NCP Abortion
NCP Abortion
NCP Abortion
Patient admitted in hospital with complaints of per vaginal bleeding and pain in abdomen.
Family History:
Family Tree:
Genogram key:
Diseased= or
Socioeconomic History:
Dietary History:
Physical Examination:
General appearance
Vital sign:
Normal Normal
Buccal mucosa Gums/tongue Palates and Tonsillar area Voice breath Any other
uvula significant
Normal No infection Normal Normal Not present No any other
Female Breast:
Cardiovascular system:
Musculoskeletal system:
S. Drug trade Pharmacologica Dose and Rout Action Side effects and Nurse
No. name l name frequency e drug interaction responsibility
2. Inj. hypersensitivity
Pantoprazole 0-40mg slow It is a newer 1-Assess the
I/V H+ k+ ATP general
inhibitor condition of
similar in patient.
potency and 2-Always
clinical follow six
efficacy to rights.
omeprazole 3-Check the
3. Inj Rantac 2 to 4 IV Blood-
mg/kg Competitively Neutropenia, Absorption
/BD inhibit the thrombocytopenia. not affected
action of CNS-Headache, by food.
histamine malaise, dizziness. Can be taken
(H2)at GI- Nausea, without
receptor sites vomiting. Hepatic- regard to
of the Increased liver meal.
decreasing enzyme. Use
gastric acid Nausea, Pain, continually
secretion. Blood loss in hepatic
Diarrhoea dysfunction
and renal
Assess client
for any sign
of side
Check of
blood loss
Nursing diagnosis:
2. Altered body temperature related to infection as evidence by purulent and smelly discharge.
6. Knowledge deficit related to diet, personal hygiene and treatment and its complications.
Nursing care plan:
Subjective data:-patient Risk of infection related To reduce the risk of Assess the level of Level of risk of Risk of infection is
complaints of itching to vaginal discharge. infection. risk of infection. infection is assessed
reduced to some extent
and redness over the by examining the
perineal area. perineal area. as evidenced by
Educate the patient Patient is educated
examining the perineal
Objective data: patient about the about the
looks discomfort able maintenance of maintenance of area.
and irritated. hygiene. hygiene.
Subjective data: Activity intolerance To improve Asses the level Level of activity Activity tolerance is
patient complaints of the activity tolerance of activity intolerance intolerance is
related to pain in lower improved to some
not able to do daily the patient. of the patient. assessed by
activities. abdomen. observing the extent as evidenced by
Assist the patient in patient’s activity.
patient’s self care.
Objective data: patient daily activities. Patient is assisted
looks depressed and in daily activities by
lazy. Provide active and her family
passive exercises to Active and passive
the patient. exercises are
Educate the patient provided to the
to take adequate patient.
rest and healthy Patient is educated
diet. to take adequate
Assess the tolerance rest and healthy
level of activities. diet.
Level of tolerance of
activities is assessed.
Nursing assessment Nursing diagnosis Goal Planning Implementation and Evaluation
Subjective data: Altered sleeping To improve the Assess the Sleeping pattern of Sleeping pattern is
patient complaints of pattern related to pain sleeping pattern of the client is
sleeping pattern of improved to some
sleeplessness. client. assessed.
client. Provide calm and Calm and noise extent as evidenced by
Objective data: noise free free environment
patient’s facial
Patient looks lazy and environment to is provided to the
depressed. the patient. patient. expression.
Provide well
ventilated Well ventilated
environment and environment and
position to the position is
patient. provided to the
Provide comfortable patient with the
bedding to the client. help of extra
bedding is
provided to client.
Nursing assessment Nursing diagnosis Goal Planning Implementation and Evaluation
Subjective data: Knowledge deficit To improve the level of Assess the level of Level of knowledge Knowledge is
patient complaints of related to treatment knowledge of patient knowledge of of patient is improved to some
having queries. and its complications. patient. assessed by asking
Explain to the questions. extent as evidenced by
patient about the Explanation about patient answer.
Objective data: patient treatment plans the whole
looks confused and and importance of treatment plan and
anxious follow up. follow is provided
Clear the doubts of to the patient.
the patient.
Provide psychological All the doubts of
support to the patient. the patient are
Psychological support
is provided to the
Health education:
3. Personal hygiene:
The maintenance of personal hygiene is very important to prevent the infection. Daily
bathing is very necessary.
4. Environmental hygiene:
Educate the mother to keep her surroundings clean.
5. Follow up care:
Educate the mother regarding follow up care. I gave the health education to patient
& his relatives.
I explain the all aspect of disease to patient & his family members.
I instructed to patient & his family members if they have seen any complication then
immediate contact with doctor.
Discharge planning:
Arranging appointments
Ensuring the patient has their personal belongings, medicines, medical documents, and
private scans and x-rays