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Business Visa applications are assessed individually, and time frames may vary, therefore you are kindly

informed that VFS Global does not have any cannot control over applications submitted to Home Affairs. Kindly
consider the processing time in line with your intended residence and your travel plans. We also do not influence
the processing times in any manner.

Immigration Regulation 9(1) prescribes that an application for any visa referred to in section 11 up to and
including sections 20 and 22 of the Act shall be made together with ALL supporting documents. The onus is on
the applicant to ensure that they have met the requirements for the application in which they have chosen to
apply for and to ensure that all documents as per the checklist have been submitted.

You will not be able to submit further documents once your application has been submitted at the Visa Facilitation
Centre. The documents that you submitted at the time you lodged your application will be the only documents that
will be considered. Submission of fake or fraudulent documents is a criminal offence in terms of section 49
of the Immigration Act.


Documents Required Yes No

 Application form fully completed in detail and signed.

 Valid passport which expires in no less than 30 days after expiry of the intended
date of departure from the Republic
 The application is being submitted in person, no less than 60 days prior to the
expiry date of the applicant’s visa and if the visa was issued for less than 30 days,
not later than seven working days before the expiry of the visa.
 A yellow fever vaccination certificate if that person travelled or intends travelling
from or transiting through a yellow fever endemic area: (Provided that the
certificate shall not be required where that person travelled or intends travelling in
direct transit through such area)
 Police clearance certificate issued by the police or security authority of a country
where the applicant resided for longer than 12 months in the last 5 years prior to
submitting the current application , which certificate shall not be older than six
months at the time of its submission.

 A medical report, signed by a Medical Practitioner, reflecting the Practice No. of

the Practitioner and their address and contact details, which report shall not be
older than six months at the time of its submission.
 Marriage certificate or in the case of a foreign spousal relationship, proof of official
recognition thereof issued by the authorities of the foreign country of the
applicant (where applicable).

DHA/TRV/BUSINESS Effective 01 Mar 2024 Ver. 1.0

 The affidavit where a spousal relationship to a South African citizen or resident is
applicable, as well as documentation proving cohabitation and the extent to which
the related financial responsibilities are shared by the parties and setting out the
particulars of children in the spousal relationship.
 Divorce decree, where applicable.

 Court order granting full or specific parental responsibilities and rights, where
 Death certificate, in respect of late spouse, where applicable.

 Written consent from both parents and full parental responsibilities, where
 Proof of adoption where applicable.

 Legal separation order, where applicable.

 Proof of payment of the applicable fee

Additional supporting documents in support of a business visa In respect of a business visa by

a foreigner who intends to establish a business or invest in a business that is not yet established
in the Republic

 A certificate issued by a chartered accountant registered with the South African

Institute of Chartered Accountants or a professional accountant registered with
the South African Institute of Professional Accountants to the effect that-
a) at least an amount in cash to be invested in the Republic as determined
from time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of
Trade and Industry, by notice in the Gazette, is available; or
b) at least an amount in cash and a capital contribution as determined from
time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Trade
and Industry, by notice in the Gazette is available.
 Undertaking by the applicant that at least 60% of the total staff compliment to be
employed in the operations of the business shall be South African citizens or
permanent residents employed permanently in various positions: (Provided that
proof of compliance with this undertaking shall be submitted within 12 months of
issuance of the visa.)
 An undertaking to register with the-
a) South African Revenue Service;
b) Unemployment Insurance Fund;
c) Compensation Fund for Occupational Injuries and Diseases;
d) Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CPIC); where legally
required, and
e) Relevant professional body, board or council recognised by SAQA in terms
of section 13(1)(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act where
applicable: (Provided that upon registration, all certificates shall be
submitted to the Director-General)
 A letter of recommendation from the Department of Trade and Industry
a) the feasibility of the business; and
b) the contribution to the national interest of the Republic

Additional supporting documents in respect of a business visa application by a foreigner who

has established a business or invested in an existing business in the Republic

DHA/TRV/BUSINESS Effective 01 Mar 2024 Ver. 1.0

 A certificate issued by a chartered accountant registered with the South African
Institute of Chartered Accountants or a professional accountant registered with
the South African Institute of Professional Accountants to the effect that:
a) at least an amount in cash to be invested in the Republic as determined
from time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of
Trade and Industry, by notice in the Gazette, is available or already
invested; or;
b) at least an amount in cash and a capital contribution as determined from
time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Trade
and Industry, by notice in the Gazette, is available or already invested;
 Proof that at least 60% of the total staff compliment employed in the operations
of the business are South African citizens or permanent residents employed
permanently in various positions.
 Proof of registration with the-
a) South African Revenue Service;
b) Unemployment Insurance Fund;
c) Compensation Fund for Occupational Injuries and Diseases;
d) Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CPIC), where legally
required; and
e) relevant professional body, board or council recognised by SAQA in terms
of section 13(1)(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act, where
 A letter of recommendation from the Department of Trade and Industry regarding
a) the feasibility of the business; and
b) the contribution to the national interest of the Republic.
 A foreigner who invests or has invested in an existing business shall, in addition,
a) financial statement in respect of the preceding financial year; and
b) proof of investment


a) The applicant must, within 12 months of the visa being issued, submit to the Director-
General a letter of confirmation from the Department of Labour, that 60% of the staff
compliment employed in the operations of the business are South African citizens or permanent
residents who are employed permanently in various positions;

b) A business visa may be issued for a period not exceeding three years at a time.

c) Fraudulent Documents: Whenever it appears to the Director-General that a visa or permanent

residence permit was acquired through misrepresentation or fraud, he or she shall withdraw the visa or
permanent residence permit and, where applicable, cause criminal charges to be laid against all parties
implicated in the misrepresentation or fraud.

d) The applicant is personally responsible for all supporting documents submitted with this application.

I have read and understood the above and wish to continue with my application.

Applicant Name: Applicant Signature:

VFS Staff Name: VFS Staff Signature:

Date of Submission:

DHA/TRV/BUSINESS Effective 01 Mar 2024 Ver. 1.0

PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ACT, 2013 (Act No. 4 of 2013) (hereinafter referred to as POPI Act)


• “Applicant” means the person completing this document to be considered by the Department of Home Affairs for purposes of providing Immigration Services.
• “Personal Information” have the meaning ascribed to it in Chapter 1 of POPI and includes, but is not limited to, a name, surname, address, email address,
telephone or fax number, or other personal credentials provided, or which is collected from the applic ant or other third parties, before and/or during the
adjudication process for a visa, permanent residence permit, appeal, waiver, exemption or visa verification request and/or thereafter.

• “POPI” shall mean the Protection of Personal Information Act, No. 4 of 2013, as mended from time to time including any regulations made under the Act.

• “Privacy and Data Protection Conditions” refers to the 8 (eight) statutory prescribed conditions for the lawful Processing of Personal Information.

• “Responsible Parties” means the Department of Home Affairs and its’ representative VFS Global.


• I hereby authorize, by signing this form, the Department of Home Affairs and Visa Facilitation Services (VFS Global) employee s at the Visa Application Centre
(VFC) to access my Personal Information for the purpose of verification of all supporting documents attached to this application.

• I understand that verification requests form part of the visa and permit adjudication processes at the Department of Home Affairs.

• I acknowledge that any Personal Information supplied to the Department of Home Affairs is voluntary and that Home Affairs may not be able to comply with
its obligations if the correct Personal Information is not supplied to Home Affairs.


• I understand that privacy is important to the Responsible Parties and the Responsible Parties will use reasonable efforts to ensure that any Personal
Information in their possession or processed on their behalf is kept confidential, stored in a secure manner and processed in terms of South African law and or
applicable Data Protection Legislation, for the purposes I have authorised.

• I warrant that all information, including Personal Information, supplied to Home Affairs and its representative is accurate and current and agree to correct and
update such information when necessary.

• By submitting any Personal Information to Home Affairs and its representative in any form I acknowledge that such conduct constitutes a reasonable
unconditional, specific and voluntary consent to the processing of such Personal Information in the following manner by Home Affairs and its representative:

• Personal Information may be stored by Home Affairs and its representative, for legislated retention periods and where such periods are not legislated then my
personal information may be stored by Home Affairs and its representative for as long as I may need my information to be veri fied, or any other period as I may
agree with Home Affairs and its representative.

• Personal Information may be transferred cross-border to countries, for verification or storage purposes. In any cross-border transfer of personal information
Home Affairs and its representative will comply with the security safeguards as provided for in the POPIA including but not limited to ensuring that the
information is secured when transported to or from the recipient.

• I take note that if the Responsible Party has used the Personal Information contrary to the Privacy and Data Protection Conditions, I may first resolve any
concerns with that Responsible Party. If I am not satisfied with such process, I have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Regulator.

• A copy of Personal Information kept by the Responsible Parties will be furnished to me upon request in terms of the provisions of POPI and I understand that I
may dispute any information in the record provided.





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