Unit 4 urinary

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English for M.L.

S Students II

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬


English for Medical Fields

Semester one

English for M.L.S Students II

UNIT #4: The Urinary System

Pre-reading questions:
1. In what different ways water is excreted from human body?
2. What is the main system responsible for liquid excretion?
3. What waste materials are excreted through urine?

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs which are the major organs of the urinary
system that work day-in and day-out to filter waste materials from the blood which
are flushed out of the body through urine. The kidneys are situated on both sides of
the backbone and lie embedded in a protective layer of fat tissues. The ureters, two
cylindrical long tubes, help flow the urine from the kidneys. The urine is
transported to the bladder with the help of wave like contractions and the
gravitational force.

The inner side of each kidney has a depression which is known as the hilum. This
is the junction where all three major urinary tract vessels; the ureter, renal vein and
renal artery, connect with the kidneys. About seventeen hundred liters of blood is
transported to the kidneys through the renal artery for filtration each day. This
filtered blood is carried back to the heart through the renal vein. This filtration is
done by the nephrons which are extremely thin coiled vessels. Approximately one
million nephrons are present in each human kidney.
English for M.L.S Students II

Each nephron has a bulblike structure that filters the waste products like urea,
water, nitrogen-containing proteins and salts. These structures are present on the
upper side of the kidneys and other products like amino acids, yellowish bile
compounds, glucose and traces of several other waste materials are also filtered by
them. All these filtered substances move through the loop of Henle and a major
portion of these substances is reabsorbed again into the blood stream. After the re-
absorption process, approximately one percent of these materials is left behind that
is excreted in the urine.
These remaining waste substances then trickle out of the nephrons and enter the
renal pelvis, a funnel like organ, which moves them into a 25-30 cm long and 0.5
cm wide tube like organ called the ureter. The urine then enters into the urinary
bladder. Backward flow of the urine that is accumulated into the bladder is
prevented by a valve like structure. The walls of the urinary bladder are composed
of stretchable tissues and it has the capacity to hold half liter of urine.
A healthy human being needs to excrete minimum half liter (1 pint) of urine in a
day to get rid of its harmful waste materials but a healthy adult usually produces
about 1.5 liters of urine daily. Excessive or less than this amount of urine
production signals illness in a human body and diagnostic procedures such as
urinalysis i.e. the pathological examination of urine are frequently recommended to
detect certain diseases. The presence of bacteria in urine indicates that the patient
is suffering from urinary tract infection. Excessive amount of glucose in urine is a
symptom of diabetes mellitus.

Vocabulary Preview
1. Read the passage and write what these words refer to:
1. Line # 2 that: …………………………………………………………………….
2. Line # 2 which: ………………………………………………………………….
3. Line # 5 long tubes: ………………………….………………………………….
4. Line # 8 this: …………………………………………………………………….
5. Line # 16 these structures: ……………………….…………………………….
6. Line # 20 these substances: …………………………….……………………….
7. Line # 24 which: ………………………………………………………..……….
8. Line # 26 that: ……………………………………..…………………………….
9. Line # 28 it: …………………………..………………………………………….
10.Line # 30 this amount: ………………………………………………………….

English for M.L.S Students II

2. Complete the sentences with these expressions/words from the reading

passage. Make necessary grammatical changes.
flow from, transport to, produce about of , get rid of , lie embedded in, nitrogen-
containing, move through, (be) reabsorbed into, trickle out of , stretchable
1. The oxygenated blood ………………………….the arteries with great pressure.
2. The human heart ……………………………the chest cavity between the lungs.
3. Hundreds of liters of the blood ………………………….the blood vessels daily.
4. Certain waste products …………………..the human body through perspiration.
5. Saudi companies ………………………. 50% ……… the total national demand
of medicines.
6. The cardiovascular system ………………………oxygen ……..the whole body.
7. ………………………….rain water causes various skin diseases.
8. The elasticity of the human skin is due to its ………………………….muscles.
9. Human body ………………………….its wastes through the urinary system.
10.Oxygen ………………………….the body cells.

3. Read the following pair of words then write “S” if they are synonyms and “A”
if they are antonyms.
Words Synonyms/Antonyms
1. produce consume
2. major minor
3. contraction dilation
4. excessive more
5. disease health
6. infection inflammation
7. depression raised
8. coiled straight
9. critical insignificant
10.looped coiled
11.approximately exactly
12.hollow full
13.structure organ

English for M.L.S Students II

4. Read the passage and circle the appropriate answer. Circle a, b, c, or d.

1. The kidneys are ______________ important organs of the urinary system.
a. more b. less c. the most d. the least
2. The kidneys _____________ substances and produce urine.
a. extract b. dilute c. release d. concentrate
3. The bladder is a muscular _________________.
a. pipe b. opening c. valve d. container
4. Human body excretes ______________ urine than its production.
a. less b. more c. both a & b d. neither a, b nor c
5. Glucose and blood sugar are __________________.
a. complimentary b. compulsory c. the same d. nearly the same
6. The hilum is a _________________ surface.
a. smooth b. rough c. concave d. convex
7. Each kidney filters about ________________ of blood in 24 hours.
a. 450 gallons b. 1700 gallons c. 1700 liters d. 850 liters
8. Nearly __________ million(s) nephrons are present in the human kidneys.
a. several b. one c. two d. half
9. __________________ are reused by the body.
a. Salts b. Glucose c. Amino acids d. All a, b, & c
10.The renal pelvis is a(n) _____________ area.
a. O-shaped b. U-shaped c. S-shaped d. V-shaped

5. Read the passage and write down the correct number of paragraph in front of
its main idea.
Main idea paragraph
1. The kidneys are the most important organs of the urinary system.
2. Absorption of different compounds in the blood.
3. The kidneys, ureters and bladder are the main organs of the
urinary system.
4. Urine is excreted from the body through the bladder.
5. Urine analysis helps in diagnosis of the urinary system.

English for M.L.S Students II

6. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

1. How do the ureters transport urine to the bladder?
2. Why do doctors recommend “urinalysis”?
3. What materials are reabsorbed into the blood?
4. How much waste materials are excreted in urine?
5. What prevents backward flow of urine into the ureter?

7. Read the passage and complete the following outline about the kidneys.
A: Shape: ……...…………………………………………………………………….
B: Location: ...……………………………………………………………………….
C: Main Functions: ………………………………………………………………….
D: Parts of the kidney:
1: nephrons
Function: …………………………………………………………………………….
2: ……………………..
Function: …………………………………………………………………………….
3: ……………………..
Function: …………………………………………………………………………….

English for M.L.S Students II

Grammar Focus
Asking Hypothetical Question

When you study anatomy and physiology, you learn about many structures and
processes in the body. For example, after learning about the function of the
nephron, a person might wonder, “what happens to a person if only half of his/her
nephrons work properly?”. This kind of question is called a hypothetical question.

Read the following examples of hypothetical questions.

 What happens if a person has only one kidney?
 What might happen to a person’s kidneys if he/she drank alcohol every day?
 I wonder what could happen if a person with kidney failure couldn’t get on
1. Look at the following facts then formulate hypothetical questions:
For example:
Kidneys are attached to the wall of the abdomen by a layer of fat.
Hypothetical question: I wonder what would happen if a person lost the fat that
attaches the kidneys to the back of his/her abdomen.

1. There are over one million nephrons in each kidney.


2. Ninety nine percent of water in the filtrate is returned to the blood.

3. Erythropoietin is a hormone that stimulates the red blood cells.

2. Answer the following hypothetical questions:

1. What would happen to filtration in the kidney if a person lost a lot of blood (in
an automobilc accident)?
2. What woud be the result if a person lost half of his/her nephrons?
3. What might happen if a transplanted kidney didn’t match the recipient’s tissue?
4. What could happen to the kidneys if a large kidney stone block each ureter?

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