AGRICULTURE G-12 Unit 4 Note
AGRICULTURE G-12 Unit 4 Note
AGRICULTURE G-12 Unit 4 Note
there is mist if water does not exist
there are transport facilities
During the site selection, criteria such as climatic condition, edaphic factors (soil), biological factors, crops grown
there previously, availability of labor, market availability for the production, etc. should be considered.
Selection of a suitable site for tea plant
Several criteria are considered in tea cultivation site selection.
The slope of the land for tea plant has to be below 55 percent. However, a 70 per cent slope is preferred due to high
vulnerability of soil erosion in Mid Country.
Soil depth
Soil depth should be over 100 cm to support good root system. The land surface should not have more than 10%
gravel and boulders.
Soil profile
The profile of soil for tea plant or soil layer should not be impregnated with more than 10% gravel.
Land preparation
Land preparation involves clearance, adoption of soil conservation and soil rehabilitation prior to planting tea.
4.4. Field establishment and management practices of Coffee, Tea and Spices
The area to be planted with coffee must be prepared at least one year before the small coffee trees are planted. The
five procedures to be followed are: land preparation, planting windbreaks, mark out the rows, establish shade trees
and prepare for irrigation.
Planting procedure
Prepare the holes one month before planting. Mark the planting holes, dig holes of 600 x 600 x 600 mm. Pile topsoil
to one side of the whole, subsoil to other side of hole, Mix in 2 kg of dry farmyard manure (FYM) + 3 heaped
soupspoons (about 85 g) Triple Superphosphate (TSP). Feel the hole with topsoil; use both the subsoil and topsoil to
complete filling the hole. Re-mark the center of the hole with a stick.
Field management of young coffee trees
To achieve high yields of quality coffee, good field management practices are essential. Poorly managed coffee will
take longer to produce a good crop and will suffer from dieback. Keep the ground free of weeds and cut short ground
covers in the frosty period. This will protect the plant from frost.
Control weeds and mulch plants
Weeds compete for both nutrients and water. It is thus essential to keep the area under the canopy of trees. Make the
area also weed-free. Mulching will reduce the amount of weeding required. Dead or dry weeds can be used as mulch.
Fresh weeds may re-grow, especially in wet weather if they are not dried properly before being added as mulch.
Water plants
Do not allow the plant root ball to dry out after planting. Irrigate (or hand water where irrigation is not installed), two
to three times per week for the first few weeks. If planted at the recommended time (June to August), there is a good
chance of rain. This keeps the soil moisture maintained.
Field establishment and management practices for Tea
Tea plant management is the most important aspect of tea plantation. These involve:
1. Mulching: Mulching helps
control soil erosion;
increase soil moisture;
inhibit weed growth;
2. Weed management
Manual methods like cheeling, sickling and mulching are extensively used. Cheeling removes the above ground weed
3. Pruning
is cutting off branches for more fruitful growth
can keep tea plant to a height of 1.5 m
Plant Quality
The following factors have a great impact on the quality of the made tea. These are:
i. age of the bush,
ii. standard of plucking,
iii. plucking round, and
iv. a space of time from the previous pruning
Proper tea plant management enhances production. A well-managed young tea plant is an investment for future. The
following are a few important aspects of proper growing of young teas:
I. Density of Population
Compact frames allow a planter to plant a total of 15,000 to 16,000 plants per hectare
II. Spacing:
The minimum spacing required between plants is 60 cm. The maximum spacing required between rows is 100 cm.
4.5. Harvesting and processing of coffee, tea and Spices
Harvesting and processing of coffee
The color of unripe coffee is green. The color turns bright or dark-red when the cherries ripen. . Cherries ripen faster
under lower altitudes and higher temperatures. Coffee can be hand-harvested by people to ensure that only the ripe
cherries are picked. Hand-picking is hard and laborious task. Whether by machines or humans, coffee is always
harvested by one of the following two methods:
• Strip picking – The cherries are stripped off of the branch, either by hand or by machine
• Selective picking – The red cherries are picked and the green ones are left to ripen.
Processing the Cherries
Once the coffee has been picked, processing must begin as quickly as possible to prevent fruit spoilage. Depending
on location and local resources, coffee is processed in one of two ways:
The Dry processing Method
This is the age-old method of processing coffee and still used in many countries where water resources are limited.
The freshly picked cherriesare simply spread out on huge surfaces to dry in the sun.
The Wet processing Method
This method involves removing the pulp from the coffee cherry after harvesting. First, the freshly harvested cherries
are passed through a pulping machine to separate the skin and pulp from the bean. Then the beans are separated by
weight as they pass through water channels. The lighter beans float to the top, while the heavier ripe beans sink to the
bottom. Depending on a combination of factors such as the condition of the beans, the climate and the altitude, they
will remain in these tanks for anywhere between 12 - 48 hours. This removes the slick layer of mucilage (called the
parenchyma) that is still attached to the parchment.
Drying the Beans
If the beans have been processed by the wet method, the pulped and fermented beans must now be dried to
approximately 11% moisture to properly prepare them for storage. The dried beans are known as parchment coffee,
and are warehoused in jute or sisal bags until they are readied for export.
Milling the Beans
Before being exported, parchment coffee is processed in the following manner:
Hulling: machinery removes the parchment layer (endocarp) from wet processed coffee. Hulling dry processed coffee
refers to removing the entire dried husk - the mesocarp, monocarp and endocarp of the dried cherries.
Polishing is an optional process where any silver skin that remains on the beans after hulling is removed by machine.
Grading and Sorting is done by size and weight. Beans are also reviewed for color flaws or other imperfections.
Exporting the Beans
The milled beans, now referred to as green coffee, are loaded onto ships in either jute or sisal bags loaded in shipping
containers, or bulk-shipped inside plastic-lined containers.
Roasting the Coffee
Roasting transforms green coffee into the aromatic brown beans that we purchase in stores or cafés. Roasting is
generally performed in the importing countries because freshly roasted beans must reach the consumer as quickly as
Grinding Coffee
The objective of a proper grind is to get the most flavors in a cup of coffee. How coarse or fine the coffee ground is,
depends on the brewing method.
Harvesting and processing of tea
Plucking or Picking
Plucking or harvesting tea is picking fresh tea leaves and fresh young shoots from the tea tree.
Plucking/ Harvesting can be carried out manually or mechanically
Plucking tea manually or by hand is a traditional way of picking tea leaves. Plucking occurs when the tea bush
flushes or pushes out new leaf shoots. For a fine black or green tea, the pluckers take the first two leaves and one new
bud. Plucking should be done in the morning because
the quality (flavor) of tea is highest in the morning
there is enough time to pluck and process tea the same day
there is less soluble sugar and more catechism in the morning
Mechanical Harvesting
Mechanical harvesting is the removal of tender, growing shoots from the surface of the bush using machine.
Tea Processing
Tea processing is the method where tea plant is transformed to the dried leaves for brewing. Processing of tea involves
plucking, withering, crushing, drying, rolling and shaping of tea leaves. Shaping makes the leaves ready for brewing.
Withering is the process of placing freshly plucked tea leaves on a long trough to blow air through the leaves.
Withering reduces the moisture content of the leaf (from 80% - 68/70%) and makes the leaves easier to cut. Withering
is used to eliminate excess water from the leaves and allows slight oxidation. Cold or warm air is blown through the
leaf for 12 to 18 hours.
Rolling or shaping the leaves by hand or with machine makes compound to be formed between enzymes and the
polyphones. Tearing the leaves and twisting them into thick rolls is important before putting them in the machine.
The main purpose of rolling tea leaves is to damage the cell walls. Tea leaves are twisted and pressed in order to
extract the juices that are held inside. The goal is to distribute the moisture evenly on the outside of the leaves.
Fermentation is an oxidation and tanning process of the cell fluids released during rolling. To ferment, the leaves are
spread out on tables in layers of 10 cm. In modern factories, spraying water from rotating ventilators humidifies the
room in which fermentation takes place. During the fermentation - which takes 2 - 3 hours - the leaves change their
color. The color gradually becomes a copper-red.
Drying is the method of processing tea to stop the oxidation process and reduce the moisture content to 2-3%. Drying
takes place for only 20min at a temperature of 100 – 150oc. Dried tea is black in color and mainly has a perfect aroma.
Drying involves a heater with forced ventilation
Processing of Spice
The processing of spices usually involves most of the following stages: I) Washing II) Grading and cleaning III)
Drying IV) Grinding V) Packaging VI)Washing of Spices
Washing most commonly takes place when fresh spices are delivered to the processing unit. Washing the spices takes
place through dipping the nutmegs in water to remove unsound nuts or “floaters”, and cardamomwhich may receive
a sodium bicarbonate dip to preserve its green color.
Various types of dryers are used for processing herbs and spices, ranging from simple sun drying to gas or kerosene-
fired dryers. The type of dryer that is used and the way in which it is operated may have a significant influence on the
quality of the finished product in the following ways:
Contamination by dust and dirt
There is obviously a high risk of contamination occurring if the raw materials are laid out in the sun. Solar and
powered dryers protect against contamination and are thus strongly recommended.
Drying time and temperature
The quicker the drying time the better the final microbial quality of the product. Drying rates may be increased in two
ways: by increasing the air flow and by increasing the air temperature. Spices must be dried to a moisture content that
is low enough to prevent the growth of microorganisms such as moulds and bacteria.
After drying, the material should be packed quickly into clean heavy-gauge plastic sacks to avoid any moisture pick
up. It is a good idea to retain samples in airtight bottles for future reference.
Grinding is normally done using either a hammer mill or a disc mill. Ground spice should be passed through a fine
sieve to give a product with a uniform particle size. Finely ground spices absorb water much more quickly than whole
spices and it is important that the ground material is quickly packed into airtight containers.
The type of packaging needed for spices depends on the product, the intended market and the types of climate that
the food will be exposed to. Spice that is marketed in a cool dry area may only need simple packaging such as paper.
Most spices are packed in plastic film as either large bulk bags or small retail packs.
4.5. Cultivation practices of individual spices
Ginger is a commercially produced horticultural crop in SNNPR, Ethiopia. The producing areas in SNNPRS are said
to be ginger belts in Ethiopia where much of the country’s ginger production and marketing activities are located.
Ginger is used as a spice. It is used for the preparation of ginger oil and oleoresin, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages.
Green ginger is used in the culinary preparations. Preserved ginger is used for the manufacture of processed food.
Land preparation
The land should be well prepared to a fine soil and loose. Fine tilt helps development and expansion of the rhizomes
Ginger is always propagated by portion of seed rhizomes. Rhizomes are cut into small pieces (setts) of 2.5 to 5.0 cm.
They may weigh about 15 – 20 grams having one or two buds.
Planting time/Season March -April and Seed rate: 1500 – 1800 kg per ha. Spacing: 15 x 30 cm 20 x 30 cm
Spacing: varies with the cropping system 15 x 30 cm / 20x 30 cm
Manures and fertilizers since the crops are heavy feeder, the adequate manuring is essential in Ethiopia. There is no
fertilizer recommendation.
Mulching: In ginger cultivation, mulching the field is an important operation. Mulching has several advantages such
as source of organic manure, prevents washing of soil and conserves soil moisture.
Irrigate at 4-10 day interval. During mid-September to 3rd week of December irrigate at fortnightly interval.
Curcuma longa is an erect herbaceous perennial 60-100 cm rhizome with fingers. Rhizome is brown on outside and
dull orange colored inside. Leaves are broadly lanceolate with long leaf stalk.
Preparation of land
Plough land 4-6 deep to get fine tilth up to 20 -25 cm depth. Field is laid out into beds or ridges and furrows. Beds of
1 m width and convenient length with a spacing of 40 to 50 cm between beds where natural drainage does not exist,
ridges and furrows are prepared at 45 to 60 cm spacing.
Seed rate: mother rhizomes 2000 – 2500 kg per ha. Primary fingers 1500 to 2000 kg per ha
Spacing: Red loamy soils – 30 x 15cm and Black heavy soils – 46 x 23 cm
Mulching: Mulch with dry leaves thickly on which a layer of cow dung is spread. Second mulching is done after
weeding and application of fertilizers, after 50 -60 days of sowing
Korerima (Aframomum corrorima)
Korerima is a species in the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. The spice, known as Korerima, Ethiopian cardamom, or
false cardamom, is obtained from the plant’s seeds (usually dried), and is extensively used in Ethiopian and Eritrean
Land preparation and planting
Prepare a hole with the size of 45-60cm and a depth of about 60-75cm at spacing of 3m × 3 m. After a week refill the
hole with top soil and farmyard manure. The time for planting in south west Ethiopia is on June to August. Korerima
can be intercropped with some perennial crops like coffee, black pepper and others.
Weed management: weeds grow comfortably between plants till the crop cover the area. Frequent weeding is
Cardamom (Elitaria cardamomum)
It is known as the Queen of Spices and also Green Gold. Cardamom is an herbaceous perennial plant.
Nursery site and planting: Seedlings are normally raised in primary and secondary nurseries.
Dig the land to a depth of 30-45 cm. The beds of 1 m width and of convenient length raised to a height of about 30
cm are prepared.
Seed rate: 10 g per m2 of nursery bed area.
Manuring at the rate of 90 g N, 60 g of P, and 120 g of K per bed of 5 x 1 m size in 3 equal split doses at an interval
of 45 days is recommended to produce healthier seedlings.
The best season of planting seedlings or suckers is May- June after the receipt of monsoon showers. The seedlings or
suckers are planted in the pits up to collar region for better growth. Cloudy days with light drizzle are ideal for panting.
Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
Pepper is the most important of all spices and popularly known as the ‘king of spices. Black pepper is a dried mature
fruit of perennial ever green climbing woody vine.
Selection of site: Well drained leveled land and hill slopes are suitable for growing pepper
Can be planted directly to permanent field or raised in the nursery for further rooting. For rising of rooted cuttings,
the following points should be considered
polythene bags
Rooting media (forest soil (3): Sand (1)
After filling the polythene bags, each cutting is planted at an angel of 45 0, 3-4 nodes deep.
Field planting
Select appropriate size
clear the land
Make holes/pit about 45 x 45cm deep usually 15-30cm away from the support
Fill in the holes with mixture of top soil +farm yard manure
Transplant the rooted cuttings during the onset of the rainy season
Spacing: usually 3m X 3m or 3m X 2m (on sloppy areas).