Vedabhushan III English a (2)

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े ी/English

अंग्रज वेदभूषण तृतीय वषष/Third Year SET-A

प्रश्न पत्र संख्या / Que. Paper No. : III/20-21/English/

प्रततष्ठान द्वारा भरा जाएगा / To be filled in by Pratishthan

अंकों का तववरण / Details of Marks
तवषय / पूणाांक / प्राप्ांक / परीऺक के हस्ताऺर
Subject Max. Marks Marks obtained Sign. of examiner
े ी / English
अंग्रज 100
Choose the correct option: 10 × 2 = 20
Pick the Pronoun from the options to fill the blank in the sentence:
1. Ritika is helping ___ brothers in cleaning the room.
(a) His (b) Their
(c ) Her (d) None of these
2. Kids are eating ____ lunch.
(a) Their (b) There
(c ) His (d) None of these
3. Yesterday ___ ate popcorn while watching a movie.
(a) I (b) Myself
(c ) Me (d) None of these
Identify the Verb in the sentence :
4. There are books on the shelf.
(a) Book (b) Are
(c) Shelf (d) None of these
5. Turn to your right.
(a) Turn (b) Right
(c) Your (d) Kids
6. Kids are playing cricket in the garden.
(a) Cricket (b) Playing
(c) Kids (d) Kids
7. A name of a person, place or thing is called -
(a) Adverb (b) Pronoun
(c) Noun (d) None of these

1 वषष/Year - 2020-21
े ी/English
अंग्रज वेदभूषण तृतीय वषष/Third Year SET-A

Identifies the Noun in the sentence-

8. James, have you met your new colleague?
(a) Met (b) Colleague
(c) New (d) None of these
9. Look at the colourful rainbow.
(a) At (b) Colourful
(c) Rainbow (d) None of these
10. This garden is full of beautiful flowers
(a) This (b) beautiful
(c) garden (d) None of these
Put suitable action words (verbs) in the blanks : 10 × 2 = 20
1. I .................................... in a Veda Pathashala. (go / read)
2. We ........................................ Vedas everyday in the morning. (sit / chant)
3. I ........................................ to the class with my friends. (eat / go)
4. Suresh and Anil ........................................ for the football team. (play / dance)
5. Uma ........................................ daily before going to school. (pray / prays)
6. My mother never ........................................ to pack my lunch box. (forgets / finds)
7. I ........................................ a good singer. (is / am)
8. We ........................................ Indians. (were / are)
9. My pen ........................................ is blue. (are / is)
10. He ........................................ football. (plays / sit)
Match the following: 5 × 2 = 10
1. He adjective
2. Are pronoun
3. And preposition
4. At conjunction
5. Black verb
True or False : - 5 × 2 = 10
1. 'He' is a Noun. ( )
2. Antonym of 'above' is 'below'. ( )
3. Milk is countable noun. ( )
4. The synonym of 'ability' is 'capacity'. ( )
5. The plural of man is 'mans'. ( )
2 वषष/Year - 2020-21
े ी/English
अंग्रज वेदभूषण तृतीय वषष/Third Year SET-A

Very short answer type question:- 20

1. Give two example of Adverb. (2)



2. Give two examples of Proper noun. (2)



3. Give two examples of Conjunction. (2)



4. What is Pronoun? (2)



5. Do your grandparents live with you ? (2)



6. Sort out Noun from the sentences given below: (10)

a. Shrimad Bhagvadgita is Shri Krishna’s sermon to Arjun.


b. It has 18 chapters and 700 verses.


c. It was composed by Maharshi Vyasa.


d. It forms a part of the Mahabharata.


e. Shri Krishna is God.


3 वषष/Year - 2020-21
े ी/English
अंग्रज वेदभूषण तृतीय वषष/Third Year SET-A

Short Answer type question:- 3 × 5 = 15

1. Write two Interrogative sentences.


2. Give the name of the rivers that flow in Kashi.



3. (i) What was the name of the king of Kashi ?



(ii) Who promised to follow the rule of non-violence ?



Long answer type question (any one):- 1×5=5

A. A. Write the degrees of the given Adjectives –
i. Fast ........................................ ........................................
ii. Hard ........................................ ........................................
iii. Long ........................................ ........................................
iv. Near ........................................ ........................................
v. Soon ........................................ ........................................
B. Define Pronoun and its kinds..








4 वषष/Year - 2020-21

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