Lestrange Global Humility Free E-book

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1. The Mystery of the Backward Kingdom

2. The Wait Test
3. Humility Is a Must
4. Closing & Decrees

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,
Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used
by permission. (www.Lockman.org)

Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMPC), Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964,
1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)

Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman
Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)

The Mystery of the Backward Kingdom
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due
time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. — 1 Peter 5:6-7 (KJV)

These verses provide an interesting look at what I often call a backward Kingdom. Think about
it: the Kingdom of God works so contrary to the systems of this world. In the Kingdom, you
humble yourself, and then promotion comes. In the Kingdom, the last become first. In the
Kingdom, you sow, and then God brings the increase.

Let’s dive further into the mystery contained in these verses. The word humble here is the Greek
word tapeinoō. This word is an action word, a verb. It is something that you must consciously
do, not something that happens by accident. It’s something that must be pursued. Many will
pursue favor, advancement, or destiny, but how many intentionally pursue a lifestyle of

The word humble means to bring low, level, to humble, abase, to descend to, or live in, a humble
condition, to humble, depress the pride of, to humble one's self, exhibit humility and contrition,
lower, in point of height, reduce, decrease in size.

Notice that we are instructed to humble ourselves. In other words, it is a lifestyle choice. We
should choose a pathway that causes us to go low when others would tell us to go high. We
should choose an avenue that leads to surrender. Our ability to submit to the will of God,
particularly in a difficult time, is directly connected to our level of humility.

Pride is self-serving, self-seeking and self-promoting, completely self-centered. Pride causes

men and women of destiny to fall. It’s a trap, easily fallen into, as God’s promotion and favor
begins to manifest in your life. Pride will come wrapped in gold, appealing to our senses, but the
wrapping masks the inferior contents of the package.

This verse speaks of proper position as it reveals a powerful key to success and longevity in the
Kingdom. When we humble ourselves by taking a low position and remaining in the place of
obedience, we place ourselves under the hand of God. This gives us a prophetic picture of
protection. If we are under His hand, then we are covered. Think of Psalms 91.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
— Psalm 91:1-2 (KJV)

Dwelling in the place of obedience, intimacy, and surrender creates a divine refuge. We are
covered by His protective hand and the power of hell is defeated. No demonic power can make it
through His shield over our lives. No lie can penetrate the protection. No weapon can prosper.
No betrayal or accusation can survive. The surrendered place is the place of immunity.

There is a second working of God’s power unlocked in the place of humility. Divine promotion
comes to the humble. God promotes those who have passed His test. They have been through the
fire and the flood and remained planted in Him. He raises them up. You can also raise yourself
up through promotion, media, and marketing and achieve a certain level of notoriety through
natural means, but it is fleeting.

Promotion is a test in and of itself. People can become intoxicated with their own success. This is
one of the great dangers of ministerial callings. You have been faithful to the Lord in a
wilderness place, toiling, preaching, teaching, and building, with little breakthrough, when all of
the sudden promotion hits you. How will you respond? Will you keep a good attitude? Will you
remain open to wise counsel? Will you be teachable? These are all valid questions.

My early mentor and spiritual father was a great man. I can remember sitting in a back room
with him during a conference when he said something to me that I have never forgotten. He said,
“Ryan, about every ten years, a new voice will suddenly arise in the body of Christ and become
the next big thing. Most of them fade away because their character could not handle the

The longer that I have been serving God, the more convinced of those words I have become.
Many have risen, only to fall again because they could not pass the test of promotion. They
passed the test of obscurity, but promotion revealed pride that the struggle did not expose. Pride
sets a person up for destruction.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the
— Proverbs 16:18-19 (KJV)

The enemy uses pride to lift a person up in an ungodly way. The plan of the enemy is to create a
painful, public fall. Let’s dig into these verses a little deeper. The Greek word here for
destruction means breaking, fracture, crushing, breach, crash, ruin, and shattering. This is what
pride will create in the life of a person, a stumbling, a fall, a calamity.

This is exactly the warning my mentor had shared with me. People can experience a great
promotion with unusual levels of favor and allow it to affect them in a negative way. They
believe that promotion comes based on their natural talent and ability. The fact is, God raised
them up. They lose sight of the main thing, taking on an attitude of arrogance that becomes both
deceptive and destructive.

The Wait Test
It is in the times of delay, when something that we have been pressing for does not happen, that
we experience the grace of Jesus. It is in these times of waiting that our fleshly ambitions are
crucified and our character developed. We learn from the waiting. We are perfected in the
waiting. We are prepared in the waiting. Seasons of delay can be a great gift. They set us up for
the “yes” that is on the way!

We don’t want to show up at the doorway of God’s “yes” for our life and not be ready. He is
working today behind the scenes to prepare our hearts, our minds, and our emotions for the
promotions that He has in store. He is refining us in the fire for something so special!

Now, let’s look again at our original text.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due
time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. — 1 Peter 5:6-7 (KJV)

The Bible tells us that God will exalt us in due time! Humility and surrender act as catalysts for
promotion. When we truly submit ourselves to the plans of the Father, with no agenda other than
to please Him, He is able to release supernatural promotion into our lives.

The open doors come in due time! The Greek in this passage is the word kairos which speaks of
an utmost time, ripe with potential. Another way to think about it is an ordained time! Submitting
fully to God’s plan, His timing, and His process launches you into a season that is ripe and
pregnant with potential. It releases a wind of favor upon your life that is uncommon.

I have seen time and again in my own life and the life of others choosing what seems like the low
road actually leads to a pathway filled with tremendous opportunity. When you are being asked
to go down a road that is uncomfortable and difficult, it can seem as if you are moving away
from the promise, but you are not. The difference is that you are trusting the Waymaker with
your destiny and not taking matters into your own hands. In this case, when the promotion shows
up, there will be no sorrow with it! It will be a joyful promotion.

I learned a long time ago that when God does a thing, it is filled with His goodness! His joy is on
it. His peace is on it. His favor is on it. It comes in the perfect way and in the perfect timing.

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father
of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. — James 1:17

This is the great difference between birthing in the spirit or in the flesh. When something comes
from God, it comes with a blessing. It is not grievous or burdensome. Far too many believers and
ministers are doing things that look and sound good, yet they are carrying undue burdens. These
are flesh babies! They are things that were born outside of the timing and provision of God.
These are not promotions that came from God.
This may seem like a tough word, but it is a lifesaving truth. We must absolutely crucify our own
ambition to achieve just for the sake of saying we did it! We must learn to come to the place of

real and total surrender. We must come to the place of laying it all on the line and following the
heart of Jesus.

There is no greater key to humility than prayer. Prayer is the force that centers us in the heart and
will of God. It is impossible to come into the presence of the Father daily and not remain
grounded. This was one of the power secrets of Jesus! He sought the Father out on a daily basis.
He did not move without the prompting of the Father. He did not speak without trusting the
Father. His entire life was born out of intimacy and dependence. This is the secret weapon of

O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly;

My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You,
In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
— Psalm 63:1

In this Psalm of David, we see his heart to seek and know God. He was a man of deep prayer and
intimacy. He understood the value of solitude with God. He chose to seek the Lord continually.
This is the pathway for a man or woman who wants to remain planted in obedience. Prayer
serves to recalibrate the heart and get our focus back on the main thing. No matter how heinous
an attack is, just a few moments in the presence of God can refocus the heart and cut through all
the clutter.

Prayer serves as a daily heart check to clean out the junk, allowing the fire of intimacy to purge
our lives of all unnecessary pollution. A consecrated life is one that is set apart and marked as
holy unto the Lord. This is impossible without regular communion with God.

Humility Is a Must


1. In Calling.

It seems like an oxymoron, but people can become so prideful and boastful in the call of God
upon their lives. I have never known of a person who intentionally became haughty in their
calling, yet I have known many who evolved into that as time passed.

They began to take on an “I” mentality instead of a Jesus mentality. A calling is a gift. It is an act
of grace. The talent, insight, and ability comes from God! Sure, the faithfulness of the vessel
plays an important role, but the actual call comes from God alone.

“But you said in your heart,

‘I will ascend to heaven;
I will raise my throne above the stars of God,
And I will sit on the mount of assembly
In the recesses of the north.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’
Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol,
To the recesses of the pit.”
— Isaiah 14:13-15

Lucifer began to separate the calling from the Creator. A call serves the Creator. The Creator
does not serve the call. Pride rose in the heart of Lucifer. Pride is always evidenced by “I.”
Prideful people are self-focused. They are self-serving and self-promoting. They contradict love,
and put their needs and agenda above those of others. Being the primary focus is what makes
them happy.

Five times Lucifer said, “I will.”

“I will ascend into heaven.” He was focused on a high position and exaltation. He wanted to
soar to the highest point! This same mindset can hit people in the Kingdom. They become
obsessed with their own achievements and advancement. God places big dreams and visions in
the hearts of His people, but not at the cost of humility, surrender, and honor. No dream justifies
a breach of protocol or dishonor. Most prideful people in the Kingdom will step on anyone in
order to get where they think they need to be. This is demonic and originates in the kingdom of

“I will exalt my throne.” Lucifer was an exalted cherub, but he wanted to rule over all “the
stars.” He wanted a throne of greater authority to rule and reign. His desire was outside of the
intent of the Lord. This is something that will happen when a lust for power kicks in. People will

strive to be in positions of authority that God has not authorized. It opens the door for all types of

“I will sit upon the mount of congregation.” He desired to be seen and known. He desired to
be the center of attention. Pride empowers attention-seeking demons.

“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.” Lucifer wanted to be at the highest point! He
wanted the glory for himself. True glory carriers focus the attention back on the Lord. They are
confident in who God has called them to be. They have no issue accepting a kind word or
compliment, yet they understand that the purpose of their gift is to point attention back to Jesus.

“I will be like the most High God.” He wanted to occupy God’s place of jurisdiction and
authority. He wanted ultimate rule. This is the result of pride. He wanted no accountability or

We do not want to follow the erroneous pathway of the devil! We must realize that it is God who
has called and appointed us. We must remain humble, submitted, and teachable in the pursuit of
our purpose. Daily prayer and heart check-ups are crucial. Having the right leaders and leaders in
our lives can make all the difference.

2. In Relationships
Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of
others. — Philippians 2:4

Relationships teach us! They teach us about ourselves, our love walk, our strengths, and our
weaknesses. They teach us about our ability to love, support, help, and assist others.
Relationships are a make or break component of our lives. The right relationships can greatly
enhance the plan of God in our lives, while the wrong ones can create huge distractions and
waste large amounts of time.

Choosing the right relationships is a vital part of our spiritual growth and development. One of
the cornerstones of relationships is sacrificial love. You must be able to put the needs of another
before yourself. This is the message encapsulated in the above verse. You cannot be effective in
covenant friendships, family relationships, or marriage while being self-centered.

As I have led people through the years, I have been a part of helping them navigate various
challenges and struggles. One of the hardest and most rewarding journeys has been relationships.
True Kingdom living centers on our ability to connect and do life with others. We have to be
able to forgive, let go, and heal. We have to be able to build up, strengthen, and, at times, say the
difficult things because we love the person involved.

…but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the
head, even Christ. — Ephesians 4:15

There are times when we have to say the things that are hard to say. Many people define love as
a feeling or an attitude, but it is much more than that. It is a commitment. It is a covenant. This
means even correction is handled with a mindset of restoration and relationship. This is a true
expression of humility and surrender.

3. In Worship & Surrender

It is impossible to surrender to God totally without exercising humility. Humility empowers
absolute obedience. When God asks you to do certain things, it may challenge your human
intellect and heart, but your honor of His voice will cause you to modify the path and do what He
is asking.

Worship is an expression of surrender. It is the recognition that there is One far greater than us. It
is the act of giving voice to our deep and desperate need for the Creator. It is the passionate
pursuit of our King.

Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,

My lips will praise You.
So I will bless You as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness,
And my mouth offers praises with joyful lips.
When I remember You on my bed,
I meditate on You in the night watches,
For You have been my help,
And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.
My soul clings to You;
Your right hand upholds me.
— Psalm 63:3-8

Worship is a decision to express our gratitude and appreciation for who God is, and all that He
has done. There is something about bowing before Him that causes every part of our being to
submit and surrender to His Majesty. Worship is a key part of cultivating and maintaining hunger
and honor in our lives.

I am thinking about times when I have visited churches with a religious spirit. I could sense the
pride during worship. People were more concerned with how they looked or the opinions of
others than pursuing God. In those atmospheres, the climate is extremely dry because there is a
lack of wild worship! Wild worship requires deep surrender. Wild worship kills pride. Wild
worship breaks the rules. Wild worship values heavenly encounters at all costs.

I will be more lightly esteemed than this and will be humble in my own eyes, but with the
maids of whom you have spoken, with them I will be distinguished.
Michal the daughter of Saul had no child to the day of her death. — 2 Samuel 6:22-23

David worshipped God with no fear or shame! His wife, Michal, was appalled at his lack of
dignity as they brought the ark of God back home. She confronted him about his wild dancing
and reckless abandon. These verses were his answer to her disapproval. He was going to become
even more undignified. He simply did not care about man’s opinion because he was far too
thankful for all that the Lord had done.

He said that he was humble in his own eyes! His humility fueled his passion-filled pursuit.
Michal opposed His worship and never bore David any children. She did not bear fruit because
of her stiff-necked attitude. She did not enjoy the glory of God or experience His power. She was
a voice of opposition to the move of God. There are those who stand in the way and miss the
move. The humble ones are right in the middle of God’s plan.

4. In Words
Pride manifests in many ways, but one is in our words. Earlier we looked at the five “I wills” of
the devil. He kept talking about himself, his power, his position. I want to be clear that there is a
huge difference between knowing your purpose with confidence in God’s anointing to fulfill that
destiny, or demonstrating pride. When pride manifests, it is filled with personal ambition and
fleshy desire.

In the fool's own mouth is a rod [to shame] his pride, but the wise men's lips preserve
them. — Proverbs 14:3 (AMPC)

The mouth of the fool is filled with pride! The bottom line is this: words reveal what is in a
person. A prideful person does not build others up with their words. A prideful person boasts in
their own achievements and desires.

Boast no more so very proudly,

Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth;
For the Lord is a God of knowledge,
And with Him actions are weighed.
— 1 Samuel 2:3

Our words carry great power in the realm of the spirit. Our tongues are creative instruments. God
uses our words to create, establish, and build in the realm of the spirit.

Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will
know how you should respond to each person. — Colossians 4:6

When our mouths are filled with grace, they minister strength and edification. The prophetic
anointing builds.

But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation.
— 1 Corinthians 14: 3

Prophecy is a critical building block in the realm of the spirit. When we speak what heaven says,
we are releasing words that contain spirit and life. When the church receives and moves in a
prophetic anointing, God’s Kingdom and His people are built. This is one of the reasons I am a
constant advocate of prophets, prophetic ministry, prophetic worship, and prophetic churches or
hubs. The prophetic anointing in a corporate atmosphere unlocks the mind and wisdom of God.
On a personal level, when we are released from anger, bitterness, and pride, we surrender our
tongues to the Father, and His words of strength and comfort flow freely from us.

My heart overflows with a good theme;

I address my verses to the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
— Psalm 45:1

5. In Wisdom
Now concerning things sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge.
Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies. — 1 Corinthians 8:1

The Greek word here for arrogant is translated in the King James as puffed up. It is the word
fusioo and means: to inflate, puff up; to cause to swell up, to inflate with pride and vanity, to be
inflated with pride, to be proud, vain, arrogant.

We are living in a day where there is unlimited access to knowledge. We can get facts and
information at any time of the day or night from a device in the palm of our hands. Our travel
opportunities are unlimited as we have become a global society. This unprecedented access to
information has fueled our hunger and appreciation for research, study, and information.

The church has become hungry for knowledge and insight. People are writing books, eBooks,
teaching, training, and mentoring in every way possible. In many ways, the church in the
Western world has become very knowledge-driven and we celebrate that. We are having to press
and reform to create a greater hunger for the supernatural and to celebrate demonstration.

In many cases, when a man or women has a lot of knowledge in any matter, they can become
puffed up. What should have been used as a tool becomes a wedge. I am thinking of the people
that I have known who use their theology as a battering ram to tear down brothers and sisters in
Christ who may not hold their same view. This is the behavior of a puffed-up person.

Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge. Sound wisdom provides answers and solutions. Most
wise people are prosperous because they are problem solvers. Solutions carry economy! Great
businesses solve problems for people and charge a fee for the solution.

In the Bible, prophets carried wealth mantles and gained tremendous influence because of their
insight and wisdom. Joseph was sold as a slave, yet swiftly advanced to the highest point of
leadership in a nation due to the unusual insight and prophetic wisdom he carried. His brothers
were the ones who turned against him and sent him into a life of slavery.

As he is exalted, his brothers reappear. What will he do? How will he handle their return to his
life? The tables have turned and now he has power over them because of the wisdom that he

Then his brothers also came and fell down before him and said, “Behold, we are your
But Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in God’s place?
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about
this present result, to preserve many people alive.
So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” So he
comforted them and spoke kindly to them.
— Genesis 50:18-21

Joseph was not puffed up. He restored his brothers through love and grace. He did not use
wisdom as a wedge but as a tool. This is a prophetic lesson for each of us. We can use the
wisdom of God as a tool to bless and increase others. As we gain insight, strategies, and
solutions, we must maintain a heart of humility and love toward others.

6. In Serving
For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an
opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. — Galatians 5:13

Through love, we are to serve one another. We demonstrate humility by serving. The word serve
means: to be a servant to attend, to furnish or supply with something needed or desired, to
answer the needs of, to contribute or conduce to.

Many times we desire to be heard, to be seen, and to be powerful. This mindset can bleed into
the church. We can easily create a false value system that esteems positions and opportunities as
noble, yet overlooks the basic needs of others. Jesus Himself left the corridors of heaven to come
as a simple man, to bleed and die for the redemption of all mankind.

If we want to examine our calling through the life of Jesus, we can see that His greatest burden
and role was that of a servant. He came to serve a broken and rebellious people. He knew that He
would be rejected and ultimately die for the very people who would humiliate Him. He did it
anyway! His motive was love. This is the foundation of serving.

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,

who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to
be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in
the likeness of men.

Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the

point of death, even death on a cross.
— Philippians 2:5-8

In reality, those who take the lower seat will be greatly rewarded. One of my concerns about the
current culture of ministry is that many seem to be clamoring for the microphone, yet do not
want to serve. Preaching should be serving. Praying should be serving. Prophesying should be
serving. It all amounts to humbling yourself to do what God is saying. There are no little
positions in the Kingdom. There are no unimportant assignments in the Kingdom. If God has
asked you to do it, then it is powerful and of great importance.

Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed
down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be
measured to you in return. — Luke 6:38

Serving comes with rewards! When we obey God, we will experience His blessings upon our
lives. As we have been obedient to what He asked us to do, there is reaping that will come forth.
I believe that God is raising up those who will serve in His house and recognize the great honor
that it is to do even the smallest of things for the Kingdom.

7. In Giving
Now [remember] this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who
sows generously [that blessings may come to others] will also reap generously [and be
Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not
grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one
whose heart is in his gift]. —2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (AMP)

Generosity is an attribute of the Kingdom. God absolutely loves and celebrates the act of
cheerful giving. While I have preached this in churches as it relates to tithing and giving, I
believe it is so much more than that. It is the gifts to our family. It is the donations to a charity. It
is taking those extra minutes that you really didn’t have to listen to someone who needs to share
their struggle with you. It is the act of generosity in general.

God’s joy over expressions of generosity goes far beyond sowing into a building fund. That is
just one part of it. It is much greater. It is the expression of the nature of God Himself. He is a
Giver because giving is an act of love! You can give without love, but you cannot love without

For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One
and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not
perish, but have eternal life. — John 3:16 (AMP)

The act of Jesus’ entry into planet earth was an act of perfect love! He loved us when we were
still rebelling against Him. He loved us when our hearts were far from Him. He loved us when
we knowingly rejected and defamed Him. He loved us when we wrestled with our own humanity
and lustful desires. He loved us when our hearts were far from Him. In all things, He loved us!
He gave Himself with no strings attached because of love.

Many times people give with an expectation. They give gifts in expectation of how the people
will respond. Then they may become hurt or irritated when they do not get the appropriate

When giving in a church or ministry is attached to control, it takes on a form of witchcraft.

People who use their money in an attempt to gain influence or control are operating outside of
humility, being driven by an unclean motive. This type of control must be rejected by the

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the
Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. — James 1:17

Part of the Father’s heart is to bless His children with good and perfect gifts. He loves to impart,
provide, and give to His kids. He takes joy in our success and well-being. When we take on His
nature, we begin to think like Him, looking for ways to bless and support others.

Humility is a secret weapon! It empowers us to live and dwell in a place of unadulterated
surrender. As we rest confidently in the love and provision of the Father, He promotes us. He
brings us to places where the enemy cannot knock us down. He causes us to rise in ordained
times and seasons, to fulfill His will in the earth. While others are striving to gain notoriety,
success, and approval, we can remain tucked away in the place of trusting God. They may think
we are crazy, but they don’t know that while we are traveling the low road, God is preparing us
for amazing and daring adventures in faith. He is going out ahead of us and making a way. He is
carving the road that we will travel upon. He is opening massive doors releasing us into stunning
new seasons.

Father, I thank you that I live surrendered to you, your plans, your will, and your ways.
I decree that I am a humble servant.
I decree that I worship you with a humble spirit.
I decree that I am submitted as Your child.
I trust you.
I trust your voice.
I surrender to your plans.
I surrender to your ways.
I thank you for your will in my life.
I give as a humble child.
I receive massive rewards and breakthroughs as a result of obedience to you.
I am a cheerful giver and have your generous nature.
I give with no strings attached.
I shun the spirit of control and manipulation.
I choose the path of obedience.
I humble myself that you may exalt me.
I do not fight or strive for favor.
Favor is my inheritance.
Favor follows me.
Favor surrounds me.
I live in the midst of your plan for my life.
I give all that I am to you.
I give everything that I have to you.
I yield every dream, every desire, and every plan to you.

Thank you for your humility in my life. Thank you for your path for me. Thank you for your
love and guidance in every area of my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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