MSP 1+1 Hot Standby Protection Method
MSP 1+1 Hot Standby Protection Method
MSP 1+1 Hot Standby Protection Method
The "Microwave communication" protection switching system employs the MSP 1+1 hot
standby protection mechanism. This switching protection approach provides a backup option
to prevent service disruptions in the event of equipment failure. Furthermore, it offers
complete switching protection for each and every radio channel. Each radio channel is
safeguarded by having its own dedicated backup channel. The signal power is separated and
sent to the "working" and "standby" microwave channels by the head-end bridge. On the
other hand, an IF switch accomplishes the function of passing the IF signal at the same time.
MSP 1+N cold standby is a protection mechanism in which one system serves as a backup
for another identical primary system. There is a failure in the primary identical system, thus
the backup system is in use.
MS-USHR is a head-end and tail-end bridge topology multiplex section unidirectional self-
healing ring technique of protection. Method traffic can be routed in both ways on the ring on
different fibres with this protection. The receiver will choose the signal with the best
communication capabilities.
5. SNCP page
Networkel. (2016, December 24). What is MSP ? Networkel. Retrieved May 16, 2022, from