Macam-macam bentuk Diplomasi

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Ragam Diplomasi dalam Hubungan


Mata Kuliah: Diplomasi

Dosen Pengampu: Tiffany Setyo Pratiwi, S.IP., M.A.
Prodi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
1. Public Diplomacy
2. Secret Diplomacy
3. Cultural Diplomacy
4. Sport Diplomacy
5. Economic Diplomacy
6. Military/Defence Diplomacy
7. Digital Diplomacy
8. Environtment Diplomacy
Diplomasi Publik (Public Diplomacy)

• Diplomasi publik adalah diplomasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah secara langsung terhadap publik.
Diplomasi ini merupakan sebuah taktik supaya mendapatkan perhatian publik sehingga kepentingan
negara dapat tercapai dengan mudah.

• Nicholas J. Cull argues that public diplomacy is an international actor’s attempt to conduct its
foreign policy by engaging with foreign publics.

• Since the end of the Cold War, however, some scholars have started to argue that public diplomacy
has entered into a new phase. For instance, Gregory considers public diplomacy to be an
“instrument used by states, associations of states, and some sub-state and non-state actors to
understand cultures, attitudes and behavior; build and manage relationship; and influence
thoughts and mobilize actions to advance their interests and values”

• Technological transformations the new public diplomacy


Effective public diplomacy is a two-way street that involves listening as well as


Improve image,
National Branding invesment potential,
tourism potential
Secret Diplomacy/Back-door Diplomacy

• Secret diplomacy is the practice of obtaining information from certain

individual and groups, hiding it from all or some, and/or sharing it with
The five key elements of secret diplomacy:
1. Secret diplomacy has always been part of the relations between
political entities.
2. Characteristic are secrecy, amoral like deceiving a public, spying, lying.
3. “If they’re doing it, so will we”  secrecy dilemma
4. Being change-resistant, secret diplomacy is resist innovation.
5. Attracts vigorous discussion
(Stuart Murray: 2016)
Diplomasi Kebudayaan dan Olahraga

1.Diplomasi cultural yang berarti sebuah diplomasi yang menekankan

pada soft power dan diplomasi yang berusaha untuk mempersuasi
melalui budaya, values. Cultural diplomacy can include academic,
professional, cultural and student exchange programmes,
conferences and lectures on economic and social problems,
literature, film industry, theatre art, art exhibitions and
performances, as well as dance and music concerts.

2.Sports diplomacy exchanges increase dialogue and cultural

understanding between people around the world. The use of sports as a
platform exposes international exchange participants.
Diplomasi Ekonomi (Economic Diplomacy)

• Diplomasi ekonomi dapat dimaknai sebagai formulation and

advancing policies relating to production, movement or exchange
of goods, services, labor and investment in other countries.
Diplomasi ekonomi paling tidak menghadapi tiga isu penting:
1.Hubungan antara ekonomi dan politik;
2.Hubungan antara lingkungan serta aneka tekanan domestik dan
internasional; serta
3.Hubungan antara aktor negara dan nonnegara (aktor privat/
N. Bayne, S. Woolcock, The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making and Negotiation in
International Economic Relations, Hampshire 2003, p. 7.
Pentingnya Diplomasi Ekonomi

1.Diplomasi ekonomi memainkan peran penting dalam mendukung

pembangunan nasional.
2.Menjadi salah satu faktor paling penting dari kebijakan luar negeri
sebuah negara.
3.Diplomasi ekonomi  trade agreement, investasi, sanksi,
4.Diplomasi ekonomi merupakan instrumen paling efektif karena
pemerintah dan bisnis/privat bisa bekerja sama untuk mendukung
ekonomi internasional.
• The Communist
Party of China
places high value on
"diplomacy through
military exchanges,"
which has played a
significant role in
promoting China's
overall diplomatic
work and
national security.

• Joint Military Exercises are one the most visible forms of military
diplomatic activity. They typically involve the militaries of
participating countries performing traditional and non-traditional
operations. For instance, China routinely engages with Pakistan on
bilateral air force military exercises, and often with Russia on
bilateral naval and multilateral counterterrorism exercises.
Diplomasi Lingkungan (Environment

• Tahun 1960, gerakan penyelamatan lingkungan semakin gencar

dirasakan dalam ranah internasional.
• UN Conference on the Human Environment yang diadakan di
Stockholm pada 1972 hadir sebagai sebuah respon terhadap
permasalahan lingkungan yang menerpa dunia internasional.
• Environmental diplomacy can be defined as the skill in handling
environmental issues, whose implications are international in
scope (Borg, 1994).

Diplomasi lingkungan sebagai salah satu cabang baru yang muncul

dalam bidang hubungan diplomatik ini tidak terlepas dari pengaruh
munculnya persoalan lingkungan hidup yang diangkat menjadi persoalan
politik global.
China and African countries have
carried out a series of such
projects, including meteorological
infrastructure, forest protection,
biodiversity, disaster prevention,
wild animal protection and
environmental personnel training.
China has provided training for
more than 400 environmental
workers from 30 African countries.
Digital Diplomacy/ E-

• Digital diplomacy  which describes

new methods and modes of
conducting diplomacy with the help
of the Internet and ICTs.
• Internet is having a profound effect
on the two cornerstones of
• Internet driinformation and
communicationven-changes in
the environment in which diplomacy
is conducted (geo-politics, geo-
economics, sovereignty,
• The emergence of new topics on
diplomatic agendas (Internet
governance, cybersecurity, privacy,
and more); and use of a new
Internet tools in the practice of
diplomacy (social media, big data,
and more).
Tugas Individu

1. Buatlah makalah yang mengangkat salah satu ragam diplomasi di berbagai negara!
2. Berikan analisis Anda bagaimana implementasi diplomasi tersebut?
3. Format:
BAB I Pendahuluan: Latar Belakang Masalah, Rumusan Masalah, dan Tujuan
BAB II Kerangka Teori
BAB III Pembahasan dan Analisis
BAB IV Kesimpulan
Menggunakan footnote
Daftar Pustaka
Minimal 10 halaman dan maksimal 15 halaman
Referensi Buku : Minimal 3
Jurnal : Minimal 4
Internet : Maksimal 8
Minggu ke-6 dikumpulkan

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