Central Africa Power Pool
(SEGESA) Central African
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NE oo
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(S ong
Sao Tome
& Principe
(EMAE) Angola
This report was written by IED under the contract for the mission to provide technical assistance to build the capacities of the Central Africa
Power Pool (CAPP) and based on discussions with people met. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the European Union Delegation
in Congo or of the Permanent Secretariat of the Central Africa Power Pool (CAPP).
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The Central Africa Power Pool (CAPP) now possesses an indispensable planning and
implementation tool for achieving its medium and long term objectives in its Regional
Energy Policy Strategy Paper (REPSP) 2014-2030.
This is the culmination of a decade of study and research on the ways and means
to fulfil its mandate and improve the way it interacts and conducts discussion and
dialogue with sector donors.
We would hereby like to thank the Commission of the European Union for funding the
development of the REPSP as part of the second phase of the European Union’s Technical
Assistance Mission to the CAPP (TAM2) and more generally for its unwavering technical
and financial support to develop power supply interconnections among the CAPP member
states and to provide electricity to the people living in villages along common borders.
The CAPP REPSP, which encompasses technical, legal, institutional and financial provisions
pertaining to the central issue of this specialised agency’s governance, constitutes
the strategic and operational framework for setting the priorities and approaches to
implement regional energy policy through these interconnected systems.
This key document thus marks an important moment in the movement initiated by the
Permanent Secretariat since the creation of the CAPP in 2003, to develop tools and
programmes aiming at the maximisation of joint actions to construct the cross-border
power lines and interconnected grids that make up the indispensable links in the chain
of regional and inter-regional integration, but also to provide an electricity supply
without which no meaningful development would be either economically possible or
Jean-Chrysostome MEKONDONGO
Permanent Secretary of the CAPP
Head of Diplomatic Mission
3 R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
1 Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................11
1.1 Context....................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.5 The Current Situation, ECCAS Member State Regional Infrastructure Extention and the Key Role of the CAPP.... 15
1.6 Regtional Energy Policy - Action Plan and Implementation Strategy ............................................................ 16
2.1.2 Universal Access to Modern Energy Services and Economic and Social Development................................. 20
2.2 The ECCAS Agency Responsible for Energy Policy Development and Implementation: CAPP........................ 21
2.3.1 Justification.................................................................................................................................................... 24
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3.5 The Current Situation of ECCAS Member State Regional Infrastructure Extensions...................................... 44
3.5.1 The Role of the CAPP in Extending Regional Infrastructure in the Medium Term: 2014 - 2019.................... 44
3.5.2 The Role of the CAPP in Establishing the Regional Electricity Market: 2020 - 2030...................................... 48
4.1 Context....................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.2.2 Uncertainty around the Alignment of Transmission Projects and Generating Projects................................ 54
4.2.5 Insufficient Human Resources within the CAPP to Adequately Monitor and Implement Complex Projects like
the PIPs.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
4.4 Overall Recommended Framework for CAPP Operation to Establish the Regional Market............................. 58
5.4 Transition from the Current Situation to the Regional Market Target Situation............................................ 66
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5.4.1 Phase 1: 2014 - 2019..................................................................................................................................... 66
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
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1.1 Context
Regional integration is one of the fundamental objectives underlying the formulation and implementation of Central
African countries’ development policies. This is particularly the case as regards promoting the region’s enormous
energy potential and hence, the substantial development in quantity and quality of power supply for both the
general population and the many industrial projects awaiting development.
It is therefore hardly surprising that the ECCAS vision for 2025 explicitly defines energy as one of the priority sectors
for developing and achieving regional integration. This vision includes strengthening power generating infrastructure
as well as stepping up cross-border electricity trade through the development of grid interconnections. The ultimate
aim of this process is to facilitate the emergence of a reliable regional electricity supply, at competitive prices.
It is to translate this vision into reality that the ten ECCAS member states created the Central Africa Power Pool in
2003, as this institution’s specialised agency responsible for power pooling.
As a specialised agency of the ECCAS, the role of the CAPP as stipulated in its founding texts is to contribute to
building a regional electricity market able to meet the electricity needs of both industry and the people. The CAPP
is thereby responsible for expanding regional infrastructure and for defining the commercial, legal and technical
conditions necessary to encourage investment and power pooling amongst all Central African countries.
To fulfil this mandate, the institutional structure of the CAPP is based on two membership categories: ECCAS member
countries and national power utilities through, respectively, an inter-governmental framework agreement and an
inter-utility agreement.
The highest decision-making body of the ECCAS is the Conference of Heads of State and Government, which meets
at the behest of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the member states. The CAPP sits just below these
ECCAS deliberative structures and is organised in four levels:
nn The Executive Committee, made up of general directors or general secretaries of the Ministries of Energy
nn The Management Committee, which consists of the managing directors or CEOs of the power utilities, whose
meetings are prepared by a committee of experts
With this set-up the technical expertise required to accomplish the missions of the CAPP sits outside the Permanent
Secretariat, within the national power utilities which means that:
nn There is a shortage of technical expertise within the operational structures of the CAPP. This constitutes a major
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disadvantage when it comes to contributing to and/or supervising the development of interconnection projects
which involve, by their very nature, complex technical infrastructure.
nn The Permanent Secretariat is currently completely lacking in the technical expertise that the technical sub-
committees, as yet non-operational, are supposed to provide
This has been corroborated by the analysis of the expected impacts of the Political, Economic, Social, Technological,
Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) factors carried out as part of the process to design and develop the Regional
Energy Policy Strategy Paper (REPSP).
A review of the regional context followed by a review of the national contexts within the ten ECCAS member states
highlights the political commitment within the region to a strong and ambitious regional energy policy. This stated
commitment contrasts starkly however with the considerable delays noted in (i) the physical construction of power
generating and transmission infrastructure and in (ii) the establishment of a regional electricity market.
This is despite the region undertaking several actions to implement its policy since 2005: the formulation of a master
plan, the identification of priority projects, progress in the development of some of these projects, the passing of a
Central African electricity market law, advanced reflection on a power generation operating law etc.
All these actions have led to the development of the REPSP which, between 2014 and 2030, aims to:
ii. Secondly define the strategy for setting up the legal, IT and technical tools to plan, manage and monitor the
future regional electricity market
The REPSP “specifies the strategic framework that will be used to support regional integration of the electricity
market for ECCAS member states and the development of regional infrastructure, power trade and the development
of wide-spread access to a modern, available and affordable power supply”.
Five strategic objectives corresponding to what the institution is seeking to accomplish have been adopted to reach
the ultimate objective:
nn Ultimate objective: To establish a regional market that guarantees a reliable, affordable and environmentally-
friendly power supply to ECCAS member states,
nn Specific Objective 1: To provide assistance for power generating and transmission infrastructure in Central Africa,
nn Specific Objective 2: To develop a legal and regulatory environment conducive to the development of a regional
electricity market in Central Africa,
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nn Specific Objective 4: To establish and interpret technical rules for operating, managing and pricing power trade,
These strategic objectives are fully in line with the mission and mandate accorded by the ECCAS to the CAPP as
regards the 2014-2030 energy policy. They have set their priorities according to an equal weighting of two factors:
nn The urgency of implementing the specific objective in order to achieve the ultimate objective, and
This process gave rise to three levels of priority for the strategic objectives:
iii. “HIGH”
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1.4 Reaching the Ultimate Objective of the REPSP
The results of the ECCAS member states electricity system interconnection feasibility study, carried out in the ten
ECCAS member states date from 2010 and serve as a reference for developing grid interconnections in Central Africa.
The study constitutes the general framework for increasing interconnections and building a regional electricity
In 2004 in Malabo, the ECCAS Council of Ministers officially adopted regional power generating and transmission
infrastructure development as one of the priorities for increasing trade through:
These are at the heart of the development of a regional electricity market. They focus on constructing additional
power generating infrastructure and high-voltage transmission networks which will take advantage of the enormous
hydroelectric potential in the region and will facilitate the distribution of the new supply capacity developed by
member states.
These concern rural projects involving at least two member states. In theory they do not require the construction of
new power generating infrastructure or high-voltage power lines.
1.5 The Current Situation, ECCAS Member State Regional Infrastructure Extension
and the Key Role of the CAPP
The current reality of regional power supply in Central Africa is that the market is still nascent and electricity is not
yet really traded.
This situation has led to the suggestion that regional infrastructure should be extended in two stages:
i. In the short to medium term, from 2014 to 2019, when the priority is mobilising financing. Indeed almost
all the infrastructure required to pool generating capacity and to increase grid interconnections is either in
the design phase or under construction. The analyses carried out highlight that none of the PIP will come
on line until after 2019 and,
ii. In the long-term, from 2020 to 2030, when all the PIP will gradually enter the operating phase. During this
period the conditions for establishing and running a regional market will be met.
The role of the CAPP during both these regional market development stages is absolutely crucial and requires the
specific developments described in this document:
i. From 2014 – 2019, the CAPP must fully assume the role of Programme Manager, and focus on
mobilising the financing required to construct the infrastructure needed to pool power generating capacity
and to increase grid interconnections.
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nn Contributing to improving the regulatory and economic environment to attract private sector
investment, and
nn Preparing to meet the conditions to ensure the technical regulation of regional power trade which
will increase over time.
ii. The period from 2020 to 2030 will be marked by a gradual commissioning of all infrastructure from
2020 to 2024. At this stage, as trade increases, the CAPP Permanent Secretariat will focus on ensuring
the conditions are met to manage and supervise the electricity market. Even if they are still relevant,
considerations relating to infrastructure development will begin to take a back seat during this period as
considerations regarding operational planning for regional market development, setting rates for wheeling
and associated services and the regulation of operators come to the fore.
The overall framework for CAPP operations as it builds a regional market has been reviewed and the suggested
implementation strategy is described and clearly emphasises the need for the CAPP to have the necessary human
and financial resources at its disposal to be able to assume the role of Project Manager on the regional level on
behalf of the member states.
The REPSP concludes with an action plan. The aim of the action plan is to outline a range of activities that act as a
strategic plan the CAPP can implement to cover the two fundamental aspects of the ECCAS energy policy:
nn Play a key role in meeting the conditions for implementing regional infrastructure projects,
nn Lead the harmonious development of the regional market so that it is effective and complies with the objective
of developing cross-border trade and providing industrial investors and the general public with a reliable and
affordable supply of electricity.
To conclude, the CAPP has operated since its creation in 2003 with no real strategic plan. The moment has come for
this institution to get organised so it may fulfil its mandate on the basis of strategic objectives stemming from the
expected results of its activities. This is the scope of the REPSP.
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2 Contexte régional
Regional integration is one of the underlying objectives of the Central African countries’ development policies.
This notion is at the heart of almost all treaties and agreements signed by the countries of one or other of the two
Regional Economic Communities in that area: the Economic Community of Central African States1 (CEEAC), and the
Central African Economic and Monetary Union2 (CAEMU). The visions of the two institutions converge, particularly
as regards promoting the region’s enormous energy potential and hence supplying electricity to the people and the
numerous industrial projects on the drawing board.
The ECCAS strategic vision to 2025 sets electricity as one of the priority areas for developing and implementing
regional integration. The 13th ECCAS Conference of Heads of State and Government held on 30 October 2007
in Brazzaville, Congo, endorsed the fact that this sector will shape to a large degree the effective emergence of a
single Central African market. Thus, Strategic Focus Point 15 of the ECCAS 2025 Strategic Vision Document explicitly
concerns “the building of power generating capacities and the development of grid interconnections”.
In the case of CAEMU, the policy document drafted on the basis of the 2025 Vision: the Regional Economic Programme
(REP 2009-2015) clearly stipulates that regional power is a prerequisite for the economic development of the six
member countries to 2035. In other words, electricity generation constitutes one of the pillars for achieving this
objective and this includes promoting the hydroelectric potential manifest in the objective of an installed capacity
of 25,000MW by 2025.
The objectives of the two regional economic communities thus centre on the promotion of the development and
well-being of the people and their member countries. Harmonising their programmes will help optimise resource
use with a view to establishing a single Central African market.
This harmonisation is all the more crucial in that the ECCAS has been recognised by the deliberative bodies of the
Africa Union (AU) as the reference Regional Economic Community to implement the missions and objectives of the
Abuja Treaty and NEPAD in Central Africa. In other words, the funding attributed to the Programme for Infrastructure
Development in Africa3 (PIDA) doivent transiter par le canal de la CEEAC.
The Protocol on energy cooperation among ECCAS member countries4 thus constitutes the reference for regional
power integration. Under this protocol member countries undertake to cooperate in promoting hydroelectric and
renewable sources of power. In particular, member countries must cooperate to:
n Interconnect their national grids and trade power across borders, and
The six CAEMU countries and Angola, Burundi, D. R. Congo and Sao Tome & Principe.
Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinée Équatoriale, RCA et Tchad.
The priority power projects of the PIDA have been defined and approved by the eight African Regional Economic Communities in a
bottom-up approach (CEN-SAD, COMESA, EAC, CEEAC/ECCAS, CEDEAO/ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC and UMA), to respond to the continent’s
increasing infrastructure needs to 2040. They also serve to drive the objectives of Agenda 2063. The structuring framework that is the PIDA
refers to an African and international “donor community” that are stakeholders in the process (AfDB, EU, IDB and DFID).
Appendix VIII of the Treaty setting up the ECCAS
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In line with this protocol, priority electricity supply programmes and policy will focus on:
Implementation of this vision requires the development of power generating infrastructure, cross-border trade and
grid interconnections. This integrated regional approach to the development of electricity infrastructure will make
it possible to build a large market with competitive prices, rather than the current co-existence of smaller national
markets that more often than not are inefficient.
It is to translate this vision into reality that in 2003 the member states created the Central Africa Power Pool (CAPP).
This specialised agency of the ECCAS is responsible for implementing regional cooperation around power supply.
2.1.2 Universal Access to Modern Energy Services and Economic and Social Development
As in other African regions before it, Central Africa has undertaken the development of a White Paper on a regional
policy for universal access to modern energy services for economic and social development. This document proposes
a joint ECCAS-CAEMU vision of universal access to modern energy services for the people by 2030 with a view to
achieving sustainable economic and human development for Central Africa.
nn Energy security and the development of renewable energies, in particular the promotion of the hydroelectric
The White Paper is currently being approved by the Conference of the Region’s Heads of State and Government.
Implementation of the White Paper will require considerable investment. Nonetheless, the estimated amounts
remain realistic, bearing in mind the region’s resources, the dynamism of its economy and support from donors.
As regards access to energy services provided through electricity, investments required will be around 9.8 million
dollars between 2014 and 2030. In terms of developing new capacity, around 68 billion dollars will be required
during the period 2014 to 2030, of which more than 91% would be for hydro-electric power stations.
Implementation of the White Paper is perfectly in line with the Central African energy policy. The planned intensive
development of power generating infrastructure combined with the development of transmission infrastructure
and grid interconnections participates fully towards the ECCAS objectives around promoting energy potential and
establishing an integrated single market.
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Through the development of regional actions around power supply, the ultimate objective is clearly to respond to
the general public’s and industrial operators’ demand for a reliable and affordable energy supply.
The Action Plan to Promote Energy Access in the six ECCAS member states presented to the Conference of ECCAS Heads
of State in the first quarter of 2006 constitutes another key initiative in terms of increasing public access to energy.
The impact of this plan is primarily felt in peri-urban areas, due to specific infrastructure installed as part of the peri-
urban access programme carried out in the selected beneficiary countries5.
In addition to increasing access in peri-urban areas, this plan was designed as a step in building a community energy
policy, in coordination with the activities entrusted to the CAPP. The member countries involved share borders
and have electricity systems at varying levels of development. These systems are not yet interconnected, with the
exception of a few rare and short cross-border medium or even low voltage power lines.
The Energy Action Plan thus has a Planning section, which principally aims at developing access to electricity services
in border areas which are currently poorly supplied if at all. This objective is to be achieved through “nearby and
appropriate” hydroelectric power sites that can provide the areas concerned with a satisfactory power supply.
The Planning section complements the “peri-urban access” section. It highlights projects which demonstrate the
shared commitment by member countries to think about energy sector development from a regional standpoint.
Among the projects identified, some are structuring for the region because they propose to develop a transmission
network with the possibility of providing a medium voltage power supply to many hitherto unconnected areas or
areas lacking in services due to their remote location. Others are more typical cross-border projects, involving the
pooling of generating capacity to supply a clearly defined border area.
2.2 The ECCAS Agency Responsible for Energy Policy Development and Implementation:
Within the ECCAS, the general objective is to develop existing potential and create a regional electricity market. A
specialised regional agency, the Central Africa Power Pool has been created to this end.
As the specialised agency of the ECCAS, the role of the CAPP as stipulated in its founding texts is to contribute to
building a regional electricity market able to meet the electricity needs of both industry and the general public. To
do this, there must be a reliable, affordable and environmentally-friendly power supply that supports the economic
and social development of the region.
The successive CAPP action plans are aligned with NEPAD’s priority action projects in the context of Central Africa.
They focus on two key aspects:
Cameroon, CAR, Congo, Gabon and Chad.
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The 12th Conference of ECCAS Heads of State and Government decided in January 2005 to make the CAPP an
autonomous specialised Community agency. The CAPP is thus responsible for:
Unlike most of the other cooperative institutions of the sub-region, the CAPP has the particularity of having two
types of members: the ECCAS member states and the national power utilities on the basis of, respectively, an
intergovernmental framework agreement and an inter-utility agreement.
The highest decision-making body of the ECCAS is the Conference of Heads of State and Government, which meets
at the behest of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the member states. The CAPP sits just below these
ECCAS deliberative bodies and is organised in four levels:
nn The Executive Committee, made up of general directors or general secretaries of the Ministries of Energy
nn The Management Committee, which consists of the managing directors or CEOs of the power utilities, whose
meetings are prepared by a committee of experts
Eventually, the organogram allows for the creation of the Regional Commission for Electricity Regulation in Central
Africa (French acronym CORREAC), and a conciliation commission that both the Executive Committee and the
Management Committee will attend respectively.
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Figure 1 : CAPP Organogram
(Ministers for Energy)
(Director General and/or Secretary
General of Public Energy Authorities)
(CEO and MD of power utilities)
(Experts from power utilities)
(Experts from power utilities) SUB-COMMITTEE
(Experts from power utilities)
nn the technical expertise required to accomplish the missions of the CAPP is outside the Permanent Secretariat,
within the national power utilities and in particular,
nn with the exception of the planning sub-committee, no technical sub-committee or body is currently operational.
nn There is a shortage of technical expertise within the operational structures of the CAPP. This constitutes a major
disadvantage when it comes to contributing to and/or supervising the development of interconnection projects
which involve, by their very nature, complex technical infrastructure,
nn The Permanent Secretariat is currently completely lacking in the technical expertise that the technical sub-
committees, as yet non-operational, are supposed to provide. The Permanent Secretariat therefore cannot play
its role as defined by the theoretical institutional framework. Indeed, to do so it would need to provide technical
expertise to retain its position of consolidating contributions from the technical bodies and providing the interface
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Due to the lack of technical committees and bodies, the Permanent Secretariat looks even more like the centre
piece of the CAPP operational structure.
2.3.1 Justification
Before developing and implementing a strategic plan an external analysis of the expected impacts of Political,
Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) factors must be carried out. This evaluation of the
various environmental aspects helps to identify potential changes to be recommended to maximise opportunities
and minimise threats. Such a strategic analysis is akin to gaining a “cross-section” view of the situation and to
understand the long-term issues.
It is worth identifying the factors that have an influence on the external environment of the CAPP, but which are not
directly controlled by it. This identification is based on a literature review and interviews carried out both within the
CAPP headquarters and during field missions carried out in the member states.
The PESTLE analysis is a very useful tool for giving an overall view of the environment in which an organisation is operating. In particular
it highlights the risks associated with market progression. It is also useful for understanding the external context that impacts the internal
context of an organisation.
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“Political” Factor Impact on the CAPP
Limited political influence to accelerate ratification The CAPP was created in 2003, at the initiative of
of inter-country protocols on sharing power the Association of Power Utilities in Africa (APUA)7,
generating infrastructure and developing grid as an Economic Community of Central African States
interconnections. (ECCAS) agency in charge of developing member
states’ power supply systems.
Considerable pressure from outside the ECCAS to CAPP priority projects should take this “export”
promote Central Africa’s hydroelectric potential in vision into account alongside the increase in grid
the search for renewable energy. interconnections amongst ECCAS member states.
Need for the CAPP to take these directives into
Imperative for this region to adopt operational
account and to disseminate them as widely as
environmental and social directives so as not to
delay the development of priority projects.
APUA corresponds to the former Union of Producers, Transporters and Distributors of Electric Power in Africa (UPDEA)
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Regulatory, legal and pricing obstacles mean One of the most important issues for the CAPP is
currently only public projects exist. At the present to manage to assume its position as facilitator in
time there are no public-private-partnership (PPP) mobilising funding on behalf of the member states
projects and no private investment at all. for infrastructure projects over which the majority of
the governments wish to retain direct control.
Very high demand of industries and people in The transformation of the immense hydroelectric
Central Africa for abundant, reliable and affordable potential of the region into electricity, thus extending
power supply coverage, access and supply represents the major
challenge of the mission entrusted to the CAPP by the
ECCAS Heads of State and Government.
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“Technical” Factor Impact on the CAPP
Of all the African power pools, Central Africa is the The CAPP, as Project Manager, must play a catalysing
one with the fewest interconnections (3) to date, role in making a marked increase in the opportunities
even if 15 are currently under development. to share power generating infrastructure and in the
development of grid interconnections and cross-
border trade.
Need to harmonise sector legislation and One of the most important issues for the CAPP is to
implement it. manage to assume its position as Project Manager, to
coordinate the harmonisation of national legislation
Need to improve the legal/contractual agreements
and standardisation of agreements required for
between countries (e.g. balance between supply
regional market operation.
and demand).
• Challenge for the CAPP to harmonise and
Differences in regulatory approaches between
standardise different legislative systems of CAPP
member countries.
Interconnection agreements being prepared.
• Key role for the CAPP in regulating these legal/
The majority of member countries do not allow contractual agreements.
third party access to grids
• Role for the CAPP in reconciling differences and
lobbying for harmonisation
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3 Why a Regional Energy Policy Strategy?
Examination of the regional context and the subsequent review of the national context in each of the ten ECCAS
member states highlight the political commitment within the region to a strong and ambitious regional energy policy.
This stated commitment contrasts starkly however with the considerable delays noted in the physical construction of
regional power generating and transmission infrastructure and in the establishment of a regional electricity market.
This is despite the region undertaking since 2005 several structuring actions to implement its policy: the formulation
of a master plan, the identification of priority projects, progress in the development of some of these projects, the
passing of a Central African Electricity Market law, advanced reflection on a power generation operating law etc.
However, due to a lack of continuity in actions taken, the initial plans of the Region have fallen well behind those of
the other Regional Economic Communities and their Power Pools.
Based on existing Regional structures and actions already underway, in particular the Priority Investment Programme
(PIP) resulting from the regional planning study, the Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper (REPSP) aims:
i. Firstly to identify the actions required to establish a regional electricity market. It defines a development
strategy which sets forth the responsibilities of the regional, national and international stakeholders. The
REPSP also establishes an implementation timetable that highlights the inter-dependency among activities
and the resources required to carry them out.
ii. Secondly to define the strategy for developing the legal, IT and technical tools to plan, manage and monitor
the future regional electricity market. This other aspect is based on a SWOT analysis of the investments to
be finalised for developing grid interconnections.
As stipulated in the CAPP founding texts, it is responsible for establishing a regional market that is able to meet the
electricity needs of both the people and industrial operators. As a result, the institution must play a catalysing role
in cross-border power trade in the region, with the REPSP as the instrument for achieving the power pool’s medium
and long-term goals.
The strategy timeframe is 2014-2030. During this period the CAPP will set the priorities for establishing Central
Africa’s regional electricity market as one of the key elements for the region’s economic and social development.
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i. From 2014 to 2019, when the CAPP will work to lay the foundations for the regional electricity market by
focusing specifically on the development of power generating infrastructure and, in particular, transmission
grids. This is a prerequisite for setting up an institutional and regulatory framework,
ii. From 2020 to 2030, when the market will be set up and come into operation on the basis of the foundations
laid during the first stage.
Analyses carried out prior to developing the strategy demonstrate that the activities proposed are all focused on
the effectiveness of the power pool’s governance framework (CAPP Permanent Secretariat and its sub-committees),
that is to say the CAPP’s capacity to assist member states in the regional integration process.
In the terms of reference for this activity, it is specified that the REPSP must “define the strategic framework to
support regional integration of ECCAS member states’ electricity market, to develop regional power infrastructure
and trade, and to increase public access to a modern, abundant and affordable electricity supply”.
a. The master plan study for developing an electricity market in Central Africa (2005-2015), and
It should be noted that the REPSP is not intended to replace these two documents. Rather it offers a clear path to
establishing the regional market by prioritising the investments required.
The proposals and recommendations made are aligned with the two existing Central Africa regional electricity
market documents:
The strategic objectives correspond to what the institution seeks to achieve over the stated timeframe: 2014-2030.
These objectives are fully aligned with the mission and the mandate that the ECCAS has attributed to the CAPP as
regards energy policy.
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3.2.1 Ultimate Objective
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3.3 Prioritisation of Strategic Objectives
As regards strategic planning, there are various methods for prioritising the strategic objectives. Some of these
methods are relatively complex because they involve multiple criteria or factors, meaning that for each objective
several factors need to be taken into account, for instance:
nn etc.
These methods present two difficulties as regards their application. Firstly, they require a quantitative “score” to
be attributed to each of the factors which are usually qualitative and secondly, all the factors must be able to be
weighted. Finally, to a large extent this type of evaluation is subjective.
Therefore, we decided to propose an approach which, although a considerable degree of subjectivity remains, has
the merit of being simple. This approach is based on two main factors: urgency and importance. These factors are
completely relevant for the CAPP, as certain objectives must be met before others. Thus we consider them to be
more “important” than others, as they are prerequisites for the implementation of the overall process.
The two factors that serve as the basis for prioritising the strategic objectives are thus:
nn The urgency of implementing the specific objective in order to achieve the ultimate objective, and
By giving each of these two factors an identical weighting, it is possible to establish three levels of priority: “Critical”,
“Very High” and “High”:
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This constitutes the basis for the approach used to attribute a degree of importance to each objective from “High”
to “Critical” and similarly a degree of urgency. The results were then plotted on a matrix to prioritise the strategic
objectives. This matrix is the foundation of the REPSP Action Plan.
Objective 1 : To provide assistance for power generating and transmission infrastructure in Central
Africa (PIP, CBEP and all other integrational projects)
Objective 2 : To facilitate institutional capacity building and skills consolidation to supervise and
manage the regional electricity market
Objective 3 : To develop a legal and regulatory environment conducive to the development of a
regional electricity market in Central Africa
Objective 4 : To establish trade rules and set up a framework and regional operator responsible for
economic and financial regulation
Objective 5 : To establish and interpret technical rules for operating, managing and pricing
cross-border power trade
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3.4 Resources for Achieving the Ultimate Objective of the ECCAS Member Countries’
Energy Policy
The results of this study date from 2010, and now constitute the reference for grid interconnections in Central Africa.
The decision to install grid interconnections dates back to 2002, and the studies themselves began in November
2007, with the aim of:
nn Gathering data on electricity systems in ECCAS countries (demand forecasts, existing infrastructure, existing
master plans, current or planned projects, institutional, legal and regulatory context etc.),
nn Establishing grid interconnection projects amongst the member countries, proposing several variations that
took into account national programmes and suggested ways of optimising and integrating these programmes,
nn Conducting the technical, economic, environmental and institutional feasibility studies and detailed technical
infrastructure design (transmission lines and substations) for the proposed interconnections.
The grid interconnection study was funded by a donation from the African Development Bank, which fully covered
the cost of each of the study phases, from the preliminary study to the detailed design study and the preparation
of tender documents;
On the basis of the data collected in the ten member states regarding demand forecasts, existing equipment, master
plans and current and planned projects, three interconnection options for 2030 were examined.
In the long term: a direct current network associated with the development of INGA and which would support
In the medium term: alongside the planned long term direct current network, set up an interregional
alternating current network (400 kV and 220 kV) with two sub-options:
i. Sub-option 1A: consisting of a “coastal backbone” linking Maquela do Zombo in Angola to Memve’ele
in Cameroon, and going through Pointe Noire in Congo,
nn Option 2 consists in Ultra High Voltage alternating current power lines (800 kV) which can be used for both intra-
regional and inter-regional transmission.
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nn For the coastal backbone Angola - Chad with dual 400 kV AC (apart from the Yaoundé – Ndjamena section,
which will have dual 220 kV AC):
N.B. Along the corridor chosen, a few links are missing for which further studies are underway. These are:
nn The Inga / DRC – Cabinda / Angola - Pointe Noire / Congo line,
The grid interconnection study constitutes the general framework for increasing interconnections and developing
the regional market. However, in 2004 during the CAPP meeting in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) the ECCAS Council of
Ministers set the priorities for regional power generating and transmission infrastructure development. The CAPP
was mandated to work specifically on increasing trade through two complementary components:
These projects are in line with NEPAD priority action projects in Central Africa with:
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3.4.2 Priority Integration Projects – (PIP)
Priority Integration Projects (PIP) are at the heart of regional electricity market development. They involve the
construction of power generating and transmission infrastructure so that electricity can be traded and reliable and
affordable power can be supplied to industrial investors and the general public.
They systematically involve the construction of power generating plants and additional high-voltage transmission
networks to take advantage of the enormous hydroelectric potential of the region. By doing so, the additional
capacity developed by the member states can be sold. The aim is to notably reduce the cost of undistributed power
and diminish unsatisfied demand as a result of the benefits generated by the ensuing economies of scope8.
There are currently 15 PIP9 in various stages of implementation. To give a precise idea of the current state of progress
on each of the 15 infrastructure projects a chart giving an overview of the project stages is provided.
The table below gives an idea of the indicative duration of the different implementation stages of an infrastructure
project and is colour coded to show the current progress of the 15 PIP that the CAPP is responsible for implementing.
Activity Total
Activity / Stage
duration Duration
0 0 Registration on PIP list
6 6 Signing of onter-country protocol
Mobilisation of funding for feasability studies, tender document preparation, call for tender
12 18
12 30 Feasibility and design studies (technical, financial and institutional)
12 42 Validation of the studies, decision by countries to begin construction
12 54 Validation des études, décision des Etats d’engager la réalisation
12 66 Launch of construction, adjudication
36 102 Construction and supervision
12 114 Completion and commissioning
Infrastructure operation
All the PIP projects are listed and positioned in the following table with their implementation durations on a time
scale from 2014 to 2030, which is the time period for our strategic plan.
Power generation costs vary considerably among the countries in the region, therefore significant savings can be made through regional
The list of the 15 PIP projects and their costs are appended.
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N° Intitulé du PIP
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Although all the PIP projects are by definition integratory projects, those chosen are divided into two groups:
nn “Interregional” PIP: these represent the contribution of Central Africa to other regions on the continent. This
involves connections with the sub-regions to the North, South and West of the African continent. The hydroelectric
dam site at Inga in Democratic Republic of Congo constitutes the starting point for the “interregional” PIPs, which
are qualified as “ultra-high-voltage electricity boulevards”. They are intended to supply other power pools, thus
enabling the increased capacity generated thanks to the development of the Inga site in DRC (Inga 3 Low Falls, Inga
3 High Falls, then Inga 4 to Inga 8 in the long term) to be traded.
These projects are characterised by their pan-African impact, by the involvement of stakeholders from
outside the ECCAS region, their scale and the considerable investment required to implement them.
nn “Intraregional” PIP: These concern the intraregional AC (400kV and 220kV) network within the Central Africa
region, connecting ECCAS member countries. They are basically projects focusing on national power generating
infrastructure intended to support regional infrastructure.
nn Chollet hydroelectric power plant and associated transmission lines to Congo and Cameroon ;
nn Connection of the Soyo thermal gas power plant to Inga - Cabinda - Pointe Noire,
Transmission line supplements the Bendera - Kalémie, Uvira - kiliba – Bujumbura line.
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The feasibility studies are completed and the final report was submitted in September 2013, advising the
development of the site in 7 successive phases: Inga 3 Low Falls, Inga 3 High Falls, then Inga 4 to 8 to achieve
a total generating capacity of 42,000MW.
The first phase currently underway concerns Inga 3 Low Falls with an installed capacity of 4,800 MW.
The recommendations at this stage are to manage to sell a minimum of 2,500MW abroad to make the project
bankable. Hence the Great Inga treaty between DRC and the Republic of South Africa, signed in October
2013 which adopts the sale of 2,500 of the 4,800MW generated to South Africa, passing through Zambia and
It is then planned to allocate 1,300MW for sale to mining clients in Katanga. The remaining 1,000MW will be
sold to the SNEL (national electricity utility) for clients on the western DRC grid.
The project is intended to be run as a PPP, with 70% to be financed by private investors and the remaining
30% by the public sector (DRC and its usual donors). The total estimated cost of Inga 3 Low Falls is 12.6 billion
The business model requires the installation, ex nihilo, of a project management authority: the Inga Site
Development and Promotion Agency (French acronym ADEPI). Since its creation in December 2014, this
agency has been responsible for taking over the activities of the current Inga 3 Project Management Unit
(French acronym CGI3).
The entire project is currently supervised by the Ministerial Commission for the Development of the Inga site
(French acronym CODESI).
On the basis of the grid interconnection studies and in order to set up a Central Africa electricity market, it appears
that the 2030 Central Africa Interconnected Power System (French acronym SEIAC), with a view to enabling the free
trade of 14,000 MW is a technically viable ultra-high-voltage system which is fully aligned with the other power
pools on the continent (WAPP and SAPP).
The CAPP’s primary interest is in pooling the enormous hydraulic resources available in Central Africa by 2030, by
optimising intraregional interconnections but without neglecting interregional development. This means a certain
number of constraints as regards investment decisions must be taken into account.
During the SEIAC construction phase, it is essential, to ensure the operability of these electrical systems, to focus on
the reliability of the interconnected systems and the flexibility of the generating means behind them, regardless of
the primary energy source. Both the grid interconnection studies and the master plan highlight the need to carefully
manage the location of static and rotating compensators to ensure the operability of the SEIAC.
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In other words, according absolute priority to the gigantic generating plants means that during the transition phase
between 2020 and 2025, 400kV transmission lines will be used with low loads, leading to problems in terms of
maintaining voltage, stability and thus operability. The need to install compensators, leads to the recommendation,
in terms of priority, that power generating plants be rehabilitated or constructed at even points along the main
North-South Central Africa electrical system interconnection backbone.
The intraregional PIP concerning the development of connections between Angola, Congo, DRC, Gabon and
Cameroon must rehabilitate and/or construct power generation plants at even intervals across all the areas
adjacent to the North-South backbone. This includes both projects linked to the rehabilitation of generating plants
and industrial projects (aluminium refineries, mines etc.) as well as private investment projects that are awaiting a
reliable and affordable electricity supply in the region.
In short, the optimal complementarity between interregional and intraregional PIP leads to the recommendation
that investments be distributed fairly in time and space across central Africa. The reorganisation of the timetable for
key decisions highlights the following investments:
1. Rehabilitation/construction of power generating plants evenly distributed across all members states along
the North-South backbone,
3. Construction of the North-South backbone infrastructure in sections to connect and operate the foregoing
elements to the benefit of regional distribution grids, and
The specific benefits for the region from these 4 elements will facilitate the development of intraregional projects
that make a real contribution to equitable power distribution, for instance:
nn The finalisation of development of Grand Poubara / Gabon, and even equipping the Empress Falls (Gabon), to
benefit Gabon and Congo by adapting the path of the backbone with a hybrid coastal/continental branch,
nn A focus on equipping Warak and Lom Pangar to benefit Cameroon and Chad,
nn A focus on rehabilitating Ruzizi so that the regional needs of eastern DRC and Burundi can be met,
nn A focus on rehabilitating Inga generating means to benefit Kinshasa, Brazzaville and Pointe Noire.
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3.4.4 Cross-Border Electrification Programme Projects (CBEP)
The 15 projects of the Cross-Border Electrification Programme are rural projects involving at least two ECCAS member
countries. They are characterised by the fact that they do not require the construction of new power plants or
high voltage transmission networks. They make use of what already exists, that is to say the surplus of a member
country (A) which supplies a member country (B) through the construction of medium voltage transmission lines.
This option involves unidirectional cross-border power flows and the supply of reliable and affordable electricity to
the recipient populations. This, in itself, will contribute to the local economic development of the area concerned.
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3.5 The Current Situation of ECCAS Member State Regional Infrastructure Extensions
A review of the situation on the ground as regards regional power in Central Africa shows that the “market” is truly
embryonic. The lack of trade is the norm today, the two11 (2) exceptions to this situation are:
nn The interconnection from the RUZIZI II regional power plant between the east of the DRC, Burundi and Rwanda
This situation gives rise to the suggestion that the future extension of regional infrastructure be divided into two
i. A short to medium term stage from 2014 to 2019, which involves mobilising the necessary financing. The
analysis shows that apart from the development of Djibloho (Equatorial Guinea), all the infrastructure
required to pool generating resources and increase interconnections is either in the design stage, or
construction phase as regards Inga 3 Low Falls. In any case, none of the infrastructure of these PIP will be
ready for commissioning until 2019, and
ii. A long-term stage which extends from 2020 to 2030, during which the 15 PIP will successively be
commissioned and begin operations and when all the conditions will be met for setting up and operating
the regional market.
3.5.1 The Role of the CAPP in Extending Regional Infrastructure in the Medium Term: 2014 - 2019
The mission statement for the CAPP during this stage involves implementing effective, win-win partnership
mechanisms among member countries. The priority is to mobilise the financing required to construct the
infrastructure needed to pool generating resources and increase interconnections.
This priority is an absolute prerequisite for the subsequent development of regional power trade within the
To be in a position to fulfil its financing mission, the CAPP Permanent Secretariat must be entrusted with the
role of Project Manager by the member states to develop this infrastructure. It will then be in a position to take
responsibility for:
nn Contributing to the improvement of the regulatory and economic environment to attract the private sector, and
nn Preparing the conditions for the technical regulation of regional trade which will increase over time.
In reality, a third exception could be mentioned that is the transmission line connecting INGA (DRC) and Southern Africa (via Zambia).
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The following table illustrates the above statements. It confirms that all the PIP – with the exception of the
development of Djibloho (Equatorial Guinea) – are still, in this 2014-2019 period, seeking financing to begin
infrastructure construction.
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N° Intitulé du PIP
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Figure 3: National Projects of Member Countries and PIP to 2019
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The period from 2020 to 2030 is characterised by a gradual commissioning of all infrastructure from 2020 to 2024.
At this stage shaped by the increase in trade, the role of the CAPP Permanent Secretariat will focus on meeting the
conditions to implement, manage and supervise the market.
Even if they are still relevant, considerations relating to infrastructure development will begin to take a back seat
during this period, as considerations regarding operational planning for regional market development, pricing of
transmission and associated services and the regulation of operators come to the fore.
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Table 6: Progress on the 15 PIP over the 2020 – 2030 period
N° Intitulé du PIP
Development of Djibloho (Eq. Guinea)
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4.1 Context
The ECCAS member countries have fully recognised the pressing need to take a regional approach to complement
the efforts undertaken by the individual countries. This regional integration approach including a regional market has
the benefit of accelerating optimisation of the enormous power potential in the region. It will help to significantly
increase power generating capacity at competitive prices. Indeed, it is based on the optimal use of hydroelectricity
in the equator region where the rivers have a virtually constant flow rate. This option also has the advantage over
thermal plants of offering an abundant and cheap source of energy. The high voltage transmission lines to be added
to this intensive hydroelectric generating infrastructure will enable cross-border interconnections to be established,
to make the most of the competitive prices.
To date, the lack of cross-border power trade in Central Africa is the norm. The two exceptions are the connection
between Inga (DRC) and Brazzaville (Congo) and the connection between Ruzizi II (DRC) and Bujumbura (Burundi).
There are no other interconnections. They will be developed gradually, with the completion of the PIP beginning in
Initially, the situation will be a scattered market made up of bilateral trade agreements that will gradually come
into force: Maroua (Cameroon) – Ndjamena (Chad) or even Inga (DRC) – Cabinda (Angola) – Pointe Noire (Congo).
Subsequently, and in the long term (2025-2030), it will be possible as the various generating plants are commissioned
and reserves are built up, to begin commercial trading.
The development and pooling of power generating and transmission infrastructure thus constitutes, as has
already been highlighted, a prerequisite for subsequent developments. This means that even if the financing and
infrastructure Project Management activities are not strictly speaking the tasks of a power trade system, the CAPP
Permanent Secretariat has no other choice than to assume responsibility for them to accelerate improvement of
power supply availability. They constitute a prerequisite to building a regional electricity market.
This chapter covers all the findings made and identifies the risks associated with the development of these PIP.
It proposes elements for solutions that form the basis of the selected priority infrastructure project support and
implementation strategy.
Several lessons can be drawn from analysing the current situation of the 15 priority integration projects as regards
their current status. The findings are unequivocal: implementation of the PIP highlights serious hurdles which have
been impeding progress on almost all these projects since 2004.
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4. Operating mode adopted to monitor and implement PIP,
6. Insufficient human resources within the CAPP to adequately monitor and implement complex projects like
the PIPs.
The 15 PIPs have been selected and adopted by the Council of Ministers for Energy, following analysis by the
Management Committee then the Executive Committee during the meetings in 2004 in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea).
The initial step in implementation is the signature of the Inter-country Protocol or Agreement, to officially begin
the projects. However, upon examination of these PIP a real gap emerges between the year the decision was taken
by the Ministers for Energy and the year the protocols were signed by the highest authorities of the countries
concerned. At the present time, that is to say ten years after the decision was made, four of the PIP are still awaiting
signature of the inter-governmental protocol, without which no action can be taken. These are:
This finding indicates that the CAPP bodies, that is to say the Council of Ministers for Energy and the Council of
Ministers for Foreign Affairs that the ECCAS depends on, must come together. Indeed, it is the meeting of the
Council Ministers for Foreign Affairs that precedes the Conference of Heads of State and Government and hence is
the linchpin of intergovernmental protocols.
The CAPP bodies must work to have a stronger influence over the executive authorities. This requires that these CAPP
bodies no longer work solely with energy sector stakeholders as is currently the case. They should be organised such
that they have a direct link with the Conference of Heads of State and Government, because the projects required
to establish and operate a regional electricity market must be adopted directly at the highest regional level. Such
a mechanism would avoid delays in project start-up. The current system places these “multi-national” projects in a
standard bottom-up approach in each of the member states. That is to say they are treated like any national project
and the CAPP Permanent Secretariat thus has to carry out advocacy work for which it has neither the financial nor
the human resources.
This situation has a serious impact on the development of ECCAS priority projects. The tangible results are that with
the exception of two projects12, the 13 others are still seeking financing to carry out the feasibility studies or are
at the feasibility study stage. The operating phases, should financing be secured, will not be until 2020 to 2025 for
the final one. This means that from the inclusion of the project on the PIP list to its commissioning and operation,
between 192 and 252 months will have passed. This is well above the usual average of 111 months and this situation
must change.
These are the development of the INGA site and associated interconnections for which feasibility studies have been completed and the
development of Djibloho which is already in operation.
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All the studies for ECCAS member country grid interconnections recommended a North-South coastal backbone
that is part of the selected PIPs and the primary aim of which is to increase power trade within the Central Africa
region. This interconnection is based on a high voltage corridor of 400kV in alternating current linking Angola, DRC,
Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon.
The regional transmission network to be developed depends directly on the joint improvement of member states’
national generating capacities. The final report of the grid interconnection study emphasises the point that the
North-South backbone adopted requires the countries to take responsibility for a certain number of connections
which are essential for the transmission of electricity along the whole distance.
Furthermore, for power to be traded between countries, a certain number of hydroelectric power generation plants
need to be built by the member countries. These plants must come into operation before the transmission and
interconnection infrastructure can be brought on line.
However, the programming of power generating infrastructure to meet domestic demand in the member states
focuses on the need to minimise failure to deliver. In other words, governments sometimes opt for short-term
power supply solutions via thermal power stations, at frequently very high cost, because the priority at the time is
to limit the risk of outages.
For an ECCAS member state or a group of member states to have the motivation required to commit to implementing
a CAPP priority project, the solution for meeting their domestic energy needs must converge or be complementary
to the objective, within the CAPP project implementation timeframe and cost. If this is not the case, the CAPP
projects will not receive the commitment and resources they need from the different member states.
The issue of alignment between generating and transmission infrastructure highlights the crucial need for coordination
by a regional Project Manager, the CAPP Permanent Secretariat, in close collaboration with the operators and the
completion on time of national projects without which regional integration projects cannot be carried out.
The master plan study for setting up an electricity market in Central Africa supposes that the member countries’
electrical systems will be developed under the supervision of the member countries independently of the CAPP
which oversees the regional aspect.
The operating mode adopted places the end responsibility for funding and development of the national parts of the
regional projects on the national power utilities of the ECCAS member states affected by these projects.
The member countries all have different capacities in terms of expertise to manage the development
and implementation of these projects. They also face different challenges in terms of capacity to attract
investment to develop infrastructure due to differences in their macro-economic situations. These two
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factors can lead to different start dates for the construction of different segments which must nonetheless
come together to form a single transmission line designed to be completed at a specific moment in time to
meet an identified need for the participating member states.
Furthermore, as the human resource skills in project development and implementation vary from one
country to the next, the project will only progress at the speed of the weakest of the member countries,
inevitably causing delays. This situation can but lead to those countries that do have the necessary expertise
launching their own programmes if an urgent need arises. This will create a gap between the regional
programme supervised by the CAPP and those of the individual member countries.
nn Difficulties in justifying the viability of the different parts of viable regional projects
The financial and economic advantages of the programme, which are key to mobilising financing to
implement the project, can only be proven when the programme is assessed in its entirety and in a regional
Indeed, the fact that the programme overall is financially viable does not mean that each of the different
segments is viable in itself. The attempts to justify separate segments of the programme to implement them
because they are within the geographical boundaries of a particular country could give rise to difficulties
and make it harder to mobilise funding for that segment of the project. Such a situation will not occur, or
will be much less likely, if the project is considered as a whole.
To conclude on this point, it appears necessary to adopt a project monitoring and implementation approach based
on the full support and cooperation of the participating countries at all stages, including the planning stage and the
regular updating of regional plans.
The strategy should also make it possible to use the best skills and capacities in the participating member countries.
This use of similar expertise in the implementation of the whole project means that a viable project will not be
unduly delayed by questionable attempts to justify segments of the project that are not viable on their own.
With the exception of Chad, which has some of the highest prices of the continent, the other CAPP member
countries tend to have overall prices that are lower than other African countries. As these prices are not profitable,
and also due to the very high level of technical and commercial losses, the national power utilities have very low if
not inexistent profit margins to use for self-financing.
The regional integration of power generating and transmission systems constitutes a definite asset to make the
most of the comparative advantage the region has in the form of hydroelectricity which, with effective operation
would lead to extremely competitive prices. However, these regional advantages will only be achieved if radical
measures to reduce inefficiencies in distribution systems are undertaken at the same time.
All these initiatives are crucial for CAPP member country companies to be able to make the most of all the advantages
offered by an available and affordable electricity supply thanks to regional integration.
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To carry out its daily activities the CAPP requires adequate and regular funding so the institution can fulfil the region’s
energy development agenda. Access to automatic financing, without having to systematically wait to recover costs
through sales, would make it possible to plan support for the member states’ utility companies.
The advantages of sustainable financing would give the CAPP the autonomy required to maintain a real regional
momentum. It would give it the latitude to build on the achievements of experts from the member country utilities
and it would be in a position to systematically guarantee their participation in certain specific tasks. Otherwise, and
this is the current situation, the CAPP is inevitably subject to a high turn-over of experts as the experts provided by
the member utilities are not necessarily those required.
The CAPP statutes stipulate that all members must contribute to all the costs associated with fulfilling the role of
the CAPP as adopted by the CAPP Executive Committee. Putting this into action is arduous, as the contributions
by member states and certain power utility companies are continually insufficient and/or irregular. This lack of
adequate financing complicates the work of the Permanent Secretariat considerably. It is difficult for it to:
nn List the experts it works with on a regular basis to fulfil its project coordination and implementation role.
However, the projects involved in this instance are complex and thus require proven legal, technical, economic and
financial skills.
Without a pool of regular experts, the CAPP Permanent Secretariat can only count on staff seconded by the
power utilities to fulfil its tasks. The motivation of seconded staff can restrict the Permanent Secretariat’s
ability to fulfil its project monitoring and implementation role effectively.
The experts’ profiles may not be exactly in line with the needs at a given moment in time. This can lead to
inaccurate estimations of the work required to develop and implement specific projects. Which inevitably
leads to staff being replaced mid-way through, which will cause delays in project execution.
It should also be noted that the hierarchical relationship can be uncomfortable when staff are seconded by
member utilities. The reporting line between seconded experts and the Permanent Secretariat may become
uncomfortable in the long-term. The motivation of the expert concerned to give their all to their tasks with
the CAPP may be fairly low as their salaries, paid by their utility company, are not directly linked to the
performance of the CAPP.
Finally, frequent changes in experts do not enable the Permanent Secretariat of the CAPP to develop internal
expertise and improve implementation efficiencies which occurs when a pool of experts collaborates
nn Provide consultancy services as required to carry out the activities essential to project development. The
Permanent Secretariat is only able to hire consultants when it has secured funds, usually from international donors.
The timing and execution of critical missions is thus dictated by the acquisition of external funding rather than by a
timeline determined by the planned commissioning date of the installation.
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4.3 The Suggested Implementation Strategy
To successfully and rapidly monitor and implement the priority CAPP projects, a structure is needed that can avoid
or at least mitigate the aforementioned causes of delays. This structure, which will implement the project under
the supervision of the Project Manager, or CAPP Permanent Secretariat, must have the total support and be fully
accepted both by the member countries and by all other stakeholders involved in the priority projects.
It is crucial to have a clearly defined institutional framework within which the participants have harmonised missions,
clearly defined roles and responsibilities as well as transparent rules and procedures to effectively implement the
projects. This framework must be supported by concrete human, technical, financial and other resources as well as
by the effective organisation of the management of each of the project stages.
This way of operating is also a donor requirement13, because it helps to cover both the execution and fiduciary risks
of the infrastructure project concerned.
To avoid delays in project implementation, it will be capital to make recommendations to improve capacities as
regards human resources and financial management. These proposals that target the project implementers and
hence the acceleration of implementation of priority CAPP projects must be discussed by the institution bodies so
they can be officially adopted at the highest level as a capital element of the CAPP’s PIP implementation strategy.
In concrete terms, this means formally recommending recourse to two forms of dedicated legal entity, in other
words, that these entities be exclusively set up to meet the needs of the PIP implementers :
nn A project company, a private law company constituted by its shareholders in a specific country where it is
registered. The specific type of company is determined for a given project by the project’s characteristics. As the
vast majority of CAPP member states14 are also members of OHADA15, our analysis is based on the type of company
most commonly used for projects in the electricity sector which involve substantial investment. Until the reform of
company law under OHADA16, this meant a société anonyme (SA) which, besides limiting the liability of shareholders
to the level of their investment, presented many advantages such as a flexible number of shareholders, an effective
governance system through a board of directors and finally financing modalities suited to large investments
involving various entities ; and
nn An international organisation, made up of the different countries affected by the project in question, such
as Great Lakes Energy (GLE), the regional energy sector cooperation structure in the Economic Community of
the Great Lakes Countries (ECGLC). Indeed, GLE is responsible for managing, through the Société Internationale
d’Électricité des Grands Lacs (SINELAC) the regional hydroelectric complex of Ruzizi, that is to say RUZIZI II but
also for monitoring and implementing the 147MW of extensions to RUZIZI II (147MW). GLE is thus an ad-hoc legal
entity, that is to say set up specifically to meet a need without ties to company common law and which operates
according to the rules set up by its member states.
The African Development Bank (AfDB) which agreed to finance the “Development of the INGA site and associated interconnections” PIP,
explicitly identifies in the project evaluation document the implementation risk associated with the current Inga 3 Management Unit. For
the AfDB, this unit constitutes a newly created entity and therefore has no background in monitoring and implementing a project of such
complexity. The AfDB also mentions the high initial fiduciary risk due to the fact that the unit that serves as execution agency is not yet
totally operational and therefore, its capacity to financially manage the project is hard to assess beforehand.
OHADA members are: the Republic of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Republic of
Gabon, Republic of Equatorial Guinea and the Republic of Chad.
L’Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa)
Following the reform of company law under OHADA, OHADA member states may also set up Sociétés par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) whose opera-
ting rules, while being largely based on those of Sociétés Anonymes, offer greater flexibility and freedom to associates who can considerably adjust
the internal operating rules in their statutes. It can therefore be supposed that they will replace the Sociétés Anonymes in setting up projects.
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4.4 Overall Recommended Framework for CAPP Operation to Establish the Regional
Project Promoter : the Project Promoter is the entity that expresses the need that defines the objective of the
project, its timetable and the budget dedicated to the project. The expected result of the project is a product. The
Project Promoter controls the fundamental idea of the project and thus represents the end users for whom the
product is intended. Thus the Project Promoter is responsible for the functional expression of requirements but
does not necessarily have the technical skills to produce the product.
Project Manager : When the Project Promoter does not have the specific experience required to run the project, it
can call on a Project Manager (who is / becomes responsible for project management). The Project Manager plays a
role of interface between the Project Implementer and the Project Promoter in order to help the latter clearly define
its requirements and check with the former if the objectives are technically feasible.
Project Implementer The project implementer is the entity selected by the Project Promoter to produce the product,
within the timeframe, level of quality and cost set by the latter in the form of a contract. The Project Implementer is
thus responsible for making the technical choices to produce the product in compliance with the Project Promoter’s
requirements. The Project Implementer is thus responsible within the context of its mission for designating an
individual to be responsible for the proper implementation of the project, who is the project leader.
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Relationship between the Project Promoter/Manager and Implementer:
A clear distinction must be made between project promotion/management and implementation, as it helps clarify
the responsibilities of the two roles. The expression of needs is the entire responsibility of the Project Promoter/
Manager. Indeed, in some instances, the Project Promoter/Manager may delegate operational choices to the
Project Implementer, on the basis that they do not have sufficient technical knowledge to make such choices (for
instance the IT department of an organisation takes control of the project once the needs have been expressed).
However, only the Project Promoter/Manager can fully understand its users’ needs. Failure to clearly understand
the distinction between the two roles can lead to conflict wherein each casts the blame on the other.
While the Project Implementer must take into account the initial requirements of the Project Promoter/Manager,
they are not authorised to add new functions during the project, even if they deem them appropriate. The Project
Implementer is however responsible for the technical choices providing these respond operationally to the Project
Promoter/Manager’s requirements.
For the smooth running of the project, the roles of each entity must be clearly defined and a representative identified
within the Project Promotion/Management team and the Project Implementation team. A project group that brings
together the Project Promoter/Manager’s project leaders and those of the Project Implementer as well as the
delegated Project Manager if relevant, must thus meet when this is necessary to resolve conflicts around the Project
Promoter/Manager’s requirements or coordination of the project.
Finally, it is essential to establish a training plan that will enable both teams to share a common language and agree
on how the project is to be run.
To reiterate, power generating / transmission infrastructure construction projects under the master plan, upon
expiry of guarantees, comprise the following phases:
nn Development:
Master plan ;
Feasibility studies ;
Drafting of decisions ;
nn Studies:
59 R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
Construction specifications
The Project Promoters for regional infrastructure construction (PIP) here are the ECCAS member countries, who hold
sovereign authority. With regard to the construction of infrastructure specifically for the Central Africa Integrated
Electricity System (French acronym SEIAC), and in particular the 15 PIPs, the CAPP Permanent Secretariat is the
Project Manager. The member states delegate the decisions other than those pertaining to the civil engineering of
dams (rock fill and concreting of the dam) for which the member states’ heritage societies are responsible.
The Project Manager gives its instructions to the Project implementer, which is a project company set up for the
To fulfil its missions, in particular that of monitoring and control, the Project Promoter or its Project Manager, seeks
project management assistance from skilled personnel within the Permanent Secretariat who provide contractual
services purchased from the electricity system operators in the Central Africa region.
The Project Implementer, that is to say the project company, is the entity which is entrusted on behalf of the Project
Manager with designing the infrastructure in line with the requirements and obligations and with coordinating its
construction and presenting it for acceptance to the Project Promoter or its Project Manager.
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The Central Africa regional electricity market is characterised by a certain number of points which it has in common
with the four other regional markets on the continent17:
a. It is part of a regional economic structure that has wider objectives and is governed by a treaty which can
serve as a solid legal foundation and as a guarantee for the development of a regional market,,
b. The CAPP is a “specialised agency” of the ECCAS like the EEEOA of the CEDEAO, the EAPP of COMESA or the
SAPP of the SADC.
c. The type of regional market concerned is based on an overall organisational structure made up of :
i. A supreme body within which the countries are represented at a political level. This body
stipulates the political guidelines and takes high-level decisions. For the CAPP this is the Council
of Ministers,
ii. A functional institution which in the case of Central Africa is the CAPP Permanent Secretariat,
whose tasks and missions have been specified,
iii. An independent regulatory body, the CORREAC, which in this case does not yet exist although it
is in the pipeline.
iv. An independent market operator to run the market and coordinate trade. In Central Africa this
institution has not yet been set up. It will involve joint supervision of trade agreed and authorised
by the national transmission network management authorities18 ;
A Central Africa Regional Electricity Market law was officially adopted on 24 October 2009 by the ECCAS Conference
of Heads and State and Government. Under this law a certain number of mechanisms, institutions and processes
should now be in place for the regional market as described in the law to be able to be set up.
Southern Africa, East Africa, West Africa and the Maghreb. This characteristic should be emphasised because it is specific to the power
pools of the African continent and the Central American power pool, SIEPAC.
None of the ten member states has set up an independent network transmission management authority for the moment, despite appro-
priate legislation in Cameroon, DRC and Gabon. This role is currently fulfilled by the power utilities’ electricity transfer directorates.
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5.2.1 The Institutional Framework
On the institutional level, the only institution of all those required under the regional market law that currently
exists, is the CAPP governance structure with:
nn The Council of Ministers for Energy, which is the body charged with implementing the Central Africa electricity
market law, and
nn The CAPP Permanent Secretariat which is the competent body of the Power Pool.
The CAPP Permanent Secretariat in this organisational structure has a key role to play. The fact that only the Planning
Sub-committee has been at all functional and that the other sub-committees are not functional at all must be
rectified. These organisational sub-committees are essential because ultimately they support and advise the overall
governance structure. These technical experts who come from the CAPP member country power utilities must
analyse and make recommendations pertaining to all issues surrounding the drafting of a joint policy to develop,
maintain and update joint procedures and operating rules for the technical, operational and environmental aspects
of the CAPP.
The industrial organisation of electricity markets in the CAPP member countries consists mainly of vertically
integrated national companies, even if in the majority of the countries the national power utility co-exists with
independent power producers.
A regional electricity market does not require a specific industrial organisation to be effective. Nonetheless, it is
essential for a certain number of agreements to be drawn up to govern cross-border trade, in particular:
nn An agreement on assets/infrastructure that constitute the regional network and the terms of payment for using
said assets/infrastructure (wheeling charges).
To date there are only three contracts in Central Africa regarding cross-border trade. This trade is conducted on the
basis of bilateral contracts and there are no specific rules for regional trade. This aspect must be covered though the
drafting of “Regional Market Rules” for power trade in the Central Africa region. These rules will be supplemented
by regional wheeling charges.
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A bill for operating interconnected grids has been drafted and has been available since June 201119. This document
has yet to be passed into law, but lays down the foundations for harmonising and applying regional standards.
Since 2004, the CAPP has held the specific mandate from the Council of Ministers for Energy to develop infrastructure
identified as Priority Integration Projects to lay the foundations for regional integration.
A regional master plan was drawn up in 200620 pby the CAPP, funded by USAID. This master plan identified the
infrastructure to be developed and proposed different scenarios for funding and constructing this infrastructure as
a first concrete step in building regional integration.
The “target situation” corresponds to a situation where the CAPP member states have sufficient transmission
infrastructure to begin negotiations in a market environment. This target situation in the case of Central Africa
corresponds to two sequential periods21 :
nn Phase 1 (medium term): 2014 - 2019, which corresponds to the mobilisation of funding to study and complete
at least all the PIPs and bring them all on line,
nn Phase 2 (long term): 2020-2030, during which the ECCAS member states will be in a position to trade on a
market that has surplus generating capacity and sufficient transmission infrastructure.
The first phase (2014 – 2019) to set up the regional electricity market in Central Africa will focus on:
ii. The setting up of the missing institutions required to prepare Phase 2 of the regional market
1. Infrastructure construction must provide the region with sufficient transmission capacity and adequate
generating capacity to have a sufficient surplus to be able to exceed its bilateral contracts,
2. Two institutions remain to be created. They must be prepared and set up during the 2014-2019 period in
preparation for Phase 2 of the regional market creation:
Operating bill – Version dated June 2011.
PCAPP – Master plan study for the implementation of an electricity market in Central Africa (2005 – 2025), Final Report – January 2006.
It is essential not to lose sight of the fact that for the indicative deadlines associated with the market development phases to be trigge-
red requires the minimum investment programme for the 15 PIP must be in place..
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ll The first of these institutions is the Central Africa Regional Electricity Regulation Commission or
Commission Régionale de Régulation de l’Électricité de l’Afrique Centrale (French acronym CORREAC),
whose scope covers aspects associated with the preparations for developing regional power trade.
The structure, responsibilities and powers of the regional regulator must be formally specified so it
can supervise the drafting and recommendation of rules, the application of rules, decisions regarding
pricing, consideration of the components of the regional master plan and conflict resolution.
ll An institution that assumes the role of regional market system operator to establish and integrate the
technical rules for operating, managing and pricing cross-border power flows by:
-- Monitoring developments in the national electricity sector in the ECCAS member countries,
-- Periodically analysing the economic and technical viability of arrangements for cross-border power
trade among users of the transmission network,
-- Facilitating the drafting of technical standards and requirements to collect and process useful data.
The second phase (2020 – 2030) of regional market implementation or the long-term “target situation” is
characterised by the following components:
i. The bringing into operation of all regional infrastructure associated with all the PIPs and the establishment
of rules and conditions for pooling this infrastructure,
ii. The coming of age of the institutions that are now all in place,
1. The pooling within the regional market of the now operating infrastructure presupposes that::
ll Rules will have been agreed upon to share the costs and benefits of the regional PIPs that will now all
be in operation, and that the terms and conditions for completing projects that are delayed will have
been settled,
ll A planning process will have been set up that involves regional optimisation concepts and enables the
member countries to take decisions regarding their respective national expansion plans in line with the
regional plan.
2. From the institutional point of view, these will all have now been created and will be operational, fulfilling
their role on a day-to-day basis. This requires that:
ll The governance structure (CAPP Permanent Secretariat and its bodies) has been set up and reached
maturity in terms of supervising and coordinating market developments as well as making decisions on
the main policy aspects,
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ll An institution has been attributed the role of Market System Operator and ensures the regional
standards have been harmonised throughout the region and that all the countries comply with the
minimum standards for operating, planning and constructing infrastructure/assets,
3. National regulations will have been harmonised on a regional level in the sense that they will now facilitate
regional trade by means of free access to transmission capacity for grid users (third party access to networks).
5.4 Transition from the Current Situation to the Regional Market Target Situation
This concerns the path for transitioning from the current situation to the target situation. That is to say to a situation
wherein the countries negotiate on an electricity market that has sufficient transmission infrastructure. This requires
certain structured measures to be set up and implemented according to a set timetable.
i. Phase 1: to 2019, when most of the regional transmission infrastructure should be operational.
ii. Phase 2: On the basis of preparatory tasks completed during Phase 1, this phase stretches from 2020 to
By 2019 most of the regional transmission infrastructure should be operational. The main tasks of this phase are as
-- To build project management and power infrastructure project management capacities
-- To build the capacities of existing regional institutions, particularly the CAPP, to be able to carry out
the activities required for implementing, operating and monitoring the regional market,
Formalisation of trade transactions which are currently executed on a “case-by-case” basis and
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-- Agreement on a “harmonisation path” towards regional operating standards and procedures as
specified in the regional operating code,
-- Agreements
to be signed with the various Transmission Network Management authorities in the
member states to draw up a plan enabling them to comply with regional standards.
-- Finalisation of the preparation and setting up of the regional regulatory commission (CORREAC),
-- Preparations to create the institution that will play the role of regional market system operator.
This Phase 1 corresponds in fact to the “current” situation. Trade cannot really be envisaged for the moment as the
current market does not yet exist. As a result, completion of the tasks listed above constitutes a prerequisite for
Phase 2.
Phase 2: On the basis of all the preparations carried out during Phase 1, during the period 2019 to 2030, it will be
possible to focus specifically on:
-- Build the capacities of national power utilities to effectively operate the market and power trade in
a regional context.
Bilateral agreements on transit across third-party countries using standardised trade instruments,
ll The first short-term trade transactions over the market and not solely via bilateral agreements,
ll A longer-term vision with a liquid regional market with more sophisticated trade transactions (day-
ahead, dynamic trade etc.)
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6 CAPP Action Plan for the Regional Energy Policy Strategy
The objective of the action plan is to identify a panel of activities that constitute a strategic plan which by executing
it, the CAPP will accomplish its main mission, which is to cover the two fundamental aspects associated with the
ECCAS energy policy:
nn Play a key role in meeting the conditions required to carry out regional infrastructure projects,
nn Facilitate the harmonious development of the regional market effectively and in compliance with the objective
of developing cross-border trade and providing reliable and affordable electricity to the general public and to
industrial investors.
The CAPP was created in 2003 and has worked since then without any real strategic plan. It must now regroup to
fully assume its mandate on the basis of carrying out the activities to achieve the expected results and hence its
strategic objectives. This includes the specification of a response to the strategic review and the identification of the
risks that have been carried out. All causes of delays and/or obstacles to the CAPP fulfilling its mission.
As highlighted in this document, the Permanent Secretariat plays a pivotal role in the CAPP institutional framework.
It is therefore essential that it be able to resolve financial difficulties and issues around financial resources without
which the transition to a regional market is difficult to envisage.
The actions recommended above and which constitute the strategic plan presuppose that the constraints associated
with a lack of human and financial resources to adequately monitor and implement the activities will be overcome
Reference is made here to the financial risk. The CAPP must be able to generate the funding it requires to function
and carry out its activities on a lasting basis.
The current internal funding mechanism of the CAPP can essentially be summarised as the funding of the Permanent
Secretariat’s operating budget (salaries, office equipment and supplies, organisation of meetings of its statutory
bodies and of the technical sub-committees). This budget allocation is set annually by the Council of Ministers for
Energy and distributed among the member states and the national power utilities. The money comes from the
conventional system of contributions from national budgets.
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1. The actual level of budgetary spending is, in almost all cases, below the contributions voted on and
insufficient for requirements with regard to implementation of the mandatess22 ;
2. It transpires from past experience that the irregularity of income constitutes one of the major characteristics
of the mechanism due to the delays in receiving contributions.
Furthermore, all the other activities of the Permanent Secretariat (studies and project supervision) depend totally
on external financing. On average, external contributions represent 70% of the resources assigned to the CAPP.
The response to these structural weaknesses identified in the funding of the CAPP lies in the proposal of an
autonomous financing mechanism for the CAPP23 which has already been adopted by the Council of Ministers for
Energy and which is currently awaiting formal approval by the ECCAS Conference of Heads of State and Government.
This mechanism consists in setting up a CAPP fund to develop the electricity sector fed by a levy on power consumption
in the member states. It should be noted that this levy on the power bill is already in place in Cameroon and in CAR
to finance their regulatory agencies.
This CAPP electricity sector development fund will be able to cover all the day-to-day operating costs of the
Permanent Secretariat, but also project technical studies and even some feasibility studies.
However, it goes without saying that in the long term and when the regional market is completely functional the
CAPP structural costs will be covered by a tax on cross-border power trade.
This refers to the risk of execution or implementation. The availability of sufficient, competent human resources is at
the heart of the Permanent Secretariat’s capacity to supervise the studies and implement the infrastructure projects.
The lack of technical expertise within the CAPP operational bodies has been identified. As already mentioned, it
constitutes a major handicap for the contribution and/or supervision of the development of interconnection projects
which involve, by their very nature, complex technical infrastructure.
The solution currently adopted consists in selecting experts chosen by the stakeholder countries in the project
concerned to monitor execution of the studies or the coordination of project implementation. This involves:
nn Setting up a Steering Committee and a Technical Monitoring Committee as regards the studies and the coordination
of the activities of the consultants recruited for these tasks, as in the case of the Chad - Cameroon interconnection,
nn The creation of a management unit or a national execution agency dedicated to implementing the infrastructure
project, as in the case of the development of INGA 3 Low Falls.
The contributions received with regard to those agreed are on average 47.4% from 2004-2006 and 69.4% from 2006-2008
ONU-CEA-BSR/AC – Study of an autonomous financing mechanism for the CAPP, May 2010 – Revision by CAPP in 2011.
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In both the above cases, the implementation risk associated with the Technical Monitoring Committee or the
Management Unit is clearly highlighted by the donors24. This type of structure is based on entities newly created for
this purpose. They do not have any background in monitoring and/or implementing projects which are, by definition,
complex. Furthermore, the African Development Bank for instance also mentions the initially high fiduciary risk due
to the fact that this type of “execution agency” is not yet totally operational, and therefore its capacity to properly
manage the financial aspects of the project cannot really be assessed beforehand.
The response recommended to best mitigate the implementation risk and the fiduciary risk in the case of all regional
power integration infrastructure projects is based on two complementary components :
1. Firstly, the CAPP should explicitly be retained as the main interlocutor and Project Manager for regional
energy integration infrastructure,
2. To avoid delays in project implementation, and to bring specific improvements in terms of capacity
building, capitalisation on past experience and financial management, two types of legal entity dedicated
to monitoring and implementation of the projects are recommended :
i. Project companies, which are companies under private law set up specifically for the project in
question by their shareholders and the specific nature of which will be determined by the type
of infrastructure to be constructed,
ii. An international organisation which is set up via treaty or agreement signed among several
countries. It is usually administered by an assembly of representatives of the member states
who adopt the main guidelines of the organisation and an executive body which is responsible
for implementing them.
The results of the detailed comparative analysis carried out of project companies and international organisations
recommend the project company option which has the advantage of ensuring an effective and rapid implementation
of infrastructure projects while capitalising on the expertise of the experts it recruits for their specific skills.
The project company approach counteracts the negative points associated with the existing approach to project
implementation such as a lack of harmonisation of individual country priorities and the permissive coordination and
management of these projects.
The CAPP Permanent Secretariat plays a central role and as such, a PESTLE analysis highlighted the external factors
liable to influence the way in which it will be able to carry out its activities and accomplish its mission. This made it
possible in the context of the strategic planning process to draw up the following risk matrix :
African Development Bank – Support for the development of the INGA site and access to electricity – Project Evaluation Report, October
71 R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
An analysis of the Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats (SWOT) of the CAPP was carried out to assess
the activities and tasks carried out to date by both the CAPP and the member utilities. The aim of this analysis is to
be able, via the action plan to be proposed subsequently, to convert the weaknesses into strengths and to mitigate
the risks identified.
Clear, unambiguous attibutes assigned by the ECCAS to Non-functionnal Sub-committees which lead to a lack
the CAPP to make it a specialised agency responsible for of technical expertise within the CAPP operational
establishing the regional electricity market in Central bodies. This constitutes a major set back for supervising
Africa. interconnection projects.
An explicit mandate for the Council of Ministers CAPP financing is dependant on member state and
for Energy to lead infrastructure development and power utilities’ contributions, whit often delays
specifically to supervise and implement the regional implementation.
Priority Integration Projects.
Existence and availability of regional planning studies Need to establish systematic modalities to build skills
that constitute the foundation for optimising medium- and expertise among professionnals in the member
and longterm investment plans countries concerned.
Strong internal and external pressure for Central Africa Urgent need to harmonise national legislation and
to promote its huge hydro-electric potential regulations and to standardise the agreements required
for the regional market to function.
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Hydroelectricity is a renewable energy and thus Urgent need to adapt eh organisation of power utilities
constitutes a major asset in terms of reducing to enable third party access to networks and to move
greenhouse gas emissions and hence for mobilising from bilateral contracts to trade transactions.
Excellent willingness of international donors to finance Urgent need to adapt profitable pricing systems to be
regional integration projects under the supervision able to guarantee sufficient cash-flow and profitability
of the CAPP permanent secretariat (the specialised of capital invested in PPP.
regional agency).
A business model for leading studies and implementing
projects (CP, CTSP, etc.) that does not in itself capitalise
on past experience and achievements. Need to set up
project companies under CAPP supervision.
The recommended actions are divided into the five categories of the results-oriented strategic objective prioritisation
The actions are then structured in main activities and sub-activities in:
73 R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
DSPER anglais_JC.indd 74
Supervision by the CAPP as Project Manager of 1. Lobbying ECCAS so that CAPP bodies adopt
the extension of regional power transmission the REPSP prepared with country experts and
infrastructure through the completion of all PIP implement its proposals, recognising in particular
the CCAP Permanent Secreatriat’s status as
Project Manager for the CAPP and the creation of
project companies to develop the PIP.
2. Lobbying ECCAS to support the rapid adoption Software to ascertain pricing levels and financial
of autonomous fiancing for CAPP such that the flows for each of the member states’ power
CAPP itself but also the project companies can systems.
function (HR and financial resources).
3. Organisation by the Project Manager of Provisional budget : 100,000 to 150,000 USD. This round table must take place in the first half of
a Donor Round Table to secure financing to 2015, its location remains to be decided.
construct the infrastructure sections along the
South-Norht backbone [Maque a Do Zombo
(Angola) - Memve’élé (Cameroon)] so the national
generating capacity of the countries crossed by
this regional interconnection can be exploited.
4. Development of a plan to support PIP Uptade regional power master plan for Provisional budget : The provisional budgets must be funded for a year
implementation so that the efficiency of the CAPP developing infrastructure and national power 1 to 2 millions USD/ year for studies period.
contribution as Project Manager in expanding master plans required to establish a national 1 to 2 millions US D/ year for constrution controls
this regional infrastructure can be monitored and electricity market giving priority to the 15 PIP.
assessed, with a view to proposing fair investment
spread over time and around the region.
5. Creation of project companies and in the Project company charter, regional master plan, Included in the evalutation of PIP preference costs
R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
first instance project companies for the priority, decisions, feasibility studies, GIS data base.
i.e. the Comeroon- Chad interconnection and
the Inga-Cabinda-Pointe Noire interconnection
focusing available skills and financial resources
on these priorities. Setting up of the procedure
to formalise the relations between the Project
Mnaager (CAPP Permanetn Seceatariat) and the
Impementers (Project companies). onnections, i
prioritpriorirypriorityinterconnections, i
7. SCADA review at the end of the period ton Teaching tool to use SADA software to monitor Provisional budget : 200,000 USD. THe provisional budget allows for the cost of
understand how power trade systems work cross-border trade from an operational point equipment acquisition and training in how to
and the problems associated with the regional of view and faciliation of coordination with use it. It also includes the cost of existing SCADA
electricity market. compréhension de la transmission operators in the member states. audits, in other words around 50 peron-days.
dynamique de fonctionnement des Systèmes
d’Échanges Énergétiques et des problématiques
associées au marché régional de l’électricité.
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2. Institutional Capacity Building
As supra-national Project Promoter/manager, 1. Reactivation of the Planning Sub-committee - Programme of activities set by the Project Provisional operating budget: 150,000 to 200,000 Number of sub-committee meetings and
CAPP’s direct and indirect human resources must and setting up of Operating and Environment Sub- Manager (CAPP Permanent Secretariat) USD per year associated travel depending on programme of
have sufficient skills to fulfil their missions committees to that all can come into operation activities and need for Project Manager input.
over the 2014-2019 period (programme of
activities, operating budget etc.).
2. Building capacities in project management and - IT and video conferencing hardware and Provisional budget: 150,000 USD The provisional budget allows for the acquisition
management of power infrastructure: learning software on infrastructure project management of materials and equipment and the cost of
/ consolidation of skills in power infrastructure and project oversight. training people to use them.
project management to monitor the regional - Training courses in construction engineering
electricity master plan and the national electricity / construction project management / project
master plans of the member states. planning software / construction project
3. Building capacities in line with taking - Teaching tool to use SCADA software to run and Provisional budget: 300,000 USD The provisional budget allows for the acquisition
ownership of the Central Africa Regional maintain electricity systems of materials and equipment, the cost of training
Electricity Market operating law, i.e. to be able - Digital simulator to operate and test sub- to use them and support of utility operators not
to conduct the activities key to implementation, stations and protection & analogue simulator for equipped with SCADA.
operation and monitoring of a regional market. running transmission networks
- Training courses in the operation and
maintenance of interconnected electricity systems
4. Formulation and implementation of the Communication Unit operating costs
CAPP Permanent Secretariat communication
policy (participate in the specification of a
communication strategy, promote the actions
of the CAPP both internally and externally,
support focal points and experts from members
states in conducting their regionally-focused
communication actions).
5. Provision of interpreting and translation Interpreting/Translation Unit operating costs
services and revision of regional documents
and checking of different language versions of
agreements, treaties and contracts (French,
English, Portuguese and Spanish) on behalf of the
CAPP Permanent Secretariat.
6. Setting up of an audit task force to monitor
technical performance
DSPER anglais_JC.indd 75
7. Setting up of an audit task force to monitor
3. Creation of a regulatory and legislative environment
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Harmonisation of national regulations and 1. Review of national regulations and setting Documentary and archive database management Provisional budget : 150,000 USD including The CAPP Permanent secretariat must maintain
existence of legal provisions essential for the up of a data base of legislation and regulatory hardware and software. translation costs (FR- En - Sp - Port) + cost of on- and update this on-line legal database.
development of the regional market. documents and any other documents of relevance line data storage with dedicated extranet access.
to the regional market.
2. Drafting of bills to be passed by the member Provisional budget : 1 400,000 USD . Step to be carried out in close collaboration
states with the preparation of a road map to + translation 30,000 USD between CAPP Permanent Secretariat and
set up, if necessary, any required ligislatory or member states concernd to ensure success. It is
regulatory modifications. planned for an international legal consultant to
support the CAPP.
R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
3. Assistance of member states in adopting bills Provisional budget : 120,000 USD. Coordination of the work of the CAPP lawyer with
necessary for harmonisation and the adoption the support of a local consultant to ensure the
of the fundamental principles for setting up the member states follow the process to adopt the
regional market. bills at executive and legislative levels.
4. Monitoring progress of the commissioning of Cannot be estimated at this stage The CAPP has a fundamental coordination role to
the PIP and esuring the legislatory and regulatory play and its lawyer must monitor PIP progress.
documents are in line with the situation and
needs of the regional market.
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R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
4. Establishment of trade rules and regulatory framework
Development of draft inter-country and/or 1. Review of the types of agreement that exist The CAPP should maintain a database of the
inter-stakeholder trade agreements, in particular for interconnections: different existing agreements
according to the type of PIP (intra-regional/inter- - Identification of template contracts/agreements
regional) and the regional market law. and overarching principles to be validated
by member states
- Drafting of template interconnection contracts/
agreements for member states to use
2. Formalisation of trade currently done on
a «case-by-case» basis and standardisation of
procedures such as:
- bilateral agreements between both countries
and regional companies,
- trade instruments (types of contract, short-term
3. Alignment of trade agreements and
instruments with the Central Africa regional
electricity market law
4. Setting up of mechanisms for operators and
stakeholders to take ownership of the regional
market law
Finalisation of the legal and institutional structure 1. Review of national regulations in members
and preparation for setting up the CORREAC states and lessons to be learned for regional
Specification of the structure, responsibilities,
operating mode and powers of the regional
2.2. Operating mode of the regional regulator:
supervision of drafting and recommendation of
rules, application of rules, consideration of how
to deal with issues such as wheeling charges and
conflict resolution between operators.
3. Approval of the regional master plan and
harmonisation of regulatory rules for the PIP in
the pipeline.
DSPER anglais_JC.indd 77
4. Review and analysis of the different types of Teaching sheets and educational software on
contracts and contract negotiation strategies and trade negotiation and contracting techniques
5. Establishing and interpreting technical rules for operations
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Preparation to coordinate operations and trade at 1. Establishing and interpreting technical rules, Code d’Exploitation.Operating law Operating costs for missions entrusted to the
regional level operators take ownership of the 2011 operating Operations Sub-Committee
2. Evaluation audit of basic electricity systems Notes on organising basic electricity systems and Provisional budget Cost of evaluation audits of basic electricity
(skills, procedures, administration and existing procedures around 70,000 to 80,000 USD systems - around 50 person-days
maintenance of SCADA etc.)
3. Skils Upgrade audit Organisational documents & job sheets & HR Provisional budget Cost of skills evaluation audits
policy and other training & employment plans around 100,000 USD
R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
4. Technical upgrade audit Organisational notes, Cost of technical level evaluation audits
Operating and maintenance guidelines
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6.3.2 La phase 2 : 2020 - 2030
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DSPER anglais_JC.indd 80
Project companies’ training period completed. 1. QHSE audit of project companies and proposals
Move to independent QHSE operational mode for improvements under the authority and
under CAPP control. supervision of the CAPP
R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
contribution (supranational Project Management)
as regards the implementation of PIP and the fair
distribution of investments
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R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
2. Institutional Capacity Building
HR skills consolidated and strengthened to 1. Building of individual operator capacities in
supervise the increase in regional power trade line with recommendations from the HR audit
via the integrated electricity systems during the (Phase 1 - Sub-activity 5)
integration phase
2. Upgrading of protection systems, automatic
systems and transmission systems in line with
recommendations from the technical audit (Phase
1 - Sub-activity 4)
3. Building of collective and organisational
capacities of the entities responsible for the
integrated electricity systems.
4. Building of collective and organisational
capacities of the entities responsible for the
integrated electricity systems.
5. Evaluation of the operating law and update
under the supervision of the Operations Sub-
DSPER anglais_JC.indd 81
3. Creation of a regulatory and legislative environment
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Harmonisation of national regulations and 1. Review of suitability of regional and national Non évaluables à ce stade. This review should be conducted by an
existence of legal provisions essential for the legislation in light of the actual situation and international consultant in coordination with
development of the regional market needs of the regional market following entry into the CAPP lawyer according to a timetable to
production of the PIP be defined depending on the complexity of the
elements set up beforehand
2. Verification in real time as the PIP come Non évaluables à ce stade. It is probable that legal adjustments will be
on line of the alignment of legal provisions necessary as the market matures. It would be
with the realities and needs of the regional advisable to use the services of an international
market, if necessary make suggestions and consultant but this should be assessed further
recommendations for any necessary ajustments in down the line.
coordination with member countries
R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
3. Adoption, if necessary, of modified bills Cannot be assessed at this stage It would be adviseable to use a national
beginning with the reform of regional legislation consultant to help the CAPP lawyer monitor
and then moving on to national laws implementation of the necessary reforms.
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R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
4. Establishment of trade rules and regulatory framework
CORREAC. 1. Presentation in laymans terms of the tools
prepared in Phase 1 to member states and sector
Monitoring and coordination of the
use by member states and stakeholders of
interconnection agreements/contracts
2. Analysis of the optimal institutional structure
to manage interconnected networks on the basis
of contracts from Phase I
3. Draft community agreement and other
documents required for the CORREAC to function,
including the basic principles regarding the legal
structure of the inter-country regulatory body,
the composition and operation of its components,
guarantees of independence and of course
technical and financial resources
4. Organisation of seminars so the member states
can take ownership of the process with a view to
adopting an action plan and a road map
5. Coordination and monitoring by the CAPP of
the action plan and the roadmap to create and
launch the CORREAC
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5. Establishing and interpreting technical rules for operations
DSPER anglais_JC.indd 84
Coordination of trade 1. Promotion of the operating law
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4. Transfer of integrated electricity systems to
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85 R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
DSPER anglais_JC.indd 86
2 Development of INGA site and associated interconnections 15 million USD 12.6 billion USD The cost of work concens INGA 3 Low Falls
Hydroelectric development of Dimoli & associated transmission lines from CAR Funding for studies obtained: BDEAC / to be paid upon signature of inter-
5 2.6 million USD 1.5 million USD
- Cameroon governmental agreement / works to start 1st QTR 2015
7 Gabon (Grand Poubara) - Congo interconnections 1 million USD 150 million USD Costs mentioned here are estimates based on reference costs
R E P S P - PEAC Central Africa Power Pool Regional Energy Policy Strategy Paper
"Costs mentioned here are estimates that concern the 225 kV line and associated
8 Chollet hydro powerplant and transmission lines to Congo and Cameroon 2 million USD 1.1 billion USD substations only
Costs of 600 MW hydroelectric development remain to be estimated"
9 Supply of Burundi from eastern DRC - Kolwezi - Bendera (1) interconnection En attente d’infos de EGL / CEPGL / SINELAC
Strengthening of Boali - Bangui interconnection and Bangui - Zongo - Libenge "Funding acquired from AfDB
10 50 million USD
interconnection Work begun in November 2014"
Costs given concern infrastructure for Bongoumba, Bac and Lotémo sites as well
11 Hydroelectric development of the three Lobaye sites 27 million USD 540 million USD
as associated transmission lines
12 Connection of the Soyo thermal gas plant to Inga - Cabinda - Pointe Noire En attente d’infos de ENE - Angola.
13 Inga (DRC) and Calabar (Nigeria) interconnection 1 million USD 7 million USD Etude de préfaisabilité à actualiser.
14 Study on ECCAS member country grid interconnection Awaiting information from ENE - Angola
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Strategy Paper
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