ASF ASI Original Solved Papers 1
ASF ASI Original Solved Papers 1
ASF ASI Original Solved Papers 1
A. 6 B. 8 A. 48 B. 24
C. 3 D. 10 C. 12 D. 32
77. ___ is the biggest source of 85. How many Sujood are there
energy. in the Holy Quran?
A. Coal B. Petrol A. 10 B. 12
C. Gas D. Sun C. 14 D. 18
80. The only Pakistani Scientist, 87. “The Torah” was revealed on
who won the Nobel Prize, A. Hazrat Dawood (AS)
was: B. Hazrat Musa (AS)
A. Dr. Samar Mubarak C. Hazrat Isa(AS)
B. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan D. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
C. Dr. Abdul Salam
D. None of the above 88. The 2nd pillar of Islam is:
A. Namaz B. Fast
81. _____ is the famous city for C. Tauheed D. Zakat
sports goods all over the
World. 89. The word Islam is repeated
A. Lahore B. Gujrat _________ times in the Holy
C. Gujranwala D. Sialkot Quran.
A. 6 B. 8
82. Lake Saif – ul – Maluk is C. 10 D. 12
located in:
A. Sindh 90. The level at which an
B. Northern Areas individual judges ‘what is
C. Punjab right and what is wrong' has
D. Khyber Paktunkhwa been called as the level of
83. In which Islamic month, first A. Consciousness B.
Wahi was descended? Morality
A. Rajab – ul - Murajab C. Conduct D. Ethics
B. Safr
C. Rabi – ul - Sani 91. When was the first Hajj
D. Ramazan – ul - Mubarik performed by the Holy
Prophet (PBUH)?
84. Year of Nabuwat of Hazarat A. 9 Hijri B. 10 Hijri
Muhammad (SAW) is C. 11 Hijri D. 8 Hijri
Select the word that is most opposite to 26. Who is called the Father of History?
the word provided. A. Aristotle B. Socrates
C. Herodotus D. Plato
16. Garner
A. Unravel B. Mar 27. International day of Non-Violence is
C. Squander D. Tarnish observed on?
A. 1st October B. 3rd October
17. Prodigal
C. 2nd October D. 4th October
A. Thrifty B. Secondary
C. Distant D. Squalid 28. French revolution began in:
A. 1789 B. 1790
18. Tacit
C. 1791 D. 1792
A. Grand B. Dictated
C. Illicit D. Messy 29. To which country did Christopher
Columbus belong?
19. Repudiate
A. Spain B. England
A. Argue B. Soften
C. Italy D. Rome
C. Slander D. Admit
30. UNICEF stands for?
20. Pristine
A. United Nation Internal Cultural
A. Free B. Sullied
Educational Foundation
C. Wide D. Through
B. United Nations International
21. On globe, latitudes and longitudes Children’s Emergency Fund
intersect each other at C. United Nations International
A. 30 degree B. 60 degree Children Educational
C. 90 degree D. 120 degree Foundation.
22. Which of the following cities is also D. United nations International
known as the City of Canals? Cultural Emergency fund
A. Brazil B. Venice 31. The SAARC movement was launched
C. Singapore D. Korea for?
23. Which one of the following is the A. Political alliance B. Regional
National flower of Britain. cooperation
A. lily B. rose C. Cultural exchanges D. Military
C. tulip D. None of strategy
these 32. Which of the following is the
currency of Iraq?
24. Vernal equinox occurs on A. Ruble B. Dinar
A. 22nd June B. 23rd march C. Tada D. Peso
C. 29 September 33. The world’s second longest river is
D. 21st December A. Nile B. Amazon
25. The distance between Earth and the C. Indus D. Yangtze
Sun is smallest in the month of 34. Epsom (England) is the place
A. July B. March associated with
C. May D. January A. horse racing B. polo
64. The first Masjid (Mosque) on the 72. How many Prophets are mentioned
surface of Earth is? in the Holy Quran?
A. Masjid-ul-Haram B. Masjid- A. 25 B. 26
e-Nabvi C. 27 D. 28
C. Masjid-e-Aqsa D. Masjid-
73. How many Surahs start with the
name of Prophets (A.S) in Holy
65. There are ______ Madni Surahs in Quran:
Holy Quran: A. 4 B. 5
A. 25 B. 28 C. 6 D. 7
C. 48 D. 19
74. Holy Quran was revealed in how
66. _____ is the Surah in the Holy Quran many years and months?
in which Hajj is recommended. A. 18 years 10 months
A. Surah Al-Baqarh B. Surah e B. 23rd years and 5 months
Hajj C. 22 years and 5 months
C. Surah Al-Imran D. Surah D. 21 years and 5 months
75. Which Surah mentions the
67. Gap between first and second Wahi
migration of the Holy Prophet
was _____
A. 3 B. 6
A. An-Naj B. Anfal
C. 8 D. 10
C. Al-Munafiqun D. At-Tahrim
68. _________ Gazwaat described in
76. Surah e Ankaboot in Holy Quran
Holy Quran:
A. 10 B. 12
A. Ant B. Pigeon
C. 14 D. 16
C. Spider D. None of
69. Who proposed the compilation of these
the Holy Quran?
77. Amount of zakat cannot be used in
A. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
B. Hazrat Umer (R.A)
A. Madrassah B. Mosque
C. Hazrat Zaid (R.A)
C. Hospital D. None of
D. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
70. Which Surah in Holly Quran is
78. A Muslim female is coffined in:
known as Surah Widah?
A. Eight Sheets B. Five Sheets
A. Surah e Fateh B. Surah Al-
C. One Sheet D. Ten Sheets
C. Surah Al-Noor D. None of 79. Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering) is made
these during Hajj at:
A. Arafat B. Mina
71. The word Islam occurs _______
C. Muzdalifah D. Safa
times in Holy Quran.
A. 5 B. 3
C. 10 D. 7
80. Namaz-e-Istisqa is the prayer for 86. In the following question, select the
A. Rain B. Blessing of related number form the give
GOD alternatives: 101 : 10201 : : 107 :?
C. sleep D. None of A. 10707 B. 10749
these C. 11449 D. 11407
87. In the following question, select the
81. A starts and walks towards south. missing number from the given
He then turns to his right and walks alternatives: 2, 5, 12, 27, ?
5 km, then turn left and walks 3 km A. 53 B. 57
and then again turn left and walk 5 C. 56 D. 58
km, in which direction is he from the
88. If ‘P 3 Q’ means ‘P is daughter of Q’,
starting point?
‘P 5 Q’ means ‘P is father of Q’, ‘P 7
A. West B. South
Q’ means ‘P is mother of Q’ and ‘P 9
C. North D. East
Q’ means ‘P is sister of Q’, then how
82. If there are 15 boys and 25 girls in a is J related to K in J 3 L 9 N 3 O 5K?
class, what percent of the class are A. Mother B. Wife
boys? C. Niece D. Daughter
A. 10% B. 15%
89. Amana got engaged 10 years ago,
C. 25% D. 37.5%
Amana’s present age is 5/3 of her
age at the time of engagement. If
83. What will come next?
the present age of Amana’s mother
is twice that of present age of
489 466 446 429 ?
Amana then what was her mother’s
a. 412 age (in years) at the time of her
b. 413
A. 50 B. 40
c. 414 C. 30 D. 60
d. 415
90. In the following question, from the
e. 416
given alternative words, select the
84. Direction: Number of letters skipped word which cannot be formed using
in between adjacent letters gives on the letters of the given word.
increasing successfully by one in the SUSPENSFULNESS
series. Identify the set following the A. SENSE B. FUELS
above rule. C. USEFUL D. FULLNESS
A. CEHLQW B. CLOUBX 91. If x and y are the two digits of the
C. CHMRWB D. HLPTXN number 347xy such that the number
85. In the following question, select the is completely divisible by 80, then
related letters from the given what is the value of x + y?
alternatives: NPBG: OQCH :: AJOT : ? A. 2 B. 4
A. BKPU B. BUPK C. 6 D. 8