research paper_k
research paper_k
research paper_k
Abstract— This paper presents a patch antenna which produces penta band. Several
rectangular patches have been arranged in C and zig-zag formation, having one slot cut out
from the main patch. The design is of volume 15x20x1.6 cubic mm. The ground is identical to
the base of the substrate without any defect. Frequency bands produced by the prototype are
Band1: (4.016 - 4.155 GHz)/ 4.085GHz, Band 2: (4.508 - 4.679 GHz)/ 4.593GHz, Band 3:
(6.799 - 7.148 GHz)/ 6.973GHz, Band 4: (7.456 - 7.673 GHz)/ 7.564GHz, Band 5: (9.571 -
9.865GHz)/ 9.718GHz, these bands fall under S, C and X band applications in accordance with
The significance of the following design is that it produces a good dip and has
miniaturized dimensions. It covers a wide range of wireless applications like weather radar,
bluetooth headphones, surveillance, Terrestrial communications and networking. The study
drove us to a conclusion that if a patch is regular it will produce less radiation also multi band
characteristics are achieved by uniting multiple rectangular patches.
Patch antennas play a very significant role in today’s world of wireless
communication systems. The prospect of this design is to obtain a small size, light
weight and low cost miniaturized antenna with good antenna characteristics and
ease of integration using feed networks.
Antenna Dimensions:
Figure 5 shows the final design of our antenna having ground wg x lg (15x20 sq. mm) identical
to the base of substrate of dimension Wsub X Lsub X Hsub (15mmx20mmx1.6mm). Some L
shaped and I shaped patches of nonidentical dimensions are united on the top surface of the
substrate. The calculation has been done under the given formulas:
FR4 epoxy having dielectric constant 4.4 and of thickness 1.6mm is used as the substrate. The
final united patch is fed by a transmission line of size Lf X Wf (3.5mmX1.5mm) and the whole
design is kept in a radiation box of dimension 45mmX60mmX6.4mm. The measurements of
patches are labeled in Fig.5.
At first several rectangular patches are united in the formation of zig-zack which helps
us to graph one band of -34.1dB at 6.9 GHz. Now the patch directly connected to the
feed line is extended to develop the second stage which can be seen in fig.3 with return
loss in fig.4.
Fig.3. second stage design
Due to this amendment done in the first stage we can see the formation of new multiple
frequency bands in the S11 graph. For the final stage, a patch in the shape of C is
made having a hollow rectangular patch shown in fig.5 with return loss in fig.6.
Fig.5: Final design
The final arrangement results in penta bands in the S11 graph at (4.016 - 4.155 GHz)/
4.085GHz, (4.508 - 4.679 GHz)/ 4.593GHz, (6.799 - 7.148 GHz)/ 6.973GHz, (7.456 - 7.673
GHz)/ 7.564GHz, (9.571 - 9.865GHz)/ 9.718GHz that fall under wireless, C and X applications
provided by IEEE. The final united patch and the ground has been assigned the perfect E
boundary and the port and the vacuum box are assigned lumped port and radiation boundary
respectively, and the ground covers the bottom of the substrate perfectly. The solution setup for
the above analysis has solution frequency of 2.4 GHz and the maximum delta S is 0.02 with
number of passes count as 6, the sweep type is kept fast in frequency sweep setup.
The current distribution pattern analysis which shows the electron flow in the patch is shown
below in a. Fig.7.1, Fig.7.2, Fig.7.3, Fig.7.4 and Fig.7.5 at the frequency 4.085GHz, 4.593GHz,
6.973GHz, 7.564GHz and 9.718GHz respectively.
Fig.7.1. Current distribution at 4.085GHz
Fig.7.5. Current distribution at 9.718GHz
On observing the above analysis, we can conclude that the patch is more conducting at
6.973GHz and 4.593GHz as we can see the greenish portion in Fig.7.2 and in Fig.7.1. To study
radiations of the patch, 2-D radiation patterns are produced at frequencies 4.085GHz,
4.593GHz, 6.973GHz, 7.564GHz and 9.718GHz shown in Fig.8.1, Fig.8.2, Fig.8.3, Fig.8.4 and
Fig.8.5 respectively.
Fig.8.2. Radiation patterns at 6.973GHz
Comparative Analysis:
In 2013, Syed Imran Hussain Shah,Shahid Bashir and Ghazala Sahib proposed a
miniaturized Iniaturized Penta-band Microstrip Patch Antenna for Portable
Communication Systems of size 28mmX33mm where as in comparison our design is
more compact with dimension 15mmX20mm.
The miniaturized antenna has been fed by coaxial feeding which is hard to design
whereas in our prototype the antenna is fed by feedline technique which is easy to
design and produces the same number of bands.
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