A Clean Biodiesel Fuel Produced From Recycled Oils and Grease Trap Oils (BAQ 2002)
A Clean Biodiesel Fuel Produced From Recycled Oils and Grease Trap Oils (BAQ 2002)
A Clean Biodiesel Fuel Produced From Recycled Oils and Grease Trap Oils (BAQ 2002)
The feasibility of converting recycled oils and grease trap oils from restaurants and food processing industries to
clean biodiesel fuel has been studied aiming at reducing the amount of waste oils to be treated and lowering the
cost of biodiesel production. This paper presented a novel biodiesel production technology using the waste oils
generated from local restaurants. Optimum conditions to achieve maximum yield of biodiesel using the waste
feedstock were presented and compared with those produced from a neat vegetable oil. The fuel properties of
biodiesel, such as kinematic viscosity and acid value, were examined. The biodiesel produced from recycled oils
was further tested with a light diesel van on a chassis dynamometer to explore the vehicle performance under
loaded conditions. The engine power and pollutant emissions characteristics under different biodiesel
percentages were studied. Experiments demonstrated that using the biodiesel produced could reduce smoke and
HC emissions significantly while the NOx emission changed slightly. There is an unnoticeable drop in the
maximum engine power output even at 100% biodiesel.
Biodiesel is a mono alkyl ester (methyl or ethyl ester) of long chain fatty acids derived from renewable lipid
such as vegetable oils and animal fats. Biodiesel can be used in any compression ignition (diesel) engines
without the need of modification and is therefore a good substitute for diesel fuel. It possesses several distinct
advantages over petro-diesel in the following safety, biodegradability and environmental aspects:
In a recent report released by USEPA [1], it is found, after a comprehensive analysis on the emission impacts of
biodiesel using publicly available data, that neat biodiesel fuel can reduce particulate matter, unburnt
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by 47%, 67% and 48% respectively but at the same time increase nitrogen
oxides emission by about 10% as compared to petro-diesel. Due to its potential benefits in reducing vehicular
emissions and greenhouse gases, biodiesel has become more and more popular in many countries in Europe and
North America. Plenty of studies have been conducted on biodiesel production and emission testing in the past
two decades. Most of the current challenges are targeted to reduce its production cost, as the cost of biodiesel is
still higher than its petro-diesel counterpart. This opens a golden opportunity for the use of waste or recycled
oils as its production feedstock. Everywhere in the world, there is an enormous amount of waste lipids
generated from restaurants, food processing industries and fast food shops everyday. Current practice of
removing these oily wastes in Hong Kong is to dump them to municipal landfill sites. There are also some
illegal dumping of them to public sewers causing various kinds of plugging and damaging problems. Reusing
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Better Air Quality in Asian and Pacific Rim Cities (BAQ 2002)
16 Dec 2002 18 Dec 2002, Hong Kong SAR
of these waste greases can not only reduce the burden of the government in disposing the waste, maintaining
public sewers and treating the oily wastewater, but also lower the production cost of biodiesel significantly.
The objective of this project is to study the feasibility of producing a clean biodiesel fuel using waste lipids as
feedstocks of production. This paper described the laboratory procedures of producing biodiesel by
transesterification of waste oils (grease trap oils and recycled oils) with methanol in the presence of a catalyst
(sodium hydroxide). Through optimizing the process variables that affect the yield and purity of biodiesel,
optimal transesterification conditions that produce maximum biodiesel yield could be obtained. The fuel
properties of the biodiesel produced, such as kinematic viscosity, were examined. Finally, the biodiesel
produced was tested in a real diesel vehicle on its engine power, smoke level and pollutant concentrations under
different biodiesel/diesel blending ratios.
To drain
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the grease trap used for waste/oil separation in local restaurants.
In the present study, the oils were first filtered to remove food residues and solid precipitate in the oils, and
heated up to about 130 for 10 minutes to remove trace water in the raw oils. It was then stored in a container
as feedstock for experimental use. Methanol-NaOH solution (sodium methoxide) was prepared freshly during
experiment in order to maintain the catalyst activity. Standards of various fatty acid methyl esters were obtained
to facilitate the use of a gas chromatography for composition analysis.
2.2 Methodology
Sample of raw oils was weighted and placed in a container equipped with a magnetic stirrer and a thermometer.
With the oils stirred and heated to 70 on a hot plate, fleshly prepared sodium methoxide solution was added
into the container. The mixture was maintained at 70oC and stirred continuously for a predetermined reaction
time. Small amount of glacial acetic acids was added to stop the reaction by neutralizing the residue NaOH in
the mixture. The container was then removed from the hot plate and the products of reaction were allowed to
settle for several hours to produce two distinct liquid phases. The top phase (crude ester) was separated from the
bottom phase (glycerol) by decantation, and then washed with warm deionized water (50 ) several times to
remove the excess catalyst until the wash water became clear. The excess methanol and water in the ester was
then removed by evaporation at atmospheric pressure. The ester phase was finally dried over anhydrous sodium
sulphate (Na2SO4), and the final product, biodiesel, would be obtained as a clear, light yellow liquid. The above
procedures were applied to all the test feedstocks with different oil/methanol ratios determined before the
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16 Dec 2002 18 Dec 2002, Hong Kong SAR
It can be seen from Table 1 that because of the difference in fatty acid composition, the optimal
transesterification conditions varied with the types of feedstock used for the production. Also, due to the
presence of more impurities more washing effort was required for biodiesel produced from waste oils.
Optimum reaction condition Grease trap oils Recycled oils Edible canola oil
Acid value in raw oils 4.1 0.9 <0.5
Molar ratio of methanol to raw oils 6:1 7.5:1 6:1
Catalyst concentration 1.0wt% 1.07wt% 1.0wt%
(based on weight of raw oils)
Reaction time 30 minutes 30 minutes 35 minutes
Reaction temperature 70 70 70
Washing Sodium chloride Sodium chloride Deionized water
solution+ warm solution +
deionized water deionized water
Table 2 showed that the yield and purity of the biodiesel produced from the recycled oils were quite high and
the separation and purification steps were also processed without any difficulty. For grease trap oils that have a
higher content of free fatty acids (2%), experiment confirmed that it could also be converted into biodiesel with
a yield of 77%. It was comparatively more difficult to separate the ester from glycerin and water (during
washing) due to additional soaps formed (significant amounts of free fatty acids would react with an alkaline
catalyst). As a result, biodiesel yield was reduced markedly and more water and longer time was needed for
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16 Dec 2002 18 Dec 2002, Hong Kong SAR
product purification as compared with that of higher-quality canola oil and recycled oils. It is inevitable that
among the three feedstocks, the edible canola oil was the best with the highest biodiesel purity and yield. The
grease trap oils, on the other hand, has the lowest yield due to its higher acidity and more impurities. Further
studies on using grease trap oils are underway in our laboratory to improve the technique that enhances the
product purification, consequently achieve higher biodiesel yield, and further reduce the production costs of
The kinematic viscosity of biodiesel derived from the transesterification of grease trap oils, recycled oils and
canola oil all met the German Biodiesel Standard (3.5-5cSt) and US National Biodiesel Standard (1.9-6.0cSt)[6].
Their acid values also met the German (0.5max) and US standard (0.8max)[6].
Figure 2 showed the maximum engine power variation of the van with different biodiesel blending percentages.
A linear decreasing trend of maximum engine power with biodiesel percentage can be observed. However, the
power variation was small for all biodiesel blending percentages tested. For example, there is only a 6%
reduction in power for 100% biodiesel. Such a small change would not be noticeable during driving.
Power (kW)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Biodiesel Blending Percentage
Figure 3 indicated the smoke opacity of the van with different biodiesel blending percentages under a diesel lug
down test. The result of the free acceleration simulation (FAS) test has similar trend. All the measured smoke
levels decreased with increasing biodiesel blending percentage, which is consistent with the results in literature.
A maximum reduction of 83% in smoke opacity has been recorded for 100% biodiesel usage. However, it
should be noted that the high percentage may be due to the small smoke opacity value of the vehicle tested.
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16 Dec 2002 18 Dec 2002, Hong Kong SAR
11.6 kW 29 kW
Concentration (ppm)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Biodiesel Blending Percentage
The nitrogen oxides concentration of the van under the two different loadings was shown in Figure 5. It can be
observed that the NOx concentration only varied slightly for the two loadings at the full range of biodiesel tested.
It should be noted that all the NOx variations were less than 8%, which is consistent with most published results
in literature [1].
11.6 kW 29 kW
Concentration (ppm)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Biodiesel Blending Percentage
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16 Dec 2002 18 Dec 2002, Hong Kong SAR
The transesterification of waste cooking oils (grease trap oils and recycled oils) with methanol to produce
biodiesel was successfully performed with a maximum biodiesel yield of 77wt% and methyl ester purity of 98%
for grease trap oils, a maximum biodiesel yield of 91wt% and methyl ester purity of 96% for recycled oils. The
optimal conditions and biodiesel yield may vary in terms of the quality of raw oils. For grease trap oils that have
a higher acidity, its purification was more difficult than that of recycled oils and edible canola oil with a lower
acidity. Further study on grease trap oils conversion is underway in our laboratory to improve the technique that
enhances the product purification process, consequently achieves higher biodiesel yield, and further reduces the
production costs of biodiesel.
The fuel properties of biodiesel derived from grease trap oils, recycled oils and canola oil, kinematic viscosity
and acidity, all met the German Biodiesel Standard and US National Biodiesel Standard.
The biodiesel produced was successfully tested on a light van under a chassis dynamometer with different
biodiesel/petrol-diesel blending percentages. Experiments demonstrated that using the biodiesel produced can
reduce smoke, and HC emissions significantly while the NOx emission changed slightly. There is no obvious
change in the engine power output even at 100% biodiesel.
The authors wish to acknowledge the William Mong Research Grant of the University of Hong Kong for
supporting this study.
1. A comprehensive analysis of biodiesel impacts on exhaust emissions, Draft Technical Report, EPA420-P-02-
001, USEPA, 2002.
2. Fangrui Ma, Milford A. Hanna, Biodiesel production: a review. Bioresource Technology, 70:1-15,1999.
3. Filiz K., Vegetable Oil Fuels: A Review. Energy Sources, 21: 221-231,1999.
4. Anjana Srivastava, Ram Prasad, Triglycerides-based diesel fuels. Renewable and Sustainable Reviews, 4:
111-133, 2000
5. Alcantara R., Amores J., Canoira L., Fidalgo E., Franco M.J., Navarro A., Catalytic production of biodiesel
from soybean oil, used frying oil and tallow. Biomass and bioenergy, 18: 515-527, 2000.
6. Martin Mittelbath, Diesel Fuel Derived from Vegetable Oils, VI: Specifications and Quality Control of
Biodiesel. Bioresource Technology, 56: 7-11, 1996.
7. Koo, B.C.P., Study of biodiesel fuel produced from restaurant waste animal fats, MPhil Thesis, the
University of Hong Kong, 2001.
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