A. Preliminary Activity:
Column A. Column B.
B. Discussion
Let's now talk about literary devices. These are certain language strategies
used by authors to produce writing that is readable, engaging, and
memorable. Conversely, figurative language employs many figures of speech
to increase the impact or persuasiveness of the material. Figurative language
enhances the significance of a statement by utilizing devices like oxymoron,
metaphor, and simile.
Let's now discuss the many literary terms and methods, let's start with the
definition of alliteration.
Examples: include how the baseball club went from finishing last to first
place, which was truly a Cinderella story; and how sometimes teachers
require Solomon's wisdom to make decisions.
Examples: No one in the courtroom in the book Holes thinks Stanley Yelnats
is innocent. He tells falsehoods about having committed the crime when he
gets to Camp Green Lake, yet nobody there finds him guilty! He simply isn't
able to prevail.
Onomatopoeia - words that mimic or sound like the acts they describe.
In this, "choice" refers to two or more possibilities, and "only" refers to one
single object, this phrase is an oxymoron that meaning " the best choice."
Cat laughed.
She was over her blue mood as fast as a rain shower in the afternoon.
In this instance, it's not true that someone who says they have "cold feet"
actually has chilly toes. Instead, it indicates that they are anxious about
Cliché - is a term that has become overused to the point of losing its impact
or uniqueness.
The apple and the tree are not too far apart.
C. Duo Activity
We now want you to pick a pair and fetch paper and pen if you truly
comprehend what we have been talking about. Create a meaningful
sentence by incorporating a minimum of five (5) literary devices. You are free
to choose whatever devices you would ever wish to use. You have five
minutes to complete the assignment, after which you will present it to the
group. Do we understand each other?
D. Post Activity
Directions: Using no more than four to five words per example or phrase,
create your own examples to demonstrate each of the following phrases.
1. Simile __________
2. Personification __________
3. Pun __________
4. Onomatopoeia __________
5. Hyperbole __________
6. Alliteration __________
7. Metaphor __________
8. Oxymoron __________
9. Paradox __________