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Prepared by: Welfare Directorate, FHQ


CISF has been extending various facilities / amenities to the dsvkSlqc vius cy dkfeZdksa dks fofo/k izdkj dh lqfo/kk,a
Force personnel. These are as under :- iznku djrk jgk gS] ftudk o.kZu fuEu izdkj ls gS%&


For speedy and systematic redressal of grievances dkfeZdksa dh f kdk;rksa ds Rofjr ,oa O;ofLFkr fuokj.k
of personnel, an online e-grievance system has been ds fy,] ,d vkWuykbu bZ&fxzokal iz.kkyh fodflr dh xbZ gSA
developed. The seamless integration of addressing the
bl ubZ iz.kkyh esa] ifjdYiuk ds vuqlkj izkf/kdj.k ds izR;sd
grievances at each level of authority, as envisaged in this
Lrj ij f’kdk;rksa ds lesfdr lek/kku ls O;fDr vkSj laxBu
new system, will accrue the necessary benefit of, both,
nksuksa ykHkkfUor gksaxs ftlds QyLo:Ik dRrZO;ksa ds fu’iknu esa
individual satisfaction and organization, that will enhance
the overall effectiveness in performing duty. Grievance
lexz :Ik ls ldkjkRed izHkko iM+sxkA bZ&f’kdk;r esa ntZ dh
lodged in E-grievance will be monitored centrally at CISF
xbZ f’kdk;rksa dh fuxjkuh dsUnzh; :Ik ls dsvkSlqc eq[;ky; esa
HQrs by Welfare Directorate and DIG/Welfare is the Nodal
dY;k.k funs’kky; }kjk dh tk,xh vkSj mi egkfujh{kd@dY;k.k
officer. uksMy vf/kdkjh gksaxsA

Ref: letter No. E-41022/E-grievance/Welfare/2016/805 % ’

dated 16.08.2016) ½


(a) Ex-Gratia lump-sum compensation is available to the

¼d½ dsUnz ljdkj ds flfoy deZpkfj;ksa ds ifjtuksa ds fy,
families of Central government Civilian employees, who
,deq’r vuqxzg {kfriwfrZ dh jkf'k miyC/k gS tks fofo/k
die in the performance of their bonafide official duties ifjfLFkfr;ksa es aviuh okLrfod vkf/kdkfjd dRrZO;ksa ds fu"iknu
under various circumstances. The amounts of ex-gratia esa fnoaxar gksrs gSa A 01-01-2016 ls ,deq’r vuqxzg {kfriwfrZ dh
lump- sum compensation w.e.f. 01.01.2016 are as jkf’k fuEukuqlkj gS%&
(i) Death occurring due to accidents 25 lakhs
in the course of performance of
i) dRRkZO;ksa ds fu"iknu ds nkSjku gksus 25 yk[k
okyh nq?kZVukvksa ds dkj.k e`R;q
(ii) Death in the course of 25 lakhs
performance of duties attributed
(ii) vkradokfn;ksa] vlkekftd rRoksa vkfn 25 yk[k
to acts of violence by terrorists, }kjk dh xbZ fgalkRed dkjZokbZ ds
anti-social elements. Etc dkj.k dRrZO;ksa ds fu"iknu ds nkSjku
(iii) Death occurring in border 35 lakhs gksus okyh e`R;q
skirmishes and action against
militants, terrorists, extremists,
(iii) Lkhek ij gqbZ eqBHksM+ks avkSj mxzokfn;ksa] 35 yk[k
sea pirates. vkradokfn;ksa] vfroknh] leqnzh yqVsjksa
(iv) Death occurring while on duty in 35 lakhs ds fo:) dkjZokbZ ds nkSjku e`R;q
the specified high altitude, un (iv) izkd`frd vkinkvksa] ekSle laca/kh 35 yk[k
accessible border posts, etc. on foijhr fLFkfr;ksa ds dkj.k] fof'k"V
account of natural disasters, mPp v{kka’k ij] nqxZe lhekikj
extreme weather conditions. pkSfd;ksa vkfn ij dRrZO; ij jgrs
(v) Death occurring during enemy 45 lakhs gq, e`R;q
action in war or such war like
engagements, which are (v) j{kk ea=ky; }kjk fo’ks"k :Ik ls 45 yk[k
specifically notified by Ministry of vf/klwfpr ;q) vFkok ;q) tSlh vU;
Defence and death occurring fLFkfr;ksa ds nkSjku gqbZ e`R;q vkSj
during evacuation of Indian fons’k esa ;q) xzflr {ks= ls Hkkjrh;
Nationals from a war-torn zone in ukxfjdksa ds cpkus ds nkSjku gqbZ e`R;q
foreign country.

(b) Ex-gratia lump sum compensation to CAPFs ¼[k½ lh,ih,Q ds ,sls dkfeZd tks lsok ls v’kDrrk dh otg ls
personnel who are boarded out of service on account of vFkok lsok ls fudkys x, gSa] mUgsa ,deq’r vuqxzg {kfriwfrZ dh
disability attributable to or aggravated in service are jkf’k iznku dh tk,xhAnjsa fuEu izdkj ls gS%&
eligible. The rates are as under :-
(i) 100% 20 lakhs
disability (i) 100% v’kDrrk 20 yk[k
(ii) For cases less The amount of Ex-gratia may (ii) 100% v’kDrrk ls vuqxzg dh jkf’k v’kDrrk ds
than 100% be reduced in proportion to de ds ekeyksa esa Lrj ds vuqikr esa de dh tk
disability the degree of disability. ldrhgSA

Ref: Letter No. E-41022/Ex-gratia/Wel/2016-1835 dated %

06.09.2016 and DOP&PW OM No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A)
(i) dated 04.08.2016 b. MHA (R&W) OM dated 07.06.2017 i


The need to have a dedicated welfare organization
for CAPFs personnel has been engaging the attention of the
lh,ih,Q dkfeZdksa ds fy, ,d lefiZr dY;k.k laxBu
MHA and it was decided to set up a Welfare & ds gksus dh vko’;drk x`gea=ky; dk /;ku vkdf"kZr djrh jgh
Rehabilitation Board (WARB) to look after the Ex-CAPFs gS vkSj HkwriwoZ lh,ih,Q dkfeZdksa] fpfdRlh; :Ik ls ckgj fd,
personnel, those medically boarded out and the x, vkSj dRrZO; ikyu esa ekjs x, dkfeZdksa dh fo/kokvksa@vkfJrksa
widows/dependents of those who die in harness. The dh ns[kHkky djus ds fy, dY;k.k ,oa iquZokl cksMZ ¼okcZ½ dh

following major activities are being done by the Welfare LFkkiuk djus dk fu.kZ; fd;k x;kA dY;k.k ,oa iquZokl cksMZ
and Rehabilitation Board:- }kjk fuEufyf[kr izeq[k xfrfof/k;ka dh tkrh jgh gSa %&
¼d½ lsokfuo`Rr dkfeZdksa ,oa ekjs x, cy dkfeZdksa ds
(a) To arrange vocational training for empowerment of utnhdh lacaf/k;ksa ds l’kfDRkdj.k ds fy, O;olkf;d izf'k{k.k dh
retired personnel and NOKs of deceased Force O;oLFkk djukA
personnel. ¼[k½ lsokfuo`Rr ,oa e`r cy dkfeZdksa ds utnhdh lEcfU/k;ksa
(b) Arranging counseling (In-house/Professional) in self- ds fy, Hkh Lo&jkstxkj ,o aoSdfYid jkstxkj] dkamlfyax
employment and alternative employment to retirees ¼bu&gkml@O;olkf;d½ dk izca/k djukA
as also to the NOKs of deceased Force personnel.

Ref: MHA OM No. 27011/37/2007-R&W dated



The Dept. of Pension &Pensioners’s Welfare has isa’ku ,oa isa’ku dY;k.k foHkkx us ^vuqHko* uke ls ,d
launched an online system viz. “Anubhav” to provide a vkWuykbu iz.kkyh dh 'kq:vkr dh gS rkfd lsokfuo`Rr gksus okys
platform for the retiring Central Government employees to dsUnz ljdkj ds deZpkfj;ksa dks mudh lsok ds nkSjku muds }kjk
showcase commendable work done during service. It will fd, x, iz’kaluh; dk;ksZa dks n’kkZus ds fy, ,d eap fey lds A
provide satisfaction to the retiring employee and also act as blls lsokfuo`Rr gksus okys deZpkjh lar"q V gkasxs vkSj blls lsokjr
a motivator for serving employees. The submission on dkfeZd Hkh izsfjr gksaxsA bl ^vuqHko* eap esa 'kkfey gksuk LOkSfPNd
“Anubhav” is voluntary. However, Unit, at the time of gSA ysfdu fQj Hkh lacaf/kr bdkbZ dkfeZd dk lsokfuo`Rr ds le;
retirement of personnel, take the filled up Anubhav form muds }kjk Hkjs x, ^^vuqHko izi=** dks iksVZy ij viyksM djrh gS
and upload on the portal. A
(Letter No. E-41022/Anubhav/Welfare/2015/383 dated ¼


To cater the need of daily use items of serving & lsokjr ,oa lsokfuo`Rr cy dkfeZdksa dh nSfud
retired Force personnel, 19 Central Police Master Canteens vko’;drkvksa dh enksa dks iwjk djus ds fy, dsvkSlqc bdkbZ;ksa esa
and 222 Subsidiary Canteens have been opened in CISF 19 dsUnzh; iqfyl dSaVhusa ,oa 222 lgk;d Hk.Mkj [kksyh xbZ gSaA
50% GST concession is being given to the KPKB dsihdsch ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dks dsihdsch lgk;d Hk.Mkj ls lkeku [kjhn
beneficiaries for purchasing items from KPKB Subsidiary ij fnukad 01-04-2024 ls 50 izfr’kr th,lVh fj;k;r nh tk jgh
bhandar, since 01.04.2024. A detailed guideline has been gS A bl ckcr dY;k.k funs’kky; }kjk i=kad ¼1988½ fnukad
issued by Wel. Dte. vide letter No. 1988 dated 10.04.2024 & 10-04-2024 ,oa ¼4167½ fnukad 09-08-2024 ds rgr fn’kk&funsZ’k
(4167) dated 09.08.2024. tkjh dh xbZ gS A

Ref: MHA (R&W) OM no. 27011/18/2006-R&W dated

(i) Wards/Widows of personnel killed in action (all rank) ¼i½ dkjZokbZ esa ekjs x, dkfeZdksa ¼lHkh in½ ds cPps@fo/kok,a vkSj
and Wards/Widows of retired and serving CISF personnel lsokfuo`Rr vkSj lsokjr dsvkSlqc dkfeZdksa ¼vf/kdkjh in ds uhps½
(below officer rank) for pursuing first professional ds cPps@fo/kok,a izFke O;kolkf;d fMxzh@dk;Zdze dks djus ds
degree/programme and having minimum 60% marks in fy, vkSj 10+2@fMIyksek@xzstq,’ku vFkok lerqY; esa U;wure
10+2/Diploma/Graduation or equivalent, are eligible for
60% vad ykus okys fo|kFkhZ iz/kkuea=h Nk=o`fRr ds fy, ik= gSaA
the Prime Minister’s Scholarship.

(ii) Rs 36,000/- for girls & Rs. 30,000/- for boys per ¼ii½ izfro"kZ :- 36]000@&yM+fd;ksa ds fy, vkSj :-
annum. 30]000@&yM+dksa ds fy,A

Ref: WARB (MHA) letter no. WARB-44/PMSS/2024-

25/981-93 dated 11.07.2024


Wards of personnel killed in action, retired and serving dkjZokbZ es aekjs x, dkfeZdksa ds cPps] lsokfuo`Rr ,oa
CISF personnel can avail quota in 26 MBBS and 03 BDS seats lsokjr dsvkSlqc dkfeZdksa ds cPps x`g ea=ky; }kjk lHkh lh,ih,Q
reserved for all CAPFs by MHA. ds fy, vkjf{kr 26 ,echch,l vkSj 03 chMh,l lhVksa ds fy,
dksVs dk ykHk mBk ldrs gSaA
Ref: MHA OM No. I-45020/245/2023-Pers.II dated


S No LEVEL SUBSCRIPTION dze Ikn ekfldva’knku
1 Sr.CO & above Rs.170/- pm 1 Okfj"B dekaMs.V ,oa mPp in :i;s 170@&
2 AC to Commandant Rs.120/- pm 2 l-dekaMs.V ls dekaMsV rd :i;s 120@&
3 SI to Inspector Rs.70/- pm 3 m-fujh{kd ls fujh{kd rd :i;s 70@&
4 Constable to ASI Rs.50/- pm 4 vkj{kd ls lmfu rd :i;s 50@&

(a) Outright grant equivalent to 10% of unpassed

medical expenses subject to maximum of Rs. 50,000/- is ¼d½ ikl u fd, x, fpfdRlk fcyksa dk 10 izfr’kr lerqY;
given to serving personnel in case of serious injury or Rofjr vuqnku vf/kdre :- 50]000@&lsokjr cy lnL; dks
sickness of self or family requiring prolonged or expensive Lo;a dh vFkok ifjokj ds fdlh lnL; dh xaHkhj chekjh] xqnkZ
treatment in cases of Kidney Transplant, Bye-pass Surgery, izR;kjksiu] ck;&ikl ltZjh] dSalj] czsu gSejst] ,M~l] ydok
Cancer, Brain Hemorrhage, AIDS, Paralysis or Amputation of vFkok 'kjhj ds fdlh vax dk vaxPNsnu ds ekeys esa vFkok fdlh
any organ of the body, or any other serious ailment on the vU; xaHkhj chekjh ds fy,] izR;sd ekeys dh ojh;rk ds vk/kkj ij
merit of each case. visf{kr nh?kZ vFkok [kphZys bykt ds fy, fn;k tkrk gSA
(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –
Rule 8(2) (a) (ii)).
8(2) (a) (ii)

(b) An amount upto 1,00,000/-is given to the Force ¼[k½ cy dkfeZdksa dks dkjZokbZ@dRRkZO; ikyu ds nkSjku gqbZ pksV
personnel sustained injury during action/active duty in the ds fy, vf/kdre :- 1]00]000@&dh jkf’k fuEufyf[kr pksV dh
following category:- esa iznku dh tkrh gSA
Category Injury level Financial assistant
‘A’ Minor injury Rs. 4,000/- pksV dk Lrj fofr; lgk;rk
‘B’ Grievous injury- Rs. 25,000/- ^,^ Ekewyh pksV :- 4,000
Hospitalization ‘ch’ xaHkhj pksV&vLirky esa HkrhZ :- 25,000
‘C’ Grievous injury-bullet Rs. 50,000/- ‘lh’ xaHkhj pksV&xksyh :- 50,000
‘D’ Grievous injury- Rs. 1,00,000/- ‘Mh’ xaHkhj pksV&LFkk;h foxykaxrk :- 1,00,000
permanent disability uksV% la’kksf/kr nj fnukad 01-02-2022 ls izHkkoh gksxh A
Note: Revised rate will be affected from 01.02.2022.
(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –
Rule 8(1) (C) (I & ii). 8(1) (c) (i &ii)

¼x½:- 25]000@& dh vuqxzg jkf’k fnoaxr cy dkfeZd ds

(c) Ex-gratia payment of Rs.25,000/- is paid to the
utnhdh laca/kh dks vafre laLdkj laca/kh dk;Z ds fy, iznku dh
Next of kin of deceased force personnel for funeral rites etc.
tkrh gSA

(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –

Rule 8(1) (a) (i)). 8(1) (a) (i)

(d) Souvenir upto Rs. 1,000/- is provided at the time of ¼?k+½ cy dkfeZdksa dks lsokfuo`Rr ds le; :- 1]000@& dh jkf’k
retirement of the Force personnel and expenditure upto dk Le`fr fpUg ds :Ik esa iznku dh tkrh gSa rFkk :Ik;s 40@&
Rs. 40/- per head may be utilized for farewell at the time of izfr cy lnL; ds vuqlkj] lsokfuo`Rr cy lnL;ksa dh fonkbZ
retirement of force personnel from Contributory Welfare volj ij va’knk;h dY;k.k fuf/k ls [kpZ fd;k tk ldrk gS A
(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –
Rule 8(2) (d) (iii)). 8(2) (d) (iii)).

(e) An amount of Rs 50,000/- as one time financial ¼ M ½ ,d ckj dh forh; lgk;rk ds :Ik esa :0 50]000 dh jkf’k
assistance is given to the disabled personnel who lost their mu fodykax dfeZ;ksa dks nh tkrh gS ftUgksaus dkjZokbZ@lfdz;
limbs in action/active duty w.e.f. 01-02-2022. M;qVh esa vius vax [kks fn, gSa tks fnukad 01-02-2022 ls ykxw
gksxk A
Note: This scheme will be affected from 01.02.2022.
uksV% ;g ;kstuk fnukad 01-02-2022 ls izHkkoh gksxh A

(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –

Rule 8(2) (d) (i)). 8(2) (d) (i)).

(f) Loans for marriage [self & dependents (daughter, ¼p½ 'kknh {Lo;a ,oa vkfJrksa ¼iq=h] cfgu ,oa iq=½}] mPpf’k{kk]
sister & son)], higher education, purchase of computer, dEI;wVj dh [kjhn] IykWV@¶ySV dh [kjhn@Lo;a ds jgus ds fy,
purchase of plot/Flat/construction of house for residential edku dk fuekZ.k@fjis;j ;fn izkd`frd vkink ls izHkkfor gks
use/ repair of house caused by natural calamity (only one ¼lsok ds nkSjku ,d ckj½] fpfdRlk] bykt vkfn ds fy, _.k
time in entire service), medical treatment are being
C;kt dh cgqr de njksa ij dY;k.k fuf/k ls _.k miyC/k djok,
provided from Welfare fund at nominal rates of interest.
tkrs gSaA

(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –

Rule 8(2) (b) (iii) & 8(2)(d)(ii & vii). 8(2) (b) (iii) & 8(2)(d)(ii & vii).

¼N½सेवािनवृ किमयों के अंितम सं ार के समय अंितम ांजिल दे ने के

(g) Provision for incurring expenditure upto Rs. 2,000/- िलए 2]000 पये तक के खच का ावधान।
for paying last tribute at the time funeral/last rites of retire
(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –
8(2) (d) (x) (b)
Rule 8(2) (d) (x) (b) & SOP issued vide Wel. Dte. letter no.
(4480) dated 01.11.2024.


Wards of serving and personnel killed in action are ’
eligible to get DG’s Merit Award in Academics (Passed in
12 standard) & Sports. dkjZokbZ esa ekjs x, vkSj lsokjr dkfeZdksa ds cPps 'kSf{kd ¼ 12oh-a
dh ijh{kk mRrh.kZ gksus ij ½ vkSj [ksyksa esa Mhth esfjV iqjLdkj
(i) Academics (for 150 wards):-
izkIr djus ds ik= gSaA
a. Rs.27,000/- for girls and Rs.25,000/- for boys
for 95% and above marks (one time). ¼i½ %&
b. Rs.23,000/- for girls and Rs. 20,000/- for boys ¼d½ 95 izfr’kr vkSj mlls vf/kd vad izkIr djus ds fy,]
for marks between 90% to 95% (one time) yM+fd;ksa ds fy, :Ik, 27]000@&vkSj yM+dksa ds fy, :i,
25]000@&¼,d ckj½
¼[k½ 90 izfr’kr ls 95 izfr’kr ds chp ds vadksa ds fy,]
yM+fd;ksa ds fy, :Ik, 23]000@&vkSj yM+dksa ds fy, :Ik,
20]000@&¼,d ckj½

(ii) Sports: (for 10 wards) ii %&


a. Rs.27,000/- for girls and Rs.25,000/- for boys ¼d½ yM+fd;ksa ds fy, :Ik, 27]000@&vkSj yM+dksa ds fy, :Ik,
(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –
Rule 8(2) (b) (i)). 8(2) (b) (i)).
MARTYRS ¼c½ ’ ’
To provide financial assistance to the families of e`rd dkfeZd ds ifjokjksa dks foRrh; lgk;rk miyC/k djokus ds
deceased personnel and to encourage/promote education fy, 'kghnksa ds cPpksa dh f’k{kk dks izksRlkfgr djus@c<+kok nsus ds
to the wards of Martyrs, DG’s Scholarship exclusively for fy, egkfuns’kd Nk=o`fRr dsvkSlqc ds fo'ks"k :Ik ls 'kghnksa ds
wards of martyrs has been introduced in CISF. The benefits cPpksa ds fy, ’kq: dh xbZ gS A bl Ldhe ds rgr ykHk
under this schemes are as under:-
fuEukuqlkj gaS%&
Category Class Rate of
(P.A.) &, d{kk 1 ls d{kk 8 :Ik, 6000 izfro Z
Category – A Class 1 to Class 8th Rs. 6000 P.A
Category – B
Class 9 to Class 12
Rs. 12000 PA &ch d{kk 9 ls d{kk 12 :Ik, 12000 izfro Z
Category - C Diploma/Graduation/ Rs. 18000 PA &lh fMIyksek@Lukrd@ :Ik, 18000 izfro Z
PG LukrdksRrj

(Reference CISF Contributory Welfare Fund Rules-2022 –

Rule 8(2) (b) (ii)).
8(2) (b) (ii)).



Subscription Elements
Ekfld v knku vo;o@va’k
Rs.500/- pm Saving Elements - Rs.250/-
:0 500/PM Ckpr va’k : :i;s 250@&
w.e.f. Risk Elements – Rs.250/-
fnukad 01-02- tksf[ke va’k %:i;s 250@&
2022 ls

Risk Fund provides financial assistance to the families of tksf[ke fuf/k mu dkfeZdksa ds ifjokjksa dks foRrh; lgk;rk iznku
personnel who die while in service, to those who are djokrh gS ftudh e`R;q lsokdky esa gks tkrh gS] tks v’kfDrdj.k
medically boarded out of service on account of invalidation ds dkj.k fpfdRlh; :Ik ls ckgj dj fn, tkrs gSa rFkk cy
and in the case missing. The Scheme is as under:- lnL; ds xqe gksus dh voLFkk esa A ;kstuk ¼Ldhe½ fuEukuqlkj
(a) In case of death/missing and invalidation out of service ¼d½ e`R;q gksus@xqe gksus vkSj lsok ls v’kfDrdj.k ds ekeys esa
with 100% disability 100 izfr’kr fnO;kaxrk ds lkFk
(i) Lumpsum : Rs. 25 Lakh (Rs.20 lakh to NOK plus ¼i½ cy lnL; dh % :Ik, 25 yk[k ¼:Ik, 20 yk[k
grant on : Rs. 5 lakh to the parents). e`R;qij ,deq’r % mRrjkf/kdkjh dks vkSj 5 yk[k
death of vuqnku ekrk&firk dks ½
member ¼ii½ dkjZo kbZ ds nkS j ku % :Ik, 35 yk[k ¼:Ik, 28 yk[k
of the ekjs tkus ij % mRrjkf/kdkjh dks vkSj 7 yk[k
force ekrk&firk dks ½A
(ii) Killed in : Rs. 35 Lakh (Rs.28 lakh to the NOKs ¼iii½ xqe gq, cy % :Ik, 25 yk[k ¼:Ik, 20 yk[k
action : and Rs. 7 lakh to parents. lnL;ksa ds fy, % mRrjkf/kdkjh dks vkSj 5yk[k
(iii) For : Rs. 25 lakh (Rs. 20 lakhs to NOK & 5 ekrk&firk@mRrjkf/kdkjh dks ½
Missing : lakhs to Parents) in two installments nks fd’rksa esa A
personnel st
1 instalment of Rs. 10 lakhs (Rs. 8
lakhs to NoK and 2 lakhs to parents) izFke fd’r 10 yk[k ¼:Ik, 08
after six months from the date of yk[k mRrjkf/kdkjh dks vkSj 2
missing and yk[k ekrk&firk@mRrjkf/kdkjh
dks ½ xqe gksus dh frfFk ls 6
2 instalment of Rs. 15 lakhs ( Rs. 12 ekg ckn A
lakhs to NOK and 3 lakhs to parents)
after seven year]
f}rh; fd’r 15 yk[k ¼:Ik,
(iv) Invalidation : Upto 25% = Rs. 5 lakhs 12 yk[k mRrjkf/kdkjh dks vkSj
: 26% to 50% -10 lakhs 3 yk[k
51% to 80%- 15 lakhs
Above 80% - 20 lakhs
ekrk&firk@mRrjkf/kdkjh dks ½
xqe gksus dh frfFk ls 7 o"kZ ckn
The scheme is also extended to serving personnel, in ¼iv½ v'kfDrdj.k % 25% rd & :- 5 yk[k
case disability occur on or after 1st February, 2022. % 26% ls 50% rd& :- 10 yk[k
Benefit for disability will be extended only one time to
the serving personnel during entire servce. However, in 51% ls 80% rd &:- 15 yk[k
case of boarded out from service with higher 80% ls vf/kd - &:- 20 yk[k
percentage of disability, only difference amount will be
paid. In case of normal retirement of disabled
bl ;kstuk dks 1 Qjojh]2022 dks ;k mlds ckn
personnel, normal retirement benefits will be paid. fodykaxrk gksus dh fLFkfr esa lsokjr dfeZ;ksa ds fy, Hkh
foLrkfjr fd;k x;k gS A fodykaxrk ds fy, ykHk iwjh
lsok ds nkSjku lsokjr dfeZ;ksa dks dsoy ,d ckj
Lohd`r fd;k tk;sxk A gkWykafd] fodykaxrk ds mPp
izfr’kr ds lkFk lsok ls cksfMZM vkmV fd;s tkus ds
ekeys esa dsoy varj jkf’k dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk,xk A
fodykax dfeZ;ksa dh lkekU; lsokfuo`fRr ds ekeys esa]
lkekU; lsokfuo`fRr ykHkksa dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxk A

(b) Refund of Saving Elements of contributions with ¼[k½ lsok ls lsokfuo`Rr gksus okys@lsok ls i`Fkd fd,
compound interest is given to the personnel retiring x,@dk;ZHkkj ls eqDr@lsok ls gVk, x, dkfeZdksa }kjk dh xbZ
from service / dismissed / discharged / removed from
cpr dh pdzo`f) C;kt lfgr okilhA
service etc.

i. The revised rate will be effected from 01.02.2022.
1- la’kksf/kr nj fnukad 01-02-2022 ls izHkkoh gksxh A

ii. Payment to the parents in the above cases will be made 2- mijksDr ekeyksa esa] [k.M Lrjh; dfeVh }kjk ekrk&firk dh
only after assessing the financial condition of the foRrh; fLFkfr dk vkdyu djus ds Ik’pkr gh ekrk&firk dks
parents by Sector level committee. In case of financial Hkqxrku dh tk,xhA ;fn ekrk&firk dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr vPNh gS
condition of parents being sound, the entire amount will be rks dqy jkf’k e`rd ds mRrjkf/kdkjh dks iznku dh tk,xhA
paid to the NOK.
(Letter no.E-41014/AGBM/NGF/Wel/2017/1299 dt. ¼
08.12.2017, order no. 510 dated 16.02.2022& RS Fund
Rule Para-6) ½
CISF Wives Welfare Associations “Sanrakshika” provides lh-vkbZ-,l-,Q- iRuh dY;k.k laxBu ^^lajf{kdk** lhvkbZ,l,Q
platform for wards of CISF personnel to showcase their dkfeZdksa ds cPpksa dks viuk VSyasV fn[kkus ds fy, ,d eap
talent, inculcate a sense of pride to the wives of personnel miyC/k djokrk gS] dkfeZdksa dh ifRu;ksa esa xoZ dh Hkkouk dk
and helps CISF personnel to discharge their duties without lapkj djrk gS vkSj lhvkbZ,l,Q dkfeZdksa dks cxSj ruko ds
stress as the well being of the families is being taken care of vius dRrZO; ikyu esa enn djrk gS D;ksafd ^lajf{kdk* }kjk
by the support system provided by “Sanrakshika”. miyC/k djokbZ xbZ lgk;rk iz.kkyh }kjk muds ifjokjksa dks enn
nh tkrh gSA

12. "Project Mann” 12.

The CISF Wives Welfare Association has entered into an lhvkbZ,l,Q okbZOl osyQs;j ,lksfl,’ku us ekufld dY;k.k
MoU with Aditya Birla Education Trust (ABET) on vkSj HkkoukRed LokLF; lgk;rk lqfuf’pr djus ds fy, dsvkSlqc
08.11.2024 for providing counselling and support to dfeZ;ksa vkSj muds ifjokjksa dks ijke’kZ vkSj lgk;rk iznku djus
CISFpersonnel and their families, to ensure mental well- fy, fnukad 08-11-2024 dks vkfnR; fcM+yk ,tqds’ku VªLV ¼,csV½
being and emotional health support. Helpline number ds lkFk ,d le>kSrk Kkij ij gLrk{kj fd, gSa A gsYiykbZu
(07968170455) is available on M.Power & Employees uacj ¼07968170455½ ,e-ikWoj@dEkZpkjh dkWuj Ikj miyC/k gS A
vkfnR; fcM+yk ,tqds’ku VªLV ¼,csV½ ^^izkstsDV eu^^ ds ek/;e ls
Aditya Birla Education Trust (ABET) through "Project Mann” lajf{kdk lnL;ksa vkSj muds ifjokjksa dks euksoSKkfud vkSj HkkoukRed
will provide mental and emotional support to Sanrakshika LokLF; ls lacaf/kr vkerkSj ij lkeuk dh tkus okyh pqukSfr;ksa dks
members and their families by addressing and alleviating lacksaf/kr djus vkSj de djus vkSj lajf{kdk ifjokjksa dks blds laca/k esa
the commonly faced challenges relating to psychological & jksdFkke dk;Zdzeksa vkSj lsokvksa dh odkyr djus ds fy, ekufld vkSj
emotional health and advocate prevention programmes HkkoukRed leFkZu iznku djsxk A cy lnL; vkSj muds ifjokj LosPNk
and services to Sanrakshika families. CISF members and ls vcsV }kjk iznRr lsokvksa dk ykHk mBk ldrs gSA
their families can voluntarily avail of the services by ABET.
13. E-Service Book: 13. %
E-Service book has been conceptualized as an innovative online bZ&lfoZl cqd dh ladYiuk ,d vfHkuo vkWuykbZu iksVZy ds :i esa dh
portal designed to process pension papers for issuing Pension xbZ gS] tks isa’ku Hkqxrku vkns’k tkjh djus vkSj lsokfuo`Rk
Payment order and payment of other pensionary benefits to the dfeZ;ksa@lsokfuo`Rk gksus okys cy lnL;ksa dks vU; isa’ku ykHkkW’k ds
retiring/retired personnel of CISF in a timely manner and to Hkqxrku ds fy, isa’ku i=ksa dks le;c) rjhds ls laikfnr djus vkSj
prevent movement of physical Service Book from CISF field units QhYM bdkbZ;ksa ls ih,vks@vkjih,vksa rd lsok iqfLrdk dh vkoktkgh
to PAO/RPAOs saving considerable time. It has provision for dks jksdus vkSj le; cpkus ds fy, fMtkbZu fd;k x;k gS A blesa lsok
raising observation if any, in the service records in real time and fjdkMZ esa ik;h x;h dfeZ;ksa dks n’kkZus vkSj okLrfod le; esa gh lHkh
the rectification may be done by the concerned authorities at all
Lrjksa }kjk bu dfe;ksa dks ns[kus vkSj mBk;s x;s =qfV;ksa ds tYn
levels. Use of e-Service Book will significantly reduce the time
fuiVku djus esa lgk;d gS A bZ&lfoZl cqd ds mi;ksx ls orZeku esa
presently consumed for sending the service book to PAO/RPAO
and vice versa. E-Service book can also be used for verification of
ih,vks@vkjih,vks dks lfoZl cqd Hkstus vkSj okil bdkbZ esa yxus okys
qualifying service, reckoning of Foreign Service, Pre-check
le; esa dkQh deh vk;sxh A
operations and on other occasion, which is presently being done bldk mi;ksx vgZd lsok ds lR;kiu] fons’k lsok dh x.kuk] iwoZ&tkWp
through sending physical Service Book to PAO/RPAO from even lapkyu vkSj vU; voljksa ij Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gS] tks orZeku esa
remotest CISF Units. The e-Service book features a dedicated chat nwjLFk bdkbZ;ksa ls ih,vks@vkjih,vks dks HkkSfrd lsok iqfLrdk Hkstu ds
box that allows PAO/RPAOs to raise any issue or observation, ek/;e ls fd;k tk jgk gS A blesa ,d lefiZr pSV ckWDl gS rks

which can be viewed and addressed in real time by the concerned ih,vks@vkjih,vks dks fdlh Hkh eqn~ns ;k =qfV;ksa dks mBkus dh vuqefr
units and HOOs. nsrk gS ftls lcaf/kr bdkbZ;ksa }kjk okLrfod le; esa ns[kk vkSj =fV;ksa
dk lek/kku fd;k tk ldrk gS A
E-service book can be accessed by personnel on his/her employee bZ&lfoZl cqd dks cy lnL; vius deZpkjh dkWuZj ls ,Dlsl dj ldrs
corner gSA



A. Personal Accidental Insurance (Death) cover for Salary

Package Accounts (SBI)
Salary package Gold Diamond Platinum ¼ih,e,lih½
O;fDRkxr :- 50yk[k :- 50yk[k :- 50yk[k
Personal accident Rs. 50 lakhs nq?kZVukchek
insurance vfrfjDr vfrfjDr :0 10 yk[k ¼ vkradokfn;ksa]
Additional PAI Addl. Rs. 10 lakhs (on duty death during O;fDRkxr uDlfy;ksa] fons’kh nq’eu ds f[kykQ dkjZokbZ ds
action against terrorists/Naxalites/ nq?kZVuk chek nkSjku M;qVh ij ekSr½
foreign enemy) O;fDRkxr :- 30 yk[k :- 30 yk[k :- 30 yk[k
PAI for Pensioners Rs. 30 Lakhs Rs. 30 Lakhs Rs. 30 nq?kZVuk chek
Lakhs ¼is’kuj ½
B. Air Accidental Insurance (Death) cover for Salary
Package Accounts (SBI) ok;q nq?kZVuk :- 1 djksM+ :- 1 djksM+ :- 1 djksM+
Air Accidental Rs. 1 Crore Rs. 1 Rs. 1 Crore
;fn gokbZ fVdV lh,ih,lih [kkrs esa MsfcV }kjk [kjhnk tkrk gS
Insurance* Crore
i LFkk;h@iw.kZ fMlsfCkfyVh doj vf/kdre :i;s 50
(*If Air ticket is purchased by debit to CAPSP Account)
i. Permanent/Total Disability Maximum Rs. 50 Lakhs ii LFkk;h vkaf’kd fMlsfCkfyVh doj vf/kdre :Ik;s 50
Cover yk[k
ii. Permanent Partial Disability Maximum Rs. 50 Lakhs
Cover i IykfLVd ltZjh@cuZ dh ykxr vf/kdre 10 yk[k
Additional Covers applicable in case of Accidental Death only :Ik, ¼ is’kujksa ds fy;s
i Cost of Plastic Surgery/Burn Maximum Rs. 10 lakhs Hkh½
including Pensioners ii vk;kfrr nokvksa dk ifjogu vf/kdre 5 yk[k
ii Transportation of Imported Maximum Rs. 5 lakhs :Ik, ¼ is’kujksa ds fy;s
Medicine including Pensioners Hkh½
iii nq?kZVuk ds dkj.k dksek ds ckn :Ik, 5 yk[k
iii Death after Coma after Maximum Rs. 5 lakhs e`R;q ¼48 ?kaVs ls vf/kd½ ¼is’kujksa ds fy;s Hkh½
accident (more than 48 hrs) including pensioners iv ,;j ,Ecqysal vf/kdre :Ik, 10
iv. Air Ambulance Maximum Rs. 10 lakhs yk[k
including pensioner ¼is’kujksa ds fy;s Hkh½
v. Higher Education cover Max. Rs. 8 lakhs v mPpf’k{kk doj ¼Lukrd½ ,d vf/kdre 8 yk[k
(Graduation) for one child (18 (for Girls child Max. 10 cPps ds fy;s vf/kdre xyZpkbZYM
to 25 years as on date of lakhs) ds fy;s 10 yk[k
accident) Max. 5 lakhs for ¼is’kujksa ds fy;s 5
vi. Daughter’s Marriage cover (18- Max. Rs. 10 lakhs (02
vi iq=h ds fookg gsrq ¼18&25 o"kZ vf/kdre 10 yk[k ¼
25 age as on date of accident) child) including
pensioners (Rs. 5 lakhs)
nq?kZVuk dh rkjh[k dks gks½ 02 iqf=;ksa ds fy;s½
vii. Family Transportation (Cost of Max. Rs. 50,000/-
¼is’kujksa ds fy;s 5
travel incurred by immediate 2 Including pensioners yk[k ½
family members to reach place vii Ifjokj ifjogu ¼ifjokj ds nks vf/kdre :-
of accident) lnL;ksa dks ?kVukLFky esa igqp
a us 50]000@&
viii. Repatriation of mortal remains Max. Rs. 50,000/- gsrq½ ¼is’kujksa ds fy;s Hkh½
including pensioners viii vo'ks"k dks Lons’k ykuk :- 50]000@&
ix. Ambulance charges Rs. 50,000/- including ¼is’kujksa ds fy;s Hkh½
pensioners ix ,EcqySal izHkkj :- 50]000@&
Valid wef. 04.01.2022 ¼is’kujksa ds fy;s Hkh½
Insurance Co. : The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. for the period
from 04.04.2024 to 03.04.2025 (Toll free number

(DGM(SPA), SBI, PBBU, Corporate Centre, Mumbai mail dated

17.09.2024 & SBI Website)



lhlh,l isa’ku fu;ekoyh&2021 ds fu;eksa ds rgr]
As per CCS Pension Rules-2021, pension is U;wure 20 o"kksZ dh lsok okys ,d dEkZpkjh dks isa’ku ns; gksrh gSA
admissible to an employee with minimum qualifying service
not less than 20 years of service
The amount of pension will be 50% of the average isa'ku dh jkf’k vkSlr ifjyfC/k;ksa dk 50% vFkok
emoluments or 50% of emoluments drawn on the date of lsokfuo`fr dh frfFk dks vkgfjr dh xbZ ifjyfC/k;ksa] tks Hkh vf/kd
retirement, whichever is more beneficial. ykHkdkjh gks] dh gksxhA
Formula of Pension:
50% of Last Basic Pay Drawn in Pay Matrix Level.
is esfVªDl Lrj esa vkgfjr fd, x, vafre osru dk 50% A
Date of retirement :: 31.03.2024
Qualifying Service :: 33 Years
lsokfuo`fr dh frfFk % %31-03-2024
Last Basic Pay in Pay Matrix-7 :: Rs. 76,500
Pension :: Rs. 76,500
vgZdlsok % %33 o"kZ
is&esfVªDl&7 esa vafre ewyosru % %:Ik, 76]500
= Rs. 38,250 isa’ku %%:Ik, 76]500@2 = :Ik, 38]250

2. Amount can be offered for :: 40% of last 2-dE;wV’s ku ds fy, jkf’k dk izLrko % %vafre ewy osru dk 40%
basic pension Commutation i.e. 38,250 x 40%= Rs. 15,300 fd;k tk ldrk gSA
vFkkZr~ 38]250 X 40% = :Ik, 15]300
(i) In no case, Basic Pension granted shall be less than
Rs. 9,000/- per month/. ¼i½ fdlh Hkh ekeys esa] iznku fd;k x;k ewyosru :Ik,
9]000@&izfrekg ls de ugha gksuk pkfg,A
(ii) Pension (OPS) on Voluntary Retirement is
applicable only on completion of 20 years of qualifying
¼ii½ LoSfPNd lsokfuo`fr ij isa’ku dsoy vgZd lsok ds 20
o"kZ iw
j k gks
us ds Ik’pkr ykxw gksxhA

Lksokfuo`fRr axszP;wVh mu lHkh dkfeZdksa ij ykxw gksxh tks
Retirement gratuity is admissible to all employees who vgZdlsok ds ikap o"kksZa ls vf/kd lsokiw.kZ gksus ds Ik’pkr lsokfuo`r
retire after completion of 5 years of qualifying service at the gks tkrs gSaA lsok lekfIr dh frfFk dks Mh, vgZr 01-01-2024 ls
rate of ¼ of emoluments for each completed six monthly izHkkoh ifjyfC/k;ksa dk vf/kdre 16 1@2 xq.kk ¼lk<+s lksyg xq.kk½
period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 16 ½ vFkok 25]00]000 ¼chl yk[k½ :Ik, ds v/khu vgZdlsok ds
time ‘the emoluments’ or Rs. 25,00,000 (Twenty Five Lakhs) izR;sd iw.kZ N% ekg ds fy, ifjyfC/k;ksa dh 1@4 dh nj ls A
wef. 01.01.2024 emoluments include DA 0n the date of
cessation of service.
¼vafre ewyosru+Mh, ½ X N%ekgh dh vof/k½
(Last Basic Pay + DA) x Six Monthly Period)
4 % izR;sd iw.kZ o"kZ vFkok 9 ekg ls vf/kd dh vof/k nks
Note: Each complete year or above 09 months period is
equal to two Six Monthly Period.
N%ekgh dh vof/k ds cjkcj gSA


Retirement Gratuity is&esfVªDl&7 esa vafre ewy osru %% :Ik, 76]500

egaxkbZ HkRrk 50% dh nj ls %% :Ik, 38]250
Last Basic Pay in Pay Matrix-7 :: Rs. 76,500 ifjyfC/k;ka %%
Dearness Allowance @ 50% :: Rs. 38,250
:Ik, 76]500 +:Ik, 38]250 :: :Ik, 1]14]750
Emoluments :: Rs. 76,500 + Rs. 38,250 =Rs. 1,14,750
Retirement Gratuity for 33 years :: Rs. 1,14,750 x ¼ x 66
=Rs.18,93,375 %% :Ik, 1]14]750 X 1@4 X66 = :Ik, 18]93]375
Retirement Gratuity for 20 years:: Rs. 1,14,750 x ¼ x 40
=Rs.11,47,500 %% :Ik, 1]14]750 X 1@4 X 40= :Ik, 11]47]500

Death Gratuity: lsokesa e`R;q ds ekeys esa e`R;q xzsP;wVh fuEufyf[kr njksa ij ns;
Death gratuity is admissible in the case of death in gksxh%&
service at following rates:- dz-la- lsok dh vof/k ifjokjdks ns; e`R;q xsP;wVh
S. Length of service Death Gratuity payable to ¼d½ ,d o"kZ ls de ifjyfC/k;ksa dk nks xq.kk
N. family ¼[k½ ,d o"kZ vFkok ifjyfC/k;ksa dk N% xq.kk
(a) Less than one year 2 time of emoluments vf/kd fdUrq 5 o"kZ
(b) One year or more 6 times of emoluments ls de
but less than 5 ¼x½ Ikap o"kZ vFkok vf/kd ifjyfC/k;ksa dk ckjg xq.kk
years fdUrq 20 o"kZ ls de
(c) 5 years or more, 12 times of emoluments ¼?k½ 20 o"kZ ls vf/kd vf/kdre 33 o"kksZa dh
but less than 20 ifjyfC/k;ka vFkok 20 yk[k
years :Ik, dh “krZ ds v/khu vgZd
(d) 20 years or more Half of emolument for lsok ds izR;sd N% ekg ds
every completed six fy, ifjyfC/k;ksa dk vk/kkA
monthly period of
qualifying service subject
to a maximum of 33 years
emoluments or Rupees
Twenty Lakhs.
is&esfVªDl&7 esa vafre ewyosru %% :Ik, 76]500
egaxkbZ HkRrk 50% dh nj ls %% :Ik, 38,250

Last basic pay in Pay Matrix-7 :: Rs. 76,500

Dearness Allowance @ 50% :: Rs. 38,250 % %:Ik, 76]500 + :Ik, 38,250= :Ik, 1,14,750
Emoluments :: Rs. 76,500 + Rs. 38,250 =Rs. 1,14,750
Death Gratuity for 33 years %% :Ik, 1,14,750 X 1@2 X 66 = :Ik, 37]86]750
:: Rs. 1,14,750 x ½ x 66 =Rs.37,86,750 ¼अिधकतम 25 लाख तक सीिमत )
(Restricted to upto maximum upto 25 lakhs)
Death Gratuity for 20 years %% :Ik, 1]14]750 X 1@2 X 40 = :Ik, 22]95]000
:: Rs. 1,14,750 x ½ x 40 =Rs.22,95,000

01-01-2016 ls] NqVV~ h Lohd`r djus ds fy, l{ke
From 01.01.2016, the authority competent to sanction izkf/kdkjh dks deZPkkjh ds [kkrs esa mldh lsok ds vafre osru esa
leave should automatically grant lump sum cash equivalent 300 fnuksa dh lexz lhek ds v/khu vftZr vodk'k vkSj v)Z
of leave salary admissible for the number of days of Earned osru vodk'k ds fnuksa dh la[;k ds fy, ns; NqV~Vh osru ds
Leave and Half Pay Leave at the credit of the lerqY; ,deq’r udn jkf’k dks Lor% Lohd`r djuk pkfg,A
employee on the last pay of his service, subject to overall
limit of 300 days.

Method of Calculation:
(I) For Earned leave:
(last Basic Pay Drawn + DA) x Nos. of Earned leave (Maximum 300 days) ¼vkgfjr vafre ewyosru+egaxkbZHkRrk ½ XvftZr vodk’k dh la[;k ¼vf/kdre 300 fnu½
30 days 30 fnu
(II) For Half Pay Leave:
(Half of last Basic Pay Drawn + DA) x Nos. of HPL (Maximum 300 days)
30 days
¼vkgfjr vafre ewyosru dk vk/kk+egaxkbZ HkRrk½ Xv)Zosru vodk’k dh la[;k ¼vf/kdre 300 fnu½
30 fnu

The overall limit for encashment of leave including both vftZr vodk’k vkSj v)Zosru vodk’k nksuksa NqV~Vh ds lfgr
earned leave and half pay leave shall not exceed 300 days. udnhdj.k dh lexz lhek 300 fnuksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuh pkfg,A
To make up for the shortfall in earned leave, no vftZr vodk’k esa deh dks iwjk djus ds fy,] v)Zosru esa dksbZ
commutation of half pay leave shall be admissible. dVkSrh ykxw ugha gksxhA
CALCULATION: is&esfVªDl esa vafre ewyosru% % :Ik, 76]500
egaxkbZ HkRrk 50% dh nj ls%% :Ik, 38,250
Last Basic Pay in pay Matrix :: Rs.
76,500 vftZr vodk’k [kkrs esa tek vftZr vodk’k dh la[;k %%200 fnu
Dearness Allowance @ 50% :: Rs. 38,250
v)Zosru vodk’k [kkrs esa tek v)Zosru vodk’k dh la[;k%
Nos. of EL at credit in EL account :: 200 days
% 550 fnu
Nos. of HPL at credit in HPL account:: 550 days

(i) Calculation of Earned leave encashment ¼i½

¼:Ik, 76]500 + :Ik, 38250 ½ X 200 ¼vftZr vodk’k dh la[;k½ % % :Ik, 7,65,000
30 fnu
(Rs. 76,500 + Rs. 38,250) x 200(Nos. of EL)= Rs. 7,65,000
30 Days
(ii) Calculation of Half pay leave encashment ¼:Ik, 76]500@2 + :Ik, 38]250 ½ X 100 %% :Ik, 2,55,000
(Rs. 76,500 / 2 + Rs. 38,250) x 100 :: Rs. 2,55,000 30 fnu
30 days ¼iii½ k ¼i + ii½ %% :Ik, 10,20,000

(iii) Total Leave Encashment ( i + ii ):: Rs. 10,20,000


Maximum 40% of Basic Pension can be commuted to get a isa’ku ds ,d fgLls dks vfxze :Ik ls izkIr djus ds fy, ewyosru
portion of pension in advance. dk vf/kdre 40% dVok;k tk ldrk gSA
40% X 12 XdVkSrhdkjd
40% of Basic Pension x 12 x Commutation Factor.
lsokfuo`fRr dh frfFk
tUefrfFk %% 25-05-1961
Date of Retirement :: 31.03.2024
vxys tUefnu ij vk;q %% 58 o"kZ
Date of Birth :: 25.05.1961
dVkSrh ewY; %% 8-446
Age next birth :: 58 years ewyisa’ku dk 40% % % :Ik, 38]250X40% = :Ik, 15]300
Commutation value :: 8.446
40% of Basic Pension:: Rs. 38,250 x 40% = Rs. 15,300 :Ik, 15]300 X 12 X 8.446 = :Ik, 15]50]686
Commutation Value:: Rs. 15,300 x 12 x 8.446 = Rs.15,50,686
Note:- ¼i½ dVkSrh dkjd dks lsokfuo`fRr ds 15 o"kksZa ds Ik’pkr
(i) Commutation factor will be restored after 15 years of cgky fd;k tk,xkA
retirement ¼ii½ ewyosru dk vf/kdre 40% dVkSrh ds fy, izLrkfor

(ii) Maximum 40% of Basic Pension can be offered for fd;k tk ldrk gSA


Rate of interest for the financial year 2024-25 foRrh; o"kZ 2024&25 ds fy, C;kt dh nj %%
::7.10% for FY 2024-25 7-1 %
Closing balance as on 31.03.2024 :: Rs. 6,00,000 31-03-2024 dh lekfIr ds le; cdk;k % % :Ik, 6]00]000
Month Subscrip Refund Advance/ Balance eghuk Tkek izfrnk; vfxze@ cdk;k
tion Rs. Withdraw Rs. @fjQaM vkgj.k
Rs. al ekpZ]24 25]000 0 0 6]25]000
vizSy]24 25]000 0 0 6]50]000
Mar,24 25,000 0 0 6,25,000
ebZ] 24 25]000 0 0 6]75]000
Apr,24 25,000 0 0 6,50,000
Twu]24 25]000 0 0 7]00]000
May’24 25,000 0 0 6,75,000
tqykbZ]24 25]000 0 0 7]25]000
June’24 25,000 0 0 7,00,000
vxLr]24 25]000 0 0 7]50]000
July,24 25,000 0 0 7,25,000
flrEcj]24 25]000 0 0 7]75]000
Aug,24 25,000 0 0 7,50,000
vDrwcj]24 25]000 0 0 8]00]000
Sep,24 25,000 0 0 7,75,000
uoacj]24 25]000 0 0 8]25]000
Oct,24 25,000 0 0 8,00,000
fnLkEcj]24 25]000 0 0 8]50]000
Nov,24 25,000 0 0 8,25,000
tuojh]25 25]000 0 0 8]75]000
Dec,24 25,000 0 0 8,50,000
Qjcjh]25 25]000 0 0 9]00]000
Jan,25 25,000 0 0 8,75,000
Feb,25 25,000 0 0 9,00,000
dqy 3]00]000
Total 3,00,000
dzfed ;ksx :Ik, esa 91]50]00
Progressive Total Rs. 91,50,000

Formula for calculation of GPF interest:

cdk;k C;kt ¼dzfed ;ksx½ Xthih,Q ij C;kt dh nj
Interest bearing balance (Progressive total) x rate of interest on GPF
12 x 100
12 X100

Interest Calculation:-

91,50,000(Progressive total) x 7.10 =Rs. 54,137.50 X = :Ik, 54]137-50

12 x 100 12 X 100
Closing balance as on 31.03.2025 =Rs.9,54,138 ¼v½ 31-03-2025 dh lekfIr ij lexz ;ksx =:Ik, 9]54]138-00
(Opening balance +Subscription deposit+interest)
+ +

lsokfuo`fr ds le; ifjogu HkRrk esa fuEufyf[kr pkj
TA on retirement includes 4 components: ?kVd 'kkfey gS %
¼i½ Lo;a vkSj ifjokj ds fy, ;k=k gdnkjhA
(i) Travel entitlement for self and family ¼ii½ dEiksftV VªkalQjxzkaV ¼lhVhTkh½A
(ii) Composite Transfer grant (CTG)
(iii) Reimbursement of charges on transport of
¼iii½ O;fDrxr lkeku ds ifjogu ij izHkkjksa dh {kfriwfrZA
personal effects ¼iv½ ;k=k ds vkokxeu ij izHkkjksa dh izfriwfrA
(iv) Reimbursement of charges on transportation of
conveyance ¼i½

(i) Travel Entitlement varjkZ"Vªh; ;k=k ds vykok] Vwj@LFkkukarj.k ds fy,

fu/kkZfjr gdnkjh lsokfuo`fRr ij dh xbZ ;k=kvksa ds ekeys esa Hkh
Travel entitlement as prescribed for tour/transfer, except ykxw gksxhA ,l vkj 147 esa fu/kkZfjr Lohdk;Zrk dh lkekU; 'krsZa]

for international Travel, will be applicable in case of rFkkfi ykxw jgsaxhA

journeys on retirement. The general conditions of
admissibility prescribed in SR 147 will however, continue
to be applicable.

(ii) Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) ¼ii½

(a) The Composite Transfer Grant shall be paid at the rate dEiksftV VªkalQj vuqnku dk Hkqxrku mu deZpkfj;ksa ds
of 80% of the last month’s basic pay in case of those ekeys esa vafre ekg ds ewyosru ds 80 izfr’kr dh nj ls fd;k
employees, who on retirement, settle down at places tk,xk tks lsokfuo`fRr ij vius dRrZO; ikyu ij vafre LVs’ku
other than last station(s), of their duty located at a ¼LVs’kuksas½ ds ctk; vU; LFkkuksa ij pys tkrs gSa tks 20 fdeh ls
distance of more than 20 Km. However in case of vf/kd dh nwjh ij vofLFkr gksrk gSA rFkkfi] vaMeku] fudksckj
settlement to and from the Island territories of vkSj y{k}hi ds }hi {ks=ksa ls b/kj&m/kj tkus ds ekeys esa]
Andaman, Nicobar & Lakshadweep, CTG shall be paid at lhVhth dk Hkqxrku ewyosru ds 100 izfr’kr dh nj ij fd;k
the rate of 100% of last month’s basic pay. Further,
tk,xkA blds vykok] lhVhth gdnkjh dk fu/kkZj.k djrs le;
NPA and MSP shall not be included as part of basic pay
ewyosru esa ,uih, vkSj ,e,lih dks 'kkfey ugha fd;k tk,xkA
while determining entitlement for CTG. The transfer
iqjkus vkSj u, LVs’ku ij LFkkukarj.k vkSj jksM+ ekbyst ds fy,
incidents and road mileage for journeys between the
residence and the railway station/bus stand etc., at the
fuokl LFkku vkSj jsyos LVs’ku@cl LVSaM vkfn ds chp ds fy,
old and new station are already subsumed in the
mUgsa igys gh dEiksftV LFkkukarj.k vuqnku ds fy, lfEefyr dj
composite transfer grant and will not be separately
fy;k x;k gS vkSj ;g vyx ls ns; ugha gksxkA

(b) Government servants who on retirement settle at the tSlk fd lsokjr dkfeZdksa ds ekeys esa gS] ljdkjh deZpkjh
last station of duty itself may be paid one third of the tks lsokfuo`fRr ij M~;wVh ds vafre LVs’ku ij gks] mUgsa lhVhth
CTG (@ 80% of the last months basic pay) subject to the ¼vafre csfld osru dk 80%½ dk ,d frgkbZ Hkqxrku fd;k
condition that a charge of residence is actually involved. tk,xkA bl ‘’krZ ds v/khu fd fuokl dk izHkkj okLrfod :Ik
dks‘’kkfey fd;k x;k gSA

(iii) Transportation of Personal Effects ¼iii½ O;fDrxr lkeku dk ifjogu

Level By Train/Steamer By Road Vªsu@LVhej ds }kjk lM+d }kjk
12 and 6000 Kg by goods Rs. 63/- per
above train/4wheeler wagon/ km 12 ,oa Eky okgd Vªsu@QksjfCgyj :Ik, 63@&izfr
1double container Åij cSxu@,d MCky dkWUVsuj fdeh
}kjk 6000 fd-xzk-
6 to 11 6000 Kg by goods Rs. 63/- per
train/4wheeler wagon/ 1 km
6 ls 11 Eky okgd Vªsu@QksjfCgyj :Ik, 63@&izfr
single container
cSxu@,d flaxy dkWUVsuj fdeh
5 3000 Kg Rs. 31/- per }kjk 6000 fd-xzk-
kmkm 5 3000 fd-xzk- :Ik, 31@&izfr
4 1500 fd-xzk- :Ik, 19@&izfr
4 and 1500 Kg Rs. 19/- per ,oauhps fdeh
below km
LVhej }kjk Lohd`r Hkkj ds ifjogu ds fy, njsa Hkkjrh; ukSokgu
The rates for transporting the entitled weight by Steamer fuxe }kjk ifjpkfyr tgktksa esa ,sls ifjogu }kjk fu/kkZfjr
will be equal to the prevailing rates prescribed by such ekStwnk njksa ds lerqY; gksaxhA izfriwfrZ ds fy, nkok lsokfuo`Rr
transport in ships operated by shipping Corporation of ljdkjh deZpkjh }kjk okLrfod jlhnksa@ckmplZ izLrqr djus ij
India. The claim for reimbursement shall be admissible ns; gksxk tks fd iwoksZRrj {ks=] vaMeku vkSj fudksckj }hi lewg
subject to the production of actual receipts/vouchers by the vkSj y{k}hi lewg vkSj y{k}hi vkfn ds LFkkukrj.k ekeyksa ds
retired Govt. servant Production of receipt/vouchers is lanHkZ esa vko’;d gSA lM+d }kjk O;fDrxr lkeku dk ;krk;kr
mandatory in r/o transfer cases of North Eastern Region, dsoy izfr fdeh ds vk/kkj ij gSA O;fDrxr lkeku ds ifjogu
Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep also. iz;kstu ds fy, 'kgjksa@dLcksa ds oxhZdj.k dks lekIr dj fn;k
Transportation of personal effects by road is as per
x;k gSA

kilometer basis only. The classification of cities/town for the

purpose of transportation of personal effects is done away

(a) Transportation of Conveyance ¼d½ okgu

Lrj izfriwfrZ
Level Reimbursement 6 vkSj Åij 1 eksVj dkj vkfn vFkok 1 eksVj
6 and above 1 motor car etc. or 1 motor
5 vkSj uhps 1 eksVj
5 and below 1 motorcycle/scooter/moped/bicycle

The general conditions of admissibility of TA on Transfer as ,lvkj 116 esa fu/kkZfjr LFkkukarj.k ij Vh, dh Lohdk;Zrk dh
prescribed in SR 116 will, however, continue to be lkekU; 'krsZa gkykafd ykxw jgsxh A

Introduction:- Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) dsUn zljdkj LokLF; ;kstuk ¼lhth,p,l½ dsUnz ljdkj
was introduced during 1954 with a view to provide ,oa muds ifjokjksa ds lexz fpfdRlk lqfo/kk,a iznku djus ds
comprehensive medical facilities to the Central Govt mn~n’s ; ds lkFk 1954 esa 'kq: dh xbZ FkhA bl ;kstuk dks izkjaHk
employees and their family members. The Scheme, which esa fnYyh ls 'kq: djds /khjs&/khjs vU; {ks=ksa esa c<+k;k x;k vkSj
was initially introduced in Delhi, was gradually extended to vkt ;g ;kstuk 71 'kgjksa esa py jgh gSA
other areas and at present cover 71 cities.
Contributions/ Documents:– As per CGHS Rules all Central %&lhth,p,l fu;ekoyh ds vuqlkj] dsUnzh;
Govt pensioners are entitled to avail CGHS facilities for ljdkj ds lHkh isa’kulZ vius ewyLFkku vFkok utnhdh
whole life by becoming member of CGHS after making one lhth,p,l fMLisa’kujh esa lsokfuo`fr ds le; 10 o"kksZa ds fy,
time lump sum payment of 10 years at the time of ,deq’r Hkqxrku djus ds Ik’pkr vkthou lnL; curs gq,
retirement at their native place or at nearest CGHS lhth,p,l lqfo/kk,a izkIr djus ds gdnkj gSaA ekfld va’knku
Dispensary. The present rates of monthly contribution and
vkSj 10 o"kZ va’knku dh orZeku nj fuEu izdkj gS%&
10 years contribution are as under:-

(a) Personnel serving in Delhi/NCR :-

1 CGHS FORM. 1 lhth,p,l izi=
2 SERVICE CERTIFICATE. 2 Lksok izek.k&i=
3 Ikgpku i= dh QksVksizfr
house, copy of valid rent agreement with house owner.
4 vkoklh; irk dk izek.k ¼fctyh dk fcy½ ;fn fdjk,
5 LATEST SALARY SLIP. ds ?kj esa gSa] ?kj dk oS| fdjk;k ca/k i= dh izfr
(COPY OF AADHAR CARD) 6 ifjokj ds lnL;ksa dh tUefrfFk izek.k
7 DEPENDENT CERTIFICATE (IN CASE OF PARENT). 7 vkfJr ¼ekrk firk ds ekeys esa½


W.E.F. 01.01.2017
Pay Matrix Level 1 to 5 Rs.250/- is esfVªDl Lrj 1 ls 5 :- 250@&
Pay Matrix Level 6 Rs.450/- is esfVªDl Lrj 6 :- 450@&
Pay Matrix Level 7 to11 Rs.650/- is esfVªDl Lrj 7 ls 11 :- 650@&
Pay Matrix Level 12 and above Rs.1,000/- is esfVªDl Lrj 12 vkSj Åij :- 1000@&
General Ward Upto Rs.36,500/- lkekU; okMZ :-36]500@&rd
Semi Private Ward Rs.36,501/- to Rs.50,500 Lkseh izkbZosV okMZ :- 36]501 ls :- 50]500@&rd
Private Ward above Rs.50,500 izkbZosV okMZ :- 50]500@&ls Åij

(b)Personnel serving in NE/J&K/ANO and their family

members residing in Delhi/NCR %&


1 vLFkk;h lhth,p,l izi=
1 TEMP CGHS FORM. 2 lsok izek.k&i=
2 SERVICE CERTIFICATE. 3 Ikgpku i= dh QksVksizfr
3 PHOTOCOPY OF IDENTITY CARD. 4 vkoklh; irk dk izek.k ¼fctyh dk fcy½ ;fn fdjk,
4 RESIDENTIAL -PROOF (ELECTRICITY BILL). If in rented ds ?kj esa gSa] ?kj ds ekfyd ds lkFk oS| fdjk;k ca/k
house, copy of valid rent agreement with house i= vko’;d gSA
owner is must. 5 Ukohure osru iphZ
5 LATEST PAY SLIP. 6 ifjokj ds lnL;ksa dh tUefrfFk izek.k ¼vk/kkj dkMZ dh
(Copy Of AADHAR Cards) 7 ikliksVZ lkbZt dk QksVks
7 PASS PORT SIZE PHOTOGRAPH. 8 vkfJr izek.k i= ¼ekrk firk ds ekeys esa½
8 DEPENDANT CERTIFICATE (IN CASE OF PARENT). 9 osru ,oa ys[kk vf/kdkjh lhth,p,l dks fnYyh esa ns;
9 BD FOR AT PAR WITH THE SUBSCRIPTION FOR ONE ,d o"kZ ds fy, muds i{k esa va’knku ds cjkcj cSad

Const to ASI or Rs. 3,000/- one year vkj{kd ls lgk;d mi fujh{kd :- 3]000@& ,d o"kZ dh
(Pay Matrix Level 1 to 5) payment. ¼is esfVªDl Lrj 1 ls 5½ vnk;xh
SI or (Pay Matrix Level 6 Rs. 5,400/- one year mi fujh{kd vFkok :- 5]400@& ,d o"kZ dh
only) payment. ¼is esfVªDl Lrj 6 dsoy½ vnk;xh
Inspector to DC or (Pay Rs. 7,800/- one year fujh{kd ls mi dek.MsUV :- 7]800@& ,d o"kZ dh
Matrix Level 7 to 11) payment. ¼is esfVªDl Lrj 7 ls 11½ vnk;xh
Commandant and above or Rs. 12,000/- one year Lkekns"Vk vkSj Åij vFkok :- 12]000@& ,d o"kZ
(Pay Matrix Level 12 and payment. ¼is esfVªDl Lrj 12 vkSj Åij½ dh vnk;xh
(c)Only for pensioner residing in Delhi/NCR:-


1 Ceasing of Medical Allowance availed by the 1 isa'kulZ }kjk miHkksx fd, tk jgs fpfdRlk HkRrs dks
pensioner with immediate effect. rRdky izHkko ls can djukA
2 Necessary certificate regarding surrender of 2 lsok esa lhth,p,l dkMZ dks tek djus ds laca/k esa
CGHS Card in service, whether in possession or vko’;d muds ikl gSa vFkok ugha]
not. 3 Iksa’ku vnk;xh vkns’k vkSj ,yihlh
3 Pension Payment Order and LPC. 4 vkfJr cPpksa dk ¼25 o"kZ rd dh vk;q ds
4 Certificate of dependent children (unmarried vfookfgr vkSj csjkstxkj ½
and unemployment irrespective of age upto 25 5 vkoklh; dh QksVksizfr@;fn fdjk, ds ?kj esa gSa
rks edku ekfyd ds lkFk fdjk;k ca/k i= vo’; gksuk
5 Photocopy of residential proof. If in rented
house, copy of valid rent agreement with house
6 osru ,oa ys[kk vf/kdkjh] lhth,p,l fnYyh ds i{k esa
owner is must.
fuEufyf[kr lac) jkf’k ¼nl o"kZ va’knku½ ds vuqlkj
6 A demand Draft of Nationalized bank as per
following relevant amount (Ten Year
,d jk"Vªh; cSad dk fMekaM MªkQ~VA
Subscription) in favour of Pay and Account
Officer, CGHS Delhi


W.E.F. 01.01.2017
Pay Matrix Level 1 to 5 Rs. 250/-
Pay Matrix Level 6 Rs. 450/-
is esfVªDl Lrj 1 ls 5 :- 250@&
Pay Matrix Level 7 to 11 Rs. 650/-
is esfVªDl Lrj 6 :- 450@&
Pay Matrix Level 12 and Rs. 1,000/- is esfVªDl Lrj 7 ls 11 :- 650@&
above is esfVªDl Lrj 12 vkSj blls :- 1000@&
SI or (Pay Matrix Level 6 Rs. 54,000/- Ten years
mi fujh{kd vFkok :- 5]4000@&nl o"kZ dh
only) payment.
¼is esfVªDl Lrj 6 dsoy½ vnk;xh
Inspector to DC or Rs. 78,000/- Ten years
fujh{kd ls mi dek.MsUV :- 7]8000@&nl o"kZZ dh
(Pay Matrix Level 7 to 11) payment.
¼is esfVªDl Lrj 7 ls 11½ vnk;xh
Commandant and above or Rs. 1,20,000/- Ten years
(Pay Matrix Level 12 and payment.
lekns"Vk vkSj blls Åij :- 1]20]000@&nl o"kZ
vFkok ¼is esfVªDl Lrj 12 vkSj dh vnk;xh
blls Åij ½
General Ward Upto Rs. 47,600/-
Semi Private Ward Rs. 47,601/- to Rs. 63,100/- lkekU; okMZ :- 47]600@&rd
Private Ward Rs. 63,101 and above lseh izkbZosV okMZ :- 47]601 ls :- 63]100@&rd
izkbZosV okMZ :- 63]101@&vkSj Åij
Pensioners have an option to get their CGHS pensioner card isa’kulZ ds ikl ;g fodYi gksxk fd os viuk lhth,p,l isa’kuj

made by either making CGHS contribution on an annual dkMZ ;k rks okf"kZd vk/kkj ¼ckjg eghus½ ij lhth,p,l va’knku
basis (twelve months) or by making contribution for 10 (ten) ds vk/kkj ij vFkok 10 o"kksZa ¼,d lkS chl eghus½ dk va’knku
years [120 (one hundred and twenty) months] for getting a djrs gq, vkthou oS|rk ds lkFk lhth,p,l dkMZ cuok ldrs
pensioner CGHS card with life-time validity. It is clarified gSaA ;g Li"V fd;k tkrk gS fd %&
 Contribution to be made by pensioners/family  isa'kulZ@ifjokj ds isa’kulZ ds }kjk fd;k x;k va’knku og
pensioners would be the amount that they were jkf’k gksxh ftlds fy, os viuh lsokfuo`fRr ds le; vFkok
subscribing at the time of their retirement or at the ljdkjh deZpkjh dh e`R;q ds le; va’knku dj jgs gksaxsA
time of death of the Government servant.
 isa’ku ds ykHkkFkhZ] ftUgksaus] 10 o"kksZa ds ;ksxnku ds lerqY;
 Pensioner beneficiaries, who have already obtained
,deq’r jkf’k dk Hkqxrku djr sgq, vkthou oS/krk ds lkFk
CGHS card with lifetime validity by paying a lump sum
amount equivalent to 10 years’ contribution, will not be
igys gh lhth,p,l dkMZ izkIr dj fy;k gS] mUgsa
required to pay any additional amount as a result of the
lhth,p,l lqfo/kk dk ykHk mBkus ds fy, ;ksxnku dh njksa
revision in the rates of contribution for availing CGHS esa la’kks/ku ds ifj.kke Lo:Ik fdlh vfrfjDr jkf’k dks vnk
facility. djuk visf{kr ugha gksxkA

 Entitlement of pensioners/family pensioners who have  isa’kulZ@ikfjokfjd isa’kulZ dh gdnkjh] ftUgksaus igys gh
already deposited their contribution for life time CGHS lhth,p,l dh vkthou lqfo/kk ds fy, igys viuk va’knku
facility, will not be changed. tek djok fn;k gS] esa ifjorZu ugha gksxkA
 Pensioners/family pensioners who are making  isa’kulZ@QSfeyh is’kulZ tks lhth,p,l esa okf"kZd vk/kkj ij
contribution to the CGHS on an annual basis and wish to va’knku dj jgs gSa vkSjtks lhth,p,l ykHkksa dks vkxs Hkh
continue to avail CGHS benefits will have to contribute mBkuk pkg jgs gSa] mUgsa la’kksf/kr njksa ij mudks igyh ckj
at the revised rates upto the time of contribution tkjh fd, x, is’kuj lhth,p,l dkMZ ds lkFk dqy nl o"kksZa
needed to cover a period of a total of ten years from dh vof/k dks 'kkfey djus ds fy, la'kksf/kr njksa ij va’knku
the time pensioner CGHS card was issued for the first nsuk gksxkA
time to them.
 dksbZ isa’kuj@QSfeyh isa’kuj tks lhth,p,l lqfo/kk dks izkIr
djus ds gdnkj jgs gks ijarq mUgksaus vc rd ,sls ekeyksa esa
 Any pensioner/family pensioner who is entitled to avail va’knku dh nj ij lhth,p,l dkMZ ugha cuok;k gS A 'ks"k
CGHS facility has not so far got his/her pensioner CGHS
vof/k ds fy, va’knku dh la’kksf/kr nj ml xzsM osru ds
card made the rate of contribution in such cases will be
lanHkZ esa gksxh tks muds }kjk ¼viuh lsokfuo`fRr@e`R;q ds
with reference to the grade pay that he/she would have
le;½ /kkfjr in esa vkgfjr fd;k x;k gks A og viuh
drawn in the post held by him/her
lsokfuo`fRr@e`R;q ds le; rd lsok esa jgs gksaA

Facilities under CGHS

The facilities available under CGHS mainly include:- lhth,p,l ds v/khu miyC/k lsokvksa esa eq[;r% 'kkfey gS%&
 Consultation with the Medical Officer at CGHS  lhth,p,l fMLisa’kujh] iksyh fDyfud vFkok vLirky esa
dispensary, poly clinic or hospital fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh ds lkFk ijke’kZA
 X-Ray, Laboratory and other diagnostic facilities.  ,Dl&js] iz;ksx’kkyk vkSj vU; Mk;XuksfLVd lqfo/kk,aA
 nokvksa dh vkiwfrZ bR;kfnA
 Supply of medicines, etc.
 vLirky esa HkrhZ gksus dh lqfo/kkA
 Hospitalization facilities.  fny laca/kh izR;kjksi.k] dku dh e’khu] baVjk&vksdqyj ySal
 Reimbursement of cost of implants for heart bR;kfn dh dherksa dh izfriwfrZA
ailments, hearing aids, intra-ocular lens etc.


(After Completion of 20 years qualifying
1. Pension – Once an employee rendered minimum deZpkjh tc ,d ckj de ls de 20 o"kZ dh
pensionable service of 20 years, the pension is 50% isa’ku ;ksX; lsok dj ysrk gS rks fiNys 10 eghuksa ds
of the average emoluments received during the nkSjku izkIr vkSlru ifjyfC/k;ksa vFkok vafre fy, x,
past 10 months or the last pay drawn whichever is osru] tks Hkh T;knk gksxh dk 50 izfr’kr isa’ku gksxk
more beneficial, subject to minimum of ₹ 9,000. tksfd de&ls&de 9]000@&:i, gksxhA
2. Gratuity – One fourth of emoluments for each vgZd lsok ds izR;sd N% eghus dh vof/k iwjk
completed six monthly period of qualifying service gksus ij ifjyfC/k;ksa dk ,d pkSFkkbZ vf/kdre 16 1@2
subject to maximum of 16 ½ times the xq.kk ;k ifjyfC/k;ksa dk 20 yk[k :Ik,] tks Hkh de gksA
Emoluments of ₹ 20 Lakhs, whichever is less.
minku ds fy, ifjyfC/k;ksa dk vFkZ gS egaxkbZ HkRrs ds
Emoluments for Gratuity means last pay drawn
lkFk vkgfjr vafre osruA
plus DA.

3. Commutation of Pension – Not exceeding 40% of &- िन िल खत के अनु सार ज की

monthly basic pension with reference to the अगली तारीख पर उ के आधार पर क ू टेशन
commutation factor bases on age on next date of कारक के सं दभ म मािसक मू ल पशन का 40% से
birth as per following:- अिधक नही:ं -
Age next birthday Commutation valaue vxys tUefnu dks vk;q dE;qVs’ku ewY;
39 9.103 39 9.103
40 9.090 40 9.090
41 9.075 41 9.075
42 9.059 42 9.059
43 9.040 43 9.040
44 9.019 44 9.019
45 8.996 45 8.996
46 8.971 46 8.971
47 8.943 47 8.943
48 8.913 48 8.913
49 8.881 49 8.881
50 8.846 50 8.846
51 8.808 51 8.808
52 8.768 52 8.768
53 8.724 53 8.724
54 8.678 54 8.678
55 8.627 55 8.627
56 8.572 56 8.572
57 8.512 57 8.512
58 8.446 58 8.446
59 8.371 59 8.371
60 8.287 60 8.287
61 8.194 61 8.194

4. Encashment of Earned Leave – Cash equivalent of deZpkjh dks mldh lsok

leave salary admissible for number of earned leave ds vafre fnu ij vftZr vodk’k dh la[;k ds fy,
at the credit of employee on the last day his Lohdk;Z vodk’k osru ds cjkcj udnh] vf/kdre 300
service, subject to a maximum of 300 days. (Last fnuA ¼vafre osru vgj.k + egaxkbZ HkRrk½
pay Drawn + DA).

5. Encashment of Half Pay Leave – Cash equivalent to deZpkjh dks lsok

half pay leave at the credit of employee on the last ds var esa v)Z&osru vodk’k ds cjkcj udnh A
of service. The Maximum HPL can be encashed vf/kdre ,pih,y dk udnhdj.k fd;k tk ldrk gS
only to complete shortfall of 300 days while
tc vftZr vodk’k ds udnhdj.k ds le; 300 fnu
encashment of Earned Leave.
iwjs djus dh t:jr gksA
6. GPF Final Payment – GPF amount at the credit of
employee on the last day of service.
thih,Q dh jkf’k dk Hkqxrku
deZpkjh dh lsok ds vafre fnu esa gksxkA
7. Fixed Medical Allowance – ₹ 1,000 per month wef
01.07.2017 or to get CGHS facility for her/himself
and dependents. fnukad 01-07-2017 ls 1]000
:Ik, izfrekg vFkok vius vksj vkfJr ds fy,
lhth,p,l lqfo/kk ysxkA
8. Payment of CGEGIS – Accumulated Saving fund as
per Table. &rkfydk ds vuqlkj lafpr cpr
9. Retirement TA. : As already mentioned in para 6.
iSjk 6 esa igys gh mYysf[kr gSA


From 01.01.2016, under relevant rules Family 01-01-2006 ls laxr fu;eksa ds v/khu ikfjokfjd isa’ku
pension is admissible to NOK of deceased employee. e`rd deZpkjh ds utnhdh fj’rsnkj dks Lohdk;Z gSA
The amount of Family pension will be 30% of the 1-
average emoluments or 30% of emoluments drawn on the Ikfjokfjd isa’ku ,ojst veksyqesaVl dk 30 izfr’kr gksxh ;k tks
day of death of Govt. Servant, whichever is more beneficial. e``rd dkfeZd e`R; qdh frfFk dks vkgfjr dj jgk gS dk 30
izfr’kr tks Hkh ykHkdkjh gks] ykxw gksxk A
Formula of Normal Family Pension
30% of Last Basic Pay Drawn in Pay Matrix Level.
Date of Death : 15.07.2017 is esfVªdl ysoy esa vafre osru dk 30 izfr’kr
Date of birth : 06.06.1963 e`R;q dh frfFk % 15-07-2017
Qualifying Service : 30 Years e`rd dh tUefrfFk % 06-06-1963
Last Basic Pay in Pay Matrix-8 : Rs. 76,500 vgZd lsok % 30 o"kZ
Normal Rate of Family Pension : Rs. 76,500x 30% osru esfVªDl 08 esa vafre ewyosru % :- 76]500
= Rs. 22,950 ikfjokfjdisa’ku dh lkekU; nj % :- 76]500 X30%
Enhanced Rate of Family Pension : Rs. 76,500/2 = :- 22]950
= Rs. 38,250
Ikfjokfjd isa’ku dh c<+h gqbZ nj % :- 76]500@2
= :- 38]250*
Note: Enhanced rate of family pension will be payable from
uksV% ikfjokfjd isa’ku dh c<+h gqbZ nj isa’kulZ dh e`R;q dh frfFk
the date following the date of death of the pensioner for a
ls vxyh frfFk ls 7 o"kksZa dh vof/k ds fy, vFkok ml frfFk rd
period of 7 years or till the date, the pensioner would have
tc rd isa’kulZ 67 o"kZ dh vk;q izkIr u dj ys] tks Hkh igys gks]
attained the age of 67 years, whichever is earlier.
ns; gksxhA

Note: Where a Government servant dies while in service,

uksV% tgkWa ljdkjh deZpkjh dh lsok ds nkSjku e`R;q gks tkrh gS]
the rate of family pension payable to the family shall be ogkWa ifjokj dks ns; ikfjokfjd isa’ku dh nj osru ds IkPpkl
equal to fifty per cent of the pay and the amount so izfr’kr ds cjkcj gksxh vkSj bl izdkj Lohdk;Z jkf’k deZpkjh dh
admissible shall be payable from the date following the e`R;q dh rkjh[k ds ckn dh rkjh[k ls nl lky dh vof/k ds

date of death of the Government servant for a period of ten fy;s ns; gksxh A
In the case of Death after Retirement
50% of pay drawn at the time of retirement. (Payable for a
lsokfuo`fr ds le; osru dk 50% vkgfjr fd;k x;kA ¼lkr o"kksZa
period of seven years or upto the date of which he would dh vof/k ds fy, ns; vFkok 67 o"kksZa rd og thfor jgrk gS] tks
have attained 67 years had he survived whichever is less)Hkh de gks½
Date of Death : 15.07.2023 (After retirement)
e`R;q dh frfFk % 15-07-2023 ¼lsok fuo`fr ds ckn½
Date of birth of deceased : 06.06.1963 e`rd dh tUefrfFk % 06-06-1963
Last Basic Pay in Pay Matrix-8 : Rs. 76,500 osruesfVªDl 07 esa vafre ewyosru % :- 76]500
Enhanced Rate of Family Pension : Rs. 76,500/2 ikfjokfjd isa’ku dh c<+h gqbZ nj % :- 76]500@2
= Rs. 38,250* = :- 38]250*
Normal Rate of Family Pension : Rs. 76,500 x 30% Ikfjokfjd isa’ku dh lkekU; nj % :- 76]500 X30%
= Rs. 22,950** = :- 22]950**
¼i½ *ikfjokfjd isa’ku dh c<+h gqbZ njsa :- 38]250 dh nj ls
(i) *Enhanced rate of family pension @ ₹ 38,250 (With ¼egaxkbZ HkRrk NwV ds lkFk½ 15-07-2023 ls 05-06-2030 rd e`R;q
Dearness Relief) will be admissible w.e.f. 15.07.2023 to ;k iqu% fookg rd Lohdk;Z jgsxkA
05.06.2030 till death or re-marriage.
¼ii½ **ikfjokfjd isa’ku dh lkekU; nj :- 22]950 dh nj
(ii) **Normal rate of family pension ₹ 22,950 (With ls ¼egaxkbZ HkRrs ds lkFk½ 06-06-2030 ls e`R;q rd vFkok iqu%
Dearness Relief) will be admissible wef 06.06.2030 till death fookg rd Lohdk;Z jgsxhA
or re-marriage.
The Family pension
Note – In no case, Basic Pension granted shall be less than fdlh Hkh ekeys esa ewy isa’ku :- 9]000 izfrekg ls de
Rs.9,000/- per month. ugha nh tk,xhA
Additional family pension shall be payable to the family Ikfjokfjd ias’kuHkksxh dks vLlh o"kZ dh vk;q iwjh gksus ij
pensioner after completion of age of eighty years in the fueufyf[kr rjhds ls vfrfjDr ikfjokfjd isa’ku ns; gksxh %&
following manner dz-la- Ikfjokfjd isa’kuHkksxh vfrfjDr ikfjokfjd isa’ku
Sl.N Age of family Additional family pension dh vk;q
o. pensioner 1- 80 o"kZ lsvksj 85 o"kZ ewy ikfjokfjd isa’ku dk 20
1 From 80 years to 20 per cent of basic family ls de izfr’kr
less than 85 years pension 2 85 o"kZ ls vkSj 90 ewy ikfjokfjd isa’ku dk 30
2 From 85 years to 30 per cent of basic family o"kZ ls de izfr’kr
less than 90 years pension 3 90 o"kZ ls vkSj 95 ewy ikfjokfjd isa’ku dk 40
3 From 90 years to 40 per cent of basic family o"kZ ls de izfr’kr
less than 95 years pension 4 95 o"kZ ls vkSj 100 ewy ikfjokfjd isa’ku dk 50
4 From 95 years to 50 per cent of basic family o"kZ ls de izfr’kr
less than 100 years pension 5 100 o"kZ ls ewy ikfjokfjd isa’ku dk
5 100 years or more 100 per cent of basic
vkSjvf/kdo"kZ 100 izfr’kr
family pension
uksV % vfrfjDr ikfjokfjd isa’ku ml dSysaMj ekg ds igys fnu
Note. The additional family pension shall be payable from
first day of the calendar month in which it falls due.
ls ns; gksxh] ftlesa og ns; gSA
10.Classification of cases of death or
disability under the Central Civil Services ¼vfrfof’k"V isa’ku½ fu;e] 2023
(EXTRAORDINARY PENSION) RULES, 2023 e`R;q ;k fu%’kDrk ds ekeyksa dks mu ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds
If an employee sustains injuries, diseases or dies and vk/kkj ij ftuesa e`R;q ;k fu%’kDrk gksrh gS] fuEufyf[kr fof’k"V
the injury, disease or death is attributable to Government esa oxhZd`r fd;k tk,xk]
service , he/his family becomes eligible for the grant of an
award under the Central Civil Services ( Extraordinary fofHkUu ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds rgr e`R;q vFkok fodykaxrk ds
Pension) Rules, 2023 which are applicable to all. fy, ns; eqvkots+ dk fu/kkZj.k djus ds fy, ekeyksa dks
fuEukuqlkj pkj vyx&vyx Jsf.k;ksa esa oxhZd`r fd;k x;k gS %&
For determining the compensation payable for death
or disability under different circumstances, the cases are
categorized in five distinct categories as under:-

Category ‘A’-
The death or disability due to natural causes not Ek`R;q ;k fu%’kärk ljdkjh lsok ds dkj.k u gksdj
attributable to Government service and there is no causal izkd`frd dkj.kksa ls gqbZ gks vkSj ljdkjh deZpkjh dh e`R;q ;k
connection between the death or disablement of the fu%’kärk vkSsj ldjkjh lsok ds chp dksbZ dkj.k laca/kh la;kstu
Government servant and the Government service. ugha gS A
Category ‘B’-
The death or disability due to following causes, which are Ek`R;q ;k fu%’kärk ftldk dkj.k ljdkjh lsok ekuk
accepted as attributable to or aggravated by Government x;k gS ;k tks ljdkjh lsok ds dkj.k c<+h gks A buesa lfEefyr
service, namely:- gksaxs vFkkZr%&
(i) diseases contracted,- (a) because of continued exposure 1- ,slk jksx tks ¼d½ izfrdwy dk;Z okrkokj.k] ;k ¼[k½ O;kolkf;d
to a hostile work environment; or (b) on being subjected to [krjkasa ;k vR;f/kd xeZ ;k BaMs okrkoj.k dh fLFkfr esa yxkrkj
occupational hazards or extreme weather conditions, dk;Z djus ds dkj.k gq, gksa] ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i Ek`R;q ;k
resulting in death or disability; or (ii) accidents caused while fu%’kärk gqbZ gks ;k
on duty, not covered under Category ‘C’ or Category ‘D’.
2- drZO; ds nkSjku ,slh nq?kZVuk,a tks ^x^ ;k ^?k^ ds
v/khu ugha vkrh gSa A
Category ‘C’-
(i) attributable to acts of violence by terrorists, extremists,
anti-social elements, etc. at public places and not
Ek`R;q ;k fu%’kärk]
specifically targeted against the Government servant,
1- dRkZO; djrs le; ;k vU;Fkk] lkoZtfud LFkkuksa ij
including bomb blasts in public places or transport,
vkradokfn;ksa] mxzokfn;ksa]vlkekftd rRoksa vkfn }kjk fgald d`R;ksa
indiscriminate shooting incidents in public, etc., whether in ds dkj.k vkSj ljdkjh deZpkjh ds fo:) fo’ks"k :i ls yf{kr
the performance of duty or otherwise; ugha] ftlesa lkoZtfud LFkkuksa ;k ifjoguksa esa ce foLQksV] yksxksa
ij va/kk/kqa/k xksyhckjh djus dh ?kVuk,a vkfn Hkh lfEefyr gSa(
(ii) attributable to act of violence or attack by a fellow 2- fdlh lkFkh ljdkjh deZpkjh }kjk fgld dkjZokbZ ;k izgkj
Government servant; djus ds dkj.k (
3- izn’kZudkfj;ksa ;k yksd lsodksa }kjk naxksa ;k fonzksg ds dkj.k]
(iii) due to riots or revolt by demonstrators or public vkanksyu dk neu djus esa flfoy iz’kklu dh lgk;rk gsrq dke
servants, causing injuries to other Government servants esa yxk, x, vU; ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dks gqbZ {kqfr ds ekeys(
who are employed in aid of the civil administration for 4- izkd`frd vkink] fgeL[kyu] cQhZyk rwQku] vpkud ck<+ ;k
quelling agitation; ckny QVuk ;k HkwL[kyu] xjt] fctyh vR;kf/kd xehZ jsfxLrkuh
bykdksa esa jsrhys rwQku vkfn tSls pje ekSle dh fLFkfr ds
(iv) occurring while on duty in specified high altitude, dkj.k fofufnZ ÅapkbZ] nqxZe drZO; iksLVksa vkfn esa vdrZO; ds
inaccessible duty posts, etc. on account of natural disaster, nkSjku ?kfVr(
extreme weather condition such as avalanche, snow storm, 5- cpko dk;ksZ vFkkZr~ vfxz’kked] ck<+] rwQku vkfn ds nkSjku
blizzards, flash floods or cloud burst or landslide, ?kfVrA
thunderstorm, lightning, extreme heat, sand storms in
desert areas, etc.; ifj.kkeLo:i gkus okyh e`R;q ;k fu%’kDrk(
1- ljdkjh deZpkjh ij vkradokfn;ksa] mxzokkn;ksa] vlkekftd
(v) Occurring during rescue operations, e.g. fire-fighting, rRoksa vkfn }kjk geyk(
floods, storms, etc. 2- vkradokfn;ksa] mxzokfn;ksa] vlkekftd rRoksa vkfn ds fo:}
Category ‘D’- dkjZokbZ(
(i) attack targeted against the Government servant by 3- varjjk"Vªh; ;q} ;k lhek ij eqBHksM+ vkSj ;q}&rqY; fLFkfr;ksa esa
terrorists, extremists, anti-social elements, etc.; ’k=q dh dkjZokbZ(
4- ;q}xzLr fons’kh ns’k ls Hkkjrh; ukxfjdksa dks fudkyus dk
(ii) action against terrorists, extremists, anti-social element, vfHk;ku(
etc; 5- fdlh dkjZokbZ {ks= esa tkrs le; ogka ls ykSVrs le; pjeiaFkh
d`R;ksa] [kkuksa dk foLQkV] vkfn] mxzokfn;ksa }kjk vigj.k] vlyh
(iii) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes
xksyk ck:} ds lkFk izf’k{k.k vH;kl] ;q} izf’k{k.k vH;klksa]
and warlike situations;
iwokZH;klksa ds fy, cukbZ xbZ oklrfod ;q}&rqY; fLFkfr;ksa tSls
(iv) operation to evacuate Indian nationals from a war-torn
foreign country;
fLFkfr;ksa tSls fleqys’ku vH;kl] vkfnA
(v) extremists acts, exploding of mines, etc., while on the
2¼d½ vlk/kkj.k dqVaqc isa’ku ;k fu%’kDrk isa’ku dh eatwjh ds fy,
way to an operational area or on return therefrom,
izoxZ *[k*] izoxZ *x* vkSj izoxZ *?k* ds v/khu vkus okys ekeyksa dh
kidnapping by extremists, training exercises with live ifjfLFkfr;ksa dh mnkgj.k lwph ftuesa ljdkjh deZpkjh dh e`R;q
ammunition, simulation drills such as real battle-like ;k fu%’kDrk dk dkj.k ljdkjh lsok ekuk x;k gS] vuqlwph 3 esa
conditions created for war training exercises, rehearsals, fufnZ
etc. ¼[k½ vuqlwph 3 esa lwph mnkgj.kkRed gS vkSj e`R;q ;k fu%’kDrk ds
,als ekeys tks vuqlwph 3 dh lwph esa lfEefyr ugha gSa] ijUrq bl

fu;eksa ds v/khu fu%’kDrk isa’ku dk dqVaqc isa’ku eatwj djus dh

2 The illustrative list of circumstances in which death or 'krksZa dks vU;fkk iwjk djrs gsSa] ij fu.kZ; mu ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds
disability of a Government servant is to be reckoned as vk/kkj ij fy;k tk,xk ftuesa e`R;q ;k fu%’kDrk gqbZ FkhA
attributable to Government service for grant of 3 mi&fu;e ¼1½ esa izoxZ *d* ds v/khu fdlh ljdkjh deZpkjh
Extraordinary Family Pension or Disability Pension of cases dh fu%’kDrk ;k e`R;q gksus ij isa’ku vkSj dqVqac isa’ku dsanhz ;
falling under category ‘B’, category ‘C’ and category ‘D’ shall flfoy lsok ¼isa’ku½ fu;e] 2021 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj nh
be as refeered at Schedule III of CCS (EOP) Rules 2023.[See tk,xhA mi&fu;e ¼1½ esa izoxZ *[k*] izoxZ *x* vkSj izoxZ *?k* ds
Rule 9] v/khu fdlh ljdkjh deZpkjh dh fu%’kDrk ;k e`R;q gksus ij isa’ku
vkSj dqVaqc isa’ku bu fu;eksa ds mica/kksa ds vuqlkj nh tk,xhA


i. For cases covered under Category ‘ A’ :- lhlh,l ¼isa’ku½ fu;e 2021 esa fufgr izko/kkuksa ds lanHkZ esa
ikfjokfjd isa’ku ns; gSA
Family pension is payable in terms of provisions contained
in CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021.
ii. Family pension to widow/ widower
% osru dk 60 izfr’kr
Category B : Pay x 60/100 upto the E`kR;q ;k iqufoZokg rd
date of death or
% osru dk 100 izfr’kr
Category C and D : 100% of Pay upto the E`kR;q ;k iqufoZokg rd
date of death or

iii. Family pension to dependant children including

adopted children and step children:- iii.

;fn e`rd ljdkjh deZpkjh dk dksbZ mÙkjthoh fo/kok ;k fo/kqj

If the deceased Government servant is not survived by a
ugha ;k ;fn fo/kok ;k fo/kqj dh e`R;q gks tkrh gS ;k iqufoZokg gks
widow or widower of if the widow or widower dies or
tkrk gS] rks ;FkkfLFkfr] ^[k^ ds v/khu dqVqac isa’ku dk 100
remarries, 100% of the family pension under category ‘B’
or 60% of the family pension under Category ‘C’ & ‘D’ shall
izfr’kr ;k ^x^ ,oa ^?k^ ds v/khu dqVqac isa’ku dk 60
be payable to the child or children who fulfil the following
izfr’kr] ,asls cPPks ;k cPpksa dks ns; gksxk tks fuEufyf[kr 'krksZa dks
conditions:- iwjk djrs gks %&

i. in the case of son (including adopted son and step son), a) iq= ¼ekufld ;k 'kkjhfjd fu%’kÙkrk ls xzLr iq= ds
other than a son suffering from a mental or physical vfrfjDr½] ¼ftlesa nÙkd iq= vkSj lkSrys s csVs lfEefyr gSa½
disability-unmarried, below the age of twenty five years and dh n’kk esa &vfookfgr] iPphl o"kZ ls de vk;q vkSj viuk
not earning his livelihood thfodksiktZu ugha djrk gks

ii. In the case of daughter (including adopted daughter and b) iq=h ¼ekufld ;k 'kkjhfjd fu%’kÙkrk ls xzLr iq=h ds
step daughter) other than a daughter suffering from a vfrfjDr½] ¼ftlesa nÙkd iq=h vkSj lkSrsyh iq=h lfEefyr gSa½
mnetal or physical disability-unmarried or widowed or dh n’kk esa &vfookfgr ;k fo/kok ;k rykd’kqnk vkSj viuk
divorced and not earning her livelihood. thfodksiktZu ugha djrh gks

iii. In the case of son or a daughter suffering from a mental c) iq=h ekufld ;k 'kkjhfjd fu%’kÙkrk ¼ftlesa nrd iq= ;k
or physical disability (including adopted so or daughter and iq=h vkSj lkSrsyk iq= ;k iq=h lfEefyr gSa½ ls ihfM+r iq= ;k
step son or daughter)-not earning his or her livelihood. iq=h dh n’kk esa & viuk thfodksiktZu ugha dj jgh@jgs
gks A
iv. Family pension to parents:- iv.

Where a deceased Government servant is not survived by a tgka fdlh e`rd ljdkjh deZpkjh dh dqVqac isa’ku ds fy, fo/kok
widow or widower or a child eligible for family pension or if ;k fo/kqj vFkok ik= cPpk mÙkjthoh ugha gS ;k ;fn fo/kok ;k
the widow or widower and all children cease to be eligible fo/kqj vkSj lHkh cPpksa dh dqVqac isa’ku ds fy, ik=rk lekIr gks
for family pension, family pension shall be payable to tkrh gS] rks dqVqac isa’ku ekrk&firk dk vkthou ns; gksxh ^
parents for life :-

Category ‘B’ : ds v/khu] fo/kok dks vuqKs; dqVqac isa’ku ds 50

izfr’kr dh nj ls] bl 'krZ ds v/khu fd ekrk&firk mldh e`R;q
50% of the family pension entitled to a widow subject to ds le; ljdkjh deZpkjh ij vkfJr Fks vkSj dqVqac ias’ku dh
the conditions that the parents were dependent on the jde dsanzh; flfoy lsok ¼isa’ku½ fu;e] 2021 ds fu;e 50 ds
Government servant at the time of his or her death and the v/khu Lohdk;Z dqVqac isa’ku dh jde ls de ugha gksxh vkSj
amount of family pension shall not be less than the amount
of family pension admissible in accordance with rule 50 of
the CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 ds v/khu] fo/kok dks vuqKs; dqVqac isa’ku
ds 75 izfr’kr dh nj ls] ;fn ekrk&firk nksauks thfor gSa vkSj
Category ‘C’ & ‘D’: fo/kok dks vuqKs; dqVacq isa’ku ds 60 izfr’kr dh nj ls] ;fn
dsoy ,d ekrk ;k firk thfor gSa] ds gdnkj gksaxs A
70% of the family pension entitled to a widow if both
parents are alive and at the rate of 60% of the family
pension entitled to a widow if only one parent is alive

V. Family pension to siblings: v.

Where a deceased Government servant is not survived by a tgka fdlh e`r ljdkjh deZpkjh dh dqVqac ias’ku ds fy, ik=
widow or widower or a child or parents eligible for family fo/kok ;k fo/kqj vFkok cPpk ;k ekrk&firk mÙkjthoh u gks ;k
pension or if the widow or widower or children or parents dqVqac isa’ku ds fy, ljdkjh deZpkjh dh fo/kok ;k fo/kqj] ckydksa
of the Government servant cease to be eligible for family vkSj ekrk&firk dh ik=rk lekIr gks xbZ gS] rks bu fu;eksa ds
pension, the family pension equal to 50% of the rate fu;e 11 ds mifu;e ¼1½ ;k mifu;e ¼2½ esa fofufnZ"V nj ij]
specified in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) of rule 11 of CCS ;FkkfLFkfr] dqVqac isa’ku ljdkjh deZpkjh ds vkfJr lgksnjksa dks
(Extraordinary pension) Rules 2023, as the case may be, iPphl o"kZ dh vk;q iwjh gksus ;k fookg gksus rd] tks Hkh igys gks]
shall be payable to the depenent sibling of the deceased ns; gksxh A
Government servant till he or she attains the age of twenty
five years or gets married, whichever is earlier.
tgka vkfJr lgksnj dh dqVacq isa’ku ds fy, ik=rk lekIr gks
Where the dependent sibling ceases to be eligible for family tkrh gS ;k tgkWa iPphl o"kZ ls de vk;q dk dksbZ vkfJr lgksnj
pension or where there is no dependent sibling below the dqVaqc isa’ku ds fy, ik= ugha gSa] fdarq ljdkjh deZpkjh dk
age of twenty five years eligible for family pension but the mÙkjthoh vkfJr lgksnj gS tks ekufld ;k 'kkjhfjd fu%’kÙkrk ls
Government servant is survived by a dependant sibling who xzLr gS] ,sls fu%’kÙk lgksnj dks dqVqac isa’ku [kaM ¼d½ esa fofufnZ"V
is suffering from a mental or physical disability, family
nj dk 50 izfr’kr vkthou ns; gksxk] ;fn ,slk lgksnj ljdkjh
pension equal to fifty percent of the rate specified in clause
deZpkjh dh e`R;q ls Bhd iwoZ ml ij iw.kZr% vkfJr Fkk A
(a) shall be payable for life to such disabled sibling, if such
sibling was wholly dependent upon the Government
servant immediately before his or her death:
ijarq bl mifu;e ds v/khu ekufld ;k 'kkjhfjd fu%’kÙkrk ls
Provided that the amount of family pension under this sub-
xzLr vkfJr lgksnj dks ns; dqVqac ias’ku dh jkf’k dasnzh; flfoy
rule shall not be less than the amount of family pension
lsok ¼isa’ku½ fu;e] 2021 ds fu;e 50 ds v/khu Lohdk;Z dqVqac
admissible in accordance with rule 50 of the Central Civil isa’ku dh jkf’k ls de ugha gksxh %
Services (Pension) Rules, 2021 to a dependant sibling who is
suffering from a mental or physical disability:
ijarq ;g vkSj fd ,slk lgksnj mlh jhfr ls vkSj ik=rk dh mUgha
Provided further that a sibling who is suffering from a 'krksaZ ds v/khu vkSj mlh fu%’kÙkrk ekud dk vuqlj.k djrs gq,]
mental or physical disability shall be eligible for family dqVqac ias’ku ds fy, vkthou ik= gksxk] tSlk fd] ljdkjh
pension for life in the same manner and subject to same deZpkjh ds iq= ;k iq=h dh n’kk esa [kaM ¼M*½ esa fufnZ"V fdlh
eligibility conditions and following the same disability fu%’kÙkrk ls xzLr gksus] ftlds dkj.k iPphl o"kZ dh vk;q gks
criteria, as laid down in clause (e) and clause (f) of sub-rule tkus ds i’pkr Hkh og vkthfodk dk miktZu djus ds vleFkZ
(4) in the case of son or daughter of a Government servant gks] tSlk fd mifu;e ¼4½ ds [kaM ¼M*½ [kaM ¼p½ esa ;Fkk

suffering from any disability referred to in clause (e), so as vf/kdfFkr gS

to render him or her unable to earn a livelihood even after
attaining the age of twenty-five years: ijarq ;g vkSj Hkh fd dqVqac isa’ku ,sls lgksnj dks rc ns; gksxh
tCk fu%’kÙkrk ljdkjh deZpkjh dh e`R;q ls iwoZ ekStwn gks A
Provided also that the family pension to the sibling who is
uffering from a mental or physical disability shall be payable
if the disability existed before the death of the Government

Ref. Rule 11 & 12 of CCS (Extraordinary pension) Rules

,sls isa’kuHkksxh ds ekeys esa] tks bu fu;eksa ds v/khu 'kr&izfr’kr
In the case of a pensioner, who is eligible for disability fu%’kÙkrk ds fy,s fu%’kÙkrk isa’ku dk ik= gS vkSj ftlds ekeys esa
pension for hundred percent disability under these rules Lohd`r fu%’kÙkrk ;k fu%’kÙkrkvksa dh fLFkfr ds vk/kkj ij]
and in whose case, based on the condition of the accepted fpfdRlk cksMZ dh jk; gS fd isa’kuHkksxh fnu&izfrfnu ds fy,
disability or disabilities, the medical board is of the opinion fdz;kdykiksa ds fy, iw.kZr% nwljksa ij vkfJr gS vkSj mls ,d
that the pensioner is completely dependent on others for lrr ifjpj dh lsokvksa dh vko’;drk gS] rks mls le;&le;
day to day activities and needs the services of a constant ij ljdkj }kjk r; dh xbZ nj ij lrr ifjpj Hkrk fn;k
attendant, the Constant Attendant Allowance shall be tk,xk vkSj ekfld fu%’kÙkrk isa’ku ds vfrfjDr lrr ifjpj HkÙkk
granted to him at the rate decided by the Government from vthou ns; gksxk fdarq lrr ifjpj HkÙks ij dksbZ eagxkbZ jkgr
time to time and the Constant Attendant Allowance shall be ns; ugha gksxh A
payable, for life, in addition to the monthly disability
pension but no dearness relief shall be admissible on the
Constant Attendant Allowance.
Ref. Rule 2 & 10 of CCS (Extraordinary pension) Rules

If the Government servant is retained in service in spite of a ,slk ljdkjh deZpkjh dks dksbZ {kfr ;k jksx gksus ds dkj.k
disablement on account of an injury or disease, he shall be fu%’kÙkrk gksus ds ckotwn Hkh ,slh lsok esa j[kk tkrk gS] rks mls
paid compensation in lump sum in lieu of the disability vof/kd :i ls izo`r lajk’khdj.k ds funZs’k ls ,ssals
element of disability pension by arriving at the capitalised fu%’kÙkrk rRo ds iwathxr ewY; ij igqapdj fu%’kÙkrk isa’ku ds
value of such disability element with reference to the fu%’kÙkrk rRo ds LFkku ij ,deq’r izfrdj lanr fd;k tk,xk A
commutation table in force from time to time:

Provided that the broad-banding as provided in sub-rule (3) Ikjarq bu fu;eksa ds fu;e 7 ds mi&fu;e ¼3½ esa ;Fkk micaf/kr
of rule 7 of these rules shall not be applicable in such cases. czkWaM&CkSafMx ,ls ekeyksa esa ykxw ugha gksxk A
Service element of disability pension shall not be taken into
,deq’r izfrdj dh jkf’k dk fu/kkZj.k djus ds fy, fu%’kÙkrk
account for determining the amount of the lump sum
isa’ku ds lsok rRo dks /;ku esa ugh j[kk tk,xk A

Illustration.- The amount of lump sum compensation in lieu

of disability pension in the case of a Government servant,
%&,slk ljdkjh deZpkjh ftlus 40 o"kZ dh vk;q iwjh dj
who has completed the age of 40 years and was drawing a
yh gS vkSj ;FkkfLFkfr] {kfr gksus dh rkjh[k ;k jksx gksus dh
basic pay of Rs 30,000/- per month on the date of injury or rkjh[k ls izfrekl 30]000@& :i, dk ewy osru vkgfjr dj
date of disease, as the case may be, and who is retained in jgk gS vkSj ftls ^[k^ esa 40 izfr’kr fu%’kÙkrk gksus ds
Government service in spite of a disability of 40% ckotwn ljdkjh lsok esa j[kk tkrk gS] ds ekeys esa fu%’kÙkrk isa’ku
ds LFkku ij ,deq’r izfrdj dh jde fuEukuqlkj gksxh %&
in Category ‘B’, shall be as under-
Rs. 30,000 x 30/100 (Disability element of disability
pension) x 40/100 (Percentage of disability) x 9.075 :i, 30]000@& dk 30 izfr’kr ¼ fu%’kÙkrk isa’ku dk fu%’kÙkrk
(Commutation factor for age of 41 years on next birthday) RkRo½ X 40@100 ¼ fu%’kÙkrk dk izfr’kr½ XdVkSrh
x12 (Number of months in a year) = Rs. 3,92,040/-. x.kdXfodykaxrk dh okLrfod izfr’kr dk 100 ls foHkktu

For the purpose of sub-rule (5), ‘date of injury’ shall be the

actual date on which the injury is suffered in an accident or
violence or such other date, as the authority competent to
grant disability pension or family pension under rule 5, may fu%’kÙkrk isa’ku ;k dqVqac isa’ku eatwj djus ds fy, l{ke
fix and ‘date of disease’ shall be the date, as the authority izkf/kdkjh }kjk fu;r dh tk, vkSj ^jksx dh rkjh[k^ og rkjh[k
competent to grant disability pension or family pension gksxh] tks fu;e 5 ds v/khu fu%’kÙkrk isa’ku ;k dqVqac isa’ku eatwj
under rule 5, may fix with due regard to the opinion of the djus ds fy,] l{k izkf/kdkjh }kjk fpfdRlk cksMZ dh jk; dks /;ku
Medical Board: esa j[k dj fu;r dh xbZ gks
Provided that the date of injury so fixed shall not be later ijarq ,slh fu;r dh xbZ {kfr gksus dh rkjh[k fpfdRlk cksMZ dh
han the date of the report of the Medical Board and the fjiksVZ dh rkjh[k ls ckn dh rkjh[k] ugha gksxh vkSj ,slh fu;r
date of disease so fixed shall not be later than the date of dh xbZ jksx gksus dh rkjh[k fpfdRlk cksMZ dh fjiksVZ dh rkjh[k
the report of the Medical Board. ls ckn dh rkjh[k] ugha gksxh A
Ref. Rule 10 of CCS (Extraordinary pension) Rules 2023


Prepared by: Welfare Directorate, FHQ


 Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is
available to people between 18 and 70  iz/kkuea=h lqj{kk chek ;kstuk 18 ls 70 o"kZ dh
years of age with bank accounts. vk;q ds yksx ftuds ikl cSad [kkrs gSa] ds fy,
 It has an annual premium of Rs.20/- miyC/k gSA
exclusive of taxes.  bldk djksa jfgr :Ik, 20@& dk okf"kZd
 The amount will be automatically debited
izhfe;e gSA
from the account.
 In case of accidental death or full
 jkf’k Lor% gh [kkrs ls dV tk,xhA
disability, the payment to the nominee  nq?kZVuk ls e`R;q vFkok iw.kZ viaxrk ds ekeys esa
will be Rs. 2 lakh and in case of partial ukfefr dks vnk;xh :Ik, 2 yk[k gksxh vkSj
Permanent disability Rs.1 lakh vkaf’kd LFkk;h viaxrk ds ekeys esa :Ik, 1
yk[k gksxhA


 Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana  iz/kkuea=h thou chek ;kstuk 18 ls 50 o"kZ dh
is available to people between 18 and 50 vk;q ds yksx ftuds ikl cSad [kkrs gSa] ds fy,
years of age with bank accounts. miyC/k gSA
 bldk okf"kZd izhfe;e :Ik, 436@&gSA
 It has an annual premium of Rs.436/-.
 The amount will be automatically debited  jkf’k Lor% gh [kkrs ls dV tk,xhA
from the account.
 In case of death due to any reason, the  fdlh vU; dkj.k ls e`R;q ds ekeys esa ukfefr
payment to the nominee will be Rs. 2 dks vnk;xh :Ik, 2 yk[k gksxhA
lakh .


Following investment options are available for
personal saving:- cSad tek
(A) Bank Deposits ¼i½ %&
(i) Saving Deposits:-  ,d cpr [kkrk ,d cSad esa lc ls ewy izdkj dk [kkrk
 A savings account is the most basic type of account
gS ftlesa vki /kujkf’k tek djok ldrs gSa] bls lqjf{kr
at a bank, allowing you to deposit money, keep it
j[k ldrs gSa vkSj vko’;drk iM+us ij /kujkf’k fudky
safe, and withdraw funds as needed.
ldrs gSaA
 Savings accounts pay interest on your deposits.
 cpr [kkrs vkidks viuh tek jkf’k ij C;kt jkf’k Hkh
(Source: iznku djrs gSaA
(ii) Recurring Deposits:-
¼ii½ %&
 Recurring Deposit is a special kind of
Term Depositoffered by banks which help people  vkorhZ tek ,d fo’ks"k izdkj dh tek gS tks cSadksa }kjk
with regular incomes to deposit a fixed amount iznku dh tkrh gS tks fu;fer vk; okys yksxksa dks izR;sd ekg
every month into their Recurring Deposit account vius vkorhZ tek [kkrs esa ,d fuf’pr jkf’k tek djus dh
 Earn interest at the rate applicable to lqfo/kk nsrs gSaA
Fixed Deposits.
 Minimum Period of RD is 6 months and maximum  fuf’pr tek ij ykxw nj ij C;kt izkIr djsaA
is 10 years
 vkorhZ tek ds fy, U;wure vof/k 6 ekg dh gS vkSj
vf/kdre 10 o"kZ gSA

 (Source:

¼iii½ %&
(iii) Fixed Deposits:-  ,d fuf’pr tek ¼,QMh½ cSadksa }kjk iznku dh tk jgh
 A fixed deposit (FD) is a financial instrument foRrh; lqfo/kk gSA
provided by banks.  ,QMh fuos’kdksa dks fu;fer cpr [kkrs dh rqyuk esa
 FD provides investors a higher rate of interest than C;kt dh ,d mPpnj] ifjiDork vof/k rd miyC/k djokrh
a regular savings account, until the given maturity gSA

(B) Post Office Deposits: ¼[k½ %&

(i) Post Office Time Deposit Account(TD): ¼i½
 Account can be opened by cash/cheque.  [kkrs dks udn@pSd }kjk [kksyk tk ldrk gSA
 Nomination facility is available at the time of
 Ukkfefr lqfo/kk [kkrk [kksyrs le; vkSj [kkrk [kksyus ds
opening and also after opening of account.
ckn Hkh miyC/k gSA
 Account can be transferred from one post office to
another.  [kkrs dks ,d Mkd?kj ls nwljs Mkd?kj esa LFkkukarfjr
 The investment under 5 year TD qualifies for the fd;k tk ldrk gSA
benefit of Section 80C of the Income Tax Act,1961.  Ikapo"khZ; vkof/kdtek fuos’k vk;dj vf/kfu;e] 1961
dh /kkjk 80 lh ds rgr ykHk ds gdnkj gSaA

(ii)Post Office monthly Income Scheme Accounts(MIS): ¼ii½

 An individual can invest maximum Rs. 9 lakh.  ,d O;fDr vf/kdre 9 yk[k dk fuos’k dj ldrk gSA
 The interest rate is 7.4% per annum payable
 01-01-2024 ls cpr nj 7-4 izfr’kr okf"kZd gS tks
monthly wef. 01.01.2024.
ekfld ns; gksrh gSA
 Maturity period is 5 years from 01.12.2011.
 Interest can be drawn through auto credit into
 01-12-2011 ls ifjiDork vof/k 5 o"kZ gSA
savings account standing at same post office.  C;kt dks mlh Mkd?kj esa cpr [kkrs esa vkWVks dzsfMV ds
 Can be prematurely en-cashed after one year but ek/;e ls vkgfjr fd;k tk ldrk gSA
before 3 years at the discount of 2% of the deposit  ,d o"kZ ds ckn ysfdu 3 o"kZ ls igys tek ds 2
and after 3 years at the discount of 1% of the izfr’kr dh NwV ij rFkk 3 o"kZ ds ckn tek ds 1
deposit. izfr’kr dh NwV ij le; ls igys Hkh Hkquk;k tk ldrk
3.Sukanya Samridhi Yojana 3-
 This scheme is for bright future of daughter under ‘Beti  ;g ;kstuk yM+dh ds csgrj Hkfo"; ds fy, gS tks ^csVh
Bachao Beti Padhao compaign. cpkvks csVh Ik<k;ks^ dSisu ds varxZr gSA
 Bank account can be opened for girl child (maximum  10 o"kZ rd dh vk;q dh yM+dh ds fy, cSad [kkrk [kksyk
two –three accounts can be opened in case younger tk ldrk gSA ;fn NksV sHkkbZ&cguks aeas tqM+oka yM+fd;ka gS
siblings are twin girls) upto 10 years of age. rks vf/kdre nks&rhu [kkrs [kqyok, tk ldrs gSaA
 Deposit for only 15 years with maturity at 21 years.
 21 o"kZ ij ifjiDork jkf’k ds lkFk dsoy 15 o"kZksZa ds fy,
 Facility of 50% payment after 18 years of age.
 Facility of account closure on marriage after the age of
18 years.  18 o"kZ dh vk;q ds ckn 50 izfr’kr jkf’k dh lqfo/kkA
 18 o"kZ dh vk;q ds ckn 'kknh gksus ij [kkrk can djus dh
 Minimum deposit can be done for Rs. 250/- and lqfo/kkA
maximum for Rs. 1,50,000/- per financial year.  ,d forh; o"kZ esa de ls de :Ik, 250@&rFkk vf/kd ls
 It is offering the highest interest rate amongst all other vf/kd :Ik, 1]50]000@&tek fd, tk ldrs gSaA
small savings schemes.  blesa lHkh vU; NksVh cpr ;kstukvksa ls T;knk C;kt nj
 Income tax benefit is also available under Section 80C. nh tk jgh gSA
 /kkjk 80 lh ds rgr vk;dj NwV Hkh miyC/k gSA
(Source: Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna| National Portal
of India)

4. Govt. Schemes ( for Senior Citizen): 4-

A. Senior Citizen Saving Scheme after retirement:
 It is purely for Senior Citizen i.e. who attains the age of  ;g dsoy ofj"B ukxfjdksa vFkkZr~ 60 o"kZ dh vk;q izkIr
60 years. djus okyksa ds fy, gSA
 Any person may open an account at any deposit office  dksbZ Hkh O;fDr fdlh Hkh tek dk;kZy; ij vk;q izek.k
by making an application in Form A along with the i= rFkk ,d gtkj :Ik, ds xq.kkad esa tek jkf’k ds lkFk
amount of deposit in multiple of one thousand rupees, QkeZ ^d* esa vkosnu djds [kkrk [kksy ldrk gSA
along with age proof.
 A person may operate more than one account subject
 ,d O;fDr bl 'krZ ds v/khu ,d ls vf/kd [kkrs
to the condition that deposits in all accounts taken
lapkfyr dj ldrk gS fd lHkh [kkrksa esa tek 15 yk[k

together shall not exceed the maximum limit of Rs.15 dh vf/kdre lhek ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg, rFkk tek
lakhs and provided that deposits by depositors shall be drkZvksa }kjk iznRr tek lsokfuo`fr Qk;nksa vFkok 15
restricted to the retirement benefits or Rupees Fifteen yk[k] tks Hkh de gks rd lhfer jgukpkfg,A
lakhs whichever is lower.  tekdrkZ O;fDrxr {kerk vFkok ifr@iRuh ds lkFk
 A depositor may open the account in individual capacity la;qDr [kkrk Hkh [kksy ldrk gSA
or jointly with spouse.

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