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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Acharya Institute of Technology
Soladevanhalli Bangalore.
Odd Sem 2024-25 (Working Professionals)
Sub with Code: Turbomachines (BME502) Semester: V (B)
QN Question CO Marks BL
1 Write the difference between Impulse and reaction steam turbines 3 10 2
2 Write a note on compounding of steam turbines and explain any two types of
3 10 2
compounding with neat sketches
3 Derive an expression for maximum blade efficiency for single stage impulse
3 10 3
4 Derive an expression for maximum hydraulic efficiency for Pelton wheel 4 10 3
5 With a neat schematic diagram explain the construction and working of
4 10 2
Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine
6 Draw the velocity triangle for the fast, slow and medium runner in Francis turbine 4 10 2
7 With a neat sketch, explain different types of Draft tubes 4 10 2
8 A Kaplan turbine working under a head of 20m develops 11772kW of shaft power.
The outer diameter of runner is 3.5m and hub diameter is 1.75m. The guide blade
angle at the extreme edge of the runner is 35o. The hydraulic and overall
4 10 3
efficiencies of the turbines are 88% and 84% respectively. If the velocity of whirl is
zero at outlet, determine i) Runner vane angle at the inlet and outlet at the extreme
edge of the runner ii) speed of the turbine
9 The following data refers to Delaval turbine. Velocity of steam at exit of the nozzle
is 1000m/s with a nozzle angle 200. The blade velocity is 400m/s and blades are
equiangular. Assume a mass flow rate of 1000kg/hr, friction coefficient 0.8, nozzle 3 10 3
efficiency is 0.95, calculate i) blade angles ii) Work done /per of steam iii) Power
developed iv) Blade efficiency v) Stage efficiency
10 In a single stage impulse turbine, the mean diameter of blades is 1m. It runs at
3000rpm. The steam is supplied from a nozzle at a velocity of 350m/s and the
nozzle angle is 20o. The rotor blades are equiangular. The blade friction factor is 3 10 3
0.86. Draw the velocity diagram and calculate the power developed if the axial
thrust is 117.72 Newtons
11 In a Curtis stage with two rows of moving blades the rotor are equiangular. The
first rotor has angle of 29o each while second rotor has angle of 32o each. The
velocity of steam at the exit of nozzle is 530m/s and the blade coefficients are 0.9
3 10 3
in the first, 0.95 in the stator and in the second rotor. If the absolute velocity at the
stage exit should be axial, find i) Mean blade speed ii) The rotor efficiency iii) The
power output for a flow rate of 32kg/s
12 In a two-row velocity compounded impulse steam turbine, the steam from the
nozzle issues at a velocity of 600m/s. The nozzle angle is 20o to the plane of
rotation of the wheel. The mean diameter of rotor is 1m and the speed is 3000rpm.
Both rows of moving blades have equiangular blades. The intermediate row of
fixed guide blades makes the steam flow again at 200 to the second moving blade 3 10 3
ring. The frictional losses in each row are 3%. Find i) The inlet and outlet angles of
moving blades of each row ii) The inlet blade angle of the guide blade iii) The
power output of first and second moving blade rings for unit mass flow rate iv) the
blade efficiency v) the stage efficiency (assume nozzle efficiency =0.95)
13 A Pelton wheel produces 15500kW under a head of 350m at 500rpm. if the overall
efficiency of the wheel is 84%. Find i) Required number of jets and diameter of
4 10 3
each jet ii) Number of buckets iii) Tangential force exerted Assume: jet ratio =9.5,
θ =1600, Φ =0.46.

14 The penstock supplies water from a reservoir to the Pelton wheel with a
gross head of 500m. One third is lost in friction in the penstock. The rate of
flow of water through the nozzle fitted at the end of penstock is 2m3/s. The
4 10 3
angle of deflection of the jet is 165o. Determine the power given by the
water to the runner and hydraulic efficiency of the Pelton wheel. Take speed
ratio 0.45 and Cv =1.0
15 A double over hung Pelton wheel unit is to produce 30000kW at the generator
under an effective head of 300m at base of the nozzle. Find the size of the jet, mean
diameter of the runner, speed and specific speed of each Pelton turbine. Assume 4 10 3
generator efficiency = 93%, Pelton wheel efficiency = 85%, speed ratio = 0.46, jet
velocity coefficient =0.97, and jet ratio 12.
16 Two jet strike at buckets of a Pelton wheel, which is having shaft power as
14715kW. The diameter of each jet is given as 150mm. If the net head on the
turbine is 500m, find the overall efficiency, take Cv = 1.0 and speed ratio =0.46. If 4 10 3
the blade angle at outlet is 150 and reduction in relative velocity over the bucket is
5%, find the hydraulic efficiency

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course students will be able to
CO 1: L3 Describe the concept of turbo machines, dimensional, model and prototype analysis
CO 2: L3 Illustrate the working of power generating and absorbing machines
CO 3: L3 Illustrate the working of steam turbines
CO 4: L3 Explain the working of the Hydraulic turbines
CO 5: L3 Explain the working of the centrifugal pumps and compressors
CO 6: L3 Demonstrate and infer the results
CO 7: L3 Evaluate the performance and demonstrate the experiments

Signature of HOD. Signature of Module Coordinator Signature of Staff.

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