ASI Past Papers Dogar Sons
ASI Past Papers Dogar Sons
ASI Past Papers Dogar Sons
One of the most potentially dangerous 21. If A is the “father” of B , but B is not
international problems is that of mass the son of A. What is the relation of
tourism. Of the more than six billion people B to A?
in the world , an increasing number of them A. Aunt B. Daughter
are determined to travel. Annually a huge C. Mother D. Nephew
number of travel – hungry tourists traipse
around the globe , and thousands of perfect 22. It takes 3-minuters to boil a single
beaches, attractive villages, historic cities, egg on an oil stove. How many
and regions of exquisite natural beauty have minutes will it take to boil 7 eggs
fallen under developers’ buildings schemes. together?
Attempts to accommodate these people A. 6 B. 8
have led to the destruction of the very C. 3 D. 10
attractions that they have come to enjoy and
have made daily living almost impossible 23. Which of the following objects is
for the local residents. different from the others?
A. Book B. Paper
17. The effects of Tourism include: C. Pencil D. Ink
A. collapse of regions of natural E. Boat
beauty due to building schemes
B. destruction of the attractions of 24. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
tourists due to over adjustments “Sunday is to Monday as today is
C. almost impossible daily living to____
for the local residents A. Tomorrow B. Yesterday
D. All of the above C. Evening D. Every – day
18. The phrase “these people” in the 25. If “ BOY” is coded as 539 and
passage refers to: “GIRL” is coded as 8627. Then how
A. people in the world would you encode” GLORY”?
B. tourists A. 23879 B. 98732
C. developers D. residents C. 86932 D. 87329
19. The phrase “mass tourism” means: Choose the best answer for the following
A. large amount of people statement from the given options.
travelling around the globe
B. frequent visits of villagers to 26. We prefer to wear woolen clothes in
zoos winter because________
C. huge constructions in places of A. Woolen clothes are bad
exquisite beauty conductor of heat
B. Woolen clothes are good 35. Suppose there are 100 seconds in a
conductor of heat minute. Then there will be how many
C. Woolen clothes are more durable minutes in one hour?
D. Woolen clothes are thicker than A. 70 B. 80
cotton C. 60 D. 36
27. I am 6th in the queue starting from 36. Total number of triangles in the
either end. How many are the in the figure below is:
A. 9 B. 13
C. 11 D. 12
D. It aligns the text equally from 48. Which short key is used to hide a
all sides row?
A. Ctrl + I B. Ctrl + H
42. What functions can be applied with a C. Ctrl + 9 D. Ctrl + 12
Header 49. By using which short key,
A. Text presentation starts from current slide?
B. Page Numbering A. Alt + F4 B. Alt + F5
C. Water Mark D. Table C. Shift + F5 D. Shift + F4
E. Both a and b
50. To select one hyperlink after another
43. In MS word formulas are inserted as: during a slide presentation, what do
A. Numbers B. Text you press?
C. Field code D. Value A. Tab B. Ctrl + K
E. Symbol C. Ctrl + h D. All of above
44. Min E3: E9
The above function shows: 51. Which option of menu bar shows
A. Minimum value in row E textbox, pictures, and animation in
B. Minimum value in Column E MS Power point?
C. Minimum value from 3rd to 9th A. Tools B. Tables
cell in row E C. Format D. Insert
D. Minimum value from 3rd to
9th cell in column E 52. Which key shows the first slide of the
45. How is data represented when copied A. Next slide B. Page down
from Excel to Word? C. Ctrl + Home D. Ctrl + Up
A. Embedded
B. Coded 53. Bullets in MS Word are used to:
C. In a table of MS Word A. Specify spacing
D. Graphically B. Specify Page layout
C. Specify Key Points
46. Why files of Excel are called a Work D. Specify Heading
Book? E. Both c and d
A. They contain data
B. They contain data which can be 54. What is the default font size range of
formatted the text in MS word?
C. They contain a number of A. 6.5-60 B. 7 - 65
Formulas C. 8 - 72 D. 8.5 – 72
D. They contain a number of
Work sheets and Chart sheets 55. Where is the header and footer
located in MS Word?
47. IF, NOT, OR, XOR are: A. On the first page
A. Logical functions B. On the current page
B. Mathematical functions C. On every page
C. Statistical functions D. On selected page
D. Business functions
56. What shortcut key is used for line
A. Ctrl + Enter B. Ctrl + F7
76. K.2 is in: 85. How many Sujood are there in the
A. Nepal B. Pakistan Holy Quran?
C. India D. China A. 10 B. 12
C. 14 D. 18
77. ___ is the biggest source of energy.
A. Coal B. Petrol 86. What is the meaning of Sariyya?
C. Gas D. Sun A. A poetess
B. A famous Arabian saint
78. In Hindu’s society, there are ____ C. A battle not attended by the
castes. Holy Prophet (SAW)
A. 2 B. 3 D. Secret treaties of the Munafiqeen
C. 4 D. 5
87. “The Torah” was revealed on
79. How many days are in a “Leap A. Hazrat Dawood (AS)
Year”? B. Hazrat Musa (AS)
A. 366 days B. 365 days C. Hazrat Isa(AS)
C. 360 days D. 358 days D. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
80. The only Pakistani Scientist, who 88. The 2nd pillar of Islam is:
won the Nobel Prize, was: A. Namaz B. Fast
A. Dr. Samar Mubarak C. Tauheed D. Zakat
B. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
C. Dr. Abdul Salam 89. The word Islam is repeated
D. None of the above _________ times in the Holy Quran.
A. 6 B. 8
81. _____ is the famous city for sports C. 10 D. 12
goods all over the World.
90. The level at which an individual 93. Religion regards conscience as the
judges ‘what is right and what is voice of ___________speaking in the
wrong' has been called as the level of soul of man.
_______ A. Angels B. God
A. Consciousness B. Morality C. Prophet
C. Conduct D. Ethics D. Universal soul
91. When was the first Hajj performed 94. When we make the judgment ,’this
by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? action is good,’ we imply that the
A. 9 Hijri B. 10 Hijri action has some __________ or that
C. 11 Hijri D. 8 Hijri it is worthwhile.
A. Tradition B. Affect
92. An action is ethically ________, if C. Value D. Wisdom
the consequences of the action are
more favorable than unfavorable. 95. ‘Self - realization’ in ethics means
A. Neutral B. Wrong _____
C. Right D. Common A. To know self
B. Self perfection
C. Making real self
D. Describing self
50. Who was the second Prime Minister 57. Pakistan and China have signed an
of Pakistan? agreement for ____________
A. Ch Muhammad Ali B. Kh. railway track on 28th April 2019.
Nazim-ud-Din A. Pak China Express Train
C. Liaquat Ali Khan D. Feroz B. ML-1
Khan noon C. ML-5 D. PC-1
51. The Supreme commander of 58. Which country was the largest
Pakistan Armed Forces is? importer of the weapons in the
A. Army Chief B. Prime world during 2014 to 2018 ___?
Minister A. US B. China
C. President D. Governor C. Russia D. Saudi
52. Who is the current Secretary
General of the United Nations? 59. Which team made the highest score
A. Antonio Guterres (238) in PSL-4?
B. Kofi Anrum A. Peshawar Zalmi B. Karachi
C. Ban-Ki-Moon Kings
D. None of these C. Islamabad United D. None of
53. Which country’s Parliament has
been the Guard of Honor on 60. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir
Pakistan Day (23 March 2018) Mohammad arrived in Islamabad for
parade? a three-day official visit to Pakistan
A. Sri Lanka B. India on __________?
C. Bangladesh D. South Africa A. 21 March 2019 B. 23
March 2019
54. As per study report there will be no
C. 22 March 2019 D. 27
or very little clean water available in
March 2019
Pakistan by ____?
A. 2020 B. 2030 61. Hazrat ___ was the first Hafiz of the
C. 2025 D. 2040 Holy Quran.
A. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
55. Who is elected as the Chairman of
B. Hazrat Umer (R.A)
the National Assembly Finance
C. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
D. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
A. Dr. Raza Bagir B. Abdul
Hafeez Sheikh 62. In the beginning Prophet
C. Ishrat Haveli D. Asad Umar Muhammad (PBUH) worked as a
shepherd for ____?
56. Which hotel was attacked on 11th of
A. Banu Saad B. Banu
May 2019 by BLA?
A. PC Boorban B. Sareena
C. Banu Ummayya D. Banu
C. PC Gwadar D. Marriott
63. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had 71. The word Islam occurs _______
____ sons? times in Holy Quran.
A. 1 B. 2 A. 5 B. 3
C. 3 D. 4 C. 6 D. 7
64. The first Masjid (Mosque) on the 72. How many Prophets are mentioned
surface of Earth is? in the Holy Quran?
A. Masjid-ul-Haram B. Masjid- A. 25 B. 26
e-Nabvi C. 27 D. 28
C. Masjid-e-Aqsa D. Masjid-
73. How many Surahs start with the
name of Prophets (A.S) in Holy
65. There are ______ Madni Surahs in Quran:
Holy Quran: A. 4 B. 5
A. 28 B. 28 C. 6 D. 7
C. 48 D. 19
74. Holy Quran was revealed in how
66. _____ is the Surah in the Holy Quran many years and months?
in which Hajj is recommended. A. 18 years 10 months
A. Surah Al-Baqarh B. Surah e B. 23rd years and 5 months
Hajj C. 22 years and 5 months
C. Surah Al-Imran D. Surah D. 21 years and 5 months
75. Which Surah mentions the
67. Gap between first and second Wahi
migration of the Holy Prophet
was _____
A. 4 B. 6
A. An-Naj B. Anfal
C. 8 D. 10
C. Al-Munafiqun D. At-Tahrim
68. _________ Gazwaat described in
76. Surah e Ankaboot in Holy Quran
Holy Quran:
A. 10 B. 12
A. Ant B. Pigeon
C. 14 D. 16
C. Spider D. None of
69. Who proposed the compilation of these
the Holy Quran?
77. Amount of zakat cannot be used in
A. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
B. Hazrat Umer (R.A)
A. Madrassah B. Mosque
C. Hazrat Zaid (R.A)
C. Hospital D. None of
D. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
70. Which Surah in Holly Quran is
78. A Muslim female is coffined in:
known as Surah Widah?
A. Eight Sheets B. Five Sheets
A. Surah e Fateh B. Surah Al-
C. One Sheet D. Ten Sheets
C. Surah Al-Noor D. None of 79. Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering) is made
these during Hajj at: