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Production and

of biodiesel from
waste oil
A Project Report
What is the meaning of
• Many countries around the world are attempting to obtain energy
from clean and renewablesources as an alternative to the traditional
fossil fuels represented by petroleum and natural gas it is a low-cost,
readily available, and environmentally friendly alternative to
Enzyme-catalyzed System:can be used to
make biodiesel from low-qualityfeedstocks
Biodiesel is such leftover cooking oil, animal fats,

made in a Acid-catalyzed System:Solid acid catalysts

such as zeolite, mixed oxides, sulfates, resins
are promising for biodiesel production from
number of feedstocks high in free fatty acids

ways. Alkali-catalyzed System:The majority of

biodiesel is now made from edible
vegetable oils using homogeneous alkaline
catalytic catalysis.
• Biofuels may be a potential solution to the
Why many problems faced by developing countries around
theworld . Without requiring any changes to the
countries are system hardwar, it may be utilized as a
replacement fuel for present conventional diesel
attempting to engines.

obtain energy
demonstrate a simple and
practical method for making
The goal of biodiesel from used cooking

this results show that

research transesterification is the most
efficient approach to make

• Biodiesel production could be an important technique for

lowering urban pollution.
• Consider biodiesel's major challenges,
• WCO biodiesel has been studied because it removes the
negative environmental effects of hazardous waste oil
• Investigate the ideal conditions for biodiesel manufacturing
• Developing biodiesel production could help satisfy current
Biodiesel The most popular approach to make biodiesel is
through transesterification, which is a catalyzed
chemical reaction that produces fatty acid alkyl
Production esters (biodiesel) and glycerol from vegetable oil
and an alcohol

Triacylglycerols (triglycerides) are three long-chain

fatty acids esterified to a glycerol backbone and are
the major component of vegetable oil.

The generation of biodiesel from used cooking oil

has been shown to be a cost-effective approach
Factors Water content

Free fatty acid

affecting the Type of alcohol

production Alcohol to oil ratio.

Catalyst type

of biodiesel Catalyst concentration

from waste Stirrer speed


cooking oil pH
Process If the acid value of waste cooking oil is greater than 1-2 mg
KOH/mg of feed stockwaste cooking oil must be pretreated before
reacting with an alkaline base catalyst.
Description Process I :Particulate particles and other contaminants may be
present in used cooking oil. By allowing waste cooking oil to pass
through the filter, these contaminants are eliminated

Process II

The catalyst and alcohol are mixed in the mixer, and the products
from Process I are added to the catalyst and alcohol mixture in the
transesterification reaction column. The temperature of the reactor
is normally kept at 65 degrees Celsius,
of Biodiesel
• Characterization of Biodiesel Several tests
were carried out to analyze various
physical, chemical, and thermal properties
of biodiesel in comparison to diesel oil,
HSD is a liquid fuel that is widely utilized in
Diesel our country in a wide range of vehicles and
appliances, including cars, buses,

Diesel, like gasoline, is a combination of

hydrocarbon molecules that boils between
250°C and 360°C

Diesel oil, unlike gasoline, does not vaporize

at room temperature and must be heated

in diesel oil is substantially lower than MS,

this ignition is caused by the temperature
during air compression.
of Diesel
Cetane number :which is defined as the percentage of normal cetane (a straight chain
hydrocarbon) in a blend of n-cetane and -methyl naphthalene (an aromatic
Characterization hydrocarbon) thatdelivers the same performance as the diesel sample,
Diesel IndexI :ndex of Diesel Fuel The aniline point, or the temperature at which aniline

of Diesel solubilizes the fuel in equal amounts, may be linked to the presence of paraffinic
hydrocarbons in diesel

The diesel index (DI) is calculated using these parameters as DI = API aniline point in °F
100. The value of the DI should be at least 45

Sulfur:Diesel should not have a high sulfur level in order to decrease emissions.

Corrosion:Diesel is also tested for corrosion using the copper strip method at 100°C
for 3 hours.

Flash point:For autos, the flash point of diesel is a minimum of 33°C. . A flash point that
is too high can produce engine knocking

Flame Length:A long flame length in an engine's combustion chamber can cause
damage to the chamber. As a result, a short flame length is preferred.

Pour Point:is the temperature above which oil stops flowing due to the production of
wax crystals. The pour point of diesel has been set at less than 6°C in India

Viscosity:A type of friction opposes the flow of fluid in a flow operationThe

proportionality constant between the shear force and the shear rate is called viscosity.
The more the friction, the higher the viscosity, and the fluid is said to as viscous.
Physicochemical properties analysis:Several
THREE parameters such as density , viscosity , surface
tension , volatility , flash point , etc. were
analyzed by specific methods to see whether the
products fulfill the ASTM D6751 specifications
• was determined by using the following formula ,
Density: and measured by weighing specific gravity
• bottle containing biodiesel with respect to water

Viscosity: was analyzed by Ostwald's viscometer by using the

following formula

The surface was found out by drop number methods using

Taube stalagmometer
tension of
• was checked out by using the waste loss method
Volatility: as described by Vô and Morris with some

• of these samples was analyzed by using flash point
flashpoint: tester

• spectra were recorded on an Infrared ( IR )

• Tracer 100 Shimadzo , The method suggested by
FTIR: Ullah etal .
CHAPTER • Yield analysis:The products obtained after
transesterification of waste cooking oil was methyl
FOUR: ester (biodiesel ) ( 92.67 ± 0.90 % ) , soap materials (
1.33 ± 0.224 % ) and glycerol ( 6 ± 0.68% )

RESULT • Physicochemical properties analysis of biodiesel:

• The density , viscosity , surface tension and flash point
of biodiesel was found to be 0.862 ±0.006 g / cm³ ,
AND 2.23 ± 0.021 cP , 32.03 ± 0.138 dynes / cm and
169.67 ± 0.810 ° C , respectively
DISCUSSION • the volatility ofcommercial diesel was higher than the
biodiesel as the commercial diesel vaporizes and
loses higher amount of mass ( more volatile ) than
• FTIR results of waste cooking oils and biodiesel
Results: The functional group changes before and after the
transesterification process at 1435 cm - ¹ of methyl
ester ( biodiesel ) and 1377 cm¹ is the glycerol
group O CH2 of waste oil
• Biodiesel from waste cooking oils was produced
Discussion: and the results are consistent with the previous
studies The study showed 80 % biodiesel yield by
using 1 % base . Slightly higher , i.e. , 87 %
biodiesel was obtained in a study conducted by
Shrestha and Ghimire using Jatropha oil as a raw
material Using methanol and waste oil in the ratio
of 6.18 : 1 , with KOH catalyst , Kawentar and
Budiman obtained 92.76 % of biodiesel from waste
oils at temperature 66.5 ° C , which is closely
similar to the findings of the present study
• The physicochemical properties are the the main
Discussion: characteristics of biodiesel that determine its that
determine its applicability . Here , the density of
biodiesel was found to be 0.86210.006 g /cm³. In
addition , the density of the obtained biodiesel
was found to be 0.862 + 0.006 g / cm³ which is
slightly higher than the density of commercial
diesel ( 0.83 ± 0.017 g / cm³
• Viscosity , the measure of the ability of fluid to flow
, affects the injector's lubrication and fuel
atomization The dynamic viscosity of biodiesel was
2.23 ± 0.021 cP , which is slightly higher than that
of commercial diesel ( 1.08 ± 0.015 cP ) but less
than that of waste cooking oil ( 3.63 ± 0.006 cP )
• the volatility is a feebly studied parameter , it is
Discussion very important to fuel property referring to how
easily a fuel vaporizes and how easily a car can be
started , warmed up , and run well The volatility of
the biodiesel sample was 0.327x10 + 4.5 × 10 g / s
which is nearly one - third of petrodiesel (
1.083x10 41.99x10³ g / s ) at room temperature (
27 ° C ) The volatility increases with the increase in
temperature and these results are based on the
presence of aromatic compounds in diesel fuel
• FTIR is a crucial technique . Often FTIR spectra of
Discussion biodiesel fuel are measured for two proposes : the
first is the qualitative determination of obtained
characteristics bands , and the second is for the
quantitative determination by monitoring the
transesterification reaction
• The difference was visible in the spectra of waste
oils and biodiesel which is to say different spectra
were found at 1436 cm¹ .
• The physicochemical properties of biodiesel from
CHAPTER waste cooking oils obtained from the
transesterification process in the lab were

FIVE compared with commercial diesel . The density ,

surface tension , and viscosity of biodiesel from
the waste oil were closer to that of the density of

CONCLUSI commercial diesel . Given this density , no engine

modification is required . The flashpoint of
biodiesel met the standard value . The volatility
ON rate of commercial diesel was also higher than
The emission test should be performed and
compared to the standard fuels for the analysis of
fuel quality .

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