)
55. Let
(1) 16 (2) 32
the value of awhich satisfies (4+ B)° = A+;|2 and (3) 64 (4) 128
a, be the value ofa which satisfies (A + B = B'. Then 7. Let Abe a matrix of order 3 x 3 and det (4) = 2. Then
det (det (4) adj (5 adj(4)) is equal to [2021)
|a -a,|is equal to [2022]
(1) S12 x 106 (2) 256 x 10
0 1 0 2 3
10. Let the matrix A=|0 0 1 and the matrix B = A 18. Let for A=a 3 1|,4|=2. If (2 adj (2 adj (2A))| =
1 1 2
+24". IfB, - AdjB,-1) for all n2 1, then det(B,) is equal to 32", then 3n + ais equal to [2023]
[2022] (1) 12 (2) 9
(1)g28 (2) 330
(3) 11 (4) 10
(3) 332 (4) 336
19. Let the determinant of asquare matrix A of order m be m
log, y log, z| n, where mand n satisfy 4m tn= 22 and 17m + 4n= 93.
11. Let x, y, z > l and A = log.. x 2 log, z Then If det (n adi(adj(mA))) = 3^5°6, then a + b+cis equal to
|log, x log, y 3
(1) 84 (2) 101
Jadi (adj 4 is equal to (2023| (3) 109 (4) 96
(1)48 (2) 2 Numerical Value Type
(3) 24 (4) 6 20. Let Abe a3x3 real matrix. If det(2Adi(2 Adj(Adj (2A)
12. Let A=
- 24!, then the value of det(4) equals . (2021]
,d= 4| 0 and |4 - d(AdjA)| = 0. 21. The positive value of the determinant of the matrix A,
14 28 -14
Then [2023|
whose Adj(Adj(A) = -14 14 28 is
(1) +=m+
1 (2) 1+ d = (m + g'
28 -14 14 [2022]
(3) (1 +d' = m² +a' (4) (1 +d' - (m + q)
13. If P is a 3 x 3 real matrix such that P = aP + (a - 1),
where a >1, then |2023] 22. Consider a matrix A= where
(1) (Adj P > 1 () |Aj P|= a, B. y are three distinct natural numbers. If
(3) P is asingular matrix (4) Adj P|= 1
f2 1 0
det(adj(adj(adj(adj4) =22x3l6 then the number
(a- p (B- r"(-a)
14. Let A=1 2 -1|. If (adË (adj (adj 24)| = (16)",
0 2 of such 3-tuples (a, B, Y) is [2022]
() (1) R
(4) (3,81) (4) {kr, keZ}
9. Let
IfA = al +BA, C, BeR, I is a 2 x2
16. If 4 =
2. |,4'=aA + Blanda +B--2, then 4¢
identity matrix, then 4(a -B)is equalto (2021] (2023)
+g+' is equal to (4) 19
8 (3) 10
(2) 4 (3) 2 (4) 5 (1) 12 (2) 14
(1) 3
20.2 Mathematics
X-2 2x - 3 3x 4
in the interval 4
srs 4 is |2021|
8. If A=2x -3 3x 4 4x -5 (1) 3 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 4
3x-5 5x-8 10x -17 2rt 2rr
= Ax + Bx + Cx + D, then B+ Cis equal to 15. If a, = cos + isin 9 ,r=l, 2. 3. ....i= -, then
|2020] 9
(1) -1 (2) 1 a,
(3) -3 (4) 9 the determinant a as is equal to (2021|
9. If the minimum and the maximum values of the function
definedIby (1) a, (2) a,a, - a4d,
(3) a, (4) a,a, - 4,4g
-sin? 9 -]-sin 0 1
+sin x cos x sin 2x
f(e) =- cos² -1-cos' 1are m and M
l+ cos x sin 2x
16. Let fx) = sin x
12 10 -2
sin x cosx + sin 2x
respectively, then the ordered pair (m, M) is equal to [2020)
(1) (0, 4) If a and Brespectively are the maximum and the minimum
(2) (-4, 4)
values of f. then (2023)
(3) (0, 2V2) (4) (-4,0) 19 9
(1) B² + 2Va= (2) a + B²
10. Ifa +x= b+y =ctz+1, where a, b, c, x,y, zare non-zero
x a+ y x+ a
(3) a -B = 4V3 (4) B - 2Va = 19
distinct real numbers, then y b+y y+ b is equal
to |z ct y z+c |2020| x+1
17, If =(103x + 81), then À
(1) 0 (2) y{a- b)
(3) b-a) (4) ya-c)
11. Let mn and Mbe respectively the minimum and maximum are the roots of the equation |2023|
cos² x 1+ sinr sin 2.x
(1) 4x- 24x + 27 =0 (2) 4r+ 24x +27 =0
values of + cos'r sin x sin 2x Then the
(3) 4r- 24x - 27 =0 (4) 4r + 24x - 27 =0
cos x sin x 1+ sin 2x
ordered pair (m, M) is equal to [2020] Numerical Value Type
(1) (-3, -1) (2) (-4,-1) 18. Let a, b, c, d be in arithmetic progression with comm
(3) (1.3) (4) (-3, 3)
x+a-c x+b x+ a
1 1 7
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) a#-;b= (4) a=b*3
(3) -1 (4) -2
30. Consider the system of linear equations
4. The value of k e R, for which the following system of
linear equations xty+ 2z =0
3x-y+4z =3, 3x- ay + Sz =1
x+ 2y-3z =-2, 2x- 2y - az =7
system is
6x+ 5y + kz=-3, Let S, be the set of all aE R for which the
inconsistent and S, be the set of all ae R for which the
has infinitely many solutions, is [2021]
(1) 5 (2) 3 system has infinitely many solutions. If n(S)) and (S,)
(3) -5 (4) -3 denote the number of elements in S, and S, respectively,
then [2021]
25. The values of 2and such that the system of equations (1) n(S) =2, n(S,) = 0 (2) n(S) =2, n(S,) = 2
xty+z= 6, 3x + 5y + 5z = 26, x + 2y +hz=u has no (3) n(S,) =0, n(S,) =2 (4) n(S) = 1, n(S) = 0
solution, are (2021]
(2) A#2, u= 10 31. The number of values of a for which the system of
(1) A=2, u10 equations:
(3) A=3, u =5 (4) =3,u+ 10 xtytz = a;
26. The values of a and b, for which the system of equations x + 20ay + 3z =- 1:
2x + 3y + 6z =8 x+ 3y + 5z =4
x+2y + az =5 is inconsistent, is [2022]
3x+ 5y + 9z =b (1) 0 (2) 1
has no solution, are [2021] (3) 2 (4) 3
(1) a#3, b=3 (2) a=3, b= 13
32. Let the system of linear equations
(3) a3, b+ 13 (4) a=3, b 13 x+y+az =2;
3x + y+z = 4;
27. Two fair dice are thrown. The numbers on them are taken x+ 2z = 1,
as Î. and u, and a system of linear equations have a unique solution (x*, y*, z*). If (a, x*),
xty+z=5 (y*, c) and (x*, y*) are collinear points, then the sum of
absolute values of all possible values of a is [2022]
x+ 2y +3z = (1) 4 (2) 3
x+3y + =1 (3) 2 (4) 1
is constructed. Ifp is the probability that the system has a 33. The system of equations
unique solution and q is the probability that the system has - kx + 3y - 14z = 25
no solution, then (2021] -15x + 4y - kz = 3
1 5 5 1 - 4x +y+ 3z= 4
(1) p= | and g = (2) p= and g = 36
6 36 is consistent for all k in the set |2022]
1 5 (1) R (2) R-11, 13}
(3) p= 6 and q = 26 (4) p= and q = 36 (3) R- {13} (4) R- {-11, 11}
Determinants 20.7
M Let the system of linear equations 52. For the system of equations
xty+kz = 2
xtytz =6
2x + 3y -z= | x+ 2y +oz= 10
3x + 4y + 2z = k x+3y +5z= B,
have infinitely many solutions. Then the system which one of the following is NOT true? [2023]
(kt 1)x + (2k- 1y =7
(1) System has infinitely many solutions for a=3, B= 14.
(2k +1)x+ (k + 5)y = 10 has [2023]
(1) infinitely many solutions (2) System has no solution for a=3, B= 24.
(3) System has a unique solution for =-3, B=14.
(2) unique solution satisfying x-y=|
(3) no solution (4) System has a unique solution for a=3, B+ 14.
(4) unique solution satisfying xty= | 53. For the system of linear equations
2r-y+3z =5
47, For a, Be R, suppose the system of linear equations
x-yt z = 5; 2x t 2y + oz = 8; 3x -y+ 4z= B 3x+ 2y -z=7
has infinitely many solutions. Then a and Bare the root 4x + 5y + z = B
of [2023] Which of the following is NOT correct? [2023]
() x- 18x + 56 = 0 a=-5 and
(2) x + 14x + 24 = 0 (1) The system has infinitely many solutions for
(3) x-10x + 16 0 (4) x+ 18x +56 =0 B=9
48. For the system of linear equations, (2) The system has infinitely many solutions for
xty+z= 6; x + By +7z= 3;x+ 2y +3z =14, B=8
(3) The system is inconsistent for a =-5 and
which of the following is NOT true? [2023] a#-5 and B= 8
(4) The system has a unique solution for
(1) Ifa=Band a*7 thenthesystem has auniquesolution. 54. If the system of linear equations [2023]
(2) There is a unique point (a, B) on the line x + 2y + 18 7x +1ly+ z =13
=0for which the system has infinitely many solutions
5x + 4y + 7z= B
(3) For every point (, B) (7, 7) on the line x- 2y + 7 175x +194y + 57z=361
= 0, the system has infinitely many solutions.
(4) If a =B=7, then the system has no solution has infinitely many solutions, then a+ß+2 is equal to[2023]
(1) 3 (2) 5
49. Let Sdenote the set of all real values of A such that the
system of equations (3) 4 (4) 6
x ty + z= 1 55. For the system of linear equations
x+ y t z= 1
2x + 4y + 2az = b
x+y+z =1
is inconsistent, then )(a +|2) is equal to [2023] x+ 2y + 3z =4
AeS 2x Sy +2z =8
(1) 12 (2) 4
(4) 6
which of the following is NOT correct? |2023]
(3) 2
x+ (1) It has infinitely many solutions if a=3, b = 6
50. For the system of linear equation ax +ytz = 1,
following (2) It has infinitely many solutions if a=3, b= 8
Cy +z= 1, x+y+ az= B, which one of the
statements is NOT correct? (2023] (3) It has unique solution ifa = b= 8
(1) It has infinitely many solutions if a=2 and (4) It has unique solution ifa= b=6
(2) x + y + z= 4 if a =2 and ß= 1 56. If the system of equations
(3) It has infinitely many solutions if a=land ß= 2x +y-z=5
(4) It has no solution if a=-2 and B= 1
[2023] 2r- 5y + z=u
51. If the system of equations x+ 2y -5z=7
x+y+az =b
2x + 5y +2z =6 has infinitely many solutions, then (2 + )+ (a- )' is
x+ 2y +3z =3 equal to [2023]
has infinitely many solutions, then 2a + 36 is equal to (1) 904 (2) 920
(1) 23 (2) 25 (3) 912 (4) 916
3) 20 (4) 28
Determinants 20.9
t The greatest value of cE R for
which the system of linear () u=6, Ae R (2) A
= 2, ue R
X- Cy-Cz=0 (3) A=3, ue R (4) u=-6, Ae R
CX-y+ cz = 0
Cx+ cy -z=0 12. Let e If the system of linear equations,
has a non-trivial solution is
|2019] (1+ cos?e)x + sin'0 y+4 sin30 z= 0
(1) -1 (2) 2 (3) 1/2 (4) 0 cos*0x + (1+ sin0) y+ 4 sin30z=0
1 Jf the system of equations 2x + 3y -z= 0, x + ky - 22 =0
and 2x -y+z= 0 has a non-trivial solution (x, V, z), then cos0 x+ sin'0 y+ (l +4sin30) z =0
has a non-trivial solution, then the value of 0 is (2021]
I,+ +k is equal to [2019] 41
3 (1) (2)
(1) 4 (2)
1 (3) (4) 18
(3) (4) - 18