1. Understand the Community What do you want the community
to learn or achieve? • Assess Needs and Strengths: Conduct a thorough assessment • Develop Materials: Create to understand the health needs, educational materials that are strengths, and resources of the easy to understand and visually community. This includes appealing. Use a variety of formats gathering both quantitative and such as pamphlets, posters, qualitative data. videos, and interactive activities.
• Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of 4. Use Effective Teaching Methods
and respect the cultural, social, • Interactive Techniques: Use and economic backgrounds of interactive teaching methods such community members. Tailor your as group discussions, role-playing, teaching methods to be culturally and hands-on activities to engage appropriate. participants and enhance learning. 2. Engage the Community • Adapt to Learning Styles: • Community Involvement: Involve Recognize that people have community members in the different learning styles. planning and implementation of Incorporate visual, auditory, and health teaching activities. This kinesthetic elements into your fosters a sense of ownership and teaching. increases the likelihood of 5. Communicate Clearly success. • Simple Language: Use simple, • Build Trust: Establish trust by clear language that is free of being transparent, consistent, and jargon. Ensure that your message respectful. Trust is crucial for is easily understood by all effective communication and community members. engagement. • Visual Aids: Use visual aids to 3. Plan and Prepare reinforce your message. Pictures, • Set Clear Objectives: Define diagrams, and videos can help clear, achievable objectives for make complex information more your health teaching sessions. accessible. GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTION IN COMMUNITY HEALTH TEACHING
6. Evaluate and Adapt • Build Capacity: Train local leaders
and volunteers to continue health • Feedback: Collect feedback from education efforts, ensuring that participants to understand what the impact is sustained over time. worked well and what could be improved. Use this feedback to adapt and improve future References: sessions. 1. Centers for Disease Control and • Measure Outcomes: Evaluate the Prevention. (2020). Community health effectiveness of your teaching by assessment and health improvement measuring changes in knowledge, planning. Retrieved from attitudes, and behaviors. This can teway/cha/plan.html help demonstrate the impact of your efforts. 2. World Health Organization. (2017). Health promotion and 7. Address Barriers community participation. Retrieved from • Accessibility: Ensure that your topics/health-promotion teaching sessions are accessible 3. National Institutes of Health. to all community members, (2018). Cultural respect. Retrieved including those with disabilities or from limited literacy skills. nih/nih-office-director/office- communications-public-liaison/clear- • Overcome Resistance: Be communication/cultural-respect prepared to address resistance or 4. U.S. Department of Health and Human skepticism. Provide evidence- Services. (2019). Health literacy in based information and be patient healthy people 2030. Retrieved in addressing concerns. from people/healthy-people-2030/health- 8. Promote Sustainability literacy-healthy-people-2030
• Empower the Community: 5. American Public Health Association.
Empower community members to (2015). Community health workers. Retrieved take charge of their health by from providing them with the knowledge communities/member- and tools they need to make sections/community-health-worker. informed decisions.