Lecture - 90
O.C and S.C Test on Synchronous Generator
So, we were discussing about the salient pole synchronous machines and we have found
out how to draw phasor diagrams very quickly and correctly and that is absolutely
necessary and there may be different conditions. There may be a synchronous salient
pole motor connected to the bus even with field current 0 because a salient pole
synchronous motor can also deliver power or absorb power depending upon whether it is
generator or motor mode.
Even if the field current is 0 because of the second term sine to delta terms where there is
no E f, V square terms comes; V is finite bus voltage and these are the operations and
there are very interesting problems on with excitation 0 or even without any excitation 0.
Now, I will tell you we will now switchover between salient and non-salient pole
machines. For example suppose I ask you very quickly I will go, so that you can do it.
Suppose I will say that it is a non-salient pole machine. In non-salient pole machine that
is cylindrical rotor synchronous machine.
Suppose I say it is generator mode. I am revisiting those basic ideas, but in the light of
what I have discussed in salient pole machines as well generator mode and lagging
power factor. The equations I will be using is E f is equal to in generator mode this is the
thing I a j xs is not, and we know how to draw it.
Similarly, in salient pole machine if you see the equation salient pole machine generator
mode. The equation is E f is equal to V plus j I d xd plus j I q x q and of course, there
may be I r a term that can be also taken into account while drawing the phasor diagram.
So, generator mode whether lagging or leading these equations are correct all the time,
but only thing is a if it is lagging, then I will say generator is over excited here also
lagging over excited. If it is leading equation remains same; leading under excited in case
of generator.
These are things you must remember, no other way and leading under excited same. In
motor mode it is better you write down the equation V is equal to you start with E f,
drawing the phasor diagram plus j I a xs; V and E f are interchanged. In case of salient
pole machine I will be writing V is equal to E f plus j I d xd plus j I q x q. See the
interchange of these two positions and this is motor mode.
And similarly of course in motor mode lagging power factor means under excited
opposite under excited and leading power factor is over excited. Similar is the case here.
Lagging power factor under excited it is motor mode, this was generator motor. So,
under excited and leading is over excited ok. So, this you must remember. This page is
important to draw the phasor diagram and of course, in case of a generator mode be it
salient, non-salient if it is generator mode, E f will be ahead of V and if it is motor mode
no matter whether it is salient or non-salient mode machine, V will be above E f and
these are the clues based on which the phasor diagrams are drawn.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:38)
For example if I say a synchronous generator is short circuited that is the situation is like
this. The armature terminals are not connected to bus, but it is short circuited which
means that V equal to 0 terminal voltage is 0. Of course, there is excitation is present. So,
there will be E f is generated.
So, if you look at the equivalent circuit it is plus minus E f and this is ra j xs for non-
salient pole machine, and these are shorted; here V equal to 0. So, I want to draw the
phasor diagram of the situation. The phasor diagram is like this, there is induced voltage
and it is a simple r xs circuit with xs as we know much higher than ra. So, the phasor
diagram of these will be simply and there is no question of d, q axis in case of non-
salient pole machine. Therefore, if this is E f the current will be lagging almost by 90
degree I a and V is equal to 0 here.
So, in case of generator you start from V which is 0 so, add to it I a ra and jI a xs and this
is 90 degree. Therefore, E f in this case will be V 0, V plus j ra plus j xs into I a is not,
this will be the phasor diagram. And this current is called the short circuit current of this
and this is the direction of the current, understood? Therefore, you see by doing short
circuit test and open circuit test on a non-salient pole synchronous machine, you will be
able to determine the value of zs.
And if you measure that will be equal to ra plus j xs is equal to E f by this short circuit
current I a will give you this magnitude and you will be able to calculate the value of zs.
ra can be measured with the help of some DC supply separately and then, xs and ra can
be separated.
But only thing I will like to say that although I have not told I have always assumed xs to
remain constant, non-salient pole machine I am telling non-salient pole machine. Since if
you do two tests are generally done open circuit test, what is done in open circuit test is
this. You have this generator, run this field coil by some prime mover at rated speed, so
that 50 Hertz is generated; run it at rated rpm. And here you connect some circuit like
this with DC, record this ammeter reading which is I f and here do not connect to any bus
or load, connect a voltmeter that divided by root 3 will give you the V phase voltage;
induced voltage.
Now, if you go on changing the field current which decides the flux phi f, the induced
voltage will increase ok. How it will increase? It will increase just like the initially you
will find it is almost linear and then saturation will take place. What is this axis I am
plotting; induced voltage E f which is recorded by this voltmeter. So, magnitude of that
field current at rated speed that is important rated speed. Why this characteristics will be
like this? Because of the fact that as you go on increasing the field current, a time will
come, saturation will take place and it will bend.
Therefore the value of the zs that you will calculate at the initial phase in the linear
portion in fact in my discussion I have always used the unsaturated value of synchronous
impedance. Of course, zs has got two parts ra plus j x; ra can be separated is not, how?
Measure the armature resistance by applying some small DC voltage at rated current V
by that current will give you armature resistance, then xs will be; I will not dwell upon
this much, but you know this, so xs.
But if you and how do you get this zs, it is called the open circuit characteristics. Now
there is another characteristics called short circuit characteristics. So, for that you have to
do short circuit test.
Similar test, short circuit test, what you do same machine you take and you short these
terminals, connect an ammeter here I will pass DC current by some potential divider
connection, connect an ammeter here ok, this is your I f. In short circuit test what you do
is this you increase the field current from 0 value and you know the rated current of the
machine, therefore go up to the rated current or maybe 10 percent higher than the rated
current and sketch the armature current short circuit armature current versus field
current, you sketch them.
You will find during short circuit test and of course, run the machine at rated speed
which gives you 50 Hertz supply that is condition you must. So, what you do? If on the
same graph you also plot in some different scale I SC short circuit armature current ISC
a; you will find that that characteristics will also pass through origin and it will be a
straight line and you can then calculate you can say zs you take any field current; this is
open circuit voltage, this is short circuit current at the same field current you have to take
to calculate zs.
So, what you do this if I call this is AB, this is AC; it will be open circuit voltage, OC
voltage per phase divided by short circuit current per phase because torque connected
assumed. But this you have to calculate at constant If, that is you should not divide by
this voltage with this current obvious reason because at same voltage then only this
phasor diagram is correct; is not that that same voltage. So, open circuit voltage short
You will find short circuit characteristics will be almost straight line although open
circuit characteristics will have that saturation property.
Why it is like that? It is because of the fact during short circuit test you recall in this is
the phasor diagram, this is your phi f. Resultant field Mf plus Ma in the machine
resultant field will be that is phi a and phi r will be much less because I a is almost
opposing phi f demagnetising. Therefore, even with large current because current will be
lagging your E f almost by 90 degree. So, it is almost demagnetising this phi ffa and
machine will be always under linear zone.
Therefore short circuit characteristics will be always a straight line, but open circuit
characteristics; no, open circuit characteristics E f we know it is root 2 pi f flux per pole
kw into N phase, you recall that and phi f versus I f whatever will be the nature; that will
be the nature of E f, speed is constant, f is constant. So, as you increase I f, phi f
increases initially linearly terminals are open, no armature current and therefore, it is
linearly increasing. But later saturations will set, therefore it looks like that the value of
zs or xs is not constant.
Initially if somebody calculate zs at various field currents here, this voltage by this
current, this voltage by this current, this voltage by this current what will happen the
value of zs will be almost initially up to the linear zone. It will be like somewhat
constant, but later it will fall down. Because numerator, denominator is increasing
linearly and this fellow, the numerator it is getting clamped at some value. Are you
getting it? So, this is the nature of zs; zs means ra small so or xs.
So far whatever I have analysed in this classes I have assumed xs to remain constant as
it. Of course if some; what people do some they calculate some q adjusted value of xs
things like that we did not concern here. But I want to point out that if the machine is
operating at linear zone, if xs can be assumed to be constant, then you put that constant
value of xs. If the when the machine will be loaded, machine may be demagnetising or it
may not be demagnetising, it will be also assisting phi f so, that machine may creep into
Then that value of xs may yield wrong results. So, corrected value of xs are to be used
then; anyway we will not go deep into the subject. It can be done way better estimation
of xs can be made by zero power factor test and things like that. We will not go into that
because we have taken so many lectures, but read the books. You must atleast understand
that the value of zs or xs does not remain constant with as the saturation creeps in.
Because when the machine operates at different power factor, machine may go into this
zone where xs value assumption may be questioned.
Anyway, but the important thing is we must know how to our emphasis was ok, xs is
constant. Suppose let us assume can I analyse the machine? Yes, now I am confident I
will be able to whether it is operating as a motor, whether it is operating as a generator,
whether it is this non-salient pole machine or salient pole machine I will be able to draw
the phasor diagram correctly and hence, calculate current, power factor, voltage
something is given, some other things can be computed if you draw the phasor diagram
Let me draw also the phasor diagram of a salient pole machine generator phasor diagram
of a salient pole generator under short circuit condition. Let us see how can we do it;
condition with ra, ra not equal to 0 suppose. So, what do I do; in case of generator so
terminal voltage will be 0. There is some field current I f some phi f is produced, ok. I
want to find out this one.
Now, terminal voltage is 0, then v plus this impedance drop suppose the ra equal to 0.
Let us do the first simple case ra equal to 0, then this armature current will be almost
lagging by 90 degree after all no resistance. So, it will be having inductive effect. So, we
will first draw E f, this will be the case. And if it is purely inductive, then the short circuit
current will be like this lagging that is this current I a itself will be 90 degree lagging
because of only inductive effect.
Therefore whatever is the short circuit current? That will be lagging your induced emf by
90 degree. In other words, this is q-axis and this will be your d-axis; is not. Therefore,
this short circuit current will be along d-axis. So, q-axis components; so, this itself is
equal to I d with I q equal to 0. Then you see everything is fine. This is the voltage,
terminal voltage is 0. So, v equal to 0 plus j I d x d will be only this much is not, this will
be phasor diagram.
But if ra is not equal to 0, then how it will be we are confident. Now, you can draw if ra
same thing not equal to 0, then I will draw like this. I will draw q-axis and suppose this is
your E f that I have drawn oh, armature current, it is shorted. Therefore, it is rl type of
thing, therefore, armature current will be lagging. So, I will draw this lagging almost 90
degree or slightly less than 90 degree like that E f and then this E f I a can be broken up
as I d and I q; is not; terminal voltage is 0 here. So, this will be the thing.
So, generator mode v is equal to 0 this point. So, v 0 plus j Id xd plus j Iq x q and I have
not neglected ra this time plus Ia ra this will be the thing and this must be equal to your E
f, that is all. So, I start with v equal to 0, then I a r a; I a r a I draw I will draw use a
different colour. So, this is your I a ra, I am drawing in a larger scale it is small I a r a
plus j Id xd it will be like this and then j Iq xq and this is your E f getting. So, this will be
the likely phasor diagram of a salient pole synchronous machine under short circuit
conditions. Is that clear?
Therefore friends I have talked to you for a long time rather. Mainly I have considered so
far the operations of I began my course with some few lectures on some transformer
based on equivalent circuit, not went into detail, but tried to highlight what is the
relationship of self mutual inductances with the transformer leakage reactance and the
magnetising inductance, how can I find out stress was on that.
Then I discussed about the basic working principle of rotating machines. Of course, a
good foundation on that can be only obtained if you have some idea of how the windings
are carried out in AC machines. So, I discussed about armature windings not too much in
detail, but very basic armature winding 60 degree phase spread, 120 degree phase spread,
three phase distributed winding.
In case of induction machine in the stator and rotor, this type of three phase windings are
used and in the rotor of three phasor induction motor if this type of windings are used,
they are classified as slip ring induction motor and then the concept of rotating magnetic
field, basic principle of operation of three phase induction motor some ideas about its
torque slip characteristics which is very important, equivalent circuit development. Then
I took up single phase induction motor.
The analysis of single phase induction motor was based on three phase induction motor
only although it is slightly involved because I showed that a single phase induction
motor develops a pulsating field which can be broken up into a forward and backward
field. Therefore, two induction motor those things can be used individually as if positive
sequence and negative sequence components are two individual machines find out from
them the torque and take the difference.
Then of course I took of synchronous machines where I told you about how to we
discussed about how a synchronous motor operates. There is a DC current to be(Refer
Time: 31:02) , there is a balanced three phase winding on the stator DC field winding
and then based on that we find out how to analyse synchronous motors. I hope you have
enjoyed. Let us see I will take only one lecture if possible next time to solve some
problems; numerical problems.