Research Method Ferrian

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Research Method

Language Teaching Strategies Used by EFL Teacher

( A qualitative study of EFL teachers in Genuk area, East of

Disusun oleh :

Ferrian Erwanto

Language Faculty
Sultan Agung Islamic University
Chapter I

A. Background

The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of language

teaching strategies used by EFL teacher. The role of English is currently much
needed by everyone in every field, good education nor job even in everyday
life. In English learning Indonesia had started to be studied since elementary
school to College. The students will learn four skills in their school namely,
listening, speaking, reading and writing. All of the skills must be practiced by
the students, because still a crucial problem for indonesian students.
In carrying out activities of teaching and learning, a teacher will not
be detached from the strategies or methods of teaching, because a teacher must
have strategies in teaching so that the material presented can be well received
by the students and the conditions in the classroom while teaching is not
boring. The success of the learning process in schools, among
others, determined by the precision of the strategy and on the development
of teacher's understanding of students. Understanding of the development
of the pupil can be a basis in the election strategy.
Therefore a teacher should be able to determine the strategies of
teaching to be used in teaching and learning activities. The teaching strategy of
course must comply with the conditions of the students and the State
of the class. Actually not a fault of the learner, but it could be an error in
the method of analytical study which is not interesting, or too stiff, so from the
required for effective learning activities. proper strategy, teaching and learning
activities will be more effective and efficient. So, will achieve better leaning
Every teacher has a different teaching strategy in a time of teaching
students. Then what strategy that can apply the teacher in classroom?
First, teachers can use the method of learning approaches, such as the Audio-
Lingual Method and drilling, the teacher can use this method in listening,
because this method of teaching foreign languages that emphasizes
on listening and speaking. This method is also adapted to the needs of
learning in a foreign language. Then, the Direct Method, the method in
which the teacher directly using a foreign language as the language of
instruction, and without the use of a language student in the slightest in
teaching. If there is a word that is difficult to understand by the student, then
the teacher can mean props, demonstarte, illustrate and other.
Second, teachers, can use media in learning, such as the use of games, songs
and movies. Here the students played with a very familiar songs or movies and
also the teacher may use games to make the study more meaningful. With this
medium the students will enjoy more in learning so that they
will unwittingly increase the listening skils.
However during this time some teacher still have difficulty
in applying the strategy or method he wanted to use in teaching and learning
activities. Some teachers also sometimes incorrectly in teaching strategy used
in teaching and learning activities, making teaching and learning activities to
be not effective and efficient. For example some students are still less
understood the material will be given by a teacher, so some of the students
take additional hours with private tutoring. Therefore, the accuracy of the
ellection strategy that need to be on the watch for more in order to achieve
better learning activities.
The purpose of this research is to find out what strategies are
frequently used in learning English. After knowing learning strategies often
used by a teacher, than what strategy is suitable and capable
of improving students ' ability in learning English.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher have identified
some of the problems encountered namely :
1. Teachers are not aware of the technique or proper teaching
methods, especially relate with active learning that needs to be applied
in teaching activities.
2. The students are bored while learning process because the technique that
used by the teacher are monotonous.
3. Some teacher still have difficulty in applying the strategy or method he
wanted to use in teaching and learning activities.

C. Limitation of the problem

Based on the identification of the problem, the focus of the research
was on the teaching strategy that used by the teacher in teaching EFL. A
teacher can decide on a strategy that may prove useful to improve the
achievement of students in learning English. Therefore the accuracy and
suitable of the ellection strategy that need to be more attention in order to
achieve better learning activities.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher formulates the
research problem as follows :
1. How are teacher implemented the strategy to teach their students.
2. How teacher assess their students achievement.

E. Objectives of the research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of the research
is as follows :
1. To investigate what kind of strategies that used by EFL teacher.
2. To describe the strategies that use by EFL teacher.
F. The benefits of the study
The result of this study are expected to beneficial both theoritically and
practically elaborated in the following section :
1. Practically
 As an input to the school, especially for teachers in
applying the learning model and method that can be used to
make the students active in learning English as Foreign
Language (EFL)
 The students will be easy to understand that deliver by the
 Can use the result of this study to reference to other
researcher that doing the same study.
Chapter II
In this chapter, the writer will be brief the theoritical review that can
support of the research strategy. It present essential theories study-related
elaboration. Those are : definition of teaching strategy, types and
characteristics of teaching strategy, and the characteristic of EFL teacher.

A. Literature review
1) Definition of teaching strategy
According to (Emmer & Stough, 2001, Zhang, 2011)Teaching
strategy is a systematic set of behaviors used by teachers in the teaching
process. This includes theories and methods aimed to solving specific
problems faced by the teaching of the teacher. students should be involved
in learning task, so the learning outcomes will be achieved. Teacher
strategy used to “establish discipline, engage students, or raises their
cooperation". In other words, the strategy of the teacher are particularly
importance for managing students participation in a classroom.
According to (Sary, Fetty Poerwita (2006) ) Strategy is a
particular plan that is used by the teacher for the successful of
teaching and learning process in the classroom.
Teaching strategies to be adopted by the teacher depends on certain
subjects, the students and teachers at a particular time. Henson said that
“Strategy is a complex approach to teaching which consists of a mixture of
several teaching methods, and utilizing some techniques with each
method”. Teaching strategies refer to the structure, system, methods,
techniques, procedures and processes that a teacher uses during
instruction. These are strategies the teacher employs to assist student
After know the definition of teaching strategy based on the experts.
According to the researcher, teaching strategy is an approach used by
teachers in teaching which consists of techniques and methods to achieve
the target language in teaching and learning process in the classroom.
2) Types of language teaching strategy
This study focuses on classroom English language teaching
emphasizing on major language teaching and learning approaches and
methods EFL teacher. The term Teaching startegy refers to the general
principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom
instruction. Teaching theories primarily fall into two categories or
“approaches” — teacher-centered and student-centered:

2.1. Student-centered Learning

The history of student-centered approach takes its roots from a
constructivist theory, in which students learn more by doing and
experiencing rather than by observing. In this theory, students are the
initiators and architects of their own learning and knowledge making
rather than passive ‘vessels’ who receive knowledge from expert teachers
(Brown, 2008). Harden and Crosby (2000:335) describe teacher–centred
learning strategies as the focus on theteacher transmitting knowledge, from
the expert to the novice. In contrast, they describe student–centred learning
as focusing on the students’ learning and ‘what students do to achieve this,
rather than what the teacher does’. This definition emphasises the concept
of the student ‘doing’. Hannafin, M. J. (2012) stated that Student-centered
learning is an approach to learning in which learners choose not only what
to study but also how and why. At the heart of the learning envi- ronment
are learner responsibility and activity, in contrast to the emphasis on
instructor control and coverage of academic content found in conventional,
didactic teaching.
In a similar vein in earlier literature, the student–teacher
relationship is particularly elaborated upon by Brandes and Ginnis (1986).
In their book for use in second level education (post–primary), entitled ‘A
Guide to Student–Centred Learning’,they present the main principles of
student–centred learning as:
• The learner has full responsibility for her/his learning
• Involvement and participation are necessary for learning
• The relationship between learners is more equal, promoting
growth, development
• The teacher becomes a facilitator and resource person
• The learner experiences confluence in his education (affective
and cognitive domains flow together).

2.2. Teacher-Centered Learning

Huba and Freed (2000) described teacher-centered learning as:
students passively receive information, emphasis is on acquisition of
knowledge,and teacher’s role is to be primary information giver and
primary and evaluator. There is no room for student’s personal growth.
Teacher-centred instruction means that the teacher controls what is taught
and under what conditions. Someone who enters a classroom with
teacher- centred instruction would be able to identify the following
- teacher talk exceeds student talk during instruction;
- instruction is mostly with the entire class;
- textbooks guide what is being taught in class;
- each episode within the lesson is determined by the
- desks and chairs are usually arranged into neat rows
facing the chalkboard;
- students are not free to roam from their seats.
Teacher centred approaches are more traditional in nature,
focussing on the teacher as instructor. They are sometimes referred to as
direct instruction, deductive teaching or expository teaching, and are
typified by the lecture type presentation. In these methods of teaching, the
teacher controls what is to be taugh t and how students are presented with
the information that they are to learn.
2.3. Cooperative Language Learning
Cooperative Learning refers to a systematic instructional method in
which students work together in small groups toaccomplish shared
learning goals. The data in a large amount of research shows, compared
with competitive and individualistic efforts, cooperation has positive
effects on a wider range of outcomes (Johnson & Johnson, 1991; Slavin,
1995; Kagan, 1999). Cooperative Learning refers to a method of teaching
and classroom management that emphasizes group work and a strong
sense of community. This model fosters students’ academic and social
growth and includes teaching techniques such as “Think-Pair-Share” and
reciprocal teaching. Cooperative learning falls under the student-centered
approach because learners are placed in responsibility of their learning and
development. This method focuses on the belief that students learn best
when working with and learning from their peers.
Types of learning and teaching activity
Johnson et al. (1994:4-5) describe three types of CLL groups.
1) Formal CLL groups. These last from one class period to several weeks.
These are established for a specific task and involve students working
together to achieve share learning goals.
2) Informal CLL groups. These are ad-hoc groups that last from a few
minutes to a class period and are used to focus student attention or to
facilitate learning during direct teaching.
3) Cooperative base groups. These are long-term, lasting for at least a
year, and consist of heterogeneous learning groups with stabil
membership wjose primary porpose is to allow members to give each
other support, help, encouragement, and assistance they need to
succeed academiclly.
4) The characteristic of EFL teacher
The quality of a good teacher can be seen from the teaching
methods used apropriate, and owned different teaching skills, while others
are seen from personal characteristics including "charisma" that teachers
have, their affection, humor, innovation, and honesty (Zhang & Watkins,
2007) in (Al-Mahrooqi, R. Denman, C. Al-Siyabi, J. Al-Maamari, F.
2015). According to Brosh (1996) in in (Al-Mahrooqi, R. Denman, C. Al-
Siyabi, J. Al-Maamari, F. 2015), effective EFL teachers are those who
focus on understanding, in command of the language, prepare meaningful
lessons, helping students to be independent, and handle students very well.
Witcher (2003) divided these characteristics into three main
categories: instructional competence, personality, and teacher–student
relationship. According to (Al-Mahrooqi, R. Denman, C. Al-Siyabi, J. Al-
Maamari, F. 2015), instructional competence, including the teacher’s
ability to create student-centered classrooms, provide sufficient con- tent
knowledge, and maintain a professional demeanor, is the most highly
valued of the three categories by learners. teacher's personality, on the
other hand has the properties of individual instructors brought to the
classroom, and can be understood as the level of patience and
understanding, friendliness they display their willingness to get to know
their students, and so on. Davis (2001) states that this relationship can
immediately provide positive impact in learning and achievement of
student learning outcomes. Sotto (2011) adds that a good teacher is that
they are able to change learners to become "more confident and wise" (p.
Chapter III

This chapter deals with the research methodology of the study, including
the research design, setting, population, sample and data-collection

As stated by Ary (1985: 21) “Research can be defined as the
application of a scientific approach to studying the problem or trying to resolve a
problem that occurs in a society ". John W. Best defines research as the systematic
and objective analysis and recording of observations that may lead to the
development of generalizations, principles or theories, resulting in prediction and
possibly ultimate control of events. Based on the definition above, the researcher
here sets the research design in conducting this research systematically.

This research is conducted to describe language teaching strategies that

used by EFL teachers. Thus, in this study, the researcher uses descriptive research.
Ary (1985: 322) explained “Descriptive research method used to obtain
information about the condition or the current state of teaching and learning
activities, and this method has been widely used in educational research. Then,
Mack (2005: 3) added that Descriptive research is used to explore
phenomena that have to do an interview to a source, focus groups and participant
observation, so that the data obtained from this study is more flexible. In other
words, in a descriptive study, information obtained through interviews with the

Research subject is an individual who participates in the research study is
someone from whom data are collected. The subjects of the study were the
English teachers who teach senior high school at East Semarang area.
Before the sample was collected, the researcher had to determine the
population. According to Sugiono (2010:117) Population is geographic
generalization there are : object/subject has quality and certain of characteristic
that set by researcher to learning then make the conclusion. The whole of research
subject (Arikunto, 1998:115).

Parahoo (1997: 218) defines a population as "the sum total of a unit

defined by the researchers to be able to draw conclusions based on the
datacollected ", as individuals, artifacts, events or organizations. Burns and Grove
(2003: 213) describes the population consists of all the elements that meet the
criteria for inclusion in learn. Such as objects or subjects that have certain
qualities and characteristics based on the criteria that will be studied.

The population in this study is the high school EFL teachers who are in the
Genuk area east of Semarang. There are about 6 sinior high schools, 3 teachers
each school, so the total of the teacher is around 18 teachers as the population.


Polit et al (2001: 234) defines a sample as part of the number and

characteristics of the population. According to Arikunto (2006:109), a sample
must be representative to a population. Based on Ary (2002:163) a sample is a
group of a population. It means that good sample must be representative of the
entire as possible, so that the generalization of the sample of this research.
In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling to obtain thesample.
According to Hadi (1990:75) Sampling adalah cara yang digunakan untuk
mengambil sampel, (sampling is the ways of doing to get sample). Sampling was
constituted to choose some of individual process in research so they or individual
as a voluntary. The purpose of sampling is use some of individual to get
information about population. Sampling is the way to take sample.
In this research sampling technique was used to take sample is purposive
sampling. According to Arikunto (2010:183), purposive sampling is the process of
selecting sample by taking subject that is not based on the level or area, but it is
taken based on the specific purpose. Because With purpose sampling the
researcher can choose the sample those that representative and get represent of

According to Arikunto, research instrument is a device used by
researcher while collecting data to make her work becomes easier and to get
better result, complete, and systematic in order to make the data easy to be
processed. There were several ways to collect data like questionnaire,
observation, filed notes, interview and test. So, the instruments which were used
in this research are interview, observation and documentation.
1. Interview
Ary (1985: 342) stated “In an interview, data are collected through
face-to-face or telephone interaction between the interviewer and the
respondent”. Thus, in this case, the interviewer has to conduct collecting data
with doing interaction or communication directly. But, it can be conducted
face to face or through via electronic. Interview is the process to get
explanation by asking questions face to face between researcher and
respondent using interview guide. This research, interview is used to get the
interview data from the English teacher.
The advantages of interview are : to get more information, especially
related with someone’s privacy, to get the information what we want sooner,
to make sure that all the data is from the real source (validity and reability),
and the respondent is more flexible in giving the information. Interview is also
used to support or complete the data which is obtained from observation.
In this research, the researcher ask some question about teaching
strategy and uses structured interview in collecting the data uses tape recorder
to anticipate something missing in transferring the data. This interview
focuses on the teaching strategy used the EFL teacher in Genuk area east of
Semarang. The question are based on the characteristic of each strategies.

The validity of an assessment or tool indicates the extent to which it is an
adequate measure of the curriculum and objectives it represent. According to Gay
in Tanzeh (2009:57) the definition of validity is the degree to which a test
measures what it is supposed to measure. A common misconception is that a test
is, or, is not valid. The researchers get validity from English teacher.
Sukardi (2007:115) stated that An instrument so-called valid if the
instrument that is to be use can measure what will measurability. The validity of
instrument is standard was indicated where is a instrument of test what will
According to Brown in Isnawati (2012:27), there are four types of validity,
they are content validity, criterion-related validity, construct validity and face
validity. Furthermore, the researcher emphasized on the face validity and content
validity in this research.

Face validity simply means the validity at face value. As a check on face
validity, test/survey items aresent to teachers to obtain suggestions for
modification. Because of its vagueness and subjectivity, psychometricians
haveabandoned this concept for a long time. However, outside the measurement
arena, face validity has come back in another form. While discussing the validity
of a theory, Lacity and Jansen (1994) define validity as making common sense,
and being persuasive and seeming right to the reader. For Polkinghorne (1988),
face validity of a theory refers to results that have the appearance of truth or
reality. The internal structure of things may not concur with the appearance. Many
times professional knowledge is counter to common sense. The criteria of validity
in research should go beyond face, appearance, and common sense.
In this research, the researcher observe the teacher in a school to know the
interaction between the teacher and the students. The researcher come to the class
as the participant and make a note based on the characteristics of the startegies
According to Howit and Cramer (2000:28) reliability is the extent to
which the measure will give the same response under similar circumstances.. In
other words, reliability shows a measure of consistency in measuring the
same phenomenon.
Sukardi (2007:122) stated that reliability is the level in the test in a
consistent manner measure at any test. A research instrument can called reliability
the tool was used what to use measure cab used in when and in any time,
the result is same.
In this research, the researcher was use instrument interview and
observation with English teacher about strategies that used in teaching English.
The researcher used interview to support the observation to the English teacher.
The researcher want to know the result between observation and interview are still
the same.


1. Observing the class’ practices
In the observation, the researcher acted as non participant
observer. He sat at the back of the classroom and took notes about
“what was said and done” (Van Lier, 1988) by the teacher and the
students. During the observation, the researcher recorded the activities in the
classroom. Audio and video recorders were used to enable the researcher
to keep the authenticity of the data. The documents such as teaching
materials, quiz’s questions, students’ mark and syllabus were also used to
complete data the researcher saw in the classroom. Meanwhile, to enhance the
validity of the observation. Data confirmation is done by observing the
class’ practices. This observation was done to know how the teacher used the
strategies of teaching EFL students and also to know how the student’s
responses to the strategies used by the teacher both their motivation and their
interest. The observation will be done at least three times of meeting in class.
2. Interview
Interview is activity that involves interviewer and interviewee where the
interviewer will give some questions to be answered by interviewee. In this
study, the researcher interviews the English teachers of senior high school.
This interview is intended to get data about the strategies used by the English
teacher in teaching EFL(English as Foreign Lngauage) students and the
reason why the teacher uses those strategies in teaching EFL students of senior
high school. The question of the interview is base on the characteristic of the

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzes the data. Wiersma (1991:
85) stated “Data analysis in qualitative research is a process of categorization,
description, and synthesis. Data reduction is necessary for the description and
interpretation of the phenomenon under study”. In short, data analysis is
systematically process to analyze data which have been collected.
All of data is collected by using, interview, observation, which are
analyzed and reported descriptively. From the observation, . The data were
analyzed by the researcher is the researcher transcribed the transcription
gained from audio and video recorder.the researcher described the teaching
learning process, included students respond toward of teaching strategy used by
EFL (English as foreing Language) teacher to the students of senior high school in
Genuk areas. It is also used to get the data on the strategy by the teacher in
teaching EFL students and the effectiveness of those strategy.
The interview, the researcher ask some question about teaching learning
process based on the characteristic of the strategies. It is also to collect the data on
the strategy tha use by the teachte in teaching their students. The interview was
conducted to support the data from observation. The interview data were
analyzed in several steps. First, the researcher transcribed the transcription
gained from audio and video recorder. Then, the researcher made
categorization of the strategies which were preparation, implementation, and

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