Lecture 01

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ECE 6221

Digital Communications
Lecture 1: Introduction to Digital Communication

1 Introduction and Objectives

The digital communication industry is an enormous and rapidly growing

industry, roughly comparable in size to the computer industry.

The objective of this course is to study those aspects of digital communication

systems that are unique to these systems.

That is, rather than focusing on hardware and software for these systems,
which is much like hardware and software for many other kinds of systems, we
focus on the fundamental system aspects of modern digital communication.

Digital communication is a field in which theoretical ideas have had an

unusually powerful impact on actual system design.

Lecture 01

1 Introduction and Objectives

Do consider whats new (infact should be OLD) in Communications

Imagine a few scenarios:

Do we know these words?

In holiday, use your fancy mobile phone to take picture and send it straight away to
a friend.
In airport waiting for boarding, switch on your laptop and go to your favourite
Or play game through internet with your mobile phone.

CDMA, multicarrier, OFDM, space-time processing, MIMO, turbo coding, Wi-Fi,

intelligent network, smart antenna

As a start, well go through together some of the A B C of Digital


Lecture 01

1 Introduction and Objectives

Current/futureWireless and Mobile Networks:

2nd Generation (2G): GSM (Global System Mobile)
3rd Generation (3G): UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System)
For B3G (Beyond 3rd Generation) or 4G mobile system: MBS (Mobile Broadband
System) is being developed

HSCHD = high speed circuit switched data

GPRS = General Packet Radio Service
EDGE = Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
HIPERLAN = High Performance Radio Local Network

Lecture 01

1 Introduction and Objectives

Do consider whats new (infact should be OLD) in Communications

Imagine a few scenarios:

Do we know these words?

In holiday, use your fancy mobile phone to take picture and send it straight away to
a friend.
In airport waiting for boarding, switch on your laptop and go to your favourite
Or play game through internet with your mobile phone.

CDMA, multicarrier, OFDM, space-time processing, MIMO, turbo coding, Wi-Fi,

intelligent network, smart antenna

As a start, well go through together some of the A B C of Digital


Lecture 01

1 Introduction and Objectives

The basis of the theory was developed 60 years ago by Claude Shannon, and
is called information theory.

For the 1st 25 years or so of its existence, information theory served as a rich
source of academic research problems and as a tantalizing suggestion that
communication systems could be made more efficient and more reliable by
using these approaches.

By the mid 1970's, mainstream systems using information theoretic ideas

began to be widely implemented, for two reasons.

First, by that time there were a sizable number of engineers who understood both
information theory and communication system development.

Second, the low cost and increasing processing power of digital hardware made it
possible to implement increasingly sophisticated algorithms.

Lecture 01

1 Introduction and Objectives

As we learn about digital communication systems and their conceptual basis

in information theory, we will come to appreciate that these ideas require a
fairly deep understanding of somewhat abstract concepts.

Doing the problem sets is an important part of developing this understanding,

but it is not sufficient.

In many undergraduate engineering subjects, the emphasis (reinforced by the

grading policy) is on learning to grind through the solution of a set of types of
problems represented by prescribed equations (\plug and chug").

Here, as is appropriate for a graduate class, the focus is much more on the
connections between engineering and theory.

Lecture 01

1 Introduction and Objectives

The relationship between theory, problem sets, and engineering/design is

rather complex.

The theory deals with relationships and analysis for models of real systems. A
good theory (and information theory is one of the best) allows for simple
analysis of simplified models.

It also provides structural principles that allow insights from these simple
models to be applied to more complex and realistic models. Problem sets
provide students with an opportunity to analyze these highly simplified models,
and, with patience, to start to understand the general principles.

Engineering deals with making the approximations and judgment calls to

create appropriate simple models, and from there to design workable systems

Lecture 01

1 Introduction and Objectives

The important point here is that engineering (at this level) cannot really be separated
from theory. Engineering is necessary to theory in choosing appropriate models, and
theory is necessary to engineering to create principles and quantitative results.

Engineering sometimes becomes overly concerned with detail, and theory overly
concerned with mathematical niceties

This is a new subject, both in terms of content and approach. Some undergraduate
courses aim to make the student familiar with a large variety of different systems that
have been implemented historically.

In our opinion such an approach does not help much in understanding the new systems
being designed currently, and provides little insight into the different design choices that
might be made.

Our objective here is to develop the relatively small number of underlying principles
guiding all of these systems, with the hope that we can then understand the details of
any system of interest on our own.

Lecture 01

1 Introduction and Objectives

Aims of communication: to communicate information between geographically separated locations via

a communications
channel of adequate quality.
In general, most communication systems have input and output transducers as shown below:






signal Output Transducer


Communication System with input and output transducers

What consist in a
communication system?

Source: generates information. The source might be voice, text, image etc.
Input transducer: converts information to an electrical signal (e.g.. voltage, current).
Output transducer: converts output signal to the desired message form.
Sink: receives the desired information
Example: the transducers in a voice communication system could be a microphone at the input and a
loudspeaker at the output.

Lecture 01


1 Introduction and Objectives




Converts signal (through

process of MODULATION)
into a form that is suitable
for transmission


signal Receiver

and distortion


BUT: Most important!

How do communication
systems perform in the
presence of NOISE?

CHANNEL: physical medium that is used to

send signal from transmitter to receiver.
It may be;
Each of the channels has
Telephone wires
unique features with respect
to signal distortion and
noise. Thus each is treated
Fiber optics
separately and the
modulation schemes differ!

Recover the signal

(through inverting
the process of
modulation, ie.

Elements of a Communication System

Lecture 01


1 Introduction and Objectives

Why do we need to analyze Digital Communications?

Because digital communications/transmission getting more popular
compared to analogue transmission.
But WHY? What are the advantages of Digital Tx over Analog Tx?
Effects of noise and distortions in channel can be completely (almost)
removed while analog system unable to do that.
Digital signal can be processed independently (does not matter
whether it represents a discrete data source or digitized analog source)
Cost effectiveness of digital integrated circuits.
Reliability: nowadays digital format is the format of choice in a majority
of applications, easily intermixed in the process of transmission.

Lecture 01


2 Networks and Layering

The communication systems that we use every day e.g., the telephone
system, the Internet| are networks of incredible complexity, made up of an
enormous variety of equipment made by different manufacturers at different
times following different design principles.

Such complex networks need to be based on some simple architectural

principles in order to be understood, managed and maintained.

Two fundamental architectural principles of communication networks are

standardized interfaces and layering.

A standardized interface allows the user or equipment on one side of the

interface to ignore all details about the other side of the interface except for
certain specified characteristics.

For example, the standard interface in the telephony system for decades has
been the 4KHz voice channel.

Lecture 01


2 Networks and Layering

You can plug a telephone into a wall plug anywhere in the world (subject to
further electrical, mechanical and dialing interface standards), and expect to
be able to send a nominal 4 KHz voice signal anywhere in the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN).

Other standardized interfaces are defined at various levels within the

telephone network.

The trend in recent decades has been to make all standardized interfaces
digital, at least inside the telephone and other networks, and increasingly at
the user interface as well.

Basically, one sends and receives bits, regardless of the ultimate application.

Thus electronic communication is becoming synonymous with digital


Lecture 01


2 Networks and Layering

The idea of layering in communication networks is to break up

communication functions into separable modules, or \layers," which (a)
communicate with higher and lower layers via standardized interfaces, and
(b) communicate through networks (via lower layers) to counterpart modules
(\peer layers") elsewhere in the network.

Often peer modules occur in pairs, each containing both transmit and
receive functions

For example, a modem (modulator-demodulator) (a) receives a sequence of

bits from a higher-level application or user; (b) generates from the received
data a modulated signal for transmission through a standardized interface
over a channel; (c) receives from the channel a signal that is a more-or-less
faithful replica of a signal transmitted by a remote modem; and (d) generates
from the received signal a demodulated bit sequence that is supposed to be
a more-or-less faithful replica of the bit sequence that entered the remote

Lecture 01


2 Networks and Layering

Other examples of paired modules at the same layer are: telephones;

encryptor/ decryptors; speech encoder/decoders; image
encoder/decoders; error-correction encoder/ decoders; etc.

In more complicated situations, there may be more than two paired elements
in a layer.

For example, in a wireless system each receiver may be listening to many


The multi-access control issues that arise in such cases are beyond the scope
of this course; different aspects of these issues are might be addressed in, e.g.,
Antenna & propagation, Selected Topics and etc2.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

Typically this focuses on two fundamental problems of data communication:

source coding and channel coding.

The source coding problem is the problem of efficient representation of

source signals| e.g., speech waveforms, image waveforms, text as a
sequence of bits for transmission through a digital network. Of course we must
keep in mind the paired problem of source decoding: conversion of the bit
sequence (possibly corrupted) back into a more-or-less faithful replica of the
original source signal.

The channel coding problem is the problem of efficient transmission of a

sequence of bits through a lower-layer channel| e.g., a 4 KHz telephone
channel or a wireless channel.

Again we must very much keep in mind how we intend to recover a more-orless faithful replica of the original bit sequence from the channel output in the
remote receiver, despite the distortions that may be introduced by the

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

In a simple point-to-point channel, illustrated below in the classic Figure 1" of

every information theory text, these are the only two layers.

The output bit sequence of the source encoder is the input bit sequence of
the channel encoder, and the output bit sequence of the channel decoder is
the input bit sequence of the source decoder.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

One of the remarkable basic theorems of information theory is that, in a sense,

nothing is lost in terms of performance.

If a source signal can be communicated through a given point-to-point

channel within some level of distortion by any means whatsoever, then
separate source and channel coding can also be designed to stay within that
same level of distortion.

The source-channel coding separation theorem does not rule out the
possibility of smaller delay or lower complexity using joint source-channel
coding. Also, there are more complex network scenarios in which this theorem
does not hold.

However, the advantages of standardized binary interfaces and of layering,

discussed in the previous section, are so overwhelming that joint sourcechannel coding is rarely attempted in practice.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.1 Input

Lets discuss the various elements of Figure 1" in more detail.

The input is the source signal. It might be a sequence of symbols such as letters
from the English or Arabic alphabet, binary symbols from a computer le, etc.

Alternatively, the input might be a waveform, such as a voice signal from a

microphone, the output of a sensor, a video waveform, etc. Or, it might be a
sequence of images such as X-rays, photographs, etc. Whatever the source
signal is, we will model it as a sample function of a random process.

This is one of the reasons why probability is an essential prerequisite for this
subject. It is not obvious why inputs to communication systems should be
modeled as random, and in fact this was not appreciated before Shannon
developed information theory in 1948.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.1 Input (continue)

The study of communication before that time (and well after that time) was
based on Fourier analysis, which basically studies the effect of passing sine
waves through various kinds of systems and components.

The study of channels can be started with this kind of analysis (often called
Nyquist theory in the context of digital communication) to develop basic
results about sampling, intersymbol interference, and bandwidth.

However, Shannon's view was that if the recipient knows that a sine wave of a
given frequency is to be communicated, why not simply regenerate it at the
output rather than send it over a long distance?

Or, if the recipient knows that a sine wave of unknown frequency is to be

communicated, why not simply send the frequency rather than the entire

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.1 Input (continue)

The essence of Shannon's viewpoint is that we should focus on the set of

possible inputs from the source rather than any particular input.

The objective then is to transform each possible input into a transmitted signal
in such a way that each possible transmitted signal can be distinguished from
the others at the output.

A probability measure is needed on this set of possible inputs to distinguish

typical inputs from abnormal inputs.

We shall see in the rest of this subject how this point of view drives the
processing of the inputs as they pass through a communication system.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.2 Source Coding

The source encoder in Figure 1" has the function of converting the input from
its original form into a sequence of bits.

We have already discussed many of the reasons for conversion to a bit

sequence: standardized interfaces, layering, and the source-channel coding
separation theorem.

The simplest source coding techniques involve simply representing the source
signal by a sequence of symbols from some finite alphabet, and then coding
the alphabet symbols into fixed-length blocks of bits.

For example, letters from the 27-symbol English alphabet (including a space
symbol) may be encoded into 5-bit blocks. Or, upper-case letters, lower-case
letters, and a great many other special symbols may be converted into 8-bit
blocks (bytes") using the standard ASCII code.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.2 Source Coding (continue)

The most straightforward approach to converting an analog waveform to a

bit sequence, called analog to digital (A/D) conversion, is first to sample the
source at a sufficiently high rate (called the Nyquist rate"), and then to
quantize it sufficiently finely for adequate reproduction.

For example, in standard voice telephony, the voice waveform is filtered to a

bandwidth of less than 4 KHz and sampled 8000 times per second; each
sample is then quantized into one of 256 levels and represented by an 8-bit

This yields a source coding bit rate of 64 kb/s.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.2 Source Coding (continue)

Beyond the basic objective of conversion to bits, the source encoder often
has the further objective of doing this as efficiently as possible| i.e.,
transmitting as few bits as possible, subject to the need to reconstruct the
input adequately at the output.

In this case source encoding is often called data compression.

For example, modern speech coders can encode telephone-quality speech

at bit rates of the order of 6-16 kb/s rather than 64 kb/s.

Data compression of discrete sources will be covered in the other coming


Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.3 Digital Interface

The interface between the source coding and channel coding layers is a
sequence of bits. However, this simple characterization does not tell the whole
story. Some sources, such as voice or video, produce a virtually unending
signal that must be encoded into a sequence of bits, usually at some constant
rate measured in bits per second (b/s).

These sources are often called virtual circuit sources. For other sources, such
as email or data les, the data are encoded into packets, each consisting of a
finite sequence of bits.

These packets are usually presented to the interface as a unit. These sources
are known as packet sources. Other sources are more complicated
combinations of both virtual circuit and packet sources. Thus the bits coming
into the interface from the source have some time structure, possibly constant
rate, possibly irregularly arriving packets that must be queued, etc.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.3 Digital Interface (continue)

There are a number of protocols required to indicate the starting and

stopping of packets and the synchronization of virtual circuit sources.

The issue of interest here is simply that of mapping the source output into a
sequence of bits.

Our objective in source coding, then, is to minimize the number of bits

required (in some average sense to be discussed later).

Typical packets are long enough that we can ignore their finite duration (to
first order), and simply model all the sources of interest as unending
waveforms or sequences of letters.

As we discuss later, this source coding must be consistent with the required
quality of service (i.e., distortion, encoding delay, etc.).

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.3 Digital Interface (continue)

The channel encoder at the other side of the digital interface must be
capable of keeping up with the stream of incoming bits, encoding and
transmitting them so that they can be recreated at the decoder with a
suitably small error probability.

In other words, the channel encoder and decoder must be capable of

operating at the same bit rate as the source encoder.

In view of the source-channel separation theorem, we would like to look at

the issue of understanding channel encoders and decoders as that of trying
to maximize the rate at which bits can be transmitted reliably over the

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.3 Digital Interface (continue)

At that point, the interface problem becomes simple: if the channel encoder
can successfully transmit bits at a rate at least as large as the rate produced
by the source coder, then communication will be successful.

Otherwise, we need to find a better channel or improve either the source or

channel encoding

It is unreasonable to expect that the channel coding layer will be able to

transmit data without errors.

The specification for this layer must include a data quality parameter, such as
probability of error per bit or per packet. The usual objective for channel
coding is to make this error probability very small, but it usually can not be
reduced to 0. The source coding layer must therefore be able to cope with a
small but nonzero error probability.
Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.3 Digital Interface (continue)

For certain kinds of source signals, such as speech or video, it may be

acceptable simply to allow occasional errors in reconstruction of the signal, if
they are sufficiently infrequent. Or, better, one can use an error-detection
code to detect that an error has been made, and then perhaps perceptually
mask the error.

For other kinds of sources, such as computer files, no transmission errors can be

The usual approach in such cases is to protect each packet with an errordetection code, and then at the receiver to request a retransmission of any
packet in which an error has been detected.

This kind of automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) system of course requires a

feedback path and the ability to tolerate the consequent round-trip delay.
Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.3 Digital Interface (continue)

However, if these are not problems, then an ARQ system can easily be
engineered to provide nearly error-free transmission at the cost of a small
amount of overhead and some variable delay.

Evidently delay is another important quality parameter of the channel coding

layer both absolute delay and, especially in networks, variability of delay.

In network scenarios, the encoded packets often contain other layers of

protocol information, such as addressing data, ARQ overhead, and so forth.
Again, we will not deal with such network-layer" issues in this course.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels

We next discuss the channel in a generic digital communication system,

before considering channel coding.

In general, the channel is that part of the communication medium that is

given and not under the control of the designer.

Thus, to a source code designer, the channel might be a digital channel with
bits as input and output; to a telephone-line modem designer, it might be a 4
KHz voice channel; to a cable modem designer, it might be a physical coaxial
cable of up to a certain length, with certain bandwidth restrictions.

For a channel code designer, the channel is often a physical channel;" e.g.,
a pair of wires, a coaxial cable, or an optical fiber going from the source
location to the destination. It also might be open space between source and
destination over which electromagnetic radiation can carry signals.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels (continue)

As in the study of signals and systems, we view a channel in terms of its input,
its output, and some description of how the input affects the output, which in
this course will usually be a probabilistic description.

If a channel were simply a linear time-invariant system (e.g., a filter), then it

could be completely characterized by its impulse response or frequency

However, the channels that we look at here (and channels in practice)

always have an extra ingredient - noise.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels (continue)

Suppose that there were no noise and a single input voltage level could be
communicated exactly.

Then, representing that voltage level by its infinite binary expansion, we would
in principle be able to transmit an infinite number of binary digits by
transmitting a single real number.

This is ridiculous in practice, of course, precisely because noise limits the

number of bits that can be reliably distinguished.

Again, it was Shannon in 1948 who realized that noise provides the
fundamental limitation to performance in communication systems.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels (continue)

The most common channel model involves a waveform input X(t), an added
noise waveform Z(t), and a waveform output Y (t) = X(t) + Z(t) that is the sum of
the input and the noise, as shown in Figure 2.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels (continue)

Each of these waveforms are viewed as stochastic processes, but for now
they can be viewed simply as waveforms.

The noise Z(t) is often modeled as white Gaussian noise (also to be studied
and explained later). The input is usually constrained in power and in

Observe that for any channel with input X(t) and output Y (t), we could define
the noise to be Z(t) = Y (t) - X(t), so there must be something more to an
additive-noise channel model than what is expressed in Figure 2.

The missing ingredient is that the noise must be statistically independent of the
input. Thus, whenever we say that a channel is subject to additive noise, we
mean implicitly that the noise is statistically independent of the input.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels (continue)

In a somewhat more general model, called a linear Gaussian channel, the

input waveform X(t) first filtered in a linear filter with impulse response h(t), and
then independent white Gaussian noise Z(t) is added, as shown in Figure 3.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels (continue)

the channel output is Y (t) = X(t) * h(t) + Z(t);

where " *" denotes convolution. Note that Y at time t is a function of X over a
range of times, i.e.,

The noise may even be non-white here, but, as we shall see later, this further "
"generalization" is actually not more general.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels (continue)

This linear Gaussian channel model is typically not a bad model for wire line
communication or for line-of-sight wireless communication.

When engineers, journals, or texts fail to say what kind of channel they are
talking about, this model is a safe bet.

The linear Gaussian channel model is rather poor for non-line-of-sight mobile

Here, multiple paths usually exist from source to destination, and these paths
usually change in time in a way best modeled as random.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.4 Channels (continue)

A better model for mobile communication is to filter the input by a randomlytime-varying linear filter that represents the multiple paths as they change in
time, as shown in Figure 4.

Here the output is given by Y (t) = R1u= 1 X(t

Lecture 01

u)H(u; t)du + Z(t).


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.5 Channel Coding

The channel encoder box in Figure 1 has the function of mapping the binary
sequence at the source/channel interface into channel inputs.

The channel inputs might be waveforms, or might be discrete sequences, but

to be specific here, we view the channel as the linear Gaussian channel of
the previous subsection.

The general objective here is to map binary inputs at the maximum bit rate
possible into waveforms such that the channel decoder can recreate the
original bits with low probability of error.

One simple approach to this problem is called modulation and demodulation.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.5 Channel Coding (continue)

In the simplest modulators, each bit is independently mapped into one of two
possible waveforms.

For example, in a binary frequency-shift-keyed (FSK) modem, each bit

chooses one of two frequencies. On an optical channel, a laser beam may
be turned on or off.

In multi-level modulation, a string of m bits may select one of M = 2m


In eight-level pulse-amplitude modulation (8-PAM), for example, the input bit

sequence is divided into successive triples of binary digits.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.5 Channel Coding (continue)

Each of the eight possible combinations of three binary digits is then mapped
into a different numerical signal level (e.g., -7; -5; -3; -1; 1; 3; 5; 7).

The resulting sequence of signal levels then modulates the amplitudes of a

certain given modulation waveform. As another example, in eight-level
phase-shift-keying (8-PSK), the eight signals might select one of eight phases
(0; /4; ) of a carrier sine wave in each signaling interval.

It is easy to think of many ways to map binary digits into signals and then
signals into waveforms. We shall find that there is a simple geometric " signalspace" approach to looking at these various combinations in an integrated

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.5 Channel Coding (continue)

Because of the noise on the channel, the received signal is almost certainly
not equal to one of the possible transmitted signals. A major function of the
demodulator is that of detection.

The detector attempts to choose which possible input signal is most likely to
have given rise to the given received signal. The geometric signal-space
approach will be invaluable in understanding the detection problem.

When we look more carefully at demodulation, we will encounter a number

of important details.

One of these is that when a sequence of signals is modulated on a linear

Gaussian channel, there will usually be intersymbol interference due to

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.5 Channel Coding (continue)

Dealing with intersymbol interference is called "equalization." Also, the

demodulator must track the symbol timing of the transmitter in order to know
when to detect each symbol.

Finally, if the transmitter uses carrier modulation, then the receiver must track
the carrier frequency and phase.

We will look at these issues after clearly understanding the geometric structure
of the basic modulation and demodulation problem.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.6 Error Correction

Frequently the error probability incurred with simple modulation and

demodulation is too high.

One possible solution is to separate the channel coder into two layers, first an
error-correcting code, and then a simple modulator.

As a very simple example, the bit rate into the channel encoder could be
reduced by a factor of 3, and then each binary input could be repeated 3
times before entering the modulator.

If at most one of the 3 binary digits coming out of the demodulator were
incorrect, it could be corrected, thus reducing the error probability of the
system at a considerable cost in data rate.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.6 Error Correction (continue)

The scheme above is a very simple example of error-correction coding,

namely repetition coding with majority-rule decoding.

Unfortunately, with this scheme, it is possible to get very reliable

communication only by greatly slowing down the rate at which the original
bits are transmitted.

What Shannon showed was the very unintuitive fact that more sophisticated
coding schemes can achieve arbitrarily low error probabilities without
lowering the data rate below a certain data rate that depends on the
channel being used, called the channel capacity.

In this course, we will not prove this result, or even describe it very precisely,
although we will provide various types of insight into coding and decoding.

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.6 Error Correction (continue)

For example, for an AWGN channel with bandwidth W and input power P, if
the onesided power spectral density of the noise is N0, then Shannon showed
that the channel capacity in bits per second is

Only in the past few years have channel coding schemes been developed
that can closely approach this channel capacity. When we discuss channel
coding, channel capacity will be our benchmark.

Until about 20 years ago, channel coding usually involved a two layer system
similar to that above, where an error-correcting code is followed by a

Lecture 01


3 Block Diagram of a Generic Point-toPoint Digital Com. System

3.6 Error Correction (continue)

At the receiver, the waveform is first demodulated, and then the error
correction code is decoded.

More recently, it has been recognized that coding and modulation should be
considered as a unit, in schemes called coded modulation. Moreover, coding
for the AWGN channel is a problem that is best viewed in the geometric
signal-space context.

When we discuss channel coding, we will take a geometric approach.

In this course, we shall develop each of the above components of a digital

communication system in detail. Of course, as we do so, we will understand
better how all the pieces are related.

Lecture 01


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