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EC3011: Digital Communications

Lecture 1: Introduction & Overview

Matadeen Bansal
August 5, 2024
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing Jabalpur
Email: mbansal@iiitdmj.ac.in
Phone: 0761-279-4469
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/mbansal
Note: Most of material in the slides is from John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, ”Funda-
mentals of Communication Systems,” Pearson,1e, 2005 and Simon Haykins, ”Commu-
nication Systems,” John Wiley, 4e, 2001.
Course Info
About the Course

• Digital communication is one of the fundamental courses

in the electronics and communication engineering

About the Course

• Digital communication is one of the fundamental courses

in the electronics and communication engineering
• The basic principles, techniques, trade-offs, and
fundamental limits, which are essential to the successful
design of a digital communication system will be

About the Course

• Digital communication is one of the fundamental courses

in the electronics and communication engineering
• The basic principles, techniques, trade-offs, and
fundamental limits, which are essential to the successful
design of a digital communication system will be
• Especially, the fundamentals of digital signalling,
information theory and coding, digital transmission and
reception will be discussed.

About the Course

• Digital communication is one of the fundamental courses

in the electronics and communication engineering
• The basic principles, techniques, trade-offs, and
fundamental limits, which are essential to the successful
design of a digital communication system will be
• Especially, the fundamentals of digital signalling,
information theory and coding, digital transmission and
reception will be discussed.
• Emphasis is placed on understanding system design goals
and to optimise the trade-off among basic system
parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio, bandwidth, etc.
Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,
• Ericsson,

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,
• Ericsson,
• Huawei,

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,
• Ericsson,
• Huawei,

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,
• Ericsson,
• Huawei,
• Samsung, and many more

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,
• Ericsson,
• Huawei,
• Samsung, and many more
• Research laboratories:

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,
• Ericsson,
• Huawei,
• Samsung, and many more
• Research laboratories:

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,
• Ericsson,
• Huawei,
• Samsung, and many more
• Research laboratories:

Industries of Interest

• All telecommunication equipment manufacturers and

service providers:
• Qualcomm,
• Ericsson,
• Huawei,
• Samsung, and many more
• Research laboratories:
• TCS Research, and many more


• Principles of Communication
• Signals and Systems,
• Basics of Random Variables and Random Processes

Lecture Schedule and Course Webpage

Lecture Schedule and Venue

Lectures Venue
Monday 10:00-11:00 L107
Tuesday 14:00-15:00 L107
Thursday 11:00-12:00 L107

Course Webpage

List of Topics

• Introduction to digital communications

• Review of signals and systems
• Review of random variables and random processes
• Sampling, quantization, and encoding, PCM, DPCM,
DM, and ADM
• Geometric representation of signal waveforms:
Signal-space representation
• Digital baseband transmission: binary pulse transmission,
optimum receiver for binary modulated signals in additive
white Gaussian noise channels, bit-error-rate performance.

List of Topics Cont...

• Transmission through band limited channels, Nyquist

criterion, ISI, Eye diagram.
• Introduction to pass-band digitl transmission: generation,
detection, error rate performance for coherent and
non-coherent detection systems
• Bit error probability and power spectra of BPSK, QPSK,
FSK and MSK schemes
• Differential phase shift keying, comparison of digital
modulation systems using a single carrier
• Carrier and symbol synchronization

List of Topics Cont...

• Basics of information theory: communication channel,

channel matrix, channel capacity, discrete memory less
• Error control coding: linear block codes, cyclic codes,
convolutional codes, maximum likelihood decoding of
convolution codes, Viterbi Algorithm, Trellis coded
• Overview of spread spectrum. Pseudo-noise sequences,
direct sequence spread spectrum, frequency hop spread
spectrum, maximum length and Gold codes.

Suggested Books

1. John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, ”Fundamentals of

Communication Systems,” Pearson,1e, 2005.
2. H. P. Hsu, ”Analog and Digital Communications,”
Schaum’s Series, Tata McGraw Hill, 2e, 2006.
3. Simon Haykins, ”Communication Systems,” John Wiley,
4e, 2001.
4. H. Taub, D. Schilling, and G. Saha, ”Principles of
Communication Systems,” McGraw Hill, 2013.
5. B. P. Lathi and Z. Ding, ”Modern Digital and Analog
Communication Systems,” Oxford Univ. Press, 4e, 2009.
6. S. Haykin and M. Moher, ”An Introduction to Analog and
Digital Communications,” Wiley, 2e, 2006.

Marks Division:

Quiz-I & Quiz-II 15% each

Mid-Term 30%
End-Term 40%

Examination Policy: If a student misses Quiz-I/Quiz-II/, NO

re-quiz will be arranged, for any reasons. However, If a student
misses the mid-term/end-sem exam, he/ she can apply to PIC
(Academic) for makeup examination.

Course Policies

Attendance, Honesty Practices, Withdrawal: As per

Academic Guidelines.
Students are expected to observe a personal code of honesty
during examinations.

Introduction to Digital
The Communication Process

Communication involves implicitly the transmission of

information from one point to another, which includes:

• The generation of a message signal.

The Communication Process

Communication involves implicitly the transmission of

information from one point to another, which includes:

• The generation of a message signal.

• Description of the message signal by a set of symbols.

The Communication Process

Communication involves implicitly the transmission of

information from one point to another, which includes:

• The generation of a message signal.

• Description of the message signal by a set of symbols.
• The encoding of these symbols in a form that is suitable
for transmission over a physical medium of interest.

The Communication Process

Communication involves implicitly the transmission of

information from one point to another, which includes:

• The generation of a message signal.

• Description of the message signal by a set of symbols.
• The encoding of these symbols in a form that is suitable
for transmission over a physical medium of interest.
• The transmission of the encoded symbols to the desired

The Communication Process

Communication involves implicitly the transmission of

information from one point to another, which includes:

• The generation of a message signal.

• Description of the message signal by a set of symbols.
• The encoding of these symbols in a form that is suitable
for transmission over a physical medium of interest.
• The transmission of the encoded symbols to the desired
• The decoding and reproduction of the original symbols.

The Communication Process

Communication involves implicitly the transmission of

information from one point to another, which includes:

• The generation of a message signal.

• Description of the message signal by a set of symbols.
• The encoding of these symbols in a form that is suitable
for transmission over a physical medium of interest.
• The transmission of the encoded symbols to the desired
• The decoding and reproduction of the original symbols.
• The re-creation of the original message signal, with a
definable degradation in the quality.
Basic Elements of a Communication System

Figure 1: Elements of a Communication System

Basic Elements of a Communication System

• Transmitter converts the message signal generated by the

source of information into a form suitable for transmission
over the channel.

Basic Elements of a Communication System

• Transmitter converts the message signal generated by the

source of information into a form suitable for transmission
over the channel.
• As the transmitted signal propagates along the channel, it
is distorted due to channel imperfections.

Basic Elements of a Communication System

• Transmitter converts the message signal generated by the

source of information into a form suitable for transmission
over the channel.
• As the transmitted signal propagates along the channel, it
is distorted due to channel imperfections.
• Moreover, noise and interference are added to the channel
output, resulting in a received signal which is a corrupted
version of the transmitted signal.

Basic Elements of a Communication System

• Transmitter converts the message signal generated by the

source of information into a form suitable for transmission
over the channel.
• As the transmitted signal propagates along the channel, it
is distorted due to channel imperfections.
• Moreover, noise and interference are added to the channel
output, resulting in a received signal which is a corrupted
version of the transmitted signal.
• Receiver operates on the received signal so as to
reconstruct a recognizable form of the original message
signal for the user.

Two Basic Modes of Communication

1. Broadcasting: A single powerful transmitter

communicates to numerous relatively inexpensive
receivers. Here information flows only in one direction,
e.g., Radio, TV

Two Basic Modes of Communication

1. Broadcasting: A single powerful transmitter

communicates to numerous relatively inexpensive
receivers. Here information flows only in one direction,
e.g., Radio, TV
2. Point-to-point communication: Communication takes
place over a link between a single tx-rx pair, e.g.,
Telephone, Fax

Primary Communication Resources

• Transmitted Power: the average power of the

transmitted signal.
• Channel Bandwidth: the band of frequencies allocated
for the transmission of the message signal.
• Design objective is to use these two resources as
efficiently as possible.

Sources of Information

• Speech: the average human voice spectrum extend well

beyond 10kHz, though most of the average power is
concentrated in the range 100 to 600 Hz, and band from
300 Hz to 3100 Hz gives a good articulation.

Sources of Information

• Speech: the average human voice spectrum extend well

beyond 10kHz, though most of the average power is
concentrated in the range 100 to 600 Hz, and band from
300 Hz to 3100 Hz gives a good articulation.
• Music: originates from instruments such as the piano,
violin, and flute. Music signals occupy a spectrum band
which extend up to about 15kHz. Accordingly, musical
signals demand a much wider channel bandwidth than the
speech signals for their transmission.

Sources of Information

• Speech: the average human voice spectrum extend well

beyond 10kHz, though most of the average power is
concentrated in the range 100 to 600 Hz, and band from
300 Hz to 3100 Hz gives a good articulation.
• Music: originates from instruments such as the piano,
violin, and flute. Music signals occupy a spectrum band
which extend up to about 15kHz. Accordingly, musical
signals demand a much wider channel bandwidth than the
speech signals for their transmission.
• Pictures: the BW required by the pictures is much larger
than that required by speech or music, e.g. B&W TV
video BW is 4.2 MHz.

Sources of Information

• Speech: the average human voice spectrum extend well

beyond 10kHz, though most of the average power is
concentrated in the range 100 to 600 Hz, and band from
300 Hz to 3100 Hz gives a good articulation.
• Music: originates from instruments such as the piano,
violin, and flute. Music signals occupy a spectrum band
which extend up to about 15kHz. Accordingly, musical
signals demand a much wider channel bandwidth than the
speech signals for their transmission.
• Pictures: the BW required by the pictures is much larger
than that required by speech or music, e.g. B&W TV
video BW is 4.2 MHz.
• Computer Data: computer generated data is a wide-band
Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• The communication channel provides the connection

between the transmitter and the receiver.

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• The communication channel provides the connection

between the transmitter and the receiver.
• The physical channel may be

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• The communication channel provides the connection

between the transmitter and the receiver.
• The physical channel may be
• a pair of wires (twisted pairs or co-axial cable) that carry
the electrical signal,

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• The communication channel provides the connection

between the transmitter and the receiver.
• The physical channel may be
• a pair of wires (twisted pairs or co-axial cable) that carry
the electrical signal,
• an optical fiber that carries the information on a
modulated light beam,

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• The communication channel provides the connection

between the transmitter and the receiver.
• The physical channel may be
• a pair of wires (twisted pairs or co-axial cable) that carry
the electrical signal,
• an optical fiber that carries the information on a
modulated light beam,
• an underwater ocean channel in which the information is
transmitted acoustically,

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• The communication channel provides the connection

between the transmitter and the receiver.
• The physical channel may be
• a pair of wires (twisted pairs or co-axial cable) that carry
the electrical signal,
• an optical fiber that carries the information on a
modulated light beam,
• an underwater ocean channel in which the information is
transmitted acoustically,
• free space over which the information-bearing
electromagnetic signal is radiated by use of an antenna.

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• The communication channel provides the connection

between the transmitter and the receiver.
• The physical channel may be
• a pair of wires (twisted pairs or co-axial cable) that carry
the electrical signal,
• an optical fiber that carries the information on a
modulated light beam,
• an underwater ocean channel in which the information is
transmitted acoustically,
• free space over which the information-bearing
electromagnetic signal is radiated by use of an antenna.
• data storage media, such as magnetic disks, optical
disks, and flash drives can also be characterized as
communication channels 17
Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• One common problem in signal transmission through any

channel is additive noise.

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• One common problem in signal transmission through any

channel is additive noise.
• It is generated internally by components such as resistors
and solid-state devices etc., and often called thermal

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• One common problem in signal transmission through any

channel is additive noise.
• It is generated internally by components such as resistors
and solid-state devices etc., and often called thermal
• In wireless transmission, additional additive disturbances
(called external noise) are man-made noise (e.g.,
automobile ignition noise), and atmospheric noise (e.g.,
electrical lightning discharges from thunderstorms) picked
up by a receiving antenna.

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• Interference from other users of the channel is another

form of additive noise that often arises in both wireless
and wire line channels.

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• Interference from other users of the channel is another

form of additive noise that often arises in both wireless
and wire line channels.
• Other types of signal degradation: signal attenuation,
amplitude and phase distortion, and multipath distortion

Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• Interference from other users of the channel is another

form of additive noise that often arises in both wireless
and wire line channels.
• Other types of signal degradation: signal attenuation,
amplitude and phase distortion, and multipath distortion
• The effect of noise and interference can be minimized by
the proper design of the transmitted signal and its
demodulator at the receiver; and by increasing the
transmitted power. However, equipment and other
practical constraints limit the power level in the
transmitted signal.
Communication Channels & Their Characteristics

• Interference from other users of the channel is another

form of additive noise that often arises in both wireless
and wire line channels.
• Other types of signal degradation: signal attenuation,
amplitude and phase distortion, and multipath distortion
• The effect of noise and interference can be minimized by
the proper design of the transmitted signal and its
demodulator at the receiver; and by increasing the
transmitted power. However, equipment and other
practical constraints limit the power level in the
transmitted signal.
• The effect of noise is quantified in terms of SNR. 19
Guided Electromagnetic Channels

Figure 2: Frequency Range for Guided Electromagnetic Channels
Wireline Channels

• The telephone network makes extensive use of wire lines

for voice, data and video transmission.

Wireline Channels

• The telephone network makes extensive use of wire lines

for voice, data and video transmission.
• Twisted-pair wire lines and coaxial cable are basically
guided EM channels that provide relatively modest

Wireline Channels

• The telephone network makes extensive use of wire lines

for voice, data and video transmission.
• Twisted-pair wire lines and coaxial cable are basically
guided EM channels that provide relatively modest
• Twisted-pair has a bandwidth of several hundred kHz. On
the other hand, coaxial cable has a usable bandwidth of
several MHz.

Wireline Channels

• The telephone network makes extensive use of wire lines

for voice, data and video transmission.
• Twisted-pair wire lines and coaxial cable are basically
guided EM channels that provide relatively modest
• Twisted-pair has a bandwidth of several hundred kHz. On
the other hand, coaxial cable has a usable bandwidth of
several MHz.
• Signals transmitted through such channels are distorted in
both amplitude and phase and corrupted by additive

Wireline Channels

• The telephone network makes extensive use of wire lines

for voice, data and video transmission.
• Twisted-pair wire lines and coaxial cable are basically
guided EM channels that provide relatively modest
• Twisted-pair has a bandwidth of several hundred kHz. On
the other hand, coaxial cable has a usable bandwidth of
several MHz.
• Signals transmitted through such channels are distorted in
both amplitude and phase and corrupted by additive
• Twisted-pair wire line channels are also prone to crosstalk
interference from physically adjacent channels.
Fiber Optic Channels

• An optical fiber is a dielectric waveguide that transports

light signals from one place to another.

Fiber Optic Channels

• An optical fiber is a dielectric waveguide that transports

light signals from one place to another.
• Enormous potential bandwidths: theoretical bandwidth of
about 2 × 1013 Hz.

Fiber Optic Channels

• An optical fiber is a dielectric waveguide that transports

light signals from one place to another.
• Enormous potential bandwidths: theoretical bandwidth of
about 2 × 1013 Hz.
• Low transmission losses: 0.1dB/km.

Fiber Optic Channels

• An optical fiber is a dielectric waveguide that transports

light signals from one place to another.
• Enormous potential bandwidths: theoretical bandwidth of
about 2 × 1013 Hz.
• Low transmission losses: 0.1dB/km.
• Immunity to EM interference.

Fiber Optic Channels

• An optical fiber is a dielectric waveguide that transports

light signals from one place to another.
• Enormous potential bandwidths: theoretical bandwidth of
about 2 × 1013 Hz.
• Low transmission losses: 0.1dB/km.
• Immunity to EM interference.
• Small size and weight, and low cost

Fiber Optic Channels

• An optical fiber is a dielectric waveguide that transports

light signals from one place to another.
• Enormous potential bandwidths: theoretical bandwidth of
about 2 × 1013 Hz.
• Low transmission losses: 0.1dB/km.
• Immunity to EM interference.
• Small size and weight, and low cost
• Ruggedness and flexibility: high tensile strength, can be
easily bent and twisted without damage.

Wireless Electromagnetic Channels

Figure 3: Frequency Range for Wireless Electromagnetic Channels

(Carlson (1975), 2e, McGraw-Hill)
Underwater Acoustic Channels

• Electromagnetic waves do not propagate over long

distances under water except at extremely low frequencies.

Underwater Acoustic Channels

• Electromagnetic waves do not propagate over long

distances under water except at extremely low frequencies.
• However, the transmission of signals at such low
frequencies is prohibitively expensive because of the large
and powerful transmitters required.

Underwater Acoustic Channels

• Electromagnetic waves do not propagate over long

distances under water except at extremely low frequencies.
• However, the transmission of signals at such low
frequencies is prohibitively expensive because of the large
and powerful transmitters required.
• The attenuation of EM waves in water can be expressed
in terms of the skin depth, which is the distance a signal
is attenuated by 1/e or 36.7%.

Underwater Acoustic Channels

• Electromagnetic waves do not propagate over long

distances under water except at extremely low frequencies.
• However, the transmission of signals at such low
frequencies is prohibitively expensive because of the large
and powerful transmitters required.
• The attenuation of EM waves in water can be expressed
in terms of the skin depth, which is the distance a signal
is attenuated by 1/e or 36.7%.

• For seawater, the skin depth δ = 250/ f . For Example
at f = 10kHz, δ = 2.5m.

Underwater Acoustic Channels

• Electromagnetic waves do not propagate over long

distances under water except at extremely low frequencies.
• However, the transmission of signals at such low
frequencies is prohibitively expensive because of the large
and powerful transmitters required.
• The attenuation of EM waves in water can be expressed
in terms of the skin depth, which is the distance a signal
is attenuated by 1/e or 36.7%.

• For seawater, the skin depth δ = 250/ f . For Example
at f = 10kHz, δ = 2.5m.
• In contrast, acoustic signals propagate over distances of
tens and even hundreds of kilometers.
Underwater Acoustic Channels Cont...

• An underwater acoustic channel is characterized as a

multipath channel due to signal reflections from the
surface and the bottom of the sea.

Underwater Acoustic Channels Cont...

• An underwater acoustic channel is characterized as a

multipath channel due to signal reflections from the
surface and the bottom of the sea.
• Because of wave motion, the signal multipath
components undergo time-varying propagation delays that
result in signal fading.

Underwater Acoustic Channels Cont...

• An underwater acoustic channel is characterized as a

multipath channel due to signal reflections from the
surface and the bottom of the sea.
• Because of wave motion, the signal multipath
components undergo time-varying propagation delays that
result in signal fading.
• In addition, there is frequency-dependent attenuation,
which is approximately proportional to the square of the
signal frequency.

Underwater Acoustic Channels Cont...

• An underwater acoustic channel is characterized as a

multipath channel due to signal reflections from the
surface and the bottom of the sea.
• Because of wave motion, the signal multipath
components undergo time-varying propagation delays that
result in signal fading.
• In addition, there is frequency-dependent attenuation,
which is approximately proportional to the square of the
signal frequency.
• The sound velocity is nominally about 1500 m/s, but the
actual value will vary either above or below the nominal
value depending on the depth at which the signal
Underwater Acoustic Channels Cont...

• Ambient ocean acoustic noise is caused by shrimp, fish,

and various mammals.

Underwater Acoustic Channels Cont...

• Ambient ocean acoustic noise is caused by shrimp, fish,

and various mammals.
• In addition, man-made acoustic noise near harbors.

Underwater Acoustic Channels Cont...

• Ambient ocean acoustic noise is caused by shrimp, fish,

and various mammals.
• In addition, man-made acoustic noise near harbors.
• In spite of this hostile environment, it is possible to design
and implement efficient and highly reliable underwater
acoustic communication systems for transmitting digital
signals over large distances

Storage Channels

• Magnetic disks, CDs, flash drives, etc. are examples of

data storage systems that can be characterized as
communication channels.

Storage Channels

• Magnetic disks, CDs, flash drives, etc. are examples of

data storage systems that can be characterized as
communication channels.
• The process of storing data on these devices is equivalent
to transmitting a signal over a telephone or a radio

Storage Channels

• Magnetic disks, CDs, flash drives, etc. are examples of

data storage systems that can be characterized as
communication channels.
• The process of storing data on these devices is equivalent
to transmitting a signal over a telephone or a radio
• The readback process and the signal processing involved
in storage systems to recover the stored information are
equivalent to the functions performed by a receiver

Storage Channels

• Additive noise generated by the electronic components

and interference from adjacent tracks is generally present
in the readback signal of a storage system.

Storage Channels

• Additive noise generated by the electronic components

and interference from adjacent tracks is generally present
in the readback signal of a storage system.
• Channel coding and modulation are essential components
of a well-designed digital magnetic or optical storage

Storage Channels

• Additive noise generated by the electronic components

and interference from adjacent tracks is generally present
in the readback signal of a storage system.
• Channel coding and modulation are essential components
of a well-designed digital magnetic or optical storage
• In the readback process, the signal is demodulated and
the added redundancy introduced by the channel encoder
is used to correct errors in the readback signal.

Classification of Communication Channels

• linear or nonlinear; a wireless radio channel is linear,

whereas a satellite channel is usually (but not always)

Classification of Communication Channels

• linear or nonlinear; a wireless radio channel is linear,

whereas a satellite channel is usually (but not always)
• time invariant or time varying: an optical fiber is time
invariant, whereas a mobile radio channel is typically time

Classification of Communication Channels

• linear or nonlinear; a wireless radio channel is linear,

whereas a satellite channel is usually (but not always)
• time invariant or time varying: an optical fiber is time
invariant, whereas a mobile radio channel is typically time
• Bandwidth limited or power limited (i.e., limited in
available transmitted power): a telephone channel is
bandwidth limited, whereas an optical fiber link and a
satellite channel are both power limited.

Communication Channels: Summary

• A channel is central to the operation of a communication


Communication Channels: Summary

• A channel is central to the operation of a communication

• Its properties determine both the information carrying
capacity of the system and the QoS offered by the system.

Basic Elements of a Digital Communication System

Figure 4: Basic Elements of a Digital Communication System

(John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, Digital Communications, 5e,

Block Diagram of a Typical Digital Communication

Figure 5: A Typical Digital Communication System
Digital vs. Analog

• Regeneration of digital signals is easy.

Digital vs. Analog

• Regeneration of digital signals is easy.

• Different kinds of digital signal are treated identically.

Digital vs. Analog

Advantages cont...:

• Digital circuits are less subject to distortion and


Digital vs. Analog

Advantages cont...:

• Digital circuits are less subject to distortion and

• Digital circuits are more reliable and can be produced at a
lower cost than analog circuits

Digital vs. Analog

Advantages cont...:

• Digital circuits are less subject to distortion and

• Digital circuits are more reliable and can be produced at a
lower cost than analog circuits
• It is more flexible to implement digital hardware than
analog hardware

Digital vs. Analog

Advantages cont...:

• Digital circuits are less subject to distortion and

• Digital circuits are more reliable and can be produced at a
lower cost than analog circuits
• It is more flexible to implement digital hardware than
analog hardware
• Digital signals are beneficial from digital signal processing
(DSP) techniques

Digital vs. Analog


• Heavy signal processing

Digital vs. Analog


• Heavy signal processing

• Synchronization is crucial

Digital vs. Analog


• Heavy signal processing

• Synchronization is crucial
• Larger transmission bandwidth

Digital vs. Analog


• Heavy signal processing

• Synchronization is crucial
• Larger transmission bandwidth
• Non-graceful degradation: when SNR falls below a certain
threshold, the QoS can change suddenly from very good
to very poor.


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