1091-File Utama Naskah-2624-1-10-20230418
1091-File Utama Naskah-2624-1-10-20230418
1091-File Utama Naskah-2624-1-10-20230418
Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Metode ini menunjukkan atau menjelaskan
keadaan, kondisi, situasi, peristiwa, dan kegiatan lain yang dilaporkan dalam penelitian.
Subyek penelitian ini adalah guru Bahasa Inggris SMA 1 Baitussalam. Metode
pengambilan sampel adalah cluster sampling. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah
wawancara. Teknik analisis data adalah reduksi data, analisis data, penyajian data, dan
penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan strategi mengajar yang digunakan
oleh salah satu guru EFL dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris di SMA 1 Baitussalam, yaitu: 1)
Guru menggunakan permainan, 2) Guru menyediakan kosa kata, 3) Guru menggunakan
role play, 4) Guru menggunakan metode ceramah. Guru menggunakan strategi tersebut
karena beberapa alasan antara lain: 1) Siswa lebih cepat memahami dan antusias dengan
menggunakan permainan daripada tidak ada permainan, 2) Percakapan atau role play
mendorong siswa banyak berbicara dengan temannya, 3) Metode ceramah membantu
guru memberikan kesimpulan yang ringkas dan jelas. Selain itu, terdapat juga beberapa
faktor penghambat dalam penerapan strategi tersebut, yaitu: kurangnya sarana prasarana
kelas membuat guru terkadang kesulitan dalam menggunakan strategi permainan. Selain
itu, guru juga membutuhkan bahan ajar sebagai sarana penunjang yang dapat membuat
pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif. Selain faktor penghambat, terdapat juga beberapa
faktor pendukung yaitu semangat siswa untuk memberikan suasana yang kondusif
dalam pembelajaran serta kreativitas guru dalam menciptakan media pembelajaran yang
efektif yang dapat merangsang minat belajar siswa.
The researcher uses descriptive qualitative. This method shows or explains circumstances,
conditions, situations, events, and other activities which are reported in the research. The subject
of this research was English teacher of SMA 1 Baitussalam. Method of taking sample was cluster
sampling. The instrumen of this research was interview. The techniques of analyzing data were
reduction the data, data analysis, presenting the data, and drawing conclusion. This research
shows teaching strategies used by of one of the EFL teacher in teaching English in SMA 1
Baitussalam, those are: 1) The teacher uses games, 2) The teacher provides vocabulary, 3) The
teacher uses role play, 4) The teacher uses the lecture method. The teacher uses these strategies for
several reasons including: 1) Students are quicker to understand and enthusiastic by using games
than no game, 2) Conversation or role play encourages the students a lot to talk with their friends,
3) Lecture method helps the teacher to give concise and clear conclusions. Moreover, there are also
some inhibiting factors in implementing the strategies, those are: the lack of classroom
infrastructure makes the teacher sometimes gets difficulties to use game strategy. In addition, the
teacher also needs teaching materials as supporting facilities which can make learning be more
effective. Besides the inhibiting factors, there are also some supporting factors those are the
enthusiasm of students to provide conducive atmosphere in learning as well as the teacher's
creativity in creating effective instructional media which can stimulate students' interest in
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) refers to teaching English to
students whose first language and second language are not English. TEFL usually occurs
in the students‟ own country, either within the state school system, or in private
institutions. TEFL Teacher may be native or non-native speakers of English. Typically,
EFL is learned either to pass the examinations as a necessary part of one‟s education, or
for career progression while one works for an organization or business with an
international focus. EFL might be part of the state school curriculum countries with
English has no special status it might be also be supplemented by lessons paid for
privately. Teacher of EFL generally assume that students are literate in their mother
A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences, or
values. Teacher are important because they do not only provide instruction to children in
one or more academic areas, depending on the grade level, but they also stand as an
additional source of encouragement in the life of a child. Teacher should have strategy on
teaching English. Strategy generally involves sitting goals, determining actions to achieve
goals of teaching. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved. In addition,
Allen (2003) stated that strategy is the method used to deliver information in the
classroom, online, or in some other medium. There are many strategies that we can
choose from several teaching strategies in the classroom. Therefore, the researcher
chooses the title to know the teaching strategy. This is generally tasked with determining
strategy. Strategy can be environment or competes. It involves activities such as strategic
planning and strategic thinking.
A teaching strategy comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. The
choice of teaching strategy or strategies to be used depends largely on the information or
skill that is being taught, and it might also be influenced by the learning style, aptitude,
skills, and enthusiasm of the students. Teaching strategies refer to methods used to help
students learn the desired course contents and be able to develop achievable goals in the
future (Armstrong, 2013). Teaching strategies identify the different available learning
methods to enable them to develop the right strategy to deal with the target group
The researcher decides to find out what teaching strategies that EFL teacher use in
the classroom and to know what supporting and inhibiting factors in applying the
strategies. So, the researcher interviewed three English Teachers about teaching strategies.
The researcher found one of them only use one of teaching strategies in teaching English.
This finding indicates that teachers need to be equipped by strategies in teaching English.
So, the researcher decides to do the reasearch in SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam because it is
feasible to conduct it. Hopefully, it can be success in classroom and it will be useful for
English teachers. Therefore, the researcher would like to take aresearch with the title: „‟The
Teachers‟ Strategies of Teacher in Teaching English at SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam” Based on the
problem statement above, the researcher intends to investigate the EFL teachers‟ teaching
strategy in the classroom. This research is aimed to: Find out the teaching strategies that
the EFL Teacher use in teaching English in the classroom and find out the supporting and
inhibiting factors in applying the strategies.
This research used descriptive qualitative research. According to Sugiyono
(2014:11), descriptive research is conducted to know the independent variable of value,
either one or more variable without makes comparison or connect between one and more
variable. In this case, researcher needs to collect the data and describe what happens in
field. This method shows or explains about circumstances, conditions, situations, events,
and other activities that are reported in research report.
Object that is observed is natural object so there is no manipulation in the data.
Sandelowski (2000: 337) emphasized that qualitative descriptive designs are typically an
eclectic but reasonable and well-considered combination of sampling,and data collection,
analysis, and re-presentational techniques. In addition, Harwell (2011: 2) qualitative
research methods are also described as inductive, in the sense that a researcher may
construct theories or hypothesis, explanations, and conceptualizations from detail
provided by a participant.The researcher uses this qualitative descriptive research because
it can help the researcher to understand the situation in the field deeply. This research
aims to describe the implementation of teaching strategy used by the English teacher at in
SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam. The subject of this research is a teacher in senior high school,
especially English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam. In obtaining data, the researcher
will use Observation and Interview guideline as the instruments.
This observation is conducted by the researcher during the study to optimize the
data regarding the strategies of teaher and students‟ motivation of the school during
the learning process. The teacher was observed by the researcher using the observation
fillnote. In this case, The researcher analysis all the activity in the claass during the
teaching learning process. The researcher observed the teacher during teaching and
learning process. In observation stage, the researcher observed the teacher how the
teacher taught their student and what the strategies that the teacher use in class during
the lesson from opening until closing. In this case, The researcher observe whatever done
by the English teacher related to the teaching strategies in the classroom. It is used to
investigate the English teaching and learning process in the classroom. It was recorded
English teaching process that is conducted by the English teacher. In this case, the
interviewer used a set question which developed to gain the specific information. The
interview is conducted to get the addition of information in response to interesting or
important answer that arises unexpectedly from the planned questions. The interview did
with the English teacher. The interview took place afterfinished the teaching and learning
In collecting data, the researcher follow some procedure:
1. The researcher ask for legal permission at SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam
principle and educational stakeholder in Banda Aceh.
2. The reseacher ask for permission to the English teacher to observe the
teacher when teaching in the classroom. The researcher observe the
classroom in 90 minutes. The reseacher observe and record the Enflish
teacher while teaching.
3. English, and checking the teacher‟s activities base on some indicators to
determine the effective teacher during teaching and learning process.
4. Then, the researcher interview one of the English teacher of the sample to
know what teaching strategies that they use in the classroom.
5. The last, which is the source of the data obtained indirectly of the research
object. In this study, data obtained documentation from the administration in
Featured Senior High School, attendance list, the data about the teacher
condition, the number of students of the school, the organizational structure
ofthe school and the condition of facilities and infrastructure of the school.
According to Miles, Huberman and Saldana there are three methods in qualitative
dat analysis, namely data reduction, data model/data display,qualification/verification
conclusions. In observing the researcher used video recorder or audio recorder.
Data condensation which is known as data reduction. Data obtained by the
researcher in the field through interviews, observations, and documentation is reduced by
summarizing, selecting and focusing data with the objectives of the study. Data display is
done after the data has been reduced or summarized. Data obtained from observations,
interviews and documentation are analyzed then presented in the form of CW (Interview
Note), CL (Note Field), and CD. The final step in the analysis of qualitative data is the
interactive model drawing conclusion from verification. Based on data that has been
reduced and presented, the researcher made conclusion supported by strong evidence at
the stage of data collection. Conclusion is the answer to the problem statement and
questions that have been expressed by the researcher from the beginning.
Based on observations and interviews with study subject, the researcher presents
the researchers' findings. Data is also taken from documentation. The following
researchers present the study findings which are divided into two findings:
1. The teaching strategies used by teacher in teaching English at SMA Negeri 1
This part presents research findings by observing and interviewing. This is related
to the teacher's strategy in teaching English at SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam.. After
the researchers investigated the teacher's strategy in teaching English, the
researcher finally got some data. The research findings are presented in the
following description:
a. The teacher uses games
Researcher found the teaching strategy used by the subject based on the
interview is a game. The subject said that using games in teaching English can
increase student motivation before starting to learn.
“Adapun strategi yang saya pakai dalam mengajar itu. Yang pertama, cara saya
untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa ketika siswa baru pertama belajar, dengan itu
saya menggunakan game. Jadi strategi pertama yang saya pakai adalah penggunaan
game untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat siswasebelum mulai belajar.”
(I first encouraged students to study by applying some games to increase
students' motivation and enthusiasm).
a. Using the game is very useful because students are more encouraged even if
they prefer to use games. They understand faster and are more orderly and
enthusiastic with game instead of no game.
b. Conversation or roleplay, according to informant, the benefits are more
sharpening students to talk with friends. Because sometimes if you read it
yourself it's more difficult than we have friends to talk in English. So I think
the advantages are so I use the strategy.
c. Lecture strategy, from informant's explanation, it is known that in order to
provide conclusions that are concise and clear, the teacher must be able to
give orientation both at the beginning in learning and at the end of learning
using lectures to make the teacher effectively and efficiently describe the
contents of the material at each stage of the learning process.
2. Supporting and inhibiting factors in applying English teaching strategies.
a. There are several things that hinder teachers in implementing the strategies
1. Classroom
One of the key instruments that is crucial in the success of learning is the
classroom. Classrooms that are used by teacher are considered less possible to use
games, because ideally it takes a fairly large room in implementing the strategy
given the number of students, including many So first, the barrier factor is that
classrooms still lack infrastructure and others. That's in my opinion the most
inhibiting factor.
1. Teaching materials
Teaching materials are also one of the supports in the success of learning
where the teacher really needs supporting facilities in making learning more
effective, so because of these limitations the teacher uses only simple learning media
that can be utilized in supporting learning.
b. Supporting Factors in Applying Teaching Strategies
There are several supporting factors in applying the strategies, those are:
1. Students Enthusiasm
According to informant the supporting factor in the success of learning is a
factor of the students themselves, students enthusiasm will provide a conducive
atmosphere in learning even though in a relatively small classroom learning can
take place interestingly.
“Adapun strategi yang saya pakai dalam mengajar itu. Yang pertama, cara saya
untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa ketika siswa baru pertama belajar, dengan itu
saya menggunakan game. Jadi strategi pertama yang saya pakai adalah penggunaan
game untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat siswasebelum mulai belajar”.
Games are complex activities in which there are rules, play and culture. A
game is a system where players engage in artificial conflict, players interact with the
system and conflicts in the game are fabricated or artificial, in the game there are
rules that aim to limit the player's behavior and determine the game. Gameaims
to entertain. Games are very popular with children and adults. In essence the
application of the game method in teaching English is important for brain
development, to improve concentration and train to solve problems precisely and
quickly because in the game there are various conflicts or problems that require usto
solve them quickly and correctly. Through games, learning will become more
interesting, make it easier for students to understand teaching material and also be
The statement above indicates that providing vocabulary is another way that
can be used to increase student enthusiasm for learning English. Coady and Huckin
(1997: 5) states vocabulary mastery is central to language and critical importance to
the typical language learner. The researcher concluded that vocabulary mastery is a
fundamental requirement that influences students' achievement in studying
English. Without vocabulary mastery, there is not communication, reading, and
writing can be conveyed. So that, it is important toknow what the vocabulary is.
(One of the key instruments that took on a crucial role in determining the
success of learning was the classroom itself. The classroom used by the teacher
was not that enough to apply some supporting games. This was due to the fact
that it was needed a large classroom to implement such strategies. There were
many students in the class, so that's the main problem. Also, the lack of
infrastructures influenced the learning process. That, to me, is the inhabiting
According to informants the supporting factor in the success of learning is a
factor of the students themselves, students enthsiasm will provide a conducive
atmosphere in learning even though in a relatively small classroom learning can
take place interestingly. Bowman et al. in Afdhal (2016: 61) states "it is particulary
important to maintain childern's entrepreneurship for learning by integrating with
the teacher- directed curriculum". The statement means that it is important to
maintain students 'enthusiasm for learning by integrating students' personal
interests with the curriculum made by the teacher. When planning a lesson, the
teacher should not only be focused on mastery learning based on the existing
curriculum but the teacher should also pay attention to students' interest in the
material being studied. According to McDonald & Kirby in Afdhal (2016: 64)
enthusiasm can be grown by taking into account the following criteria for learning
enthusiasm: focus on hope and success, make lessons meaningful, provide
challenges, focus on career preparation, consider the importances of self-esteem,
express positive beliefs.
Based on some of the statement above it can be seen that the enthusiasm of
student learning is a positive attitude that arises from students without coercion in
the form of an extraordinary feeling of pleasure that is characterized by the
response, attention, concentration, willingness and awareness to involve
themselves in the learning process, In learning and teaching process, creativity is
part of a system which is inseparable from students and teachers. The role of
teacher creativity is not just helping the teaching and learning process by including
only one aspect of human beings, but includes other aspects, namely cognitive,
psychomotor and affective. In general, teacher creativity has the main function of
helping to complete their work quickly and efficiently. One of the creativities that
must be possessed by every teacher is creativity in the development and use of
instructional media. A teacher is required to be able to design and utilize various
types and sources of learning that are appropriate so that learning activities take
place as effectively and efficiently. If the appropriate media is not yet available, the
teacher tries to develop it himself. The same thing was confirmed by respondents
in the interview:
(Among the supporting factor that really determine the success of learning
is the teacher himself/ herself. A teacher with a creativity can create kinds of
teaching material or supporting tools that can perfectly encourage students in
learning for instance, making cards, a class management skill, a good delivery,
clear, and coherent. Those are some of the crucial factors in learning.).
As a creative teacher, it should use variations in the learning process, the use of
learning media so that students do not feel bored and the lessons delivered can be
directly accepted or understood by students, so that it will make the learning
process comfortable and enjoyable. So, a creative teacher must know the principles
of media selection and the principles of media use so that the learning delivered
can attract the attention of students and students become more enthusiastic in
following the lessons, so that learning outcomes are achieved to the maximum.
Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher concluded some
conclusions as follow: The teaching strategies used by English teachers in teaching
English in SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam include: 1) The teacher uses games, 2) The teacher
provides vocabulary or vocabulary, 3) The teacher uses Role Play, 4) The teacher uses the
lecture method. English teacher uses these strategies for several reasons including: 1)
Students are quicker to understand and enthusiastic about the game than there is no
game, 2) Conversation or roleplay is more sharpening students to talk withtheir friends, 3)
Lectures helps the teacher to give conclusions that are concise, concise and clear. As for
what hinders teachers in class from implementing the strategy is the factor of classrooms
that still lack infrastructure so that it is sometimes difficult to use game strategies. In
addition, teaching material factors that are related to the lack of supporting facilities can
make learning more effective Then the things that become a supporting factor in
implementing the strategy is the enthusiasm of students so as to provide a conducive
atmosphere in learning. In addition, the teacher's creativity in creating effective
instructional media can stimulate students' interest in learning. Based on the conclusions
above, the researcher will offer several suggestions that are expected to be beneficial
a. For Teachers
This research can improve the quality of English teachers in teaching English by
maximizing supporting factors. Teacher strategies should be applied because
this is the teacher's way of determining learning objectives during the teaching
and learning process.
b. For Students
With the strategy used by the teacher, it is expected that students willunderstand
more and enjoy the lesson.
c. For further researchers
The researcher recommend that other researchers can carry out this research in a
wider area. Researchers can then conduct research on teacher strategies used by
English teachers that are important in the teaching and learning process.
Therefore,the results will be more profitable and be applied in a wider area
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