Self Management
Self Management
Self Management
Managing oneself in order to achieve desired goals and targets is called self-Management. A person practicing self-
management is actually following a highly disciplined regime which needs a great deal of will power, determination &
positive outlook.
Types of Stress:
Stress is not always bad. There is something called good or positive stress also known as eustress, while negative form of
stress is called distress. Eustress is commonly identified by excitement, elation and charging up of emotions. When we
achieve something, say, winning a match, passing an exam, lead to eustress. Eustress promotes positive motivation,
positive energy, and excitement. But eustress is generally short term. The negative stress i.e., distress is very harmful.
Common Effects of Stress:
Eustress lead to positive consequences like increased performance, and good focus on the tasks. It increases
productivity and the chances of bigger achievements.
Distress is the reaction of our body to harmful situations. These situations be real, or they be out of our imagination
only. Distress affects us physically as well as psychologically.
Common physical effects of distress: Headache, Fatigue, Chest pain, Disturbed sleep and Low energy.
Common psychological effects of distress: Anxiety, Feeling demotivated, Loss of attention, Depression and
frustration, angry outbursts, drug and alcohol abuse, social withdrawal, over reaction.
Consequences of Long-Term Distress:
Impact of Stress varies from person to person. Some can handle good amount of Stress While others not.
It depends on age, profession, living conditions, health and will power. A little distress is of little concern. Long term
distress affects us adversely. Long term distress is also called chronic distress.
For professionals, stress goes hand- in-hand. Some common reasons for work related distress are higher performance.
expectations, closer deadlines, insecurity of job, internal team conflicts, relationship and differences with
supervisor, longer or odd hours, concerns related to job satisfaction.
Stress for working mothers is more. Taking care of domestic front - children and home making becomes challenging.
There is also distress caused to the women who do not work, and daily domestic chores demand a lot of physical
Internal Distress:
Anxiety, fear of huge financial loss like bankruptcy, repeated and overflowing thoughts of worry and concern, worries
related to future happenings such as a diagnosis of a fatal disease. Internal distress is dangerous as it keeps building up
inside and slowly, it takes the form of a sort of habit. If not taken care of timely, it goes beyond control and leads to
physical conditions like head, heart ache, high blood pressure and loss of focus.
Stress Due to Surroundings:
Our surroundings and environment can cause eustress or distress. When we talk about environment, there are following
two aspects:
Qualify Of surroundings:
1. Noisy/ Quiet - whether you staying a noisy place like market, main road etc. or not.
2. Clean/ Dirty-how clean or dirty is the place.
3. Crowded/ Organised - whether you live in a well organized colony of houses or not.
4. Quality of life (food, water, electricity and other amenities).
Healthier Lifestyle:
The combination of positive habits and discipline prevents or reduces stress. What are some common negative habits?
1. Avoid smoking/ alcohol/ drugs.
2. Have good eating habits. Do you overeat or undereat and when? What is the food quality?
3. Develop good sleeping habit. How much do you sleep? Are you ensuring at least 7 hours of sleep?
4. Inculcate healthy hobbies. Painting, creative arts, any sports activity, yoga, even spending quality time with
family and friends help relieve your stress.
5. Keep good company and avoid people who discourage.
What Does Being Independent Mean? You are able to work independently shows when you:
1. are aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
2. are able to prioritize your tasks.
3. deliver your best always.
4. able to adapt to the working pace of the team.
5. own your task and take responsibility of any mistakes.
6. carry a positive attitude towards what you do.
Internal self-awareness: Our values, beliefs, passions and standards are revealed when we do internal self
awareness. Also, that way these traits help us in interacting with our surroundings and environment. Internal self
awareness tells you your favourite subject, your favourite sports, what you aspire to become, what you do not like
doing or achieving, how you look at other people, how your attitude is built up on your values.
External self-awareness: Ability to assess or see how other people view you is called external self-awareness.
External self-awareness brings self-improvement, good leadership skills, better understanding of people and it
determines people's liking/ disliking you in one way or another. External self-awareness helps you deliver tasks in a
better way.
Self-Awareness Assessment:
Being self-aware is a high level of intelligence. Knowing oneself is half the battle won. Most of us are blind to our
strengths and weaknesses.
Am I able to create an image of myself in my mind?
How much am I in control of my feelings especially when angry, emotional or sad?
What triggers my passion for doing what I like?
What sets me off?
Can I list my personal life values and beliefs?
Can I list what l cannot do?
Can I list my inner conflicts/ confusions?
Can I list some of my negative traits that come in my way to success?
Can I list the traits I inherited from my parents?
Can I list some details which I think people have about me are correct?
Can I list some details which I think people have about me are incorrect?
1. What do you mean by the term self-management?
2. Why is self-management important for us?
3. Differentiate between eustress and distress with example.
4. Discuss how stress affects us physically and psychologically.
5. What is chronic distress? Discuss stress in professionals due to work.
6. What do you mean by internal distress? How will you manage it to reduce its adverse effects?
7. Explain the distress effects due to environment and surroundings.
8. Explain fight-fight-freeze response during mortal danger. How does our nervous system handle this response?
9. How can we identify the source of stress?
10. How can healthier life style help us manage stress well?
11. What are the healthier working or study habits that help reduce stress?
12. How can you say that sometimes eustress helps in counterbalancing distress?
13. List some tips to manage environmental stress.
14. Despite the importance of team work, how does the ability to work independently help an individual? Give example.
15. List some major traits of an individual able to work independently.
16. Write a note on personal skills discussing their benefits.
17. How can we say that one is self-aware? Explain two types of self awareness.