Automation &Control
Lecture 1
Introduction to Mechatronic Systems
Mechatronic Systems
Mechatronic Systems Introduction
As products and technological operations become increasingly complex to meet demands
on performance, reliability, and cost and In addition to being interdisciplinary in nature
involving synergistic interaction of many engineering fields and applied sciences,
through the use the technologies for mechanics, electrics and electronics, hydraulic and
pneumatic with information technologies and computer technologies together to achieve
the system goals which cannot be achieved through a purely engineering system alone as
mechanical or electrical ..... etc. This made Mechatronics emerge as a new branch
of engineering. Therefore best define of mechatronic is:
Figure (1)
Introduction to Mechatronic Systems
The mechanism of work of Mechatronics systems as follows: system takes and deals with
variables from the surrounding environment, and process them to generate response
output signals, and convert them, for example, into forces, movements and actions , as shown
in scheme (2).
Figure (2)
Automation is becoming involved in a different fields of the human life like business,
banking and office works for operating equipment of systems , steering of vehicles,
aircraft, ships, and other applications , but are mainly involved in the industrial field.
Introduction to Mechatronic Systems
There are two types of control systems commonly used: open-loop and closed-loop
Open loop
These control systems operate with human input. The control action is independent of
the output. In household use, a washing machine is an example of an open-loop system
because someone needs to make selections among the settings for it runs. A time-based
traffic light system is an industrial example of an open-loop control system, where
traffic engineers must decide the timing for the stop, go and caution lights.
These systems can be actively managed or set to operate autonomously. They use
feedback signals from the system to provide automatic control and maintain specific
settings or a desired state without human intervention.
The object of the automation systems is use of various control systems for operating
equipment’s and processes with the best use of available resources, material, money and
machines and the human workers function is limited to machine supervisory control,
corrective adjustment, and retooling of the automated machine for product changes.
The term ‘automation’ brings together two ideas: the notion of the machines which is
designed to perform mechanically processes, and the notion of an automatic control
system to direct them. Automation has been achieved by various means including
mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic devices, sensors and computers,
usually in combination.
Space Applications:- the automation systems management the works of space stations
through controls the energy, data transmission between satellite and earth or between two
satellites..... etc.
Automation Banking:- Provide some of the advantages in this field like the security:
where the automation banking enhances the security in data processing for costumers ,
Banking online Services and banking services ( ATM : Automated teller machine).....etc.
Introduction to Mechatronic Systems
Introduction to Mechatronic Systems
3.The automation engineer must understand the process and its needs to select the
appropriate instruments to monitor and control all the necessary variables.
4.Choose and programming a controller and ensuring the proper communication
between the actuators and control unit with electrical or mechanical parts and
finally monitoring the automation processes on an ongoing basis.
Figure (5)