Q) Why was educational cess imposed by the government on all union taxes?
• The Government of India levied a 2% education cess on the union taxes so that the
revenue generated by the government from this provision can spend on financing
elementary education.
Q) Literacy rates in India have increased bus so has the absolute number of.
• Literacy rates in India have increased mainly because of the growth in the
educational facilities. However, with tremendous increase in the populations, the
absolute numbers of illiterates have also increased.
Q) Why has India not been able to achieve 100% literacy rates?
• India has not been able to achieve 100% literacy because the government’s
expenditure on education was inadequate.
Human capital
1. It increases knowledge and efficiency.
2. It is partly a social process.
3. Human capital is intangible.
4. It can't be sold in the market.
5. Human capital is not separable from its owner.
6. Human capital formation is to be done through
Conscious policy formulations
Q) How does both education and health lead the nation towards higher economic
1. Educated person can contribute to economic growth more than that of uneducated
person, Infact skills of an educated person are more. Education changes the outlook
of a person. Educated labor force adopts new technologies easily. It increases the
production; as a result, higher rate of economic growth is achieved.
Q) Mention the government organizations that regulate the health and education
• The Indian government regulates Education
And Health sectors through the following organizations:
1. NCERT (National Council of Education Research and Training): The organization is
responsible for designing the textbook up to 12th standard. 1
2. UGC (University Grants Commission): This organization is the prime funding
authority for university education. It also enforces rules and regulations regarding
higher education.
3. AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education): It enforces rules and regulations
regarding technical engineering-education in the country
4. ICMR (Indian Council for Medical Research): This organization formulates the rules
and regulations relating to education and research in health sector.
Q) India is going to be a knowledge based economy In the near future'. Discuss. India
is soon emerging as a knowledge bank. World Bank in its recent report states that
India should make a transition to be knowledge economy and if it uses its knowledge
as much as Ireland does, then the per capita income of India
Will increase from a little over US$ 1000 in 2002 to US $ 3000 in 2020
• The Indian software industry has been showing impressive record over the past
decade. The use of e-mail, e-governance and development of information
technology shows that India is slowly transforming itself into a knowledge based
Q) Establish the need for acquiring information relating to health and education
expenditure for the effective utilization of human resources.
1. The degree of availability of jobs, salaries and admission related information plays
an important role in the determination plays an important role in the determination of
human capital. The availability of jobs and admissions related information not only
help the students to opt for the best choice according to their interest areas but also
leads to an according to their interest areas but also leads to an effective utilization
of human skills and knowledge.
2. Expenditures on education enhance human skills and their utilizations. On the other
hand, the expenditure on health improves health, efficiency, quality of living and life
expectancy of people.
3. People are reluctant to opt for various health measures due to the lack of complete
knowledge and information. For example knowledge people knew very little about
polio and about its vaccination. But due to the constant efforts
By various government and non-government organizations under the pulse polio
immunization programme, people are now well aware of polio. Therefore, it is due to the
continuous publicity and various awareness campaigns, this programme has gained public
Q) In your view, is it essential for the government to regulate the fees structure in
education and health care institutions? If so, why?
1. Education and health sectors are the tow key sectors responsible for the formations
of good quality human capital. The developments of these two sectors are
emphasized by almost all the less developed countries.
2. India, Expenditure on both education and health sectors are carried out by all the
three tiers of the government and also by private institutions. While, private
institutions are public institutions are guided by the main motive of rendering services
and to enhance human capital.
3. As the Cost of Education and health facilities provided by the private institutions is
highes, so it is difficult for the majority of the population to avail these services
because of their economic inability. Thus, it is very important for the government to
provide quality education and health facilities to this section of the population.
4. As the Indian constitution counts right to free education and medical facilities as the
fundamental right of citizen, so it is the responsibility of the government to provide
education and health services to all.
5. There are some underprivileged section of population like ST, SC,OBC, the interests
of whose can only be protected by the interference of the government.
M. Anand Kumar Faculty: Economics - Contact N o. 9734483795 Page 7
6. The people as individual consumers do not have complete information about the
quality of services and the related costs. This often leads to the exploitation of
people. Hence, the government intervention in health and education sector to
regulate in health and education sector to regulate the fees structure is must in order
to enhance the quality of human capital
Q) Explain the meaning of human capital formation with the help of an example.
• Human capital formation is a process which converts human resources into human
capital. It is the process of acquiring and increasing the number of people who have
the skills, education and experience which is necessary for the economic
development of the country.
For example, if in the year 2014, the number of doctors and engineers in our country
were 4, 50,000 and in the year 2015, their number grew to 5, 00,000, then it the
extent of 50,000 doctors and engineers.
Q) Explain how health and expenditure on information are a source of human capital
Q) Why and how do firms give on the job training to their workers?
• Firms give on the job training to their workers to enhance their productive skills so as
enable them to absorb new technologies and modern ideas.
It absorbs new technologies and madern ideas.
It can be given in two forms:
1. Training given within the office premises.
2. Training gives outside the office premises.
• A skilled worker generates more income than an unskilled worker mainly because
the productivity of an educated and skilled person is higher than an unskilled one. A
skilled worker also commands higher earnings and gainful employment. This is
because they cannot be substituted easily because, it takes years to generate a
manpower which is skilled in a particular field on the other hand an unskilled worker
like a rickshaw puller can be easily substituted and such workers easily compromise
on lesser earnings.
Q) Keeping in view the present scenario, what should be the objective of education
in the India?
• In view of the present scenario, the following should be the objective of education in
1. The first and foremost objective should be that of ensuring hundred per cent
literacy in the country, as even after nearly 70 year of independence, around
26% of the population is illiterate.
2. Vocationalisation of education should be encouraged.
3. Higher education should be brought within the reach of all.
4. Adult and female education should be encouraged.
• In 1988, National Literacy Mission (NLM) was initiated to promote adult education. A
women education council was also established to promote women education in our
country. The NLM has been recast as 'Saakshar Bharat' with a central focus on
female education. The programme covers all citizens in the age group of 15 years
and above.
Q). Do you think the current level of education expenditure is inadequate? Why?
• Yes, the current level of education expenditure is inadequate. It is only 3.25% in
comparison to the desired level of 6% of GDP. More than 50 years ago, the
education commission has recommended that atleast 6% of GDP should be spent
on education, so as to make a noticeable rate of growth in educational
Achievements. However, the investment in education expenditure
Has not been uniform and is marked with regional and gender inequalities. India has
also not been able to achieve the objective of providing free and compulsory
education to all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years.
Q). With a view to discourage hoarding of cash and to solve the problem of black
money, the Government of India initiated demonetisation of Indian economy
declaring that 500 and 1,000 notes are no longer legal tender. This situation
created a cash crunch and parents were not able to pay school fees of their
children. Suggest some measures that the schools could adopt, so that this
problem is solved and the education of the children is not hindered.
• Some of the measures that the schools could adopt, in view of the demonetisatio
drive are as follows:
1. The schools could accept fees by online transfer.
2. The schools could accept digital cash.
3. They could accept fees by a cheque or a bank-draft.
4. They could also give extension for payment of fees for those parents who do not
have access to either of these means.
Q). “School dropouts are giving way to child labour” Discuss how this a loss to
human capital.