Lecture 8
Lecture 8
Lecture 8
Lecture 8 – SPSS
Course Lecturers:
Prof. Noha El-Bassiouny
Dr. Hadeer Hammad
Winter Semester 2024
A Guide to Statistical
Analysis Using SPSS
Learning Objectives
02 04
01 03 05
Based on the hypothesis and If you have any negatively worded Now you can start running the tests
question types, you will decide or reversed questions on the survey, based on your data plan. You need
which and how many tests you you need to reverse them. to make the interpretations to reach
will conduct. conclusions.
Introduction to SPSS
Data Analysis Plan
Research Hypotheses for RQ1.1:
H1: Wide product assortment has a positive effect on selection of food products.
H2: Poor taste will obstruct consumers’ purchase intentions for food products.
H3: Nutritional value has an influence on consumers’ selection of food products.
Introduction to SPSS
Questionnaire Example: Measuring Purchase Intention
Please state your agreement or disagreement with the following statements.
Introduction to SPSS
Questionnaire Example: Demographic Variables
14. What is your gender?
15. What is your Age?
25-35 Years
36-45 Years
46-55 Years
More than 55 Years
Income :
16. What is your monthly income level?
20,000-29,999 EGP
30,000-40,000 EGP
40,001 or More EGP
Introduction to SPSS
Types of Data
Types of Scales
Categorical Continuous
Introduction to SPSS
Deciding the Type of Test to Apply
2 variables are Linear/Multiple Identify the influence of the Health consciousness has a
continuous Regression independents variable(s) on the positive influence on
dependent variable. consumers’ purchase
intentions of organic food.
Introduction to SPSS
Deciding the Type of Test to Apply
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
Download the Data in Excel sheet (Make sure to download individual responses!)
1 See this link for help on how to download the Excel sheet from google docs
https://youtu.be/iySTMUYFY9k 16
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
Decode all words into numbers by using CTRL+F & Press on the Replace tab
2 Replace each word with the relevant number
(Strongly Disagree =1, Disagree= 2, Neutral =3, Agree=4 and Strongly Agree=5).
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
After using the Replace feature, you will find that all the data set is now shown into numbers.
Each Column represents a Question as you can see labeled as Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.
3 Each Row represents a Respondent as you can see the answers of each respondent is
recorded on all questions with the relevant numbers. 18
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
In the Values:
1. Click the Ellipses button
2. The Value Labels dialog box will
3. Define the meaning of the numbers.
For example, in the Gender Question
Type [1] in the Value box, type
[Female] in the Label box. Then click
the Add button. Type [2] in the Value
box, type [Male] in the Label box, and
then click the Add. Click the OK
4. Define the values for all questions.
In the case of Likert scale, for
example, Type [1] in the Value box,
type [Strongly Disagree] in the Label
box, etc.
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
In the Values:
1. Click the Ellipses button
2. The Value Labels dialog box will
3. Define the meaning of the numbers.
For example, in the Gender Question
Strongly Disagree
Type [1] in the Value box, type
[Female] in the Label box. Then click
the Add button. Type [2] in the Value
box, type [Male] in the Label box, and
then click the Add. Click the OK
4. Define the values for all questions.
In the case of Likert scale, for
example, Type [1] in the Value box,
type [Strongly Disagree] in the Label
box, etc.
Preparing the Data Set
Import Excel Data to SPSS
In the Values:
1. Click the Ellipses button
2. The Value Labels dialog box will
Extremely ununattractive
3. Define the meaning of the numbers.
4. Define the values for all questions.
Preparing the Data Set
Enter Data on SPSS
Variable View
Preparing the Data Set
Enter Data on SPSS
Data View
Preparing the Data Set
Enter Data on SPSS
Preparing the Data Set
Enter Data on SPSS
In the Values:
1. Click the Ellipses button
2. The Value Labels dialog box will
3. Define the meaning of the numbers.
For example, in the Age Question Type
[1] in the Value box, type [12 years or
young] in the Label box. Then click the
Add button. Type [2] in the Value box,
type [13 years] in the Label box, and
then click the Add. Type [3] in the
Value box, type [14 years] in the Label
box, and then click the Add. Click the
OK button.
4. Define the values for all questions.
In the case of Likert scale, for
example, Type [1] in the Value box,
type [Strongly Disagree] in the Label
box, etc.
Preparing the Data Set
Enter Data on SPSS
Data View
Preparing the Data Set
Enter Data on SPSS
Example: Answers of Respondent 1
Health Consciousness Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5
1. I am very self-conscious about my X
2. I am concerned about my health all the X
3. I take responsibility for the state of my X
4. I only worry about my health when I X
am sick. (R)
5. I don’t care about the condition of my X
Preparing the Data Set
Enter Data on SPSS
Example: Answers of Respondent 1
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
4 2 4 5
Reverse Coding
Negatively-worded Items
You need to check if you have any negatively worded or reversed items.
Recode variables
1. Select Transform Recode
into Different Variables
2. Select variable that you want to
transform (e.g. Q20)
3. Click Arrow button to put your
variable into the right window
4. Under Output Variable: type name
for new variable and label (e.g. Q20R)
,then click Change
5. Click Old and New Values
Reverse Coding
Negatively-worded Items: Variable transformation
1 2 3 4 5
Reverse Coding
Negatively-worded Items: Variable transformation
Recode variables
6. Type 1 under Old Value and 5
under New Value, click Add. Then
type 2 under Old Value, and 4 under
New Value, click Add. (and so on)
7. Click Continue after finish all the
8. Click Ok
Reverse Coding
Negatively-worded Items: Variable transformation
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q20 Q20R
4 2 4 5 5 1
1 5
5 1
4 2
2 4
Compute Variable
You conduct this step if you have several statements or questions asking about the same variable.
If you reversed a statement, remember to include the new one in computing the scores.
Average score for a scale is calculated by adding all the items/statments of the scale divided by the
total no. of items.
Compute Variable
Compute Variable
DO NOT Compute
Compute Variable
Compute Variable
Frequency Analysis
What is your age? 35 19 55 24,17 6,143 37,734 Age: 24.17 (SD 6.14)
How long have you owned a
35 3 180 79,97 36,154 1307,087 Average time a person has owned
a smartphone (in months) is 79.97
On a daily basis, the (SD 36.15)
average time (in minutes) I 34 0 600 162,35 139,720 19521,569
spent using mobile apps is: Average time a person spends on
On average, the number of using the apps (in minutes) is
mobile apps I use on a 34 2 23 10,15 6,071 36,857 162.35.
weekly basis is:
How many apps have you
ever installed yourself on
your mobile phone? (such
as Facebook app, games, 33 2 150 49,45 40,553 1644,568
ringtones, GPS etc.). Please
give an
Valid N (listwise) 31
Descriptive Analysis
Ranking and Rating Questions
Descriptive Analysis
Ranking and Rating Questions
-You will run the correlation analysis based on the variables in your hypothesis.
Correlation Analysis
First click on Analyze from the top of the Choose your 2 variables (Consciousness and
screen > then Correlate >then Bivariate. Purchase Intention) and move them to the
variable box. Make sure to tick on Pearson
1 Correlation check box and then press OK. 2
Correlation Analysis
Correlation Output
Conscio Intention
Correlation Coefficient (r)
Perceived Control
Consciousness Pearson Correlation 1 .695**
N 387 387
N=Sample Size Intention Pearson Correlation .695** 1
N 387 387
Correlation Analysis
Interpretation of Correlation Output
N 387 387
Step 2: Determining the Direction of the relationship Intention Pearson Correlation .695** 1
(Check the Pearson Correlation number “r” if there
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
is no negative sign then correlation is positive).
N 387 387
Step 3: Determining the Strength of the relationship
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Again check the Pearson correlation number known
as “r”
r=.10 to .29 (Weak)
r=.30 to .49 (Medium)
r=.50 to 1.0 (Strong)
Correlation Analysis
Interpretation of Correlation Output
Pearson Correlation
Sig. 2 tailed < 0.05 Check Correlation Coefficient Check Correlation Coefficient
(r) (r)
Correlation Analysis
How to comment on Correlation Output
Please note that in the case of a negative sign, There would be a negative
correlation between the two variables, with high levels on one variable associated
with low levels on another variable. For example, in the case of a negative
correlation between price sensitivity and purchase intention. This means that the
more is consumers’ price sensitivity, the lower is consumers’ purchase intention
to buy organic food products.
Thank You