class 7 half yearly
class 7 half yearly
class 7 half yearly
Class: VII
Half-Yearly (2024-25)
Time: 2:00hr MM:60
General instructions:
Read the instructions very carefully:
I. This question paper comprises 8 questions. All questions are compulsory.
II. This question paper contains THREE sections –
Section A – Multiple choice questions - 10 marks
Section B – One word answer type questions – 20 marks
Section C – Descriptive type questions -30 marks
Section A-
Q.1 Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of
the following:
Q.2 Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the most appropriate
word or phrase:
i. Akbar’s regent was __________.
ii. Delhi Sultanate timeline is ___________ years long.
iii. The core has a diameter of about _________ km.
iv. The Himalayas are an example of __________ fold mountains.
v. Article 17 declares the practice of _____________ to be a crime.
vi. The government is responsible for checking ___________ pollution.
vii. The Meenakshi temple at Madurai is an example of ________ architecture.
viii. _______________ is an agent of erosion in the desert.
ix. The _______________ gas absorbs some of the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun.
x. ______________ refers to killing feeling of the unborn girl child.
Q.3 For each statement below, determine whether it is True or False: (5)
Q.4 Give one word answer for each of the following questions: (6)
i. The head of the state government. _____________
ii. Moving air is called __________
iii. The minimum age for becoming an MLA ___________
iv. An example of seasonal wind. ______________
v. The link between the central and the state government ______________
vi. Instrument used to measure air pressure. ____________
Q.5 Write the article of the Indian constitution to which these provisions . belong.
ii. All the people have equal access to public places. ____________
iii. All the citizens can apply for government jobs. _____________
Q.6 Answer each of the following questions with one sentence. (10)
Q.7 Answer any four (4) of the following questions in detail: (12)
Q.8 Draw the figure as described in each of the following questions. Use a pencil and ruler
where necessary for accuracy: (8)
i. With the help of a diagram, explain the Rock cycle.
ii. Explain the three type of plate movement. Explain with suitable diagram.