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Ex. 1: Tabulate the following information.

The total strength of a college in 2000-01 was 1,100 students distributed as

under –
F.Y. Com – 400, Int. Com. – 300, Jr. B.Com. – 200, Sr. B.Com. – 200.
In 2001-02, there was a fall of 10% in the strength of each of the first three
classes as compared to their strength in 2000-01, and Sr. B.Com. class had
strength of 200. In 2002-03 there was an increase of 10% in each of the classes
as compared to their strength in the previous year. In 2003-04, the total strength
of the college was 1,250. The number of the students in the Sr. B.Com. class
was half of the number of students in F.Y. Com. class. The number of students
in Jr. B.Com. class was 20 more than the number of students in Sr. B.Com.
class. The number of students in Int. Com. class was 330.

Ex. 2: Represent the information given below by a table.

The number of students in a college in the year 1981, was 510. Of these 480
were boys and rest girls. In 1991, the number of boys increased by 100% and
that of girls increased by 300% as compared to their strength in 1981. In 2001,
the total number of students in the college was 1,200, the number of boys being
double the number of girls.

Ex. 3:
A survey was conducted to find whether there is any relation between the
education of father and son. A total of 190 pairs of father and son were
surveyed. 100 sons had postgraduate degrees while the remaining were only
graduates. Father of 50 percent of the sons having postgraduate degrees had
postgraduate degrees themselves, while fathers of only one-third of the
remaining had postgraduate degrees.

Ex. 4:
Out of the total number of 1807 women who were interviewed for
employment in a textile factory of Mumbai, 512 were from textile areas and the
rest from the non-textile areas. Amongst the married women who belonged to
textile areas, 247 were experienced and 73 inexperienced while for non-textile
areas the corresponding figures were 49 and 520. The total number of
inexperienced women was 1341 of whom 111 resided in textile areas and the
number of experienced unmarried women in the textile and non-textile areas
was 154 and 16 respectively.

Ex. 6: Tabulate the following information.

In a trip organized by a college there were 80 persons each of whom paid Rs.
15.50 on an average. There were 60 students each of whom paid Rs. 16.
Members of the teaching staff were charged at a higher rate. The number of
servants was 6 (all males) and they were not charged anything. The number of
ladies was 20% of the total of whom 1 was a lady staff member.

Q. 15:
In a survey about preferences of cold drink (Pepsi and Coke) in a
college A, the following information was obtained. In college A, girls were 60%
out of total number of 3000 students. The percentage of students who preferred
Pepsi was 45%. The number of girls with preferences for Coke was one third of
the total number of girls. Tabulate the above information.

Q. 16:
The overflow levels of the four lakes Vaitarna, Tansa, Tulsi & Vihar
which provide water to Bombay are 163.07 m, 128.62 m, 139.17 m & 80.38 m
respectively. The level of water was very low on July 29, 1992. For Vaitarna it
was 10.63 m below the overflow level, for Tansa it was 6.71 m below the
overflow level. The corresponding figures for Tulsi & Vihar were 4.92 m and
3.92 m respectively. The levels of water in these four lakes on the same date in
1991 were 163.16 m, 127.85 m, 139.09 m & 80.32 m respectively.
Tabulate the above information.

Q. 17: Tabulate the following information.

Out of total 930 books issued from a college library in month of September
2012 to three classes, F.Y. B.Com., S.Y. B.Com. & T.Y. B.Com. 492 were of
the subject Accountancy, 83 were of Computers and remaining belonged to
other subjects. 105 books of Accountancy were issued to F.Y. B.Com. & 187
books to S.Y. B.Com. No book on Computer was issued to F.Y. B.Com., but
S.Y. B.Com. demanded 33 books on Computer. 75 books on other subjects
were issued to F.Y. B.Com. & 130 to S.Y. B.Com.
Q. 18: Tabulate the following information.

In 2015, out of a total of 3,000 workers in a factory, 2300 were unskilled

workers. The number of women employed was 300 out of which 250 were
In 2016, the number of skilled workers was 2750 of which 2,500 were men. The
number of unskilled workers was 760 of which 300 were women.

Q. 19: Represent the following information in a tabular form:

The number of employees in 'ABC Computer Ltd.' in 1999 was 850 of which
40% were ladies and the rest gents. In 2000, the number of gents increased by
32 and the number of ladies increased by 46, with reference to 1999.
In 2001, the total number of employees increased by 25% as compared to 2000
while the increase in number of ladies was 20 more than the increase in number
of gents.

Q. 20:
In a picnic arranged by college there were 100 participants. The ratio of
number of males to number of female participants was 3:2. In all there were 88
students of whom 37 were girls. There were 10 teaching staff members of
whom 30% were females. All non-teaching staff members were males. Students
contributed Rs. 350/- per head whereas teaching staff members contributed Rs.
500/- per head. Non-teaching staff members were not charged anything.
Tabulate the data.

Q. 21:
The ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys in a college in
Mumbai was 7:3. The total strength of the college was 2,500. 400 boys and 500
girls had working mothers. The number of Maharashtrian boys having working
mothers was 300 while the number of non-Maharashtrian girls having working
mothers was also 300.
Total number of Maharashtrian boys was 450. The number of non-
Maharashtrian girls was half of the total number of girls in the college.
Q. 22: Exhibit the following data in a suitable form:

Exactly a fifth of the number of students in a university of strength 20,000 are

ladies, 33 of every 40 students are Maharashtrians, 13 out of every 16 gents are
Maharashtrian gents, 40% of non-Maharashtrian gents and 55% Maharashtrian
gents have offered Arts subjects, whereas 40% of ladies from Maharashtra and
equal percentage of non-Maharashtrian ladies have offered Science subjects.

Q. 23:
In the year 2015, the total strength of students of the three colleges A, B,
C in a city was in the ratio 4:2:5. The total number of the students in the three
colleges taken together was 5,500. The proportion of girls to boys in all the
three colleges was 2:3. The faculty-wise distribution of boys in the three
faculties Arts, Science & Commerce was in proportion 1:2:2 in all the three
colleges. The proportion of girls in the three faculties was 3:3:4 respectively in
all the colleges. Tabulate the above information.

Q. 24: Tabulate the following given a suitable title:

Of a total of 10,000 applicants for a bank job, 6854 were males, 3146 were
commerce graduates, others, graduates from faculties other than commerce.
Local applicants were 2623, of whom 1860 were males. The number of male
commerce graduates was 2012. The number of local commerce graduates was
1093, of whom 323 were female.

Q. 25: Tabulate the following data:

In a fitness test, 1,400 candidates of which 21% were girls were medically
examined. From the reports of the doctors, it was found that 396 males and 104
females were unfit. 40% of the remaining males and 60% of the remaining
females were in good health. The rest were declared temporarily unfit.

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