Organic Compounds
Organic Compounds
Organic Compounds
4. Take 2 ml of cerric ammonium nitrate solution in a test tube. Red colour appears.
Add 1 ml of glycerol solution. Shake well.
Noot1n /SC Chemistry Lab Manual XII
5 I To 2 ml of glycerol , add about 1 ml of copper sulphate solution A blue colouration 1s produced .
followed by few drops of NaOH solut ion .
7. Take about 2 ml of Tollen's reagent. Now add 2-3 drops of Shining silver mirror is formed on sta nding.
glycerol and heat the content by keeping it in boiling water for
5 minutes without disturbing it.
Tests for Formaldehyde
S. No. Experiment Observation
1. To 1 ml of formaldehyde, add freshly prepared strong solution A white precipitate is formed which readily
of pyrogallol containing excess of hydrochloric acid. turns pink and then deep red .
2. 1 ml of 1% phenyl hydrazine solution is mixed with 1 ml of A deep blue colour appears which turns
freshly prepared solution of sodium nitroprusside. This mixture green to brown and finally red on standing.
is now added to 5 ml of formaldehyde and finally the contents
are made alkaline by adding excess NaOH solution.
3. Treat 2 ml of formaldehyde with equal volume of Fehling A red precipitate of Cu20 is formed.
solution A and 8. Shake and heat.
6. To 1 ml of formaldehyde, add a crystal of resorcinol and shake. A red ring is formed at the junction of
Then add about 1 ml conc.H2 S0 4 slowly by the side of test two liquids but white ppt. is formed in
tube. aqueous layer.
7. Add 2 ml of Tollen's reagent to 2 ml of formal in. Warm the Shiny silver mirror forms at the walls of
contents. the test tube.
CH3 "-c= o)
- - -- -- - ACETONE ( CH 3
Take 2 ml of acetone and add about 1 ml of NaOH solution A ruby red colouration is produced . The
followed by 2 to 3 drops of freshly prepared solution of sodium red colour fades to yellow or disappears.
nitroprusside. Allow to stand for a while. Warm gently and
then cool .
2. Add few crystals of iodine to 1 ml of acetone. Shake till the Yellow crystals of iodoform are formed
crystals dissolve completely. Now add dilute NaOH solution which have a characteristic smell.
and shake till brown colour disappears. Heat gently and cool.
3. Add few crystals of iodine to 2 ml of acetone and then add A black ppt. is formed on heating which
NH 0H solution with constant shaking. Warm gently and cool. changes to yellow on cooling.
4. To 1 ml of acetone, add few drops of freshly prepared solution A violet colour is produced . This colour
of sodium nitroprusside and then NH 0H solution. Warm and disappears on warming and reappears on
cool. cooling.
5. To about 1 ml of acetone, add about 1 ml of saturated solution White crystalline ppt. is formed.
of sodium bisulphite followed by a few crystals of sodium
acetate. Shake the contents.
6. Take about 1 ml of mercuric chloride (HgC1 2) solution. To this Yellow crystals are formed which finally
add dilute solution of NaOH drop by drop till no further change dissolve on addition of original substance.
takes place. To this add acetone or original substance drop by
drop till there is no further change in the content.
2. Take about 2 ml of 1% aqueous solution of benzoic acid in a A pleasant fruity smell appears.
test tube. To it, add 5-10 drops of ethanol and 2 ml of cone.
H2S04. Heat the test tube in boiling water bath.
3. Take about 2 ml of 1% aqueous solution of benzoic acid add Buff coloured ppt. is formed
neutral FeCl 3 solution. '
lt .. t, for An i l in e
J Take 2 ml 0 ~ glucose solution in a test tube and add Brick red ppt. of Cu 2O is formed .
2 ml of Fehllng's solution.
4. Take 2 ~I of glucose solution in a test tube . To this, Light pink colour appears.
add a pinch of resorcinol and 1 ml of concentrated
hydrochloric acid . Shake the contents and warm the
test tube .
5. Rapid funural test : Take 2 ml of glucose solution in a
test tube. Now add 2-3 drops of alcoholic solution of A violet ring appears at the junction of two liquids.
a -naphthol solution and add 1 ml of cone . H 2so4
carefully by the side of the test tube.
~, To about 2 ml of glucose solution add 2 ml of Tollen's Shiny silver mirror forms at the inner wall of the test
reagent. Place the test tube in 'a· be~ker of boiling tube.
water for 2 minutes .
- - -- -- - - - PROTEINS ·- - - - - - - -
Proteins are high molecular mass complex biomolecules of amino acids present in all living
cells. Chemically proteins are condensation polymers (polyamides) in which the monomer units are
a-amino acids. The chief source of proteins are milk, cheese, pulses, peanuts, fish, meat etc. They
occur in every part of the body and form the fundamental basis of structure and functions of life.
Te~t~ for P rotein s/ Identifica tion of Proteins
Experiment Observation
Take about 1 g sample of condensed milk powder
I (contains about 28% of milk solid) and dissolve it in 10
I ml distilled water. Shake the contents well and divide into
1two parts :
(i) To first part add 2 ml of copper (11) sulphate solution. A violet or purple colour develops.
Shake. Now add 5 ml NaOH solution. Observe the
change (Biuret test).
(ii) Xa1thoprote,c test : To the second part add 2 ml An orange colour is produced.
cone. nitric acid . Boil the contents. Now add 5 ml
ammonium hydroxide solution . Observe the change.