Mobile Computing For IoT Device Security Analysis

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Mobile Computing for IoT Device Security Analysis

Nikita Valte
RAIT, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Gautam M. Borkar
Department of Information Technology,
RAIT , Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Abstract:- One of the most cutting-edge technologies is authenticate using a smartphone via QR-code authentication,
the Internet of Things (IOT).Various fea tures provided and the smartphone can also be used as a controller in a
by the IOT by connecting smart objects through the home automation system[2]. These paper highlight the
internet. IOT is refers as the connecting various devices threats, vulnerabilities,attacks and then approaches based on
to each other by means of internet hence there is no mobile computing.
human interaction. The IOT components like sensor,
cloud, Bluetooth, wifi, etc. are connected through A. Motivation:
network, it may be wired or wireless to make smart The Internet of Thing is the phenomenon that will be
system or smart devices. This devices are transferring the experiencing the rapid growth in coming years. Because of
plenty amount of personal data over the network. Due to the rapid development of IoT devices, security concerns are
that humans day to day life becomes an easier therefore becoming important challenges that have piqued people’s
it is necessary to make sure that the technology should be interest. The Internet of Things has a wide range of
secured as much as possible. In the IOT environment, the applications in a variety of fields and application domains.
data can be malfunction by various attacks and threats. There is a significant impact of use of IoT technologies such
Therefore the strong security mechanism is required to as e-learning, internet banking, blogs, mobile devices, IoT
deal with different types of attacks and security applications, urban technologies, teaching technologies. The
challenges. Every electronic gadget will become a smart motivation comes from IoT security using mobile
device in the future, and it will be able to register with computing. This is becoming a future study trend in which
handheld equipment. Because the majority of IoT devices the security of the IoT system is assessed using mobile
are battery-powered and consume little power, IoT computing.
security is a serious concern. The most critical security
and protection challenges in IoT are identification and B. Objectives:
authentication.  To ensure the safety of IoT network topology.
 The study of IoT security challenges in real world.
Keywords:- IOT, Privacy, Security, Threats, Sensors,  To enhance the inter connection between different
Raspberry Pi. devices by increasing the speed of communication
I. INTRODUCTION  To provide secure access to the UI layer to prevent
unauthorized access.
The privacy and security of the internet of things has
become a very serious concern due to the different nature of II. LITERATURE SURVEY
large scale devices and its vulnerabilities. The applications of
IoT are transportation, environmental monitoring, home In the digital world IOT plays an very important role of
automation, medical and healthcare systems, teaching, etc. the information. The IOT net works are used in various
[1]. IoT devices faces the problems like computational cities of smart city network. Therefore the security of the
processing, limited memory and low power. IoT system is IOT network is very big issue.E. Shaikh et al [1] perform
consist of three components first is sensing unit which has Internet of Things (IOT): Security and Privacy Threats
number of sensors, mobile terminals and actuators. This unit which discuss two technologies which are used WSN and
detect the physical environments. Because of its simple RFID which creates direct communication by using Internet.
structure, IoT is more ex posed to security issues with IoT B. Liao et al [2] perform security analysis of IOT devices by
devices. Many more security risks and challenges face IoT using Mobile Computing which provides both hardware as
devices. Different authors took different approaches to these well as soft ware based solutions to provide IOT security.
security difficulties and challengesUsing the notions of Towards secure authenticating of cache in the reader for
mobile computing, we give a security analysis of IoT-based RFID-based IOT systems introduced by C.-T. Li et al [3] and
devices. The mobile computing provide both hardware as The LRMAPC protocol is a lightweight RFID mutual
well as software security. Many devices can be connected to authentication protocol with a cache in the reader that
IoT devices, providing security such as the ability to achieves higher security and privacy requirements. A

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
smart phone based privacy-preserving security framework IV. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE
for IOT devices is performed by M. Togan et al [4] which
discuss about IOT authentication service by QR codes,
attribute-based cryptography, and employing a smartphone
as a security controller. Agyeman et al [5] perform study of
the advances in IOT security and focused on IOT
architecture and its different layer. Internet of Things
(IOT):Application systems and security vulnerabilities
performed by J. Ahamed et al [6] focuses on the
identification of certain types of IOT applications suit able
for UAE also it analyse the which are security threats
associated to them and their impacts on the applications. W.
Zhu et al [7] provide a security and privacy model for mobile
rfid systems in the internet of things which discuss the
privacy and security model named AKE protocol used for
mobile RFID systems. EdgeIOT: Mobile edge computing for
the Internet of Things perform by X. Sun [8] discuses the
approach of mobile edge computing. It's used in IoT
architecture and edge computing. The Internet of Things
(IoT) is used to manage data streams at the mobile edge.
Survey on security threats of smartphones in Internet of
Things by M. H. Khan [9] discuss the interconnection of
devices that used in many ways such as improving services
depend on location and co-ordinates timely. Security,
Privacy and Trust for Smart Mobile-Internet of Things (M-
IoT) discussed by Vishal Sharma et al [10] focuses upon the
IoT device solutions that apply to privacy, security, and trust
in connected M-IoT networks.


A device which can connect to any network i.e. private

or public.Once this device over the network, any device from
the network can communicate with this device or vice-
versa.It means our IOT device is available for all the device.
Problem of exposion, posibilies of IOT attack, focused
attack, attack explanation. We are planning to provide a Fig. 1: Proposed System
possible data security by considering discussed examples. It
may be possible, data may get leaked somewhere, so I am Mobile computing is a method of securing multiple IoT
trying to keep data, information safe and its analysis. devices by utilising infrastruc ture such as a smart phone.
The smart phone might serve as a controller or it can be
utilised for security authentication. These are intelligent
devices. They provide adequate security, although they are
occasionally vulnerable to various virus attacks and threats.
So, different detection techniques are used to identify the
attacks. The major goal of these strategies is to detect various
malware attacks in the system and to protect it from external
intervention. Initially our user is selecting a IOT device in
the network. The user will provide a cre dential for
successfull authentication.If the credential matches, it will
access the node and if credential does not matches, it will go
to user. While authentication it will provide security to
devices and it will detect the malware.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

A. Establishing Network

Fig. 3: Network Establisment

B. Identifying all nodes from network

Fig. 4: All nodes from Network

Fig. 5: IP address of Rpi

C. Establishing connection through host

Fig. 2: Steps towards implementation

Fig. 6: Providing credential

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
G. Configuring Honeypot server and checking for package

Fig. 7: Connection Established

D. Run Apache server on host

Fig. 11: Honeypot Configuration

Fig. 8: Apache Serever

E. Run some packages for identifying unexpected behavior

on network such as aircrack-ng

Fig. 12: Successful Installation

Fig. 9: Package installation

F. Installing Honeypot services

Fig. 13: Checking Updates

Fig. 10: Honeypot Installation

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

I. At server side, we checked authenticated and

unauthenticated requests

Fig. 14: Install updates

Fig. 18: Unauthenticated Request (VNC)

Fig. 15: Providing Host name Fig. 19: Unauthenticated Request (FTP)

H. From client devices, we ping on server with the IP and


Fig. 20: Unauthenticated Request (TELNET)


Fig. 16: Sending Request (VNC) Generally, whenever attacker attacks over the system
that time system behaves in two different ways. One is the
system is intimating to the attackers or whoever is trying to
malfunctioning. The another approach is the system is not
intimating attackers or user, whoever is trying for
malfunction. We are going with second approach. Since in
first approach, attacker may get alert or may use different
approach for attacking or masking his information. That is
the reason we are going with second approach where we are
not intimating user by any chance or we are monitoring his
activity over server.

Fig. 17: Sending Request (FTP, TELNET)

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
VIII. LIMITATIONS in 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on
Communication Technology, 2012, pp. 726-732.
 If actual port number and fake port number match or if it is [8.] X. Sun and N. Ansari, ”EdgeIoT: Mobile edge
same then it blocks original port also. computing for the Internet of Things,” IEEE
 Currently, it should be work on same network (Local IP). Communications Magazine, vol. 54, pp. 22-29, 2016.
[9.] M. H. Khan and M. A. Shah, ”Survey on security
IX. CONCLUSION threats of smartphones in Internet of Things,” in 2016
22nd International Conference on Automation and
In this project, it is determined that in order to ensure
Computing (ICAC), 2016, pp. 560-566.
security for IoT devices in current work and to provide a
[10.] V. Sharma, I. You, K. Andersson, F. Palmieri, M. H.
solution for future work, the following criteria must be met.
Rehmani and J. Lim, ”Security, Privacy and Trust for
Mobile computing is used to enhance the IOT security. The
Smart Mobile- Internet of Things (M-IoT): A Survey,”
IOT devices undergo from different vulnerabilities ,attacks
in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp.167123-167163,2020.
and threats. It required strong security mechanism to provide
security in existing work. As mobile computing provide both
hardware and software- based security solution, so security
can be achieved by using mobile computing.. The software-
based solution include many services, applications, and the
modern applications with bio-metric security solutions and
hardwarebased solutions include physical smart- phone
devices. Mobile devices, such as smartphones, can also be
used to operate IoT equipment.The security of IOT devices
is very important trend. Securing IOT by mobile computing
is fascinating which open the door to provide security in
existing system.


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[2.] B. Liao, Y. Ali, S. Nazir, L. He and H. U. Khan,
”Security Analysis of IoT Devices by Using Mobile
Computing: A Systematic Literature Review,” in IEEE
Access, vol.8, pp.120331-120350, 2020.
[3.] C.-T. Li, C.-C. Lee, C.-Y. Weng, and C.-M. Chen,
”Towards secure authenticating of cache in the reader
for RFID-based IoT systems,” Peer-to-Peer Networking
and Applications, vol. 11, pp. 198-208, 2018.
[4.] M. Togan, B.-C. Chifor, I. Florea, and G. Gugulea, ”A
smartphone based privacy-preserving security
framework for IoT devices,” in 2017 9th International
Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI), 2017, pp. 1-7.
[5.] A. Dean and M. O. Agyeman, ”A study of the advances
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Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent
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[6.] J. Ahamed and A. V. Rajan, ”Internet of Things (IoT):
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[7.] W. Zhu, J. Yu, and T. Wang, ”A security and privacy
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