Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches
Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches
Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches
Data Confidentiality:
Identifying and Protecting Assets
Against Data Breaches
Includes Executive Summary (A); Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics (B);
and How-To Guides (C)
William Fisher
R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
February 2024
This publication is available free of charge from:
William Fisher
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia
February 2024
Data Confidentiality:
Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data
Volume A:
Executive Summary
William Fisher
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia
February 2024
It is essential for an organization to identify and protect assets to prevent breaches. And in the event a
data breach occurs, it is essential that an organization be able to detect the ongoing breach themselves,
as well as begin to execute a response and recovery plan that leverages security technology and
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) developed this guide to help organizations implement strategies to prevent data
confidentiality attacks. This NIST NCCoE Cybersecurity Practice Guide demonstrates how organizations
can develop and implement appropriate actions to identify and protect data against a confidentiality
cybersecurity event. It includes numerous technology and security recommendations to improve your
organization’s cybersecurity posture.
This is part of a series of projects that seek to provide guidance
to improve an organization’s data security in the context of the
CIA triad. The CIA triad represents the three pillars of
information security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
This practice guide focuses on data confidentiality: the property
that data has not been disclosed in an unauthorized fashion.
Data confidentiality concerns data in storage, during processing,
and while in transit. (Note: These definitions are from NIST
Special Publication (SP) 800-12 Rev 1, An Introduction to
Information Security.)
NIST SP 1800-28A: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 1
This guide applies data confidentiality principles through the
lens of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework version 1.1.
Specifically, this practice guide focuses on the Cybersecurity
Framework Functions of Identify and Protect to provide
guidance on how to prevent data confidentiality attacks. It
informs organizations of how to identify and protect assets,
including data, against a data confidentiality attack, and in turn
understand how to manage data confidentiality risks and
implement the appropriate safeguards. A complementary
project and accompanying practice guide (SP1800-29) addresses
data confidentiality through the lens of detecting, responding,
and recovering from a data confidentiality attack.
The NCCoE developed and implemented an example solution that incorporates multiple systems
working in concert to identify and protect assets and data against data confidentiality cybersecurity
events. This document highlights both the security and privacy characteristics of the example solution by
considering common data security use cases an organization might seek to address and by enumerating
problematic data actions that might impact privacy.
While the NCCoE used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does not
endorse these particular products, nor does it guarantee compliance with any regulatory initiatives. Your
organization's information security experts should identify the products that will best integrate with
your existing tools and IT system infrastructure. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that
adheres to these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and
implementing parts of a solution.
Business decision makers, including chief information security and technology officers can use this
part of the guide, NIST SP 1800-28A: Executive Summary, to understand the drivers for the guide, the
cybersecurity challenge we address, our approach to solving this challenge, and how the solution could
benefit your organization.
NIST SP 1800-28A: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 2
Technology, security, and privacy program managers who are concerned with how to identify,
understand, assess, and mitigate risk can use NIST SP 1800-28B: Approach, Architecture, and Security
Characteristics, which describes what we built and why, including the risk analysis performed and the
security/privacy control mappings.
IT professionals who want to implement an approach like this can make use of NIST SP 1800-28C: How-
To Guides, which provide specific product installation, configuration, and integration instructions for
building the example implementation, allowing you to replicate all or parts of this project.
Collaborators participating in this project submitted their capabilities in response to an open call in the
Federal Register for all sources of relevant security capabilities from academia and industry (vendors
and integrators). Those respondents with relevant capabilities or product components signed a
Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to collaborate with NIST in a consortium to
build this example solution.
Certain commercial entities, equipment, products, or materials may be identified by name or company
logo or other insignia in order to acknowledge their participation in this collaboration or to describe an
experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply special
status or relationship with NIST or recommendation or endorsement by NIST or NCCoE; neither is it
intended to imply that the entities, equipment, products, or materials are necessarily the best available
for the purpose.
NIST SP 1800-28A: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 3
Data Confidentiality:
Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data
Volume B:
Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics
William Fisher
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia
February 2024
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1800-28B, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.
Spec. Publ. 1800-28B, 62 pages, (February 2024), CODEN: NSPUE2
As a private-public partnership, we are always seeking feedback on our practice guides. We are
particularly interested in seeing how businesses apply NCCoE reference designs in the real world. If you
have implemented the reference design, or have questions about applying it in your environment,
please email us at
All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches ii
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), a part of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), is a collaborative hub where industry organizations, government agencies, and
academic institutions work together to address businesses’ most pressing cybersecurity issues. This
public-private partnership enables the creation of practical cybersecurity solutions for specific
industries, as well as for broad, cross-sector technology challenges. Through consortia under
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), including technology partners—from
Fortune 50 market leaders to smaller companies specializing in information technology security—the
NCCoE applies standards and best practices to develop modular, adaptable example cybersecurity
solutions using commercially available technology. The NCCoE documents these example solutions in
the NIST Special Publication 1800 series, which maps capabilities to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
and details the steps needed for another entity to re-create the example solution. The NCCoE was
established in 2012 by NIST in partnership with the State of Maryland and Montgomery County,
To learn more about the NCCoE, visit To learn more about NIST, visit
The documents in this series describe example implementations of cybersecurity practices that
businesses and other organizations may voluntarily adopt. These documents do not describe regulations
or mandatory practices, nor do they carry statutory authority.
Attacks that target data are of concern to companies and organizations across many industries. Data
breaches represent a threat that can have monetary, reputational, and legal impacts. This guide seeks to
provide guidance concerning the threat of data breaches, exemplifying standards and technologies that
are useful for a variety of organizations defending against this threat. Specifically, this guide seeks to
help organizations identify and protect assets, including data, against a data confidentiality attack.
asset management; cybersecurity framework; data breach; data confidentiality; data protection;
identify; malicious actor; malware; protect; ransomware
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches iii
We are grateful to the following individuals for their generous contributions of expertise and time.
Name Organization
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches iv
Name Organization
The Technology Partners/Collaborators who participated in this build submitted their capabilities in
response to a notice in the Federal Register. Respondents with relevant capabilities or product
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches v
components were invited to sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with
NIST, allowing them to participate in a consortium to build this example solution. We worked with:
Dispel Dispel
The terms “shall” and “shall not” indicate requirements to be followed strictly to conform to the
publication and from which no deviation is permitted. The terms “should” and “should not” indicate that
among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable without mentioning or
excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in
the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is discouraged but not prohibited. The terms
“may” and “need not” indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the publication. The
terms “can” and “cannot” indicate a possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal.
As of the date of publication and following call(s) for the identification of patent claims whose
use may be required for compliance with the guidance or requirements of this publication, no
such patent claims have been identified to ITL.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches vi
No representation is made or implied by ITL that licenses are not required to avoid patent
infringement in the use of this publication.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches vii
1 Summary ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 Challenge .....................................................................................................................2
1.2 Solution........................................................................................................................3
1.3 Benefits ........................................................................................................................3
2 How to Use This Guide ........................................................................ 3
2.1 Typographic Conventions ............................................................................................4
3 Approach ............................................................................................ 5
3.1 Audience ......................................................................................................................5
3.2 Scope ...........................................................................................................................6
3.3 Assumptions ................................................................................................................6
3.4 Privacy Considerations .................................................................................................6
3.5 Risk Assessment ...........................................................................................................8
3.5.1 Security Risk Assessment .............................................................................................. 8
3.5.2 Privacy Risk Assessment ............................................................................................... 9
3.6 Technologies ................................................................................................................9
4 Architecture ...................................................................................... 12
5 Security & Privacy Characteristic Analysis ......................................... 13
5.1 Assumptions and Limitations .....................................................................................13
5.2 Security Scenarios ......................................................................................................13
5.2.1 Exfiltration of Encrypted Data..................................................................................... 14
5.2.2 Spear Phishing Campaign ............................................................................................ 15
5.2.3 Ransomware ............................................................................................................... 15
5.2.4 Accidental Email .......................................................................................................... 17
5.2.5 Lost Laptop.................................................................................................................. 17
5.2.6 Privilege Misuse .......................................................................................................... 18
5.2.7 Eavesdropping............................................................................................................. 19
5.3 Privacy Scenarios .......................................................................................................20
5.3.1 User Login with Multifactor Authentication ............................................................... 21
5.3.2 Authentication to Virtual Desktop Interface Solution ................................................25
5.3.3 Automated Data Movement with Data Management Solution .................................28
5.3.4 Monitoring by Logging Solution .................................................................................. 31
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches viii
5.3.5 User Web Browsing with Browser Isolation Solution .................................................34
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Data Security Project Mapping ............................................................................................ 1
Figure 3-1 Cybersecurity and Privacy Risk Relationship ........................................................................ 7
Figure 4-1 High Level Architecture ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5-1 Multifactor Authentication Data Flow Diagram ................................................................. 22
Figure 5-2 Virtual Desktop Interface Data Flow Diagram .................................................................... 25
List of Tables
Table 3-1 Products and Technologies ................................................................................................. 10
Table 5-1 Exfiltration of Encrypted Data Security Scenario ................................................................. 14
Table 5-2 Spear Phishing Campaign Security Scenario ........................................................................ 15
Table 5-3 Ransomware Security Scenario ........................................................................................... 15
Table 5-4 Accidental Email Security Scenario ...................................................................................... 17
Table 5-5 Lost Laptop Security Scenario ............................................................................................. 17
Table 5-6 Privilege Misuse Security Scenario ...................................................................................... 18
Table 5-7 Eavesdropping Security Scenario ........................................................................................ 19
Table 5-8 User Login with Multifactor Authentication Data Actions ................................................... 23
Table 5-9 User Login with Multifactor Authentication Problematic Data Action ................................. 24
Table 5-10 Virtual Desktop Interface Data Actions ............................................................................. 26
Table 5-11 Virtual Desktop Interface Problematic Data Actions .......................................................... 27
Table 5-12 Data Management Data Action ......................................................................................... 29
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches ix
Table 5-13 Data Management Problematic Data Actions .................................................................... 30
Table 5-14 Logging Data Actions......................................................................................................... 32
Table 5-15 Logging Problematic Data Actions ..................................................................................... 33
Table 5-16 Browser Isolation Data Actions ......................................................................................... 34
Table 5-17 Browser Isolation Problematic Data Actions ..................................................................... 35
Table 6-1 Security Control Map .......................................................................................................... 45
Table 6-2 Privacy Control Map ........................................................................................................... 49
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches x
1 Summary
In our data-driven world, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity and privacy as part of their business
risk management strategy. Specifically, data confidentiality remains a challenge as attacks against an
organization’s data can compromise emails, employee records, financial records, and customer
information—impacting business operations, revenue, and reputation.
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) developed an example solution to address data security and privacy needs. This
project fits within a larger series of Data Security projects that are organized by the elements of the
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA) triad, and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework’s (CSF) Core
Functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.
Note: This project was initiated before the release of the DRAFT NIST CSF 2.0 and thus
does not include the newly added GOVERN function. The DRAFT NIST CSF 2.0 defines
Govern as “Establish and monitor the organization’s cybersecurity risk management
strategy, expectations, and policy”. The govern function cuts across the other CSF
functions. Though this document focuses on technical capabilities, it’s intended that
those capabilities would support an organizational governance function in managing
data confidentiality attack risk.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 1
The goals of this NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide are to assist organizations in identifying and
protecting their assets and data in order to prepare for and prevent a data confidentiality event. This
guide will help organizations:
In addition to the guidance provided in these documents, NIST has many resources available to help
organizations to identify and protect data:
• NIST Special Publication 1800-25, Data Integrity: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against
Ransomware and other Destructive Events [2]
• NIST Special Publication 800-83, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for Desktops
and Laptops [5]
• NIST Special Publication 800-46, Guide to Enterprise Telework, Remote Access, and Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD) Security [6]
• NIST Privacy Framework [7]
• NIST Cybersecurity Framework [8]
• NIST Interagency Report 8374, Ransomware Risk Management: A Cybersecurity Framework Profile
• NIST Special Publication 800-160, Developing Cyber-Resilient Systems: A Systems Security
Engineering Approach [10]
1.1 Challenge
Data confidentiality is a challenge because all data exists to be accessible by some number of authorized
people or systems. Data access can lead to a data breach when access is achieved or given to an
unauthorized person or system. Challenges for an organization to maintain data confidential result from
the sheer volume of an organization’s data, the many ways users can access the data (on-site versus
remote, computer versus mobile device), and the potential for the compromise of valid user credentials
being used by unauthorized users.
NIST SP 1800-28 focuses on applying the Identify and Protect Functions of the NIST Cybersecurity
Framework to address the challenges related to categorizing authorized and unauthorized data access.
This document helps organizations address identifying potential breaches of data confidentiality as well
as protecting against the resulting losses.
Additional challenges arise when defining what it means to “identify” or “protect” data. In the NCCoE’s
previous work on Data Integrity (1800-25 [2], 1800-26 [3], and 1800-11 [4]), it was possible to define
recovery as a rollback of the compromised data to a point in time before it was altered. With respect to
a loss of data confidentiality, there is no such process by which to “undo” the effects of such a loss—
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 2
once digital data is in the hands of an unauthorized user, there is no guaranteed method by which to get
all copies of the data back. This leaves an organization and the affected individuals with non-technical
mitigations for the consequences of the breach (financial, reputational, etc.), as well as the ability of the
organization to apply the lessons learned to technical improvements earlier in the timeline to prevent
against future breaches.
1.2 Solution
The NCCoE developed this two-part solution to address considerations for both data security and data
privacy to help organizations manage the risk of a data confidentiality attack. The work in 1800-29
addresses an organization’s actions during and after a loss of data confidentiality (the remaining NIST
CSF Functions of Detect, Respond, and Recover) while this guide’s focus is on the needs prior to a loss of
data confidentiality (by focusing on the NIST CSF Functions Identify and Protect). The solution utilizes
commercially available tools to provide relevant capabilities such as automated data sensitivity
detection, access controls for data, encryption of potential confidential data, and multifactor
authentication, among others.
1.3 Benefits
Organizations can use this guide to help:
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 3
Business decision makers, including chief security and technology officers, will be interested in the
Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-28A, which describes the following topics:
challenges that enterprises face in identifying vulnerable assets and protecting them from data
example solution built at the NCCoE
benefits of adopting the example solution
Technology or security program managers who are concerned with how to identify, understand, assess,
and mitigate risk will be interested in this part of the guide, NIST SP 1800-28B, which describes what we
did and why. The following sections will be of particular interest:
Section 3.5, Risk Assessment, provides a description of the risk analysis we performed
Section 3.6, Security Control Map, maps the security characteristics of this example solution to
cybersecurity standards and best practices
You might share the Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-28A, with your leadership team members to help
them understand the importance of adopting standards-based solutions to protecting against losses in
data confidentiality.
IT professionals who want to implement an approach like this will find the whole practice guide useful.
You can use the how-to portion of the guide, NIST SP 1800-28C, to replicate all or parts of the build
created in our lab. The how-to portion of the guide provides specific product installation, configuration,
and integration instructions for implementing the example solution. We do not re-create the product
manufacturers’ documentation, which is generally widely available. Rather, we show how we
incorporated the products together in our environment to create an example solution.
This guide assumes that IT professionals have experience implementing security products within the
enterprise. While we have used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does
not endorse these particular products. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that adheres to
these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and implementing
parts of a security architecture that protects against data breaches. Your organization’s security experts
should identify the products that will best integrate with your existing tools and IT system infrastructure.
We hope that you will seek products that are congruent with applicable standards and best practices.
Section 3.6, Technologies, lists the products we used and maps them to the cybersecurity and privacy
controls provided by this reference solution.
A NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide does not describe “the” solution, but a possible solution.
Comments, suggestions, and success stories will improve subsequent versions of this guide. Please
contribute your thoughts to
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 4
Typeface/Symbol Meaning Example
Italics file names and path names; For language use and style guidance,
references to documents that see the NCCoE Style Guide.
are not hyperlinks; new
terms; and placeholders
Bold names of menus, options, Choose File > Edit.
command buttons, and fields
Monospace mkdir
command-line input, on-
screen computer output,
sample code examples, and
status codes
Monospace Bold service sshd start
command-line user input
contrasted with computer
blue text link to other parts of the doc- All publications from NIST’s NCCoE
ument, a web URL (, or an email
3 Approach
The NCCoE is developing a set of data confidentiality projects mapped to the five Functions of the NIST
Cybersecurity Framework Core. This project centers on identifying and protecting vulnerable data from
attack. Our commercial collaboration partners have volunteered to provide the products that provide
this example solution for the problems raised in each of our use cases. Through this collaboration, our
goal is to create actionable recommendations for organizations and individuals trying to solve data
confidentiality issues.
3.1 Audience
The architecture of this project and accompanying documentation targets three distinct groups of
readers. The first is those personally managing, implementing, installing and configuring IT security
solutions for their organization. The walkthroughs of installation and configuration of the chosen
commercial products, as well as any of our notes on lessons learned, work to ease the challenge of
implementing security best practices. This guide also serves as a starting point for those addressing
these security issues for the first time, and a reference for experienced admins who want to do better.
The second group are those tasked with establishing broader security policies for their organizations.
Reviewing the threats each organization needs to account for and their potential solutions allows for
more robust and efficient security policy to be generated with greater ease.
The final group are those individuals responsible for the legal ramifications of breaches of
confidentiality. Many organizations have legal obligations to take steps to proactively protect the
personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) of individuals they process. The ramifications
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 5
for failing to adequately protect PII can have severe consequences for both individuals and follow on
consequences for the organizations as a whole.
This guide will allow potential adopters to assess the feasibility of implementing data confidentiality best
practices within the IT systems of their own organization.
3.2 Scope
This document provides guidance on identifying potentially sensitive data and protecting against a loss
of data confidentiality. Refer to Figure 1-1 to understand how this document fits within the larger set of
NCCoE Data Security projects, as organized by the CIA triad and the functions of the NIST Cybersecurity
Framework Core.
3.3 Assumptions
The technical solution developed at the NCCoE and represented in this guide does not incorporate the
non-technical aspects of managing the confidentiality of an organization’s data. The non-technical
components could include (but are not limited to):
• The solution was developed in a laboratory environment and is limited in the size and scale of data.
• Only a subset of products relevant to data confidentiality are included in this project, as such
organizations should consider the guiding principles of this document when evaluating their
organization’s needs against the product landscape at the time of their IT implementation.
In today’s digital landscape, consumers conduct much of their lives on the internet. Data processing,
which includes any operations taken with data, including the collection, usage, storage, and sharing of
data by organizations, can result in privacy problems for individuals. Privacy risks can evolve with
changes in technology and associated data processing. How organizations treat privacy has a direct
bearing on their perceived trustworthiness. Recognizing the evolving privacy impacts of technology on
individuals, governments across the globe are working to address their concerns through new or
updated laws and regulations.
Following an open and transparent development process, NIST published the NIST Privacy Framework,
Version 1.0 to help organizations better identify and manage their privacy risks, build trust with
customers and partners, and meet their compliance obligations. The Privacy Framework Core provides
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 6
privacy outcomes that organizations may wish to achieve as part of a privacy risk management program.
The Privacy Framework also discusses privacy engineering objectives that can be used to help
organizations prioritize their privacy risk management activities. The privacy engineering objectives are:
• Predictability: Enabling reliable assumptions by individuals, owners, and operators about data and
their processing by a system
• Manageability: Providing the capability for granular administration of data, including collection,
alteration, deletion, and selective disclosure
• Disassociability: Enabling the processing of data or events without association to individuals or
devices beyond the operational requirements of the system
It is important for individuals and organizations to understand the relationship between cybersecurity
and privacy. As noted in Section 1.2.1 of the NIST Privacy Framework [8], having a general understanding
of the different origins of cybersecurity and privacy risks is important for determining the most effective
solutions to address the risks. Figure 3-1 illustrates this relationship, showing that some privacy risks
arise from cybersecurity risks, and some are unrelated to cybersecurity risks.
Though a data confidentiality breach may lead to privacy problems for individuals, it is important to note
that privacy risks can arise without a cybersecurity incident. For example, an organization might process
data in ways that violates an individual’s privacy without that data having been breached or
compromised through a security incident. This type of issue can occur under a variety of scenarios, such
as when data is stored for extended periods, beyond the need for which the information was initially
Privacy risks arise from privacy events—the occurrence or potential occurrence of problematic data
actions. The NIST Privacy Framework defines problematic data actions as data actions that may cause an
adverse effect for individuals. Problematic data actions might arise by data processing simply for mission
or business purposes. Privacy risk is the likelihood that individuals will experience problems resulting
from data processing, and the impact should they occur [16]. As reflected in the overlap of Figure 3-1,
analyzing these risks in parallel with cybersecurity risks can help organizations understand the full
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 7
consequences of impacts of data confidentiality breaches. Section 5.3 demonstrates scenarios where
privacy risks may arise and potential mitigations.
Based on the reference architecture, this build considered the data actions that potentially cause
problematic data actions.
The NCCoE recommends that any discussion of risk management, particularly at the enterprise level,
begins with a comprehensive review of NIST SP 800-37 Revision 2, Risk Management Framework for
Information Systems and Organizations [12]—material that is available to the public. The Risk
Management Framework (RMF) [13] guidance proved to be invaluable in giving us a baseline to assess
risks, from which we developed the project, the security characteristics of the build, and this guide.
The following threats were considered during the development of the data confidentiality solution:
For a threat to be realized, a system, process or person must be vulnerable to a threat action. A
vulnerability is a deficiency or weakness that a threat source may exploit, resulting in a threat event.
Vulnerabilities may exist in a broader context. That is, they may be found in organizational governance
structures, external relationships, and mission/business processes.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 8
Organizations should consider impact if a data confidentiality breach occurs including potential decline
in organizational trust and credibility affecting employees, customers, partners, stakeholders as well as
financial impacts due to loss of proprietary or other sensitive information.
As part of identifying privacy risks in this build, problematic data actions were correlated to observed
privacy risks. In many cases, the security capabilities in this build will help mitigate privacy risks, but
organizations should use caution to implement these capabilities in a way that does not introduce new
privacy risks.
Section 5.3 discusses problematic data action and privacy considerations for this build.
3.6 Technologies
Table 3-1 Products and Technologies lists the technologies used in this project and provides a mapping
among the generic application term, the specific product used, and the security control(s) that the
product provides. Refer to Table 6-1 Security Control Map for an explanation of the NIST Cybersecurity
Framework Subcategory identifiers. Table 3-1 also provides the Privacy Framework Subcategory
identifiers, and these are explained in Appendix E.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 9
Table 3-1 Products and Technologies
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 10
Component Product Capability NIST Cybersecurity NIST Privacy Frame-
Framework Subcatego- work Subcategories
Logging FireEye Helix • Provides a baseline for normal ID.RA-1, ID.RA-2, ID.RA- CT.DM-P8
enterprise operations 3, PR.PT-1
• Provides logs and enables incident
Network Protec- Dispel • Provides remote access to network PR.AC-3, PR.AC-5 PR.AC-P3, PR.AC-P5
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 11
4 Architecture
This section presents the high-level architecture and a set of capabilities used in our data confidentiality
reference design that identifies and protects assets from unauthorized access and disclosure.
Each of the capabilities implemented plays a role in mitigating data confidentiality attacks:
• Data Management allows discovery and tracking of files throughout the enterprise.
• Data Protection involves encryption and protection against disclosure of sensitive files.
• Access Controls allows organizations to enforce access control policies, ensuring that only
authorized users have access to sensitive files.
• Browser Isolation protects endpoints in the organization from malicious web-based malware by
sandboxing and containing executables downloaded from the internet.
• Policy Enforcement ensures that endpoints in the organization conform to specified security
policies, which can include certificate verification, installed programs, and machine posture.
• Logging creates a baseline of a normal enterprise activity for comparison in the event of a data
confidentiality event.
• Network Protection ensures that hosts on the network only communicate in allowed ways,
preventing side-channel attacks and attacks that rely on direct communication between hosts.
Furthermore, it protects against potentially malicious hosts joining or observing traffic (encrypted or
decrypted) traversing the network.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 12
These capabilities work together to provide the functions Identify and Protect for the reference
architecture. The data management capability provides data inventory and asset management for files
in the enterprise; helps identify potentially sensitive files; and works with the data protection capability
to ensure potentially sensitive files are properly protected in the event of a breach. Because
organizations can be large and new sensitive files may be created daily, it is important to have the
capability to automate identification and protection of files at least partially. The data protection
capability and access controls prevent data from being read by unauthorized parties. By ensuring that
only the correct users and systems have access to data, and that data is protected in-use and at-rest, it
becomes more difficult for adversaries to steal and disclose sensitive data.
The policy enforcement, network protection, and browser isolation capabilities work together to protect
endpoints such as laptops and desktops against common attack vectors. Malicious websites distributing
malware first pass through the browser isolation capability, which sandboxes webpages to ensure that
malware downloaded via malicious webpage cannot spread to the user or enterprise’s system. Network
segmentation uses network layer policies to group endpoints into segments based on business needs. If
an endpoint is infected, network segmentation can limit impact by preventing malware from spreading
between segments. Policy enforcement ensures that systems remain up to date with organizationally
defined security policies. All of these functions feed into logging capabilities and provide organizations
with an understanding of their baseline of normal activity. These logs inform the organization of its
security posture before an event, so that the organization can adjust its policies as new information
about threats becomes available and take appropriate action.
It is neither a comprehensive test of all security and privacy components, nor a red-team
It cannot identify all weaknesses or risks.
It does not include the lab infrastructure. It is assumed that devices are hardened. Testing these
devices would reveal only weaknesses in implementation that would not be relevant to those
adopting this reference architecture.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 13
capabilities of our architecture would help an organization address the Cybersecurity Framework
Functions of Identify and Protect for that event.
Below is a list of the scenarios created to test the security capabilities of this architecture.
NOTE: The below scenarios map to the DRAFT NIST CSF 2.0. For a mapping to the NIST CSF 1.1 please
see Security Control Map in Appendix D.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 14
5.2.2 Spear Phishing Campaign
Table 5-2 Spear Phishing Campaign Security Scenario
Description An unknown user has successfully launched a spear phishing attack, and
in the process retrieved an authorized user’s login and password. This
user has access to several of the organization’s databases, allowing them
to both view and manipulate the data contained within. This exposes
proprietary data to theft and manipulation/deletion.
Associated DRAFT CSF PR.AA-01, PR.AA-02, PR.AA-03, PR.DS-01, PR.DS-02, PR.PS-01, PR.PS-04,
2.0 Subcategories DE.CM-09
Organizational In this scenario, someone at the organization with privileged credentials has
Response had their credentials compromised through a spear phishing email. The
user may report this themselves if they retroactively realize it was a
phishing attack, or they may not. The organization will need to deal with a
privileged user account with access to the database being used by a
malicious actor and is responsible for protecting assets from the
compromised account.
Identify Though identifying assets is an important function, in this scenario we are
specifically focusing on the ability of a compromised user to access an in-
use database, and do not have a specific need to identify the database as
part of the scenario’s resolution, since the target is known.
Protect The Data Protection capability provides write-protection against alteration
or deletion of saved data, as well as protection against reading the data
through encryption of data-in-use.
5.2.3 Ransomware
Table 5-3 Ransomware Security Scenario
Description An employee of the company makes a mistake while entering the URL of
their company’s email provider. This mistake takes them to an identical
login page, but it is hosted by a malicious actor. When they enter their
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 15
credentials on the login page, the page records their credentials, and
forwards them to the actual login page, as if the credentials were
mistyped. The malicious actor later uses these credentials to login as the
employee. They download and run a malicious ransomware executable as
the user. The ransomware executable uploads sensitive files to the
malicious host website, which displays a notice that unless a ransom is
paid, the sensitive files will remain publicly visible.
Associated DRAFT CSF ID.AM-01, ID.AM-02, ID.AM-03, ID.AM-5, ID.RA-5, PR.AA-01, PR.AA-02,
2.0 Subcategories PR.AA-03, PR.AA-05, PR.DS-01, PR.DS-02, PR.DS-10, PR.IR-01, PR.PS-01,
Organizational In this scenario, someone at the organization with privileged credentials
Response has had their credentials compromised through a malicious webpage
disguised as the organization’s email provider. The user may or may not
report the attack, though there may be clues as to its existence - a user
with account troubles and traffic going to a domain name very similar to
the organization’s domain might be enough to send up red flags if noticed.
Regardless, the organization will need to deal with a privileged user
account being used to download malware and hold the confidentiality of
sensitive files ransom.
Identify The Data Management capability is used to identify new sensitive data
when it is created and track it throughout the organization. The results of
this capability are used to inform protection and response capabilities
about which data is at risk of targeting and the impact to the enterprise in
the event of compromise.
Protect The Data Protection capability provides encryption for sensitive data,
protecting it from unauthorized access in the event of an exfiltration attack.
Even if the data is stolen and released, encryption prevents the data from
being used or read.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 16
5.2.4 Accidental Email
Table 5-4 Accidental Email Security Scenario
Description A user has lost their work laptop, which contains proprietary information.
It is unknown if the laptop was targeted for its data and access
credentials by a malicious actor, or if the incident was an unfortunate
accident. For the purposes of this scenario, we assume the user of the
laptop has reported the missing system on their own.
Associated DRAFT CSF ID.AM-01, ID.AM-02, ID.AM-05, ID.AM-07, PR.AA-01, PR.AA-03, PR.DS-01,
2.0 Subcategories PR.DS-09, PR.PS-03
Organizational In the event of a lost laptop, it is likely that the loss will be reported by the
Response user, as the user will directly lose their ability to work. Although some
aspects of this event are easier because of the user’s knowledge of the
system, it is important for the organization to determine the data that was
on the laptop, the security posture of the laptop, and the access the laptop
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 17
provided to the organization’s network, so that the loss can be accurately
assessed, and further data loss can be prevented.
Identify The Data Management capability is used to identify new sensitive data
when it is created and track it throughout the organization. The results of
this capability are used to inform protection and response capabilities
about which data is at risk and the impact to the enterprise in the event of
a compromise.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 18
information about the extent of the loss to aid in the pursuit of legal
resolutions to the incident.
Identify The Data Management capability is used to identify new sensitive data
when it is created and track it throughout the organization. The results of
this capability are used to inform protection and response capabilities
about which data is at risk and the impact to the enterprise in the event of
a compromise. In the event of a malicious insider attempting to exfiltrate
data, it is important to know which data was accessible on the machines
accessed by the insider, as well as the sensitivity levels of the affected data.
Protect The Data Protection capability provides encryption for sensitive data,
protecting it from unauthorized access. While a malicious insider may be
able to decrypt data relevant to their work role, irrelevant data which is
encrypted and managed properly will be significantly less useful to the
While user access controls and data protection ensure that the user only
has access to some data, ultimately, malicious insiders tend to have some
level of access to data due to their role in the organization. Logging
provides a baseline for normal enterprise activity. This baseline can be used
as a comparison point in the Detect phase for reporting on data which has
been exfiltrated from the organization. In the event of exfiltration by a
malicious insider, logs can help determine what data was accessed and
printed and can aid the organization in recovering from the exfiltration,
potentially in non-technical ways, such as through the legal system or law
5.2.7 Eavesdropping
Table 5-7 Eavesdropping Security Scenario
Description A malicious outsider has gained access to the network traffic of the
organization. They possess the capability to intercept and hijack internal
communications via man-in-the-middle attack. A user begins uploading a
sensitive proposal for a new project. The malicious outsider is able to
intercept and view these files.
Associated DRAFT CSF ID.AM-01, ID.AM-03, ID.AM-07, PR.AA-05, PR.AA-06, PR.DS-01, PR.DS-02,
2.0 Subcategories PR.PS-04, PR.IR-01
Organizational In this scenario, an organization will likely be able to see the introduction of
Response a new device on the network. In this example, a user’s sensitive upload is
stolen while it is in transit. The user may see warnings about HTTPS or
invalid certificates due to the nature of the attack, and the organization
may notice anomalous traffic going through the new device on the
network. The organization is responsible for identifying the new device as
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 19
malicious, protecting data intercepted by it through encryption, and
mitigating its ability to communicate with trusted enterprise machines.
Identify The Data Management capability is used to identify new sensitive data
when it is created and track it throughout the organization. The results of
this capability are used to inform protection and response capabilities
about which data is at risk and the impact to the enterprise. In this
scenario, a new project proposal is created - the data management
capability is used to identify the creation of new sensitive data and track it
throughout the enterprise.
Protect The Data Protection capability provides encryption for sensitive data,
protecting it from unauthorized access. While a malicious third party on the
network may be able to intercept the data in transit, encryption prevents
the third party from being able to read the intercepted data.
Organizations may collect information affecting privacy when implementing cybersecurity or privacy-
based controls. For example, an organization might implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) using
information such as mobile phone number. Even though collecting this information helps to protect
systems and data by supporting capabilities like non-repudiation and system auditing, it may also
generate privacy risks.
When implementing cybersecurity or privacy-based controls, organizations should consider the benefit a
user realizes, both from use of a service and securing that service before processing information
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 20
affecting privacy. This benefit can be weighed against the risk posed to both individuals and the
organization should a privacy event occur.
For example, using MFA mentioned above, users may feel compelled to provide information affecting
privacy, such as their personal phone number for SMS (short messaging service) authentication, to gain
access to systems or services. However, if the user is accessing publicly available information, the risk of
the misuse of information from collecting personal phone numbers may be greater than the security
benefit for protecting the low-sensitivity information. Additionally, if given the option, users may elect
to use alternative authentication methods that are less privacy-invasive, such as using a work phone
number over a personal number or a hardware MFA authenticator over SMS authentication. The NIST
Privacy Risk Assessment Methodology (PRAM) refers to this problematic data action, where the user is
compelled to provide information disproportionate to the purpose or outcome of the transaction, as
induced disclosure.
Organizations should consider these types of risks as they design and implement systems. As
demonstrated in the scenarios below, risk mitigations should be implemented within the design to limit
privacy risks. These privacy risk mitigations might include the following, among others:
• Understand where and how information is processed, including collection practices and system
components that store and transmit this information (data flows and mapping)
• Understand the risks and benefits of collecting different data elements to determine if it should not
be collected
• Keep data only as long as needed for its function and destroy or de-identify it otherwise using
proper data lifecycle management practices and in accordance with applicable laws and policies
• Keep personal data segregated in a different repository, when practicable
• Encrypt data at rest, in transit, and in use
• Use role-based access controls
• Consider what measures should be taken to address predictability and manageability before
deciding whether data can be used beyond its initial expected and agreed upon use
• Implement privacy-enhancing technologies to increase disassociability while retaining confidentiality
and the capability to process data for mission or business purposes
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 21
Figure 5-1 Multifactor Authentication Data Flow Diagram
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 22
Table 5-8 User Login with Multifactor Authentication Data Actions
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 23
Table 5-9 User Login with Multifactor Authentication Problematic Data Action
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 24
5.3.2 Authentication to Virtual Desktop Interface Solution
The reference architecture in this document demonstrates a Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) solution to
facilitate secure access to organizational resources and data. Organizations may allow users’ personal
devices to access corporate resources using the VDI solution. Organizations should consider the privacy
risk of installing VDI software on personally owned devices, information revealed by the VDI protocol,
and monitoring of user activity while in the virtual environment.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 25
Table 5-10 Virtual Desktop Interface Data Actions
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 26
Table 5-11 Virtual Desktop Interface Problematic Data Actions
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 27
5.3.3 Automated Data Movement with Data Management Solution
The reference architecture uses data management technology that allows for the scanning files for
highly sensitive information and establishment of policy that automatically moves sensitive content to
secure storage. Files with detected PII or other sensitive information may be moved in ways that are
unexpected to the user, potentially creating privacy concerns.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 28
Table 5-12 Data Management Data Action
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 29
Table 5-13 Data Management Problematic Data Actions
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 30
5.3.4 Monitoring by Logging Solution
This reference architecture generates logs used to aid in response and recovery activities. These logs are
essential for proper data management and incident response. However, organizations should consider
the privacy of information collected by logs when they are created, transmitted, and stored.
The utilization of the security architecture, and the logs their user generates, can interact with and
generate information that affects privacy. The use of a logging solution requires that data and metadata
about user’s activity be generated and stored in an additional location. Depending on the details and
scope of the logging tool, this can extend the effective domain of information that affects privacy used
by those tools. Some examples of information affecting privacy utilized in such transactions is given
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 31
Table 5-14 Logging Data Actions
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 32
Table 5-15 Logging Problematic Data Actions
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 33
5.3.5 User Web Browsing with Browser Isolation Solution
Web isolation solutions must have governance over all user web traffic to be effective. This can generate
privacy concerns to users by increasing the risk of their browsing data being misused.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 34
Table 5-17 Browser Isolation Problematic Data Actions
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 35
6 Future Build Considerations
As shown in Figure 1-1, the NCCoE Data Security work that remains to be addressed within the
framework of the CIA triad is Data Availability. The Data Security team plans to evaluate the current
landscape of Data Availability challenges that organizations face and determine future relevant projects
to address those needs.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 36
Appendix A List of Acronyms
API Application Programming Interface
BYOD Bring Your Own Device
CIA Confidentiality Integrity Availability
CIS Center for Internet Security
CNSSI Committee on National Security Systems Instruction
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies
CRADA Cooperative Research And Development Agreement
CSC Critical Security Controls
CSF Cybersecurity Framework
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
FIPPS Fair Information Privacy Principles
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IDAM Identity and Access Management
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP Internet Protocol
ISA International Society of Automation
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information Technology
ITL Information Technology Laboratory
MAC Media Access Control
MFA Multi Factor Authentication
NCCoE National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST IR NIST Interagency or Internal Report
PDA Problematic Data Action
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PIN Personal Identification Number
PRAM Privacy Risk Assessment Methodology
RDP Remote Desktop Protocol
RMF Risk Management Framework
SMS Short Messaging Service
SP Special Publication
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Series Bus
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 37
VDI Virtual Desktop Interface
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 38
Appendix B Glossary
Access Control The process of granting or denying specific requests to 1) obtain
and use information and related information processing services
and 2) enter specific physical facilities (e.g., federal buildings,
military establishments, border crossing entrances).
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 39
Confidentiality Preserving authorized restrictions on information access and
disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and
proprietary information.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 40
Integrity Guarding against improper information modification or destruction
and includes ensuring information non-repudiation and
Key Management The activities involving handling of cryptographic keys and other
related security parameters (e.g. passwords) during the entire life
cycle of the keys, including their generation, storage, establishment,
entry and output, and destruction.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 41
Risk The level of impact on organizational operations (including mission,
functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, or
individuals resulting from the operation of an information system
given the potential impact of a threat and the likelihood of that
threat occurring.
Security Policy A set of rules that governs all aspects of security-relevant system
and system component behavior.
Spear Phishing A colloquial term that can be used to describe any highly targeted
phishing attack.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 42
Appendix C References
[1] W. Barker, Guideline for Identifying an Information System as a National Security System,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-59,
Gaithersburg, Md., Aug. 2003, 17 pp. Available:
[2] T. McBride et. al, Data Integrity: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Ransomware and
Other Destructive Events, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication (SP) 1800-25, Gaithersburg, Md., Dec. 2020, 488 pp. Available:
[3] T. McBride et. al, Data Integrity: Detecting and Responding to Ransomware and Other
Destructive Events, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication
(SP) 1800-26, Gaithersburg, Md., Dec. 2020, 441 pp. Available:
[4] T. McBride et. al, Data Integrity: Recovering from Ransomware and Other Destructive Events,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 1800-11,
Gaithersburg, Md., Sep. 2020, 377 pp. Available:
[5] M. Souppaya and K. Scarfone, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for
Desktops and Laptops, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication (SP) 800-83 Revision 1, Gaithersburg, Md., July 2013, 36 pp. Available:
[6] M. Souppaya and K. Scarfone, Guide to Enterprise Telework, Remote Access, and Bring Your
Own Devise (BYOD) Security, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication (SP) 800-46 Revision 2, Gaithersburg, Md., July 2016, 43 pp. Available:
[9] W. Barker et. al, Ransomware Risk Management: A Cybersecurity Framework Profile, NIST
Interagency Report 8374, Gaithersburg, Md., Feb. 2022, 23 pp. Available:
[10] R. Ross et. al, Developing Cyber-Resilient Systems: A Systems Security Engineering Approach,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-160
Volume 2 Revision 1, Gaithersburg, Md., Dec. 2021, 309 pp. Available:
[11] Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative, Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments, National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-30 Revision 1,
Gaithersburg, Md., Sep. 2012, 83 pp. Available:
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 43
[12] Joint Task Force, Risk Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-37 Revision
2, Gaithersburg, Md., Dec. 2018, 164 pp. Available:
[15] S. Brooks et. al, An Introduction to Privacy Engineering and Risk Management in Federal
Systems, NIST Interagency Report 8062, Gaithersburg, Md., Jan. 2017, 41 pp. Available:
[17] NIST Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, Mobile Device Security, Bring Your Own Device
Practice Guide, NIST SP 1800-22,
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 44
Appendix D Security Control Map
The following table lists the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Functions, Categories, and Subcategories
addressed by this project and maps them to relevant NIST standards, industry standards, and controls
and best practices.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 45
Cybersecurity Framework v1.1 Standards & Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative References
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 46
Cybersecurity Framework v1.1 Standards & Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative References
PR.AC-7: Users, devices, and other as- CIS CSC 1, 12, 15, 16 COBIT 5
sets are authenticated (e.g., single-fac- DSS05.04, DSS05.10, DSS06.10
tor, multi-factor) commensurate with ISA 62443-2-1:2009,
the risk of the transaction (e.g., individ-,,,
uals’ security and privacy risks and,,,
other organizational risks),
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 47
Cybersecurity Framework v1.1 Standards & Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative References
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 48
Appendix E Privacy Control Map
The following table lists the NIST Privacy Framework Functions, Categories, and Subcategories addressed by this project and maps them to
relevant NIST standards, industry standards, and controls and best practices.
NOTE: The International Organization for Standardization (IS0) standard 27701 references were not mapped by NIST, but by an external
organization. They are available at the NIST Privacy Framework Repository [18] and provided here for convenience. The Fair Information Privacy
Principles (FIPPS) references are provided to aid understanding of the Privacy Control Map.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 49
Privacy Framework 1.0 Standards and Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative Refences
Disassociated Processing CT.DP-P2: Data are processed FIPPS 7: Purpose Specification/Use
(CT.DP-P): Data processing to limit the identification of in- Limitation
solutions increase disasso- dividuals (e.g., de-identification NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AC-23, AU-
ciability consistent with privacy techniques, tokeniza- 3(3), IA-4(8), PE-8(3), SA-8(33), SI-
the organization’s risk tion). 12(1), SI-12(2), SI-19
strategy to protect individ- NIST SP 800-63-3
uals’ privacy and enable
NIST SP 800-188 (draft)
implementation of privacy
principles (e.g., data mini- NIST IR 8053
mization). NIST IR 8062
ISO/IEC 27701:2019 7.4.2, 7.4.4
Data Processing Aware- CM.AW-P3: System/prod- FIPPS 7: Purpose Specification/Use
ness (CM.AW-P): Individu- uct/service design enables data Limitation
als and organizations have processing visibility. NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: PL-8, PT-5(1),
reliable knowledge about SA-17, SC-42(4)
data processing practices NIST IR 8062
and associated privacy
ISO/IEC 27701:2019 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 8.3.1
risks, and effective mecha-
nisms are used and main-
tained to increase predict-
ability consistent with the
organization’s risk strategy
to protect individuals’ pri-
PROTECT-P (PR-P): Develop Data Protection Policies, PR.PO-P4: Policy and regula- FIPPS 5: Quality and Integrity
and Implement appropriate Processes, and Procedures tions regarding the physical op- FIPPS 7: Purpose Specification/Use
data processing safeguards. (PR.PO-P): Security and erating environment for organi- Limitation
privacy policies (e.g., pur- zational assets are met. NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: PE-1
pose, scope, roles and re-
ISO/IEC 27701:2019 All of 6.8
sponsibilities in the data
processing ecosystem, and
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 50
Privacy Framework 1.0 Standards and Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative Refences
management commit-
ment), processes, and pro-
cedures are maintained
and used to manage the
protection of data.
Identity Management, Au- PR.AC-P1: Identities and cre- FIPPS 8: Security
thentication, and Access dentials are issued, managed, NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: IA-1, IA-2, IA-3,
Control (PR.AC-P): Access verified, revoked, and audited IA-4, IA-5, IA-7, IA-8, IA-9, IA-10, IA-
to data and devices is lim- for authorized individuals, pro- 11, IA-12
ited to authorized individu- cesses, and devices. NIST SP 800-63-3
als, processes, and devices,
ISO/IEC 27701:2019,,
and is managed consistent
with the assessed risk of
unauthorized access. PR.AC-P3: Remote access is FIPPS 8: Security
managed. FIPS Publication 199
NIST SP 800-46 Rev. 2
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AC-1, AC-17,
AC-19, AC-20, SC-15
NIST SP 800-77
NIST SP 800-113
NIST SP 800-114 Rev. 1
NIST SP 800-121 Rev. 2
ISO/IEC 27701:2019,
PR.AC-P4: Access permissions FIPPS 8: Security
and authorizations are man- NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AC-1, AC-2,
aged, incorporating the princi- AC-3, AC-5, AC-6, AC-14, AC-16, AC-24
ples of least privilege and sepa- NIST SP 800-162
ration of duties.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 51
Privacy Framework 1.0 Standards and Best Practices
Function Category Subcategory Informative Refences
PR.AC-P5: Network integrity is FIPPS 8: Security
protected (e.g., network segre- NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AC-4, AC-10,
gation, network segmentation). SC-7, SC-10, SC-20
PR.AC-P6: Individuals and de- FIPPS 8: Security
vices are proofed and bound to NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: AC-14, AC-16,
credentials and authenticated IA-1, IA-2, IA-3, IA-4, IA-5, IA-8, IA-9,
commensurate with the risk of IA-10, IA-11, IA-12, PE-2, PS-3
the transaction (e.g., individu- NIST SP 800-63-3
als’ security and privacy risks
and other organizational risks).
Data Security (PR.DS-P): PR.DS-P1: Data-at-rest are pro- FIPPS 8: Security
Data are managed con- tected. NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: MP-2, MP-3,
sistent with the organiza- MP-4, MP-5, MP-6, MP-7, MP-8, SC-
tion’s risk strategy to pro- 28
tect individuals’ privacy NIST SP 800-175B
and maintain data confi-
dentiality, integrity, and PR.DS-P2: Data-in-transit are FIPPS 8: Security
availability. protected. NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: SC-8, SC-11
NIST SP 800-175B
PR.DS-P3: Systems/prod- FIPPS 8: Security
ucts/services and associated NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5: CM-8, MP-6,
data are formally managed PE-16, PE-20
throughout removal, transfers,
and disposition.
NIST SP 1800-28B: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Assets Against Data Breaches 52
Data Confidentiality:
Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches
Volume C:
How-To Guides
William Fisher
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
R. Eugene Craft
Michael Ekstrom
Julian Sexton
John Sweetnam
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia
February 2024
While NIST and the NCCoE address goals of improving management of cybersecurity and privacy risk
through outreach and application of standards and best practices, it is the stakeholder’s responsibility to
fully perform a risk assessment to include the current threat, vulnerabilities, likelihood of a compromise,
and the impact should the threat be realized before adopting cybersecurity measures such as this
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1800-28C, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.
Spec. Publ. 1800-28C, 86 pages, (February 2024), CODEN: NSPUE2
As a private-public partnership, we are always seeking feedback on our practice guides. We are
particularly interested in seeing how businesses apply NCCoE reference designs in the real world. If you
have implemented the reference design, or have questions about applying it in your environment,
please email us at
All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches ii
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), a part of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), is a collaborative hub where industry organizations, government agencies, and
academic institutions work together to address businesses’ most pressing cybersecurity issues. This
public-private partnership enables the creation of practical cybersecurity solutions for specific
industries, as well as for broad, cross-sector technology challenges. Through consortia under
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), including technology partners—from
Fortune 50 market leaders to smaller companies specializing in information technology security—the
NCCoE applies standards and best practices to develop modular, adaptable example cybersecurity
solutions using commercially available technology. The NCCoE documents these example solutions in
the NIST Special Publication 1800 series, which maps capabilities to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
and details the steps needed for another entity to re-create the example solution. The NCCoE was
established in 2012 by NIST in partnership with the State of Maryland and Montgomery County,
To learn more about the NCCoE, visit To learn more about NIST, visit
The documents in this series describe example implementations of cybersecurity practices that
businesses and other organizations may voluntarily adopt. These documents do not describe regulations
or mandatory practices, nor do they carry statutory authority.
Attacks that target data are of concern to companies and organizations across many industries. Data
breaches represent a threat that can have monetary, reputational, and legal impacts. This guide seeks to
provide guidance around the threat of data breaches, exemplifying standards and technologies that are
useful for a variety of organizations defending against this threat. Specifically, this guide identifies risks
associated with the loss of data confidentiality, and mitigations to protect against those risks.
asset management; cybersecurity framework; data breach; data confidentiality; data protection;
identify; malicious actor; malware; protect; ransomware
We are grateful to the following individuals for their generous contributions of expertise and time.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches iii
Name Organization
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches iv
Name Organization
The Technology Partners/Collaborators who participated in this build submitted their capabilities in
response to a notice in the Federal Register. Respondents with relevant capabilities or product
components were invited to sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with
NIST, allowing them to participate in a consortium to build this example solution. We worked with:
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches v
Technology Partner/Collaborator Build Involvement
Dispel Dispel
The terms “shall” and “shall not” indicate requirements to be followed strictly to conform to the
publication and from which no deviation is permitted. The terms “should” and “should not” indicate that
among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable without mentioning or
excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in
the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is discouraged but not prohibited. The terms
“may” and “need not” indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the publication. The
terms “can” and “cannot” indicate a possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal.
As of the date of publication and following call(s) for the identification of patent claims whose
use may be required for compliance with the guidance or requirements of this publication, no
such patent claims have been identified to ITL.
No representation is made or implied by ITL that licenses are not required to avoid patent
infringement in the use of this publication.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches vi
1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 1
1.1 How to Use this Guide .................................................................................................1
1.2 Build Overview .............................................................................................................2
1.3 Typographic Conventions ............................................................................................3
1.4 Logical Architecture Summary .....................................................................................3
2 Product Installation Guides ................................................................. 5
2.1 FireEye Helix ................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Installing the Communications Broker - CentOS 7........................................................ 5
2.1.2 Forwarding Event Logs from Windows 2012 R2 ........................................................... 7
2.2 Symantec Cloud Secure Web Gateway ........................................................................9
2.2.1 Configure Web Security Service .................................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Install Proxy Certificates and enabling TLS/SSL Interception......................................13
2.2.3 Configure Symantec Web Security Service Proxy .......................................................17
2.3 PKWARE PKProtect ....................................................................................................23
2.3.1 Configure PKWARE with Active Directory................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Create a New Administrative User.............................................................................. 26
2.3.3 Install Prerequisites..................................................................................................... 27
2.3.4 Install the PKProtect Agent ......................................................................................... 29
2.3.5 Configure Discovery and Reporting ............................................................................ 32
2.4 StrongKey Tellaro .......................................................................................................37
2.4.1 Python Client for StrongKey – Windows Executable Creation and Use .....................37
2.5 Qcor ForceField ..........................................................................................................41
2.5.1 Installation and Usage of ForceField ........................................................................... 41
2.6 Avrio SIFT ...................................................................................................................44
2.6.1 Configuring Avrio SIFT ................................................................................................. 44
2.7 Cisco Duo ...................................................................................................................47
2.7.1 Installing Cisco Duo ..................................................................................................... 47
2.7.2 Registering a Duo User................................................................................................ 54
2.8 Dispel .........................................................................................................................55
2.8.1 Installation .................................................................................................................. 55
2.8.2 Configuring IP Addresses ............................................................................................ 57
2.8.3 Configuring Network ................................................................................................... 59
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches vii
2.8.4 Adding a Device .......................................................................................................... 60
2.9 Integration: FireEye Helix and Symantec SWG...........................................................63
2.9.1 Configure Fireye Helix to Collect Logs from Symantec SWG ......................................63
2.10 Integration: FireEye Helix and PKWARE PKProtect ....................................................66
2.10.1 Configure the Helix Communications Broker ............................................................. 67
2.10.2 Configure PKWARE PKProtect to Forward Events ......................................................67
2.11 Integration: FireEye Helix and Cisco Duo ...................................................................69
2.11.1 Configure Fireye Helix to Collect Logs from Cisco Duo ...............................................69
2.12 Integration: FireEye Helix and QCOR ForceField ........................................................72
2.12.1 Configure an SFTP server on Windows ....................................................................... 73
2.12.2 Configure the Linux Machine to Download and Send Logs to the Helix
Communications Broker ............................................................................................. 74
2.13 Integration: FireEye Helix and Dispel .........................................................................75
2.14 Integration: Avrio SIFT and PKWARE PKProtect .........................................................75
2.14.1 Configuring PKWARE PKProtect .................................................................................. 75
2.15 Integration: Dispel and Cisco Duo ..............................................................................79
Appendix A List of Acronyms ................................................................. 80
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches viii
1 Introduction
The following volumes of this guide show information technology (IT) professionals and security
engineers how we implemented this example solution. We cover all of the products employed in this
reference design. We do not re-create the product manufacturers’ documentation, which is presumed
to be widely available. Rather, these volumes show how we incorporated the products together in our
lab environment.
Note: These are not comprehensive tutorials. There are many possible service and security configurations
for these products that are out of scope for this reference design.
Business decision makers, including chief security and technology officers, will be interested in the
Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-28A, which describes the following topics:
challenges that enterprises face in identifying vulnerable assets and protecting them from data
example solution built at the NCCoE
benefits of adopting the example solution
Technology or security program managers who are concerned with how to identify, understand, assess,
and mitigate risk will be interested in NIST SP 1800-28B, which describes what we did and why. The
following sections will be of particular interest:
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 1
IT professionals who want to implement an approach like this will find this whole practice guide useful.
You can use this How-To portion of the guide, NIST SP 1800-28C, to replicate all or parts of the build
created in our lab. This How-To portion of the guide provides specific product installation, configuration,
and integration instructions for implementing the example solution. We do not recreate the product
manufacturers’ documentation, which is generally widely available. Rather, we show how we
incorporated the products together in our environment to create an example solution.
This guide assumes that IT professionals have experience implementing security products within the
enterprise. While we have used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does
not endorse these particular products. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that adheres to
these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and implementing
parts of a solution to identify threats to and protect from a loss of data confidentiality. Your
organization’s security experts should identify the products that will best integrate with your existing
tools and IT system infrastructure. We hope that you will seek products that are congruent with
applicable standards and best practices. Section 3.6 Technologies, lists the products that we used and
maps them to the cybersecurity controls provided by this reference solution.
A NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide does not describe “the” solution but a possible solution. Comments,
suggestions, and success stories will improve subsequent versions of this guide. Please contribute your
thoughts to .
The NCCoE worked with members of the Data Confidentiality Community of Interest to develop a
diverse (but non-comprehensive) set of security scenarios against which to test the reference
implementation. These are detailed in Volume B, Section 5.2.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 2
1.3 Typographic Conventions
The following table presents typographic conventions used in this volume.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 3
• Data Management (Avrio) allows discovery and tracking of files throughout the enterprise.
• Data Protection (GreenTec, StrongKey, PKWARE) involves encryption and protection against
disclosure of sensitive files.
• User Access Controls (Cisco Duo) allows organizations to enforce access control policies, ensuring
that only authorized users have access to sensitive files.
• Browser Isolation (Symantec SWG) protects endpoints in the organization from malicious web-
based threats by utilizing multi-layered content inspection to block threats and remote isolation of
content from high-risk and unknown sites.
• Policy Enforcement (Cisco Duo) ensures that endpoints in the organization conform to specified
security policies, which can include certificate verification, installed programs, and machine posture.
• Security Information and Event Management (FireEye Helix) creates a baseline of a normal
enterprise activity for comparison in the event of a data confidentiality event. This function includes
the collection, aggregation, and analysis of logs throughout the enterprise, including logs from other
security tools, to provide a better picture of the overall health of the enterprise before a breach
should occur.
• Network Protection (Dispel) ensures that hosts on the network only communicate in allowed ways,
preventing side-channel attacks and attacks that rely on direct communication between hosts.
Furthermore, it protects against potentially malicious hosts joining or observing traffic (encrypted or
decrypted) traversing the network.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 4
2 Product Installation Guides
This section of the practice guide contains detailed instructions for installing and configuring all of the
products used to build an instance of the example solution. This implementation guide is split into
sections for each product and integrations between these products, aiming to present a modular
architecture where individual capabilities and products can be swapped out or excluded depending on
the needs of the organization. Organizations can choose to implement a partial architecture based on
their own risk assessments and data protection requirements.
In this setup, we detail the installation of a communications broker, which will be used to collect logs
from the enterprise and forward them to the cloud deployment. This installation took place on a CentOS
7 Virtual Machine.
7. Copy the zip file to the Helix Communications Broker certificate directory.
> sudo cp /opt/tap-nxlog/cert
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 5
12. Run the setup script.
> sudo ./
14. Enter the receiver URL provided in the Helix welcome email.
18. Select the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the machine where logs should be sent.
19. Enter 512 for the port number where logs should be sent.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 6
20. Select OK and press Enter.
2. Run nxlog-ce-2.10.2150.msi.
3. Click Next.
4. Check the box next to I accept the terms in the License Agreement.
5. Click Next.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 7
6. Click Next.
7. Click Install.
8. Click Finish.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 8
10. Copy the nxlog.conf file provided below.
Panic Soft
#NoFreeOnExit TRUE
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
<Extension _syslog>
Module xm_syslog
<Input in>
Module im_msvistalog
# For windows 2003 and earlier use the following:
# Module im_mseventlog
<Output out>
Module om_tcp
Port 512
Exec to_syslog_snare();
<Route 1>
Path in => out
12. You can verify that this connection is working by checking the logs in data\nxlog.log, and by not-
ing an increase in events on the Helix Dashboard.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 9
2.2.1 Configure Web Security Service (WSS)
1. Login to the Symantec portal by navigating to
4. Select Monitor.
5. Click Next.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 10
6. Select Suppress User/Group, Device Info, Client IP, Geolocation. (Note: If you are planning to
use this tool for network monitoring of organizational users, a less strict privacy policy may be
preferable; however, for this build, we are using Web Isolation primarily for external threats.)
7. Click Next.
9. Click Next. Indicate whether your users connect from a static location.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 11
10. Click Next. Indicate whether you want to configure an Auth Connector.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 12
12. Click Go To Product Setup.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 13
2. Click TLS/SSL Interception.
4. Download the certificate here. You can either install this individually in the Trusted Root Certifi-
cation Authorities store on individual machines or follow the below steps to distribute the certif-
icate via Group Policy.
6. Right click the Domain and select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here….
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 14
7. Enter a name and click OK.
9. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Window Settings > Security Settings > Public
Key Policies, and right click Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 15
13. Click Next.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 16
15. Click Finish.
2. Click Locations.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 17
3. Click Add Location.
6. Enter any public IP addresses of your organization, to ensure that traffic sent through the WSS
(Web Security Service) proxy is redirected to the proper dashboard.
7. Click Save.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 18
8. This page will now provide a URL to a PAC file that can be distributed to browsers across the or-
ganization via GPO. If you wish to create a custom PAC file, you can navigate to Connectivity >
PAC Files.
10. Right click the Domain and select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here….
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 19
12. Right click the newly created GPO and click Edit….
13. Navigate to User Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings.
14. Right click Internet Settings and select New > Internet Explorer 10 Properties.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 20
16. Click Local Area Network (LAN Settings).
18. Press F6 to enable it (it is enabled if the box has a solid green underline.
19. Enter the PAC file URL from earlier in the Address field.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 21
20. Click OK.
22. To verify that traffic is going through Isolation, you can visit the following test website, and sub-
stitute 1-10 for the threat level:
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 22
23. On this test URL (, levels 5-7 will go through isolation, and you will be able to
see the isolation traffic from the network tab in developer mode (F12) on the browser. Levels 8-
10 will be blocked by the content filter, and levels 1-4 will not go through isolation or content
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 23
2.3.1 Configure PKWARE with Active Directory
1. Login to the PKWARE web portal using the administrative credentials.
2. Once logged in, you can and should change the password to this administrative account by click-
ing Change Password in the top right corner.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 24
4. Click Join Domain.
5. Enter the Kerberos Realm, NetBIOS Domain, as well as the username and password of an admin-
istrative user on the domain.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 25
2.3.2 Create a New Administrative User
1. Navigate to Advanced > Admins.
3. Enter the username of a user on the domain that should be able to login through the PKWARE
management portal (this is meant for administrators only).
5. Click Save.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 26
2.3.3 Install Prerequisites
1. If needed for your environment, you may need to install certificates locally before agents can
connect to PKProtect - ask your PKWARE representative if this is necessary for your environ-
5. Click Next.
6. Click Browse.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 27
8. Click Next.
9. Click Finish.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 28
10. Click OK.
11. Repeat steps 1 through 10 but select Personal instead of Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 for each certificate that needs to be installed.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 29
2. Click Next.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Typical.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 30
6. Click Next.
7. Click Install.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 31
8. Click Finish.
9. If a window to login is not automatically shown, you can right click the PKProtect icon in the
Windows taskbar and click Login…. If a window is automatically shown, click Log in.
10. Login using the username of the account in the domain, in email format (such as administra-
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 32
2. Click Add Discovery.
4. Select a pattern for the rule to discover. In this case, we are setting up a rule to detect social se-
curity numbers in files for reporting/remediation.
5. The Threshold field refers to how many of those patterns must be present in a document for the
rule to be applied.
6. Click Save.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 33
8. Click Add.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 34
14. Navigate to Archive > Assignments.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 35
16. Enter a name for the Assignment.
19. Enter the names of the Active Directory users or groups this rule should apply to.
20. Enter the folders for this rule to search in Local Paths.
21. Use Whitelist and Blacklist to specify file types that should or should not be considered.
22. Enter the interval for this rule to run in Sweep Interval.
24. Select the Discovery rule created earlier under Smart Filter Bundles.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 36
25. Select the Remediation Action created earlier under Remediation Action.
27. This rule will now run automatically, reporting and encrypting files that match its discovery con-
2.4.1 Python Client for StrongKey – Windows Executable Creation and Use
1. Ensure that the following script (see end of section) is filled out with information specific to your
enterprise, including the variables skdid, skuser, and skpass.
3. This example will demonstrate how to create an executable from the script below. Download
Python 3.8.0 from the Python website:
380/. Specifically, download the Windows x86 executable installer. The 32-bit version will pro-
vide better access to Active Directory packages and interfaces.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 37
6. Click Install Now.
7. Click Close.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 38
11. From the PowerShell window, navigate to where you saved
12. Run the following command to build the client into an executable.
> pyinstaller --onefile .\
13. A folder called dist will be created. In this folder will be an executable named strongkey-cli-
14. To encrypt a file in place (i.e., overwrite the file with encrypted contents), run the following
> ./strongkey-client.exe -encrypt -overwrite --infile sensitive.txt
15. To encrypt a file and save it to a new location, run the following command:
> ./strongkey-client.exe -encrypt --outfile encrypted.txt --infile sensi-
16. To decrypt a file in place (i.e., overwrite the encrypted file with plaintext contents), run the fol-
lowing command:
> ./strongkey-client.exe -decrypt -overwrite --infile sensitive.txt
17. To decrypt a file and save it to a new location, run the following command:
> ./strongkey-client.exe -decrypt --outfile decrypted.txt --infile en-
18. This client can be configured to run on a schedule, or be iterated over a directory of files, de-
pending on the needs of the organization. Because the client is Python and StrongKey is REST
API based, the script is adaptable to various architectures and can be deployed widely across the
enterprises, to fill in gaps that the enterprise may have in its data protection capabilities.
import requests
import json
import argparse
if (encrypt):
req["encinfo"] = {
"algorithm": "AES",
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 39
req["fileinfo"] = {
"filename": name
req["authzinfo"] = {
"username": "encryptdecrypt",
#"userdn": "cn=encryptdecrypt,did="+skdid+",ou=users,ou=v2,ou=SKCE,ou=Stron-
"authgroups": "cn=EncryptionAuthor-
"requiredauthorization": 0
req["svcinfo"] = json.dumps(req["svcinfo"])
req["fileinfo"] = json.dumps(req["fileinfo"])
if (encrypt):
req["encinfo"] = json.dumps(req["encinfo"])
req["authzinfo"] = json.dumps(req["authzinfo"])
return req
def encrypt(filename,output,overwrite):
req = buildrequest(filename, True)
with open(filename, mode='rb') as f:
files = [('filedata', f)]
p = requests.request("POST", encurl, headers={}, data=req, files=files)
if (p.status_code == 200):
output = filename if overwrite else output
with open(output, mode='wb') as o:
def decrypt(filename,out,overwrite):
req = buildrequest(filename, False)
with open(filename, mode='rb') as f:
files = [('filedata', f)]
p = requests.request("POST", decurl, headers={}, data=req, files=files)
if (p.status_code == 200):
output = filename if overwrite else out
with open(output, mode='wb') as o:
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument("-encrypt", action='store_true')
group.add_argument("-decrypt", action='store_true')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument("-overwrite", action='store_true')
group.add_argument("--outfile", type=str)
a = parser.parse_args()
if (a.overwrite is True):
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 40
overwrite = True
out = ""
elif (a.outfile is not None):
out = a.outfile
overwrite = False
if (a.encrypt is True):
encrypt(a.infile, out, overwrite)
elif (a.decrypt is True):
decrypt(a.infile, out, overwrite)
2. Add the destination folder to the command line PATH variable if necessary. To do this, from the
start menu search for Environment Variables.
3. Double click the Path variable and add the path to the WFS API.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 41
4. Verify that the drives of the Qcor WFS server have been formatted to work with ForceField with
wfsdir command line utility that was just installed. The drives may be pre-formatted. Use the
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 42
following command to determine whether a drive is formatted. In place of “N”, enter the num-
ber of the drive to check.
> wfsdir N
5. If the hard drive(s) have not been formatted, use the wfsx command line tool to format your
drive. Note: Once performed, the formatting cannot be undone. The following instructions are
copied from the WFS User Guide.
> wfsfx <devicename> <options>
devicename is the device identifier of the disk to be formatted. For Windows, this is the
Windows disk number that may be found via the Windows Disk Manager (e.g. 1, 2, etc.). For
Linux, this is the physical device name (e.g. /dev/sdb/).
6. Files can then be copied into or out of the designated drives using the wfscopy command line
tool. The following instructions are copied from the WFS User Guide.
> wfscopy <source-file> <destination-file> <count>
One of the files must be a native Operating System (OS) file system file, and the other file must be a WFS
file. source-file is the name of the input file and may be a native OS filename, or a WFS filename. desti-
nation-file is the name of the input file and may be a native OS filename, or a WFS filename. count is the
optional number of bytes to copied. count defaults to all records.
The above command will copy the file named testfile.txt from the local directory to disk number 1 with
the same name. If the WFS file does not previously exist, then it is created. If the WFS file does
previously exist, then the data is appended to the existing WFS file as a new file extension.
> wfscopy 2:Contracts.pdf c:\myfolder\Contracts.pdf
The above command will copy all records from all extensions of the WFS file named Contract.pdf from
the disk, as identified as 2 by the Windows Disk Manager, to the Windows file C:\myfolder\Contracts.pdf
record by record.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 43
> wfscopy 4:myfile.txt con:
The above command will display the contents of the WFS file myfile.txt from disk 4 onto the console.
This is similar to using the type command in the Windows command line.
2. Click Configuration.
3. Under Enclaves, enter two locations. First, the path to the public Windows share, and second,
the path to the one protected by PKProtect. We will use this second path later in the integration
between PKProtect and SIFT. In this example, DCIPDRR is the path to the public share, and PRO-
TECTED is the path to the one protected by PKProtect. Enter user accounts that can access each
share. In production, it is recommended to create a separate user account for SIFT to use to ac-
cess these shares.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 44
7. Enter the keyword under Name, and an Alias (if desired). Check the box next to any enclaves
that are allowed to have this keyword – SIFT will be able to move files matching it to the en-
claves you check the box for.
11. Designate file types that are allowed to exist under each enclave.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 45
14. Designate the classifications that are allowed to exist under each enclave.
20. Select Move for Scan Type. (Note that if you select Scan for Scan Type, it will scan files and tell
you they are sensitive and whether they can be moved but will not attempt to move them. This
is useful for debugging.)
21. Select Delete for Move Action, or another action depending on the needs of your organization.
Selecting Delete will remove the sensitive file from the public share and move it to the pro-
tected one.
24. Set the frequency of the scan. Note that the efficiency of the scan will likely depend on the size
of the organization, and it may be more desirable to scan once an hour rather than once a mi-
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 46
25. Click Submit.
26. Now, you can verify that files that are added to the public share with sensitive keywords are
moved to the share designed to hold sensitive files.
In the following section, we demonstrate the installation of Cisco Duo on an internal system in such a
way that Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and local login to that system are protected by multifactor
2. Then connect to the internet, if not connected already, and go to the Duo Admin login page at
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 47
3. Login with your admin credentials and dual factor authentication until the admin dashboard is
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 48
6. Search for, or scroll down to, Microsoft RDP.
7. Click Protect.
8. The next screen will provide policy configuration options, as well as the Integration Key, Secret
Key, and API hostname, which are required information for the next step. Either keep this win-
dow open or copy down those three pieces of information.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 49
9. Download the Duo Authentication for Windows Logon installer package, located at
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 50
12. Copy the API Hostname into the labeled field.
14. Copy in the Integration and Secret Keys into the relevant fields and click Next.
16. Configure Duo’s integration options according to the needs of your organization. Note that By-
pass Duo authentication when offline will allow users to skip the two-factor authentication
when offline, which increases the availability of their files but may increase risk.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 51
17. Click Next.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 52
20. Leave Enable UAC Elevation Protection unchecked.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 53
23. Click Finish.
24. Installation should now be complete. Users registered on the Duo Dashboard with a linked
phone will be allowed access to the system.
2. Click Add New > User from the drop-down menu on the right.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 54
4. Click Add User.
5. This will lead you to that user’s information page, where additional information (full name,
email, phone number) and Duo authenticators (phone numbers, 2 Factor Authentication (2FA)
hardware tokens, WebAuthn, etc.) can be associated with that username. Note: A user will not
be able to log into a Duo protected system unless the user is registered and has an authentica-
tion device associated with their username.
2.8 Dispel
Dispel is a network protection and user access tool that we used to provide a Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure (VDI) capability. A typical deployment of Dispel is done in a largely managed fashion, with
a specific deployment being tailored to a network setup. The deployment in the NCCoE laboratory may
not be the best setup for any given network. The NCCoE deployment was done on an Ubuntu host with
Wide-Area Network (WAN) and Local-Area Network (LAN) interfaces, placing the device in-line between
the enterprise systems and the external network.
2.8.1 Installation
1. Deploy an Ubuntu machine with the provided specifications, ensuring that a provided ISO is at-
tached to the device.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 55
3. Begin the installation process
> install image
4. Press enter on the following three prompts, modifying any default options as desired.
6. Press enter on the remaining prompts, modifying any default options as desired.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 56
8. Press enter one final time to finish the installation
9. Power off the machine, remove the provided ISO, and power it back on.
10. Log in with the user “dispel” and the new password set in step 9.
11. Type in the command > ifconfig | grep inet. Verify the output to make sure it matches the
desired network configuration. If not, see the next section.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 57
2. Type in the command > configure.
3. Type in the command > del interfaces ethernet eth0, or whichever interface you are cur-
rently modifying.
4. Type in the command > set interfaces ethernet eth0 address followed by the desired IP
address in CIDR notation, modifying for the desired interface as appropriate.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 58
7. Type in the command > exit.
1. Type in the command > configure to the Dispel wicket device after logging in.
2. Type in the command > set protocols static route 0.0.0/0 next-hop followed by the IP
address of the router you wish to forward to.
6. On the designated router or firewall, ensure User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is allowed from the
Dispel device on the provided port. For the NCCoE deployment, port 1194 was utilized. A target
destination for the traffic will be provided by Dispel.
7. Modify the IP addresses of the south-side network interface to properly align with your net-
work. See the “Configuring IP Addresses” section above.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 59
2.8.4 Adding a Device
1. On the workstation in question, ensure that ping and RDP are accessible, including allowing such
connections through a local firewall.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 60
4. Under the Add Device window, fill out all fields, including Facility, Wicket, Name, Make, Model,
IP, and Protocol.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 61
6. Under Access for that device, search for the user(s) that will have access to that device. Verify
they have the correct access settings.
7. If a user is not already a member of the region, click Members in the sidebar and click Invite. Fill
out relevant information for this individual and click Invite this Member.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 62
2.9 Integration: FireEye Helix and Symantec SWG
In this integration the output of the web isolation tool, Symantec SWG, will be forwarded to our Security
Information and Event Management (SIEM), FireEye Helix. In this guide, we will aim to forward most
logs to our SIEM, which can collect, analyze, and report on these logs to better maintain awareness of
our systems and provide a single interface for analyzing the health of the system. Logs from SWG will
allow us to see statistics on the number of threats that have been blocked, as well as any administrative
changes made to the SWG product.
2. Navigate to Account Configuration by clicking the gear icon on the left sidebar.
4. Click Add.
5. Check the boxes next to Reporting Access Logs, Location Management, Audit Logs, Agent Con-
fig Management, and Egress IP.
7. Copy the Username and Password provided, as you will not be able to retrieve these once you
create the credential.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 63
8. Click Save.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 64
10. Click Add Cloud Connection.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 65
13. Enter the username and password from the credential created earlier.
15. Click Back to Home. You will now be able to see events from Symantec SWG in Helix.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 66
decryptions that may indicate a breach. This section assumes the Helix Communications Broker has
already been installed.
20. Select the IP address of the network interface which should receive logs.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 67
5. Uncheck the box next to Use Internal Elasticsearch.
7. Click Save.
10. Enter the URL and port of the Helix Communications Broker that was just configured.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 68
2.11 Integration: FireEye Helix and Cisco Duo
In this integration, FireEye Helix will be configured to collect logs from Cisco Duo. Cisco Duo is our multi-
factor authentication mechanism and acts as source of information both for detecting breaches and for
detecting insider threats. Information about a login, such as the username, time, location, are all useful
in the event of a breach. Furthermore, they are useful as a baseline for user activity, which can be used
as a comparison point for detecting unusual behavior.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 69
3. Click Admin API.
4. Scroll down and check the boxes next to Grant administrators, Grant read information, Grant
applications, Grant settings, Grant read log, Grant read resource, and Grant write resource
5. Click Save.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 70
8. Click See Available Connections.
10. Click the Arrow next to the Cisco Duo integration and click Install.
11. Copy the Integration Key, Secret Key, and API hostname (not including to the
appropriate fields on the Helix Cloud Connect page.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 71
12. Click Submit and Verify.
13. If successful, you should see a screen about the integration being successful.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 72
2.12.1 Configure an Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server on Windows
In this section, we will configure an SFTP server on the Windows system to allow for encrypted,
automated download of Forcefield’s logs onto a Linux server. We have specifically elected not to use
Windows Server Message Block (SMB) for this scenario because we would like to demonstrate an
encrypted transfer of logs from Windows to Linux. We chose SFTP over FTPS because automation of File
Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS) would at some point require a plaintext password, while SFTP can
default to the system’s Secure Shell (SSH) capabilities.
Once on Linux, rsyslog can be configured to use TLS for encrypted transfer according to the needs of the
3. In a Powershell window, navigate to the folder you extracted it to, and run the following com-
mand to install the server.
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ./install-sshd.ps1
4. Run the following command to open the firewall port for OpenSSH.
Run New-NetFirewallRule -Name sshd -DisplayName 'OpenSSH SSH Server' -Enabled
True -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -Action Allow -LocalPort 22 -Program
7. Generate a key using ./ssh-keygen. Copy the contents of the generated public key (.pub file)
into the authorized_keys file created earlier. The private key should be placed in the ~/.ssh
folder on the Linux machine.
10. Select Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object.
11. Using the remove button, remove all accounts other than SYSTEM from the list. Ensure that the
SYSTEM account has full control.
13. Comment out these lines by adding ‘#’ characters before each line, like so:
#Match Group administrators
# AuthorizedKeysFile __PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 73
14. Add the following lines to the sshd_config file to ensure that RSA public key authentication is
PubkeyAuthentication yes
15. Add the directory C:\Program Files\OpenSSH to the system path – this is necessary so that the
server can find the sftp-server.exe file.
16. Add the following lines to sshd_config file to configure the SFTP server.
ForceCommand internal-sftp
ChrootDirectory C:\GreenTec\ForceField\log
17. Alternatively, if it’s preferable to set the root directory somewhere else and move the log file,
you can also do that. To edit the log file location, simply open C:\GreenTec\Forcefield\wfs.conf
and change Logpath to a different directory, and update ChrootDirectory to point to that.
18. After doing this, you should be able to authenticate over SSH to the server. If the authentication
fails, you can check the logs in Event Viewer on the server, under Applications and Services Logs
> OpenSSH > Operational to see the reason for the failure.
2.12.2 Configure the Linux Machine to Download and Send Logs to the Helix
Communications Broker
19. On the Linux server, we can use sftp to download the file. Ensure that you replace the username
and hostname with the username and hostname of your actual SSH server.
sftp administrator@forcefield.dc.ipdrr:/ForceField.log /tmp/ForceField.log
20. For automation purposes, we can use cron jobs to automatically download this file at regular
intervals. Use crontab to edit the list of cron jobs.
Crontab -e
21. Enter the interval and command for sftp in the crontab file. The following line will download the
log file once an hour. Ensure that you replace the username and hostname with the username
and hostname of your actual SSH server.
0 * * * * sftp administrator@forcefield.dc.ipdrr:/ForceField.log
22. Next, we will use rsyslog to forward this log file to the Helix Comm Broker.
23. Open /etc/rsyslog.conf, and add the following line, using the IP and port of the Helix Comm Bro-
ker. (Note that putting a single ‘@’ symbol here indicates UDP. Use two, such as ‘@@’ for TCP.)
*.* @
24. Create a file /etc/rsyslog.d/forcefield.conf and enter the following lines in it.
sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.d/forcefield.conf
$ModLoad imfile
$InputFilePollInterval 10
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 74
$PrivDropToGroup adm
$InputFileName /tmp/ForceField.log
$InputFileStateFile Stat-FORCEFIELD
$InputFileFacility local8
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 1000
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 75
3. Click Pattern – Dictionary.
6. Click Save.
8. Under Pattern, select the name of the Pattern you just created.
9. For Threshold, enter the number of matches of this pattern needed to consider the file sensi-
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 76
10. Click Save.
12. Ensure that a PKWARE client is installed on the device which will be monitored for encryption.
The device should show up in the list. If it doesn’t you can search for the device and select it
from the list.
13. Click Add on the device you wish to add a locker for.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 77
17. Select the PKWARE Smartkey to use.
20. Add the relevant rules to the Smart Filter Bundles box.
23. Now the folder on the device you selected will be monitored, and files which match the selected
rules will be encrypted automatically.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 78
2.15 Integration: Dispel and Cisco Duo
In this build, Dispel acts as an intermediary between the user and enterprise systems, by providing
temporary remote desktops with access to enterprise systems. In this integration, we primarily installed
Cisco Duo on the enterprise systems, to require multifactor authentication over RDP between Dispel’s
temporary remote desktops and the enterprise systems.
In this particular integration, no extra work was required other than installing Cisco Duo (see Section
2.7) on systems to control remote desktop access between Dispel machines and the other machines.
However, it is important for organizations to check that this integration works and is present, to ensure
that multifactor authentication is being applied to users who are logging in remotely.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 79
Appendix A List of Acronyms
Provide a list of alphabetized acronyms and abbreviations and spell out each one. Use Word Style:
Glossary. Bold each acronym to enhance readability.
NIST SP 1800-28C: Data Confidentiality: Identifying and Protecting Data Against Data Breaches 80