Observation File 2024
Observation File 2024
Observation File 2024
minambakkam, Chennai-27.
Class – xii
observation file
Class: ________
Sec: _____________
Expt No: ___________ Date: _________________
Apparatus/Chemicals required:
Beakers of 100ml, 250ml, 50ml each, glass rod, Bunsen burner, Starch-1g and distilled
water-100 ml.
Starch sol- Lyophilic sol.
Water- Dispersion medium.
Starch- Dispersed Phase.
The sol is quite stable and is not affected by the presence of an electrolytic impurity.
1. About 100 ml of distilled water is taken in a 250 ml beaker and heated to about
100° C.
2. To the boiling solution added a thin paste of starch prepared by mixing one gram of
starch with 2 ml of distilled water with continuous stirring.
3. The colourless translucent sol obtained is filtered through a filter paper using a
funnel. This is the starch sol which is a colloid in which solid is the dispersed phase and
liquid is the dispersion medium
Colloidal sol of starch has been prepared. The same procedure is repeated with gum in
place of starch.
(i) Continuous stirring should be done while adding the starch slurry.
(ii) Addition in excess will cause precipitation.
To prepare a colloidal sol of ferric hydroxide.
Apparatus/Chemicals required:
Beakers of 100 ml, 250 ml, 50 ml each, glass rod, Bunsen burner, 2g of Fe(OH)3 and
distilled water.
Ferric hydroxide sol - Lyophobic sol.
Water- Dispersion medium.
Ferric hydroxide - Dispersed Phase.
It is prepared by the hydrolysis of ferric chloride with boiling distilled water.
FeCl3 (aq) + 3H2O → Fe(OH)3 + 3HCl (aq).
The HCl formed during the reaction tries to destabilize the sol and therefore should be
removed from the sol by dialysis.
A wine red sol of ferric hydroxide is obtained.
1. About 100 ml of distilled water is taken in a beaker and heated to about 100° C.
2. To the boiling solution added a thin paste of Fe(OH)3, prepared by mixing one gram of
Ferric hydroxide with 2 ml of distilled water.
3. A wine red sol is obtained. This sol is filtered through a filter paper using a funnel.
This is called as Ferric hydroxide sol which is a colloid in which solid is the
dispersed phase and liquid is the dispersion medium
Theory- (a) Ferrous ammonium sulphate is a double salt having molar mass 392 gmol-1.
Its molecular formula is Fe(SO4).(NH4)2SO4.6H2O.
(i) Type of titration: Redox Titration
(ii) Reducing agent: FAS (iii) Oxidizing agent: KMnO4
(iv) Medium: Acidic (H2SO4) (vi) Temperature: Room temperature.
Molecular reaction:
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5 [O]
[Fe(SO4).(NH4)2SO4.6H2O.+ H2 SO4 + [O] → Fe2(SO4)3 + 2(NH4)2SO4.+ 13 H2O] x
2KMnO4 + 10 Fe(SO4).(NH4)2SO4.6H2O + 8H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 +5 Fe2(SO4)3 +
10(NH4)2SO4 + 6H2O
Ionic equations involved:
Reduction Half: MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- → Mn2+ + 4H2O
Oxidation Half: 5Fe2+ → 5Fe3+ + 5e-_____________
Overall Equation: MnO4- + 8H+ + 5Fe2+ → Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2O
1. A Standard solution of M/20 Mohr’s salt is prepared.
2. The burette is washed, rinsed with KMnO4 and then filled with KMnO4 up to zero level.
3. Pipetted out 20ml. of FAS solution into the conical flask. Added one test tube full of dil. H2SO4.
4. A white glazed tile is kept under the burette and placed the conical flask on it. The initial
burette reading is noted.
5. The KMnO4 solution is run down into the conical flask drop wise with continuous shaking.
The titration is stopped when a permanent pink colour is obtained in the solution.
6. This is the end point. The final burette reading is noted. The titrations are repeated until two
concordant values are obtained.
Short procedure:
Burette solution: KMnO4 of unknown strength
Pipette solution: 20 mL of M/20 FAS
Additional solution: 20 mL of dil. H2SO4
Condition: Room Temperature
Indicator: Self(KMnO4) in acidic medium
End point: Appearance of permanent pale pink colour
Molar mass of FAS: 392g/mol
Molar mass of KMnO4: 158g/mol
Burette reading in Volume of Concordant
S.No cc KMnO4 value Indicator
Initial Final (in cc) (in cc)
1 0 Self
2 0 (KmnO4)
3 0
Volume of FAS (V1) =20 ml.
No of electrons involved in redox reaction(n1) =1
Molarity of FAS (M1) =1/20 M
Volume of KmnO4 (V2) =_________ ml.
No of electrons involved in redox reaction (n2) = 5
V1M1n1 = V2M2n2
Molarity of KmnO4(M2) = V1M1n1/ V2n2 = (20 x 1/20 x 1)/____ x ____
=______ M
Strength of KmnO4 = Molarity x Molar Mass
=158 x ___________M
Theory- (a) Oxalic acid is a dicarboxylic acid having molar mass 126 gmol-1.
Its molecular formula is COOH-COOH.2H2O.
(i) Type of titration: Redox Titration
(ii) Reducing agent: Oxalic acid (iii) Oxidizing agent: KMnO4
(iv) Medium: Acidic (H2SO4) (vi) Temperature: 60°C (increases the rate of the
Molecular reaction:
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5 [O]
[HOOC-COOH.2H2O + [O] → 2CO2 + H2O] X 5_________________
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5 HOOC-COOH.2H2O → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 +8H2O + 10 CO2
1. A Standard solution of M/50 Oxalic acid is prepared.
2. The burette is washed, rinsed with KMnO4 and then filled with KMnO4 up to zero level.
3. Pipetted out 20ml. of oxalic acid solution into the conical flask. Added one test tube full of dil.
H2SO4 and heated the solution to about 600C to increase the rate of the reaction.
4. A white glazed tile is kept under the burette and placed the conical flask on it. The initial
burette reading is noted.
5. The KMnO4 solution is run down into the conical flask drop wise with continuous shaking.
The titration is stopped when a permanent pink colour is obtained in the solution.
6. This is the end point. The final burette reading is noted. The titrations are repeated until two
concordant values are obtained.
Short procedure:
Burette solution: KMnO4 of unknown strength
Pipette solution: 20 mL of M/50 Oxalic acid
Additional solution: 20 mL of dil. H2SO4
Condition: Bearable warmth-(600 C to 700 C)
Indicator: Self(KMnO4) in acidic medium
End point: Appearance of permanent pale pink colour
Molar mass of Oxalic acid: 126g/mol
Molar mass of KMnO4: 158g/mol
Burette reading in Volume of Concordant
S.No cc KMnO4 value Indicator
Initial Final (in cc) (in cc)
1 0 Self
2 0 (KmnO4)
3 0
To separate the coloured components present in a mixture of red and green ink by ascending
paper chromatography and to find their Rf values.
Apparatus/Chemicals required:
Whatman filter paper, gas jar, gas jar lid, a mixture of green and red ink, capillary tube, ruler and
In this type of chromatography a special adsorbent paper (Whatman filter paper) is used.
Moisture ladened Whatman filter paper acts as stationary phase and the solvent acts as the
mobile phase.
1. A Whatman filter paper is taken and a line is drawn which is 2 cm above from one of its end.
2. Using a capillary tube a drop of mixture of ink is put at the point on the base line. The spot is
made richer by placing one more drop.
3. A gas jar is filled with a mixture of distilled water and a little amount of alcohol to half its
4. The chromatography paper is developed by placing the paper in a gas jar, taking care that the
spot is above the solvent.
5. The solvent rises due to capillary action and the components get separated out as they rise up
with the solvent at different rates. The developed paper is called a chromatogram.
6. The distance moved by the green ink, red ink and solvent front from the base line is
7. Rf (retention factor) values are then calculated, which is the ratio of the distance moved by
the component to the distance moved by the solvent front.
Rf = Distance travelled by the component from the base line
Distance travelled by the solvent front from the base line
Rf of green ink = Rf of red ink =
Tabulation (on the blank page)
S.No Substance Distance travelled by Distance travelled by Rf value
different components the solvent front
1 Red + Green Red Red
2 Red + Green Green Green
(Chromatogram should be dried and kept safely. It must be pasted on the blank page of the
Theory: Mohr’s salt i.e. Ferrous ammonium sulphate [FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O] is a double salt. It can be
prepared by mixing equimolar solution of hydrated ferrous sulphate and ammonium sulphate in
minimum amount of water. A few ml of dil. H2SO4 is added to prevent the hydrolysis of FeSO4.7H2O.
Cooling of the hot saturated solution yields light green crystals of Mohr’s salt.
FeSO4.7H2O + (NH4)2SO4 → FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O + H2O
1. About 7.5 g of FeSO4. is dissolved in minimum quantity of water and about 6.5 g of (NH 4)2SO4 is
dissolved in minimum quantity of water.
2. Both the solutions are mixed in a china dish, boiled to the crystallization point, filtered and crystallized.
Expt No: ___________ Date: _________________
To prepare crystals of Potash alum.
Potash alum, a double salt, commonly known as Fitkari has the formula K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O. It can be
prepared by mixing equimolar solution of potassium sulphate and aluminium sulphate in minimum
amount of water. A few ml of dil. H2SO4 is added to prevent the hydrolysis of Al2(SO4)3.18H2O.
Cooling of the hot saturated solution yields colourless crystals of Potash alum.
K2SO4 + Al2(SO4)3.18H2O + 6H2O → K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O
1. About 8 g of K2SO4 is dissolved in minimum quantity of water and about 16 g of Al 2(SO4)3 is dissolved in
minimum quantity of water.
2. Both the solutions are mixed in a china dish, boiled to the crystallization point, filtered and crystallized.
Colour of the crystals: White.
Shape of the crystals: Octahedral.
Signature of the teacher
Analysis of a Simple Salt- 1
Aim: To analyse the given simple salt and to report the cation and anion with a systemic procedure.
Apparatus required: Test tubes, Boiling tubes, test tube stand, watch glass, spatula, and the required
2 Odour/ Smell
2. Smell
3. Density
Aim: To identify the phenol and carboxylic acid from the given samples A and B.
Apparatus/Chemicals required: Samples A and B, Sodium Nitrite, ferric chloride solution,
Conc. H2SO4, litmus paper, Sodium Nitrite, Ethanol, test tubes, water bath and Bunsen burner.
2 Organic compound +
Ammoniacal Silver Nitrate
Solution- Tollen’s reagent
and heated on a water bath.
3 Organic compound X +
Fehling’s A and Fehling’s B
and heated on a water bath.
4 Organic compound X +
Schiff’s reagent
(i) RCHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]+ + 3OH- → RCOO- + 4NH3 + 2Ag ↓ + 2H2O (ii) RCHO + 2Cu2+ +
5OH- → RCOO- + Cu2O + 3H2O
2 Organic compound + m-
dinitro benzene + NaOH
The given sample X is _______________
The given sample Y is _______________
Aim: To identify the aldehydes and Ketones from the given samples C and D.
2 Organic compound +
Bromine liquid
The given sample C is _________________
The given sample D is _________________