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Rev. 6 04/20



A = pressure attachment A = pressure attachment

B = cable entry B = cable entry
For surface mounting use two screws M6 For surface mounting use four screws M6

WEIGHT 1,8 kg Dimensions in mm WEIGHT 3,2 kg Dimensions in mm

NOTE: dimensions and weights are not binding unless released on certified drawings.

 Before installing, using or carrying out maintenance on the instrument it is necessary to read and understand the indications given
in the attached Instruction Manual.
 The instrument must only be installed and maintained by qualified personnel.
 The functional features of the instrument and its degree of protection are shown on the identification plate fixed to the case.



2 OPERATING PRINCIPLE To authentified document with certificate



All data, statements and recommendations supplied with this manual are based on information believed by us to be reliable. As the
conditions of effective use are beyond our control, our products are sold under the condition that the user himself evaluates such
conditions before following our recommendations for the purpose or use foreseen by him.

The present document is the property of ALEXANDER WIEGAND SE &Co and may not be reproduced in any form, nor used for any
purpose other than that for which it is supplied.
Rev. 6 04/20
1 GENERAL NOTES The following table gives the relationship between hazardous ar-
eas, Atex Categories and Equipment Protection Level (EPL) listed
1.1 FOREWORD on the flameproof instrument nameplate
The wrong choice of a series or a model, as well as the incorrect Categories ac-
installation, lead to malfunction and reduce instrument life. Failure cording to
to abide by the indications given in this manual can cause damage Hazardous area EPL
2014/34/EU Di-
to the instrument, the environment and persons. rective (ATEX)
1.2 ALLOWED OVERRANGE Gas, vapours, fog Zone 0 1G Ga
Pressure exceeding the working range can be occasionally toler-
ated provided they remain within the limits stated in the instrument Gas, vapours, fog Zone 1 2G or 1G Gb or Ga
features (vacuum or proof pressure). Continuous pressures ex-
ceeding the working range can be applied to the instrument pro- Gas, vapours, fog Zone 2 3G, 2G or 1G Gc, Gb or Ga
vided they are clearly stated in the instrument features. The current
and voltage values stated in the technical specifications and rat-
Dust Zone 20 1D Da
ings must not be exceeded. Transitory overages can have a de-
structive effect on the switch.
Dust Zone 21 2D or 1D Db or Da
Can generally lead to the wearing of some parts of the instrument Dust Zone 22 3D, 2D or 1D Dc, Db or Da
or cause spurious action. It is therefore recommended that the in-
strument be installed in a place where there are no vibrations. In 5 SET POINT REGULATION
cases where this is impossible it is a good idea to take measures
to lessen the effects (elastic supports, installation with the switch Each microswitch is independent and can be adjusted by means
plunger of the microswitch positioned at right angles to the vibra- of a screw (for adjustment) to snap when the pressure reaches
tion plane). (increasing or decreasing) the desired value (set point). The instru-
ment is usually supplied with the switches adjusted at the setting
1.4 TEMPERATURE range value nearest to zero (factory calibration). The instrument
Due to the temperature of both the environment and the process is supplied with a label showing the set point calibration value. With
fluid, the temperature of the instrument could exceed the allowed factory calibration the values are not indicated, as these are tem-
limits (normally from -40° to +60°C). Therefore, in case it does, porary and will be modified with the definitive values. Prior to in-
suitable measures (protection against heat radiation, fluid separa- stallation the instrument must be calibrated and the definitive cal-
tors, cooling coils, heated lockers) must be taken. The process ibration values written on the label.
fluid or its impurities must not however solidify in the instrument. If the instrument has been ordered with a specific calibration,
2 OPERATING PRINCIPLE check the calibration values marked on the relevant label, prior to
The pressure, acting on the sensitive element (diaphragm), deter-
The position of the adjustment screw is given in figure 2.
mines its elastic deformation which is used to activate one or two
electric microswitches regulated at set point values. The micro- Fig. 2 - Electrical connections and adjustment screws
switches are of the rapid release type with automatic rearm. When
the pressure moves away from the set values, returning towards
the normal values, the switch is rearmed. The dead band (gap be-
tween the set point value and the reset value) can be fixed or ad-
justable (letter R in the contact codes).
The models with sensing element H or G are piston activated dia-
phragm instruments. The pressure, acting on a piston element,
generates a force which, applied to the diaphragm, causes an elas-
tic deformation.
See Annex 1
The instrument is fitted with a metal plate bearing all its functional
characteristics and in case of flameproof or intrinsic safety execu- 1- Microswitch 1 set point calibration screw
tion also the markings prescribed by standard IEC/EN 60079-0. 2- Microswitch 2 set point calibration screw
Fig.1 shows the plate mounted on flameproof instruments. 3- Electrical connection identification plate
4- Terminal block
Fig. 1 - Flameproof instruments plate
Condition of the contacts at atmosphere pressure
Designation of the contacts:

C - Common
NA - Normally open
NC - Normally closed
The effect that the direction of rotation of the adjustment screw has
is described on the label.
In order to proceed with the calibration and the periodical functional
1 Notified body that issued the type certificate and number of said verification of the instrument a suitable calibration circuit (Fig. 3)
and an adequate pressure source is required. The test instrument
2 CE marking and identification number of the notified body re-
should have a measurement range approximately equal to or
sponsible for production surveillance.
slightly wider than the pressure switch range and should have an
3 Apparatus classification according to ATEX 2014/34/EU di-
accuracy consistent with the accuracy required to calibrate the set
4 Type of protection and ambient temperature limits of operation.

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Fig. 3 - Calibration circuit The pressure switch must be mounted in the normal installation
position, i.e. with the pressure connection pointing downwards.
Avoid forcing the elastic support of the microswitch by hand or with
tools. This could affect the instrument functioning.
CAUTION: if the switch is of the kind with adjustable dead band
(letter R in the contact codes) before proceeding with the following
operations it is necessary to proceed with the adjustment of the
dead band.
Increase the pressure in the circuit up to the desired set point value
for the first microswitch. Use a wide bladed screwdriver, as indi-
cated on the label, turn the screw until the relative lamp turns on
(or turns off).
PS - Pressure switch Test fluid: - If the instrument is equipped with only one contact the calibration
CA - Test gauge air for P < 10 bar is complete.
V1 - Inlet valve water for P > 10 bar - If it is equipped with two contacts continue in the following man-
V2 - Discharge valve ner. Vary the pressure until the desired set point value for the sec-
P- Pressure source ond microswitch is reached. Act on the adjustment screw of the
second contact.
6.1 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS Repeat calibrating operations on the first contact, then on the sec-
6.1.1 Weatherproof pressure switches (Series MW) ond contact, until the required set point accuracy is obtained. This
Remove the blocking device fixed to the side of the instrument is necessary due to the reciprocal influence which the micro-
case (Fig. 4).Remove the cover by rotating it in an anticlockwise switches have on the sensitive element of the instrument.
direction. CAUTION: if the two set point are different they must be different
Fig. 4 - Weatherproof pressure switch blocking device for much of 5% of the adjustable span.
The pressure switches equipped with sensor H and G, are
instruments with a piston sensing element. To perform an high
accuracy calibration, due to the sensing element, it is necessary to
adjust the set point by varying the pressure from the normal
working pressure of operation to the set point.
Generate the normal working pressure and wait the pressure sta-
bilisation. Vary the pressure into the circuit and record the set point
value. Write the set point values on the adhesive label.
Note: the repeatability should be checked verifying for three times
the set point (Pi) starting always from the same pressure value
a - Plumbing wire c - Nut (Pw). The pressure cycle should be slowly to give the possibility to
b - Plumbing d - Blocking bracket record the set point with accuracy.
6.1.2 Flameproof pressure switches (Series MA) 6.5 ADJUSTMENT OF DEAD BAND (LETTER R ON THE
CAUTION: do not open the cover of pressure switches when en- MODEL CODE)
ergized, in explosive atmospheres. The dead band can be adjusted only on the instrument is equipped
Loosen the locking headless screw situated on the cover using a with a microswitch, which allows adjusting (Letter R on the model
1,5 hexagonal key then unscrew the cover (fig.5). code). Adjustment may be obtained by rotating the wheel placed
Fig. 5 - Flameproof pressure switch blocking device on the microswitch (Fig. 6).
In order to carry out this operation it is advisable to insert thumb
and forefinger of the left hand in the instrument. The instrument is
normally delivered adjusted on the minimum value of its range
(factory calibration).
Fig. 6 – Adjustment of dead band


Prepare the calibration circuit as indicated in Fig.3.
The warning lamps should be connected to contact 1 or 2 in the
NO or NC position according to the required contact action.
Connection of C and NO terminals
• If the circuit is open at the working pressure, the switch closes
the circuit as the pressure increases when the desired value is
• If the circuit is closed at the working pressure, the switch opens  Mark
the circuit as the pressure decreases when the desired value is  Dead band adjustment wheel
reached.  Set point adjustment screw
Connection of C and NC terminals
• If the circuit is closed at the working pressure, the switch opens
the circuit as the pressure increases when the desired value is
• If the circuit is open at the working pressure, the switch closes
the circuit as the pressure decreases when the desired value is
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6.5.1Calibration of dead band
The calibration of the dead band is obtained using the following Fig. 7 – Instrument with diaphragm seal
1 - Raise pressure in the circuit until reaching the set point and
record its value (Pi).
2 - Reduce pressure in the circuit until reaching the reset point
and record its value (Pr).
3 - The difference Pi - Pr = Va represents the dead band factory
adjusted value.
4 - Rotate the adjustment wheel in the sense shown in Fig. 6 plac-
ing letter B on the mark.
5 - Repeat operations 1 and 2 and measure the new dead band
6 - By comparing the values Va and Vb approximately determine
the letter of the wheel to be placed on the mark.
7 - Place the mark and measure the obtained dead band. 7.3 PRESSURE CONNECTIONS
8 - Proceed by successive approximations until reaching the de- For a correct installation it is necessary to:
sired dead band value with enough accuracy. Mount a shut-off valve with drain (root valve) on the process tube
9 - Then proceed with the set point calibration to allow the instrument to be excluded and the connection tubing
Example: The dead band increase corresponding to the rotation to be drained. It is recommended that said valve has a capstan-
from A to B is given by: Vb - Va =I blocking device aimed at preventing it being activated casually and
The desired dead band V will be approximately in the position in- without authorisation.
dicated by the value K  V I which expresses: Mount a service valve near the instrument to permit possible func-
tional verification on site. It is recommended that the service valve
- By units, the letters of the wheel (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E,
is closed with a plug to prevent the outlet of the process fluid
caused by the incorrect use of said valve.
- By decimal digits, the percentage middle position between
Mount a three-piece joint into the process connection to permit the
the located letter (of units) and the following one.
easy mounting or removal of the instrument itself.
6.6 FINAL OPERATIONS The pressure connection adaptor have to be installed as per Fig.8
Disconnect the instrument from the calibration circuit. Fig. 8 – Installation of pressure connection adaptor
6.6.1 Weatherproof pressure switches (Series MW)
Take the cover, ensure that the sealing gasket is correctly fitted
into its seat, and insert the cover onto the case, with the blocking
gap positioned in correspondence to the blocking bracket.
Turn the cover clockwise closing it tightly. Mount the blocking de-
vice as in Fig. 4. Mount on pressure connection and cable entry
the protection caps supplied with the instrument.
6.6.2 Flameproof pressure switches (Series MA).
Screw on the cover and block it using the headless screw with
which it is equipped (Fig. 5)
Mount on pressure connection and cable entry the protection caps
supplied with the instrument.
Caution: The protection caps should only be definitively removed Carry out the connection to the process using a flexible tube in
during the connection steps (see § 7). such a way that variations in the temperature of the tube itself do
not force the instrument attachment.
7 MOUNTING AND CONNECTIONS Ensure that all the pressure connections are airtight. It is important
7.1 MOUNTING that there are no leakages in the circuit.
Surface mount the instrument by means of the holes provided, or Close the root valve and the relative drain device. Close the ser-
pipe mount using the appropriate bracket or mount directly on pro- vice valve using a safety plug.
cess in a vertical position (with the pressure connection down- 7.4 INSTRUMENTS WITH PROCESS CONNECTION COATED
wards) (See fig. 17,18,19,20,21 and 22). WITH PTFE
In case of surface or panel or rack mounting the instruments can The pressure connection must be made in such a way that the part
be mounted side by side (see Fig.19). The chosen position must protruding from the instrument have to be used as a sealing ring.
be such that vibrations, the possibility of shocks or temperature Fig.9 - Instrument with process connection coated with PTFE
changes are within tolerable limits.
With gas or vapour process fluid, the instrument must be posi-
tioned higher than the pipe inlet (see Fig. 22). With a liquid process
fluid, the instrument can be positioned higher or lower, indifferently
(see Fig. 21 and 22). ). In this case, during set point calibration the
negative or positive head must be taken into account.
CAUTION: (Instruments MA, MAH, MAG, MW, MWH and MWG)
positions other than vertical are allowed provided environmental
conditions do not cause condensation to form or water to enter the
instrument through the ventilation path (Serie MA (*) fig.5). The
instruments models MWB and MAB must be installed in vertical
position (process connection towards).
When the pressure switch is mounted on diaphragm seal with ca- It is recommended to carry out the electrical connections according
pillary and the set point is less than 10 bar, the gap (distance h) to the applicable standards.
between diaphragm seal and instrument generates a column of In case of flameproof instruments and intrinsic safety instruments
liquid, whose pressure equivalent constitutes a drift of set point. see also the Standard IEC/EN-60079-14. If the electrical connec-
The set point has to be adjusted consequently. tion is carried out in a protected tube, it shall be made so that con-
densate is prevented from entering instrument enclosure.
To guarantee the ingress protection IP66 and prevent loosening of
the blocking joint or cable glands, it is prescribed to seal the
threads with an anaerobic sealant. For example, use a sealant like
Loctite ® 542.
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CAUTION: fittings used for the electrical connection of the flame- Fig. 13 – Free connector assembly
proof instruments shall be certified according the IEC or EN stand-
ards and shall guarantee instrument degree of protection (IP66).
In the case of Gk threads, this is made in accordance with standard
UNI-EN 60079-1 (Italian national variant).
It is recommended the installation according Fig. 21 o 22.
The installation of the cable gland or three-piece joint should be as
per fig. 10 and 11.
Fig. 10 – Installation of electrical connection

1- Cable 5- Ferrule
2- Heat Shrink Boot 6- Insulator for pin contacts
3- Clamp 7- Pin contacts
4- Extender 8- Shell
The wiring diagram is according Fig.14.
Fig. 14 – Wiring diagram MIL C-5015

With the instrument into the final position provided that the electric
line is not energize, remove the cover and make the electrical E B
connection to the terminal block (see Fig. 2).
If the ambient temperature exceeds 60 °C is recommended to use
cables suitable for operating temperatures of at least 105 °C.
Flexible cables with a maximum section of 1,5 mm2 (16AWG) are
recommended using the pre-insulated crimp ring terminal.
Do not touch the adjustment screws and do not bend the elas-
tic microswitch supports in order to prevent the instrument calibra- CONTACT FUNCTION
tion being altered. Ensure that no deposits or wire ends remain A 1-NA Micro 1: Normaly open
inside the case. B 1-NC Micro 1: Normaly closed
Warning: The instrument may be equipped with one or two micro C 1-C Micro 1: Common
switches SPDT type. All the electrical connection must be part of D 2-NA Micro 2: Normaly open
intrinsically safe circuits. The relevant parameters for intrinsic E 2-NC Micro 2: Normaly closed
safety are listed on the nameplate of the instrument. F 2-C Micro 2: Common
The tightening of the cable gland or the three-piece joint must be G Ground Internal grounding connection
performed as shown in Fig. 11 Once the crimping and assembly activities of the free connector
Fig. 11 – Installation of the cable gland are finished, make sure that all the parts are tight. Screw the bay-
onet and tighten it to assure the instrument degree of protection
The instrument is supplied with two grounding connections, one
external and one internal. The connections are suitable for a
earthing wires of 4 mm2 section (fig. 2).
8.1 Weatherproof pressure switches (Series MW)
The plumbing, aimed as a guarantee against possible tampering
of the calibration and electrical connections, can be carried out us-
ing a flexible steel wire (c) inserted into the holes in the screw (a)
and the bracket (e) provided for this purpose (see Fig. 4).
As soon as connection steps are completed, mount the cover on 8.2 Flameproof pressure switches (Series MA)
and make sure it is tight and blocked See fig 4 and 5.
7.5.1CONNETTOR 7 POLES TYPE MIL-5015 FOR WEATHER Plumbing is not necessary as the cover is blocked with a headless
screw and the instrument does not have to be opened when in-
The free connector, supplied with the instrument, is able to accept stalled (see Fig. 5).
multicore cables with maximum outer diameter 11 mm. It is recom- 9 SAFETY INTEGRITY LEVEL (SIL) INSTALLATION
mended flexible cables with single-conductor with a maximum sec- REQUIREMENTS
tion of 1.5 mm2 (16AWG).
The pressure switch has been evaluated as Type A safety related
The cable have to be prepared as per fig. 12
hardware. It has an hardware fault tolerance of 0 if it is used in one
Fig. 12 – Cable preparation
out one configuration (1oo1). The installation has to be designed
A= 53mm
to allow a proof test to detect dangerous undetected fault using, as
B= 30mm
example, the following procedure:
C= 6,5 mm
- Take appropriate action to avoid a false trip
- Force the switch to reach a define max or min threshold value
and verify that output goes into the safe state.
- Force the switch to reach a define normal threshold value and
verify that output goes into the normal state.
- Repeat the check two times evaluating average set point
value and repeatability,
The single stripped conductor has to be crimped with each contact - Restore the loop to full operation
pin. For the electrical connections and for the assembly follow - Restore normal operation
Fig.13. The installation requirements, the useful life and the failure of the
switch is discussed in the Failure Modes,Effects and Diagnostic
Analysis Report.
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The instrument comes into operation as soon as is energized and This will be carried out according to the Customer’s control proce-
the root valve is opened. Any possible drainage of the connection dures. Series M instruments can be verified on the plant if installed
tubing can be carried out by removing the safety plug and opening as illustrated in Fig. 21 and 22.
the service valve with the necessary caution. To avoid any risk it is recommended check the set point on site
Do not dispose of the process fluid into the environment, if this can without open the cover and without dismount the cable gland and
cause pollution or damage to people without unplugging the power cable.
The flameproof or intrinsic safety instruments may be checked on
11 VISUAL INSPECTION site only if the apparatus used are suitable for explosive
Periodically check the external condition of the enclosure. There atmosphere.
should be no trace of leakage of process fluid outside the instru- If this is not the case it is necessary remove the instrument from
ment. the plant, and carry out the verification in a test room.
In case of flameproof or intrinsic safety instruments, inspections of If the verification of the set point is performed unplugging the power
the electrical installation are to be carried out also according to cable from the terminal block it is recommended de-energize the
customer procedures and at least in accordance with Standard instrument to avoid any electrical hazard.
EN-60079-17. WARNING: Instrument series MA, flameproof.
The flameproof and the intrinsic safety instruments installed in ex- Before open the cover or the cable gland check the absence of
plosive atmospheres for the combustible dust presence, must be explosive atmosphere and check that the instrument is not
periodically cleaned up externally in order to avoid dust accumu- energized.
lating. Verification consists in check the calibration value and possibly
11.1 INSTRUMENT WITH SENSOR TYPE H AND G regulating the adjustment bush (see §6).
The switches equipped with sensing element type H or G are in- 12.1 INSTRUMENT WITH DIAPHRAGM SEAL OR SENSOR
strument with a piston sensing element. The process connection TYPE G
of such instrument have a hole to check the wear of the O-ring This instrument, because of their particular operating principle, if
seal. During the visual inspection check the absence of fluid into used as an alarm of max pressure, have to be functional inspected
the position of Fig.15. On the contrary the instrument have to be every year as minimum.
Fig. 15 – Hole to check the wear of the O-ring seal 13 STOPPING AND DISMOUNTING
Before proceeding with these operations ensure that the plant or
machines have been put into the conditions foreseen to allow
these operations.
With reference to Figures 21 e 22
Remove the power supply (signal) from the electrical line. Close
the root valve (6) and open the drain. Remove the plug (2), open
the valve (3) and wait until the process fluid has drained from the
tubing through the drain.
11.2 INSTRUMENTS WITH PROCESS CONNECTION COATED Do not dispose of the process fluid into the environment, if this can
WITH PTFE cause pollution or damage to people.
These instruments are usually installed on process with high cor- Unscrew the three-piece joint (8).
rosion resistance requirements. To verify the condition of PTFE the WARNING: Instrument series MA, flameproof.
process connection is equipped with an inspection hole. During the Before open the cover or the cable gland check the absence of
visual inspection check the absence of fluid into the position of explosive atmosphere and check that the instrument is not ener-
Fig.16. On the contrary the instrument have to be replaced. gized.
Fig. 16 – Hole to check the wear of the PTFE coating Unscrew the three-piece joint (10) (electrical cable tubing).
Remove the instrument cover and disconnect the electrical cables
from the terminal block and earth screws.
Remove the screws fixing the case to the panel (or pipe) and re-
move the instrument, taking care to slide the electrical conductors
out from the case.
Mount instrument cover. Insulate and protect cables around, if any.
Temporarily plug pipes not connected to the instrument.
In case of flameproof instruments or intrinsic safety it is recom-
mended to follow - at least – the standard EN-60079-17 for the
withdrawal from service of electrical apparatus.
The instruments are mainly made of stainless steel and aluminium
and therefore, once the electrical parts have been dismounted and
the parts coming into contact with fluids which could be harmful to
people or the environment have been properly dealt with, they can
be scrapped.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: operations involving replacement of essential components must be carried out at our workshop, especially
for instruments with flameproof certificate; this is to guarantee the user the total and correct restoration of the product original


 Permanent deformation of the sensitive element due  Recalibrate or replace the sensitive element.
Set point shift to fatigue or non-tolerated overages.
 Variation of the elastic features of the sensitive ele-  Recalibrate or replace the sensitive element with
ment due to its chemical corrosion. another made of a suitable material. If necessary
apply a fluid separator.
 O-ring wear (only MWH and MAH)  Replace the piston subgroup and recalibrate.
 O-ring wear (only MWH and MAH)  Replace the piston subgroup and recalibrate.
Poor repeatability
 Air bubbles or condensation (only for types with pres-  Drain the process connection line and if necessary
sure <1 bar). modify it.
 Clogged or obstructed connection line.  Check and clean line.

Slow response  Root valve partially closed.  Open valve.

 Too viscous fluid.  Provide instrument with suitable fluid separator.

No actuation or  Root valve closed.  Open the valve.
undue actuation  Microswitch contacts damaged.  Replace the Microswitch.
 Loosened electrical joints.  Check all electrical joints.
 Interrupted or short-circuited electrical line.  Check the conditions of the electrical line.
Undue actuation  Accidental shocks or excessive mechanical vibra-  Modify the mounting.

Fig. 17 – Mounting of the brackets for 2” pipe and possible position

Model MWB Model MW Serie MA

A – Process connection B – Electrical connection

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Fig. 18 – Wall mounting

Serie MW Serie MA

 Screws M6x
A – Process connection B – Electrical connection

Fig. 19 – Rack mounting

Serie MW Serie MA

Fig. 20 – Direct mounting

Threaded Flanged
Serie MW Serie MA Serie MW Serie MA

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Fig. 21 - Typical installation Fig. 22 - Typical installation

1 - Fitting 7 - Process piping
2 - Drain plug 8 - Three piece fitting
3 - Service valve 9 - “T” fitting
4 - Piping 10 - Three piece fitting
5 - Three piece fitting 11 - Curve
6 - Root valve with drain 12 - Blocking joint
NOTE With gas or vapour process fluid, the instrument must be positioned higher than the pipe inlet (see Fig. 20). With a liquid process fluid, the
instrument can be positioned higher or lower, indifferently (see Fig. 19 e 20). In this case, during set point calibration the negative or positive head
must be taken into account (distance h in Fig.19 and 20).

Annex 1 – Model Code

MODEL CODE For further information
1 M see datasheet

1.1 Ignition protection mode W Weather proof

A Ex d
1.2 Sensor code B Low pressure diaphragm
- Medium pressure diaphragm
H Piston
G Piston with diaphragm
1.3 Sensor material T Diaphragm PTFE
X AISI s.s. or Inconel® 718
K Monel® 400
1.4 Process connect. material T PTFE
X AISI s.s
K Monel® 400
1.5 Electric Contacts U One
D Two
1.6 Type of Electric Contact N Silver
S Silver + Argon sealed
G Gold
O Gold + Argon sealed
R Silver adjustable dead band
Options Example: Intrinsic Safety execution

WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG Tel. +49 9372 132-0 Kommanditgesellschaft: Sitz Klingenberg – Komplementärin:
Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30 Fax +49 9372 132-406 Amtsgericht Aschaffenburg HRA 1819 WIKA International SE - Sitz Klingenberg -
63911 Klingenberg E-Mail info@wika.de Komplementärin: WIKA Verwaltungs SE & Co. KG – Amtsgericht Aschaffenburg HRB 10505
Germany www.wika.de Sitz Klingenberg – Amtsgericht Aschaffenburg Vorstand: Alexander Wiegand
HRA 4685 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Max Egli

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