Cornell Note-Taking Method
Cornell Note-Taking Method
Cornell Note-Taking Method
1. Preparation:
• Start with a blank sheet of paper or a digital document.
• Divide the page into three sections:
• Cue Column (Left): About 2.5 inches wide on the left side for keywords or questions.
• Note-Taking Area (Right): The larger right section for detailed notes during a lecture or
while reading.
• Summary Section (Bottom): A few lines at the bottom for summarizing the main ideas.
2. Taking Notes:
• During the lecture or reading, take detailed notes in the right-hand section. Focus on key
concepts, facts, and examples. Use abbreviations and symbols to save time.
• Write in clear, concise language and organize information logically.
4. Summarizing:
• At the end of your notes, write a summary in the bottom section. This should encapsulate
the main points of the lecture or reading, helping to consolidate your understanding.