National Power Training Institute: Graduate Engineers Course in
National Power Training Institute: Graduate Engineers Course in
National Power Training Institute: Graduate Engineers Course in
An ISO 9001:2000 & 14001 Certified Organizations (Under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India) South Ambazari Road, Gopal Nagar, Nagpur-440 022 (Maharashtra)
The Principal Director, National Power Training Institute, South Ambazari Road, Opp. VNIT, Gopal Nagar, Nagpur-440 022.
Ph.: 0712-2226176, 2236545,22311478. PROGRAMME DIRECTOR: Pradeep K. Yadav, Deputy Director. Note: All Instructions / Notifications or any further information to the candidates regarding the course shall be displayed on our website
(Under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India) South Ambazari Road, Gopal Nagar, Nagpur-440 022 (Maharashtra)
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HSSC / Dip.In Engg. B.E/ B.Tech. 15. Nationality: ________________. 16. Declaration: I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true & correct to the best of my belief & knowledge. 17. Signature & Date: _____________________________________
ANNEXURE- B CHECKLIST FOR DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED ALONGWITH THE APPLICATION (Attach attested copies of the documents) (Please, tick mark) 1. Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- in favor of NPTI, Nagpur Payable at Nagpur 2. Matriculation certificate indicating date of birth3. HSSC / Diploma in Engineering Certificate4.
B.E./B.Tech.- Degree/ Final Mark Sheet(Indicating Degree Percentage or Marks obtained for award of Degree)
6. Valid caste certificate (For SC/ST/OBC)7. For OBC candidates, Non Creamy Layer certificate Issued after 01/04/2011 in Central Govt. format 8. For Physically Handicap candidates- Valid PH certificate9. For Sponsored candidatea. Attach Sponsorship letter & experience Certificate from employer b. Undertaking/ Declaration as per Annex. C -c. Attested copy of appointment letter in the said organization d. Attested copy of last 12 salary slips e. Attested copy of bank statement for the last one year showing the credit of salary in his bank account duly attested by Manager of Bank 10. Signature: __________________________ 11. Date :______________________________
Please, Note that all claims regarding Age/Degree Percentage/Caste/PH must be supported by valid documentary proof. Incomplete application/application not in the given format will not be accepted. Change of Data / Information shall not be allowed later on, in any case. Application fee is non-refundable.
Format for Submission of Undertaking/ Declaration (On Rs. 10/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper) to be submitted by sponsored candidate for GE Course in O & M of Transmission & Distribution System at NPTI (WR), Nagpur. I........................................................................ (Name of the candidate) s/o_____________________________ (fathers name), Resident of________________ (full permanent address) working at ___________________ (Name of the company) as____________________(designation) having been Sponsored by the aforesaid company for pursuing Graduate Engineers Course in Operation & Maintenance Of Transmission & Distribution System at NPTI, Nagpur hereby solemnly affirm, undertake and declare that : 1. The Deponent is well aware and recognizes the benefit and sponsorship being accorded to him by his Employer Company mentioned above to pursue the course Graduate Engineers Course in Operation & Maintenance Of Transmission & Distribution System at NPTI (WR), Nagpur. 2. That Deponent in recognition of above unconditionally undertakes that under no circumstances he/ she shall volunteer or claim for campus recruitments conducted at the Institute. 3. The deponent shall be bound by the present undertaking without fail and the same is being tendered without any pressure or coercion from the Employer or NPTI Institute.
Deponent (Candidates name & address) In the presence of1. Witness (Full Name & Address)