Past Continuous Grammar Right
Past Continuous Grammar Right
Past Continuous Grammar Right
5 Should All Family Members
Share Housework?
1 Read the text. Order the steps to bake cookies.
Grammar Yesterday, all the members of my family were helping each other to do
Past progressive affirmative different tasks. Mom and I baked delicious chocolate chip cookies while
Value: Cooperation Dad and Ajay, my brother, were mowing the lawn.
After I finished mixing all the ingredients, I added the chocolate chips
42 Reading: Can follow the
sequence of events in simple in the dough. Yummy!
narrative texts by recognizing Then, Mom was mixing butter and sugar with the electric blender and
common linking words /
phrases. I added one egg, one teaspoon of vanilla, one cup of flour, and oats.
37 Speaking: Can talk about First, Mom took out all of the ingredients while I was lining two baking
common past activities, using trays with wax paper.
simple linking words.
Finally, we divided the mixture into ten equal sized dough balls and
41 Writing: Can write a story,
linking simple sentences after Mom placed them on the baking trays, I pressed them down into
together in a sequence. a cookie shape. We put them in the oven. I was impressed to see how
fast we made the most delicious cookies. It took only 15 minutes!
Think Right At 6 pm, Dad and Ajay finished mowing the lawn and the cookies
were ready. It was a great evening. We watched a movie while eating
Think of some household chores
you did last week. the cookies.
Explain the importance of doing
those tasks.
26 Level E · Lesson 5
Learn Right
When adding –ing to a verb, make sure to follow these spelling rules:
For verbs ending in –ie + –y • Change the –ie to –y and add –ing: lie - lying
For verbs ending in –e • Drop the e and add –ing to the end: bake - baking
5 Complete each sentence using one verb from the box in past progressive. There is one extra choice.
28 Level E · Lesson 5
6 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
Yes. Mom (feed) my
baby sister and Dad
(take) a shower so I had to take all the
I (help) Dad to paint
clothes in by myself. What were you doing?
the fence. It was a mess. We got all wet!
Fortunately, my brother
(clean) the windows at that moment, so he saw Your brother is always very
that we needed help and he rushed to help us. kind and helpful. I wish mine
were the same.
10 Use the information you recorded in the graphic organizer in Activity 9 to narrate what you and your family
were doing. Illustrate.
30 Level E · Lesson 5
13 Look at the picture and discuss the questions with your class.
1 Read the title and look at the picture. What do you think the story
is about?
The Mysterious Disappearance of the Chocolate Cake
Past Progressive (negative and
interrogative) Frida planned her birthday party for weeks. She wanted it to be
perfect. It isn't every day that you turn eleven, right?
Value: Gratitude
The party was celebrated last Saturday. By noon, Frida was
decorating her garden. Was she using balloons to decorate? No, she
39 Reading: Can predict what a wasn't. She knew balloons weren't eco-friendly; instead, she made
short, simple text is about from some colorful pinwheels with recycled paper and put them all around.
the title, a picture, etc. if guided The garden was looking beautiful!
by questions or prompts.
All her classmates were invited. The first guests arrived around 3 pm.
37 Speaking: Can ask what There was a little pool, a trampoline, and some swings hanging from a
others were doing in the past, tree in Frida’s garden. By 4:30 pm, a magician was giving a wonderful
given a model. show. Were Frida’s friends having fun? Of course, everybody was
40 Writing: Can write about past very happy, especially Frida who could not wait to cut her delicious
activities using simple language, chocolate cake. She asked her brother to take the cake out and put it
given a model. on a table that was in the garden. As soon as the show finished, Frida
asked her friends to gather around the table, but when they got there
the cake had disappeared! They were shocked!
Think Right Frida knew only Rebeca and Daniel could help her to solve this
mystery. Rebeca and Daniel weren’t standing around the table. Where
Think of an experience in which could they be? Frida found them behind a tree looking for clues.
somebody helped you to solve a “Don’t worry Frida. We’ll help you to find your cake,” said Daniel.
How did you thank the person
who helped you?
32 Level E · Lesson 6
Learn Right
Subject Verb be in past Main verb + –ing Complement
I / He / She / It wasn’t (was not)
using them.
You / We / they weren’t were (not)
Verb be in past Subject Main verb + –ing Complement
Was I / He / She / It
having fun?
Were We / You / They
When speaking or in
informal writing, we can use
the contraction wasn’t instead
of was not.
Rebeca and Daniel, who were known to solve the most difficult mysteries, started to ask questions
to try to understand what had happened with the cake…
a. Were all the guests haveing / having fun in the garden when the cake disappeared?
b. Was Frida’s brother sitting / siting near the table?
c. Was Frida swiming / swimming in the pool?
d. Was Sofi jumping / jumpping on the trampoline?
e. Were Jacob and Janet chaseing / chasing Frida’s dog?
f. Was Pedro climbing / climb a tree?
Rebeca and Daniel started their investigation. Frida’s aunt showed a video she recorded with
her smartphone. After watching it, they found out that…
d. Jacob and Janet weren’t with the dog. not playing playing
34 Level E · Lesson 6
The raccoons
were stealing No,
the cake at 5:15.
8 Complete the text with auxiliaries and verbs from the box. Say who took Frida’s cake.
9 Get into teams. Use the graphic organizer to write ideas for a detective story.
What happened?
When? Where?
10 Work in pairs. Write six questions that a detective may ask to solve the mystery you wrote about in
Activity 9. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.
Questions Answers
36 Level E · Lesson 6
13 Look at the picture and discuss the question with your class.
Cultural Note
World Gratitude Day
• How can you express gratitude? is celebrated on
September 21. Sri
Chinmoy, an Indian
spiritual leader who
was working for
the United Nations,
Gratitude suggested it as a
way in which people
Helping people appreciate what they received in life, strengthens
around the world could
be grateful for all the
Do you think it's important to be grateful? Why or why not? good things they have.
1 Read the captions and circle the one that contains a cause-effect
Grammar relationship.
Think Right
What do you like to do with your
How would your life be with no
Rob, Regina, and I were kayaking Meanwhile, Romina, Ivan, and Sara
at noon. were making sand sculptures.
#artinthebeach #kayaking #noon
38 Level E · Lesson 7
Learn Right
We use simple past to talk about completed actions and facts in the past
The fire went out.
An action (A) was happening in the past when an action (B) interrupted
B It started to rain.
One use of simple past is a. to express two actions happening at the same time.
One use of past progressive is b. in the –ing form.
A time expression that can be used with c. to talk about completed actions.
simple past is
A time expression that can be used with d. in its past form.
past progressive is
The main verb in simple past is e. yesterday.
The main verb in past progressive is f. when.
40 Level E · Lesson 7
6 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
8 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. If necessary, add an auxiliary.
• Get into small groups. You’ll need a token for each one and one dice.
• Roll the dice and move your token the number of squares it indicates.
• If you land on a ladder, say a sentence in past progressive.
• If you land on a snake, say a sentence in simple past.
• All the sentences should be related to activities that you share with your friends and the form depends on
the number on which you land:
• affirmative: 1, 5, 8, 12, 16, 22, 24
• negative: 2, 3, 10, 15, 19, 20, 23, 25
• interrogative: 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21
• The first player to get to the Finish square wins!
42 Level E · Lesson 7
10 Think of an activity you and your friends did and would like to share on social media. Draw or paste pictures
of what you were doing. Write captions and hashtags. Follow the model on page 38.
11 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the pictures in Activity 10.
13 Look at the picture and discuss the questions with your class.
Lesso Review
Past Progressive (affirmative, negative, and interrogative)
Simple past Vs. Past progressive
41 Listening: Can understand the reasons for someone’s actions or choice.
1 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions with complete sentences. 2
e. What were Vera and Kim doing while Rosy was mowing the lawn?
44 Level E · Lesson 8
4 Complete the paragraph using the verbs in brackets in past or past progressive.
Level E · Review 45