Timing Derates

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Timing derates :-

Timing derates refer to adjustments made to timing parameters in digital circuit design to
account for various factors that may cause delays or affect the performance of the circuit.
These adjustments are typically applied during the timing analysis phase to ensure that the
design meets timing requirements under realistic operating conditions. Timing derates are
essential for ensuring the reliability and robustness of the design. Some common factors that
may necessitate timing derates include:

1. Process Variations: Variations in manufacturing processes can lead to differences in

transistor characteristics and interconnect delays. Timing derates are applied to account for
these variations and ensure that the design functions correctly across different process corners.

2. Temperature Variations: Temperature changes can affect the speed of transistors and
wires in the circuit. Timing derates account for temperature variations to ensure that the
design meets timing requirements over the expected temperature range.

3. Voltage Variations: Fluctuations in power supply voltage can affect the performance of
the circuit. Timing derates are applied to account for voltage variations and ensure that the
design operates correctly under different voltage conditions.

4. Aging and Wear-out: Over time, electronic components may degrade due to factors such
as electromigration and oxide breakdown. Timing derates account for aging effects to ensure
that the design remains reliable throughout its operational life.

5. Signal Integrity Issues: Signal integrity issues such as crosstalk, noise, and signal
reflections can impact the timing behavior of the circuit. Timing derates may be applied to
account for these effects and ensure that the design meets timing requirements in the presence
of signal integrity issues.

Timing derates are typically specified as percentages or fractions of the nominal timing
parameters and are applied during timing analysis to adjust the timing constraints and ensure
that the design meets performance targets under realistic operating conditions.

Vattikuti Chetan
On-Chip Variation (OCV):
In semiconductor manufacturing, there are inevitable variations in process parameters such as
transistor sizes, wire widths, and doping concentrations. These variations occur due to
imperfections in the manufacturing process and can lead to differences in circuit performance
across different chips.

Purpose of OCV:
The primary purpose of OCV is to account for these process variations in static timing
analysis (STA). STA is a crucial step in digital design where designers analyze the timing
behavior of their circuits to ensure that they meet performance requirements.

1. Characterization: The first step in OCV implementation is to characterize the
manufacturing process. This involves collecting data on process variations from
manufacturing tests and simulations.

2. Modeling: Based on the process characterization data, timing models are developed to
represent the statistical distribution of variations. These models may include parameters such
as mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficients.

3. Static Timing Analysis: In static timing analysis, the timing models are used to calculate
the timing behavior of the circuit under different process conditions. OCV adjusts the timing
constraints and timing paths to account for the expected variations in circuit performance.

4. Margin Calculation: OCV calculates margins or guardbands to ensure that the design meets
timing requirements with a high probability across a range of process conditions. These
margins provide a safety margin to account for the variability of process parameters.

Advanced On-Chip Variation :

In semiconductor manufacturing, variations in process parameters like transistor sizes, wire
widths, and doping concentrations occur due to inherent imperfections in the fabrication
process. These variations can lead to differences in circuit performance across different chips.
Traditional OCV techniques consider statistical variations across chips but may overlook
spatial correlations and localized variations within individual chips.

Purpose of AOCV:
AOCV addresses this limitation by incorporating spatial correlations and detailed spatial
variations within a chip into the timing analysis. Its primary purpose is to provide a more
accurate and comprehensive model of process variations to ensure that designs meet timing
requirements with high reliability and yield.


1. Spatial Correlation Modeling: The first step in AOCV impleentation is to model spatial
correlations between different regions or cells within a chip. This may involve analyzing
manufacturing data or using simulation techniques to identify spatial patterns of variation.
2. Local Variation Modeling: AOCV also models localized variations within a chip, taking
into account factors like proximity to critical features and layout density. This requires
detailed characterization of process variations at the local level.

3. Timing Analysis: Once the spatial correlations and local variations are modeled, AOCV
integrates these factors into static timing analysis (STA). Timing models are adjusted to
account for spatial correlations and localized variations, ensuring that timing constraints
accurately reflect the impact of process variations on circuit performance.

4. Margin Calculation: AOCV calculates margins or guardbands to ensure that designs meet
timing requirements with high reliability and yield. These margins account for the uncertainty
introduced by spatial correlations and local variations, providing a safety margin for
variations not explicitly modeled.

Parametric On-Chip Variation (POCV):

Similar to OCV, Parametric On-Chip Variation (POCV) addresses variations in
semiconductor manufacturing processes. However, unlike OCV, which considers variations
in the entire chip or wafer, POCV focuses on variations in individual design parameters such
as transistor sizes, wire widths, and other layout characteristics.

Purpose of POCV:
The primary purpose of POCV is to analyze the sensitivity of timing paths to specific design
parameters and to identify critical parameters that may impact circuit performance. By
understanding the impact of parametric variations on timing behavior, designers can optimize
their designs to mitigate timing violations and improve overall performance.


1. Parameter Variation Modeling: The first step in POCV implementation is to model the
variations in specific design parameters. This may involve creating statistical models based
on manufacturing data or using simulation tools to analyze the impact of parameter variations
on circuit performance.

2. Sensitivity Analysis: Once the parameter variation models are established, sensitivity
analysis is performed to evaluate the impact of parameter variations on timing paths. This
involves simulating the circuit under different parameter values and analyzing the resulting
timing behavior.

3. Derating Factor Calculation: Based on the sensitivity analysis, derating factors are
calculated to adjust timing constraints for critical timing paths. Derating factors represent the
extent to which timing parameters need to be adjusted to account for parameter variations.

4. Static Timing Analysis: POCV is integrated into static timing analysis to adjust timing
constraints and timing paths based on the calculated derating factors. This ensures that the
design meets timing requirements under parametric variations.
Benefits of OCV:

- Robustness: OCV improves the robustness of digital designs by accounting for process
variations and ensuring that the design meets timing requirements under realistic
manufacturing conditions.

- Yield Enhancement: By considering the statistical distribution of process variations, OCV

helps designers optimize their designs for manufacturing yield. Designs that are robust to
process variations are more likely to yield high-quality chips.

- Performance Optimization: OCV allows designers to optimize their designs for performance
by identifying critical timing paths and addressing timing violations caused by process

Benefits of AOCV:

- Accuracy: By incorporating spatial correlations and local variations, AOCV provides a

more accurate model of process variations compared to traditional OCV techniques. This
improves the accuracy of timing analysis and ensures that designs meet timing requirements
with higher reliability.

- Yield Improvement: AOCV helps optimize designs for manufacturing yield by accurately
modeling variations within each chip. Designs that are robust to spatial variations are more
likely to yield high-quality chips with consistent performance.

- Performance Optimization: AOCV allows designers to identify and mitigate timing issues
related to spatial correlations and local variations, leading to improved overall performance
and reliability of digital designs.

Benefits of POCV:

- Parameter Optimization: POCV helps identify critical design parameters that may impact
circuit performance and allows designers to optimize their designs accordingly. By focusing
on specific parameters, designers can target optimizations to areas that have the greatest
impact on timing behavior.

- Fine-Grained Analysis: POCV provides a fine-grained analysis of timing sensitivity to

individual design parameters, allowing designers to understand the root causes of timing
violations and make informed design decisions.

- Performance Improvement: By addressing timing issues related to parametric variations,

POCV can improve the overall performance and reliability of digital designs, leading to
higher-quality chips and better yield.

Vattikuti Chetan

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