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Data Confidentiality:
Detect, Respond to, and Recover
from Data Breaches
Includes Executive Summary (A); Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics (B);
and How-To Guides (C)

William Fisher
R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam

February 2024

This publication is available free of charge from:

The first draft of this publication is available free of charge from:

Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover

from Data Breaches
Includes Executive Summary (A); Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics (B);
and How-To Guides (C)

William Fisher
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia


February 2024

U.S. Department of Commerce

Gina M. Raimondo, Secretary

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Laurie E. Locascio, NIST Director and Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology

Data Confidentiality:
Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
Volume A:
Executive Summary

William Fisher
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia

February 2024


This publication is available free of charge from:
Executive Summary
An organization must protect its information from unauthorized access and disclosure. Data breaches
large and small can have far-reaching operational, financial, and reputational impacts on an
organization. In the event of a data breach, data confidentiality can be compromised via unauthorized
exfiltration, leaking, or spills of data to unauthorized parties, including the general public.

It is essential for an organization to identify and protect assets to prevent breaches. And in the event a
data breach occurs, it is essential that an organization be able to detect the ongoing breach themselves,
as well as begin to execute a response and recovery plan that leverages security technology and

The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) developed this guide to help organizations implement strategies in response to data
confidentiality attacks. This NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide demonstrates how organizations can
develop and implement appropriate actions to detect, respond and recover from a data confidentiality
cybersecurity event. It includes numerous technology and security recommendations to improve your
organization’s cybersecurity posture.

This practice guide can help your organization:

 Detect losses of data confidentiality in your organization.

 Respond to data breach events using your organization’s security
 Recover from a data breach in a manner that lessens monetary and
reputational damage.

This publication is part of a series of projects that seek to
provide guidance to improve an organization’s data security
in the context of the CIA triad. The CIA triad represents the
three pillars of information security: confidentiality,
integrity, and availability. This practice guide focuses on data
confidentiality: the property that data has not been
disclosed in an unauthorized fashion. Data confidentiality
concerns data in storage, during processing, and while in
transit. (Note: These definitions are from NIST Special
Publication (SP) 800-12 Rev 1, An Introduction to
Information Security.)

NIST SP 1800-29A: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 1
This guide applies data confidentiality principles through the
lens of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework version 1.1.
Specifically this practice guide focuses on the latter three of
those functions, informing organizations on how to detect,
respond to, and recover from a data confidentiality attack, and
manage data confidentiality risks. A complementary project and
accompanying practice guide (SP1800-28) addresses data
confidentiality through the lens of the principles of identify and

The NCCoE developed and implemented an example solution that incorporates multiple systems
working in concert to detect, respond to, and recover from data confidentiality cybersecurity events.
The solution will demonstrate the ability to detect an ongoing data breach, as well as recommending
technical and policy remediations against the same. This document highlights both the security and
privacy characteristics of the example solution by considering common data security use cases an
organization might seek to address and by enumerating problematic data actions that might impact

Collaborator Security Capability or Component

Dispel Network Protection
Cisco Event Detection, User Access Control
FireEye Logging
PKWARE Data Protection

While the NCCoE used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does not
endorse these particular products, nor does it guarantee compliance with any regulatory initiatives. Your
organization's information security experts should identify the products that will best integrate with
your existing tools and IT system infrastructure. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that
adheres to these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and
implementing parts of a solution.


Depending on your role in your organization, you might use this guide in different ways:

Business decision makers, including chief information security and technology officers can use this
part of the guide, NIST SP 1800-29A: Executive Summary, to understand the drivers for the guide, the
cybersecurity challenge we address, our approach to solving this challenge, and how the solution could
benefit your organization.

Technology, security, and privacy program managers who are concerned with how to identify,
understand, assess, and mitigate risk can use NIST SP 1800-29B: Approach, Architecture, and Security

NIST SP 1800-29A: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 2
Characteristics, which describes what we built and why, including the risk analysis performed and the
security/privacy control mappings.

IT professionals who want to implement an approach like this can make use of NIST SP 1800-29C: How-
To Guides, which provide specific product installation, configuration, and integration instructions for
building the example implementation, allowing you to replicate all or parts of this project.


You can view or download the guide at
security/dc-detect-identify-protect. Help the NCCoE make this guide better by sharing your thoughts
with us as you read the guide. If you adopt this solution for your own organization, please share your
experience and advice with us. We recognize that technical solutions alone will not fully enable the
benefits of our solution, so we encourage organizations to share lessons learned and best practices for
transforming the processes associated with implementing this guide.

To provide comments or to learn more by arranging a demonstration of this example implementation,

contact the NCCoE at

Collaborators participating in this project submitted their capabilities in response to an open call in the
Federal Register for all sources of relevant security capabilities from academia and industry (vendors
and integrators). Those respondents with relevant capabilities or product components signed a
Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to collaborate with NIST in a consortium to
build this example solution.

Certain commercial entities, equipment, products, or materials may be identified by name or company
logo or other insignia in order to acknowledge their participation in this collaboration or to describe an
experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply special
status or relationship with NIST or recommendation or endorsement by NIST or NCCoE; neither is it
intended to imply that the entities, equipment, products, or materials are necessarily the best available
for the purpose.

NIST SP 1800-29A: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 3

Data Confidentiality:
Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
Volume B:
Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics

William Fisher
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia

February 2024


This publication is available free of charge from:

The first draft of this publication is available free of charge from:
Certain commercial entities, equipment, products, or materials may be identified by name or company
logo or other insignia in order to acknowledge their participation in this collaboration or to describe an
experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply special
status or relationship with NIST or recommendation or endorsement by NIST or NCCoE; neither is it
intended to imply that the entities, equipment, products, or materials are necessarily the best available
for the purpose.

National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1800-29B, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.
Spec. Publ. 1800-28B, 58 pages, (February 2024), CODEN: NSPUE2

As a private-public partnership, we are always seeking feedback on our practice guides. We are
particularly interested in seeing how businesses apply NCCoE reference designs in the real world. If you
have implemented the reference design, or have questions about applying it in your environment,
please email us at

All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.

National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive
Mailstop 2002
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches ii
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), a part of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), is a collaborative hub where industry organizations, government agencies, and
academic institutions work together to address businesses’ most pressing cybersecurity issues. This
public-private partnership enables the creation of practical cybersecurity solutions for specific
industries, as well as for broad, cross-sector technology challenges. Through consortia under
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), including technology partners—from
Fortune 50 market leaders to smaller companies specializing in information technology security—the
NCCoE applies standards and best practices to develop modular, adaptable example cybersecurity
solutions using commercially available technology. The NCCoE documents these example solutions in
the NIST Special Publication 1800 series, which maps capabilities to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
and details the steps needed for another entity to re-create the example solution. The NCCoE was
established in 2012 by NIST in partnership with the State of Maryland and Montgomery County,

To learn more about the NCCoE, visit To learn more about NIST, visit


NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guides (Special Publication 1800 series) target specific cybersecurity
challenges in the public and private sectors. They are practical, user-friendly guides that facilitate the
adoption of standards-based approaches to cybersecurity. They show members of the information
security community how to implement example solutions that help them align with relevant standards
and best practices, and provide users with the materials lists, configuration files, and other information
they need to implement a similar approach.

The documents in this series describe example implementations of cybersecurity practices that
businesses and other organizations may voluntarily adopt. These documents do not describe regulations
or mandatory practices, nor do they carry statutory authority.

Attacks that target data are of concern to companies and organizations across many industries. Data
breaches represent a threat that can have monetary, reputational, and legal impacts. This guide seeks to
provide guidance around the threat of data breaches, exemplifying standards and technologies that are
useful for a variety of organizations defending against this threat. Specifically, this guide seeks to help
organizations detect, respond, and recover from a data confidentiality attack.

asset management; cybersecurity framework; data breach; data confidentiality; data protection; detect;
malicious actor; malware; ransomware; recover; respond

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches iii
We are grateful to the following individuals for their generous contributions of expertise and time.

Name Organization

Trey Doré Cisco

Matthew Hyatt Cisco

Randy Martin Cisco

Peter Romness Cisco

Bryan Rosensteel Cisco

Micah Wilson Cisco

Ben Burke Dispel

Fred Chang Dispel

Matt Fulk Dispel

Ian Schmertzler Dispel

Kenneth Durbin FireEye

Tom Los FireEye

J.R. Wikes FireEye

Jennifer Cawthra NIST

Joe Faxlanger PKWARE

Victor Ortiz PKWARE

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches iv
Name Organization


Spike Dog The MITRE Corporation

Sallie Edwards The MITRE Corporation

Brian Johnson The MITRE Corporation

Lauren Lusty The MITRE Corproation

Karri Meldorf The MITRE Corporation

Julie Snyder The MITRE Corporation

Lauren Swan The MITRE Corporation

Anne Townsend The MITRE Corporation

Jessica Walton The MITRE Corporation

The Technology Partners/Collaborators who participated in this build submitted their capabilities in
response to a notice in the Federal Register. Respondents with relevant capabilities or product
components were invited to sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with
NIST, allowing them to participate in a consortium to build this example solution. We worked with:

Technology Partner/Collaborator Build Involvement

Cisco Systems DUO

Dispel Dispel

FireEye FireEye Helix


NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches v
The terms “shall” and “shall not” indicate requirements to be followed strictly to conform to the
publication and from which no deviation is permitted. The terms “should” and “should not” indicate that
among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable without mentioning or
excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in
the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is discouraged but not prohibited. The terms
“may” and “need not” indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the publication. The
terms “can” and “cannot” indicate a possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal.


NOTICE: The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) has requested that holders of patent
claims whose use may be required for compliance with the guidance or requirements of this
publication disclose such patent claims to ITL. However, holders of patents are not obligated to
respond to ITL calls for patents and ITL has not undertaken a patent search in order to identify
which, if any, patents may apply to this publication.

As of the date of publication and following call(s) for the identification of patent claims whose
use may be required for compliance with the guidance or requirements of this publication, no
such patent claims have been identified to ITL.

No representation is made or implied by ITL that licenses are not required to avoid patent
infringement in the use of this publication.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches vi
1 Summary ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 Challenge .....................................................................................................................3
1.2 Solution........................................................................................................................3
1.3 Benefits ........................................................................................................................3
2 How to Use This Guide ........................................................................ 4
2.1 Typographic Conventions ............................................................................................5
3 Approach ............................................................................................ 5
3.1 Audience ......................................................................................................................6
3.2 Scope ...........................................................................................................................6
3.3 Assumptions ................................................................................................................6
3.4 Privacy Considerations .................................................................................................7
3.5 Risk Assessment ...........................................................................................................8
3.5.1 Security Risk Assessment .............................................................................................. 9
3.5.2 Privacy Risk Assessment ............................................................................................... 9
3.6 Technologies ..............................................................................................................10
4 Architecture ...................................................................................... 11
4.1 Architecture Description ............................................................................................11
5 Security & Privacy Characteristic Analysis ......................................... 12
5.1 Assumptions and Limitations .....................................................................................12
5.2 Security Scenarios ......................................................................................................12
5.2.1 Exfiltration of Encrypted Data..................................................................................... 13
5.2.2 Spear Phishing Campaign ............................................................................................ 13
5.2.3 Ransomware ............................................................................................................... 14
5.2.4 Accidental Email .......................................................................................................... 15
5.2.5 Lost Laptop.................................................................................................................. 16
5.2.6 Privilege Misuse .......................................................................................................... 16
5.2.7 Eavesdropping............................................................................................................. 17
5.3 Privacy Scenarios .......................................................................................................18
5.3.1 User Login with Multifactor Authentication ............................................................... 19
5.3.2 Authentication to Virtual Desktop Interface Solution ................................................23
5.3.3 Monitoring by Network Detection Solution ............................................................... 26

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches vii
5.3.4 Monitoring by Logging Solution .................................................................................. 30

6 Future Build Considerations .............................................................. 33

Appendix A List of Acronyms ................................................................. 34
Appendix B Glossary ............................................................................. 36
Appendix C References ......................................................................... 40
Appendix D Security Control Map.......................................................... 42
Appendix E Privacy Control Map ........................................................... 45

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Data Security Project Mapping ............................................................................................ 2
Figure 3-1 Cybersecurity and Privacy Risk Relationship ........................................................................ 8
Figure 4-1 Data Confidentiality Detect, Respond, and Recover High-Level Architecture ...................... 11
Figure 5-1 Multifactor Authentication Data Flow Diagram ................................................................. 20
Figure 5-2 Virtual Desktop Interface Data Flow Diagram .................................................................... 23

List of Tables
Table 3-1 Products and Technologies ................................................................................................. 10
Table 5-1 Exfiltration of Encrypted Data Security Scenario ................................................................. 13
Table 5-2 Spear Phishing Campaign Security Scenario ........................................................................ 13
Table 5-3 Ransomware Security Scenario ........................................................................................... 14
Table 5-4 Accidental Email Security Scenario ...................................................................................... 15
Table 5-5 Lost Laptop Security Scenario ............................................................................................. 16
Table 5-6 Privilege Misuse Security Scenario ...................................................................................... 16
Table 5-7 Eavesdropping Security Scenario ........................................................................................ 17
Table 5-8 User Login With Multifactor Authentication Data Actions ................................................... 21
Table 5-9 User Login with Multifactor Authentication Problematic Data Action ................................. 22
Table 5-10 Virtual Desktop Interface Data Actions ............................................................................. 24
Table 5-11 Virtual Desktop Interface Problematic Data Actions .......................................................... 25
Table 5-12 Network Detection Data Actions ....................................................................................... 28

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches viii
Table 5-13 Network Detection Problematic Data Actions ................................................................... 29
Table 5-14 Logging Data Actions......................................................................................................... 31
Table 5-15 Logging Problematic Data Actions ..................................................................................... 32
Table 6-1 Security Control Map .......................................................................................................... 42
Table 6-2 Privacy Control Map ........................................................................................................... 45

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches ix
1 Summary
In our data-driven world, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity and privacy as part of their business
risk management strategy. Specifically, data confidentiality remains a challenge as attacks against an
organization’s data can compromise emails, employee records, financial records, and customer
information—impacting business operations, revenue, and reputation.

Confidentiality is officially defined as “preserving authorized restrictions on information access and

disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information.”[1] Data
confidentiality makes sure that only the right users and systems have access to the right data. Ensuring
data confidentiality should be a priority for any organization regardless of industry. A loss of data
confidentiality can be of great impact to not just the company or organization, but also to the individual
who have trusted the organization with their data.

The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) developed an example solution to address data security and privacy needs. This
project fits within a larger series of Data Security projects that are organized by the elements of the
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA) triad, and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework’s (CSF) Core
Functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

Note: This project was initiated before the release of the DRAFT NIST CSF 2.0 and thus does not
include the newly added GOVERN function. The DRAFT NIST CSF 2.0 defines Govern as “Establish and
monitor the organization’s cybersecurity risk management strategy, expectations, and policy”. The
govern function cuts across the other CSF functions. Though this document focuses on technical
capabilities, it’s intended that those capabilities would support an organizational governance
function in managing data confidentiality attack risk.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
Figure 1-1 Data Security Project Mapping

The goals of this NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide are to assist organizations in detecting, responding
to, and recovering from data confidentiality events. This guide will help organizations:

• Monitor the enterprise’s user and data activity.

• Detect unauthorized data flows, user behavior, and data access.
• Report unauthorized activity with respect to users and data in transit, at rest, or in use to
centralized monitoring and reporting software.
• Analyze the impact of unauthorized behavior and malicious behavior on the network or end
points. Determine if a loss of data confidentiality is occurring or has occurred.
• Mitigate the impact of such losses of data confidentiality by facilitating an effective response to
a data breach scenario.
• Contain the effects of a data breach so that more data is not exposed.
• Facilitate the recovery effort from data breaches by providing detailed information as to the
scope and severity of the breach.
• Enumerate data flows and problematic data actions in line with the NIST Privacy Framework

In addition to the guidance provided in these documents, NIST has many resources available to help
organizations detect, respond to and recover from data confidentiality attacks:

 NIST Special Publication 1800-25, Identifying and Protecting Assets from Ransomware and Other
Destructive Events [2]
 NIST Special Publication 1800-26, Detecting and Responding to Ransomware and Other
Destructive Events [3]
 NIST Special Publication 1800-11, Recovering from Ransomware and other Destructive Events [4]

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
 NIST Special Publication 800-83, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for
Desktops and Laptops [5]
 NIST Special Publication 800-46, Guide to Enterprise Telework, Remote Access, and Bring Your
Own Device (BYOD) Security [6]
 NIST Special Publication 1800-184, Guide for Cybersecurity Event Recovery [7]
 NIST Privacy Framework [8]
 NIST Cybersecurity Framework [9]
 NIST Interagency Report 8374, Ransomware Risk Management: A Cybersecurity Framework
Profile [10]

1.1 Challenge
Fundamentally, data confidentiality is a challenge because all data exists to be accessible by some
number of authorized people or systems. Data access only becomes a data breach when that access is
by an unauthorized person or system. The quantity and diversity of an organization’s data, the varying
methods of data access (on-site versus remote, computer versus mobile device) and the potential for
the compromise of valid user credentials all challenge an organization’s ability to maintain the
confidentiality of their data. NIST SP 1800-29 focuses on the Detect, Respond, and Recover functions of
the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and addresses the challenges related to categorizing authorized and
unauthorized data access. Once that ontology is developed, this document helps organizations address
detecting, responding to, and recovering from a loss of data confidentiality.

Additional challenges arise when defining what it means to “respond to” or “recover from” a data
breach. In the NCCoE’s previous work on Data Integrity (1800-25, 1800-26, and 1800-11), it was possible
to define recovery as a rollback of the compromised data to a point in time before it was altered. With
respect to a loss of data confidentiality, there is no such process by which to “undo” the effects of such a
loss—once digital data is in the hands of an unauthorized user, there is no guaranteed method by which
to get all copies of the data back. This leaves an organization and the affected individuals with non-
technical mitigations for the consequences of the breach (financial, reputational, etc.), as well as the
ability of the organization to apply the lessons learned to technical improvements earlier in the timeline
to prevent against future breaches.

1.2 Solution
The NCCoE developed this two-part solution to address considerations for both data security and data
privacy to help organizations manage the risk of a data confidentiality attack. The work in 1800-28
addressed an organization’s needs prior to a loss of data confidentiality (by focusing on the NIST CSF
Functions of Identify and Protect) while this guide’s focus is on the actions of an organization during and
after a loss of data confidentiality (the remaining NIST CSF Functions of Detect, Respond, and Recover).
The solution utilizes commercially available tools to provide certain relevant capabilities such as event
detection, log correlation, incident response information, and credential management among others.

1.3 Benefits
Organizations can use this guide to help:
 Evaluate their data confidentiality concerns.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
 Determine whether their data security needs align with the challenges described in these
 Conduct a gap analysis to determine the distance between the organization’s current state and
desired state with respect to data confidentiality.
 Perform an assessment of the feasibility of implementing any number of these solutions.
 Determine a business continuity analysis to identify potential impacts on business operations as
a result of a loss of data confidentiality.

2 How to Use This Guide

This NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide demonstrates a standards-based reference design and provides
users with the information they need to replicate the data confidentiality capabilities described in this
document. This reference design is modular and can be deployed in whole or in part.

This guide contains three volumes:

 NIST SP 1800-29A: Executive Summary

 NIST SP 1800-29B: Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics – what we built and why
(you are here)
 NIST SP 1800-29C: How-To Guides – instructions for building the example solution
Depending on your role in your organization, you might use this guide in different ways:

Business decision makers, including chief security and technology officers, will be interested in the
Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-29A, which describes the following topics:

 challenges that enterprises face in data confidentiality

 example solution built at the NCCoE
 benefits of adopting the example solution
Technology or security program managers who are concerned with how to identify, understand, assess,
and mitigate risk will be interested in this part of the guide, NIST SP 1800-29B, which describes what we
did and why. The following sections will be of particular interest:

 Section 3.5, Risk Assessment, provides a description of the risk analysis we performed
 Appendix D, Security Control Map, maps the security characteristics of this example solution to
cybersecurity standards and best practices
You might share the Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-29A, with your leadership team members to help
them understand the importance of adopting standards-based solutions to detect and respond to losses
in data confidentiality.

IT professionals who want to implement an approach like this will find the whole practice guide useful.
You can use the how-to portion of the guide, NIST SP 1800-29C, to replicate all or parts of the build
created in our lab. The how-to portion of the guide provides specific product installation, configuration,
and integration instructions for implementing the example solution. We do not re-create the product

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
manufacturers’ documentation, which is generally widely available. Rather, we show how we
incorporated the products together in our environment to create an example solution.

This guide assumes that IT professionals have experience implementing security products within the
enterprise. While we have used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does
not endorse these particular products. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that adheres to
these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and implementing
parts of detecting, responding to, and recovering from a loss of data confidentiality. Your organization’s
security experts should identify the products that will best integrate with your existing tools and IT
system infrastructure. We hope that you will seek products that are congruent with applicable standards
and best practices. Section 3.6, Technologies, lists the products we used and maps them to the
cybersecurity controls provided by this reference solution.

A NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide does not describe “the” solution, but a possible solution.
Comments, suggestions, and success stories will improve subsequent versions of this guide. Please
contribute your thoughts to

2.1 Typographic Conventions

The following table presents typographic conventions used in this volume.

Typeface/Symbol Meaning Example

Italics file names and path names; For language use and style guidance,
references to documents that see the NCCoE Style Guide.
are not hyperlinks; new
terms; and placeholders
Bold names of menus, options, Choose File > Edit.
command buttons, and fields
Monospace command-line input, mkdir
onscreen computer output,
sample code examples, and
status codes
Monospace Bold command-line user input service sshd start
contrasted with computer
blue text link to other parts of the All publications from NIST’s NCCoE
document, a web URL, or an are available at
email address

3 Approach
The NCCoE is developing a set of data confidentiality projects mapped to the five Functions of the NIST
Cybersecurity Framework. This project centers on detecting, responding to, and recovering from
potential threats to confidentiality. Our commercial collaboration partners have volunteered to provide
the products for the example solution for the problems raised in each of our use cases. Through this

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
collaboration, our goal is to create actionable recommendations for organizations and individuals trying
to solve data confidentiality issues.

3.1 Audience
The architecture of this project and accompanying documentation targets three distinct groups of
readers. The first is those personally managing, implementing, installing and configuring IT security
solutions for their organization. The walkthroughs of installation and configuration of the chosen
commercial products In Volume C of this guide, as well as any of our notes on lessons learned, work to
ease the challenge of implementing security best practices. This guide also serves as a starting point for
those addressing these security issues for the first time, and a reference for experienced admins who
want to do better.

The second group are those tasked with establishing broader security policies for their organizations.
Reviewing the threats each organization needs to account for and their potential solutions allows for
more robust and efficient security policy to be generated with greater ease.

The final group are those individuals responsible for the legal ramifications of breaches of
confidentiality. Many organizations have legal obligations to protect the personal data or personally
identifiable information they handle, and the ramifications for failing to at least adequately attempt to
protect that data can have severe consequences for the privacy of individuals and follow on
consequences for the organizations as a whole.

This guide will allow potential adopters to assess the feasibility of implementing data confidentiality best
practices within the IT systems of their own organization.

3.2 Scope
This document provides guidance on detecting, responding to, and recovering from a loss of data
confidentiality. Refer to Figure 1-1 to understand how this document fits within the larger set of NCCoE
Data Security projects, as organized by the CIA triad and the functions of the NIST Cybersecurity

3.3 Assumptions
The technical solution developed at the NCCoE and represented in this guide does not incorporate the
non-technical aspects of managing the confidentiality of an organization’s data. The non-technical
components could include (but are not limited to):

 applicable legal requirements based on pertinent jurisdictions

 corporate or other superseding policies relevant to confidentiality and privacy
 standard operating procedures in the event of a loss of data confidentiality
 public relations strategies
This project is guided by the following assumptions:

 The solution was developed in a laboratory environment and is limited in the size and scale of

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
 Only a subset of products relevant to data confidentiality are included in this project; therefore,
organizations should consider the guiding principles of this document when evaluating their
organization’s needs against the product landscape at the time of their IT implementation.

3.4 Privacy Considerations

Because privacy risks may arise as a result of a loss of confidentiality of data, this guide includes privacy
considerations. This section gives a primer for why privacy is important to protect the relationship
between privacy and cybersecurity risk, as well as NIST’s approach to privacy risk assessment.

In today’s digital landscape, consumers conduct much of their lives on the internet. Data processing,
which includes any operations taken with data, including the collection, usage, storage, and sharing of
data by organizations, can result in privacy problems for individuals. Privacy risks can evolve with
changes in technology and associated data processing. How organizations treat privacy has a direct
bearing on their perceived trustworthiness. Recognizing the evolving privacy impacts of technology on
individuals, governments across the globe are working to address their concerns through new or
updated laws and regulations.

Following an open and transparent development process, NIST published the NIST Privacy Framework,
Version 1.0 to help organizations better identify and manage their privacy risks, build trust with
customers and partners, and meet their compliance obligations. The Privacy Framework Core provides
privacy outcomes that organizations may wish to achieve as part of a privacy risk management program.
The Privacy Framework also discusses privacy engineering objectives that can be used to help
organizations prioritize their privacy risk management activities. The privacy engineering objectives are:

 Predictability: Enabling reliable assumptions by individuals, owners, and operators about data
and their processing by a system
 Manageability: Providing the capability for granular administration of data, including collection,
alteration, deletion, and selective disclosure
 Disassociability: Enabling the processing of data or events without association to individuals or
devices beyond the operational requirements of the system

It is important for individuals and organizations to understand the relationship between cybersecurity
and privacy. As noted in Section 1.2.1 of the NIST Privacy Framework [8], having a general understanding
of the different origins of cybersecurity and privacy risks is important for determining the most effective
solutions to address the risks. Figure 3-1 illustrates this relationship, showing that some privacy risks
arise from cybersecurity risks, and some are unrelated to cybersecurity risks.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
Figure 3-1 Cybersecurity and Privacy Risk Relationship

Though a data confidentially breach may lead to privacy problems for individuals, it is important to note
that privacy risks can arise without a cybersecurity incident. For example, an organization might process
data in ways that violates an individual’s privacy without that data having been breached or
compromised through a security incident. This type of issue can occur under a variety of scenarios, such
as when data is stored for extended periods, beyond the need for which the information was initially

Privacy risks arise from privacy events—the occurrence or potential occurrence of problematic data
actions. The NIST Privacy Framework defines problematic data actions as data actions that may cause an
adverse effect for individuals. Problematic data actions might arise by data processing simply for mission
or business purposes. Privacy risk is the likelihood that individuals will experience problems resulting
from data processing, and the impact should they occur [11]. As reflected in the overlap of Figure 3-1,
analyzing these risks in parallel with cybersecurity risks can help organizations understand the full
consequences of impacts of data confidentiality breaches. Section 5.3 demonstrates scenarios where
privacy risks may arise and potential mitigations.

Based on the reference architecture, this build considered the data actions that potentially cause
problematic data actions.

3.5 Risk Assessment

NIST SP 800-30 Revision 1, Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments, states that risk is “a measure of the
extent to which an entity is threatened by a potential circumstance or event, and typically a function of:
(i) the adverse impacts that would arise if the circumstance or event occurs; and (ii) the likelihood of
occurrence.” The guide further defines risk assessment as “the process of identifying, estimating, and
prioritizing risks to organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, reputation),
organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation, resulting from the operation of
an information system. Part of risk management incorporates threat and vulnerability analyses, and
considers mitigations provided by security controls planned or in place.”

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
The NCCoE recommends that any discussion of risk management, particularly at the enterprise level,
begins with a comprehensive review of NIST SP 800-37 Revision 2, Risk Management Framework for
Information Systems and Organizations [12]—material that is available to the public. The Risk
Management Framework (RMF) [13] guidance proved to be invaluable in giving us a baseline to assess
risks, from which we developed the project, the security characteristics of the build, and this guide.

3.5.1 Security Risk Assessment

Security risk assessments often discuss the consideration of threats to an information system. NIST SP
800-30 Revision 1 defines a threat as “[a]ny circumstance or event with the potential to adversely
impact organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, or the Nation through an
information system via unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, or modification of information,
and/or denial of service”. Threats are actions that may compromise a system’s confidentiality, integrity,
or availability [14]. Threats evolve, and an organization needs to perform its own analysis when
evaluating threats and risks that the organization faces.

The following threats were considered during the development of the data confidentiality solution:

 exfiltration by malicious outsider actor

 exfiltration by malicious internal actor (privilege misuse)
 ransomware with threat to leak data
 non-malicious insider actor (accidental email)
 misplaced hardware
For a threat to be realized, a system, process or person must be vulnerable to a threat action. A
vulnerability is a deficiency or weakness that a threat source may exploit, resulting in a threat event.
Vulnerabilities may exist in a broader context. That is, they may be found in organizational governance
structures, external relationships, and mission/business processes.

Organizations should consider the impact in the event that a data confidentiality breach occurs including
potential decline in organizational trust and credibility affecting employees, customers, partners,
stakeholders as well as financial impacts due to loss of proprietary or other sensitive information.

3.5.2 Privacy Risk Assessment

This build also incorporates privacy as part of the build risk assessment. It is important for organizations
to address privacy risk as part of a comprehensive risk management process. The build utilized the NIST
Privacy Framework [8] and Privacy Risk Assessment Methodology (PRAM) [15] to identify and address
privacy risks.

As part of identifying privacy risks in this build, problematic data actions were correlated to observed
privacy risks. In many cases, the security capabilities in this build will help mitigate privacy risks, but
organizations should use caution to implement these capabilities in a way that does not introduce new
privacy risks.

Section 5.3 discusses problematic data actions and privacy considerations for this build.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches
3.6 Technologies
Table 3-1 lists the technologies used in this project, and provides a mapping among the generic application term, the specific product used, and
the security control(s) that the product provides. Refer to Table 6-1 for an explanation of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Subcategory
identifiers. Table 3-1 also provides the Privacy Framework Subcategory identifiers, which are explained in Appendix E.

Table 3-1 Products and Technologies

Component Product Capability NIST Cybersecurity NIST Privacy

Framework Framework
Subcategories Subcategories
File Detection and PKWARE PKProtect • Logs data protection and RS.MI-2 CT.DM-P8, PR.AC-P1
Monitoring access activity
• Revokes and rotates breach-
affected access and
encryptions keys
Network Detection and Cisco Stealthwatch • Detects threats and determine DE.CM-1, DE.CM-3, PR.AC-P5, PR.PT-P3
Monitoring affected user, device, location, DE.CM-4, DE.CM-7
and other relevant information
• Analyzes network traffic
Logging FireEye Helix • Provides aggregate view of DE.AE-1, DE.AE-2, CT.DM-P8
entire environment DE.AE-3, DE.AE-4,
• Enables incident response RS.RP-1, RS.CO-2,

User Access Control Cisco DUO • Revokes compromised RC.RP-1 PR.AC-P1, PR.AC-P6
Dispel • Provides remote access to DE.AE-3, DE.CM-3, PR.AC-P3
Network Protection network DE.CM-7, RS.MI-2

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 10
4 Architecture
This section presents the high-level architecture and a set of capabilities used in our data confidentiality
reference design to detect, respond, and recover from data confidentiality events.

4.1 Architecture Description

Figure 4-1 Data Confidentiality Detect, Respond, and Recover High-Level Architecture

Each of the capabilities implemented plays a role in mitigating data confidentiality attacks:

• Data Protection involves maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of proprietary data, even
in the event of a security breach or outright theft.
• Event Detection and Monitoring focuses on becoming aware of potential intrusions by tracking
the events that may indicate a breach of security and alerting the relevant administrators.
• Log collection, collation and correlation refers to the proper monitoring of activity on a system,
and the analysis of that activity for any potential anomalous patterns or events.
• User access controls work to regulate and restrict the level of access different users have, so
that they can perform their work without providing unnecessary access that can be turned to
more malicious ends.
• Network protection provides protection for security architecture and enterprise components,
as well as providing additional network and authentication logging data for analysis.

These capabilities work together to detect malicious activity, respond appropriately, and aid in
recovering both the system’s security and any corrupted data. The data protection capability works to
encrypt and manage encryption keys for the data. This data protection is critical as a line of defense
against breaches; encryption ensures that data captured in a breach is effectively unusable by the

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 11
adversary. The monitoring capability analyzes network traffic to detect abnormal or malicious network
activity and the user accounts affected by it. The event detection capability similarly detects
unauthorized data access and other software related events which may be related to data breaches,
such as the usage of USBs, printers, and email to transfer sensitive files. The anomalies detected by the
event detection and monitoring capabilities can provide warnings of a potential breach, triggering
responses which the organization has set in place.

The log collection, collation, and correlation capability collect data from other capabilities to provide
administrators with an overview of organizational health and knowledge about potential and actual data
breaches. This larger view of the entire network enables administrators to determine the extent of the
damage to the organization, the status of the containment of the security breach, and whether the
remnants of the security breach have been successfully removed. In combination with the access control
capability, these can be used to revoke compromised user credentials, and restrict the access of
uncompromised accounts related to the breach.

5 Security & Privacy Characteristic Analysis

The following section is intended to help organization understand the extent to which the project meets
its objective of demonstrating technologies and capabilities to mitigate data confidentiality risk. To
support this, we developed several scenarios which organizations may consider when conducting their
security and privacy risk analysis. For each scenario we discuss how our architecture might help mitigate
or limit security and privacy risks.

5.1 Assumptions and Limitations

The following analysis has the following limitations:

 It is neither a comprehensive test of all security components nor a red-team exercise.

 It cannot identify all weaknesses or risks
 It does not include the lab infrastructure. It is assumed that devices are hardened. Testing these
devices would reveal only weaknesses in implementation that would not be relevant to those
adopting this reference architecture.

5.2 Security Scenarios

Our security evaluation involved assessing how well the reference design addresses the security
characteristics that it was intended to support. Each scenario lays out a potential cybersecurity event
and discusses the responsibilities of an organization with respect to each event, and how the security
capabilities of our architecture would help an organization address the Cybersecurity Framework
functions of Detecting, Responding and Recovering to each proposed scenario.

NOTE: The below scenarios map to the DRAFT NIST CSF 2.0. For a mapping to the NIST CSF 1.1 please
see Security Control Map in Appendix D.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 12
5.2.1 Exfiltration of Encrypted Data
Table 5-1 Exfiltration of Encrypted Data Security Scenario

An organization has unknowingly acquired a compromised machine from

an outside source and has attached the machine to its trusted network.
This machine periodically scans a certain part of the filesystem, which it has
deemed to be potentially sensitive, and encrypts and uploads the contents
to a malicious web host. Because the machine was assumed to be trusted
due to human error, the delivery of this malware into the system is difficult
to detect; it must be detected and stopped after it has already started
DE.AE-02, DE.AE-03, DE.CM-01, DE.CM-03, DE.CM-06, DE.CM-09, RS.MA-
Associated DRAFT CSF
02, RS.AN-03, RS.CO-02, RS.CO-03, RS.MI-02
2.0 Subcategories
Organizational In this scenario, the organization accepts an infected machine onto its
Response network. As an example, this could be hardware ordered from a third-party
vendor, potentially having been refurbished or modified before delivery to
the organization. Because the organization connects the machine directly
to the network, the acquisition of the malware happens immediately and
without warning. It falls to the organization to detect any changes in the
network caused by the malware. It must also understand the extent of the
damage, to properly scale the response and recovery efforts.
The Monitoring capability is used to watch the network for anomalous
traffic which may indicate a breach of data confidentiality. The tools being
employed monitor all data transfers and distinguish between the
unauthorized and authorized. The data gathered feeds into the Logging and
Reporting capabilities, which enable response and recovery.
Respond The Reporting capability is used to set events into motion once the
Monitoring capability has alerted it to malicious activity. This will alert
administrators to the issue while also triggering automated responses to
prevent further damage to proprietary data.
Recover The Logging capability provides a history of what data was access and
exfiltrated, as knowledge of what precisely was taken will determine
exactly what liability the organization holds and which affected parties will
need to be notified.

5.2.2 Spear Phishing Campaign

Table 5-2 Spear Phishing Campaign Security Scenario

An unknown user has successfully launched a spear phishing attack, and in

the process retrieved an authorized user’s login and password. This user
has access to several of the organization’s databases, allowing them to
both view and manipulate the data contained within. This exposes
proprietary data to theft and manipulation or deletion.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 13
DE.AE-02, DE.AE-03, DE.CM-01, DE.CM-03, DE.CM-06, DE.CM-09, RS.MA-
Associated DRAFT CSF
02, RS.AN-03, RS.CO-02, RS.CO-03, RS.MI-01, RS.MI-02
2.0 Subcategories
Organizational This scenario illustrates the compromise of valid, privileged credentials
Response through a spear phishing email. The user may report this themselves if they
retroactively realize it was a phishing attack, or they may not. The
organization will need to detect the compromised account and assess any
unauthorized access or data exfiltration.
The Network Monitoring and Logging capabilities are used to watch for
those anomalous behaviors most often associated with compromised
Respond The Mitigation capability demonstrated in this project allows for rapid
disabling of account privileges in the event of compromised credentials,
preventing further access to additional sensitive data.
Recover The Logging and Reporting capabilities provided a detailed picture of all
sensitive data accessed by the compromised account, which will allow the
organization to determine what liability it holds and what affected parties
will need to be notified.

5.2.3 Ransomware
Table 5-3 Ransomware Security Scenario

An employee of the company makes a mistake while entering the URL of

their company’s email provider. This mistake takes them to an identical
login page, but it is hosted by a malicious actor. When they enter their
credentials on the login page, the page records their credentials, and
forwards them to the actual login page, as if the credentials were mistyped.
The malicious actor later uses these credentials to login as the employee.
They download and run a malicious ransomware executable as the user.
The ransomware executable encrypts the files and notifies the company
they must pay a ransom to access their data.
DE.AE-02, DE.AE-03, DE.CM-01, DE.CM-03, DE.CM-06, DE.CM-09, RS.MA-
Associated DRAFT CSF
02, RS.AN-03, RS.CO-02, RS.CO-03, RS.MI-01, RS.MI-02
2.0 Subcategories
Organizational In this scenario, an account at the organization has downloaded malware
Response onto the system, which has begun encrypting sensitive data. The user may
or may not report the attack, though there may be clues as to its existence
- a user with account troubles and traffic going to a domain name very
similar to the organization’s domain might be enough to send up red flags if
noticed. Regardless, the organization will need to deal with a privileged
user account being used to download malware and hold the confidentiality
of sensitive files ransom.
The Monitoring capability for this scenario includes network monitoring,
which can detect unauthorized data exfiltration out of the network and any
irregular access or changes to existing data. Any exfiltration or data
encryption actions would also be included in logs forwarded to the tools
used for Reporting and Logging capabilities.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 14
Respond The Mitigation capability for this scenario will allow for rapid disabling and
secure re-enabling of compromised accounts once the relevant member
accounts are detected. The Reporting capability is designed to quickly
notify security teams of necessary actions, such as isolating the system
from the network and securing any data not yet attacked by the
Recover The scenario build doesn’t possess any technical capabilities for literal
recovery of the stolen data, as the scenario predicates the data has already
been successfully stolen, but the Logging capabilities should allow a
detailed review of what was taken. This will allow for post-incident review
of security flaws and notification of anyone inside or outside the
organization affected by the security breach.

5.2.4 Accidental Email

Table 5-4 Accidental Email Security Scenario

A user of the organization accidentally cc’s an individual on an email. This

email has an attachment containing proprietary information which the cc’d
individual is not cleared for. The individual copied on the email is
considered a disgruntled employee, and when he sees this email,
immediately downloads and saves these files.
DE.AE-02, DE.AE-03, DE.CM-01, DE.CM-03, DE.CM-06, DE.CM-09, RS.MA-
Associated DRAFT CSF
02, RS.AN-03, RS.CO-02, RS.MI-02
2.0 Subcategories
Organizational In the event of an accidental information leak via email, it is not unlikely
Response that the event will be reported. Since there are multiple parties involved
who are not malicious, it is possible that one of them will report the
incident. Regardless of whether it is reported, however, the organization
should be able to track the transfer of sensitive data to the unauthorized
employee’s system, and also prevent that employee from reading it.
The Monitoring and Event Detection capability watches over network
traffic, which includes scanning emails for sensitive content and its
intended recipients.
Respond The Mitigation capability of the scenario may block any uncleared
individuals from seeing sensitive information in the accidentally sent
emails, or even remove it automatically from uncleared systems on the
network. The Reporting capability is designed to quickly notify security
teams so they can attempt to contain the data exposed through the email.
Recover As the scenario build should prevent any information from being leaked
due to an uncleared email receiving sensitive information, there are no
significant capabilities being used for recovery of proprietary data.
However, the Logging and Reporting capabilities should allow for all
organization members involved in the incident to be notified of their roles,
and the aggregation of data regarding the incident should alert the
organization if additional training on the distribution of proprietary data is

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 15
5.2.5 Lost Laptop
Table 5-5 Lost Laptop Security Scenario

A user has lost their work laptop, which contains proprietary information. It
is unknown if the laptop was targeted for its data and access credentials by
a malicious actor, or if the incident was an unfortunate accident. For the
purposes of this scenario, we assume the user of the laptop has reported
the missing system on their own.
DE.CM-03, DE.CM-09, DE.AE-06, RS.MA-01, RS.AN-03, RS.AN-08, RS.CO-2
Associated DRAFT CSF
2.0 Subcategories
Organizational In the event of a lost laptop, it is likely that the loss will be reported by the
Response user, as the user will directly lose their ability to work. The organization
must determine the data that was on the laptop, the security posture of
the laptop, and the access the laptop provided to the organization’s
network, so that the loss can be accurately assessed, and further data loss
can be prevented.
In many cases, the user will need to report their own laptop lost or stolen.
While the Logging and Monitoring components can identify if the laptop is
a security risk by verifying if the laptop attempts to connect to the network,
it may be impossible to detect whether the data on the laptop has been
accessed once network connectivity is lost. The Logging and Reporting
capabilities create a record that can detect if data has been inappropriately
accessed from laptops that are reported missing, based on user logins and
Respond The Mitigation capability of this scenario should allow for remote wiping of
proprietary data from laptops, should they attempt to reconnect to the
organization’s network. The Reporting capability is designed to quickly
notify security teams so they can flag the laptop as missing and assess from
backups what data is exposed.
Recover This scenario build does not contain the capability for physical recovery of
lost laptops. However, Logging and Reporting capabilities can determine
what data was on the lost laptop, and the individuals who might be
affected by the potential exposure of the laptop’s contents.

5.2.6 Privilege Misuse

Table 5-6 Privilege Misuse Security Scenario

A malicious insider navigates to one of the organization’s shared drives,

and finds sensitive information stored there. Looking to sell this
information to competitors, the insider copies the information to his
personal USB drive. The insider also prints these files.
DE.CM-01, DE.CM-03, DE.CM-09, DE.AE-02, DE.AE-03, DE.AE-04, RS.MA-01,
Associated DRAFT CSF
RS,MA-05, RS.AN-03, RS.CO-2, RS.CO-3, RS.MI-01, RC.CO-3, RC.CO-4
2.0 Subcategories

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 16
Organizational It is unlikely that a malicious insider will advertise their misdoings - it falls
Response to the organization to discover the insider behavior and protect assets from
them. Through proper access control and encryption of sensitive files,
organizations can hinder the insider’s attempt to exfiltrate useful data. It is
unlikely that an organization will be able to completely stop a determined
insider through technical means, however; organizations should use the
technical capabilities they have to limit the exfiltration, while also gathering
information about the extent of the loss to aid in the pursuit of legal
resolutions to the incident.
The Event Detection capability of the scenario is designed to watch for
users accessing data they are not authorized for, the insertion of USB
drives, and even the activation of printers.
Respond The Reporting capability, combined with Event Detection, allows for
security administrators to be quickly notified of potentially malicious
actions. They can then respond by utilizing the Mitigation capability to
restrict User Access Controls for any suspected insider accounts.
Mitigation capabilities also exist to restrict copying and printing
Recover The Logging capability in this scenario tracks user access to sensitive data,
allowing for a full accounting of potentially compromised proprietary data.

5.2.7 Eavesdropping
Table 5-7 Eavesdropping Security Scenario

A malicious outsider has gained access to the network traffic of the

organization. They possess the capability to intercept and hijack internal
communications via a man-in-the-middle attack. A user begins uploading a
sensitive proposal for a new project. The malicious outsider can intercept
and view these files.
DE.CM-01, DE.CM-03, DE.CM-09, DE.AE-02, DE.AE-03, DE.AE-04, RS.MA-01,
Associated DRAFT CSF
RS,MA-05, RS.AN-03, RS.CO-2, RS.CO-3, RS.MI-01, RS.MI-02, RC.RP-01,
2.0 Subcategories
RC.CO-3, RC.CO-4
Organizational In this scenario, an organization will likely be able to see the introduction of
Response a new device on the network. In this example, a user’s sensitive upload is
stolen while it is in transit. The user may see warnings about HTTPS or
invalid certificates due to the nature of the attack, and the organization
may notice anomalous traffic going through the new device on the
network. The organization is responsible for identifying the new device as
malicious, protecting data intercepted by it through encryption, and
mitigating its ability to communicate with trusted enterprise machines.
The Event Detection and Monitoring capabilities of this scenario provide
the means to detect and track anomalous network activity, specifically if
the flow of communication is following anomalous patterns or routing
through unnecessary systems. The Logging capability would also assist in
identifying the source of the leak.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 17
Respond If the activities of the malicious host are allowed to continue, further loss of
data can occur. Because of this, it is important to stop the interception of
data quickly. In the event that the attacker is in the building, or even
reading the data themselves as they intercept it, swift mitigation of the leak
is necessary. Through the Mitigation component, we can contain or
disconnect the malicious host from the network, to learn more information
about it and prevent the leak. This can happen automatically or manually,
depending on the reliability of the anomaly detection software.
Recover The Logging and Reporting capabilities allow for the full accounting of the
traffic and data the man-in-the-middle system touched before its detection
and removal from the network, allowing for the notification of all affected

5.3 Privacy Scenarios

The following section describes scenarios an organization may consider when conducting their privacy
risk assessment. Based on the reference architecture used in this project each scenario is examined for
data actions that give rise to potential privacy problems for individuals. Each table documents
problematic data actions taken from the NIST Catalogue of Problematic Data Actions and Problems [16],
and lists privacy mitigations mapped to the NIST Privacy Framework [8]. For the privacy risks analyzed,
consideration was given to how the data is processed. The specific privacy risks found within the
scenarios are derived from the architecture components and the data flows used in this build, but to the
extent possible, generalized for organizations using similar components and capabilities.

Organizations may collect information affecting privacy when implementing cybersecurity or privacy-
based controls. For example, an organization might implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) using
information such as a mobile phone number. Even though collecting this information helps to protect
systems and data by supporting capabilities like non-repudiation and system auditing, it may also
generate privacy risks.

When implementing cybersecurity or privacy-based controls, organizations should consider the benefit a
user realizes, both from the use of a service and the securing of that service before processing
information affecting privacy. This benefit can be weighed against the risk posed to both individuals and
the organization should a privacy event occur.

For example, using the MFA example mentioned above, users may feel compelled to provide
information affecting privacy, such as their personal phone number for SMS (short messaging service)
authentication, to gain access to systems or services. However, if the user is accessing publicly-available
information, the risk of the misuse of information from collecting personal phone numbers may be
greater than the security benefit for protecting the low-sensitivity information. Additionally, if given the
option, users may elect to use alternative authentication methods that are less privacy-invasive, such as
using a work phone number over a personal number or a hardware MFA authenticator over SMS
authentication. The NIST Privacy Risk Assessment Methodology (PRAM)refers to this problematic data
action, where the user is compelled to provide information disproportionate to the purpose or outcome
of the transaction, as induced disclosure.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 18
Organizations should consider these types of risks as they design and implement systems. As
demonstrated in the scenarios below, risk mitigations should be implemented within the design to limit
privacy risks. These privacy risk mitigations might include the following, among others:

• Understand where and how information is processed, including collection practices and system
components that store and transmit this information (data flows and mapping)
• Understand the risks and benefits of collecting different data elements to determine if it should
not be collected
• Keep data only as long as needed for its function and destroy or de-identify it otherwise using
proper data lifecycle management practices and in accordance with applicable laws and policies
• Keep personal data segregated in a different repository, when practicable
• Encrypt data at rest, in transit, and in use
• Use role-based access controls
• Consider what measures should be taken to address predictability and manageability before
deciding whether data can be used beyond its initial expected and agreed upon use
• Implement privacy-enhancing technologies to increase disassociability while retaining
confidentiality and the capability to process data for mission or business purposes

5.3.1 User Login with Multifactor Authentication

Phishing-resistant multifactor MFA is a security best practice. The architecture recommends the use of a
password, pin or biometric with an asymmetric cryptographic key for authentication. However, it is
common practice for organizations to offer a variety of MFA solutions. Some MFA solutions, such as
biometrics or authenticating with user-owned mobile devices, might introduce privacy risks.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 19
Figure 5-1 Multifactor Authentication Data Flow Diagram

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 20
Table 5-8 User Login With Multifactor Authentication Data Actions

Data Type Data Action Examples of Privacy Considerations

Username Username is stored by the user workstation, and Usernames are unique to an individual and potentially
transferred across the authentication process to help contain identifiable information such as user’s first and last
identify the transaction. names
Client IP The client IP address is stored by the user workstation, and IP addresses can be easily linkable to an individual or their
(internet transferred as part of communications where it is an device, allow tracking activities across multiple systems or
protocol) endpoint. services, or used to derive other information such as user’s
Address general location
Transaction The transaction identifier is generated by active directory Cross-device identifiers for a transaction can be used to re-
Identifier and transferred to the MFA solution and the mobile device. identify information that was otherwise de-identified, such
as connections between a user’s name and their cellular
phone number.
Mobile device The mobile device information is stored by the MFA Mobile device information used in certain MFA
information solution and the mobile device and transferred as a part of transactions, such as phone numbers, identify individuals
the communication between the mobile device and MFA and their device. Furthermore, information about a user’s
solution. mobile device, such as device type and version, can be used
to infer privacy-impacting information such as spending
habits and other behaviors.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 21
Table 5-9 User Login with Multifactor Authentication Problematic Data Action

Scenarios Privacy Risk Problematic Data Actions Privacy Mitigations

User Users non-work Context: Users may not want to provide Predictability: Organizations should
authentication activity may be personal information, including phone inform users of information that
may use a tracked by an number and location information, but may processed by login tools and viewed by
personally or organization. feel compelled to meet organizational administrators, such as through privacy
organizationally security requirements. Tracking within notices when devices are enrolled. System
owned mobile the work environment or even outside the administrators should have limited access
device as an work environment could be to user authentication information.
authenticator. disproportionate to the security needs
Manageability: Organizations that
leading to unanticipated revelations about
leverage user's personal devices for user
user activities or degradation of the
login processes should consider tools that
dignity or autonomy of users.
give the users options for registering
Problematic Data Action: Surveillance, different types of authenticators, including
Unanticipated Revelation, Induced those that do not use personal devices
Disclosure and information. In this build, DUO offers
a variety of authentication options, such
as a hardware-based authenticator.
Loss of Autonomy: Users have no control
Organizations should be auditing tools to
over what information is shared in this
determine what information they are
scheme. Users may not feel comfortable
using and collecting as well as who is
using their own personal information as a
accessing and using it.
security feature for an organizational
service. Disassociability: Organizations should
explore capabilities and configurations
Loss of Trust: Users may not feel
that allow for the de-identification of
comfortable with their personal phone
phone numbers and other personal
numbers and device information being
information, such as the capability to
shared with third-party applications and
replace a phone-number with placeholder
Software as a Service providers.
text or privacy-enhancing cryptographic
techniques to limit the tracking of users.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 22
5.3.2 Authentication to Virtual Desktop Interface Solution
The reference architecture in this document demonstrates a Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) solution to facilitate secure access to organizational
resources and data. Organizations may allow users’ personal devices to access corporate resources using the VDI solution. Organizations should
consider the privacy risk of installing VDI software on personally owned devices, information revealed by the VDI protocol, and monitoring of
user activity while in the virtual environment.

Figure 5-2 Virtual Desktop Interface Data Flow Diagram

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 23
Table 5-10 Virtual Desktop Interface Data Actions

Data Type Data Action Examples of Privacy Considerations

Username The username is stored by the user workstation and active Usernames potentially contain inferable PII such as user’s
directory. It is transferred as part of the authentication first and last names
Client IP The Client IP Address is stored on the user workstation, and IP addresses can be used to derive PII such as user’s general
Address transferred as part of transactions and connections it location
Token Identifier A Token Identifier is generated by Active Directory in Token identifiers can be used to re-identify other
support of the authentication process, and transferred to information affecting privacy that occur as part of
the VDI. transactions.
Client Time The Client Time Zone is stored by the user workstation and When combined with IP addresses, Client Time Zones
Zone transferred as part of an RDP (remote desktop protocol) provide greater certainty about a user’s location.
connection to the virtual desktop.
Client Computer The Client Computer Name is stored by the user Client Computer Name can be easily linkable to an
Name workstation and transferred as part of an RDP connection to individual, allow tracking activities across multiple systems
the virtual desktop. and services, or used to derive other information, such as
names and device locations

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 24
Table 5-11 Virtual Desktop Interface Problematic Data Actions

Scenarios Examples of Privacy Problematic Data Actions Privacy Mitigations

User logs into a Information that can be Context: Users may use a variety of devices to Predictability: Users should be informed
Virtual Desktop associated with the connect to central login platforms, including of information that is viewed and
Interface solution user, such as their personally owned devices. Users operating collected by login tools such as Dispel,
from a personally device information or under a BYOD or remote work scheme may not such as through a login banner. Use
or organizationally location, may be expect that certain data from their personal privacy enhancing technologies and
owned device. transmitted to security devices is shared with the organization. This can techniques like data minimization,
tools as part of the include their location and operating hours. encryption, obfuscation, anonymization,
authentication process. Organizations can choose to use less identifiable data minimization, and
This information could information for a Client Computer Name (e.g., pseudonymization, among others.
result in tracking a an asset tag number), but do not have control
user’s non-work activity over how users name the personal devices they Manageability: Organizations that include
or exposing a user’s may use to authenticate. user's personal devices in day-to-day
non-work related operation should audit tools to determine
information. Problematic Data Action: Surveillance, what information they are using and
Unanticipated Revelation collecting.

Problem: Confidentiality: Organizations should

Loss of Trust. Users may not feel comfortable mandate strict access control for the
with this information being shared with their management and configuration of user
employer or third-party applications. login services, such as with MFA.

Availability: Organizations that utilize

Dignity Loss. Users may have information, such
central login platforms as their entry
as their physical location and work hours,
should consider the robustness of their
revealed to organizations in an undesired or
platforms and systems. A loss of access to
unexpected fashion.
these systems can lead to an inability for
users to access their data.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 25
5.3.3 Monitoring by Network Detection Solution
Network detection solutions monitor network traffic to identify network patterns that may indicate
malicious or harmful activity on a system or network. As part of this monitoring, network data may be
duplicated, sent to third party applications or centralized. The transmission and use of this data for
network monitoring may reveal more about users than necessary for security purposes, which raises
privacy risk.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 26
Figure 5-3 Network Detection Data Flow Diagram

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 27
Table 5-12 Network Detection Data Actions

Data Type Data Action Examples of Privacy Considerations

Client IP IP Addresses are stored on the User Workstation and IP addresses can be used to derive a user’s location.
Address Logging Solution, and transferred between the User
Workstation, network infrastructure, Network Detection
Solution, and the Logging Solution.
Network Network metadata is generated on the User Workstation Network metadata can contain information that can be
metadata and is transferred to the network infrastructure, the used to derive location or as a common identifier to re-
Network Detection Solution, and the Logging Solution. It is identify previously de-identified information.
stored by the Logging Solution.
Network traffic Network traffic content is generated on the User Network traffic content can contain a variety of information
content Workstation and is transferred to the network or inferences about the individual, such as health or
infrastructure, the Network Detection Solution, and the financial data.
Logging Solution. It is stored by the Logging Solution.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 28
Table 5-13 Network Detection Problematic Data Actions

Scenarios Examples of Privacy Problematic Data Actions Privacy Mitigations

Netflow data is User data and Context: Network monitoring tools commonly Predictability: Users should be informed
replicated to a metadata that is duplicate and centralize network traffic activity. of monitoring capabilities of Cisco
network transmitted across the This may expose information affecting privacy to Stealthwatch and related tools, such as
monitoring network through a third party software or to network administrators. through a login banner. Use privacy
solution for network monitoring Additionally, such monitoring capabilities can enhancing technologies and techniques
analysis. solution increases the prevent or undo the effects of de-identification to de-identify user ID and IP address like
chance of exposure of capabilities used by other security tools. Finally, obfuscation, communication
information to this additional viewing and analysis might be used anonymization, data minimization, and
organizational to profile a user, and conflict with their pseudonymization, among others.
administrators and expectations regarding the level of scrutiny to
third-party tools. which their data is exposed. Manageability: Organizations seeking to
Further, user network secure these sorts of tools should make
traffic may be used to Problematic Data Action: Surveillance, sure that they are configurable, and
profile user behavior. Unanticipated Revelation, Re-Identification consider the requirements for them to
operate effectively. This can include de-
Problem: Loss of Trust. Users may find the scrutiny identification options within such
of their network traffic unexpected or monitoring devices.
unwarranted. Furthermore, violation of other
advertised anonymization capabilities can strongly Disassociability: Organizations should
affect trust in the security architecture. employ de-identification options for data
when appropriate. Furthermore, tools
that rely on unaltered network traffic
should consider what privacy mitigations
applied to other tools may be
compromised by their use.

Confidentiality: Organizations should

mandate strict access controls for
security tools that can impact user
privacy, including the use of MFA.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 29
5.3.4 Monitoring by Logging Solution
This reference architecture generates logs used to aid in response and recovery activities. These logs are essential for proper data management
and incident response. However, organizations should consider the privacy implications of data processing activities related to logging and

Figure 5-4 Logging Data Flow Diagram

Data processing throughout the security architecture, and the logs generated by user activities, can interact with and create information that
affects the privacy of users. The use of a logging solution requires that data and metadata about user’s activity be generated and stored in an
additional location. Depending on the details and scope of the logging tool, this can extend the effective domain of information that affects
privacy used by those tools. Some examples of information affecting privacy utilized in such transactions is given below:

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 30
Table 5-14 Logging Data Actions

Data Type Data Action Examples of Privacy Considerations

IP Addresses IP Addresses are stored and transferred by enterprise IP addresses can be used to determine rough locations for
systems as well as the Logging Solution. They are user-owned machines. Additionally, IP Addresses can be
transferred by and through the Security Solutions. common across logs from many security tools, allowing for
anonymized data to be re-identified and can enable tracking
or surveillance in unintended ways.
Device Device Identifiers are stored and transferred by enterprise Under certain circumstances, Device Identifiers, such as
Identifiers systems as well as the Logging Solution. They are MAC (media access control) addresses, can be used to
transferred by and through the Security Solutions. identify individuals from data that has been de-identified, or
allow for privacy-impacting correlations to be made
between data logs.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 31
Table 5-15 Logging Problematic Data Actions

Scenarios Examples of Privacy Problematic Data Actions Privacy Mitigations

Security tools The security system Context: Logging systems contain data history of Predictability: The existence of
generate metadata passively creates data user activities. These logs are transmitted off the monitoring systems should be disclosed
that is transferred about users, their data, device or system in which they were created to to users upon their access to
to a logging and their activities and other systems where log information is organizational systems, such as through
solution, either may provide insights aggregated. The privacy impact of each log and a login banner. Use privacy enhancing
directly or via an into users or their the aggregation of logs must be considered. technologies and techniques to de-
on-site forwarder. activity that they do Furthermore, this information is exposed to identify user ID and IP address like
not anticipate. This administrators who have access to either the obfuscation, communication
information is individual or aggregated logs. anonymization, data minimization, and
transmitted across the pseudonymization, among others.
Problematic Data Action: Unanticipated
network, stored
Revelation, Re-identification, Surveillance Manageability: Organizations should
remotely, and may be
evaluate how logs can be configured to
combined with other Problem:
collect the least amount of information
information in ways Loss of trust. Users may not expect the scope of necessary in order to meet security
that reveal additional information created and tracked by logs, even if needs, especially when security tools are
information about they understand the scope of the security aggregating log information across
users beyond what can infrastructure. multiple systems.
be gleaned from any
one particular system. Dignity Loss. Embarrassing or undesired privacy Disassociability: Organizations should
information may be inferred about individuals consider de-identification functions for
whose actions generate logging information. log creation, transmission, storage and
aggregation. For example, privacy-
relevant information such as the user’s
name can be disassociated from their IP
address or device identifier when
collecting log information.
Confidentiality: Tools that generate or
store logs should have strict access
control applied to them such as MFA.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 32
6 Future Build Considerations
As shown in Figure 1-1, the NCCoE Data Security work that remains to be addressed within the
framework of the CIA triad is that of Data Availability. The Data Security team plans to evaluate the
current landscape of Data Availability challenges that organizations face and determine future relevant
projects to address those needs.

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 33
Appendix A List of Acronyms
BYOD Bring Your Own Device
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies
CIA Confidentiality Integrity Availability
CIS Center for Internet Security
CNSSI Committee on National Security Systems Instruction
CRADA Cooperative Research And Development Agreement
CSC Critical Security Controls
CSF Cybersecurity Framework
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP Internet Protocol
ISA International Society of Automation
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information Technology
ITL Information Technology Laboratory
MAC Media Access Control
MFA Multi Factor Authentication
NCCoE National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST IR NIST Interagency or Internal Report
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PRAM Privacy Risk Assessment Methodology
RDP Remote Desktop Protocol
RMF Risk Management Framework
SMS Short Messaging Service
SP Special Publication
URL Uniform Resource Location

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 34
USB Universal Series Bus
VDI Virtual Desktop Interface

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 35
Appendix B Glossary
Access Control The process of granting or denying specific requests to 1) obtain
and use information and related information processing services
and 2) enter specific physical facilities (e.g., federal buildings,
military establishments, border crossing entrances).

SOURCE: Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201-3

Adversary Person, group, organization, or government that conducts or has

the intent to conduct detrimental activities.

SOURCE: CNSSI 4009-2015

Asset A major application, general support system, high impact program,

physical plant, mission critical system, personnel, equipment, or a
logically related group of systems.

SOURCE: Committee on National Security Systems Instruction

(CNSSI) 4009-2015

Authentication Verifying the identity of a user, process, or device, often as a

prerequisite to allowing access to resources in an information


Authorization Access privileges granted to a user, program, or process or the act

of granting those privileges.

SOURCE: CNSSI 4009-2015

Backup A copy of files and programs made to facilitate recovery if


SOURCE: NIST SP 800-34 Rev. 1

Breach The loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure,

unauthorized acquisition, or any similar occurrence where: a person
other than an authorized user accesses or potentially accesses
personally identifiable information; or an authorized user accesses
personally identifiable information for another than authorized

SOURCE: NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 36
Control The means of managing risk, including policies, procedures,
guidelines, practices, or organizational structures, which can be of
an administrative, technical, management, or legal nature.

SOURCE: NIST SP 800-160 Vol. 2 Rev. 1

Confidentiality Preserving authorized restrictions on information access and

disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and
proprietary information.


Data A subset of information in an electronic format that allows it to be

retrieved or transmitted.

SOURCE: CNSSI 4008-2015

Data Action A system/product/service data life cycle operation, including, but

not limited to collection, retention, logging, generation,
transformation, use, disclosure, sharing, transmission, and disposal.

SOURCE: NIST Privacy Framework Version 1.

Disassociability Enabling the processing of PII or events without association to

individuals or devices beyond the operational requirements of the


Encrypt Cryptographically transform data to produce cipher text.

SOURCE: CNSSI 4009-2015

Enterprise An entity of any size, complexity, or positioning within an

organizational structure.


Event Any observable occurrence in a network or system.

SOURCE: CNSSI 4009-2015

Exfiltration The unauthorized transfer of information from an information


SOURCE: CNSSI 4009-2015

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 37
Incident An occurrence that actually or potentially jeopardizes the
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an information system or
the information the system processes, stores, or transmits or that
constitutes a violation or imminent threat of violation of security
policies, security procedures, or acceptable use policies.


Integrity Guarding against improper information modification or destruction,

and includes ensuring information non-repudiation and


Malware Hardware, firmware, or software that is intentionally included or

inserted in a system for a harmful purpose.

SOURCE: CNSSI 4009-2015

Manageability Providing the capability for granular administration of PII including

alteration, deletion, and selective disclosure.


Mitigation A decision, action, or practice intended to reduce the level of risk

associated with one or more threat events, threat scenarios, or

SOURCE: NIST SP 1800-160 Vol. 2 Rev. 1

Phishing A technique for attempting to acquire sensitive data, such as bank

account numbers, through a fraudulent solicitation in email or on a
web site, in which the perpetrator masquerades as a legitimate
business or reputable person.

SOURCE: CNSSI 4009-2015

Predictability Enabling reliable assumptions by individuals, owners, and operators

about PII and its processing by a system.


Privacy A condition that safeguards human dignity and autonomy by means

of methods that achieve predictability, manageability, and

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 38
Risk The level of impact on organizational operations (including mission,
functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, or
individuals resulting from the operation of an information system
given the potential impact of a threat and the likelihood of that
threat occurring.


Security Control The safeguards or countermeasures prescribed for an information

system or an organization to protect the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of the system and its information.


Security Policy A set of rules that governs all aspects of security-relevant system
and system component behavior.

SOURCE: NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5

Spear Phishing A colloquial term that can be used to describe any highly targeted
phishing attack.

SOURCE: CNSSI 4009-2015

Threat Any circumstance or event with the potential to adversely impact

organizational operations, organizational assets, individuals, other
organizations, or the Nation through a system via unauthorized
access, destruction, disclosure, modification of information, and/or
denial of service.

SOURCE: NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5

Vulnerability Weakness in an information system, system security procedures,

internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or
triggered by a threat source.


NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 39
Appendix C References
[1] W. Barker, Guideline for Identifying an Information System as a National Security System,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-59,
Gaithersburg, Md., Aug. 2003, 17 pp. Available:

[2] T. McBride et. al, Data Integrity: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Ransomware and
Other Destructive Events, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication (SP) 1800-25, Gaithersburg, Md., Dec. 2020, 488 pp. Available:

[3] T. McBride et. al, Data Integrity: Detecting and Responding to Ransomware and Other
Destructive Events, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication
(SP) 1800-26, Gaithersburg, Md., Dec. 2020, 441 pp. Available:

[4] T. McBride et. al, Data Integrity: Recovering from Ransomware and Other Destructive Events,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 1800-11,
Gaithersburg, Md., Sep. 2020, 377 pp. Available:

[5] M. Souppaya and K. Scarfone, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for
Desktops and Laptops, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication (SP) 800-83 Revision 1, Gaithersburg, Md., July 2013, 36 pp. Available:

[6] M. Souppaya and K. Scarfone, Guide to Enterprise Telework, Remote Access, and Bring Your
Own Devise (BYOD) Security, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication (SP) 800-46 Revision 2, Gaithersburg, Md., July 2016, 43 pp. Available:

[7] M. Bartok et. al, Guide for Cybersecurity Event Recovery, National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-184, Gaithersburg, Md., Dec. 2016, 45 pp.

[8] NIST. Privacy Framework. Available:

[9] NIST. Cybersecurity Framework. Available:

[10] W. Barker et. al, Ransomware Risk Management: A Cybersecurity Framework Profile, NIST
Interagency Report 8374, Gaithersburg, Md., Feb. 2022, 23 pp. Available:

[11] S. Brooks et. al, An Introduction to Privacy Engineering and Risk Management in Federal
Systems, NIST Interagency Report 8062, Gaithersburg, Md., Jan. 2017, 41 pp. Available:

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 40
[12] Joint Task Force, Risk Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-37
Revision 2, Gaithersburg, Md., Dec. 2018, 164 pp. Available:

[13] NIST. Risk Management Framework. Available:


[14] Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative, Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments, National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-30 Revision 1,
Gaithersburg, Md., Sep. 2012, 83 pp. Available:

[15] NIST. Privacy Risk Assessment Methodology. Available:


[16] NIST. Catalog of Problematic Data Actions and Problems. Available:

[17] NIST. Privacy Framework Resource Repository. Available:


NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 41
Appendix D Security Control Map
The following table lists the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Functions, Categories, and Subcategories
addressed by this project and maps them to relevant NIST standards, industry standards, and controls
and best practices.

Table 6-1 Security Control Map

Cybersecurity Framework v1.1 Standards & Best Practices

Function Category Subcategory Informative References
DETECT Anomalies and DE.AE-1: A baseline of network CIS CSC 1, 4, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16
(DE) Events (DE.AE) operations and expected data COBIT 5 DSS03.01
flows for users and systems is ISA 62443-2-1:2009
established and managed
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.12.1.1,
A.12.1.2, A.13.1.1, A.13.1.2
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 AC-4, CA-3, CM-
2, SI-4

DE.AE-2: Detected events are CIS CSC 3, 6, 13, 15

analyzed to understand attack COBIT 5 DSS05.07
targets and methods ISA 62443-2-1:2009,,
ISA 62443-3-3:2013 SR 2.8, SR 2.9, SR
2.10, SR 2.11, SR 2.12, SR 3.9, SR 6.1,
SR 6.2
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.12.4.1,
A.16.1.1, A.16.1.4
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 AU-6, CA-7, IR-
4, SI-4
DE.AE-3: Event data are collected CIS CSC 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,
and correlated from multiple 14, 15, 16
sources and sensors COBIT 5 BAI08.02 ISA 62443-3-3:2013
SR 6.1
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.12.4.1, A.16.1.7
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 AU-6, CA-7, IR-
4, IR-5, IR-8, SI-4
DE.AE-4: Impact of events is CIS CSC 4, 6
determined COBIT 5 APO12.06, DSS03.01
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.16.1.4
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 CP-2, IR-4, RA-3,

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 42
Cybersecurity Framework v1.1 Standards & Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative References
Security DE.CM-1: The network is CIS CSC 1, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16
Continuous monitored to detect potential COBIT 5 DSS01.03, DSS03.05,
Monitoring cybersecurity events DSS05.07
(DE.CM) ISA 62443-3-3:2013 SR 6.2
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 AC-2, AU-12,
CA-7, CM3, SC-5, SC-7, SI-4
DE.CM-3: Personnel activity is CIS CSC 5, 7, 14, 16
monitored to detect potential COBIT 5 DSS05.07
cybersecurity events ISA 62443-3-3:2013 SR 6.2
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.12.4.1, A.12.4.3
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 AC-2, AU-12,
AU-13, CA-7, CM-10, CM-11
DE.CM-4: Malicious code is CIS CSC 4, 7, 8, 12
detected COBIT 5 DSS05.01
ISA 62443-2-1:2009
ISA 62443-3-3:2013 SR 3.2
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.12.2.1
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 SI-3, SI-8
DE.CM-7: Monitoring for CIS CSC 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16
unauthorized personnel, COBIT 5 DSS05.02, DSS05.05
connections, devices, and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.12.4.1,
software is performed A.14.2.7, A.15.2.1
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 AU-12, CA-7,
CM-3, CM-8, PE-3, PE-6, PE-20, SI-4
RESPON Communicatio RS.CO-2: Incidents are reported CIS CSC 19
D (RS) ns (RS.CO) consistent with established COBIT 5 DSS01.03
criteria ISA 62443-2-1:2009
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.6.1.3, A.16.1.2
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 AU-6, IR-6, IR-8
Analysis RS.AN-3: Forensics are performed COBIT 5 APO12.06, DSS03.02,
(RS.AN) DSS05.07
ISA 62443-3-3:2013 SR 2.8, SR 2.9, SR
2.10, SR 2.11, SR 2.12, SR 3.9, SR 6.1
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.16.1.7
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 AU-7, IR-4
Mitigation RS.MI-2: Incidents are mitigated CIS CSC 4, 19
(RS.MI) COBIT 5 APO12.06
ISA 62443-2-1:2009,

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 43
Cybersecurity Framework v1.1 Standards & Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative References
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.12.2.1, A.16.1.5
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 IR-4
RECOVE Recover RC.RP-1: Recovery plan is CIS CSC 10
R (RC) (RC.RP) executed during or after a COBIT 5 APO12.06, DSS02.05,
cybersecurity incident DSS03.04
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A.16.1.5
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 CP-10, IR-4, IR-8

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 44
Appendix E Privacy Control Map
The following table lists the NIST Privacy Framework Functions, Categories and Subcategories addressed
by this project and maps them to relevant NIST standards, industry standards, and controls and best

NOTE: The International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission

(ISO/IEC) standard 27701 references were not mapped by NIST, but by an external organization. They
are available at the NIST Privacy Framework Repository [17] and provided here for convenience. The
Fair Information Privacy Principles (FIPPS) references are provided to aid understanding of the Privacy
Control Map.

Table 6-2 Privacy Control Map

Privacy Framework 1.0 Standards and Best Practices

Function Category Subcategory Informative Refences
CONTROL-P (CT-P Data Processing CT.DM-P8: FIPPS 4: Minimization
Develop and Management Audit/log NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AU-1, AU-2,
implement (CT.DM-P): Data records are AU-3, AU-6, AU-7, AU-12, AU-13, AU-
appropriate activities are managed determined 14, AU-16
to enable consistent with , NIST IR 8062
organizations or the organization’s documente
ISO/IEC 27701:2019,,
individuals to manage risk strategy to d, and
data with sufficient protect reviewed in
granularity to manage individuals’ accordance
privacy risks. privacy, increase with policy
manageability, and
and enable the incorporati
implementation of ng the
privacy principles principle of
(e.g., individual data
participation, data minimizatio
quality, data n.
PROTECT-P (PR-P): Identity PR.AC-P1: FIPPS 8: Security
Develop and Management, Identities NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: IA-1, IA-2, IA-
Implement Authentication, and 3, IA-4, IA-5, IA-7, IA-8, IA-9, IA-10,
appropriate data and Access credentials IA-11, IA-12
processing Control (PR.AC-P): are issued, NIST SP 800-63-3
safeguards. Access to data and managed,
ISO/IEC 27701:2019,,
devices is limited verified,
to authorized revoked,
individuals, and audited
processes, and for
devices, and is authorized
managed individuals,
consistent with processes,

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 45
Privacy Framework 1.0 Standards and Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative Refences
the assessed risk and
of unauthorized devices.

PR.AC-P3: FIPPS 8: Security

Remote FIPS Publication 199
access is NIST SP 800-46 Rev. 2
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AC-1, AC-17,
AC-19, AC-20, SC-15
NIST SP 800-77
NIST SP 800-113
NIST SP 800-114 Rev. 1
NIST SP 800-121 Rev. 2
ISO/IEC 27701:2019,
PR.AC-P5: FIPPS 8: Security
Network NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AC-4, AC-10,
integrity is SC-7, SC-10, SC-20
, network
PR.AC-P6: FIPPS 8: Security
Individuals NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AC-14, AC-16,
and devices IA-1, IA-2, IA-3, IA-4, IA-5, IA-8, IA-9,
are proofed IA-10, IA-11, IA-12, PE-2, PS-3
and bound NIST SP 800-63-3
ate with the
risk of the
security and
privacy risks
and other

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 46
Privacy Framework 1.0 Standards and Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative Refences
nal risks).

Protective PR.PT-P3: NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 (draft): AC-4,

Technology Communica AC-17, AC-18, CP-8, SC-7 SC-20, SC-
(PR.PT-P): tions and 21, SC-22, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25, SC-29,
Technical security control SC-32, SC-36, SC-37, SC-38, SC-39,
solutions are networks SC-40, SC41, SC-43
managed to are
ensure the protected.
security and
resilience of
/services and
associated data,
consistent with
related policies,
procedures, and

NIST SP 1800-29B: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 47

Data Confidentiality:
Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data
Volume C:
How-To Guides

William Fisher
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia

February 2024


This publication is available free of charge from:

The first draft of this publication is available free of charge from:
Certain commercial entities, equipment, products, or materials may be identified by name or company
logo or other insignia in order to acknowledge their participation in this collaboration or to describe an
experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply special
status or relationship with NIST or recommendation or endorsement by NIST or NCCoE; neither is it
intended to imply that the entities, equipment, products, or materials are necessarily the best available
for the purpose.

While NIST and the NCCoE address goals of improving management of cybersecurity and privacy risk
through outreach and application of standards and best practices, it is the stakeholder’s responsibility to
fully perform a risk assessment to include the current threat, vulnerabilities, likelihood of a compromise,
and the impact should the threat be realized before adopting cybersecurity measures such as this

National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1800-29C, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.
Spec. Publ. 1800-29C, 67 pages, (February 2024), CODEN: NSPUE2

As a private-public partnership, we are always seeking feedback on our practice guides. We are
particularly interested in seeing how businesses apply NCCoE reference designs in the real world. If you
have implemented the reference design, or have questions about applying it in your environment,
please email us at

All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.

National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive
Mailstop 2002
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches ii
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), a part of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), is a collaborative hub where industry organizations, government agencies, and
academic institutions work together to address businesses’ most pressing cybersecurity issues. This
public-private partnership enables the creation of practical cybersecurity solutions for specific
industries, as well as for broad, cross-sector technology challenges. Through consortia under
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), including technology partners—from
Fortune 50 market leaders to smaller companies specializing in information technology security—the
NCCoE applies standards and best practices to develop modular, adaptable example cybersecurity
solutions using commercially available technology. The NCCoE documents these example solutions in
the NIST Special Publication 1800 series, which maps capabilities to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
and details the steps needed for another entity to re-create the example solution. The NCCoE was
established in 2012 by NIST in partnership with the State of Maryland and Montgomery County,

To learn more about the NCCoE, visit To learn more about NIST, visit


NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guides (Special Publication 1800 series) target specific cybersecurity
challenges in the public and private sectors. They are practical, user-friendly guides that facilitate the
adoption of standards-based approaches to cybersecurity. They show members of the information
security community how to implement example solutions that help them align with relevant standards
and best practices, and provide users with the materials lists, configuration files, and other information
they need to implement a similar approach.

The documents in this series describe example implementations of cybersecurity practices that
businesses and other organizations may voluntarily adopt. These documents do not describe regulations
or mandatory practices, nor do they carry statutory authority.

Attacks that target data are of concern to companies and organizations across many industries. Data
breaches represent a threat that can have monetary, reputational, and legal impacts. This guide seeks to
provide guidance around the threat of data breaches, exemplifying standards and technologies that are
useful for a variety of organizations defending against this threat. Specifically, this guide identifies
standards and technologies that are relevant in the detection, response, and recovery phases of a data

asset management; cybersecurity framework; data breach; detect; data confidentiality; data protection;
malicious actor; malware; ransomware; recover; respond

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches iii
We are grateful to the following individuals for their generous contributions of expertise and time.

Name Organization

Trey Doré Cisco

Matthew Hyatt Cisco

Randy Martin Cisco

Peter Romness Cisco

Bryan Rosensteel Cisco

Micah Wilson Cisco

Ben Burke Dispel

Fred Chang Dispel

Matt Fulk Dispel

Ian Schmertzler Dispel

Kenneth Durbin FireEye

Tom Los FireEye

J.R. Wikes FireEye

Jennifer Cawthra NIST

Joe Faxlanger PKWARE

Victor Ortiz PKWARE


Spike Dog The MITRE Corporation

Sallie Edwards The MITRE Corporation

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches iv
Name Organization

Brian Johnson The MITRE Corporation

Lauren Lusty The MITRE Corporation

Karri Meldorf The MITRE Corporation

Julie Snyder The MITRE Corporation

Lauren Swan The MITRE Corporation

Anne Townsend The MITRE Corporation

Jessica Walton The MITRE Corporation

The Technology Partners/Collaborators who participated in this build submitted their capabilities in
response to a notice in the Federal Register. Respondents with relevant capabilities or product
components were invited to sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with
NIST, allowing them to participate in a consortium to build this example solution. We worked with:

Technology Partner/Collaborator Build Involvement

Cisco Systems DUO, Stealthwatch

Dispel Dispel

FireEye FireEye Helix


The terms “shall” and “shall not” indicate requirements to be followed strictly to conform to the
publication and from which no deviation is permitted. The terms “should” and “should not” indicate that
among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable without mentioning or
excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in
the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is discouraged but not prohibited. The terms
“may” and “need not” indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the publication. The
terms “can” and “cannot” indicate a possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches v
NOTICE: The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) has requested that holders of patent
claims whose use may be required for compliance with the guidance or requirements of this
publication disclose such patent claims to ITL. However, holders of patents are not obligated to
respond to ITL calls for patents and ITL has not undertaken a patent search in order to identify
which, if any, patents may apply to this publication.

As of the date of publication and following call(s) for the identification of patent claims whose
use may be required for compliance with the guidance or requirements of this publication, no
such patent claims have been identified to ITL.

No representation is made or implied by ITL that licenses are not required to avoid patent
infringement in the use of this publication.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches vi
1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 1
1.1 How to Use this Guide .................................................................................................1
1.2 Build Overview .............................................................................................................2
1.3 Typographic Conventions ............................................................................................2
1.4 Logical Architecture Summary .....................................................................................3
2 Product Installation Guides ................................................................. 4
2.1 FireEye Helix ................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Installing the Communications Broker.......................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Forwarding Event Logs from Windows 2012 R2 ........................................................... 6
2.2 PKWARE PKProtect ......................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Configure PKWARE with Active Directory..................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Create a New Administrative User.............................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Install Prerequisites..................................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 Install the PKProtect Agent ......................................................................................... 15
2.2.5 Configure Discovery and Reporting ............................................................................ 18
2.3 Cisco Duo ...................................................................................................................23
2.3.1 Installing Cisco Duo ..................................................................................................... 23
2.3.2 Registering a Duo User................................................................................................ 30
2.4 Cisco Stealthwatch .....................................................................................................31
2.4.1 Configure Stealthwatch Flow Collector ...................................................................... 31
2.4.2 Configure Stealthwatch Management Console .......................................................... 34
2.4.3 Add Stealthwatch Flow Collector to the Management Console.................................43
2.5 Dispel .........................................................................................................................49
2.5.1 Installation .................................................................................................................. 49
2.5.2 Configuring IP Addresses ............................................................................................ 52
2.5.3 Configuring Network ................................................................................................... 54
2.5.4 Adding a Device .......................................................................................................... 55
2.6 Integration: FireEye Helix and Cisco Stealthwatch .....................................................58
2.6.1 Configure the Helix Communications Broker ............................................................. 58
2.6.2 Configure Stealthwatch to Forward Events ................................................................ 59
2.7 Integration: FireEye Helix and PKWARE PKProtect ....................................................61
2.7.1 Configure the Helix Communications Broker ............................................................. 62

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches vii
2.7.2 Configure PKWARE PKProtect to Forward Events ......................................................62
2.8 Integration: FireEye Helix and Dispel .........................................................................64
2.9 Integration: Dispel and Cisco DUO .............................................................................64
Appendix A List of Acronyms ................................................................. 65

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Data Confidentiality Detect, Respond, and Recover High-Level Architecture ........................ 3

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches viii
1 Introduction
The following volumes of this guide show information technology (IT) professionals and security
engineers how we implemented this example solution. We cover all of the products employed in this
reference design. We do not re-create the product manufacturers’ documentation, which is presumed
to be widely available. Rather, these volumes show how we incorporated the products together in our
lab environment.

Note: These are not comprehensive tutorials. There are many possible service and security configurations
for these products that are out of scope for this reference design.

1.1 How to Use this Guide

This National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Practice Guide demonstrates a
standards-based reference design and provides users with the information they need to replicate ability
to detect, respond to, and recover from a loss of data confidentiality. This reference design is modular
and can be deployed in whole or in part.

This guide contains three volumes:

 NIST SP 1800-29A: Executive Summary

 NIST SP 1800-29B: Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics – what we built and why
 NIST SP 1800-29C: How-To Guides – instructions for building the example solution (you are
Depending on your role in your organization, you might use this guide in different ways:

Business decision makers, including chief security and technology officers, will be interested in the
Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-29A, which describes the following topics:

 challenges that enterprises face in data confidentiality

 example solution built at the NCCoE
 benefits of adopting the example solution
Technology or security program managers who are concerned with how to identify, understand, assess,
and mitigate risk will be interested in NIST SP 1800-29B, which describes what we did and why. The
following sections will be of particular interest:

 Section 3.5, Risk Assessment, describes the risk analysis we performed.

 Appendix D, Security Controls Map, maps the security characteristics of this example solution to
cybersecurity standards and best practices.
You might share the Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-29A, with your leadership team members to help
them understand the importance of adopting standards-based ability to detect, respond to, and recover
from a loss of data confidentiality.

IT professionals who want to implement an approach like this will find this whole practice guide useful.
You can use this How-To portion of the guide, NIST SP 1800-29C, to replicate all or parts of the build

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 1
created in our lab. This How-To portion of the guide provides specific product installation, configuration,
and integration instructions for implementing the example solution. We do not recreate the product
manufacturers’ documentation, which is generally widely available. Rather, we show how we
incorporated the products together in our environment to create an example solution.

This guide assumes that IT professionals have experience implementing security products within the
enterprise. While we have used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does
not endorse these particular products. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that adheres to
these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and implementing
parts of the ability to detect, respond to, and recover from a loss of data confidentiality. Your
organization’s security experts should identify the products that will best integrate with your existing
tools and IT system infrastructure. We hope that you will seek products that are congruent with
applicable standards and best practices. Section 3.6, Technologies, lists the products that we used and
maps them to the cybersecurity controls provided by this reference solution.

A NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide does not describe “the” solution but a possible solution. Comments,
suggestions, and success stories will improve subsequent versions of this guide. Please contribute your
thoughts to

1.2 Build Overview

The NCCoE built a hybrid virtual-physical laboratory environment to explore methods to effectively
detect, respond to, and recover from a loss of data confidentiality in various Information Technology (IT)
enterprise environments. This work also highlights standards and technologies that are useful for a
variety of organizations defending against this threat. The servers in the virtual environment were built
to the hardware specifications of their specific software components.

The NCCoE worked with members of the Data Confidentiality Community of Interest to develop a
diverse (but non-comprehensive) set of security scenarios against which to test the reference
implementation. These are detailed in Volume B, Section 5.2.

1.3 Typographic Conventions

The following table presents typographic conventions used in this volume.

Typeface/Symbol Meaning Example

Italics file names and path names; For language use and style guidance,
references to documents that see the NCCoE Style Guide.
are not hyperlinks; new
terms; and placeholders
Bold names of menus, options, Choose File > Edit.
command buttons, and fields
Monospace command-line input, on- mkdir
screen computer output,
sample code examples, and
status codes

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 2
Typeface/Symbol Meaning Example
Monospace Bold command-line user input service sshd start
contrasted with computer
blue text link to other parts of the doc- All publications from NIST’s NCCoE
ument, a web Uniform Re- are available at
source Locator (URL) or an
email address

1.4 Logical Architecture Summary

The architecture described is built within the NCCoE lab environment. Organizations will need to
consider how the technologies in this architecture will align to technologies in their existing
infrastructure. In addition to network management resources, such as a border firewall, the architecture
assumes the presence of user workstations, an active directory system, and databases. The diagram
below shows the components of the architecture and how they interact with enterprise resources.

Figure 1-1 Data Confidentiality Detect, Respond, and Recover High-Level Architecture

• Data Protection (PKWARE) involves maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of proprietary
data, even in the event of a security breach or outright theft.
• Event Detection and Monitoring (Stealthwatch) focuses on becoming aware of potential
intrusions by tracking the events that may indicate a breach of security and alerting the relevant
• Log collection, collation and correlation (FireEye) refers to the proper monitoring of activity on
a system, and the analysis of that activity for any potential anomalous patterns or events.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 3
• User access controls (Cisco Duo) work to regulate and restrict the level of access different users
have, so that they can perform their work without providing unnecessary access that can be
turned to more malicious ends.
• Network Protection (Dispel) ensures that hosts on the network only communicate in allowed
ways, preventing side-channel attacks and attacks that rely on direct communication between
hosts. Furthermore, it protects against potentially malicious hosts joining or observing traffic
(encrypted or decrypted) traversing the network.

2 Product Installation Guides

This section of the practice guide contains detailed instructions for installing and configuring all of the
products used to build an instance of the example solution. This implementation guide is split into
sections for each product and integrations between these products, aiming to present a modular
architecture where individual capabilities and products can be swapped out or excluded depending on
the needs of the organization. Organizations can choose to implement a partial architecture based on
their own risk assessments and data protection requirements.

2.1 FireEye Helix

FireEye Helix is a security incident and event management system used for collecting and managing logs
from various sources. In this build, Helix is primarily used to manage events and alerts generated by data
collected from across the enterprise. This build implemented a cloud deployment of Helix, and as such,
much of the documentation provided will be integrating a cloud deployment with various products and
components of the enterprise.

In this setup, we detail the installation of a communications broker that will be used to collect logs from
the enterprise and forward them to the cloud deployment. This installation took place on a CentOS 7
Virtual Machine.

2.1.1 Installing the Communications Broker

1. Acquire the Helix Communications Broker for CentOS 7.

2. Navigate to the folder containing the installer and run the following.
> sudo yum localinstall ./cbs-installer_1.4.2-9.x86_64.rpm

3. Log on to the Helix web console.

4. Navigate to Dashboards > Operational.

5. Click Download Certificate.

6. Click Download. This will download a “” file.

7. Copy the zip file to the Helix Communications Broker certificate directory.
> sudo cp /opt/tap-nxlog/cert

8. Navigate to the certificate directory.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 4
> cd /opt/tap-nxlog/cert

9. Extract the zip file you just copied.

> sudo unzip ./

10. If prompted, select “Yes” to overwrite any previous certificate files.

11. Navigate to one folder above.

> sudo cd ..

12. Run the setup script.

> sudo ./

13. Enter the name of the CentOS machine.

14. Enter the receiver URL provided in the Helix welcome email.

15. Select Add Routes and press Enter.

16. Select syslog.

17. Select tcp.

18. Select the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the machine where logs should be sent.

19. Enter 512 for the port number where logs should be sent.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 5
20. Select OK and press Enter.

21. Review the configuration, then select OK and press Enter.

2.1.2 Forwarding Event Logs from Windows 2012 R2

1. Acquire nxlog-ce-2.10.2150.msi from

2. Run nxlog-ce-2.10.2150.msi.

3. Click Next.

4. Check the box next to I accept the terms in the License Agreement.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 6
5. Click Next.

6. Click Next.

7. Click Install.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 7
8. Click Finish.

9. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf and open nxlog.conf.

10. Copy the nxlog.conf file provided below.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 8
Panic Soft
#NoFreeOnExit TRUE

define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog

define CERTDIR %ROOT%\cert
define CONFDIR %ROOT%\conf
define LOGDIR %ROOT%\data
define LOGFILE %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log

Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data

<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog

<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
# For windows 2003 and earlier use the following:
# Module im_mseventlog

<Output out>
Module om_tcp
Port 512
Exec to_syslog_snare();

<Route 1>
Path in => out

11. Restart the nxlog service.

12. You can verify that this connection is working by checking the logs in data\nxlog.log, and
by noting an increase in events on the Helix Dashboard.

2.2 PKWARE PKProtect

This installation and configuration guide for PKWARE PKProtect uses a physical PKWARE server, and as
such will not delve into the installation of server components. In this guide, PKWARE is used to
automatically perform data inventory and data protection functions.

2.2.1 Configure PKWARE with Active Directory

1. Login to the PKWARE web portal using the provided administrative credentials.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 9
2. Once logged in, you can and should change the password to this administrative account by click-
ing Change Password in the top right corner.

3. Navigate to System > Domain.

4. Click Join Domain.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 10
5. Enter the Kerberos Realm, NetBIOS Domain, as well as the username and password of an ad-
ministrative user on the domain.

6. Click Join Domain.

2.2.2 Create a New Administrative User

1. Navigate to Advanced > Admins.

2. Click Add Domain User.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 11
3. Enter the username of a user on the domain that should be able to login through the PKWARE
management portal (this is meant for administrators only).

4. Select the level of permissions the user should have.

5. Click Save.

2.2.3 Install Prerequisites

1. If needed for your environment, you may need to install certificates locally before agents can
connect to PKProtect - ask your PKProtect representative if this is necessary for your environ-

2. Double click the certificate you wish to install.

3. Click Install Certificate.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 12
4. Select Current User.

5. Click Next.

6. Click Browse.

7. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

8. Click Next.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 13
9. Click Finish.

10. Click OK.

11. Repeat steps 1 through 10 but select Personal instead of Trusted Root Certification Au-

12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 for each certificate that needs to be installed.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 14
13. Rename agent-registry.txt to agent-registry.reg.

14. Double click the file (must have administrator privileges).

15. Click Yes.

16. Click OK.

17. Restart the machine to apply these changes.

2.2.4 Install the PKProtect Agent

1. Run the PKProtect Installation executable.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 15
2. Click Next.

3. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement.

4. Click Next.

5. Select Typical.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 16
6. Click Next.

7. Click Install.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 17
8. Click Finish.

9. If a window to login is not automatically shown, you can right click the PKProtect icon in the
Windows taskbar and click Log in. If a window is automatically shown, click Log in.

10. Login using the username of the account in the domain, in email format (such as admin-

11. Enter the address of the PKWARE server.

12. The PKWARE agent will now run in the background.

2.2.5 Configure Discovery and Reporting

1. On the PKWARE dashboard, log in as an administrative user, and navigate to Archive > Discov-

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 18
2. Click Add Discovery.

3. Enter a name for the discovery rule.

4. Select a pattern for the rule to discover. In this case, we are setting up a rule to detect social se-
curity numbers in files for reporting/remediation.

5. The Threshold field refers to how many of those patterns must be present in a document for the
rule to be applied.

6. Click Save.

7. Navigate to Archive > Remediations.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 19
8. Click Add.

9. Enter a name for the remediation.

10. Check the box next to Report Discovery Events.

11. Check the box next to Encrypt.

12. Ensure that AES (256-bit) is selected.

13. Click Save.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 20
14. Navigate to Archive > Assignments.

15. Click Add.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 21
16. Enter a Name for the Assignment.

17. Select the Platform for this assignment to run on.

18. Select Discovery for the Mode.

19. Enter the names of the Active Directory users or groups this rule should apply to.

20. Enter the folders for this rule to search in Local Paths.

21. Use Whitelist and Blacklist to specify file types that should or should not be considered.

22. Enter the interval for this rule to run in Sweep Interval.

23. Under Remediation Actions, click Add.

24. Select the Discovery rule created earlier under Smart Filter Bundles.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 22
25. Select the Remediation Action created earlier under Remediation Action.

26. Click Save.

27. This rule will now run automatically, reporting and encrypting files that match its discov-
ery conditions.

2.3 Cisco Duo

Cisco Duo is a Multi-Factor Authentication and Single Sign-On tool. In this project, Dispel is used to
control access to internal systems through virtualization, and Duo is used as a multifactor authentication
solution between Dispel and those internal systems. This ensures that even if a Dispel virtual machine
becomes compromised, there is still significant access control between that machine and the internal
enterprise machines.

In the following section, we demonstrate the installation of Cisco Duo on an internal system in such a
way that Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and local login to that system are protected by multifactor

2.3.1 Installing Cisco Duo

1. Begin by logging into the system you wish to protect with Duo.

2. Then connect to the internet, if not connected already, and go to the Duo Admin login page at

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 23
3. Login with your admin credentials and dual factor authentication to reach the administrator

4. Click Applications in the sidebar.

5. Click Protect an Application.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 24
6. Search for, or scroll down to, Microsoft RDP.

7. Click Protect.

8. The next screen will provide policy configuration options, as well as the Integration Key, Secret
Key, and API hostname, which are required information for the next step. Either keep this win-
dow open or copy down those three pieces of information.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 25
9. Download the Duo Authentication for Windows Logon installer package, located at

10. Run the downloaded EXE file.

11. Click Next.

12. Copy the API Hostname into the labeled field.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 26
13. Click Next.

14. Copy in the Integration and Secret Keys into the relevant fields and click Next.

15. Click Next.

16. Configure Duo’s integration options according to the needs of your organization. Note
that Bypass Duo authentication when offline will allow users to skip the two-factor authentica-
tion when offline, which increases the availability of their files but may increase risk.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 27
17. Click Next.

18. Leave Enable Smart Card support unchecked.

19. Click Next.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 28
20. Leave Enable UAC Elevation Protection unchecked.

21. Click Next.

22. Click Install.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 29
23. Click Finish.

24. Installation should now be complete. Users registered on the Duo Dashboard with a
linked phone will be allowed access to the system.

2.3.2 Registering a Duo User

1. Login to the Duo Admin Dashboard.

2. Click Add New > User from the drop-down menu on the right.

3. Enter a username for the user.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 30
4. Click Add User.

5. This will lead you to that user’s information page, where additional information (full name,
email, phone number) and Duo authenticators (phone numbers, Two-Factor Authentication
(2FA) hardware tokens, WebAuthn, etc.) can be associated with that username. Note: A user will
not be able to log into a Duo protected system unless the user is registered and has an authenti-
cation device associated with their username.

2.4 Cisco Stealthwatch

This section will describe the setup and configuration of Cisco Stealthwatch, a network monitoring
solution. Cisco Stealthwatch provides insight into the networking activity of the organization, allowing
for the detection of malicious network activity, as well as the ability to review user activity for the
source of breaches, and intentional or unintentional data egress. This guide assumes the use of the
Stealthwatch virtual machines.

2.4.1 Configure Stealthwatch Flow Collector

1. Log in to the console of the Stealthwatch Flow Collector.

2. Enter the networking information for the machine.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 31
3. Select OK and press Enter.

4. Navigate the menu to highlight Management and Select.

5. Confirm the settings.

6. Select Yes and press Enter.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 32
7. Select OK and press Enter.

8. Once the machine restarts, navigate to Security, and press Enter.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 33
9. Select Password and press Enter.

10. Change the password from the default password to a secure password.

2.4.2 Configure Stealthwatch Management Console

1. Log in to the console of the Stealthwatch Management Console.

2. Enter the networking information for the machine.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 34
3. Select OK and press Enter.

4. Select Yes and press Enter.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 35
5. Select OK and press Enter.

6. Once the machine restarts, navigate to Security, and press Enter.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 36
7. Select Password and press Enter.

8. Change the password from the default password to a secure password.

9. Navigate to the Stealthwatch Management Console from a web browser. The URL will be
https://<<address of Stealthwatch MC>>.

10. Login using the default username and password (should be provided by product ven-

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 37
11. Click Continue.

12. Change the password for the admin account (this is the account used to log in to the
web interface).

13. Click Next.

14. Change the password for the root account (this is the account used to log in to the com-
mand line console).

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 38
15. Click Next.

16. Confirm the networking information is correct and click Next.

17. Enter the domain for Stealthwatch, and the IP addresses Stealthwatch will be monitor-

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 39
18. Click Next.

19. Add the Domain Name System (DNS) server(s) Stealthwatch should be using.

20. Click Next.

21. Enter the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server(s) Stealthwatch should use.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 40
22. Click Next.

23. Click Restart and Proceed.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 41
24. After it restarts, log in again, and click Continue.

25. Confirm the IP address is correct and click Next.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 42
26. Click Go to Dashboard.

2.4.3 Add Stealthwatch Flow Collector to the Management Console

1. Navigate to the Stealthwatch Flow Collector Console from a web browser. The URL will be
https://<<address of Stealthwatch FC>>.

2. Login using the default username and password (should be provided by product vendor).

3. Click Continue.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 43
4. Change the passwords for the admin and root accounts.

5. Click Next.

6. Confirm the networking information is correct and click Next.

7. Confirm the domain name for Flow Collector is correct.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 44
8. Click Next.

9. Add the DNS server(s) Stealthwatch should be using.

10. Click Next.

11. Enter the NTP server(s) Stealthwatch should use.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 45
12. Click Next.

13. Click Restart and Proceed.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 46
14. After it restarts, log in again, and click Continue.

15. Enter the IP of the Stealthwatch Management Console.

16. Click Save.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 47
17. Accept the certificate by clicking Yes.

18. Enter the username and password for the Stealthwatch Management Console.

19. Click Next.

20. Enter the Domain and Flow Collection Port.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 48
21. Click Next.

22. Click Go to Central Management to be redirected to the dashboard.

2.5 Dispel
Dispel is a network protection and user access tool that we used to provide a Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure (VDI) capability. A typical deployment of Dispel is done in a largely managed fashion, with
a specific deployment being tailored to a network setup. The deployment in the NCCoE laboratory may
not be the best setup for any given network. The NCCoE deployment was done on an Ubuntu host with
north and south-facing network interfaces, placing the device in-line between the enterprise systems
and the external network.

2.5.1 Installation
1. Deploy an Ubuntu machine with the provided specifications, ensuring that a provided optical
disk image is attached to the device.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 49
2. Login with username “dispel” and the password provided.

3. Begin the installation process.

> install image

4. Press enter on the following three prompts, modifying any default options as desired.

5. Type yes before pressing enter to rewrite the current volume.

6. Press enter on the remaining prompts, modifying any default options as desired.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 50
7. Enter and re-enter a new password for the user dispel.

8. Press enter one final time to finish the installation.

9. Power off the machine, remove the provided optical disk image, and power it back on.

10. Log in with the user “dispel” and the new password set in step 9.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 51
11. Type in the command > ifconfig | grep inet. Verify the output to make sure it
matches the desired network configuration. If not, see the next section.

2.5.2 Configuring IP Addresses

1. Login to the device with the user “dispel”.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 52
2. Type in the command > configure.

3. Type in the command > del interfaces ethernet eth0, or whichever interface you are
currently modifying.

4. Type in the command > set interfaces ethernet eth0 address followed by the de-
sired IP address in CIDR notation, modifying for the desired interface as appropriate.

5. Type in the command > commit.

6. Type in the command > save.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 53
7. Type in the command > exit.

2.5.3 Configuring Network

The following instructions are to modify a Dispel wicket device to forward traffic to a different routing
device. This may be desirable for some network setups.

1. Type in the command > configure to the Dispel wicket device after logging in.

2. Type in the command > set protocols static route 0.0.0/0 next-hop fol-
lowed by the IP address of the router you wish to forward to.

3. Type in the command > commit.

4. Type in the command > save.

5. Type in the command > exit.

6. On the designated router or firewall, ensure User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is allowed from the
Dispel device on the provided port. For the NCCoE deployment, port 1194 was utilized. A target
destination for the traffic will be provided by Dispel.

7. Modify the IP addresses of the south-side network interface to properly align with your net-
work. See the “Configuring IP Addresses” section above.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 54
2.5.4 Adding a Device
1. On the workstation in question, ensure that ping and RDP are accessible, including allowing such
connections through a local firewall.

2. Authenticate to the Dispel webpage with the provided credentials.

3. Click on the Devices page on the sidebar and click Create.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 55
4. Under the Add Device window, fill out all fields, including Facility, Wicket, Name, Make, Model,
IP, and Protocol.

5. Click Add Device.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 56
6. Under Access for that device, search for the user(s) that will have access to that device. Verify
they have the correct access settings.

7. If a user is not already a member of the region, click on Members in the sidebar and click Invite.
Fill out relevant information for this individual and click Invite this Member.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 57
2.6 Integration: FireEye Helix and Cisco Stealthwatch
In the following section, Cisco Stealthwatch will be configured to forward logs to an on-premise Helix
Communications Broker. Cisco Stealthwatch, as a network monitoring solution, can provide logs
relevant to malicious network activity, potential data egress, as well as contextual information that can
aid in the early detection of confidentiality events and the assessment of damage after an attack on
confidentiality has occurred. An integration with the logging capability is useful for contextualizing
information provided by other tools, generating alerts, and providing historical archives for reporting
and compliance purposes.

2.6.1 Configure the Helix Communications Broker

1. On the CentOS system with the Helix Communications Broker installed, run the following com-
> cd /opt/tap-nxlog

> sudo ./

2. Select Add Routes and press Enter.

3. Select syslog.

4. Select udp.

5. Select the IP address of the network interface that should receive logs.

6. Enter 514 for the port.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 58
7. Select OK and press Enter.

8. Select OK and press Enter.

2.6.2 Configure Stealthwatch to Forward Events

1. Log on to the Stealthwatch Management Console web interface.

2. Navigate to Configure > Response Management.

3. Click the Actions tab.

4. Click the three dots next to Send to Syslog and click Edit.

5. Set the action to Enabled.

6. Enter the address of the Helix Communications Broker.

7. Enter the port that you selected earlier.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 59
8. Click Save.

9. Click the Rules tab.

10. On the Actions tab, you can use some of the existing rules or create your own.

11. To create your own, click Add New Rule. For the purposes of this example, we select
FlowCollector System Alarm.

12. Enter a name for the rule.

13. Ensure the rule is Enabled.

14. Click the plus sign under “Rule is triggered if”. You can select conditions for the rule to
trigger, based on severity, processing time, and type.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 60
15. Enable Send to Syslog in the Associated Actions section. You can enable syslog mes-
sages for when the alarm becomes active and inactive.

16. You can also configure email alerts through this interface to improve the response time
for incidents (this is a separate Action that needs to be edited on the Actions tab).

17. Click Save.

2.7 Integration: FireEye Helix and PKWARE PKProtect

In the following section, PKWARE PKProtect, which has been configured to identify and encrypt sensitive
data, will be configured to forward these events to FireEye Helix. In this build, PKProtect provides a data
management capability that allows organizations to track data across an enterprise. As it is also
providing encryption for this data, it provides important insight into sensitive data that is vulnerable to
attack, as well as the ability to review, post-breach, which data may have been compromised in an

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 61
attack. An integration with the logging capability is useful for contextualizing information provided by
other tools, generating alerts, and providing historical archives for reporting and compliance purposes.
This section assumes the Helix Communications Broker has already been installed.

2.7.1 Configure the Helix Communications Broker

1. On the CentOS system with the Helix Communications Broker installed, run the following com-
> cd /opt/tap-nxlog

> sudo ./

2. Select Add Routes and press Enter.

3. Select bsd.

4. Select tcp.

5. Select the IP address of the network interface that should receive logs.

6. Enter 513 for the port.

7. Select OK and press Enter.

8. Select OK and press Enter.

2.7.2 Configure PKWARE PKProtect to Forward Events

1. Navigate to the PKWARE PKProtect web portal.

2. Click the Basics link at the top of the page.

3. Scroll down to the Data Security Intelligence section.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 62
4. Next to Dashboard Elasticsearch Target, click Internal.

5. Uncheck the box next to Use Internal Elasticsearch.

6. Uncheck the box next to Enable DSI in Dashboard.

7. Click Save.

8. In the Data Security Intelligence section, click Internal next to Target.

9. Select Syslog TCP RFC-3164 for Target.

10. Enter the URL and port of the Helix Communications Broker that was just configured.

11. Click Save.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 63
12. Verify that PKWARE logs now show up in Helix.

2.8 Integration: FireEye Helix and Dispel

In this integration, we configure the collection of logs from Dispel, our network protection solution.
Because Dispel controls access from users to enterprise systems it is important to have an overview of
its actions through log collection and reporting. This was a bespoke integration performed by Dispel.
Organizations should ensure that this integration is performed, and discussed with their Security
Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) vendors.

1. This integration has two primary components. The first, configuring the route, is done locally on
the Dispel wicket. This can be done using the following commands. Ensure that you replace the
<subnet> and the <gateway> such that the Dispel wicket can accurately route to the Helix Com-
munications Broker.
> config

> set protocols static route <subnet> next-hop <gateway>

> commit && save && exit

2. The second component is configured server-side and involves informing the Dispel wicket via
config file the actual port and location of the Helix Communications Broker. Instructions are not
included for this, as in this integration, it was necessary to perform this integration remotely via
the Dispel team.

2.9 Integration: Dispel and Cisco DUO

In this build, Dispel acts as an intermediary between the user and the enterprise systems, by providing
temporary remote desktops with access to the enterprise systems. In this integration, we primarily
installed Cisco Duo on the enterprise systems, to require multifactor authentication over RDP between
Dispel’s temporary remote desktops and the enterprise systems.

In this particular integration, no extra work was required other than installing Cisco Duo (see Section
2.3) on systems to control remote desktop access between Dispel machines and the other machines.
However, it is important for organizations to check that this integration works and is present to ensure
that multifactor authentication is being applied to users who are logging in remotely.

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 64
Appendix A List of Acronyms
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
RDP Remote Desktop Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
SMC Stealthwatch Management Console
DNS Domain Name Service
NTP Network Time Protocol
2FA Two Factor Authentication
SFC Stealthwatch Flow Collector
UDP User Datagram Protocol

NIST SP 1800-29C: Data Confidentiality: Detect, Respond to, and Recover from Data Breaches 65

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