Proposed Embedded Security Framework For
Proposed Embedded Security Framework For
Proposed Embedded Security Framework For
IoT is going to be an established part of life by extending the communication and networking anytime, anywhere. Security
requirements for IoT will certainly underline the importance of properly formulated, implemented, and enforced security policies
throughout their life-cycle. This paper gives a detailed survey and analysis of embedded security, especially in the area of IoT.
Together with the conventional security solutions, the paper highlights the need to provide in-built security in the device itself to
provide a flexible infrastructure for dynamic prevention, detection, diagnosis, isolation, and countermeasures against successful
breaches. Based on this survey and analysis, the paper defines the security needs taking into account computational time, energy
consumption and memory requirements of the devices. Finally, this paper proposes an embedded security framework as a feature of
software/hardware co-design methodology.
A. Physical Attacks
These types of attacks tamper with the hardware
components and are relatively harder to perform because it
requires expensive material. Some examples are de-packaging
of chip, layout reconstruction, micro-probing, and particle
beam techniques.
B. Side Channel attacks
These attacks are based on “side channel Information” that
can be retrieved from the encryption device that is neither the Fig. 3. Security concerns for IOT
plaintext to be encrypted nor the ciphertext resulting from the 1. User identification: It refers to the process of validating
encryption process. Encryption devices produce timing users before allowing them to use the system.
information that is easily measurable, radiation of various 2. Tamper resistance: It refers to the desire to maintain these
sorts, power consumption statistics, and more. Side channel security requirements even when the device falls into the
attacks makes use of some or all of this information to recover hands of malicious parties, and can be physically or logically
the key the device is using. It is based on the fact that logic probed.
operations have physical characteristics that depend on the 3. Secure execution environment: It refers to a secure,
input data. Examples of side channel information are timing managed-code, runtime environment designed to protect
attacks, power analysis attacks, fault analysis attacks, against deviant applications.
electromagnetic attacks, environmental attacks[3]. 4. Secure content: Content security or Digital Rights
Management (DRM) protects the rights of the digital content
C. Cryptanalysis attacks
used in the system.
These attacks are focused on the ciphertext and they try to 5. Secure network access: This provides a network
break the encryption, i.e. find the encryption key to obtain the connection or service access only if the device is authorized.
plaintext. Examples of cryptanalysis attacks include 6. Secure data communication: It includes authenticating
Ciphertext-only attack, Known-plaintext attack, Chosen- communicating peers, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of
plaintext attack, Man-in-the-middle attack, etc. communicated data, preventing repudiation of a
D. Software Attacks communication transaction, and protecting the identity of
Software Attacks are the major source of security communicating entities.
vulnerabilities in any system. Software attacks exploit 7. Identity Management: It is broad administrative area that
implementation vulnerabilities in the system through its own deals with identifying individuals / things in a system and
communication interface. This kind of attack includes controlling their access to resources within that system by
exploiting buffer overflows and using trojan horse programs, associating user rights and restrictions with the established
worms or viruses to deliberately inject malicious code into the identity.
system. 8. Secure storage: This involves confidentiality and
integrity of sensitive information stored in the system.
Computational time
Energy Efficiency
run across all platforms will become exceedingly difficult Existing solutions[8-14]/ Comparison
which raises the need for standard interoperable security
to communication and cryptographic computations. birth to the death of system. After discovering the sources and
Secure operating systems: Rich operating systems with a the reasons of vulnerabilities, safeguards should be embedded
secure kernel which will ensure a secure communication in the design methodology. An embedded security framework
inside the processor by providing secure runtime execution and architecture is dependent on precise definitions of
environment, secure booting, secure content, etc. parameters like resource constraints, network specification
Future application Areas: Understanding the technical, (protocols, throughput, topology, services, etc...) and system
economical, social context of a given application area, in order specification (protocols, device size, service which are
to develop security solutions which are appropriate and managed, multi-rate specification, etc.). This will provide the
acceptable. necessary information to define the boundaries between the
Secure Storage: Protect the sensitive information stored in secure and insecure part of the system (data and hardware
RAM / ROM and secondary storage. levels). Proper system-level study will enable the selection of
the candidate solutions for the hardware and software parts.
Following figure 6 illustrates the embedded security These candidates will be used, together with the
architecture. specifications, as inputs for the hardware/software co-design
methodology which will lead to a security framework and
architecture for IoT system.
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