Development Question Answer
Development Question Answer
Development Question Answer
SUBJECT: Social Science
Q 1. What does HDI stand for? Explain the main criteria of measuring HDI
according to UNDP Report of 1990.
Ans: HDI Stand for Human Development Index.
Main criteria of measuring HDI:
1. HDI published by UNDP compares countries based on the educational
levels of the people, their health status and per capita income.
2. HDI determines the rank of a country by its overall achievement in three
areas, i.e., life expectancy, educational level and per capita income.
3. Many improvements have been suggested in calculating HDI and many
new components have been added to Human Development Report.
4. Pre-fixing Human to Development, it has made it clear that what is
important in development is what is happening to citizens of a country,
i.e., the health and well being of the people is most important.
Q 2: Explain why the state of Punjab, despite having a very high per capita
income, has a low literacy rate.
Ans: Even though Punjab has a high per capita income, its literacy rate is low.
This happens because:
1. Income vs. Education: Just having money doesn’t mean everyone gets a
good education. High income doesn’t automatically lead to better
schooling or literacy.
2. Lack of Schools: There might not be enough schools or good-quality
education facilities, especially in rural areas.
3. Government Support: If the government doesn’t spend enough on
education, it won’t improve literacy rates, even if the state is rich.
4. Cultural Factors: Some communities might not focus on education or
face barriers that prevent learning.
5. Wealth Distribution: Money might be unevenly spread, with some
people having lots of income while others have very little, affecting their
access to education.
6. Education Value: If people don’t see education as important, literacy
rates can suffer.
Q 4. One what basis the rich and low income countries have been categorized
in the world? What are the limitations of this approach? According to the
World Development Report, 2006, India comes in which category? Give reason
for the same.
Ans: classification of Countries Based on Income
The World Bank classifies countries by average income per person:
Rich Countries: More than ₹4,53,000 per year.
Low-Income Countries: ₹37,000 or less per year.
Middle-Income Countries: Between ₹37,000 and ₹4,53,000 per year.
Limitations of This Approach
1. Income Inequality: Average income figures can mask wide disparities
within countries.
2. Quality of Life: High income doesn’t always mean a good quality of life
or access to essential services.
3. Non-Monetary Factors: Important aspects like freedom, political
stability, and environmental quality are not considered.
4. Old Data: Thresholds may not reflect current economic realities.
India’s Classification
According to the World Development Report, 2006:
India’s Per Capita Income: ₹28,000 per year.
India is classified as a low-income country because its per capita income is
below the ₹37,000 threshold. This reflects ongoing economic challenges and
disparities in wealth.
Q 1. What was the Rowlatt Act?
Ans: The Rowlatt Act gave the government enormous powers to suppress
political activities and allowed the detention of political prisoners without trial
for two years. In other words, the Act proposed no appeal, no vakil and no
Q 2. Why was the Rowlatt Act imposed? (2011 D)
Ans: The imposing of the Rowlatt Act authorized the government to imprison
any person without trial and conviction in a court of law.
Q 3. In which session of the Indian National Congress was the demand for
‘Puma Swaraj’ formalized?
Ans: Lahore Session, December 1929.
Q 4. Who composed ‘Vande Mataram’?
Ans: Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
Q 5. Who created the first image of Bharat Mata? (2012 D)
Ans: Abanindranath Tagore
Q6. In which novel was the hymn ‘Vande Mataram’ included and who was the
novel written by?
Ans: Novel—Aandamath
Author — Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.
Q 7. In which year and place did Mahatma Gandhi organise Satyagraha for the
first time in India? (2014 D)
Ans: In 1916, in Champaran, Bihar.