Call to Order
Warden’s Report
Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
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Report of Admissions Committee (Membership Director)
No new admissions.
Deputy Grand Knight Paul Tanguay proposed the admission of Gary Head to our council. Gary is in good
standing with the church, and wants to take an active role in the council. Gary was unanimously voted in,
with 1st Degree Exemplification date to be determined.
No report
Chaplin’s Report
No report.
Treasurer’s Report
No report
No report
Report of Trustees
No report.
The $125.00 check was sent in support of our Seminarian, but was not cashed as of our last meeting.
We had 2 State winners from St. Boniface (Katie Etzle & Grace Liebl) for their drawings for the Drug
Awareness program. Each received a plaque and $50.00 gift card. Grace was presented with her award on
the 9th of August, Katie on the 24th.
No Report
Unfinished Business
We are still looking for volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. This is a great way to get involved with the
community, and maybe even learn a thing or two! Anyone interested please see Brother Charlie Miller.
Our Council has (3) $100.00 gift Certificates left for 4th Degree members who want to purchase there 4th
Degree Regalia. See Brother Charlie Miller for details. Two of the five were given to brothers Pat
Galasco and Pat Kavanaugh.
Knights of Columbus next Quarterly Mass will be on Saturday, October 18th, at 5pm. Please save the
date on your calendars!
Fourth Degree Exemplifications in Duluth GA will be November 7th, 8th, and 9th. Anyone interested in
going please see Brother Tanguay.
We received information about The Council Challenge recruitment reward program. The program started
on July 1, 2014 and ends on June 30, 2015. This is a great way to gain some new members and grow.
The Council aprons were bought and will be printed for the next Business Meeting. T-Shirts and Polo
shirts will also be available very soon. Please see Brother Joe Burdick if you need or want a new Council
shirt. T-Shirts are $10, polo shirts are $15.
The annual Chicken Dinner is all set for Saturday, October 11th, 2014. Cooking and preparation will be
taking place on Friday night, the 10th. All hands on deck! If you can volunteer in any capacity, please do!
This is a great way to meet other parishioners, as well as bonding with the brothers in our Council.
Tickets are on sale now, so get them while they last!
New Business
Knights of Columbus next Quarterly Mass will be on Saturday, October 18th, at 5pm. Please save the
date on your calendars!
Brother Pat Galasco also mentioned that in speaking with Fr. Martino, Bishop Hartmayer has intentions
of being present for our Confirmation Mass next year. This year’s was such a big success, and Bishop
Hartmayer had a great time at our Parish.
Our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament will be on October 25th, 2014, at Lost Plantation Golf Club. Last year’s
inaugural tournament was a great success, and we are looking forward to even more participation this
year. We will need a minimum of 40 participants this year (10 teams of 4), Tickets will be $40 per person,
and this will cover the cost of a round of golf, and lunch to be catered by Lost Plantation. We will also be
selling string, mulligans, etc. to make a little extra money. This tournament will be a Captain’s Choice,
Shotgun Start format. As much participation as possible is greatly appreciated! Please see Brother Paul
Tanguay for more details.
This year’s Effingham Coat Drive has already been budgeted, and is moving forward as planned.
Brother Joe Bahm has graciously offered up his home as the location for this year’s Christmas Party. Last
year’s was such a great time! A motion was agreed upon to discuss the details at our next meeting.
A motion was carried to discuss the Ten Commandments Initiative at the next Business Meeting.
Please contact Paul Tanguay if you are interested in attending any of the Degree services.
Closing Prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary and the Glory Be were recited.
The next Officer’s meeting will be held on September 18th, 2014 at 7:00 pm at St Boniface Catholic
The next Social and General Business Meeting will be held on September 24th, 2014. Social begins at
7:00 pm in the Faith Formation Building and the General Meeting will follow at 7:30 pm.