Automation &Control
Lecture 2
The Basic Components of Automation System
Automation System consists of numerous components , may also communicate with one
another to exchange information necessary for overall coordination and optimized
operation of the required process or plant systems ....etc. Automation systems usually
consists of several of mechanisms ,elements , devices and programs which can perform a
variety of functions related to Instrumentation, Control, Supervision and Operations
Management related to the different automatic operations.
The basic components which used to design and building the automation system
for required processes are:
Hardware is what can touch in the actual form. In automation systems (hardware) is
a general term for various physical components to make the system can be working
and they are the most visible parts , which include the equipment’s such as
computers, scanners , sensors, actuators ...etc, i.e the equipment’s which it use to
receive signals, commands, or data from the control units and transform it and
present it to the user as an output i.e as an accomplishment of the work to be
accomplished The fixed (hardware) components in automation, as primarily
1.1. Measurement systems.
The measurement is an important subsystem generally in a mechatronics system and in
particular in robot and automation application. Its main function is to collect the
information on system status and the outer perimeter and sent it to unit control in the
system i.e. give the system user a numerical value describing exactly the general
situation of the variable being measurement.
I .Sensor is the Element of the system which is effectively in contact with the process for
which a variable is being measured and gives an output which depends in some way on
the value of the variable.
Sensor: It’s defined as an element which can measure continuous and discrete process
variables and produces signal relating to the quantity being measured and the output is
usually an ‘electrical quantity.
Sensors are used to carry out the process monitoring activities, transfer information
to and from the system and to alarm the operators about the failure of any of the sub
units in system and this help to achieve high product quality.
Note: the sensor represents the link between the automated system and the real world.
II-Transducer: It’s defined as a device that can converts the signal of energy from one
form to another.
II. Counters: used in automation systems to count the number of items which entered,
exited, or passed through the system.
The counters which used in the automation systems that may be electronic, mechanical,
electrical or electromechanical. The most prominent types of counters are:
1- Input counter
This type of counter to count the numbers of items or elements which enters to
the system.
2. Output counter
This type of counter to count the numbers of items or elements which come out of the
III.Timer :is a device used in automation systems that outputs a signal at a preset time
and allow the automation system to activate or stopped different functions at a pre-set
time and for helps to alert operators or the users to the time of start and end of
the required operation , whether for all operation or to the part of this operation ,
according to what is required.
The timer devices are a great way to cut energy usage and costs, by specifying
which appliances need to be operating or stopped at any given time
Bar code reader: is an electronic device that can read and output printed barcodes to a
computer or controller system. . Figure below, shown a form of the Barcodes and Bar
code Readers.
1.4. Actuator Systems.
Actuator is a component of automation system that is responsible providing the
necessary energy for moving the mechanism or system through accepting a control
command (mostly in the form of an electrical signal) and can produce a change in the
physical mode by converting actuator energy, often electrical, air, or hydraulic....etc ,
into motion or force i.e. converts the controlling signal into the required form of motions.
The selection of the engine is dependent on the type of required operation. Actuators can
create a linear motion, rotary motion or oscillatory motion. Some actuators work in the
form of only is on and off but the other actuators work in the form of respond
proportionally with the signal they receive from a controller.
Types of Actuators:
Most commonly employed methods to move or control actuators are:
I. Electrical Actuators: this devices power the system by convert’s the electrical energy
in to mechanical torque to generating movement.
A. Electric motors:
- DC motors
- AC motors
- Stepper motors
- Servo motors
III.Hydraulic (Liquids -oil): this devices power the system by convert the energy which
formed by the pumping the oil into the hydraulic system into either linear or
rotary motion.
behaves in a very similar way to the natural muscle, where it can be reversibly contract,
expand, or rotate within one component due to an external stimulus (such as voltage,
current, pressure or temperature, as shown in figure below.
Punching tool for the punch automation system