Macam-macam bentuk Diplomasi
Macam-macam bentuk Diplomasi
Macam-macam bentuk Diplomasi
• Diplomasi publik adalah diplomasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah secara langsung terhadap publik.
Diplomasi ini merupakan sebuah taktik supaya mendapatkan perhatian publik sehingga kepentingan
negara dapat tercapai dengan mudah.
• Nicholas J. Cull argues that public diplomacy is an international actor’s attempt to conduct its
foreign policy by engaging with foreign publics.
• Since the end of the Cold War, however, some scholars have started to argue that public diplomacy
has entered into a new phase. For instance, Gregory considers public diplomacy to be an
“instrument used by states, associations of states, and some sub-state and non-state actors to
understand cultures, attitudes and behavior; build and manage relationship; and influence
thoughts and mobilize actions to advance their interests and values”
Improve image,
National Branding invesment potential,
tourism potential
Secret Diplomacy/Back-door Diplomacy
• Joint Military Exercises are one the most visible forms of military
diplomatic activity. They typically involve the militaries of
participating countries performing traditional and non-traditional
operations. For instance, China routinely engages with Pakistan on
bilateral air force military exercises, and often with Russia on
bilateral naval and multilateral counterterrorism exercises.
Diplomasi Lingkungan (Environment
1. Buatlah makalah yang mengangkat salah satu ragam diplomasi di berbagai negara!
2. Berikan analisis Anda bagaimana implementasi diplomasi tersebut?
3. Format:
BAB I Pendahuluan: Latar Belakang Masalah, Rumusan Masalah, dan Tujuan
BAB II Kerangka Teori
BAB III Pembahasan dan Analisis
BAB IV Kesimpulan
Menggunakan footnote
Daftar Pustaka
Minimal 10 halaman dan maksimal 15 halaman
Referensi Buku : Minimal 3
Jurnal : Minimal 4
Internet : Maksimal 8
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