SC Apcorep Coal Tar Epoxy is an excellent chemical, chloride & sulphates resistant and water resistant coal tar extended
epoxy system for steel and concrete surfaces. It has excellent performance in both above and under ground applications
such as exposed to soil, water and even in presence of high chloride ions, sulphates & sub soil contaminants. It
also has excellent corrosion/abrasion/scratch resistance and used as direct to metal (DTM) application, without any
requirement of primer.
Product Benets: Application
Can be applied even on damp surfaces Mix Apcorep Coal Tar Epoxy Base & Hardener in
Resistant to chemicals in sea water, effluents, sewage, prescribed proportion by weight (1:3) using mechanical
diluted acids & alkalies stirrer. Mix it at 100-200 rpm for 3-5 minutes to ensure
High build coating with high durability homogeneous mix of base and hardener. Allow the mix
to remain for 5-10 minutes for proper reaction. Only mix
Excellent abrasion and impact resistance
the material that can be used within the specified pot life.
Reduces permeability significantly Ensure no smoking, any sparks or fumes is practiced at
Excellent resistance against chemicals, chlorides, the time of mixing.
sulphates and subsoil contaminants
Excellent adhesion with substrate Apply first coat using roller or brush or spray* (For
Anti-fungal and resist formation of algae spraying, use Graco Airless Just mark 4/7900/6900 or
Jaguar pneumatic air gun) on the prepared surface in
Recommended Usage: one direction. Allow it to air dry for at least 2 to 4 hours.
For all marine & water retaining structures Wipe the surface with wet cloth to remove any dust or
dirt deposition on first coat. Once the surface is dry,
Alternate dry/wet zones, below splash zones
apply second coat perpendicular to first coat. Smoking/
Substructure protective coating naked flame should not be allowed during application or
Structures like chlorinating plants, waste water treatment in the area of storage. Use Apcorep APT thinner for
plants, aeration tank, oil separation tanks, cooling cleaning purpose and for dilution to achieve desired
towers, STP/ETP Tanks in industrial applications
spraying consistency in coating.
Coating inside pipelines, culverts, underground water
ducts, dams, penstocks, barrage gates
Bridge decks, girders, piers, structural steel, pontoons, Storage and Handling:
sluice gates, pile liners, jetties, dock. Store the material in a cool, well ventilated place, away
Coating protection for concrete against carbonation, from direct sunlight or any source of ignition and fire.
chloride & sulphate penetration in aggressive areas. Keep it away from the reach of children.
*Compatibility of spraying machine to be checked with material on site before final use
Version No. VN 02-01/09/2023. Please note that this datasheet supersedes all previous versions. For Feedback/complaints, write to Customer Centricity Manager at Asian Paints Limited, 6A,
Shantinagar, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 055, India or call 1800-209-5678 or email to
Base Epoxide Resin
Mix Proportion (By weight) Base : Hardener
1 : 3
Colour Black
Application Brush/roller/spray
Shelf Life 12 months
Pot life @27± 2⁰ C >2 Hours
Tack free @27± 2⁰ C 4-6 Hours
Specific gravity @27± 2⁰ C (ASTM D 1644) 1.2 ±0.1
Surface touch dry 2 Hours after application
Full curing 7 days
Recoatability @27± 2⁰ C 8-12 hours
Bulk Pack (20kg Base & 20kg X 3 Nos. Hardener)
Bulk Pack (5kg Base & 5kg X 3 Nos. Hardener)
Application Temperature 10°C to 45°C
This information given in good faith and to best of our knowledge is based on results gained from experience and tests. Whereas Asian Paints. Ltd. (APL) endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation
specification or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot accept any liability arising from the use of products since the conditions of use are beyond its control whether or not in accordance with any
advice specifications, recommendation or information given by it.
Version No. VN 02-01/09/2023. Please note that this datasheet supersedes all previous versions. For Feedback/complaints, write to Customer Centricity Manager at Asian Paints Limited, 6A,
Shantinagar, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 055, India or call 1800-209-5678 or email to