Notes on Arthritis
Notes on Arthritis
Notes on Arthritis
Is an oedematous thickened hyperplastic
synovium infiltrated by lymphocytes T
and B, plasmocytes, macrophages, and
It will gradually erode bare areas initially,
followed by the articular cartilage.
Goes on to causes fibrous ankylosis which
eventually ossifies.
The overall prevalence is 0.5-1% and the
disease is 2-3 times more common in
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic
autoimmune disease characterized by
Onset is generally in adulthood, peaking
inflammatory arthritis and extra-articular
in the 4th and 5th decades. The
involvement. RA with symptom duration of
paediatric condition, Juvenile Idiopathic
fewer than six months is defined as early, and
Arthritis (JIA), is discussed separately
when the symptoms have been present for more
than months, it is defined as established.
Risk Factors
There is no laboratory test that is pathognomonic
for rheumatoid arthritis. The treatment of patients Include:
with rheumatoid arthritis requires both
pharmacological and non-pharmacological agents. Increased prevalence of RA within families
Today, the standard of care is early treatment resulting from the interaction between
with disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs [ patients genotype and environment.
Increases risk: Female sex; occupational
dust (silica); air pollution; high sodium
red and iron consumption; low vitamin D
Etiology and Pathology intake and levels; Smoking (seropositive
Etiology is unknown (probably multifactorial). RA); Obesity; Low socioeconomic status
It is generally considered that Deceased risk: fish and omega 3 fatty
a genetic predisposition (e.g. HLA-DR B1 which is the acid consumption; moderate alcohol
most common allele of HLA-DR4 involved in intake; healthy diet; oral
rheumatoid arthritis) and an environmental trigger
contraceptive/HRT; statin use.
(e.g. Epstein-Barr virus postulated as a possible
antigen, but not proven) lead to
an autoimmune response that is directed Characteristics/Clinical Presentation
against synovial structures and other organs. In rheumatoid arthritis, joint complaints
are in the foreground.
Activation and accumulation of CD4 T cells in the The most common clinical presentation of
synovium start a cascade of inflammatory RA is Polyarthritis of small joints of hands:
responses which result in: proximal interphalangeal (PIP),
activation of the macrophages and synovial cells and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints and
production of cytokines (eg L4 and TNF,) which in wrist. Some patients may present with
turn cause proliferation of the synovial cells and
increase the production of destructive enzymes (eg
monoarticular joint involvement. RA Hand
elastase and collagenase) by macrophages Commonly joint involvement occurs
activating B cell lymphocytes to produce insidiously over a period of months,
various antibodies (including rheumatoid factor) however, in some cases, joint
which makes immune complexes that deposit in involvement may occur over weeks or
different tissues and contribute to further injury overnight.
Other commonly affected joints include
wrist, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees,