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The Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA) approach for diesel pump
comprises following steps:

  Hazard Identification: Identification of events that could lead to accidents by

studying the process; examination of layout plan and the PI Diagram.
  Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment is done through consequence analysis to
know the type of damage that any accident could pose on the human beings and
property. Based on the extent of damage, risk mitigation measures are suggested.
In order to manage the hazard, on-site risk management plan is prepared. The
on-site risk management plan is also known as Disaster Management Plan. Off-
site risk management plan is prepared if the consequence analysis predicts the
possibility of risks to people and property present within the damage zone.

1.1.1 Environmental & Public Receptors

The project is located in industrial area. No industry school, hospital, jail, commercial
complex, community center, etc are present within 500 m radius of the project
East – Vacant Land
West – Vacant Land

North – Road
South – Railway Line

1.1.2 Hazard Identification & Consequence Analysis

The approach followed for Risk Analysis Study is in accordance with CPCB document
titled "Environmental Risk Analysis due to Handling and Storage of Hazardous
Chemicals" has been also referred. The hazards were identified by studying the PI
diagram and shown in following Tables.

Table Error! No text of specified style in document..1 Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessment Matrix

S. process Possible Measures to be taken
Precautionary measures
No. Equipment Hazardous if any hazard occurs
Electrical Shock
Earth leakage circuit Workers to be
1. Electrical Panel possible due to
breaker will be installed. provided with PPE’s
Fire alarms and fighting Staff should be
2. Diesel storage. Fire hazard extinguishers will be trained to use fire
kept near shed. extinguishers

3 Fire in coal storage Fire hazard Coal storage yard Water tankers
should be kept moist by water and water pipes with nozzles should be
sprinkling. available at all times.

Consequence analysis: Any accidental fire inside the coal washery premises will be
restricted within the compound wall. It will not escalate beyond the boundary of

Class Explanation Class of Fire Risk Mitigation

Solid–Carbonaceous inflammable Fire involving wood, paper, coal, cloth and
A Water
material other material

Special Electrical fire Dry Chemical Powder or CO2 extinguisher

Table Error! No text of specified style in document..2 Personal Protective Equipment

According To Hazard
Workplace Hazards
Suggested PPE

Safety glasses with side-shields, protective shades, etc.

Hearing protectors (ear plugs or ear muffs)

Eye and face Flying particles, molten metal,


Hearing protection

gases or vapors, light radiation


Head Falling objects, inadequate height Plastic helmets for top and
protection clearance, and overhead power cords side impact protection
Failing or rolling objects, points Safety shoes and boots for protection
objects. Corrosive or hot against moving and failing objects,
liquids liquids and chemicals
Hazardous materials, cuts or Gloves made of rubber or synthetic
lacerations, vibrations, extreme material (Neoprene), leather, steel,
temperatures insulation materials, etc.
Facemasks with appropriate filters for
dust removal and air purification
Respiratory Dust, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, (chemical, mists, vapors and gases).
protection smokes, vapors
Single or multi-gas personal monitors, if

Workplace Hazards Suggested PPE

1.1.3 Hazard Assessment

  Fire in coal yard: Fire can happen if some source of ignition accidently gets in
contact with the coal. The consequence of fire is moderate. Since such incident
takes sufficient time to get widespread, enough response time is available for
plant personnel to get away to safer distance. No on-site risk is involved. Water
sprinklers connected to water reservoir is sufficient to control the fire.
  Fire in fuel oil tank: Due to leakage in pipes or spillage during handling, the
diesel may spill and form a pool. Upon ignition the pool may result in pool fire.
All specifications of OISD will be followed to prevent and control the risk.
Elaborate fire fighting measures consisting of water sprinklers and foam spray,
fire extinguishers will be provided near the oil tank.
  Electrical Shock: It can happen to any personnel due to faulty installation of
electrical devices and equipment or due to poor quality of equipment or poor
O&M practices. Risk could be minimized by adopting all safety codes prescribed
by the BIS. Off-site risk is not involved.

1.1.4 General Risk Mitigation Measures

  All safety and health codes prescribed by the BIS will be implemented through
the Integrated Management System.
  Safety data sheets of the chemicals will be displayed at specific locations (near
the storage and handling areas).
  Following process aspects should be considered: High temperature pressure
alarms, back up indicators, annunciate panel, and process control through PLC,
single loop controls, interlocks, etc.
  Fire hydrants will be located at all convenient points along the major drains
and checked for water availability on regular basis.
  Fire extinguishing equipment, sand buckets, water sprinklers and water hoses
will be provided at all convenient point.
  Fire Fighting System: Effective measures have been considered to minimise
fire hazard. Fire protection is proposed through hydrant and sprinkler system,
designed as per the recommendation of Tariff Advisory Committee of Insurance
Association of India.
  The following areas are mainly susceptible to fire:

Portable or supplied air (fixed

Oxygen deficiency lines).
Onsite rescue equipment
Extreme temperatures, hazardous Insulating clothing, body suits,
materials, biological agents, cutting and aprons etc. of appropriate
laceration materials

  Cable Galleries.
  Electrical switchgear / MCC room.
  Coal handling area, conveyors, transfer points, tunnels and storage yard.
  Transformers and oil drums

i. For containment of fire and preventing it from spreading in cable galleries,

section wise fire barriers with self-closing fire resistant doors will be provided.
ii. The ventilation systems provided in cable galleries will be interlocked with the
fire alarm system, so that in the event of a fire, the ventilation system gets
automatically switched off.
iii. In order to avoid spreading of fire, all cable entries/openings in cable galleries,
tunnels, channels, floors, barriers etc. will be sealed with non-inflammable/ fire
resistant sealing


v. vi.

Fire hydrant points will be provided throughout the premises. Medium velocity spray
system will be provided for protection of transformers, cable galleries, fuel oil and
turbine oil storage tanks and coal conveyor galleries. Water for hydrant, spray and
sprinkler systems will be supplied from the fire water pumps located in fire water pump
house adjacent to cooling water pond. The hydrant system is designed as an ordinary
hazard class. Portable fire extinguishers are provided at strategic locations throughout
the plant. Fire detection and alarm system will be provided to detect fire/smoke in
vulnerable areas of the plant through smoke / heat detectors. Fire, heat, smoke and
hydrocarbon detection alarms will be installed.
For detection and protection of the plant against fire hazard, any one or a combination
of the following systems will protect susceptible areas:

  Hydrant system
  Medium velocity spray system
  Portable fire extinguishers
  Fire alarm system

ix. Following PPE’s are recommended for use by workers (job specific)

1. Self rescue type gas filters (with oxygen cylinder or compressed air)
2. Mechanical filters
3. Fire proximity suits, asbestos aprons or aluminized asbestos suits)
4. Safety helmets
5. Face shields (Asbestos or PVC)
6. Petromax lamp/Torches
7. Axes/hand saw
8. Fire entry suits
9. Fire blankets
10. Gloves (PVC, asbestos, special rubber make)
11. Ropes
12. Ladders

m.Rubber glove (tested upto 25000 volt.)

14. Blanket
15. Rubber sole shoes and gum boots
16. Safety shoes with toe protection
17. Shoes with non-skid soles
18. Safety belt with life line (leather, hard rubber or neoprene)

1.1.5 Fire Protection System

The following Fire Protection system will be provided in the plant.

  Hydrant system covering the entire plant including all important auxiliaries
and buildings. The system will be complete with piping, valves, instrumentation,
hoses, nozzles and hydrants, etc;
  Sprinkler system for cable galleries/vaults/spreader room etc;
  Portable fire extinguishers such as pressurized water type, carbon dioxide
type and

foam type will be located at strategic locations throughout the plant; and

  Modular type carbon dioxide panel injection fire extinguishing system will be
provided in control equipment room, cable space below control room and at
other unmanned

electrical and electronic equipment room.

The following pumps will be provided in the fire protection system. Fire Water

  AC motor driven fire water pumps for hydrant, medium velocity water spray
system and foam system.
  AC motor driven fire water pumps for high velocity water spray system.
  Diesel engine driven pump as stand by for the above.
  AC motor driven pump 1 No. for maintaining pressure.

Suitable number of electric motor driven and diesel engine operated hydrant and
spray pumps with automatic starting will be provided for the above systems. The
fire water pumps will take suction from the fire water reservoir to be created in
the plant area.


1.2.1 Disasters

A disaster is catastrophic situation in which suddenly, people are plunged into

helplessness and suffering and as a result need protection, clothing, shelter,
medical and social care and other necessities of life.

Disasters can be divided into two main groups. The first group includes those
disasters which result from natural phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, cyclones, tropical storms, floods, avalanches, landslides etc. The
second group includes disastrous events occasioned by humans, or by their
impact upon the environment. Examples are industrial accidents, radiation
accidents, factory fires, explosions, escape of toxic gases or chemical substances from an
industrial unit, river pollution, mining or other structural collapses; air, sea, rail and
road transport accidents. These disastrous events can reach catastrophic dimensions in
terms of human loss.

There can be no set criteria for assessing the gravity of a disaster because it depends, to
a large extent, on the physical, economic and social environment in which it occurs.
What would be considered a major disaster in developing country, equipped to cope
with the problems involved, may not mean more than temporary emergency elsewhere.
However, all disasters bring in their wake similar consequences that call for immediate
action, whether at the local, national or international level, for the rescue and relief of
the victims. This includes the search for the dead and injured, medical and social care,
removal of the debris, the provision of temporary shelter for the homeless, food,
clothing and medical supplies and the rapid re- establishment of essential services.

1.2.2 Objectives of Disaster Management of Plan

The Disaster Management Plan is aimed to ensure safety of life, protection of

environment, protection of installation, restoration of production and salvage
operations in this same order of priorities. Effective implementation of Disaster
Management Plan will be ensured by its wide circulation among the staff and workers
and training of the personnel through rehearsals.

The Disaster Management Plan would reflect the probable consequential severity of
undesired event due to deteriorating conditions or through knock on effects. Further
the management should be able to demonstrate that their assessment of the
consequences uses good supporting evidence and based on currently available and
reliable information, incident data from internal and external sources and if necessary
the reports of outside agencies.

To tackle the consequences of a major emergency inside the factory or immediate

vicinity of the factory, a Plan has to be formulated and this emergency plan is called
Disaster Management Plan.

The objective of the Industrial Disaster Management Plan is to make use of the
combined resources of the Plant and the outside services to achieve the following:

 Minimize damage to the property and the environment.  Effect the rescue and
medical treatment of victims.
 Fulfill the needs of relatives.
 Provide authoritative information to news media.

 Secure the safe rehabilitation of affected areas.

 Safeguard other people.
 Initially contain and then ultimately bring the situation under the control.

 Preserve subsequent records and equipment for subsequent enquiry of the cause and
circumstances leading to emergency.
1.2.3 Emergencies
General Emergencies Anticipated
The emergencies that could be envisaged in the Plant are as follows:

 Contamination of food/water.  Sabotage / social disorder.

 Structural failures.
 Slow isolated fires.

Specific Emergencies Anticipated

During the study of risk assessment, the probabilities of occurrence of hazards are
worked out along with the nature of damage. This is the reason why one should study
risk assessment in conjunction with DMP

Emergency Organization

It is recommended to setup an Emergency Organization. A senior executive who has

control over the affairs of the Plant would be heading the Emergency Organization. He
would be designated as Site Controller. In the case of stores, utilities, open areas which
are the not under the control of production heads, executive responsible for
maintenance of utilities would be designated as Incident Controller. All the Incident
Controllers would be reporting to the Site Controller.

Each Incident Controller organizes a team responsible for controlling the incident with
the personnel under his control. Shift in-charge would be the Reporting Officer, who
would report the incident to the Incident Controller.

Emergency Coordinators would be appointed who would undertake the responsibilities

like firefighting, rescue, rehabilitation, transport and support services. For this
purposes, Security in-charge, staff of the Personnel Department/Essential services
would be engaged. All these personnel would be designated as key personnel.

In each shift, electrical supervisor, pump house incharge and other maintenance staff
would be drafted for emergency operations. In the event of Power communication
system failure, some of staff members in the office/Plant offices would be drafted and
their services would be utilised as messengers for quick passing of communications. All
these personnel would be declared as essential personnel.

Emergency Communication

Whosoever notices an emergency situation such as fire, growth of fire, leakage etc.
would inform his immediate superior and Emergency Control Center. The person on
duty in the Emergency Control Centre would appraise the site controller. Site controller
verifies the situation from the Incident Controller of that area or the shift incharge and
takes a decision about implementing on Site Emergency Plan. This would be
communicated to all the Incident Controllers and Emergency Coordinators.
Simultaneously, the emergency warning system would be activated on the instructions
of the Site Controller.
Emergency Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the key personnel are appended below:-

Site Controller

On receiving information about emergency, he would rush to Emergency Control Centre

(ECC) and take the charge of ECC and the situation. He would assess the magnitude of
the situation in consultation with the incident controller and decide:

  Whether affected area needs to be evacuated.

  Whether personnel who are at assembly points need to be evacuated.
  Declares Emergency and orders for operation of emergency siren.
  Organizes announcement by public address system about location of
  Assesses the areas which are likely to be affected, and need to be evacuated or
  Maintains a continuous review of possible development and assesses the

situation to decide whether shutting down of any section or whole of the Plant is


  Directs personnel of rescue, rehabilitation, transport, fire brigade, medical

and other

designated mutual support systems, locally available, for meeting emergencies.

  Controls evacuation of affected areas. If the situation is likely to go out of

control or effects are likely to go beyond the premises of the factory, informs to

Emergency Authority, Police, and Hospital and seeks their intervention and help.

  Informs Inspector of factories, Deputy Chief Inspector of factories, SPCB and


statutory authorities.

  Gives public statement, if necessary.

  Keeps record of chronological events and prepares an investigation report

preserves the evidences.

After managing the emergent situation and binging the normalcy at the work
place, he makes a statement accordingly.
Incident Controller

 Assembles the incident control team.

  Directs operations within the affected areas with the priorities for safety to
personnel, minimizes damage to the plant, property and environment and
minimizes the loss of materials.
  Directs the shutting down and evacuation of Plant and areas likely to be
adversely affected by the emergency.
  Ensures that all-key personnel help is sought.
  Provides advice and information to the Fire and Security officer and the local

Services as and when they arrive.

  Ensures that all non-essential workers/staff of the effected areas evacuated to


appropriate assembly points and the areas are searched for victims, if any

  Understands the need for preservation of evidence so as to facilitate any

enquiry into

the cause and circumstances, which resulted or escalated the emergency.

  Coordinates with emergency services at the site.

  Provides tools and safety equipments to the team members.
  Keeps in touch with the team and advise them regarding the method of
control to be


  Keeps the Site Controller informed continuously about the progress being

Emergency Coordinator - Rescue, Fire Fighting

  Rushes to Emergency Control Centre after knowing about the emergency.

  Helps the Incident Controller in containment of the emergency.
  Ensures fire pumps in operating conditions and instructs pump house
operator to be

ready for any emergency.

  Guides the firefighting crew i.e. Firemen, trained Plant personnel and security
  Organizes shifting the firefighting facilities to the emergency site, if required.
  Takes guidance of the Incident Controller for firefighting as well as assesses
requirements of outside help.

  Arranges the traffic control at the gate and the incident area.
  Directs the security staff to the incident site to take part in the emergency

under his guidance and supervision.

  Evacuates the people in the Plant or in the nearby areas as advised by site
  Searches for any casualties and arranges proper aid for them.
  Assembles search and evacuation team.
  Decides paths for the workers evacuating the site
  Maintains law and order in the area, and if necessary seeks the help of police
and local


  Arranges safety tools/equipments for the members of his team.

Emergency Coordinator-Medical, Mutual Aid, Rehabilitation, Transport and


  The event of failure of electric supply and there by internal telephone, sets up
communication point and establishes contact with the Emergency Control Center
(ECC) in the event of failure of electric supply and communication network.
  Organizes medical treatment to the injured and if necessary, will shift them to
nearby hospitals.
  Mobilizes extra medical help from outside, if necessary
  Keeps a list of qualified first aid providers of the factory and seek their
  Maintains first aid and medical emergency requirements.
  Makes sure that all safety equipments are made available to the emergency
  Assists Site Controller with necessary data and coordinates the emergency
  Assists Site Controller in updating emergency plan.
  Maintains liaison with Civil Administration.
  Ensures availability of canteen facilities and maintenance of rehabilitation
  Remains in liaison with Site Controller / Incident Controller.
  Ensures availability of necessary cash for rescue / rehabilitation and


  Controls rehabilitation of affected areas at the end of emergency.

  Makes available diesel/petrol for transport vehicles engaged in emergency
Emergency Coordinator–Essential Services

  He would assist Site Controller and Incident Controller

  Maintains essential services like Diesel Generator, Water, Fire Water,

Air/Instrument Air, Power Supply for lighting.

  Plans alternate facilities in the event of Power failure, to maintain essential


such as lighting, etc.

  Organizes separate electrical connections for all utilities and during

emergency ensures

that the essential services and utilities are not affected.

  Gives necessary instructions regarding emergency electrical supply, isolation

of certain

sections etc to shift in charges and electricians.

Ensures availability of adequate quantities of protective equipments and other

emergency materials, spares etc.

General Responsibilities of Employees during an Emergency

When an emergency warning is raised, the workers, if they are incharge of any
process equipment, should adopt safe and emergency shut down and attend any
prescribed duty as an essential employee. If no such responsibility has been
assigned, he should adopt a safe course to assembly point and await instructions.
He should not resort to spread panic. On the other hand, he must assist
emergency personnel towards objectives of DMP.

1.2.4 Emergency Facilities Emergency Control Centre

  During the emergency, the office block would function as Emergency Control
Centre. It would have external Telephone & Fax facility. All the Incident
Controllers, Officers, senior personnel would be available there.
  The following information and equipments will be provided at the ECC.
  Intercom, telephone
  Fire suit / gas tight goggles / gloves / helmets
  Factory layout, emergency site plan
  Emergency lamp / torchlight
  Plan indicating locations of hazardous inventories, Plant control room,
sources of

safety equipment, work road plan, assembly points, rescue locations, vulnerable
zones, and escape routes.

  Hazard chart
  Self-contained breathing apparatus
  Hand tools, wind direction, wind velocity indications
  Public Address Megaphone, Hand bell, Telephone directories (Internal and
  Address with telephone numbers of key personnel, Emergency coordinator.
  Important addresses, telephone numbers of experts from outside,

agencies, neighboring industries etc.

  Emergency shut down procedures.

  Nominal roll of employees.

Emergency Power Supply

Plant facilities would be connected to Diesel Generator and would be placed in

auto mode.

Fire Fighting Facilities

First Aid and Fire Fighting equipment suitable for emergency should be
maintained as per statutory requirements/ TAC Regulations. Fire hydrant line
covering major areas would be laid. It would be maintained at 6 kg / sq.cm.

Location of Wind Sock

On the top of production block and on the top of administrative block wind socks
would be installed to indicate direction of wind during emergency period.

Emergency Medical Facilities

Gas masks and general first aid materials for dealing with chemical burns, fire
burns etc. would be maintained in the medical centre as well as in the emergency
control room. Private medical practitioners help would be sought. Government
hospital would be approached for emergency help.

Apart from Plant first aid facilities, external facilities would be augmented. Names of
Medical Personnel, Medical facilities in Raniganj would be prepared and updated.
Necessary specific medicines for emergency treatment of burnt patients and for those
affected by toxicity would

be maintained.
Breathing apparatus and other emergency medical equipment would be provided and
maintained. The help of nearby industrial managements in this regard would also be
taken on mutual support basis.

1.2.5 Emergency Actions Emergency Warning

Communication of emergency would be made familiar to the personnel inside the plant
and people outside. An emergency warning system would be established.

Emergency Shutdown

There are number of facilities which can be provided to help in dealing with hazardous
conditions. The suggested arrangements are

 Stop feed
 Deluge contents  Remove heat
 Transfer contents

Methods of removing additional heat include removal by the normal cooling

arrangements or by the use of an emergency cooling system. Cooling facilities which
vaporizes liquid may be particularly effective, since a big increase in vaporization can be
obtained by reducing pressure.

Evacuation of Personnel

The area would have adequate number of exits and staircases. In the event of an
emergency, unrelated personnel have to escape to assembly point. Operators have to
take emergency shutdown procedure and escape. Time office maintains a copy of
deployment of employees in each shift at Emergency Communication Centre. If
necessary, persons can be evacuated by rescue teams.

All Clear Signal

At the end of emergency, after discussing with Incident Controllers and Emergency
Coordinators, the site controller orders an all clear signal.


Anticipated Occupational & Safety Hazards

 Heat Stress (people working near furnaces, kilns and roller tables)

 Dust Exposure & respiratory problems (Silica & Fe bearing dust)

 Noise induced hearing loss (people working near turbines, compressors, mills) 
Burn injury
 Body injury

The health of workers can be protected by adopting the following measures:

  Relaxation facilities to workers in working in furnace are in separate rooms
with good
  ventilation & air circulation. This will help in relieving of thermal stress.
  Good Housekeeping practices
  Good ventilation & exhaust system
  Enforcement of usage of Personal Protective Devices.
  Rotation of employees in specific areas to avoid continuous exposure.
  Earplugs will be provided to employees working in noise prone areas such as
  Periodic monitoring of noise levels Fugitive emissions, emissions from stack,

suppression system, etc.

Frequency of Periodical Examination

 For employees <30 Years, once in five years  Between 31-50 Years, once in
four years
 Between 41-50 Years, once in two years
 Above >50 years, once a year

Personal Protective Devices and Measures

 Industrial Safety helmets

 Fall arrestor
 Safety nets (for fall protection)
 Crash helmets
 Face shield with replacement acrylic vision
 Safety goggles
 Welders equipment for eye and face protection  Ear plugs
 Canister gas masks
 Welding face shield
 Welding hand sleeve
 Self contained breathing apparatus
 Leather apron
 Safety belt / line man's safety belt
 Leather hand gloves
 Asbestos hand gloves

 Industrial safety shoes with steel toe

 Electrical safety shoes without steel toe and gum boots  Protective clothing etc.

Plan of pre-placement and periodical health status of workers

Pre-employment check up is mandatory and following tests are being conducted and
will be continued:

 Chest x rays
 Audiometry
 Spirometry
 Vision testing (Far & Near vision, color vision and any other ocular defect)  ECG

 Haemogram (examination of the blood)  Urine (Routine and Microscopic)

 Complete physical examination
 Musculo-skeletal disorders (MSD)

 Backache  Joint Pain  Fatigue,.

Medical records of each employee will be maintained separately and updated. Age, sex
wise, department wise data on the above parameters will be maintained. Annual health
report will be published.

List of equipment for Occupational Health Monitoring

 Analytical Pan Balance
 Dust Sampling devices
 Heat stress monitoring device (Personal)  Thermometer
 Noise Monitoring device
 Spiro meter
 Audiometric device
 Vision screener

Occupational health check-up will be outsourced by third party. However, ambulance

facility will be provided within the plant.


Safety of both men and materials during construction and operation phases is of
concern. The preparedness of an industry for the occurrence of possible disasters is
known as emergency

plan. The disaster in industry is possible due to collapse of structures and fire /
explosion etc. The details of fire fighting equipments to be installed are given below:-

 Carbon dioxide  Foam type

 Soda acid type  Fire buckets
 Fire hydrants

Keeping in view the safety requirement during construction, operation and

maintenance phases, M/s. R.K. Transport & Constructions Ltd., has formulated safety
policy with the following regulations.

  To take steps to ensure that all known safety factors are taken into account in
the design, construction, operation and maintenance of plants, machinery and
  To allocate sufficient resources to maintain safe and healthy conditions of
  To ensure that adequate safety instructions are given to all employees.
  To provide wherever necessary protective equipment, safety appliances and
clothing to

ensure their proper use.

  To inform employees about materials, equipment or processes used in their

work which

are known to be potentially hazardous to health and safety

  To keep all operations and methods of work under regular review for making

changes from the safety point of view in the light of experience and up to date


  To provide appropriate facilities for first aid and prompt treatment of injuries

illness at work.

  To provide appropriate instructions, training and supervision to employee’s

health and

safety, first aid and to ensure that adequate publicity is given to these matters.

  To ensure proper implementation of fire preventive methods and an

appropriate fire

fighting service along with training facilities for personnel involved in this

  To publish / notify regulations, instructions and notices in the common

language of


  To prepare separate safety rules for each type of process involved.

  To ensure regular safety inspection by a competent person at suitable
intervals of all

buildings, equipment, work places and operations.

1.4.1 Safety Organization

Construction and Erection Phase

A qualified and experienced safety officer will be appointed. The responsibilities of the
safety officers include identification of the hazardous conditions and unsafe acts of
workers and

advise on corrective actions, conduct safety audit, organize training programmes and
provide professional expert advice on various issues related to occupational safety and

In addition to employment of safety officer, every contractor, having more than 70

workers with him, should also employ one safety officer to ensure safety of the workers
in accordance with the conditions of the contract.

Operation & Maintenance Phase

When the construction is completed, the posting of safety officers should be in

accordance with the requirement of Factories Act and their duties and responsibilities
should be as defined thereof.

Safety Circle

In order to fully develop the capabilities of the employees in identification of hazardous

processes and improving safety and health, safety circles would be constituted in each
area of work. The circle would consist of 3-5 employees from that area. The circle
normally should meet for about an hour every week.

Safety Training

Safety training to selected employees will be provided at Vocational training centres/

Safety training institutes recognised by the Government. In coal washery plant, Safety
training will be provided by the safety officers with the assistance of faculty members
called from professional safety institutions and universities. In addition to regular
employees, limited contractor labors will also be given safety training to create safety
awareness. Safety films will be shown to workers and leaflets etc. will be distributed.


S.N o.


Impact Predicted Impacts

Parameter Positive Negative

 Reliable and dependable type of fire detection system with proper zoning and
interlocks for alarms are effective protection methods for conveyor galleries.
 Housekeeping of high standard, helps in eliminating the causes of fire and regular Fire
watching system strengthens fire prevention and fire fighting.
 No displacement of people or
Human habitations would occur, as the
1 Nil
Settlement proposed land area is vacant land and
diverted for industrial use
  No loss of existing
livelihoods. Direct or indirect is
expected to occur.
A moderate influx of people in
  Additional non-agricultural
2 Livelihoods project construction and
livelihood opportunities are
operation phases.
expected both directly and as

 Employment of about 75 nos.

comprising of skilled, semi-skilled and
unskilled workers, during operation of
expansion project.

Indirect employment to about 50

Employmen t
3 nos. during construction as a Nil
sequeltoincome multiple effect and
induced growth during construction &
operation phases of the project.

Majority of them will be local women

and youth.
 Improvement of money incomes of
Incomes and locals engaged in tertiary businesses
4 Nil
Revenue by an average 10 % through induced
  The population levels of the
neighboring villages are not
likely to change in any
significant manner.
  The lifestyles of people are
expected to improve in tune
with the rise in incomes and
5 improvement in infrastructure Nil
  The skill sets of the local
residents are expected to
improve in keeping with the
emerging employment

6 Community Health of people residing in all the If Emission Control Systems are
Health three impact zones is not likely to be not operated & proper dust
impacted adversely considering the suppression systems not
nature of emissions and the state-of- adopted for control of
Particulate emissions from Stack
the-art Emission control systems & Fugitive emissions from Raw
planned. material handling areas, it may
raise community health issues.
 Road and power network in the area
Physical If massive Increase in vehicular
is expected to be strengthened as a
7 Infrastructu traffic may lead to higher
sequel to industrial development
re incidence of road accidents.
If influx of workers from outside
areas then there will be an
increased pressure on water
supply and sanitation in the

during construction phase.

If influx of workers from outside
 Improvement in housing stock areas then there will be an
Social and educational facilities could be increased pressure on residential
8 Infrastructu expected in the long run as accommodation the
re industrialization in the area gains neighbourhood during
construction phase

The project activity will create positive impact on the quality of life of the people living
around the plant due to market multipler effect.

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