April Patchogian 2019

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April, 2019 —- Celebrating 116 Years of Faithful Service — 1903 - 2019


Officers From the Grand Knight’s Desk
S/K Fr. William Winters, “Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn;
OFM, Cap. he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.”
Hosea 6:3
Grand Knight Brothers,
S/K John E. Terlecki
April, finally the winter is behind us albeit it really wasn’t that bad in terms of the weather. Spring
Deputy Grand Knight has arrived and we can look forward to April showers and May’s flowers, warmer weather and of course
S/K Joe Sheldrick Golf, for those of us who partake in the sport. As for others, whatever your spring traditions are, please
enjoy. As we continue our personal journeys through Lent and look forward to Easter, I wish everyone
Chancellor success with their Lenten intentions.
I am happy to report that March was once again another great month for our council. Once again we
S/K James Kaan joined together as a council and held a couple of great events. Our Fat Tuesday Pot Luck dinner was a
real success, the diversity of the food was unbelievable as was the culinary skills of our Brother Knights
Financial Secretary and sister Columbiettes was of the highest standards. We had a full house, great food, sprits, ethnic
S/K Robert Elliott PGK FDD music, and great people. What could be better? Well how about this! This year we combined our annual
St Patrick’s dinner with a Night at the Races. We had a good showing of people and my observation was
Warden a lot of new faces, hopefully we gain a few new members. I also must say the food was great as always,
Keith Mandart however the Corned Beef I thought was exceptional. Thanks go out to DGK Joe Sheldrick and his
wonderful crew in the kitchen and the odds makers and of course the caller Sk Vincenzo Lettiere, great
Treasurer job by all. This event was followed be the K of C #725 participating in the annual Patchogue Villages
S/K Denis Boyce St. Patrick’s Day parade. As we marched, we couldn’t believe the amount of spectators who attended.
Thanks to all of our members who participated in this event.
We held our 2nd Admission Degree in this Columbian year and we welcomed four new Brothers to the
Recorder order and three new brothers specifically to #725. I would like to congratulate the following men;
S/K Kevin Drawbridge Herbert A Kolher, Louis V. Brandi, and Al Costelllo, WELLCOME ABOARD. The exemplification
ceremony was beautiful and something all our brothers should attend and re-commit themselves to the
Advocate order.
S/K Michael Boehm Our Brothers also dedicated time and talent on repairs at the Mt. Carmel Rectory, Thanks Keith
What’s in the pipe line for the months of March and April; Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday,
Inside Guard Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil), and Easter Sunday. On April 28th, there will be a Communion Mass at St.
France De Sales at 10:30 with breakfast to follow at the Council. Contact Pat Molluso at 1-516-356-7863
S/K Tom Liguori if you plan on attending. On April 24th we are planning a children’s movie night at the council hall. The
movie selection will be SGT. Stubby an American Hero. Doors open at 7:00 pm soda, and snacks
Outside Guard provided.
S/K Richard Costa As you know each year the Grand Knight selects a Knight of year and a Family of the year. This year I
am requesting the members input. Please send your recommendations /reasons for candidates of these
Outside Guard prestigious awards to either James Kaan or myself at jkaan76@gmail.com or jeterlecki@optonline.net.
While we should always keep the health and well-being of our brothers and sisters in mind, let us all
First Year Trustee make an effort to call fellow members we haven’t seen or heard from for a while or pay them visit. It will
S/K James Addie PGK make a difference to them and yourself as well.
In closing my tenth memo from the Grand Knights desk, as always, it is my continued hope that we
Second Year Trustee reach out to the parishes we support and provide the services and people whenever and wherever we are
S/K John Orlando PGK
Vivat Jesus!
Third Year Trustee GK, SK John E. Terlecki
Richard J. Basak

All material in this document was approved by GK John Terlecki for publication. Copyright 2019, Patchogue Council #725

Council Roster as of Dates To Remember Upcoming Events

March 1, 2019 Information on pages 3 and 9
Associate: 249 April 1st——–Business Meeting, 8pm Chapter Communion Breakfast, April 7th, after the
Insurance: 128 9:45 Mass at OLMC
Inactive: 25 April 8th——–Monseigneur Corp.
Meeting, 7:30pm Fish and Chips Dinner, April 12th at 7pm
Total: 402
Family Movie Night, April 24th at 7pm
Honorary: 16 April 15th——Social Meeting,
Honorary Life: 103 Annual Communion Breakfast, April 28th, after the
April 29th——Officers Meeting, 7:30pm 10:30 mass at St. Francis
Disability: 14

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April 21st

Family Director
SK James Ryan / 631-278-9429 / jpr_ryan@msn.com

May our Council Prayers be on behalf of the following:

Pray for Brothers Jim Addie, Sammy Garafola, Rudy Carrabus and his wife Vicki, Jim Craig’s daughter Airen, Bill
Mones’ wife Virginia, PGK Willie Marciano and his wife Jean, Eddie O’Reilly, Gerry Restifo, Ernie Maller, Andrew
Carollo, Ralph DePinto, Frank Cooper’s wife Virginia, Phil Sgro, Keith Mandart, Robert Naurek, Rich Basak, Rich
Costa’s Mother, Tony Russo, Santo Liguori, Tony Baffo, Al Freytag, Robert Rizzo, Roy Schiebel’s wife and Joe
Fontana’s girlfriend Grace Bessieres.
Below are our recent notifications:
*Brother Jim Craig recently had an eye procedure. May he recover well and be back to normal activities.
*Brother Kevin Hanley recently spent time in the hospital with a bout of pneumonia. May Kevin have a speedy
recovery and feel better soon. God Bless.
*Brother Ralph Giannola recently had a visit to the hospital for an out of control blood pressure and A-fib.
May the doctors provide Ralph with some comfort and may he get better soon.
*To all Brother Knights and your families may you have a Blessed Easter!
We ask also that you pray for all our Brother Knights who are in need and for their families; those we know about,
and the many that we do not know about.

Happy Birthday to All Members in the Month of April.

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The next Fourth Degree Meeting will be Apr 24th at Fr. Seyfried Council, 44
Church St., Kings Park, NY 11754.

On May 5, 2019 we will be remembering our deceased brother Sir Knights at our
annual Memorial Mass. As usual, the mass will be at Saint Isadore Church in
Riverhead at 1:15 pm, followed by a dinner at the Polish Hall right across the
street. The dinner will be $45 per person.

The nomination committee is looking for Sir Knights who want to step up to the plate to advance as
officers in the Assembly. We also need Sir Knights to step up into the various appointed positions,
especially Sir Knights who are willing to become active Council Reps. If you want to put your name
in for an officer position or just want to renew the position you already have, you need to send
letters to Former Master Salvatore Loiacono, PGK, FDD, PCC, PFN, FM. (NO EMAILS!)
32 Dorchester Rd. Smithtown, NY 11787.

The next Chapter Meeting will be held on FRIDAY, APRIL 5th, 2019 at
ST. THOMAS MORE 6062 located at 115 Kings Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788.
Please make your Charity Ball Reservations asap, contact Ball Chairman Rich
Ronde. Also get your Charity Drive Journal Ads in to Chairman Mike Boehm,
cutoff date is May 10th.
Please schedule a Blood Drive at you council, there is currently a desperate need for blood!


TICKETS AT 631-404-6700

Financial Secretary

I am happy to report that our records and forms are currently all up to date. Please update your
information as needed. The retention committee is working to contact members who have not paid
their dues. Twenty seven have been suspended or put into inactive status. If you have changed
your mailing address and have not been receiving the Columbia magazine and membership bills
please contact me. Membership cards are mailed as dues come in.

As of March 1, 2019 we have 249 associate; 128 insurance; 25 inactive members for a total of 402 members. The
council is in good standing with Supreme and New York State.

Robert W. Elliott, FS
151 Springdale Drive, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

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District Deputy Report
The County Free Throw was held on March 9th in Deer Park. A great
turnout from our District, but sadly no one is advancing to the next round from our
On March 19th, we had a 1st Degree in Patchogue and I thank Patchogue Council for hosting and the Grand
Knight, John Terlecki and his 1st Degree team for doing such a great job. Most of all welcome to 4 new brothers who
made thier Degree that night. Coming up on April 9th, there will be a 2nd Degree at St. Jude.
On Thursday, May 16th, there will be a Marion Hour of Prayer at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Please mark your
calendars to try and attend.

Thank you for being a Knight and God Bless,


Just a reminder our Council & Cooperation Elections are coming up in June. If anyone
is interested in running for a Council Position, they should make their intentions
known, in writing, to the Secretary of the Nominating Committee, Chairman P.G.K.
Robert Elliott. If anyone is interested in running for a position on the Corporation
Board, they should make their intentions known, in writing, to Nominating
Committee Chairman G.K. John Terlecki. All Letters must be submitted no later than
4/15/19. Remember, you MUST be a Third Degree Member to run for any of these

All Articles for the May Patchogian

must be submitted by

April 20th

Order Now!!
If you are in need of Council Apparel, now is a good time to order them.
See Brother Knight Keith Mandart or call him at 516-480-2076 for
tee-shirts, polo shirts and hats!! We have jackets available too. Order
them now for Marching in the Parades and Council Events!!

Our WEBSITE has been undergoing some MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.

Take a few minutes to check it out at www.kofc725.com.
Our new Webmaster Kevin Drawbridge has been working hard to update
and improve the website.

Use it to print the newsletter, get forms, and all kinds of cool stuff.
Let him know how you like it and make some suggestions on what you
would like to see on the website going forward.

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Our Council was very busy in March. Here are some of the Highlights:
Our Lady of Mount Carmel is celebrating 100 years of Christ, charity and community, 1919 to
2019. Bishop John Barres celebrated Mass with Rev. Henry Reid, Pastor and Rev. Eric Kasongo to kick
off the yearlong celebration on March 2nd. Bishop Barres was happy to take photos with members of
the Parish, including our Brother Knights and their families.

Bishop Barres, Fr. Henry and Deacon Bob Lyons

“We celebrate as a community, the history of our parish, sharing memories, but also sharing a vision of
the future of this parish, and of our community, not held back by the walls of the church, but reaching
into our neighborhoods, businesses and schools. As individuals, saved by the Blood of Christ, we come
together as the Body of Christ, inviting our brothers and sisters to the Altar where we share out the
Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.” -Rev. Henry.

Look for more 100th Anniversary Cerebrations as the year goes on, including our Carnival over the July
4th Weekend, the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in July and our Anniversary Ball in September!!

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We would like to thank everyone who came down and took
part in our Fat Tuesday Pot Luck Dinner! It was a great
success and everyone had a great time. Special thanks to Paul
Chalupa and Phil Graniello for all their hard work and for our
Grand Knight John Terlecki for hosting this fun night. We
also want to thank Fr. Steve and Fr. Henry for joining us.

On March 9th St. Francis DeSales held a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner. Thanks to all our Brother Knights who
helped out and attended. It was nice to see Fr. Tom again, he looked like he was having such a fun time!!

On March 9th we also

had Brother Knights
attend the Suffolk
Regional Free Throw
Challenge held in Deer
Park! Congratulations to
all those moving on to
the L.I. Regionals.
Pictured here are the
winners with some of the
Knights who helped
make this a success,
including our own PGK
and DD Bill Fontaine!!

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On Saturday March 16th our Council held its annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner. Thanks to DGK Joe
Sheldrick and all the Brothers who helped him make this an awesome time!

Our Council
Marched in the
St. Patrick’s Day
Parade once
again this year.

Thanks to
everyone who
came down to
March!!! It was
a fun day and
the Streets were

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“So he got up and went back to his father. While he was still a long
way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compas-
sion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.”
— Gospel for March 31, Lk 15:20

My brother Knights, here we encounter some of the most beautiful

words in the entire Gospel: the reunion of the prodigal son with his father. As Jesus describes the
scene, I invite you to put yourself in three different sets of shoes.
First, imagine that you are the father, seeing your own flesh and blood, your son, coming home.
Second, imagine that you are the prodigal son, expecting the worst, but finding that your father
is moved with compassion. Third, imagine that you are the hardworking older brother, watching
this reunion from a critical distance. We can learn from all three: embracing others with the
mercy of the father; running to our heavenly Father like the prodigal; and with the older brother,
hearing the father’s words spoken to us: “Everything I have is yours” (Lk 15:31).

This Month’s Challenge:

This month, I challenge you to be like the prodigal son’s father by making the first move: Take
the first step toward another person in your life to encourage or forgive him or her. Second, I
challenge you to prayerfully write a list of things in your life for which you are grateful.


K of C founder Father Michael McGivney didn’t play basketball, since it was invented the year after he died, but
he was an avid sportsman. Young McGivney played baseball for a seminary team in Niagara Falls, N.Y. His
spirit of infusing faith into sports lives on through the Knights of Columbus Free Throw contests. This year, our
Council was proud to participate in the Local, District & Regional Free Throw Challenge. The youth of our
Community, and of our Council, is our most precious asset. Planting and sowing the seeds of not only our Faith,
but of our commitment to reach out and do things for others, is one of the most important examples that we can
set for our young people. We really need to establish a foundation of our Faith and of the things that our Parish
and Church have to offer. We all have our periods of doubt and may even leave the comfort of our Church for a
while as we grow up, especially today when our children have so many distractions, so many things calling out to
them. But it is up to us to lay a solid foundation down, for if we do not do this, the child may not, will not,
understand that they always have a place to return to. A place where they are loved, and have always been loved,
since before they were even born.

It is important to remember that children are smart. They see and hear everything. Most of you already
know that, and have been shocked to hear or see your child or grandchild do or say something that they
shouldn’t, because they were watching you. So during this Holy Season of Lent, let’s all try to set the best
example to our children that we can by first being kind to one another. Let your children see you do kind acts for
others, strangers even. And why only now? Let’s commit to doing this all year long. It doesn’t have to be much.
Hold a door open for someone. Smile and say hello as you pass by someone in the store. Whatever it is, no
matter how an insignificant act you may think it may be, remember, they are watching. And even if the kids
aren’t around, or you don’t have any kids, Do it for yourself. Remember, the kids aren’t the only ones who are
watching. So is He.

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Upcoming Events

Our Council will be hosting a Fish and Chips

Dinner on Friday, April 12th at 7pm.
Cost is only $5 per person which includes a
Fish and Chips Dinner, Soft Drinks,
Coffee & Dessert
RSVP by calling Mike Boehm at (631)774-2605

On Wednesday, April 24th, while the kids are on spring recess, we are planning a children’s
movie night at the council hall. The movie selection will be SGT. Stubby an American Hero.
The true story of a stray dog who joins his new master on the battlefields of the First World
War. For his valorous actions, Sgt. Stubby is still recognized as the most decorated dog in
American history. Doors open at 7:00 pm soda and snacks provided. Please come on down
for this free fun family evening!! We hope to see you there!! Bring a friend !!

Patchogue Council 725, along with our Columbiettes, will be

holding our Annual Communion Breakfast on Sunday, April 28th.
Our Council will attend the 10:30 Mass at St. Francis DeSales
Church, and the breakfast will follow right after Mass at our
Council. Cost is only $8 per person. Contact Pat Molluso at (516)
356-7863. This is another great opportunity for our Council to get
together and enjoy each other’s company, we hope to see you all
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THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019 AT 7:30 P.M.

Join us for an evening of Prayer, we can all use it!

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My Dear Sister Columbiettes and Brother Knights,

Happy April everyone, the flowers and trees are blooming and so are the allergies. I hope you are not suffering too bad
with the pollen, but remember to shower after being outdoors to remove the pollen. This will help with your allergy
I wish to thank all my Sister Columbiettes who attended the two memorial masses for Joann Brandi and Joan Ansbach. These two ladies
will be remembered always in our prayers. I also wish to keep in our prayers Tatianna Drawbridge, our youngest Columbiette, as she
begins her journey as a member of the United States Navy. I know she will appreciate letters from all of us, so as soon as I get an address
for her I will post it for all of you.
We will be taking nominations for officers this month. If you are considering or interested in becoming an officer please let Ronny Pliszak
know. The only open seat is Secretary and/or Vice President.
I have applications for scholarships available if you have a candidate. They will be on the Secretary’s desk at our meeting. Please have
them completed for review by the end of this month.
I know you all want to know the outcome of the Victorian Tea, but the Tea had not happened as of the date of writing this newsletter.
The May newsletter will have all the information about the Tea.
Please keep our sister Columbiettes and Brother Knights who are ill or going through difficult times in your prayers especially, Elaine and
Jim Addie, Terry Bobe, Michele McGill, Maryanne Friend, Grace Bessieres, Grace McGloine.

Happy Birthday to the April babies.

May the peace of our Lord be with you always,
Betty Weeks, President

Nettie Knitters
We are still here!!!!!! We meet on Tuesday’s at 1pm. In February we are having our Birthright Shower
at Resurrection of Our Lord Shower. Thanks to our Netties and Mount Carmel Ladies we have an
abundance of Carrier Covers, Blanket Sets and a box will be coming from our Netties in Florida. We also have
from one of our Netties, Infant toy balls. Why not come on down and see if you would be interested, or just have a cup of Jim’s
Delicious Coffee. See ya there, The Netties

Knights of Columbus Senior Club

Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the K of C Hall.
1 pm to 3 pm

Well here we start again!!!! We are planning trips, movies and all sorts of goodies. We are experiencing a few of
our members being out of sorts, but we plan on being back one hundred per cent. Please be patience, and just ask
any one of the seniors “WHAT’S DOING” and we will be glad to fill you in.
So thank you for your patience and please keep an eye out for coming events.
Your Seniors
Chuck Gerlach, President,
VP, Pat Molluso——Treasurer, Theresa Baker——Secretary, Elaine Addie, (631) 475-5722
Communications Chairperson Dorothy Zeo, 475-8508——Entertainment Chairpersons, Ronny Pliszak 289-5758
and Elaine Addie 475-5722.

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